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:mod:`reprlib` --- Alternate :func:`repr` implementation
.. module:: reprlib
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
:synopsis: Alternate repr() implementation with size limits.
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. sectionauthor:: Fred L. Drake, Jr. <fdrake@acm.org>
2011-01-23 17:05:46 -04:00
**Source code:** :source:`Lib/reprlib.py`
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
The :mod:`reprlib` module provides a means for producing object representations
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
with limits on the size of the resulting strings. This is used in the Python
debugger and may be useful in other contexts as well.
This module provides a class, an instance, and a function:
.. class:: Repr(*, maxlevel=6, maxtuple=6, maxlist=6, maxarray=5, maxdict=4, \
maxset=6, maxfrozenset=6, maxdeque=6, maxstring=30, maxlong=40, \
maxother=30, fillvalue="...", indent=None)
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
Class which provides formatting services useful in implementing functions
similar to the built-in :func:`repr`; size limits for different object types
are added to avoid the generation of representations which are excessively long.
The keyword arguments of the constructor can be used as a shortcut to set the
attributes of the :class:`Repr` instance. Which means that the following
aRepr = reprlib.Repr(maxlevel=3)
Is equivalent to::
aRepr = reprlib.Repr()
aRepr.maxlevel = 3
See section `Repr Objects`_ for more information about :class:`Repr`
.. versionchanged:: 3.12
Allow attributes to be set via keyword arguments.
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. data:: aRepr
This is an instance of :class:`Repr` which is used to provide the
:func:`.repr` function described below. Changing the attributes of this
object will affect the size limits used by :func:`.repr` and the Python
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. function:: repr(obj)
This is the :meth:`~Repr.repr` method of ``aRepr``. It returns a string
similar to that returned by the built-in function of the same name, but with
limits on most sizes.
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
In addition to size-limiting tools, the module also provides a decorator for
detecting recursive calls to :meth:`__repr__` and substituting a placeholder
string instead.
.. index:: single: ...; placeholder
.. decorator:: recursive_repr(fillvalue="...")
Decorator for :meth:`__repr__` methods to detect recursive calls within the
same thread. If a recursive call is made, the *fillvalue* is returned,
otherwise, the usual :meth:`__repr__` call is made. For example:
>>> from reprlib import recursive_repr
>>> class MyList(list):
... @recursive_repr()
2014-08-03 02:32:10 -03:00
... def __repr__(self):
... return '<' + '|'.join(map(repr, self)) + '>'
>>> m = MyList('abc')
>>> m.append(m)
>>> m.append('x')
>>> print(m)
.. versionadded:: 3.2
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. _repr-objects:
Repr Objects
:class:`Repr` instances provide several attributes which can be used to provide
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size limits for the representations of different object types, and methods
which format specific object types.
.. attribute:: Repr.fillvalue
This string is displayed for recursive references. It defaults to
.. versionadded:: 3.11
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. attribute:: Repr.maxlevel
Depth limit on the creation of recursive representations. The default is ``6``.
.. attribute:: Repr.maxdict
Limits on the number of entries represented for the named object type. The
default is ``4`` for :attr:`maxdict`, ``5`` for :attr:`maxarray`, and ``6`` for
the others.
.. attribute:: Repr.maxlong
Maximum number of characters in the representation for an integer. Digits
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
are dropped from the middle. The default is ``40``.
.. attribute:: Repr.maxstring
Limit on the number of characters in the representation of the string. Note
that the "normal" representation of the string is used as the character source:
if escape sequences are needed in the representation, these may be mangled when
the representation is shortened. The default is ``30``.
.. attribute:: Repr.maxother
This limit is used to control the size of object types for which no specific
formatting method is available on the :class:`Repr` object. It is applied in a
similar manner as :attr:`maxstring`. The default is ``20``.
.. attribute:: Repr.indent
If this attribute is set to ``None`` (the default), the output is formatted
with no line breaks or indentation, like the standard :func:`repr`.
For example:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> example = [
1, 'spam', {'a': 2, 'b': 'spam eggs', 'c': {3: 4.5, 6: []}}, 'ham']
>>> import reprlib
>>> aRepr = reprlib.Repr()
>>> print(aRepr.repr(example))
[1, 'spam', {'a': 2, 'b': 'spam eggs', 'c': {3: 4.5, 6: []}}, 'ham']
If :attr:`~Repr.indent` is set to a string, each recursion level
is placed on its own line, indented by that string:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> aRepr.indent = '-->'
>>> print(aRepr.repr(example))
-->-->'a': 2,
-->-->'b': 'spam eggs',
-->-->'c': {
-->-->-->3: 4.5,
-->-->-->6: [],
Setting :attr:`~Repr.indent` to a positive integer value behaves as if it
was set to a string with that number of spaces:
.. code-block:: pycon
>>> aRepr.indent = 4
>>> print(aRepr.repr(example))
'a': 2,
'b': 'spam eggs',
'c': {
3: 4.5,
6: [],
.. versionadded:: 3.12
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. method:: Repr.repr(obj)
The equivalent to the built-in :func:`repr` that uses the formatting imposed by
the instance.
.. method:: Repr.repr1(obj, level)
Recursive implementation used by :meth:`.repr`. This uses the type of *obj* to
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
determine which formatting method to call, passing it *obj* and *level*. The
type-specific methods should call :meth:`repr1` to perform recursive formatting,
with ``level - 1`` for the value of *level* in the recursive call.
.. method:: Repr.repr_TYPE(obj, level)
Formatting methods for specific types are implemented as methods with a name
based on the type name. In the method name, **TYPE** is replaced by
``'_'.join(type(obj).__name__.split())``. Dispatch to these methods is
handled by :meth:`repr1`. Type-specific methods which need to recursively
format a value should call ``self.repr1(subobj, level - 1)``.
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
.. _subclassing-reprs:
Subclassing Repr Objects
The use of dynamic dispatching by :meth:`Repr.repr1` allows subclasses of
:class:`Repr` to add support for additional built-in object types or to modify
the handling of types already supported. This example shows how special support
for file objects could be added::
2008-10-15 00:09:45 -03:00
import reprlib
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
import sys
2008-10-15 00:09:45 -03:00
class MyRepr(reprlib.Repr):
def repr_TextIOWrapper(self, obj, level):
if obj.name in {'<stdin>', '<stdout>', '<stderr>'}:
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
return obj.name
return repr(obj)
2007-08-15 11:28:22 -03:00
aRepr = MyRepr()
2010-01-05 06:22:04 -04:00
print(aRepr.repr(sys.stdin)) # prints '<stdin>'