gh-104773: PEP 594: Remove the audioop module (#104937)

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Victor Stinner 2023-05-25 17:59:00 +02:00 committed by GitHub
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@ -1,287 +0,0 @@
:mod:`audioop` --- Manipulate raw audio data
.. module:: audioop
:synopsis: Manipulate raw audio data.
.. deprecated-removed:: 3.11 3.13
The :mod:`audioop` module is deprecated
(see :pep:`PEP 594 <594#audioop>` for details).
The :mod:`audioop` module contains some useful operations on sound fragments.
It operates on sound fragments consisting of signed integer samples 8, 16, 24
or 32 bits wide, stored in :term:`bytes-like objects <bytes-like object>`. All scalar items are
integers, unless specified otherwise.
.. versionchanged:: 3.4
Support for 24-bit samples was added.
All functions now accept any :term:`bytes-like object`.
String input now results in an immediate error.
.. index::
single: Intel/DVI ADPCM
single: ADPCM, Intel/DVI
single: a-LAW
single: u-LAW
This module provides support for a-LAW, u-LAW and Intel/DVI ADPCM encodings.
.. This para is mostly here to provide an excuse for the index entries...
A few of the more complicated operations only take 16-bit samples, otherwise the
sample size (in bytes) is always a parameter of the operation.
The module defines the following variables and functions:
.. exception:: error
This exception is raised on all errors, such as unknown number of bytes per
sample, etc.
.. function:: add(fragment1, fragment2, width)
Return a fragment which is the addition of the two samples passed as parameters.
*width* is the sample width in bytes, either ``1``, ``2``, ``3`` or ``4``. Both
fragments should have the same length. Samples are truncated in case of overflow.
.. function:: adpcm2lin(adpcmfragment, width, state)
Decode an Intel/DVI ADPCM coded fragment to a linear fragment. See the
description of :func:`lin2adpcm` for details on ADPCM coding. Return a tuple
``(sample, newstate)`` where the sample has the width specified in *width*.
.. function:: alaw2lin(fragment, width)
Convert sound fragments in a-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments.
a-LAW encoding always uses 8 bits samples, so *width* refers only to the sample
width of the output fragment here.
.. function:: avg(fragment, width)
Return the average over all samples in the fragment.
.. function:: avgpp(fragment, width)
Return the average peak-peak value over all samples in the fragment. No
filtering is done, so the usefulness of this routine is questionable.
.. function:: bias(fragment, width, bias)
Return a fragment that is the original fragment with a bias added to each
sample. Samples wrap around in case of overflow.
.. function:: byteswap(fragment, width)
"Byteswap" all samples in a fragment and returns the modified fragment.
Converts big-endian samples to little-endian and vice versa.
.. versionadded:: 3.4
.. function:: cross(fragment, width)
Return the number of zero crossings in the fragment passed as an argument.
.. function:: findfactor(fragment, reference)
Return a factor *F* such that ``rms(add(fragment, mul(reference, -F)))`` is
minimal, i.e., return the factor with which you should multiply *reference* to
make it match as well as possible to *fragment*. The fragments should both
contain 2-byte samples.
The time taken by this routine is proportional to ``len(fragment)``.
.. function:: findfit(fragment, reference)
Try to match *reference* as well as possible to a portion of *fragment* (which
should be the longer fragment). This is (conceptually) done by taking slices
out of *fragment*, using :func:`findfactor` to compute the best match, and
minimizing the result. The fragments should both contain 2-byte samples.
Return a tuple ``(offset, factor)`` where *offset* is the (integer) offset into
*fragment* where the optimal match started and *factor* is the (floating-point)
factor as per :func:`findfactor`.
.. function:: findmax(fragment, length)
Search *fragment* for a slice of length *length* samples (not bytes!) with
maximum energy, i.e., return *i* for which ``rms(fragment[i*2:(i+length)*2])``
is maximal. The fragments should both contain 2-byte samples.
The routine takes time proportional to ``len(fragment)``.
.. function:: getsample(fragment, width, index)
Return the value of sample *index* from the fragment.
.. function:: lin2adpcm(fragment, width, state)
Convert samples to 4 bit Intel/DVI ADPCM encoding. ADPCM coding is an adaptive
coding scheme, whereby each 4 bit number is the difference between one sample
and the next, divided by a (varying) step. The Intel/DVI ADPCM algorithm has
been selected for use by the IMA, so it may well become a standard.
*state* is a tuple containing the state of the coder. The coder returns a tuple
``(adpcmfrag, newstate)``, and the *newstate* should be passed to the next call
of :func:`lin2adpcm`. In the initial call, ``None`` can be passed as the state.
*adpcmfrag* is the ADPCM coded fragment packed 2 4-bit values per byte.
.. function:: lin2alaw(fragment, width)
Convert samples in the audio fragment to a-LAW encoding and return this as a
bytes object. a-LAW is an audio encoding format whereby you get a dynamic
