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Guido van Rossum 1994-05-27 13:32:41 +00:00
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commit b25c402eda
2 changed files with 368 additions and 0 deletions

Demo/scripts/newslist.doc Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,59 @@
A program to assist HTTP browsing of newsgroups
WWW browsers such as NCSA Mosaic allow the user to read newsgroup
articles by specifying the group name in a URL eg 'news:comp.answers'.
To browse through many groups, though, (and there are several thousand
of them) you really need a page or pages containing links to all the
groups. There are some good ones out there, for example,
is the standard one at CERN, but it only shows the groups available there,
which may be rather different from those available on your machine.
Newslist is a program which creates a hierarchy of pages for you based
on the groups available from YOUR server. It is written in python - a
splendid interpreted object-oriented language which I suggest you get
right now from the directory /pub/python at, if you haven't
already got it.
You should be able to see some sample output by looking at:
Descriptions of newsgroups can be added from a file with one group
per line. eg: Articles about foo Programming in 'bar' and related languages
A suitable list detailing most groups can be found at in
Make sure you read the information at the beginning of the program source and
configure the variables before running.
In addition to python, you need:
An NNTP-based news feed.
A directory in which to put the pages.
The programming is not very beautiful, but it works! It comes with no
warranty, express or implied, but with the hope that some others may
find it useful.
Comments, improvements & suggestions welcomed.
Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Quentin Stafford-Fraser
Cambridge University Computer Lab Rank Xerox Cambridge EuroPARC
Tel: +44 223 334411 Tel: +44 223 341521
Fax: +44 223 334679 Fax: +44 223 341510

Demo/scripts/ Executable file
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@ -0,0 +1,309 @@
#! /usr/local/bin/python
# Newslist $Revision$
# Syntax:
# newslist [ -a ]
# This is a program to create a directory full of HTML pages
# which between them contain links to all the newsgroups available
# on your server.
# The -a option causes a complete list of all groups to be read from
# the server rather than just the ones which have appeared since last
# execution. This recreates the local list from scratch. Use this on
# the first invocation of the program.
# This assumes an NNTP news feed.
# Feel free to copy, distribute and modify this code for
# non-commercial use. If you make any useful modifications, let me
# know!
# (c) Quentin Stafford-Fraser 1994
# #
import sys,nntplib, string, marshal, time, os, posix, string
# Check these variables before running! #
# Top directory.
# Filenames which don't start with / are taken as being relative to this.
topdir = '/hosts/buizerd/ufs/www/cwi/cwionly/newstree'
# The name of your NNTP host
# eg.
# newshost = ''
# or use following to get the name from the NNTPSERVER environment
# variable:
##newshost = posix.environ['NNTPSERVER']
newshost = ''
# The filename for a local cache of the newsgroup list
treefile = 'grouptree'
# The filename for descriptions of newsgroups
# I found a suitable one at in /uunet-info/newgroups.gz
# You can set this to '' if you don't wish to use one.
##descfile = 'newsgroups'
descfile = '/usr/lib/news/newsgroups'
# The directory in which HTML pages should be created
# eg.
# pagedir = '/usr/local/lib/html/newspage'
# pagedir = 'pages'
pagedir = topdir
# The html prefix which will refer to this directory
# eg.
# httppref = '/newspage/',
# or leave blank for relative links
# between pages. (Recommended)
httppref = ''
# The name of the 'root' news page in this directory.
# A .html suffix will be added.
##rootpage = 'root'
rootpage = 'index'
# Set skipempty to 0 if you wish to see links to empty groups as well.
# Only affects the -a option.
##skipempty = 1
skipempty = 0
# ---------------------------------------------------------------------
# Less important personal preferences:
# Sublistsize controls the maximum number of items the will appear as
# an indented sub-list before the whole thing is moved onto a different
# page. The smaller this is, the more pages you will have, but the
# shorter each will be.
sublistsize = 4
# That should be all. #
from nntplib import NNTP
from stat import *
rcsrev = '$Revision$'[11:15]
desc = {}
# Make (possibly) relative filenames into absolute ones
treefile = os.path.join(topdir,treefile)
descfile = os.path.join(topdir,descfile)
page = os.path.join(topdir,pagedir)
# First the bits for creating trees ---------------------------
# Addtotree creates/augments a tree from a list of group names
def addtotree(tree, groups):
print 'Updating tree...'
for i in groups:
parts = string.splitfields(i,'.')
