mirror of https://github.com/python/cpython
Initial revision
This commit is contained in:
@ -0,0 +1,143 @@
#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/tkpython
# View a single MIME multipart message.
# Display each part as a box.
import string
from types import *
from Tkinter import *
from ScrolledText import ScrolledText
class MimeViewer:
def __init__(self, parent, title, msg):
self.title = title
self.msg = msg
self.frame = Frame(parent, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2})
self.frame.packing = {'expand': 0, 'fill': 'both'}
self.button = Checkbutton(self.frame,
{'text': title,
'command': self.toggle})
self.button.pack({'anchor': 'w'})
headertext = msg.getheadertext(
lambda x: x != 'received' and x[:5] != 'x400-')
height = countlines(headertext, 4)
if height:
self.htext = ScrolledText(self.frame,
{'height': height,
'width': 80,
'wrap': 'none',
'relief': 'raised',
'bd': 2})
self.htext.packing = {'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both',
'after': self.button}
self.htext.insert('end', headertext)
self.htext = Frame(self.frame,
{'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2})
self.htext.packing = {'side': 'top',
'ipady': 2,
'fill': 'x',
'after': self.button}
body = msg.getbody()
if type(body) == StringType:
self.pad = None
height = countlines(body, 10)
if height:
self.btext = ScrolledText(self.frame,
{'height': height,
'width': 80,
'wrap': 'none',
'relief': 'raised',
'bd': 2})
self.btext.packing = {'expand': 1,
'fill': 'both'}
self.btext.insert('end', body)
self.btext = None
self.parts = None
self.pad = Frame(self.frame,
{'relief': 'flat', 'bd': 2})
self.pad.packing = {'side': 'left', 'ipadx': 10,
'fill': 'y', 'after': self.htext}
self.parts = []
for i in range(len(body)):
p = MimeViewer(self.frame,
'%s.%d' % (title, i+1),
self.btext = None
self.collapsed = 1
def pack(self):
def destroy(self):
def show(self):
if self.collapsed:
def toggle(self):
if self.collapsed:
def collapse(self):
self.collapsed = 1
for comp in self.htext, self.btext, self.pad:
if comp:
if self.parts:
for part in self.parts:
self.frame.pack({'expand': 0})
def explode(self):
self.collapsed = 0
for comp in self.htext, self.btext, self.pad:
if comp: comp.pack(comp.packing)
if self.parts:
for part in self.parts:
self.frame.pack({'expand': 1})
def countlines(str, limit):
i = 0
n = 0
while n < limit:
i = string.find(str, '\n', i)
if i < 0: break
n = n+1
i = i+1
return n
def main():
import sys
import getopt
import mhlib
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '')
for o, a in opts:
message = None
folder = 'inbox'
for arg in args:
if arg[:1] == '+':
folder = arg[1:]
message = string.atoi(arg)
mh = mhlib.MH()
f = mh.openfolder(folder)
if not message:
message = f.getcurrent()
m = f.openmessage(message)
root = Tk()
tk = root.tk
top = MimeViewer(root, '+%s/%d' % (folder, message), m)
root.minsize(1, 1)
if __name__ == '__main__': main()
@ -0,0 +1,119 @@
#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/tkpython
# A Python function that generates dialog boxes with a text message,
# optional bitmap, and any number of buttons.
# Cf. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Figs. 27.2-3, pp. 269-270.
from Tkinter import *
def dialog(master, title, text, bitmap, default, *args):
# 1. Create the top-level window and divide it into top
# and bottom parts.
w = Toplevel(master, {'class': 'Dialog'})
w.tk.call('global', 'button')
top = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'both'}})
bot = Frame(w, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'bottom', 'fill': 'both'}})
# 2. Fill the top part with the bitmap and message.
msg = Message(top,
{'width': '3i',
'text': text,
'font': '-Adobe-Times-Medium-R-Normal-*-180-*',
Pack: {'side': 'right', 'expand': 1,
'fill': 'both',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
if bitmap:
bm = Label(top, {'bitmap': bitmap,
Pack: {'side': 'left',
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m'}})
# 3. Create a row of buttons at the bottom of the dialog.
buttons = []
i = 0
for but in args:
b = Button(bot, {'text': but,
'command': ('set', 'button', i)})
if i == default:
bd = Frame(bot, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '2m'}})
w.tk.call('raise', b)
b.pack ({'in': bd, 'side': 'left',
'padx': '2m', 'pady': '2m',
'ipadx': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
b.pack ({'side': 'left', 'expand': 1,
'padx': '3m', 'pady': '3m',
'ipady': '2m', 'ipady': '1m'})
i = i+1
# 4. Set up a binding for <Return>, if there's a default,
# set a grab, and claim the focus too.
if default >= 0:
lambda b=buttons[default], i=default:
b.tk.call('set', 'button', i)))
oldFocus = w.tk.call('focus')
w.tk.call('grab', 'set', w)
w.tk.call('focus', w)
# 5. Wait for the user to respond, then restore the focus
# and return the index of the selected button.
w.tk.call('tkwait', 'variable', 'button')
w.tk.call('destroy', w)
w.tk.call('focus', oldFocus)
return w.tk.call('set', 'button')
# The rest is the test program.
def go():
i = dialog(mainWidget,
'Not Responding',
"The file server isn't responding right now; "
"I'll keep trying.",
print 'pressed button', i
i = dialog(mainWidget,
'File Modified',
'File "tcl.h" has been modified since '
'the last time it was saved. '
'Do you want to save it before exiting the application?',
'Save File',
'Discard Changes',
'Return To Editor')
print 'pressed button', i
def test():
import sys
global mainWidget
mainWidget = Frame()
start = Button(mainWidget,
{'text': 'Press Here To Start', 'command': go})
endit = Button(mainWidget,
{'text': 'Exit',
'command': 'exit',
Pack: {'fill' : 'both'}})
if __name__ == '__main__':
@ -0,0 +1,288 @@
#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/tkpython
# Scan MH folder, display results in window
import os
import sys
import regex
import getopt
import string
import mhlib
from Tkinter import *
from dialog import dialog
mailbox = os.environ['HOME'] + '/Mail'
def main():
global root, tk, top, mid, bot
global folderbox, foldermenu, scanbox, scanmenu, viewer
global folder, seq
global mh, mhf
# Parse command line options
folder = 'inbox'
seq = 'all'
opts, args = getopt.getopt(sys.argv[1:], '')
except getopt.error, msg:
print msg
for arg in args:
if arg[:1] == '+':
folder = arg[1:]
seq = arg
# Initialize MH
mh = mhlib.MH()
mhf = mh.openfolder(folder)
# Build widget hierarchy
root = Tk()
tk = root.tk
top = Frame(root)
top.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'})
# Build right part: folder list
right = Frame(top)
right.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
folderbar = Scrollbar(right, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 2})
folderbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
folderbox = Listbox(right)
folderbox.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
foldermenu = Menu(root)
{'label': 'Open Folder',
'command': open_folder})
{'label': 'Quit',
'command': 'exit'})
foldermenu.bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', folder_unpost)
folderbox['yscrollcommand'] = (folderbar, 'set')
folderbar['command'] = (folderbox, 'yview')
folderbox.bind('<Double-1>', open_folder, 1)
folderbox.bind('<3>', folder_post)
# Build left part: scan list
left = Frame(top)
left.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
scanbar = Scrollbar(left, {'relief': 'sunken', 'bd': 2})
scanbar.pack({'fill': 'y', 'side': 'right'})
scanbox = Listbox(left, {'font': 'fixed'})
scanbox.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both', 'side': 'left'})
scanmenu = Menu(root)
{'label': 'Open Message',
'command': open_message})
{'label': 'Remove Message',
'command': remove_message})
{'label': 'Refile Message',
'command': refile_message})
{'label': 'Quit',
'command': 'exit'})
scanmenu.bind('<ButtonRelease-3>', scan_unpost)
scanbox['yscrollcommand'] = (scanbar, 'set')
scanbar['command'] = (scanbox, 'yview')
scanbox.bind('<Double-1>', open_message)
scanbox.bind('<3>', scan_post)
# Separator between middle and bottom part
rule2 = Frame(root, {'bg': 'black'})
rule2.pack({'fill': 'x'})
# Build bottom part: current message
bot = Frame(root)