range of about 13 bits using only 8 bit samples. It is used by the Sun audio
hardware, among others.
.. function:: lin2lin(fragment, width, newwidth)
Convert samples between 1-, 2-, 3- and 4-byte formats.
.. note::
In some audio formats, such as .WAV files, 16, 24 and 32 bit samples are
signed, but 8 bit samples are unsigned. So when converting to 8 bit wide
samples for these formats, you need to also add 128 to the result::
new_frames = audioop.lin2lin(frames, old_width, 1)
new_frames = audioop.bias(new_frames, 1, 128)
The same, in reverse, has to be applied when converting from 8 to 16, 24
or 32 bit width samples.
.. function:: lin2ulaw(fragment, width)
Convert samples in the audio fragment to u-LAW encoding and return this as a
bytes object. u-LAW is an audio encoding format whereby you get a dynamic
range of about 14 bits using only 8 bit samples. It is used by the Sun audio
hardware, among others.
.. function:: max(fragment, width)
Return the maximum of the *absolute value* of all samples in a fragment.
.. function:: maxpp(fragment, width)
Return the maximum peak-peak value in the sound fragment.
.. function:: minmax(fragment, width)
Return a tuple consisting of the minimum and maximum values of all samples in
the sound fragment.
.. function:: mul(fragment, width, factor)
Return a fragment that has all samples in the original fragment multiplied by
the floating-point value *factor*. Samples are truncated in case of overflow.
.. function:: ratecv(fragment, width, nchannels, inrate, outrate, state[, weightA[, weightB]])
Convert the frame rate of the input fragment.
*state* is a tuple containing the state of the converter. The converter returns
a tuple ``(newfragment, newstate)``, and *newstate* should be passed to the next
call of :func:`ratecv`. The initial call should pass ``None`` as the state.
The *weightA* and *weightB* arguments are parameters for a simple digital filter
and default to ``1`` and ``0`` respectively.
.. function:: reverse(fragment, width)
Reverse the samples in a fragment and returns the modified fragment.
.. function:: rms(fragment, width)
Return the root-mean-square of the fragment, i.e. ``sqrt(sum(S_i^2)/n)``.
This is a measure of the power in an audio signal.
.. function:: tomono(fragment, width, lfactor, rfactor)
Convert a stereo fragment to a mono fragment. The left channel is multiplied by
*lfactor* and the right channel by *rfactor* before adding the two channels to
give a mono signal.
.. function:: tostereo(fragment, width, lfactor, rfactor)
Generate a stereo fragment from a mono fragment. Each pair of samples in the
stereo fragment are computed from the mono sample, whereby left channel samples
are multiplied by *lfactor* and right channel samples by *rfactor*.
.. function:: ulaw2lin(fragment, width)
Convert sound fragments in u-LAW encoding to linearly encoded sound fragments.
u-LAW encoding always uses 8 bits samples, so *width* refers only to the sample
width of the output fragment here.
Note that operations such as :func:`.mul` or :func:`.max` make no distinction
between mono and stereo fragments, i.e. all samples are treated equal. If this
is a problem the stereo fragment should be split into two mono fragments first
and recombined later. Here is an example of how to do that::
def mul_stereo(sample, width, lfactor, rfactor):
lsample = audioop.tomono(sample, width, 1, 0)
rsample = audioop.tomono(sample, width, 0, 1)
lsample = audioop.mul(lsample, width, lfactor)
rsample = audioop.mul(rsample, width, rfactor)
lsample = audioop.tostereo(lsample, width, 1, 0)
rsample = audioop.tostereo(rsample, width, 0, 1)
return audioop.add(lsample, rsample, width)
If you use the ADPCM coder to build network packets and you want your protocol
to be stateless (i.e. to be able to tolerate packet loss) you should not only
transmit the data but also the state. Note that you should send the *initial*
state (the one you passed to :func:`lin2adpcm`) along to the decoder, not the
final state (as returned by the coder). If you want to use
:class:`struct.Struct` to store the state in binary you can code the first
element (the predicted value) in 16 bits and the second (the delta index) in 8.
The ADPCM coders have never been tried against other ADPCM coders, only against
themselves. It could well be that I misinterpreted the standards in which case
they will not be interoperable with the respective standards.
The :func:`find\*` routines might look a bit funny at first sight. They are
primarily meant to do echo cancellation. A reasonably fast way to do this is to
pick the most energetic piece of the output sample, locate that in the input
sample and subtract the whole output sample from the input sample::
def echocancel(outputdata, inputdata):
pos = audioop.findmax(outputdata, 800) # one tenth second
out_test = outputdata[pos*2:]
in_test = inputdata[pos*2:]
ipos, factor = audioop.findfit(in_test, out_test)
# Optional (for better cancellation):
# factor = audioop.findfactor(in_test[ipos*2:ipos*2+len(out_test)],
# out_test)
prefill = '\0'*(pos+ipos)*2
postfill = '\0'*(len(inputdata)-len(prefill)-len(outputdata))
outputdata = prefill + audioop.mul(outputdata, 2, -factor) + postfill
return audioop.add(inputdata, outputdata, 2)

