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# As a test suite for the os module, this is woefully inadequate, but this
# does add tests for a few functions which have been determined to be more
# portable than they had been thought to be.
import os
import unittest
2001-08-20 17:10:01 -03:00
import warnings
import sys
from test import test_support
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tempnam", RuntimeWarning, __name__)
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tmpnam", RuntimeWarning, __name__)
# Tests creating TESTFN
class FileTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
if os.path.exists(test_support.TESTFN):
tearDown = setUp
def test_access(self):
f = os.open(test_support.TESTFN, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR)
self.assert_(os.access(test_support.TESTFN, os.W_OK))
2006-07-03 05:23:19 -03:00
def test_closerange(self):
first = os.open(test_support.TESTFN, os.O_CREAT|os.O_RDWR)
# We must allocate two consecutive file descriptors, otherwise
# it will mess up other file descriptors (perhaps even the three
# standard ones).
second = os.dup(first)
retries = 0
while second != first + 1:
retries += 1
if retries > 10:
# XXX test skipped
print >> sys.stderr, (
"couldn't allocate two consecutive fds, "
"skipping test_closerange")
first, second = second, os.dup(second)
# close a fd that is open, and one that isn't
os.closerange(first, first + 2)
self.assertRaises(OSError, os.write, first, "a")
def test_rename(self):
path = unicode(test_support.TESTFN)
old = sys.getrefcount(path)
self.assertRaises(TypeError, os.rename, path, 0)
new = sys.getrefcount(path)
self.assertEqual(old, new)
class TemporaryFileTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.files = []
def tearDown(self):
for name in self.files:
def check_tempfile(self, name):
# make sure it doesn't already exist:
"file already exists for temporary file")
# make sure we can create the file
open(name, "w")
def test_tempnam(self):
if not hasattr(os, "tempnam"):
2001-08-20 17:10:01 -03:00
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tempnam", RuntimeWarning,
name = os.tempnam(test_support.TESTFN)
name = os.tempnam(test_support.TESTFN, "pfx")
self.assert_(os.path.basename(name)[:3] == "pfx")
def test_tmpfile(self):
if not hasattr(os, "tmpfile"):
# As with test_tmpnam() below, the Windows implementation of tmpfile()
# attempts to create a file in the root directory of the current drive.
# On Vista and Server 2008, this test will always fail for normal users
# as writing to the root directory requires elevated privileges. With
# XP and below, the semantics of tmpfile() are the same, but the user
# running the test is more likely to have administrative privileges on
# their account already. If that's the case, then os.tmpfile() should
# work. In order to make this test as useful as possible, rather than
# trying to detect Windows versions or whether or not the user has the
# right permissions, just try and create a file in the root directory
# and see if it raises a 'Permission denied' OSError. If it does, then
# test that a subsequent call to os.tmpfile() raises the same error. If
# it doesn't, assume we're on XP or below and the user running the test
# has administrative privileges, and proceed with the test as normal.
if sys.platform == 'win32':
name = '\\python_test_os_test_tmpfile.txt'
if os.path.exists(name):
fp = open(name, 'w')
except IOError, first:
# open() failed, assert tmpfile() fails in the same way.
# Although open() raises an IOError and os.tmpfile() raises an
# OSError(), 'args' will be (13, 'Permission denied') in both
# cases.
fp = os.tmpfile()
except OSError, second:
self.assertEqual(first.args, second.args)
self.fail("expected os.tmpfile() to raise OSError")
# open() worked, therefore, tmpfile() should work. Close our
# dummy file and proceed with the test as normal.
fp = os.tmpfile()
s = fp.read()
self.assert_(s == "foobar")
def test_tmpnam(self):
import sys
if not hasattr(os, "tmpnam"):
2001-08-20 17:10:01 -03:00
warnings.filterwarnings("ignore", "tmpnam", RuntimeWarning,
name = os.tmpnam()
if sys.platform in ("win32",):
