Issue #22564: cleanup SSLObject doc

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Victor Stinner 2014-10-10 13:04:08 +02:00
parent 29611452b7
commit 2debf15593
1 changed files with 38 additions and 25 deletions

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@ -1777,9 +1777,22 @@ provided.
.. class:: SSLObject
A reduced-scope variant of :class:`SSLSocket` representing an SSL protocol
instance that does not contain any network IO methods.
instance that does not contain any network IO methods. This class is
typically used by framework authors that want to implement asynchronous IO
for SSL through memory buffers.
The following methods are available from :class:`SSLSocket`:
This class implements an interface on top of a low-level SSL object as
implemented by OpenSSL. This object captures the state of an SSL connection
but does not provide any network IO itself. IO needs to be performed through
separate "BIO" objects which are OpenSSL's IO abstraction layer.
An :class:`SSLObject` instance can be created using the
:meth:`~SSLContext.wrap_bio` method. This method will create the
:class:`SSLObject` instance and bind it to a pair of BIOs. The *incoming*
BIO is used to pass data from Python to the SSL protocol instance, while the
*outgoing* BIO is used to pass data the other way around.
The following methods are available:
- :attr:`~SSLSocket.context`
- :attr:`~SSLSocket.server_side`
@ -1795,36 +1808,36 @@ provided.
- :meth:`~SSLSocket.unwrap`
- :meth:`~SSLSocket.get_channel_binding`
An :class:`SSLObject` instance can be created using the
:meth:`~SSLContext.wrap_bio` method. This method will create the
:class:`SSLObject` instance and bind it to a pair of BIOs. The *incoming* BIO
is used to pass data from Python to the SSL protocol instance, while the
*outgoing* BIO is used to pass data the other way around.
When compared to :class:`SSLSocket`, this object lacks the following
Some notes related to the use of :class:`SSLObject`:
- Any form of network IO incluging methods such as ``recv()`` and
- All I/O on an :class:`SSLObject` is :ref:`non-blocking <ssl-nonblocking>`.
This means that for example :meth:`` will raise an
:exc:`SSLWantReadError` if it needs more data than the incoming BIO has
- There is no *do_handshake_on_connect* machinery. You must always manually
call :meth:`~SSLSocket.do_handshake` to start the handshake.
- There is no module-level ``wrap_bio`` call like there is for
:meth:`~SSLContext.wrap_socket`. An :class:`SSLObject` is always created via
an :class:`SSLContext`.
- There is no handling of *suppress_ragged_eofs*. All end-of-file conditions
that are in violation of the protocol are reported via the
:exc:`SSLEOFError` exception.
- There is no *do_handshake_on_connect* machinery. You must always manually
call :meth:`~SSLSocket.do_handshake` to start the handshake.
- The method :meth:`~SSLSocket.unwrap` call does not return anything,
unlike for an SSL socket where it returns the underlying socket.
- There is no handling of *suppress_ragged_eofs*. All end-of-file conditions
that are in violation of the protocol are reported via the :exc:`SSLEOFError`
- The *server_name_callback* callback passed to
:meth:`SSLContext.set_servername_callback` will get an :class:`SSLObject`
instance instead of a :class:`SSLSocket` instance as its first parameter.
- The method :meth:`~SSLSocket.unwrap` call does not return anything, unlike
for an SSL socket where it returns the underlying socket.
Some notes related to the use of :class:`SSLObject`:
- The *server_name_callback* callback passed to
:meth:`SSLContext.set_servername_callback` will get an :class:`SSLObject`
instance instead of a :class:`SSLSocket` instance as its first parameter.
- All IO on an :class:`SSLObject` is :ref:`non-blocking <ssl-nonblocking>`.
This means that for example :meth:`` will raise an
:exc:`SSLWantReadError` if it needs more data than the incoming BIO has
- There is no module-level ``wrap_bio()`` call like there is for
:meth:`~SSLContext.wrap_socket`. An :class:`SSLObject` is always created
via an :class:`SSLContext`.
An SSLObject communicates with the outside world using memory buffers. The
class :class:`MemoryBIO` provides a memory buffer that can be used for this