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@ -10,7 +10,6 @@ backwards compatibility. They have been superseded by other modules.
.. toctree::

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@ -988,31 +988,3 @@ and is distributed under the
The audioop module uses the code base in g771.c file of the SoX project::
Programming the AdLib/Sound Blaster
FM Music Chips
Version 2.0 (24 Feb 1992)
Copyright (c) 1991, 1992 by Jeffrey S. Lee
Warranty and Copyright Policy
This document is provided on an "as-is" basis, and its author makes
no warranty or representation, express or implied, with respect to
its quality performance or fitness for a particular purpose. In no
event will the author of this document be liable for direct, indirect,
special, incidental, or consequential damages arising out of the use
or inability to use the information contained within. Use of this
document is at your own risk.
This file may be used and copied freely so long as the applicable
copyright notices are retained, and no modifications are made to the
text of the document. No money shall be charged for its distribution
beyond reasonable shipping, handling and duplication costs, nor shall
proprietary changes be made to this document so that it cannot be
distributed freely. This document may not be included in published
material or commercial packages without the written consent of its

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@ -84,7 +84,6 @@ Doc/library/asyncio-policy.rst

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@ -1222,7 +1222,7 @@ Here's a partial list of the most notable changes, sorted alphabetically by
module name. Consult the :file:`Misc/NEWS` file in the source tree for a more
complete list of changes, or look through the SVN logs for all the details.
* The :mod:`audioop` module now supports the a-LAW encoding, and the code for
* The :mod:`!audioop` module now supports the a-LAW encoding, and the code for
u-LAW encoding has been improved. (Contributed by Lars Immisch.)
* The :mod:`codecs` module gained support for incremental codecs. The

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@ -1733,7 +1733,7 @@ Modules
| :mod:`!aifc` | :mod:`chunk` | :mod:`!msilib` | :mod:`!pipes` | :mod:`!telnetlib` |
| :mod:`audioop` | :mod:`!crypt` | :mod:`!nis` | :mod:`!sndhdr` | :mod:`!uu` |
| :mod:`!audioop` | :mod:`!crypt` | :mod:`!nis` | :mod:`!sndhdr` | :mod:`!uu` |
| :mod:`!cgi` | :mod:`imghdr` | :mod:`!nntplib` | :mod:`!spwd` | :mod:`!xdrlib` |

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@ -919,7 +919,7 @@ and will be removed in Python 3.13.
Modules (see :pep:`594`):
* :mod:`!aifc`
* :mod:`audioop`
* :mod:`!audioop`
* :mod:`!cgi`
* :mod:`!cgitb`
* :mod:`chunk`

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@ -224,6 +224,9 @@ Removed
* :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!aifc` module, deprecated in Python 3.11.
(Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`104773`.)
* :pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!audioop` module, deprecated in Python 3.11.
(Contributed by Victor Stinner in :gh:`104773`.)
Porting to Python 3.13

View File

@ -629,14 +629,14 @@ by Lucas Maystre in :issue:`11175`.)
:mod:`audioop` now supports 24-bit samples. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka
:mod:`!audioop` now supports 24-bit samples. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka
in :issue:`12866`.)
New :func:`~audioop.byteswap` function converts big-endian samples to
New :func:`~!audioop.byteswap` function converts big-endian samples to
little-endian and vice versa. (Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in
All :mod:`audioop` functions now accept any :term:`bytes-like object`. Strings
All :mod:`!audioop` functions now accept any :term:`bytes-like object`. Strings
are not accepted: they didn't work before, now they raise an error right away.
(Contributed by Serhiy Storchaka in :issue:`16685`.)
@ -2434,7 +2434,7 @@ Changes in the Python API
matched the input type, so if your code was depending on the return value
being, say, a ``bytearray``, you will need to change your code.
* :mod:`audioop` functions now raise an error immediately if passed string
* :mod:`!audioop` functions now raise an error immediately if passed string
input, instead of failing randomly later on (:issue:`16685`).
* The new *convert_charrefs* argument to :class:`~html.parser.HTMLParser`

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@ -82,12 +82,12 @@ Interpreter improvements:
* a number of Python builtins (range, tuple, set, frozenset, list, dict) are
now sped up using :pep:`590` vectorcall;
* garbage collection does not block on resurrected objects;
* a number of Python modules (:mod:`_abc`, :mod:`audioop`, :mod:`_bz2`,
* a number of Python modules (:mod:`_abc`, :mod:`!audioop`, :mod:`_bz2`,
:mod:`_codecs`, :mod:`_contextvars`, :mod:`!_crypt`, :mod:`_functools`,
:mod:`_json`, :mod:`_locale`, :mod:`math`, :mod:`operator`, :mod:`resource`,
:mod:`time`, :mod:`_weakref`) now use multiphase initialization as defined
by PEP 489;
* a number of standard library modules (:mod:`audioop`, :mod:`ast`, :mod:`grp`,
* a number of standard library modules (:mod:`!audioop`, :mod:`ast`, :mod:`grp`,
:mod:`_hashlib`, :mod:`pwd`, :mod:`_posixsubprocess`, :mod:`random`,
:mod:`select`, :mod:`struct`, :mod:`termios`, :mod:`zlib`) are now using
the stable ABI defined by PEP 384.