bot.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'})
viewer = None
# Window manager commands
root.minsize(800, 1) # Make window resizable
# Fill folderbox with text
# Fill scanbox with text
# Enter mainloop
def folder_post(e):
x, y = e.x_root, e.y_root
foldermenu.post(x - 10, y - 10)
def folder_unpost(e):
tk.call('update', 'idletasks')
def scan_post(e):
x, y = e.x_root, e.y_root
scanmenu.post(x - 10, y - 10)
def scan_unpost(e):
tk.call('update', 'idletasks')
scanparser = regex.compile('^ *\([0-9]+\)')
def open_folder(*e):
global folder, mhf
sel = folderbox.curselection()
if len(sel) != 1:
if len(sel) > 1:
msg = "Please open one folder at a time"
msg = "Please select a folder to open"
dialog(root, "Can't Open Folder", msg, "", 0, "OK")
i = sel[0]
folder = folderbox.get(i)
mhf = mh.openfolder(folder)
def open_message(*e):
global viewer
sel = scanbox.curselection()
if len(sel) != 1:
if len(sel) > 1:
msg = "Please open one message at a time"
msg = "Please select a message to open"
dialog(root, "Can't Open Message", msg, "", 0, "OK")
cursor = scanbox['cursor']
scanbox['cursor'] = 'watch'
tk.call('update', 'idletasks')
i = sel[0]
line = scanbox.get(i)
if scanparser.match(line) >= 0:
num = string.atoi(scanparser.group(1))
m = mhf.openmessage(num)
if viewer: viewer.destroy()
from MimeViewer import MimeViewer
viewer = MimeViewer(bot, '+%s/%d' % (folder, num), m)
scanbox['cursor'] = cursor
def interestingheader(header):
return header != 'received'
def remove_message():
itop = scanbox.nearest(0)
sel = scanbox.curselection()
if not sel:
dialog(root, "No Message To Remove",
"Please select a message to remove", "", 0, "OK")
todo = []
for i in sel:
line = scanbox.get(i)
if scanparser.match(line) >= 0:
fixfocus(min(todo), itop)
lastrefile = ''
tofolder = None
def refile_message():
global lastrefile, tofolder
itop = scanbox.nearest(0)
sel = scanbox.curselection()
if not sel:
dialog(root, "No Message To Refile",
"Please select a message to refile", "", 0, "OK")
foldersel = folderbox.curselection()
if len(foldersel) != 1:
if not foldersel:
msg = "Please select a folder to refile to"
msg = "Please select exactly one folder to refile to"
dialog(root, "No Folder To Refile", msg, "", 0, "OK")
refileto = folderbox.get(foldersel[0])
todo = []
for i in sel:
line = scanbox.get(i)
if scanparser.match(line) >= 0:
print 'refile', todo, tofolder
if lastrefile != refileto or not tofolder:
print 'new folder'
lastrefile = refileto
tofolder = None
tofolder = mh.openfolder(lastrefile)
mhf.refilemessages(todo, tofolder)
fixfocus(min(todo), itop)
def fixfocus(near, itop):
n = scanbox.size()
for i in range(n):
line = scanbox.get(`i`)
if scanparser.match(line) >= 0:
num = string.atoi(scanparser.group(1))
if num >= near:
i = 'end'
print 'yview', `itop`
def setfolders():
folderbox.delete(0, 'end')
for fn in mh.listallfolders():
folderbox.insert('end', fn)
def rescan():
global viewer
if viewer:
viewer = None
scanbox.delete(0, 'end')
for line in scanfolder(folder, seq):
scanbox.insert('end', line)
def scanfolder(folder = 'inbox', sequence = 'all'):
return map(
lambda line: line[:-1],
os.popen('scan +%s %s' % (folder, sequence), 'r').readlines())
@ -0,0 +1,152 @@
#! /ufs/guido/bin/sgi/tkpython
# A Python program implementing rmt, an application for remotely
# controlling other Tk applications.
# Cf. Ousterhout, Tcl and the Tk Toolkit, Figs. 27.5-8, pp. 273-276.
# Note that because of forward references in the original, we
# sometimes delay bindings until after the corresponding procedure is
# defined. We also introduce names for some unnamed code blocks in
# the original because of restrictions on lambda forms in Python.
from Tkinter import *
# 1. Create basic application structure: menu bar on top of
# text widget, scrollbar on right.
root = Tk()
tk = root.tk
mBar = Frame(root, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2,
Pack: {'side': 'top', 'fill': 'x'}})
f = Frame(root)
f.pack({'expand': 1, 'fill': 'both'})
s = Scrollbar(f, {'relief': 'flat',
Pack: {'side': 'right', 'fill': 'y'}})
t = Text(f, {'relief': 'raised', 'bd': 2, 'yscrollcommand': (s, 'set'),
'setgrid': 1,
Pack: {'side': 'left', 'fill': 'both', 'expand': 1}})
t.tag_config('bold', {'font': '-Adobe-Courier-Bold-R-Normal-*-120-*'})
s['command'] = (t, 'yview')
root.title('Tk Remote Controller')
root.iconname('Tk Remote')
# 2. Create menu button and menus.
file = Menubutton(mBar, {'text': 'File', 'underline': 0,
Pack: {'side': 'left'}})
file_m = Menu(file)
file['menu'] = file_m
file_m_apps = Menu(file_m)
file_m.add('cascade', {'label': 'Select Application', 'underline': 0,
'menu': file_m_apps})
file_m.add('command', {'label': 'Quit', 'underline': 0, 'command': 'exit'})
# 3. Create bindings for text widget to allow commands to be
# entered and information to be selected. New characters
# can only be added at the end of the text (can't ever move
# insertion point).
def single1(e):
x = e.x
y = e.y
tk.setvar('tk_priv(selectMode)', 'char')
t.mark_set('anchor', At(x, y))
# Should focus W
t.bind('<1>', single1)
def double1(e):
x = e.x
y = e.y
tk.setvar('tk_priv(selectMode)', 'word')
tk.call('tk_textSelectTo', t, At(x, y))
t.bind('<Double-1>', double1)
def triple1(e):
x = e.x
y = e.y
tk.setvar('tk_priv(selectMode)', 'line')
tk.call('tk_textSelectTo', t, At(x, y))
t.bind('<Triple-1>', triple1)
def returnkey(e):
t.insert('insert', '\n')
t.bind('<Return>', returnkey)
def controlv(e):
t.insert('insert', tk.call('selection', 'get'))
if t.index('insert')[-2:] == '.0':
t.bind('<Control-v>', controlv)
# 4. Procedure to backspace over one character, as long as
# the character isn't part of the prompt.
def backspace(e):
if t.index('promptEnd') != t.index('insert - 1 char'):
t.delete('insert - 1 char', 'insert')
t.bind('<BackSpace>', backspace)
t.bind('<Control-h>', backspace)
t.bind('<Delete>', backspace)
# 5. Procedure that's invoked when return is typed: if
# there's not yet a complete command (e.g. braces are open)
# then do nothing. Otherwise, execute command (locally or
# remotely), output the result or error message, and issue
# a new prompt.
def invoke():
cmd = t.get('promptEnd + 1 char', 'insert')
if tk.getboolean(tk.call('info', 'complete', cmd)):
if app == tk.call('winfo', 'name', '.'):
msg = tk.call('eval', cmd)
msg = tk.call('send', app, cmd)
if msg:
t.insert('insert', msg + '\n')
def prompt():
t.insert('insert', app + ': ')
t.mark_set('promptEnd', 'insert - 1 char')
t.tag_add('bold', 'insert linestart', 'promptEnd')
# 6. Procedure to select a new application. Also changes
# the prompt on the current command line to reflect the new
# name.
def newApp(appName):
global app
app = appName
t.delete('promptEnd linestart', 'promptEnd')
t.insert('promptEnd', appName + ':')
t.tag_add('bold', 'promptEnd linestart', 'promptEnd')
newApp_tcl = `id(newApp)`
tk.createcommand(newApp_tcl, newApp)
def fillAppsMenu():
file_m_apps.delete(0, 'last')
names = tk.splitlist(tk.call('winfo', 'interps'))
names = map(None, names) # convert tuple to list
for name in names:
file_m_apps.add('command', {'label': name,
'command': (newApp_tcl, name)})
file_m_apps['postcommand'] = fillAppsMenu
# 7. Miscellaneous initialization.
app = tk.call('winfo', 'name', '.')
tk.call('focus', t)
@ -0,0 +1,81 @@
# tst.py
from Tkinter import *
import sys
def do_hello():
print 'Hello world!'
class Quit(Button):
def action(self):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Button.__init__(self, master,
{'text': 'Quit',
'command': self.action})
Button.config(self, cnf)
class Stuff(Canvas):
def enter(self, e):
print 'Enter'
self.itemconfig('current', {'fill': 'red'})
def leave(self, e):
print 'Leave'
self.itemconfig('current', {'fill': 'blue'})
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Canvas.__init__(self, master,
{'width': 100, 'height': 100})
Canvas.config(self, cnf)
self.create_rectangle(30, 30, 70, 70,
{'fill': 'red', 'tags': 'box'})
Canvas.bind(self, 'box', '<Enter>', self.enter)
Canvas.bind(self, 'box', '<Leave>', self.leave)
class Test(Frame):
text = 'Testing'
num = 1
def do_xy(self, e):
print (e.x, e.y)
def do_test(self):
if not self.num % 10:
self.text = 'Testing 1 ...'
