Ignore suspicious-ignore file.

This commit is contained in:
Georg Brandl 2010-11-13 06:38:37 +00:00
parent 1fd63dc7ac
commit ac12787075
1 changed files with 9 additions and 6 deletions

View File

@ -296,15 +296,15 @@ faq/windows,393,:REG,.py :REG_SZ: c:\<path to python>\python.exe -u %s %s
library/bisect,32,:hi,all(val >= x for val in a[i:hi])
library/bisect,42,:hi,all(val > x for val in a[i:hi])
library/nntplib,272,:lines,"['xref', 'from', ':lines', ':bytes', 'references', 'date', 'message-id', 'subject']"
library/nntplib,272,:bytes,"['xref', 'from', ':lines', ':bytes', 'references', 'date', 'message-id', 'subject']"
library/nntplib,,:lines,"['xref', 'from', ':lines', ':bytes', 'references', 'date', 'message-id', 'subject']"
library/nntplib,,:bytes,"['xref', 'from', ':lines', ':bytes', 'references', 'date', 'message-id', 'subject']"
library/pickle,,:memory,"conn = sqlite3.connect("":memory:"")"
library/profile,,:lineno,"(sort by filename:lineno),"
library/socket,,::,"(10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:888:2000:d::a2', 80, 0, 0))]"
library/urllib.request,,:lang,"xmlns=""http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml"" xml:lang=""en"" lang=""en"">\n\n<head>\n"
@ -321,3 +321,6 @@ whatsnew/2.7,862,::,"export PYTHONWARNINGS=all,error:::Cookie:0"
whatsnew/2.7,862,:Cookie,"export PYTHONWARNINGS=all,error:::Cookie:0"
whatsnew/2.7,1619,::,>>> urlparse.urlparse('http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo')
whatsnew/2.7,1619,::,"ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='[1080::8:800:200C:417A]',"
library/configparser,,`,# Set the optional `raw` argument of get() to True if you wish to disable
library/configparser,,`,# The optional `vars` argument is a dict with members that will take
library/configparser,,`,# The optional `fallback` argument can be used to provide a fallback value

1 c-api/arg :ref PyArg_ParseTuple(args, "O|O:ref", &object, &callback)
296 library/bisect 32 :hi all(val >= x for val in a[i:hi])
297 library/bisect 42 :hi all(val > x for val in a[i:hi])
298 library/http.client 52 :port host:port
299 library/nntplib 272 :bytes :bytes
300 library/nntplib 272 :lines :lines
301 library/nntplib 272 :lines ['xref', 'from', ':lines', ':bytes', 'references', 'date', 'message-id', 'subject']
302 library/nntplib 272 :bytes ['xref', 'from', ':lines', ':bytes', 'references', 'date', 'message-id', 'subject']
303 library/pickle :memory conn = sqlite3.connect(":memory:")
304 library/profile :lineno (sort by filename:lineno),
305 library/socket :: (10, 1, 6, '', ('2001:888:2000:d::a2', 80, 0, 0))]
306 library/stdtypes 1026 :end s[start:end]
307 library/stdtypes 1195 :end s[start:end]
308 library/urllib.request :close Connection:close
309 library/urllib.request :password "joe:password@python.org"
310 library/urllib.request :lang xmlns="http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml" xml:lang="en" lang="en">\n\n<head>\n
321 whatsnew/2.7 862 :Cookie export PYTHONWARNINGS=all,error:::Cookie:0
322 whatsnew/2.7 1619 :: >>> urlparse.urlparse('http://[1080::8:800:200C:417A]/foo')
323 whatsnew/2.7 1619 :: ParseResult(scheme='http', netloc='[1080::8:800:200C:417A]',
324 library/configparser ` # Set the optional `raw` argument of get() to True if you wish to disable
325 library/configparser ` # The optional `vars` argument is a dict with members that will take
326 library/configparser ` # The optional `fallback` argument can be used to provide a fallback value