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@ -1,568 +0,0 @@
import sys
from import warnings_helper
import unittest
audioop = warnings_helper.import_deprecated("audioop")
def pack(width, data):
return b''.join(v.to_bytes(width, sys.byteorder, signed=True) for v in data)
def unpack(width, data):
return [int.from_bytes(data[i: i + width], sys.byteorder, signed=True)
for i in range(0, len(data), width)]
packs = {w: (lambda *data, width=w: pack(width, data)) for w in (1, 2, 3, 4)}
maxvalues = {w: (1 << (8 * w - 1)) - 1 for w in (1, 2, 3, 4)}
minvalues = {w: -1 << (8 * w - 1) for w in (1, 2, 3, 4)}
datas = {
1: b'\x00\x12\x45\xbb\x7f\x80\xff',
2: packs[2](0, 0x1234, 0x4567, -0x4567, 0x7fff, -0x8000, -1),
3: packs[3](0, 0x123456, 0x456789, -0x456789, 0x7fffff, -0x800000, -1),
4: packs[4](0, 0x12345678, 0x456789ab, -0x456789ab,
0x7fffffff, -0x80000000, -1),
(b'abc', 0),
(b'abc', 2),
(b'ab', 3),
(b'abc', 4),
class TestAudioop(unittest.TestCase):
def test_max(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(b'', w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(bytearray(), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(memoryview(b''), w), 0)
p = packs[w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(p(5), w), 5)
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(p(5, -8, -1), w), 8)
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(p(maxvalues[w]), w), maxvalues[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(p(minvalues[w]), w), -minvalues[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.max(datas[w], w), -minvalues[w])
def test_minmax(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(b'', w),
(0x7fffffff, -0x80000000))
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(bytearray(), w),
(0x7fffffff, -0x80000000))
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(memoryview(b''), w),
(0x7fffffff, -0x80000000))
p = packs[w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(p(5), w), (5, 5))
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(p(5, -8, -1), w), (-8, 5))
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(p(maxvalues[w]), w),
(maxvalues[w], maxvalues[w]))
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(p(minvalues[w]), w),
(minvalues[w], minvalues[w]))
self.assertEqual(audioop.minmax(datas[w], w),
(minvalues[w], maxvalues[w]))
def test_maxpp(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.maxpp(b'', w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.maxpp(bytearray(), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.maxpp(memoryview(b''), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.maxpp(packs[w](*range(100)), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.maxpp(packs[w](9, 10, 5, 5, 0, 1), w), 10)
self.assertEqual(audioop.maxpp(datas[w], w),
maxvalues[w] - minvalues[w])
def test_avg(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(b'', w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(bytearray(), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(memoryview(b''), w), 0)
p = packs[w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(p(5), w), 5)
self .assertEqual(audioop.avg(p(5, 8), w), 6)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(p(5, -8), w), -2)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(p(maxvalues[w], maxvalues[w]), w),
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(p(minvalues[w], minvalues[w]), w),
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(packs[4](0x50000000, 0x70000000), 4),
self.assertEqual(audioop.avg(packs[4](-0x50000000, -0x70000000), 4),
def test_avgpp(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(b'', w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(bytearray(), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(memoryview(b''), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(packs[w](*range(100)), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(packs[w](9, 10, 5, 5, 0, 1), w), 10)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(datas[1], 1), 196)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(datas[2], 2), 50534)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(datas[3], 3), 12937096)
self.assertEqual(audioop.avgpp(datas[4], 4), 3311897002)
def test_rms(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(b'', w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(bytearray(), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(memoryview(b''), w), 0)
p = packs[w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(p(*range(100)), w), 57)
self.assertAlmostEqual(audioop.rms(p(maxvalues[w]) * 5, w),
maxvalues[w], delta=1)
self.assertAlmostEqual(audioop.rms(p(minvalues[w]) * 5, w),
-minvalues[w], delta=1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(datas[1], 1), 77)
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(datas[2], 2), 20001)
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(datas[3], 3), 5120523)
self.assertEqual(audioop.rms(datas[4], 4), 1310854152)
def test_cross(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(b'', w), -1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(bytearray(), w), -1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(memoryview(b''), w), -1)
p = packs[w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(p(0, 1, 2), w), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(p(1, 2, -3, -4), w), 1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(p(-1, -2, 3, 4), w), 1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(p(0, minvalues[w]), w), 1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.cross(p(minvalues[w], maxvalues[w]), w), 1)
def test_add(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(b'', b'', w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(bytearray(), bytearray(), w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(memoryview(b''), memoryview(b''), w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(datas[w], b'\0' * len(datas[w]), w),
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(datas[1], datas[1], 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(datas[2], datas[2], 2),