# The Windows tmpnam() seems useless. From the MS docs:
# The character string that tmpnam creates consists of
# the path prefix, defined by the entry P_tmpdir in the
# file STDIO.H, followed by a sequence consisting of the
# digit characters '0' through '9'; the numerical value
# of this string is in the range 1 - 65,535. Changing the
# definitions of L_tmpnam or P_tmpdir in STDIO.H does not
# change the operation of tmpnam.
# The really bizarre part is that, at least under MSVC6,
# P_tmpdir is "\\". That is, the path returned refers to
# the root of the current drive. That's a terrible place to
# put temp files, and, depending on privileges, the user
# may not even be able to open a file in the root directory.
"file already exists for temporary file")
# Test attributes on return values from os.*stat* family.
class StatAttributeTests(unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
self.fname = os.path.join(test_support.TESTFN, "f1")
f = open(self.fname, 'wb')
2001-10-18 18:57:37 -03:00
def tearDown(self):
def test_stat_attributes(self):
if not hasattr(os, "stat"):
import stat
result = os.stat(self.fname)
# Make sure direct access works
self.assertEquals(result[stat.ST_SIZE], 3)
self.assertEquals(result.st_size, 3)
import sys
# Make sure all the attributes are there
members = dir(result)
for name in dir(stat):
if name[:3] == 'ST_':
attr = name.lower()
if name.endswith("TIME"):
def trunc(x): return int(x)
def trunc(x): return x
self.assertEquals(trunc(getattr(result, attr)),
result[getattr(stat, name)])
self.assert_(attr in members)
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except IndexError:
# Make sure that assignment fails
result.st_mode = 1
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except TypeError:
result.st_rdev = 1
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except (AttributeError, TypeError):
result.parrot = 1
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except AttributeError:
# Use the stat_result constructor with a too-short tuple.
result2 = os.stat_result((10,))
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except TypeError:
# Use the constructr with a too-long tuple.
result2 = os.stat_result((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14))
except TypeError:
2001-10-18 18:57:37 -03:00
def test_statvfs_attributes(self):
if not hasattr(os, "statvfs"):
2002-06-11 03:22:31 -03:00
result = os.statvfs(self.fname)
except OSError, e:
# On AtheOS, glibc always returns ENOSYS
import errno
if e.errno == errno.ENOSYS:
# Make sure direct access works
self.assertEquals(result.f_bfree, result[3])
# Make sure all the attributes are there.
members = ('bsize', 'frsize', 'blocks', 'bfree', 'bavail', 'files',
'ffree', 'favail', 'flag', 'namemax')
for value, member in enumerate(members):
self.assertEquals(getattr(result, 'f_' + member), result[value])
# Make sure that assignment really fails
result.f_bfree = 1
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except TypeError:
result.parrot = 1
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except AttributeError:
# Use the constructor with a too-short tuple.
result2 = os.statvfs_result((10,))
self.fail("No exception thrown")
except TypeError:
# Use the constructr with a too-long tuple.
result2 = os.statvfs_result((0,1,2,3,4,5,6,7,8,9,10,11,12,13,14))
except TypeError:
def test_utime_dir(self):
delta = 1000000
st = os.stat(test_support.TESTFN)
# round to int, because some systems may support sub-second
# time stamps in stat, but not in utime.
os.utime(test_support.TESTFN, (st.st_atime, int(st.st_mtime-delta)))
st2 = os.stat(test_support.TESTFN)
self.assertEquals(st2.st_mtime, int(st.st_mtime-delta))
# Restrict test to Win32, since there is no guarantee other
# systems support centiseconds
if sys.platform == 'win32':
def get_file_system(path):
root = os.path.splitdrive(os.path.abspath(path))[0] + '\\'
import ctypes
kernel32 = ctypes.windll.kernel32
buf = ctypes.create_string_buffer("", 100)
if kernel32.GetVolumeInformationA(root, None, 0, None, None, None, buf, len(buf)):
return buf.value
if get_file_system(test_support.TESTFN) == "NTFS":
def test_1565150(self):
t1 = 1159195039.25
os.utime(self.fname, (t1, t1))
self.assertEquals(os.stat(self.fname).st_mtime, t1)
def test_1686475(self):
# Verify that an open file can be stat'ed
except WindowsError, e:
2008-08-17 17:15:07 -03:00
if e.errno == 2: # file does not exist; cannot run test
self.fail("Could not stat pagefile.sys")
from test import mapping_tests
class EnvironTests(mapping_tests.BasicTestMappingProtocol):
"""check that os.environ object conform to mapping protocol"""
type2test = None
def _reference(self):
return {"KEY1":"VALUE1", "KEY2":"VALUE2", "KEY3":"VALUE3"}
def _empty_mapping(self):
return os.environ
def setUp(self):
self.__save = dict(os.environ)
def tearDown(self):
# Bug 1110478
def test_update2(self):
if os.path.exists("/bin/sh"):
value = os.popen("/bin/sh -c 'echo $HELLO'").read().strip()
self.assertEquals(value, "World")
class WalkTests(unittest.TestCase):
"""Tests for os.walk()."""