self.text = self.text + ' ' + `self.num`
self.num = self.num + 1
self.testing['text'] = self.text
def do_err(self):
def do_after(self):
self.after(10000, self.do_after)
def __init__(self, master=None):
Frame.__init__(self, master)
self['bd'] = 30
self.bind('<Motion>', self.do_xy)
self.hello = Button(self, {'name': 'hello',
'text': 'Hello',
'command': do_hello,
Pack: {'fill': 'both'}})
self.testing = Button(self)
self.testing['text'] = self.text
self.testing['command'] = self.do_test
Pack.config(self.testing, {'fill': 'both'})
self.err = Button(self, {'text': 'Error',
'command': self.do_err,
Pack: {'fill': 'both'}})
self.quit = Quit(self, {Pack: {'fill': 'both'}})
self.exit = Button(self,
{'text': 'Exit',
'command': lambda: sys.exit(0),
Pack: {'fill': 'both'}})
self.stuff = Stuff(self, {Pack: {'padx': 2, 'pady': 2}})
test = Test()
test.master.title('Tkinter Test')
test.master.maxsize(500, 500)
# Use the -i option and type ^C to get a prompt
@ -0,0 +1,26 @@
# This is about all it requires to write a wish shell in Python!
import tkinter
tk = tkinter.create(':0', 'wish', 'Tk', 1)
cmd = ''
while 1:
if cmd: prompt = ''
else: prompt = '% '
line = raw_input(prompt)
except EOFError:
cmd = cmd + (line + '\n')
if tk.getboolean(tk.call('info', 'complete', cmd)):
result = tk.call('eval', cmd)
except tkinter.TclError, msg:
print 'TclError:', msg
if result: print result
cmd = ''
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# This module exports classes for the various canvas item types
# vi:set tabsize=4:
from Tkinter import Canvas, _isfunctype
class CanvasItem:
def __init__(self, canvas, itemType, args = (), cnf={}):
self.canvas = canvas
self.id = canvas._create(itemType, args + (cnf,))
def __str__(self):
return str(self.id)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s, id=%d>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
def __del__(self):
delete = __del__
def __getitem__(self, key):
v = self.canvas.tk.split(self.canvas.tk.call(self.canvas.pathName,
'-' + key))
return v[4]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.canvas._itemconfig(self.id, {key: value})
def keys(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_keys'):
self._keys = map(lambda x, tk=self.canvas.tk:
self.canvas.cmd('itemconfigure', self.id)))
return self._keys
def has_key(self, key):
return key in self.keys()
def addtag(self, tag, option='withtag'):
self.canvas.addtag(tag, option, self.id)
def bbox(self):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.canvas.bbox(self.id)
return (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
def bind(self, sequence=None, command=None):
return self.canvas.bind(self.id, sequence, command)
def coords(self, pts = ()):
flat = ()
for x, y in pts: flat = flat + (x, y)
return apply(self.canvas.coords, (self.id,) + flat)
def dchars(self, first, last=None):
self.canvas.dchars(self.id, first, last)
def dtag(self, ttd):
self.canvas.dtag(self.id, ttd)
def focus(self):
def gettags(self):
return self.canvas.gettags(self.id)
def icursor(self):
def index(self):
return self.canvas.index(self.id)
def insert(self, beforethis, string):
self.canvas.insert(self.id, beforethis, string)
def lower(self, belowthis=None):
self.canvas.lower(self.id, belowthis)
def move(self, xamount, yamount):
self.canvas.move(self.id, xamount, yamount)
def raise_(self, abovethis=None):
self.canvas.raise_(self.id, abovethis)
def scale(self, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale):
self.canvas.scale(self.id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
def type(self):
return self.canvas.type(self.id)
class Arc(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'arc',
(str(x1), str(y1), str(x2), str(y2)), cnf)
class Bitmap(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'bitmap', (str(x1), str(y1)), cnf)
class Line(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf={}):
pts = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b,
map(lambda pt: (str(pt[0]), str(pt[1])), pts))
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'line', pts, cnf)
class Oval(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'oval',
(str(x1), str(y1), str(x2), str(y2)), cnf)
class Polygon(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf={}):
pts = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b,
map(lambda pt: (str(pt[0]), str(pt[1])), pts))
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'polygon', pts, cnf)
class Curve(Polygon):
def __init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf={}):
cnf['smooth'] = 'yes'
Polygon.__init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf)
class Rectangle(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'rectangle',
(str(x1), str(y1), str(x2), str(y2)), cnf)
# XXX Can't use name "Text" since that is already taken by the Text widget...
class String(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'text', (str(x1), str(y1)), cnf)
class Window(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, where, cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'window',
(str(where[0]), str(where[1])), cnf)
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# A ScrolledText widget feels like a text widget but also has a
# vertical scroll bar on its right. (Later, options may be added to
# add a horizontal bar as well, to make the bars disappear
# automatically when not needed, to move them to the other side of the
# window, etc.)
# Configuration options are passed to the Text widget.
# A Frame widget is inserted between the master and the text, to hold
# the Scrollbar widget.
# Most methods calls are passed to the Text widget; the pack command
# is redirected to the Frame widget however.
from Tkinter import *
class ScrolledText(Pack, Place):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
fcnf = {}
self.frame = Frame(master, {})
if cnf.has_key(Pack):
del cnf[Pack]
self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, {})
self.vbar.pack({'side': 'right', 'fill': 'y'})
cnf[Pack] = {'side': 'left', 'fill': 'both',
'expand': 'yes'}
self.text = Text(self.frame, cnf)
self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
self.insert = self.text.insert
# XXX should do all Text methods...
self.pack = self.frame.pack
self.forget = self.frame.forget
self.tk = master.tk
def __str__(self):
return str(self.frame)
@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
# Tkinter.py -- Tk/Tcl widget wrappers
import tkinter
from tkinter import TclError
class _Dummy:
def meth(self): return
def _isfunctype(func):
return type(func) in (type(_Dummy.meth), type(_isfunctype))
FunctionType = type(_isfunctype)
ClassType = type(_Dummy)
MethodType = type(_Dummy.meth)
def tkerror(err):
class Event:
class Misc:
def tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None):
'set', 'tk_strictMotif', boolean))
def waitvar(self, name='VAR'):
self.tk.call('tkwait', 'variable', name)
def setvar(self, name='VAR', value='1'):
self.tk.setvar(name, value)
def focus(self):
self.tk.call('focus', self._w)
def focus_default(self):
self.tk.call('focus', 'default', self._w)
def focus_none(self):
self.tk.call('focus', 'none')
#XXX focus_get?