packs[2](0, 0x2468, 0x7fff, -0x8000, 0x7fff, -0x8000, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(datas[3], datas[3], 3),
packs[3](0, 0x2468ac, 0x7fffff, -0x800000,
0x7fffff, -0x800000, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.add(datas[4], datas[4], 4),
packs[4](0, 0x2468acf0, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000,
0x7fffffff, -0x80000000, -2))
def test_bias(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
for bias in 0, 1, -1, 127, -128, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000:
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(b'', w, bias), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(bytearray(), w, bias), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(memoryview(b''), w, bias), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[1], 1, 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[1], 1, -1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[1], 1, 0x7fffffff),
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[1], 1, -0x80000000),
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[2], 2, 1),
packs[2](1, 0x1235, 0x4568, -0x4566, -0x8000, -0x7fff, 0))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[2], 2, -1),
packs[2](-1, 0x1233, 0x4566, -0x4568, 0x7ffe, 0x7fff, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[2], 2, 0x7fffffff),
packs[2](-1, 0x1233, 0x4566, -0x4568, 0x7ffe, 0x7fff, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[2], 2, -0x80000000),
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[3], 3, 1),
packs[3](1, 0x123457, 0x45678a, -0x456788,
-0x800000, -0x7fffff, 0))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[3], 3, -1),
packs[3](-1, 0x123455, 0x456788, -0x45678a,
0x7ffffe, 0x7fffff, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[3], 3, 0x7fffffff),
packs[3](-1, 0x123455, 0x456788, -0x45678a,
0x7ffffe, 0x7fffff, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[3], 3, -0x80000000),
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[4], 4, 1),
packs[4](1, 0x12345679, 0x456789ac, -0x456789aa,
-0x80000000, -0x7fffffff, 0))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[4], 4, -1),
packs[4](-1, 0x12345677, 0x456789aa, -0x456789ac,
0x7ffffffe, 0x7fffffff, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[4], 4, 0x7fffffff),
packs[4](0x7fffffff, -0x6dcba989, -0x3a987656, 0x3a987654,
-2, -1, 0x7ffffffe))
self.assertEqual(audioop.bias(datas[4], 4, -0x80000000),
packs[4](-0x80000000, -0x6dcba988, -0x3a987655, 0x3a987655,
-1, 0, 0x7fffffff))
def test_lin2lin(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[w], w, w), datas[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(bytearray(datas[w]), w, w),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(memoryview(datas[w]), w, w),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[1], 1, 2),
packs[2](0, 0x1200, 0x4500, -0x4500, 0x7f00, -0x8000, -0x100))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[1], 1, 3),
packs[3](0, 0x120000, 0x450000, -0x450000,
0x7f0000, -0x800000, -0x10000))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[1], 1, 4),
packs[4](0, 0x12000000, 0x45000000, -0x45000000,
0x7f000000, -0x80000000, -0x1000000))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[2], 2, 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[2], 2, 3),
packs[3](0, 0x123400, 0x456700, -0x456700,
0x7fff00, -0x800000, -0x100))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[2], 2, 4),
packs[4](0, 0x12340000, 0x45670000, -0x45670000,
0x7fff0000, -0x80000000, -0x10000))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[3], 3, 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[3], 3, 2),
packs[2](0, 0x1234, 0x4567, -0x4568, 0x7fff, -0x8000, -1))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[3], 3, 4),
packs[4](0, 0x12345600, 0x45678900, -0x45678900,
0x7fffff00, -0x80000000, -0x100))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[4], 4, 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[4], 4, 2),
packs[2](0, 0x1234, 0x4567, -0x4568, 0x7fff, -0x8000, -1))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2lin(datas[4], 4, 3),
packs[3](0, 0x123456, 0x456789, -0x45678a,
0x7fffff, -0x800000, -1))
def test_adpcm2lin(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', 1, None),
(b'\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\xff', (-179, 40)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(bytearray(b'\x07\x7f\x7f'), 1, None),
(b'\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\xff', (-179, 40)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(memoryview(b'\x07\x7f\x7f'), 1, None),
(b'\x00\x00\x00\xff\x00\xff', (-179, 40)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', 2, None),
(packs[2](0, 0xb, 0x29, -0x16, 0x72, -0xb3), (-179, 40)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', 3, None),
(packs[3](0, 0xb00, 0x2900, -0x1600, 0x7200,
-0xb300), (-179, 40)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', 4, None),
(packs[4](0, 0xb0000, 0x290000, -0x160000, 0x720000,
-0xb30000), (-179, 40)))
# Very cursory test
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.adpcm2lin(b'\0' * 5, w, None),
(b'\0' * w * 10, (0, 0)))
def test_lin2adpcm(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2adpcm(datas[1], 1, None),
(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', (-221, 39)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2adpcm(bytearray(datas[1]), 1, None),
(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', (-221, 39)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2adpcm(memoryview(datas[1]), 1, None),
(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', (-221, 39)))
for w in 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2adpcm(datas[w], w, None),
(b'\x07\x7f\x7f', (31, 39)))
# Very cursory test
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2adpcm(b'\0' * w * 10, w, None),
(b'\0' * 5, (0, 0)))
def test_invalid_adpcm_state(self):
# state must be a tuple or None, not an integer
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.adpcm2lin, b'\0', 1, 555)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.lin2adpcm, b'\0', 1, 555)