def test_traversal(self):
import os
from os.path import join
# Build:
# TEST1/ a file kid and two directory kids
# tmp1
# SUB1/ a file kid and a directory kid
# tmp2
# SUB11/ no kids
# SUB2/ a file kid and a dirsymlink kid
# tmp3
# link/ a symlink to TESTFN.2
# TEST2/
# tmp4 a lone file
walk_path = join(test_support.TESTFN, "TEST1")
sub1_path = join(walk_path, "SUB1")
sub11_path = join(sub1_path, "SUB11")
sub2_path = join(walk_path, "SUB2")
tmp1_path = join(walk_path, "tmp1")
tmp2_path = join(sub1_path, "tmp2")
tmp3_path = join(sub2_path, "tmp3")
link_path = join(sub2_path, "link")
t2_path = join(test_support.TESTFN, "TEST2")
tmp4_path = join(test_support.TESTFN, "TEST2", "tmp4")
# Create stuff.
for path in tmp1_path, tmp2_path, tmp3_path, tmp4_path:
f = file(path, "w")
f.write("I'm " + path + " and proud of it. Blame test_os.\n")
if hasattr(os, "symlink"):
os.symlink(os.path.abspath(t2_path), link_path)
sub2_tree = (sub2_path, ["link"], ["tmp3"])
sub2_tree = (sub2_path, [], ["tmp3"])
# Walk top-down.
all = list(os.walk(walk_path))
self.assertEqual(len(all), 4)
# We can't know which order SUB1 and SUB2 will appear in.
# Not flipped: TESTFN, SUB1, SUB11, SUB2
# flipped: TESTFN, SUB2, SUB1, SUB11
flipped = all[0][1][0] != "SUB1"
self.assertEqual(all[0], (walk_path, ["SUB1", "SUB2"], ["tmp1"]))
self.assertEqual(all[1 + flipped], (sub1_path, ["SUB11"], ["tmp2"]))
self.assertEqual(all[2 + flipped], (sub11_path, [], []))
self.assertEqual(all[3 - 2 * flipped], sub2_tree)
# Prune the search.
all = []
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(walk_path):
all.append((root, dirs, files))
# Don't descend into SUB1.
if 'SUB1' in dirs:
# Note that this also mutates the dirs we appended to all!
self.assertEqual(len(all), 2)
self.assertEqual(all[0], (walk_path, ["SUB2"], ["tmp1"]))
self.assertEqual(all[1], sub2_tree)
# Walk bottom-up.
all = list(os.walk(walk_path, topdown=False))
self.assertEqual(len(all), 4)
# We can't know which order SUB1 and SUB2 will appear in.
# Not flipped: SUB11, SUB1, SUB2, TESTFN
# flipped: SUB2, SUB11, SUB1, TESTFN
flipped = all[3][1][0] != "SUB1"
self.assertEqual(all[3], (walk_path, ["SUB1", "SUB2"], ["tmp1"]))
self.assertEqual(all[flipped], (sub11_path, [], []))
self.assertEqual(all[flipped + 1], (sub1_path, ["SUB11"], ["tmp2"]))
self.assertEqual(all[2 - 2 * flipped], sub2_tree)
if hasattr(os, "symlink"):
# Walk, following symlinks.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(walk_path, followlinks=True):
if root == link_path:
self.assertEqual(dirs, [])
self.assertEqual(files, ["tmp4"])
self.fail("Didn't follow symlink with followlinks=True")
def tearDown(self):
