Merge html.entities.html5 reordering with 3.3.

This commit is contained in:
Ezio Melotti 2012-10-23 14:47:42 +02:00
commit 4904e5a38b
1 changed files with 110 additions and 110 deletions

View File

@ -259,34 +259,34 @@ name2codepoint = {
# maps the HTML5 named character references to the equivalent Unicode character(s)
html5 = {
'Aacute;': '\xc1',
'Aacute': '\xc1',
'aacute;': '\xe1',
'aacute': '\xe1',
'Aacute;': '\xc1',
'aacute;': '\xe1',
'Abreve;': '\u0102',
'abreve;': '\u0103',
'ac;': '\u223e',
'acd;': '\u223f',
'acE;': '\u223e\u0333',
'Acirc;': '\xc2',
'Acirc': '\xc2',
'acirc;': '\xe2',
'acirc': '\xe2',
'acute;': '\xb4',
'Acirc;': '\xc2',
'acirc;': '\xe2',
'acute': '\xb4',
'acute;': '\xb4',
'Acy;': '\u0410',
'acy;': '\u0430',
'AElig;': '\xc6',
'AElig': '\xc6',
'aelig;': '\xe6',
'aelig': '\xe6',
'AElig;': '\xc6',
'aelig;': '\xe6',
'af;': '\u2061',
'Afr;': '\U0001d504',
'afr;': '\U0001d51e',
'Agrave;': '\xc0',
'Agrave': '\xc0',
'agrave;': '\xe0',
'agrave': '\xe0',
'Agrave;': '\xc0',
'agrave;': '\xe0',
'alefsym;': '\u2135',
'aleph;': '\u2135',
'Alpha;': '\u0391',
@ -294,10 +294,10 @@ html5 = {
'Amacr;': '\u0100',
'amacr;': '\u0101',
'amalg;': '\u2a3f',
'AMP;': '&',
'AMP': '&',
'amp;': '&',
'amp': '&',
'AMP;': '&',
'amp;': '&',
'And;': '\u2a53',
'and;': '\u2227',
'andand;': '\u2a55',
@ -335,24 +335,24 @@ html5 = {
'ApplyFunction;': '\u2061',
'approx;': '\u2248',
'approxeq;': '\u224a',
'Aring;': '\xc5',
'Aring': '\xc5',
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'aring': '\xe5',
'Aring;': '\xc5',
'aring;': '\xe5',
'Ascr;': '\U0001d49c',
'ascr;': '\U0001d4b6',
'Assign;': '\u2254',
'ast;': '*',
'asymp;': '\u2248',
'asympeq;': '\u224d',
'Atilde;': '\xc3',
'Atilde': '\xc3',
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'atilde': '\xe3',
'Auml;': '\xc4',
'Atilde;': '\xc3',
'atilde;': '\xe3',
'Auml': '\xc4',
'auml;': '\xe4',
'auml': '\xe4',
'Auml;': '\xc4',
'auml;': '\xe4',
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'awint;': '\u2a11',
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@ -466,8 +466,8 @@ html5 = {
'bprime;': '\u2035',
'Breve;': '\u02d8',
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'brvbar;': '\xa6',
'Bscr;': '\u212c',
'bscr;': '\U0001d4b7',
'bsemi;': '\u204f',
@ -500,10 +500,10 @@ html5 = {
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'Ccedil': '\xc7',
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'ccedil': '\xe7',
'Ccedil;': '\xc7',
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'Ccirc;': '\u0108',
'ccirc;': '\u0109',
'Cconint;': '\u2230',
@ -511,12 +511,12 @@ html5 = {
'ccupssm;': '\u2a50',
'Cdot;': '\u010a',
'cdot;': '\u010b',
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'Cfr;': '\u212d',
@ -572,10 +572,10 @@ html5 = {
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'COPY;': '\xa9',
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@ -609,8 +609,8 @@ html5 = {
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@ -639,8 +639,8 @@ html5 = {
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'Del;': '\u2207',
'Delta;': '\u0394',
'delta;': '\u03b4',
@ -666,8 +666,8 @@ html5 = {
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'DJcy;': '\u0402',
@ -738,18 +738,18 @@ html5 = {
'DZcy;': '\u040f',
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'Eacute;': '\xc9',
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'Egrave;': '\xc8',
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@ -781,9 +781,9 @@ html5 = {
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@ -860,18 +860,18 @@ html5 = {
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'Gt;': '\u226b',
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@ -1004,29 +1004,29 @@ html5 = {
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