# Issues #24456, #24457: index out of range
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.adpcm2lin, b'\0', 1, (0, -1))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.adpcm2lin, b'\0', 1, (0, 89))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.lin2adpcm, b'\0', 1, (0, -1))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.lin2adpcm, b'\0', 1, (0, 89))
# value out of range
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.adpcm2lin, b'\0', 1, (-0x8001, 0))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.adpcm2lin, b'\0', 1, (0x8000, 0))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.lin2adpcm, b'\0', 1, (-0x8001, 0))
self.assertRaises(ValueError, audioop.lin2adpcm, b'\0', 1, (0x8000, 0))
def test_lin2alaw(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2alaw(datas[1], 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2alaw(bytearray(datas[1]), 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2alaw(memoryview(datas[1]), 1),
for w in 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2alaw(datas[w], w),
def test_alaw2lin(self):
encoded = b'\x00\x03\x24\x2a\x51\x54\x55\x58\x6b\x71\x7f'\
src = [-688, -720, -2240, -4032, -9, -3, -1, -27, -244, -82, -106,
688, 720, 2240, 4032, 9, 3, 1, 27, 244, 82, 106]
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
decoded = packs[w](*(x << (w * 8) >> 13 for x in src))
self.assertEqual(audioop.alaw2lin(encoded, w), decoded)
self.assertEqual(audioop.alaw2lin(bytearray(encoded), w), decoded)
self.assertEqual(audioop.alaw2lin(memoryview(encoded), w), decoded)
encoded = bytes(range(256))
for w in 2, 3, 4:
decoded = audioop.alaw2lin(encoded, w)
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2alaw(decoded, w), encoded)
def test_lin2ulaw(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2ulaw(datas[1], 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2ulaw(bytearray(datas[1]), 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2ulaw(memoryview(datas[1]), 1),
for w in 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2ulaw(datas[w], w),
def test_ulaw2lin(self):
encoded = b'\x00\x0e\x28\x3f\x57\x6a\x76\x7c\x7e\x7f'\
src = [-8031, -4447, -1471, -495, -163, -53, -18, -6, -2, 0,
8031, 4447, 1471, 495, 163, 53, 18, 6, 2, 0]
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
decoded = packs[w](*(x << (w * 8) >> 14 for x in src))
self.assertEqual(audioop.ulaw2lin(encoded, w), decoded)
self.assertEqual(audioop.ulaw2lin(bytearray(encoded), w), decoded)
self.assertEqual(audioop.ulaw2lin(memoryview(encoded), w), decoded)
# Current u-law implementation has two codes fo 0: 0x7f and 0xff.
encoded = bytes(range(127)) + bytes(range(128, 256))
for w in 2, 3, 4:
decoded = audioop.ulaw2lin(encoded, w)
self.assertEqual(audioop.lin2ulaw(decoded, w), encoded)
def test_mul(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(b'', w, 2), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(bytearray(), w, 2), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(memoryview(b''), w, 2), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(datas[w], w, 0),
b'\0' * len(datas[w]))
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(datas[w], w, 1),
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(datas[1], 1, 2),
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(datas[2], 2, 2),
packs[2](0, 0x2468, 0x7fff, -0x8000, 0x7fff, -0x8000, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(datas[3], 3, 2),
packs[3](0, 0x2468ac, 0x7fffff, -0x800000,
0x7fffff, -0x800000, -2))
self.assertEqual(audioop.mul(datas[4], 4, 2),
packs[4](0, 0x2468acf0, 0x7fffffff, -0x80000000,
0x7fffffff, -0x80000000, -2))
def test_ratecv(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(b'', w, 1, 8000, 8000, None),
(b'', (-1, ((0, 0),))))
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(bytearray(), w, 1, 8000, 8000, None),
(b'', (-1, ((0, 0),))))
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(memoryview(b''), w, 1, 8000, 8000, None),
(b'', (-1, ((0, 0),))))
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(b'', w, 5, 8000, 8000, None),
(b'', (-1, ((0, 0),) * 5)))
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(b'', w, 1, 8000, 16000, None),
(b'', (-2, ((0, 0),))))
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 8000, None)[0],
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 8000, None, 1, 0)[0],
state = None
d1, state = audioop.ratecv(b'\x00\x01\x02', 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
d2, state = audioop.ratecv(b'\x00\x01\x02', 1, 1, 8000, 16000, state)
self.assertEqual(d1 + d2, b'\000\000\001\001\002\001\000\000\001\001\002')
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
d0, state0 = audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 16000, None)
d, state = b'', None
for i in range(0, len(datas[w]), w):
d1, state = audioop.ratecv(datas[w][i:i + w], w, 1,
8000, 16000, state)
d += d1
self.assertEqual(d, d0)
self.assertEqual(state, state0)
expected = {
1: packs[1](0, 0x0d, 0x37, -0x26, 0x55, -0x4b, -0x14),
2: packs[2](0, 0x0da7, 0x3777, -0x2630, 0x5673, -0x4a64, -0x129a),
3: packs[3](0, 0x0da740, 0x377776, -0x262fca,
0x56740c, -0x4a62fd, -0x1298c0),
4: packs[4](0, 0x0da740da, 0x37777776, -0x262fc962,
0x56740da6, -0x4a62fc96, -0x1298bf26),
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 8000, None, 3, 1)[0],
self.assertEqual(audioop.ratecv(datas[w], w, 1, 8000, 8000, None, 30, 10)[0],
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.ratecv, b'', 1, 1, 8000, 8000, 42)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.ratecv,
b'', 1, 1, 8000, 8000, (1, (42,)))
def test_reverse(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.reverse(b'', w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.reverse(bytearray(), w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.reverse(memoryview(b''), w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.reverse(packs[w](0, 1, 2), w),
packs[w](2, 1, 0))
def test_tomono(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
data1 = datas[w]
data2 = bytearray(2 * len(data1))
for k in range(w):
data2[k::2*w] = data1[k::w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.tomono(data2, w, 1, 0), data1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.tomono(data2, w, 0, 1), b'\0' * len(data1))