# Tear everything down. This is a decent use for bottom-up on
# Windows, which doesn't have a recursive delete command. The
# (not so) subtlety is that rmdir will fail unless the dir's
# kids are removed first, so bottom up is essential.
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(test_support.TESTFN, topdown=False):
for name in files:
os.remove(os.path.join(root, name))
for name in dirs:
dirname = os.path.join(root, name)
if not os.path.islink(dirname):
class MakedirTests (unittest.TestCase):
def setUp(self):
def test_makedir(self):
base = test_support.TESTFN
path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3')
os.makedirs(path) # Should work
path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4')
# Try paths with a '.' in them
self.failUnlessRaises(OSError, os.makedirs, os.curdir)
path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4', 'dir5', os.curdir)
path = os.path.join(base, 'dir1', os.curdir, 'dir2', 'dir3', 'dir4',
'dir5', 'dir6')
2004-01-18 16:29:55 -04:00
def tearDown(self):
path = os.path.join(test_support.TESTFN, 'dir1', 'dir2', 'dir3',
'dir4', 'dir5', 'dir6')
# If the tests failed, the bottom-most directory ('../dir6')
# may not have been created, so we look for the outermost directory
# that exists.
while not os.path.exists(path) and path != test_support.TESTFN:
path = os.path.dirname(path)
class DevNullTests (unittest.TestCase):
def test_devnull(self):
f = file(os.devnull, 'w')
f = file(os.devnull, 'r')
self.assertEqual(f.read(), '')
class URandomTests (unittest.TestCase):
def test_urandom(self):
2010-08-03 07:44:09 -03:00
with test_support.check_warnings():
2010-08-03 03:49:14 -03:00
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(1)), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(10)), 10)
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(100)), 100)
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(1000)), 1000)
# see http://bugs.python.org/issue3708
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(0.9)), 0)
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(1.1)), 1)
self.assertEqual(len(os.urandom(2.0)), 2)
except NotImplementedError:
class Win32ErrorTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_rename(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.rename, test_support.TESTFN, test_support.TESTFN+".bak")
def test_remove(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.remove, test_support.TESTFN)
def test_chdir(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.chdir, test_support.TESTFN)
def test_mkdir(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.chdir, test_support.TESTFN)
def test_utime(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.utime, test_support.TESTFN, None)
def test_access(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.utime, test_support.TESTFN, 0)
def test_chmod(self):
self.assertRaises(WindowsError, os.utime, test_support.TESTFN, 0)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
class TestInvalidFD(unittest.TestCase):
singles = ["fchdir", "fdopen", "dup", "fdatasync", "fstat",
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
"fstatvfs", "fsync", "tcgetpgrp", "ttyname"]
#We omit close because it doesn'r raise an exception on some platforms
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def get_single(f):
def helper(self):
if hasattr(os, f):
self.check(getattr(os, f))
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
return helper
for f in singles:
locals()["test_"+f] = get_single(f)
def check(self, f, *args):
self.assertRaises(OSError, f, test_support.make_bad_fd(), *args)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_isatty(self):
if hasattr(os, "isatty"):
self.assertEqual(os.isatty(test_support.make_bad_fd()), False)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_closerange(self):
if hasattr(os, "closerange"):
fd = test_support.make_bad_fd()
# Make sure none of the descriptors we are about to close are
# currently valid (issue 6542).
for i in range(10):
try: os.fstat(fd+i)
except OSError:
if i < 2:
