Split the refleak mail body into two parts, the first being those failing

tests which are deemed more important issues, the second those which are
known to have difficult to solve problems and are generally expected to
leak.  Hopefully this doesn't break the script...
This commit is contained in:
Skip Montanaro 2008-02-02 19:11:57 +00:00
parent 332ec6c2f6
commit ee29c3f2a8
1 changed files with 14 additions and 3 deletions

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@ -97,7 +97,17 @@ mail_on_failure() {
if [ "$FAILURE_CC" != "" ]; then
dest="$dest -c $FAILURE_CC"
mutt -s "$FAILURE_SUBJECT $1 ($NUM_FAILURES)" $dest < $2
if [ "x$3" != "x" ] ; then
(echo "More important issues:"
echo "----------------------"
egrep -v "$3" < $2
echo ""
echo "Less important issues:"
echo "----------------------"
egrep "$3" < $2)
cat $2
fi | mutt -s "$FAILURE_SUBJECT $1 ($NUM_FAILURES)" $dest
@ -192,9 +202,10 @@ if [ $err = 0 -a "$BUILD_DISABLED" != "yes" ]; then
## ensure that the reflog exists so the grep doesn't fail
touch $REFLOG
$PYTHON $REGRTEST_ARGS -R 4:3:$REFLOG -u network $LEAKY_SKIPS >& build/$F
NUM_FAILURES=`egrep -vc "($LEAKY_TESTS|sum=0)" $REFLOG`
update_status "Testing refleaks ($NUM_FAILURES failures)" "$F" $start
mail_on_failure "refleak" $REFLOG
mail_on_failure "refleak" $REFLOG "$LEAK_PAT"
## now try to run all the tests