def after(self, ms, func=None, *args):
if not func:
self.tk.call('after', ms)
name = self._register(func)
apply(self.tk.call, ('after', ms, name) + args)
#XXX grab_current
def grab_release(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'release', self._w)
def grab_set(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'set', self._w)
def grab_set_global(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'set', '-global', self._w)
def grab_status(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'status', self._w)
def lower(self, belowThis=None):
self.tk.call('lower', self._w, belowThis)
def selection_clear(self):
self.tk.call('selection', 'clear', self._w)
def selection_get(self, type=None):
self.tk.call('selection', 'get', type)
def selection_handle(self, func, type=None, format=None):
name = self._register(func)
self.tk.call('selection', 'handle',
self._w, name, type, format)
#XXX def selection_own(self):
# self.tk.call('selection', 'own', self._w)
def send(self, interp, cmd, *args): #XXX
return apply(self.tk.call, ('send', interp, cmd) + args)
def colormodel(self, value=None):
return self.tk.call('tk', 'colormodel', self._w, value)
def winfo_atom(self, name):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call('winfo', 'atom', name))
def winfo_atomname(self, id):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'atomname', id)
def winfo_cells(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'cells', self._w))
#XXX winfo_children
def winfo_class(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'class', self._w)
def winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'containing', rootx, rootY)
def winfo_depth(self):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call('winfo', 'depth', self._w))
def winfo_exists(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'exists', self._w))
def winfo_fpixels(self, number):
return self.tk.getdouble(self.tk.call(
'winfo', 'fpixels', self._w, number))
def winfo_geometry(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'geometry', self._w)
def winfo_height(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'height', self._w))
def winfo_id(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'id', self._w))
def winfo_interps(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'interps'))
def winfo_ismapped(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'ismapped', self._w))
def winfo_name(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'name', self._w)
def winfo_parent(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'parent', self._w)
def winfo_pathname(self, id):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'pathname', id)
def winfo_pixels(self, number):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'pixels', self._w, number))
def winfo_reqheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'reqheight', self._w))
def winfo_reqwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'reqwidth', self._w))
def winfo_rgb(self, color):
return self._getints(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'rgb', self._w, color))
def winfo_rootx(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'rootx', self._w))
def winfo_rooty(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'rooty', self._w))
def winfo_screen(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'screen', self._w)
def winfo_screencells(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screencells', self._w))
def winfo_screendepth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screendepth', self._w))
def winfo_screenheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenheight', self._w))
def winfo_screenmmheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenmmheight', self._w))
def winfo_screenmmwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenmmwidth', self._w))
def winfo_screenvisual(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenvisual', self._w)
def winfo_screenwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenwidth', self._w))
def winfo_toplevel(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'toplevel', self._w)
def winfo_visual(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'visual', self._w)
def winfo_vrootheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrootheight', self._w))
def winfo_vrootwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrootwidth', self._w))
def winfo_vrootx(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrootx', self._w))
def winfo_vrooty(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrooty', self._w))
def winfo_width(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'width', self._w))
def winfo_x(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'x', self._w))
def winfo_y(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'y', self._w))
def update(self):
def update_idletasks(self):
self.tk.call('update', 'idletasks')
def bind(self, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add = '+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call('bind', self._w, sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def bind_all(self, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add = '+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call('bind', 'all' , sequence,
(add + `name`,) + _subst_prefix)
def bind_class(self, className, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add = '+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call('bind', className , sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def mainloop(self):
def quit(self):
# Utilities
def _getints(self, string):
if string:
res = ()
for v in self.tk.split(string):
res = res + (self.tk.getint(v),)
return res
return string
def _getboolean(self, string):
if string:
return self.tk.getboolean(string)
return string
def _options(self, cnf):
res = ()
for k, v in cnf.items():
if _isfunctype(v):
v = self._register(v)
res = res + ('-'+k, v)
return res
def _register(self, func, subst=None):
f = func
f = _CallSafely(func, subst).__call__
name = `id(f)`
if hasattr(func, 'im_func'):
func = func.im_func
if hasattr(func, 'func_name') and \
type(func.func_name) == type(''):
name = name + func.func_name
self.tk.createcommand(name, f)
return name
_subst_prefix = ('%#', '%b', '%f', '%h', '%k',
'%s', '%t', '%w', '%x', '%y',
'%A', '%E', '%K', '%N', '%T', '%X', '%Y')
def _substitute(*args):
global default_root
global _subst_prefix
tk = default_root.tk
if len(args) != len(_subst_prefix): return args
nsign, b, f, h, k, s, t, w, x, y, A, E, K, N, T, X, Y = args
# Missing: (a, c, d, m, o, v, B, R, W)
#XXX Convert %W (_w) to class instance?
e = Event()
e.serial = tk.getint(nsign)
e.num = tk.getint(b)
try: e.focus = tk.getboolean(f)
except TclError: pass
e.height = tk.getint(h)
e.keycode = tk.getint(k)
e.state = tk.getint(s)
e.time = tk.getint(t)
e.width = tk.getint(w)
e.x = tk.getint(x)
e.y = tk.getint(y)
e.char = A
try: e.send_event = tk.getboolean(E)
except TclError: pass
e.keysym = K
e.keysym_num = tk.getint(N)
e.type = T
#XXX %W stuff
e.x_root = tk.getint(X)
e.y_root = tk.getint(Y)
return (e,)
class _CallSafely:
def __init__(self, func, subst=None):
self.func = func
self.subst = subst
def __call__(self, *args):
if self.subst:
args = self.apply_func(self.subst, args)
args = self.apply_func(self.func, args)
def apply_func(self, func, args):
import sys
return apply(func, args)
t = sys.exc_traceback
while t:
' %s, line %s\n' %
t = t.tb_next
sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' %
print '*** Error in error handling ***'
print sys.exc_type, ':', sys.exc_value
class Wm:
def aspect(self,
minNumer=None, minDenom=None,
maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None):
return self._getints(
self.tk.call('wm', 'aspect', self._w,
minNumer, minDenom,
maxNumer, maxDenom))
def client(self, name=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'client', self._w, name)
def command(self, value=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'command', self._w, value)
def deiconify(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'deiconify', self._w)
def focusmodel(self, model=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'focusmodel', self._w, model)
def frame(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'frame', self._w)
def geometry(self, newGeometry=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'geometry', self._w, newGeometry)
def grid(self,
baseWidht=None, baseHeight=None,
widthInc=None, heightInc=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'grid', self._w,
baseWidht, baseHeight, widthInc, heightInc))
def group(self, pathName=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'group', self._w, pathName)
def iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconbitmap', self._w, bitmap)
def iconify(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconify', self._w)
def iconmask(self, bitmap=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconmask', self._w, bitmap)
def iconname(self, newName=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconname', self._w, newName)
def iconposition(self, x=None, y=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'iconposition', self._w, x, y))
def iconwindow(self, pathName=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconwindow', self._w, pathName)
def maxsize(self, width=None, height=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'maxsize', self._w, width, height))
def minsize(self, width=None, height=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'minsize', self._w, width, height))
def overrideredirect(self, boolean=None):
return self._getboolean(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'overrideredirect', self._w, boolean))
def positionfrom(self, who=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'positionfrom', self._w, who)
def protocol(self, name=None, func=None):
if _isfunctype(func):
command = self._register(func)
command = func
return self.tk.call(
'wm', 'protocol', self._w, name, command)
def sizefrom(self, who=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'sizefrom', self._w, who)
def state(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'state', self._w)
def title(self, string=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'title', self._w, string)
def transient(self, master=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'transient', self._w, master)
def withdraw(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'withdraw', self._w)
class Tk(Misc, Wm):
_w = '.'
def __init__(self, screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk'):
if baseName is None:
import sys, os
baseName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if baseName[-3:] == '.py': baseName = baseName[:-3]
self.tk = tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className)
self.tk.createcommand('tkerror', tkerror)
def __del__(self):
self.tk.call('destroy', '.')
def __str__(self):
return '.'
class Pack:
def config(self, cnf={}):
('pack', 'configure', self._w)
+ self._options(cnf))
pack = config
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Pack.config({key: value})
def forget(self):
self.tk.call('pack', 'forget', self._w)
def newinfo(self):
return self.tk.call('pack', 'newinfo', self._w)
info = newinfo
def propagate(self, boolean=None):
if boolean:
self.tk.call('pack', 'propagate', self._w)
return self._getboolean(self.tk.call(
'pack', 'propagate', self._w))
def slaves(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
'pack', 'slaves', self._w))
class Place:
def config(self, cnf={}):
('place', 'configure', self._w)
+ self._options(cnf))
place = config
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Place.config({key: value})
def forget(self):
self.tk.call('place', 'forget', self._w)
def info(self):
return self.tk.call('place', 'info', self._w)
def slaves(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
'place', 'slaves', self._w))
default_root = None
class Widget(Misc, Pack, Place):
def __init__(self, master, widgetName, cnf={}, extra=()):
global default_root
if not master:
if not default_root:
default_root = Tk()
master = default_root
if not default_root:
default_root = master
self.master = master
self.tk = master.tk
if cnf.has_key('name'):
name = cnf['name']
del cnf['name']
name = `id(self)`
if master._w=='.':
self._w = '.' + name
self._w = master._w + '.' + name
self.widgetName = widgetName
apply(self.tk.call, (widgetName, self._w) + extra)
Widget.config(self, cnf)
def config(self, cnf={}):
for k in cnf.keys():
if type(k) == ClassType:
k.config(self, cnf[k])
del cnf[k]
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'configure')
+ self._options(cnf))
def __getitem__(self, key):
v = self.tk.split(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'configure', '-' + key))
return v[4]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Widget.config(self, {key: value})
def __str__(self):
return self._w
def __del__(self):
self.tk.call('destroy', self._w)
destroy = __del__
def _do(self, name, args=()):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, name) + args)
class Toplevel(Widget, Wm):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
extra = ()
if cnf.has_key('screen'):
extra = ('-screen', cnf['screen'])
del cnf['screen']
if cnf.has_key('class'):
extra = extra + ('-class', cnf['class'])
del cnf['class']
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'toplevel', cnf, extra)
self.iconname(self.tk.call('wm', 'iconname', '.'))
self.title(self.tk.call('wm', 'title', '.'))