for k in range(w):
data2[k+w::2*w] = data1[k::w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.tomono(data2, w, 0.5, 0.5), data1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.tomono(bytearray(data2), w, 0.5, 0.5),
self.assertEqual(audioop.tomono(memoryview(data2), w, 0.5, 0.5),
def test_tostereo(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
data1 = datas[w]
data2 = bytearray(2 * len(data1))
for k in range(w):
data2[k::2*w] = data1[k::w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.tostereo(data1, w, 1, 0), data2)
self.assertEqual(audioop.tostereo(data1, w, 0, 0), b'\0' * len(data2))
for k in range(w):
data2[k+w::2*w] = data1[k::w]
self.assertEqual(audioop.tostereo(data1, w, 1, 1), data2)
self.assertEqual(audioop.tostereo(bytearray(data1), w, 1, 1), data2)
self.assertEqual(audioop.tostereo(memoryview(data1), w, 1, 1),
def test_findfactor(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.findfactor(datas[2], datas[2]), 1.0)
bytearray(datas[2])), 1.0)
memoryview(datas[2])), 1.0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.findfactor(b'\0' * len(datas[2]), datas[2]),
def test_findfit(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.findfit(datas[2], datas[2]), (0, 1.0))
bytearray(datas[2])), (0, 1.0))
memoryview(datas[2])), (0, 1.0))
self.assertEqual(audioop.findfit(datas[2], packs[2](1, 2, 0)),
(1, 8038.8))
self.assertEqual(audioop.findfit(datas[2][:-2] * 5 + datas[2], datas[2]),
(30, 1.0))
def test_findmax(self):
self.assertEqual(audioop.findmax(datas[2], 1), 5)
self.assertEqual(audioop.findmax(bytearray(datas[2]), 1), 5)
self.assertEqual(audioop.findmax(memoryview(datas[2]), 1), 5)
def test_getsample(self):
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
data = packs[w](0, 1, -1, maxvalues[w], minvalues[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(data, w, 0), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(bytearray(data), w, 0), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(memoryview(data), w, 0), 0)
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(data, w, 1), 1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(data, w, 2), -1)
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(data, w, 3), maxvalues[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.getsample(data, w, 4), minvalues[w])
def test_byteswap(self):
swapped_datas = {
1: datas[1],
2: packs[2](0, 0x3412, 0x6745, -0x6646, -0x81, 0x80, -1),
3: packs[3](0, 0x563412, -0x7698bb, 0x7798ba, -0x81, 0x80, -1),
4: packs[4](0, 0x78563412, -0x547698bb, 0x557698ba,
-0x81, 0x80, -1),
for w in 1, 2, 3, 4:
self.assertEqual(audioop.byteswap(b'', w), b'')
self.assertEqual(audioop.byteswap(datas[w], w), swapped_datas[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.byteswap(swapped_datas[w], w), datas[w])
self.assertEqual(audioop.byteswap(bytearray(datas[w]), w),
self.assertEqual(audioop.byteswap(memoryview(datas[w]), w),
def test_negativelen(self):
# from issue 3306, previously it segfaulted
audioop.findmax, bytes(range(256)), -2392392)
def test_issue7673(self):
state = None
for data, size in INVALID_DATA:
size2 = size
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.getsample, data, size, 0)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.max, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.minmax, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.avg, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.rms, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.avgpp, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.maxpp, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.cross, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.mul, data, size, 1.0)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.tomono, data, size, 0.5, 0.5)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.tostereo, data, size, 0.5, 0.5)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.add, data, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.bias, data, size, 0)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.reverse, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2lin, data, size, size2)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.ratecv, data, size, 1, 1, 1, state)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2ulaw, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2alaw, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.lin2adpcm, data, size, state)
def test_string(self):
data = 'abcd'
size = 2
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.getsample, data, size, 0)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.max, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.minmax, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.avg, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.rms, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.avgpp, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.maxpp, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.cross, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.mul, data, size, 1.0)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.tomono, data, size, 0.5, 0.5)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.tostereo, data, size, 0.5, 0.5)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.add, data, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.bias, data, size, 0)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.reverse, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.lin2lin, data, size, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.ratecv, data, size, 1, 1, 1, None)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.lin2ulaw, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.lin2alaw, data, size)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, audioop.lin2adpcm, data, size, None)
def test_wrongsize(self):
data = b'abcdefgh'
state = None
for size in (-1, 0, 5, 1024):
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.ulaw2lin, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.alaw2lin, data, size)
self.assertRaises(audioop.error, audioop.adpcm2lin, data, size, state)
if __name__ == '__main__':