makeleaf(tree, parts)
# Makeleaf makes a leaf and the branch leading to it if necessary
def makeleaf(tree,path):
j = path[0]
l = len(path)
if not tree.has_key(j):
tree[j] = {}
if l == 1:
tree[j]['.'] = '.'
if l > 1:
# Then the bits for outputting trees as pages ----------------
# Createpage creates an HTML file named <root>.html containing links
# to those groups beginning with <root>.
def createpage(root, tree, p):
filename = os.path.join(pagedir,root+'.html')
if root == rootpage:
detail = ''
detail = ' under ' + root
f = open(filename,'w')
# f.write('Content-Type: text/html\n')
f.write('<TITLE>Newsgroups available' + detail + '</TITLE>\n')
f.write('<H1>Newsgroups available' + detail +'</H1>\n')
f.write('<A HREF="'+httppref+rootpage+'.html">Back to top level</A><P>\n')
f.write('<I>This page automatically created by \'newslist\' v. '+rcsrev+'.')
f.write(time.ctime(time.time()) + '</I><P>')
# Printtree prints the groups as a bulleted list. Groups with
# more than <sublistsize> subgroups will be put on a separate page.
# Other sets of subgroups are just indented.
def printtree(f, tree, indent, p):
global desc
l = len(tree)
if l > sublistsize and indent>0:
# Create a new page and a link to it
f.write('<LI><B><A HREF="'+httppref+p[1:]+'.html">')
f.write(p[1:]+'.* ...')
createpage(p[1:], tree, p)
kl = tree.keys()
if l > 1:
if indent > 0:
# Create a sub-list
# Create a main list
indent = indent + 1
for i in kl:
if i == '.':
# Output a newsgroup
f.write('<LI><A HREF="news:' + p[1:] + '">'+ p[1:] + '</A> ')
if desc.has_key(p[1:]):
f.write(' <I>'+desc[p[1:]]+'</I>\n')
# Output a hierarchy
printtree(f,tree[i], indent, p+'.'+i)
if l > 1:
# Reading descriptions file ---------------------------------------
# This returns an array mapping group name to its description
def readdesc():
global desc
desc = {}
if descfile == '':
d = open(descfile, 'r')
print 'Reading descriptions...'
except (IOError):
print 'Failed to open description file ' + descfile
l = d.readline()
while l != '':
bits = string.split(l)
grp = bits[0]
dsc = string.join(bits[1:])
if len(dsc)>1:
desc[grp] = dsc
except (IndexError):
l = d.readline()
# Now the main program --------------------------------------------
def main():
global desc
connected = 0
# Check that the output directory exists
if not os.path.isdir(pagedir):
print 'Directory '+pagedir+' does not exist.'
print 'Shall I create it for you? (y/n)'
if sys.stdin.readline()[0] == 'y':
print 'Sorry - failed!'
print 'OK. Exiting.'
print 'Connecting to '+newshost+'...'
if sys.version[0] == '0':
s = NNTP.init(newshost)
s = NNTP(newshost)
connected = 1
except (nntplib.error_temp, nntplib.error_perm), x:
print 'Error connecting to host:'
print x
print 'I\'ll try to use just the local list.'
# If -a is specified, read the full list of groups from server
if connected and len(sys.argv) > 1 and sys.argv[1] == '-a':
print 'Getting list of all groups...'
info = s.list()[1]
groups = []
print 'Processing...'
if skipempty:
print '\nIgnoring following empty groups:'
for i in info:
if skipempty and string.atoi(i[1]) < string.atoi(i[2]):
print i[0]+' ',
print '\n(End of empty groups)'
# Otherwise just read groups created since local file last modified.
print 'Reading current local group list...'
treetime = time.localtime(os.stat(treefile)[ST_MTIME])
print '\n*** Failed to open local group cache '+treefile
print 'If this is the first time you have run newslist, then'
print 'use the -a option to create it.'
treedate = '%02d%02d%02d' % (treetime[0] % 100 ,treetime[1], treetime[2])
dump = open(treefile,'r')
tree = marshal.load(dump)
except (IOError):
print 'Cannot open local group list ' + treefile
if connected:
print 'Getting list of new groups since start of '+treedate+'...',
groups = s.newgroups(treedate,'000001')[1]
print 'got '+`len(groups)`+'.'
if connected:
addtotree(tree, groups)
dump = open(treefile,'w')
groups = marshal.dump(tree,dump)
print 'Saved list to '+treefile+'\n'
print 'Sorry - failed to write to local group cache '+treefile
print 'Does it (or its directory) have the correct permissions?'
print 'Creating pages...'
createpage(rootpage, tree, '')
print 'Done'
# That's all folks