Remove the distutils package. It was deprecated in Python 3.10 by PEP
632 "Deprecate distutils module". For projects still using distutils
and cannot be updated to something else, the setuptools project can
be installed: it still provides distutils.
* Remove Lib/distutils/ directory
* Remove test_distutils
* Remove references to distutils
* Skip test_check_c_globals and test_peg_generator since they use
- support EMSDK tot-upstream and git releases
- allow WASM assents for wasm64-emscripten and WASI. This makes single file distributions on WASI easier.
- decouple WASM assets from browser builds
This PR is required to reduce diffs of the following porting (no need to either maintain documentation and tests consistent with each porting step, or try to port everything and remove smtpd in a single PR).
Automerge-Triggered-By: GH:warsaw
* Move Lib/tkinter/test/test_tkinter/ to Lib/test/test_tkinter/.
* Move Lib/tkinter/test/test_ttk/ to Lib/test/test_ttk/.
* Add Lib/test/test_ttk/ based on
* Add Lib/test/test_tkinter/
* Remove old Lib/test/
* Remove old Lib/test/
* Add __main__ sub-modules.
* Update imports and update references to rename files.