View File

@ -0,0 +1,2 @@
:pep:`594`: Remove the :mod:`!audioop` module, deprecated in Python 3.11.
Patch by Victor Stinner.

View File

#_typing _typingmodule.c
#_zoneinfo _zoneinfo.c
#array arraymodule.c
#audioop audioop.c
#binascii binascii.c
#cmath cmathmodule.c
#math mathmodule.c

View File

@ -46,7 +46,6 @@
@MODULE__ZONEINFO_TRUE@_zoneinfo _zoneinfo.c
# needs libm
@MODULE_AUDIOOP_TRUE@audioop audioop.c
@MODULE_MATH_TRUE@math mathmodule.c
@MODULE_CMATH_TRUE@cmath cmathmodule.c
@MODULE__STATISTICS_TRUE@_statistics _statisticsmodule.c

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

File diff suppressed because it is too large Load Diff

View File

@ -7,7 +7,6 @@
extern PyObject* PyInit__abc(void);
extern PyObject* PyInit_array(void);
extern PyObject* PyInit_audioop(void);
extern PyObject* PyInit_binascii(void);
extern PyObject* PyInit_cmath(void);
extern PyObject* PyInit_errno(void);
@ -89,7 +88,6 @@ struct _inittab _PyImport_Inittab[] = {
{"_abc", PyInit__abc},
{"array", PyInit_array},
{"_ast", PyInit__ast},
{"audioop", PyInit_audioop},
{"binascii", PyInit_binascii},
{"cmath", PyInit_cmath},
{"errno", PyInit_errno},

View File

@ -395,7 +395,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\_weakref.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\arraymodule.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\atexitmodule.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\audioop.c" />
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\binascii.c">

View File

@ -836,9 +836,6 @@
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\atexitmodule.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\audioop.c">
<ClCompile Include="..\Modules\binascii.c">

View File

@ -95,7 +95,6 @@ static const char* _Py_stdlib_module_names[] = {

View File

@ -1,7 +1,6 @@
# Module/Setup.local with reduced stdlib

View File

@ -78,7 +78,6 @@ OMIT_NETWORKING_FILES = (
"_asyncio": ["asyncio/"],
"audioop": [""],
"_curses": ["curses/"],
"_ctypes": ["ctypes/"],
"_decimal": [""],

configure generated vendored
View File

@ -734,8 +734,6 @@ MODULE_CMATH_FALSE
@ -25662,26 +25660,6 @@ $as_echo "$py_cv_module__posixshmem" >&6; }
if test "$py_cv_module_audioop" != "n/a"; then :
if test "$py_cv_module_audioop" = yes; then
as_fn_append MODULE_BLOCK "MODULE_AUDIOOP_STATE=$py_cv_module_audioop$as_nl"
if test "x$py_cv_module_audioop" = xyes; then :
if test "$py_cv_module__statistics" != "n/a"; then :
@ -27594,10 +27572,6 @@ if test -z "${MODULE__POSIXSHMEM_TRUE}" && test -z "${MODULE__POSIXSHMEM_FALSE}"
as_fn_error $? "conditional \"MODULE__POSIXSHMEM\" was never defined.
Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5
if test -z "${MODULE_AUDIOOP_TRUE}" && test -z "${MODULE_AUDIOOP_FALSE}"; then
as_fn_error $? "conditional \"MODULE_AUDIOOP\" was never defined.
Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5
if test -z "${MODULE__STATISTICS_TRUE}" && test -z "${MODULE__STATISTICS_FALSE}"; then
as_fn_error $? "conditional \"MODULE__STATISTICS\" was never defined.
Usually this means the macro was only invoked conditionally." "$LINENO" 5

View File

@ -7171,7 +7171,6 @@ PY_STDLIB_MOD([_posixshmem],
dnl needs libm
PY_STDLIB_MOD_SIMPLE([audioop], [], [$LIBM])
PY_STDLIB_MOD_SIMPLE([_statistics], [], [$LIBM])
PY_STDLIB_MOD_SIMPLE([cmath], [], [$LIBM])