If GetAppTerminology fails (which seems to be the usual case on OSX?)

we try to manually launch the application and send it an ascr/gdte
event to get its terminology.
This commit is contained in:
Jack Jansen 2003-03-26 23:14:44 +00:00
parent e159d584d2
commit 0e85e7a636
1 changed files with 45 additions and 11 deletions

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@ -127,20 +127,53 @@ def processfile_fromresource(fullname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
def processfile(fullname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
edit_modnames=None, creatorsignature=None):
"""Ask an application for its terminology and process that"""
aedescobj, launched = OSATerminology.GetSysTerminology(fullname)
if launched:
print "Launched", fullname
raw = aetools.unpack(aedescobj)
if not raw:
print 'Unpack returned empty value:', raw
if not raw[0].data:
print 'Unpack returned value without data:', raw
aedata = raw[0]
aedescobj, launched = OSATerminology.GetAppTerminology(fullname)
except MacOS.Error, arg:
if arg[0] == -1701: # errAEDescNotFound
print "GetAppTerminology failed with errAEDescNotFound, trying manually"
aedata, sig = getappterminology(fullname)
if not creatorsignature:
creatorsignature = sig
if launched:
print "Launched", fullname
raw = aetools.unpack(aedescobj)
if not raw:
print 'Unpack returned empty value:', raw
if not raw[0].data:
print 'Unpack returned value without data:', raw
aedata = raw[0]
aete = decode(aedata.data)
compileaete(aete, None, fullname, output=output, basepkgname=basepkgname,
def getappterminology(fullname):
"""Get application terminology by sending an AppleEvent"""
# First check that we actually can send AppleEvents
if not MacOS.WMAvailable():
raise RuntimeError, "Cannot send AppleEvents, no access to window manager"
# Next, a workaround for a bug in MacOS 10.2: sending events will hang unless
# you have created an event loop first.
import Carbon.Evt
# Now get the signature of the application, hoping it is a bundle
pkginfo = os.path.join(fullname, 'Contents', 'PkgInfo')
if not os.path.exists(pkginfo):
raise RuntimeError, "No PkgInfo file found"
tp_cr = open(pkginfo, 'rb').read()
cr = tp_cr[4:8]
# Let's talk to it and ask for its AETE
talker = aetools.TalkTo(cr)
reply = talker.send("ascr", "gdte")
# Now pick the bits out of the return that we need.
return reply[1]['----'], cr
def compileaetelist(aetelist, fullname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
edit_modnames=None, creatorsignature=None):
@ -334,6 +367,7 @@ def compileaete(aete, resinfo, fname, output=None, basepkgname=None,
pathname = EasyDialogs.AskFolder(message='Create and select package folder for %s'%packagename,
output = pathname
if not pathname:
packagename = os.path.split(os.path.normpath(pathname))[1]