class Button(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'button', cnf)
def tk_butEnter(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butEnter', self._w)
def tk_butLeave(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butLeave', self._w)
def tk_butDown(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butDown', self._w)
def tk_butUp(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butUp', self._w)
def flash(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'flash')
def invoke(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
# Indices:
def AtEnd():
return 'end'
def AtInsert():
return 'insert'
def AtSelFirst():
return 'sel.first'
def AtSelLast():
return 'sel.last'
def At(x, y=None):
if y:
return '@' + `x` + ',' + `y`
return '@' + `x`
class Canvas(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'canvas', cnf)
def addtag(self, *args):
self._do('addtag', args)
def bbox(self, *args):
return self._getints(self._do('bbox', args))
def bind(self, tagOrId, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add='+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call(self._w, 'bind', tagOrId, sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def canvasx(self, screenx, gridspacing=None):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'canvasx', screenx, gridspacing))
def canvasy(self, screeny, gridspacing=None):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'canvasy', screeny, gridspacing))
def coords(self, *args):
return self._do('coords', args)
def _create(self, itemType, args): # Args: (value, value, ..., cnf={})
cnf = args[-1]
if type(cnf) == type({}):
args = args[:-1]
cnf = {}
v = (self._w, 'create', itemType) + args
for k in cnf.keys():
v = v + ('-' + k, cnf[k])
return self.tk.getint(apply(self.tk.call, v))
def create_arc(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'arc', args)
def create_bitmap(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'bitmap', args)
def create_line(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'line', args)
def create_oval(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'oval', args)
def create_polygon(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'polygon', args)
def create_rectangle(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'rectangle', args)
def create_text(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'text', args)
def create_window(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'window', args)
def dchars(self, *args):
self._do('dchars', args)
def delete(self, *args):
self._do('delete', args)
def dtag(self, *args):
self._do('dtag', args)
def find(self, *args):
self.tk.splitlist(self._do('find', args))
def focus(self, *args):
return self._do('focus', args)
def gettags(self, *args):
return self.tk.splitlist(self._do('gettags', args))
def icursor(self, *args):
self._do('icursor', args)
def index(self, *args):
return self.tk.getint(self._do('index', args))
def insert(self, *args):
self._do('insert', args)
def itemconfig(self, tagOrId, cnf={}):
self._do('itemconfigure', (tagOrId,) + self._options(cnf))
def lower(self, *args):
self._do('lower', args)
def move(self, *args):
self._do('move', args)
def postscript(self, cnf={}):
return self._do('postscript', self._options(cnf))
def tkraise(self, *args):
self._do('raise', args)
def scale(self, *args):
self._do('scale', args)
def scan_mark(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', x, y)
def scan_dragto(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', x, y)
def select_adjust(self, tagOrId, index):
self._w, 'select', 'adjust', tagOrId, index)
def select_clear(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'clear')
def select_from(self, tagOrId, index):
self._w, 'select', 'from', tagOrId, index)
def select_item(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'item')
def select_to(self, tagOrId, index):
self._w, 'select', 'to', tagOrId, index)
def type(self, tagOrId):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'type', tagOrId))
def xview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'xview', index)
def yview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', index)
class Checkbutton(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'checkbutton', cnf)
def deselect(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'deselect')
def flash(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'flash')
def invoke(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
def select(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select')
def toggle(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'toggle')
class Entry(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'entry', cnf)
def tk_entryBackspace(self):
self.tk.call('tk_entryBackspace', self._w)
def tk_entryBackword(self):
self.tk.call('tk_entryBackword', self._w)
def tk_entrySeeCaret(self):
self.tk.call('tk_entrySeeCaret', self._w)
def delete(self, first, last=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', first, last)
def get(self):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'get')
def icursor(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'icursor', index)
def index(self, index):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'index', index))
def insert(self, index, string):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'insert', index, string)
def scan_mark(self, x):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', x)
def scan_dragto(self, x):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', x)
def select_adjust(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'adjust', index)
def select_clear(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'clear')
def select_from(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'from', index)
def select_to(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'to', index)
def select_view(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'view', index)
class Frame(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
extra = ()
if cnf.has_key('class'):
extra = ('-class', cnf['class'])
del cnf['class']
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'frame', cnf, extra)
def tk_menuBar(self, *args):
apply(self.tk.call, ('tk_menuBar', self._w) + args)
class Label(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'label', cnf)
class Listbox(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'listbox', cnf)
def tk_listboxSingleSelect(self):
self.tk.call('tk_listboxSingleSelect', self._w)
def curselection(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'curselection'))
def delete(self, first, last=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', first, last)
def get(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'get', index)
def insert(self, index, *elements):
(self._w, 'insert', index) + elements)
def nearest(self, y):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'nearest', y))
def scan_mark(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', x, y)
def scan_dragto(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', x, y)
def select_adjust(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'adjust', index)
def select_clear(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'clear')
def select_from(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'from', index)
def select_to(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'to', index)
def size(self):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(self._w, 'size'))
def xview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'xview', index)
def yview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', index)
class Menu(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'menu', cnf)
def tk_menuBar(self, *args):
apply(self.tk.call, ('tk_menuBar', self._w) + args)
def tk_bindForTraversal(self):
self.tk.call('tk_bindForTraversal', self._w)
def tk_mbPost(self):
self.tk.call('tk_mbPost', self._w)
def tk_mbUnpost(self):
def tk_traverseToMenu(self, char):
self.tk.call('tk_traverseToMenu', self._w, char)
def tk_traverseWithinMenu(self, char):
self.tk.call('tk_traverseWithinMenu', self._w, char)
def tk_getMenuButtons(self):
return self.tk.call('tk_getMenuButtons', self._w)
def tk_nextMenu(self, count):
self.tk.call('tk_nextMenu', count)
def tk_nextMenuEntry(self, count):
self.tk.call('tk_nextMenuEntry', count)
def tk_invokeMenu(self):
self.tk.call('tk_invokeMenu', self._w)
def tk_firstMenu(self):
self.tk.call('tk_firstMenu', self._w)
def tk_mbButtonDown(self):
self.tk.call('tk_mbButtonDown', self._w)
def activate(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'activate', index)
def add(self, itemType, cnf={}):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'add', itemType)
+ self._options(cnf))
def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', index1, index2)
def entryconfig(self, index, cnf={}):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'entryconfigure', index)
+ self._options(cnf))
def index(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'index', index)
def invoke(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke', index)
def post(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'post', x, y)
def unpost(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'unpost')
def yposition(self, index):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'yposition', index))
class Menubutton(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'menubutton', cnf)
class Message(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'message', cnf)
class Radiobutton(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'radiobutton', cnf)
def deselect(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'deselect')
def flash(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'flash')
def invoke(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
def select(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select')
class Scale(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'scale', cnf)
def get(self):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(self._w, 'get'))
def set(self, value):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'set', value)
class Scrollbar(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'scrollbar', cnf)
def get(self):
return self.tk.getints(self.tk.call(self._w, 'get'))
def set(self, totalUnits, windowUnits, firstUnit, lastUnit):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'set',
totalUnits, windowUnits, firstUnit, lastUnit)
class Text(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'text', cnf)
def tk_textSelectTo(self, index):
self.tk.call('tk_textSelectTo', self._w, index)
def tk_textBackspace(self):
self.tk.call('tk_textBackspace', self._w)
def tk_textIndexCloser(self, a, b, c):
self.tk.call('tk_textIndexCloser', self._w, a, b, c)
def tk_textResetAnchor(self, index):
self.tk.call('tk_textResetAnchor', self._w, index)
def compare(self, index1, op, index2):
return self.tk.getboolean(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'compare', index1, op, index2))
def debug(self, boolean=None):
return self.tk.getboolean(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'debug', boolean))
def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', index1, index2)
def get(self, index1, index2=None):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'get', index1, index2)
def index(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'index', index)
def insert(self, index, chars):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'insert', index, chars)
def mark_names(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'mark', 'names'))
def mark_set(self, markName, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'mark', 'set', markName, index)
def mark_unset(self, markNames):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'mark', 'unset') + markNames)
def scan_mark(self, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', y)
def scan_dragto(self, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', y)
def tag_add(self, tagName, index1, index2=None):
self._w, 'tag', 'add', tagName, index1, index2)
def tag_bind(self, tagName, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add='+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call(self._w, 'tag', 'bind',
tagName, sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def tag_config(self, tagName, cnf={}):
(self._w, 'tag', 'configure', tagName)
+ self._options(cnf))
def tag_delete(self, tagNames):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'tag', 'delete')
+ tagNames)
def tag_lower(self, tagName, belowThis=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'tag', 'lower',
tagName, belowThis)
def tag_names(self, index=None):
return self.tk.splitlist(
self.tk.call(self._w, 'tag', 'names', index))