# Unable to acquire a range of invalid file descriptors,
# so skip the test (in 2.6+ this is a unittest.SkipTest).
self.assertEqual(os.closerange(fd, fd + i-1), None)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_dup2(self):
if hasattr(os, "dup2"):
self.check(os.dup2, 20)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_fchmod(self):
if hasattr(os, "fchmod"):
self.check(os.fchmod, 0)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_fchown(self):
if hasattr(os, "fchown"):
self.check(os.fchown, -1, -1)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_fpathconf(self):
if hasattr(os, "fpathconf"):
self.check(os.fpathconf, "PC_NAME_MAX")
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
#this is a weird one, it raises IOError unlike the others
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_ftruncate(self):
if hasattr(os, "ftruncate"):
self.assertRaises(IOError, os.ftruncate, test_support.make_bad_fd(),
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_lseek(self):
if hasattr(os, "lseek"):
self.check(os.lseek, 0, 0)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_read(self):
if hasattr(os, "read"):
self.check(os.read, 1)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_tcsetpgrpt(self):
if hasattr(os, "tcsetpgrp"):
self.check(os.tcsetpgrp, 0)
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
def test_write(self):
if hasattr(os, "write"):
self.check(os.write, " ")
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
if sys.platform != 'win32':
class Win32ErrorTests(unittest.TestCase):
class PosixUidGidTests(unittest.TestCase):
if hasattr(os, 'setuid'):
def test_setuid(self):
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.assertRaises(os.error, os.setuid, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setuid, 1<<32)
if hasattr(os, 'setgid'):
def test_setgid(self):
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.assertRaises(os.error, os.setgid, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setgid, 1<<32)
if hasattr(os, 'seteuid'):
def test_seteuid(self):
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.assertRaises(os.error, os.seteuid, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.seteuid, 1<<32)
if hasattr(os, 'setegid'):
def test_setegid(self):
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.assertRaises(os.error, os.setegid, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setegid, 1<<32)
if hasattr(os, 'setreuid'):
def test_setreuid(self):
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.assertRaises(os.error, os.setreuid, 0, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setreuid, 1<<32, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setreuid, 0, 1<<32)
def test_setreuid_neg1(self):
# Needs to accept -1. We run this in a subprocess to avoid
# altering the test runner's process state (issue8045).
import subprocess
sys.executable, '-c',
'import os,sys;os.setreuid(-1,-1);sys.exit(0)'])
if hasattr(os, 'setregid'):
def test_setregid(self):
if os.getuid() != 0:
self.assertRaises(os.error, os.setregid, 0, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setregid, 1<<32, 0)
self.assertRaises(OverflowError, os.setregid, 0, 1<<32)
def test_setregid_neg1(self):
# Needs to accept -1. We run this in a subprocess to avoid
# altering the test runner's process state (issue8045).
import subprocess
sys.executable, '-c',
'import os,sys;os.setregid(-1,-1);sys.exit(0)'])
class PosixUidGidTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_main():
Merged revisions 68521,68527,68534-68536,68540,68547,68552,68563,68570,68572,68575,68579-68580,68584 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r68521 | hirokazu.yamamoto | 2009-01-11 04:28:13 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fixed version number in build_ssl.bat. ........ r68527 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-11 10:43:55 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4895: Use _strdup on Windows CE. ........ r68534 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:53:33 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 2 lines correct email address ........ r68535 | gregory.p.smith | 2009-01-11 18:57:54 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 9 lines Update the documentation for binascii and zlib crc32/adler32 functions to better describe the signed vs unsigned return value behavior on different platforms and versions of python. Mention the workaround to make them all return the same thing by using & 0xffffffff. Fixes issue4903. Also needs to be merged into release26-maint, release30-maint, & py3k. ........ r68536 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-11 20:48:15 +0100 (So, 11 Jan 2009) | 1 line add email addresses ........ r68540 | martin.v.loewis | 2009-01-12 08:57:11 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 2 lines Issue #4915: Port sysmodule to Windows CE. ........ r68547 | kristjan.jonsson | 2009-01-12 19:09:27 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Add tests for invalid format specifiers in strftime, and for handling of invalid file descriptors in the os module. ........ r68552 | vinay.sajip | 2009-01-12 21:36:18 +0100 (Mo, 12 Jan 2009) | 1 line Minor changes/corrections in markup. ........ r68563 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 02:49:10 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line small logic correction ........ r68570 | raymond.hettinger | 2009-01-13 10:08:32 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 5 lines Issue 4922: Incorrect comments for MutableSet.add() and MutableSet.discard(). Needs to be backported to 2.6 and forward ported to 3.0 and 3.1. ........ r68572 | andrew.kuchling | 2009-01-13 14:40:54 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Note that first coord. is left alone ........ r68575 | thomas.heller | 2009-01-13 18:32:28 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line Fix refcount leak in error cases. Bug found by coverity. ........ r68579 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:42:23 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line make bytearrayobject.o depend on the stringlib #4936 ........ r68580 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 22:43:11 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line add bytearrayobject.h to PYTHON_HEADERS ........ r68584 | benjamin.peterson | 2009-01-13 23:22:41 +0100 (Di, 13 Jan 2009) | 1 line de-spacify ........
2009-01-13 20:08:09 -04:00
if __name__ == "__main__":