def tag_nextrange(self, tagName, index1, index2=None):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'tag', 'nextrange', index1, index2))
def tag_raise(self, tagName, aboveThis=None):
self._w, 'tag', 'raise', tagName, aboveThis)
def tag_ranges(self, tagName):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'tag', 'ranges', tagName))
def tag_remove(self, tagName, index1, index2=None):
self._w, 'tag', 'remove', index1, index2)
def yview(self, what):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', what)
def yview_pickplace(self, what):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', '-pickplace', what)
#class Dialog:
@ -0,0 +1,115 @@
# This module exports classes for the various canvas item types
# vi:set tabsize=4:
from Tkinter import Canvas, _isfunctype
class CanvasItem:
def __init__(self, canvas, itemType, args = (), cnf={}):
self.canvas = canvas
self.id = canvas._create(itemType, args + (cnf,))
def __str__(self):
return str(self.id)
def __repr__(self):
return '<%s, id=%d>' % (self.__class__.__name__, self.id)
def __del__(self):
delete = __del__
def __getitem__(self, key):
v = self.canvas.tk.split(self.canvas.tk.call(self.canvas.pathName,
'-' + key))
return v[4]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
self.canvas._itemconfig(self.id, {key: value})
def keys(self):
if not hasattr(self, '_keys'):
self._keys = map(lambda x, tk=self.canvas.tk:
self.canvas.cmd('itemconfigure', self.id)))
return self._keys
def has_key(self, key):
return key in self.keys()
def addtag(self, tag, option='withtag'):
self.canvas.addtag(tag, option, self.id)
def bbox(self):
x1, y1, x2, y2 = self.canvas.bbox(self.id)
return (x1, y1), (x2, y2)
def bind(self, sequence=None, command=None):
return self.canvas.bind(self.id, sequence, command)
def coords(self, pts = ()):
flat = ()
for x, y in pts: flat = flat + (x, y)
return apply(self.canvas.coords, (self.id,) + flat)
def dchars(self, first, last=None):
self.canvas.dchars(self.id, first, last)
def dtag(self, ttd):
self.canvas.dtag(self.id, ttd)
def focus(self):
def gettags(self):
return self.canvas.gettags(self.id)
def icursor(self):
def index(self):
return self.canvas.index(self.id)
def insert(self, beforethis, string):
self.canvas.insert(self.id, beforethis, string)
def lower(self, belowthis=None):
self.canvas.lower(self.id, belowthis)
def move(self, xamount, yamount):
self.canvas.move(self.id, xamount, yamount)
def raise_(self, abovethis=None):
self.canvas.raise_(self.id, abovethis)
def scale(self, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale):
self.canvas.scale(self.id, xorigin, yorigin, xscale, yscale)
def type(self):
return self.canvas.type(self.id)
class Arc(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'arc',
(str(x1), str(y1), str(x2), str(y2)), cnf)
class Bitmap(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'bitmap', (str(x1), str(y1)), cnf)
class Line(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf={}):
pts = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b,
map(lambda pt: (str(pt[0]), str(pt[1])), pts))
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'line', pts, cnf)
class Oval(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'oval',
(str(x1), str(y1), str(x2), str(y2)), cnf)
class Polygon(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf={}):
pts = reduce(lambda a, b: a+b,
map(lambda pt: (str(pt[0]), str(pt[1])), pts))
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'polygon', pts, cnf)
class Curve(Polygon):
def __init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf={}):
cnf['smooth'] = 'yes'
Polygon.__init__(self, canvas, pts, cnf)
class Rectangle(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), (x2, y2), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'rectangle',
(str(x1), str(y1), str(x2), str(y2)), cnf)
# XXX Can't use name "Text" since that is already taken by the Text widget...
class String(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, (x1, y1), cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'text', (str(x1), str(y1)), cnf)
class Window(CanvasItem):
def __init__(self, canvas, where, cnf={}):
CanvasItem.__init__(self, canvas, 'window',
(str(where[0]), str(where[1])), cnf)
@ -0,0 +1,35 @@
# A ScrolledText widget feels like a text widget but also has a
# vertical scroll bar on its right. (Later, options may be added to
# add a horizontal bar as well, to make the bars disappear
# automatically when not needed, to move them to the other side of the
# window, etc.)
# Configuration options are passed to the Text widget.
# A Frame widget is inserted between the master and the text, to hold
# the Scrollbar widget.
# Most methods calls are passed to the Text widget; the pack command
# is redirected to the Frame widget however.
from Tkinter import *
class ScrolledText(Pack, Place):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
fcnf = {}
self.frame = Frame(master, {})
if cnf.has_key(Pack):
del cnf[Pack]
self.vbar = Scrollbar(self.frame, {})
self.vbar.pack({'side': 'right', 'fill': 'y'})
cnf[Pack] = {'side': 'left', 'fill': 'both',
'expand': 'yes'}
self.text = Text(self.frame, cnf)
self.text['yscrollcommand'] = (self.vbar, 'set')
self.vbar['command'] = (self.text, 'yview')
self.insert = self.text.insert
# XXX should do all Text methods...
self.pack = self.frame.pack
self.forget = self.frame.forget
self.tk = master.tk
def __str__(self):
return str(self.frame)
@ -0,0 +1,874 @@
# Tkinter.py -- Tk/Tcl widget wrappers
import tkinter
from tkinter import TclError
class _Dummy:
def meth(self): return
def _isfunctype(func):
return type(func) in (type(_Dummy.meth), type(_isfunctype))
FunctionType = type(_isfunctype)
ClassType = type(_Dummy)
MethodType = type(_Dummy.meth)
def tkerror(err):
class Event:
class Misc:
def tk_strictMotif(self, boolean=None):
'set', 'tk_strictMotif', boolean))
def waitvar(self, name='VAR'):
self.tk.call('tkwait', 'variable', name)
def setvar(self, name='VAR', value='1'):
self.tk.setvar(name, value)
def focus(self):
self.tk.call('focus', self._w)
def focus_default(self):
self.tk.call('focus', 'default', self._w)
def focus_none(self):
self.tk.call('focus', 'none')
#XXX focus_get?
def after(self, ms, func=None, *args):
if not func:
self.tk.call('after', ms)
name = self._register(func)
apply(self.tk.call, ('after', ms, name) + args)
#XXX grab_current
def grab_release(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'release', self._w)
def grab_set(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'set', self._w)
def grab_set_global(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'set', '-global', self._w)
def grab_status(self):
self.tk.call('grab', 'status', self._w)
def lower(self, belowThis=None):
self.tk.call('lower', self._w, belowThis)
def selection_clear(self):
self.tk.call('selection', 'clear', self._w)
def selection_get(self, type=None):
self.tk.call('selection', 'get', type)
def selection_handle(self, func, type=None, format=None):
name = self._register(func)
self.tk.call('selection', 'handle',
self._w, name, type, format)
#XXX def selection_own(self):
# self.tk.call('selection', 'own', self._w)
def send(self, interp, cmd, *args): #XXX
return apply(self.tk.call, ('send', interp, cmd) + args)
def colormodel(self, value=None):
return self.tk.call('tk', 'colormodel', self._w, value)
def winfo_atom(self, name):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call('winfo', 'atom', name))
def winfo_atomname(self, id):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'atomname', id)
def winfo_cells(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'cells', self._w))
#XXX winfo_children
def winfo_class(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'class', self._w)
def winfo_containing(self, rootX, rootY):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'containing', rootx, rootY)
def winfo_depth(self):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call('winfo', 'depth', self._w))
def winfo_exists(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'exists', self._w))
def winfo_fpixels(self, number):
return self.tk.getdouble(self.tk.call(
'winfo', 'fpixels', self._w, number))
def winfo_geometry(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'geometry', self._w)
def winfo_height(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'height', self._w))
def winfo_id(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'id', self._w))
def winfo_interps(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'interps'))
def winfo_ismapped(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'ismapped', self._w))
def winfo_name(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'name', self._w)
def winfo_parent(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'parent', self._w)
def winfo_pathname(self, id):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'pathname', id)
def winfo_pixels(self, number):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'pixels', self._w, number))
def winfo_reqheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'reqheight', self._w))
def winfo_reqwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'reqwidth', self._w))
def winfo_rgb(self, color):
return self._getints(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'rgb', self._w, color))
def winfo_rootx(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'rootx', self._w))
def winfo_rooty(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'rooty', self._w))
def winfo_screen(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'screen', self._w)
def winfo_screencells(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screencells', self._w))
def winfo_screendepth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screendepth', self._w))
def winfo_screenheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenheight', self._w))
def winfo_screenmmheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenmmheight', self._w))
def winfo_screenmmwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenmmwidth', self._w))
def winfo_screenvisual(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenvisual', self._w)
def winfo_screenwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'screenwidth', self._w))
def winfo_toplevel(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'toplevel', self._w)
def winfo_visual(self):
return self.tk.call('winfo', 'visual', self._w)
def winfo_vrootheight(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrootheight', self._w))
def winfo_vrootwidth(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrootwidth', self._w))
def winfo_vrootx(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrootx', self._w))
def winfo_vrooty(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'vrooty', self._w))
def winfo_width(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'width', self._w))
def winfo_x(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'x', self._w))
def winfo_y(self):
return self.tk.getint(
self.tk.call('winfo', 'y', self._w))
def update(self):
def update_idletasks(self):
self.tk.call('update', 'idletasks')
def bind(self, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add = '+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call('bind', self._w, sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def bind_all(self, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add = '+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call('bind', 'all' , sequence,
(add + `name`,) + _subst_prefix)
def bind_class(self, className, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add = '+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call('bind', className , sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def mainloop(self):
def quit(self):
# Utilities
def _getints(self, string):
if string:
res = ()
for v in self.tk.split(string):
res = res + (self.tk.getint(v),)
return res
return string
def _getboolean(self, string):
if string:
return self.tk.getboolean(string)
return string
def _options(self, cnf):
res = ()
for k, v in cnf.items():
if _isfunctype(v):
v = self._register(v)
res = res + ('-'+k, v)
return res
def _register(self, func, subst=None):
f = func
f = _CallSafely(func, subst).__call__
name = `id(f)`
if hasattr(func, 'im_func'):
func = func.im_func
if hasattr(func, 'func_name') and \
type(func.func_name) == type(''):
name = name + func.func_name
self.tk.createcommand(name, f)
return name
_subst_prefix = ('%#', '%b', '%f', '%h', '%k',
'%s', '%t', '%w', '%x', '%y',
'%A', '%E', '%K', '%N', '%T', '%X', '%Y')
def _substitute(*args):
global default_root
global _subst_prefix
tk = default_root.tk
if len(args) != len(_subst_prefix): return args
nsign, b, f, h, k, s, t, w, x, y, A, E, K, N, T, X, Y = args
# Missing: (a, c, d, m, o, v, B, R, W)
#XXX Convert %W (_w) to class instance?
e = Event()
e.serial = tk.getint(nsign)
e.num = tk.getint(b)
try: e.focus = tk.getboolean(f)
except TclError: pass
e.height = tk.getint(h)
e.keycode = tk.getint(k)
e.state = tk.getint(s)
e.time = tk.getint(t)
e.width = tk.getint(w)
e.x = tk.getint(x)
e.y = tk.getint(y)
e.char = A
try: e.send_event = tk.getboolean(E)
except TclError: pass
e.keysym = K
e.keysym_num = tk.getint(N)
e.type = T
#XXX %W stuff
e.x_root = tk.getint(X)
e.y_root = tk.getint(Y)
return (e,)
class _CallSafely:
def __init__(self, func, subst=None):
self.func = func
self.subst = subst
def __call__(self, *args):
if self.subst:
args = self.apply_func(self.subst, args)
args = self.apply_func(self.func, args)
def apply_func(self, func, args):
import sys
return apply(func, args)
t = sys.exc_traceback
while t:
' %s, line %s\n' %
t = t.tb_next
sys.stderr.write('%s: %s\n' %
print '*** Error in error handling ***'
print sys.exc_type, ':', sys.exc_value
class Wm:
def aspect(self,
minNumer=None, minDenom=None,
maxNumer=None, maxDenom=None):
return self._getints(
self.tk.call('wm', 'aspect', self._w,
minNumer, minDenom,
maxNumer, maxDenom))
def client(self, name=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'client', self._w, name)
def command(self, value=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'command', self._w, value)
def deiconify(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'deiconify', self._w)
def focusmodel(self, model=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'focusmodel', self._w, model)
def frame(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'frame', self._w)
def geometry(self, newGeometry=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'geometry', self._w, newGeometry)
def grid(self,
baseWidht=None, baseHeight=None,
widthInc=None, heightInc=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'grid', self._w,
baseWidht, baseHeight, widthInc, heightInc))
def group(self, pathName=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'group', self._w, pathName)
def iconbitmap(self, bitmap=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconbitmap', self._w, bitmap)
def iconify(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconify', self._w)
def iconmask(self, bitmap=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconmask', self._w, bitmap)
def iconname(self, newName=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconname', self._w, newName)
def iconposition(self, x=None, y=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'iconposition', self._w, x, y))
def iconwindow(self, pathName=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'iconwindow', self._w, pathName)
def maxsize(self, width=None, height=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'maxsize', self._w, width, height))
def minsize(self, width=None, height=None):
return self._getints(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'minsize', self._w, width, height))
def overrideredirect(self, boolean=None):
return self._getboolean(self.tk.call(
'wm', 'overrideredirect', self._w, boolean))
def positionfrom(self, who=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'positionfrom', self._w, who)
def protocol(self, name=None, func=None):
if _isfunctype(func):
command = self._register(func)
command = func
return self.tk.call(
'wm', 'protocol', self._w, name, command)
def sizefrom(self, who=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'sizefrom', self._w, who)
def state(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'state', self._w)
def title(self, string=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'title', self._w, string)
def transient(self, master=None):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'transient', self._w, master)
def withdraw(self):
return self.tk.call('wm', 'withdraw', self._w)
class Tk(Misc, Wm):
_w = '.'
def __init__(self, screenName=None, baseName=None, className='Tk'):
if baseName is None:
import sys, os
baseName = os.path.basename(sys.argv[0])
if baseName[-3:] == '.py': baseName = baseName[:-3]
self.tk = tkinter.create(screenName, baseName, className)
self.tk.createcommand('tkerror', tkerror)
def __del__(self):
self.tk.call('destroy', '.')
def __str__(self):
return '.'
class Pack:
def config(self, cnf={}):
('pack', 'configure', self._w)
+ self._options(cnf))
pack = config
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Pack.config({key: value})
def forget(self):
self.tk.call('pack', 'forget', self._w)
def newinfo(self):
return self.tk.call('pack', 'newinfo', self._w)
info = newinfo
def propagate(self, boolean=None):
if boolean:
self.tk.call('pack', 'propagate', self._w)
return self._getboolean(self.tk.call(
'pack', 'propagate', self._w))
def slaves(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
'pack', 'slaves', self._w))
class Place:
def config(self, cnf={}):
('place', 'configure', self._w)
+ self._options(cnf))
place = config
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Place.config({key: value})
def forget(self):
self.tk.call('place', 'forget', self._w)
def info(self):
return self.tk.call('place', 'info', self._w)
def slaves(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
'place', 'slaves', self._w))
default_root = None
class Widget(Misc, Pack, Place):
def __init__(self, master, widgetName, cnf={}, extra=()):
global default_root
if not master:
if not default_root:
default_root = Tk()
master = default_root
if not default_root:
default_root = master
self.master = master
self.tk = master.tk
if cnf.has_key('name'):
name = cnf['name']
del cnf['name']
name = `id(self)`
if master._w=='.':
self._w = '.' + name
self._w = master._w + '.' + name
self.widgetName = widgetName
apply(self.tk.call, (widgetName, self._w) + extra)
Widget.config(self, cnf)
def config(self, cnf={}):
for k in cnf.keys():
if type(k) == ClassType:
k.config(self, cnf[k])
del cnf[k]
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'configure')
+ self._options(cnf))
def __getitem__(self, key):
v = self.tk.split(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'configure', '-' + key))
return v[4]
def __setitem__(self, key, value):
Widget.config(self, {key: value})
def __str__(self):
return self._w
def __del__(self):
self.tk.call('destroy', self._w)
destroy = __del__
def _do(self, name, args=()):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, name) + args)
class Toplevel(Widget, Wm):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
extra = ()
if cnf.has_key('screen'):
extra = ('-screen', cnf['screen'])
del cnf['screen']
if cnf.has_key('class'):
extra = extra + ('-class', cnf['class'])
del cnf['class']
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'toplevel', cnf, extra)
self.iconname(self.tk.call('wm', 'iconname', '.'))
self.title(self.tk.call('wm', 'title', '.'))
class Button(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'button', cnf)
def tk_butEnter(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butEnter', self._w)
def tk_butLeave(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butLeave', self._w)
def tk_butDown(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butDown', self._w)
def tk_butUp(self):
self.tk.call('tk_butUp', self._w)
def flash(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'flash')
def invoke(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
# Indices:
def AtEnd():
return 'end'
def AtInsert():
return 'insert'
def AtSelFirst():
return 'sel.first'
def AtSelLast():
return 'sel.last'
def At(x, y=None):
if y:
return '@' + `x` + ',' + `y`
return '@' + `x`
class Canvas(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'canvas', cnf)
def addtag(self, *args):
self._do('addtag', args)
def bbox(self, *args):
return self._getints(self._do('bbox', args))
def bind(self, tagOrId, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add='+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call(self._w, 'bind', tagOrId, sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def canvasx(self, screenx, gridspacing=None):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'canvasx', screenx, gridspacing))
def canvasy(self, screeny, gridspacing=None):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'canvasy', screeny, gridspacing))
def coords(self, *args):
return self._do('coords', args)
def _create(self, itemType, args): # Args: (value, value, ..., cnf={})
cnf = args[-1]
if type(cnf) == type({}):
args = args[:-1]
cnf = {}
v = (self._w, 'create', itemType) + args
for k in cnf.keys():
v = v + ('-' + k, cnf[k])
return self.tk.getint(apply(self.tk.call, v))
def create_arc(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'arc', args)
def create_bitmap(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'bitmap', args)
def create_line(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'line', args)
def create_oval(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'oval', args)
def create_polygon(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'polygon', args)
def create_rectangle(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'rectangle', args)
def create_text(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'text', args)
def create_window(self, *args):
Canvas._create(self, 'window', args)
def dchars(self, *args):
self._do('dchars', args)
def delete(self, *args):
self._do('delete', args)
def dtag(self, *args):
self._do('dtag', args)
def find(self, *args):
self.tk.splitlist(self._do('find', args))
def focus(self, *args):
return self._do('focus', args)
def gettags(self, *args):
return self.tk.splitlist(self._do('gettags', args))
def icursor(self, *args):
self._do('icursor', args)
def index(self, *args):
return self.tk.getint(self._do('index', args))
def insert(self, *args):
self._do('insert', args)
def itemconfig(self, tagOrId, cnf={}):
self._do('itemconfigure', (tagOrId,) + self._options(cnf))
def lower(self, *args):
self._do('lower', args)
def move(self, *args):
self._do('move', args)
def postscript(self, cnf={}):
return self._do('postscript', self._options(cnf))
def tkraise(self, *args):
self._do('raise', args)
def scale(self, *args):
self._do('scale', args)
def scan_mark(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', x, y)
def scan_dragto(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', x, y)
def select_adjust(self, tagOrId, index):
self._w, 'select', 'adjust', tagOrId, index)
def select_clear(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'clear')
def select_from(self, tagOrId, index):
self._w, 'select', 'from', tagOrId, index)
def select_item(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'item')
def select_to(self, tagOrId, index):
self._w, 'select', 'to', tagOrId, index)
def type(self, tagOrId):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'type', tagOrId))
def xview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'xview', index)
def yview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', index)
class Checkbutton(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'checkbutton', cnf)
def deselect(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'deselect')
def flash(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'flash')
def invoke(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
def select(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select')
def toggle(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'toggle')
class Entry(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'entry', cnf)
def tk_entryBackspace(self):
self.tk.call('tk_entryBackspace', self._w)
def tk_entryBackword(self):
self.tk.call('tk_entryBackword', self._w)
def tk_entrySeeCaret(self):
self.tk.call('tk_entrySeeCaret', self._w)
def delete(self, first, last=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', first, last)
def get(self):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'get')
def icursor(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'icursor', index)
def index(self, index):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'index', index))
def insert(self, index, string):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'insert', index, string)
def scan_mark(self, x):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', x)
def scan_dragto(self, x):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', x)
def select_adjust(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'adjust', index)
def select_clear(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'clear')
def select_from(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'from', index)
def select_to(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'to', index)
def select_view(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'view', index)
class Frame(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
extra = ()
if cnf.has_key('class'):
extra = ('-class', cnf['class'])
del cnf['class']
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'frame', cnf, extra)
def tk_menuBar(self, *args):
apply(self.tk.call, ('tk_menuBar', self._w) + args)
class Label(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'label', cnf)
class Listbox(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'listbox', cnf)
def tk_listboxSingleSelect(self):
self.tk.call('tk_listboxSingleSelect', self._w)
def curselection(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'curselection'))
def delete(self, first, last=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', first, last)
def get(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'get', index)
def insert(self, index, *elements):
(self._w, 'insert', index) + elements)
def nearest(self, y):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'nearest', y))
def scan_mark(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', x, y)
def scan_dragto(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', x, y)
def select_adjust(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'adjust', index)
def select_clear(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'clear')
def select_from(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'from', index)
def select_to(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select', 'to', index)
def size(self):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(self._w, 'size'))
def xview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'xview', index)
def yview(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', index)
class Menu(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'menu', cnf)
def tk_menuBar(self, *args):
apply(self.tk.call, ('tk_menuBar', self._w) + args)
def tk_bindForTraversal(self):
self.tk.call('tk_bindForTraversal', self._w)
def tk_mbPost(self):
self.tk.call('tk_mbPost', self._w)
def tk_mbUnpost(self):
def tk_traverseToMenu(self, char):
self.tk.call('tk_traverseToMenu', self._w, char)
def tk_traverseWithinMenu(self, char):
self.tk.call('tk_traverseWithinMenu', self._w, char)
def tk_getMenuButtons(self):
return self.tk.call('tk_getMenuButtons', self._w)
def tk_nextMenu(self, count):
self.tk.call('tk_nextMenu', count)
def tk_nextMenuEntry(self, count):
self.tk.call('tk_nextMenuEntry', count)
def tk_invokeMenu(self):
self.tk.call('tk_invokeMenu', self._w)
def tk_firstMenu(self):
self.tk.call('tk_firstMenu', self._w)
def tk_mbButtonDown(self):
self.tk.call('tk_mbButtonDown', self._w)
def activate(self, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'activate', index)
def add(self, itemType, cnf={}):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'add', itemType)
+ self._options(cnf))
def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', index1, index2)
def entryconfig(self, index, cnf={}):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'entryconfigure', index)
+ self._options(cnf))
def index(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'index', index)
def invoke(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke', index)
def post(self, x, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'post', x, y)
def unpost(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'unpost')
def yposition(self, index):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'yposition', index))
class Menubutton(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'menubutton', cnf)
class Message(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'message', cnf)
class Radiobutton(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'radiobutton', cnf)
def deselect(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'deselect')
def flash(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'flash')
def invoke(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'invoke')
def select(self):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'select')
class Scale(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'scale', cnf)
def get(self):
return self.tk.getint(self.tk.call(self._w, 'get'))
def set(self, value):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'set', value)
class Scrollbar(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'scrollbar', cnf)
def get(self):
return self.tk.getints(self.tk.call(self._w, 'get'))
def set(self, totalUnits, windowUnits, firstUnit, lastUnit):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'set',
totalUnits, windowUnits, firstUnit, lastUnit)
class Text(Widget):
def __init__(self, master=None, cnf={}):
Widget.__init__(self, master, 'text', cnf)
def tk_textSelectTo(self, index):
self.tk.call('tk_textSelectTo', self._w, index)
def tk_textBackspace(self):
self.tk.call('tk_textBackspace', self._w)
def tk_textIndexCloser(self, a, b, c):
self.tk.call('tk_textIndexCloser', self._w, a, b, c)
def tk_textResetAnchor(self, index):
self.tk.call('tk_textResetAnchor', self._w, index)
def compare(self, index1, op, index2):
return self.tk.getboolean(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'compare', index1, op, index2))
def debug(self, boolean=None):
return self.tk.getboolean(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'debug', boolean))
def delete(self, index1, index2=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'delete', index1, index2)
def get(self, index1, index2=None):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'get', index1, index2)
def index(self, index):
return self.tk.call(self._w, 'index', index)
def insert(self, index, chars):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'insert', index, chars)
def mark_names(self):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'mark', 'names'))
def mark_set(self, markName, index):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'mark', 'set', markName, index)
def mark_unset(self, markNames):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'mark', 'unset') + markNames)
def scan_mark(self, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'mark', y)
def scan_dragto(self, y):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'scan', 'dragto', y)
def tag_add(self, tagName, index1, index2=None):
self._w, 'tag', 'add', tagName, index1, index2)
def tag_bind(self, tagName, sequence, func, add=''):
global _substitute, _subst_prefix
if add: add='+'
name = self._register(func, _substitute)
self.tk.call(self._w, 'tag', 'bind',
tagName, sequence,
(add + name,) + _subst_prefix)
def tag_config(self, tagName, cnf={}):
(self._w, 'tag', 'configure', tagName)
+ self._options(cnf))
def tag_delete(self, tagNames):
apply(self.tk.call, (self._w, 'tag', 'delete')
+ tagNames)
def tag_lower(self, tagName, belowThis=None):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'tag', 'lower',
tagName, belowThis)
def tag_names(self, index=None):
return self.tk.splitlist(
self.tk.call(self._w, 'tag', 'names', index))
def tag_nextrange(self, tagName, index1, index2=None):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'tag', 'nextrange', index1, index2))
def tag_raise(self, tagName, aboveThis=None):
self._w, 'tag', 'raise', tagName, aboveThis)
def tag_ranges(self, tagName):
return self.tk.splitlist(self.tk.call(
self._w, 'tag', 'ranges', tagName))
def tag_remove(self, tagName, index1, index2=None):
self._w, 'tag', 'remove', index1, index2)
def yview(self, what):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', what)
def yview_pickplace(self, what):
self.tk.call(self._w, 'yview', '-pickplace', what)
#class Dialog:
File diff suppressed because it is too large
Load Diff
Reference in New Issue