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# Run the tests in Programs/_testembed.c (tests for the CPython embedding APIs)
from test import support
from test.support import import_helper
from test.support import os_helper
from test.support import requires_specialization
import unittest
from collections import namedtuple
import contextlib
import json
import os
import os.path
import re
import shutil
import subprocess
import sys
import sysconfig
import tempfile
import textwrap
if not support.has_subprocess_support:
raise unittest.SkipTest("test module requires subprocess")
MS_WINDOWS = (os.name == 'nt')
MACOS = (sys.platform == 'darwin')
# _PyCoreConfig_InitCompatConfig()
# _PyCoreConfig_InitPythonConfig()
# _PyCoreConfig_InitIsolatedConfig()
MAX_HASH_SEED = 4294967295
# If we are running from a build dir, but the stdlib has been installed,
# some tests need to expect different results.
STDLIB_INSTALL = os.path.join(sys.prefix, sys.platlibdir,
if not os.path.isfile(os.path.join(STDLIB_INSTALL, 'os.py')):
def debug_build(program):
program = os.path.basename(program)
name = os.path.splitext(program)[0]
return name.casefold().endswith("_d".casefold())
def remove_python_envvars():
env = dict(os.environ)
# Remove PYTHON* environment variables to get deterministic environment
for key in list(env):
if key.startswith('PYTHON'):
del env[key]
return env
class EmbeddingTestsMixin:
def setUp(self):
exename = "_testembed"
builddir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
ext = ("_d" if debug_build(sys.executable) else "") + ".exe"
exename += ext
exepath = builddir
exepath = os.path.join(builddir, 'Programs')
self.test_exe = exe = os.path.join(exepath, exename)
if not os.path.exists(exe):
self.skipTest("%r doesn't exist" % exe)
# This is needed otherwise we get a fatal error:
# "Py_Initialize: Unable to get the locale encoding
# LookupError: no codec search functions registered: can't find encoding"
self.oldcwd = os.getcwd()
def tearDown(self):
def run_embedded_interpreter(self, *args, env=None,
timeout=None, returncode=0, input=None,
"""Runs a test in the embedded interpreter"""
cmd = [self.test_exe]
if env is not None and MS_WINDOWS:
# Windows requires at least the SYSTEMROOT environment variable to
# start Python.
env = env.copy()
env['SYSTEMROOT'] = os.environ['SYSTEMROOT']
p = subprocess.Popen(cmd,
(out, err) = p.communicate(input=input, timeout=timeout)
if p.returncode != returncode and support.verbose:
print(f"--- {cmd} failed ---")
self.assertEqual(p.returncode, returncode,
"bad returncode %d, stderr is %r" %
(p.returncode, err))
return out, err
def run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters(self):
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters")
self.assertEqual(err, "")
# The output from _testembed looks like this:
# --- Pass 1 ---
# interp 0 <0x1cf9330>, thread state <0x1cf9700>: id(modules) = 139650431942728
# interp 1 <0x1d4f690>, thread state <0x1d35350>: id(modules) = 139650431165784
# interp 2 <0x1d5a690>, thread state <0x1d99ed0>: id(modules) = 139650413140368
# interp 3 <0x1d4f690>, thread state <0x1dc3340>: id(modules) = 139650412862200
# interp 0 <0x1cf9330>, thread state <0x1cf9700>: id(modules) = 139650431942728
# --- Pass 2 ---
# ...
interp_pat = (r"^interp (\d+) <(0x[\dA-F]+)>, "
r"thread state <(0x[\dA-F]+)>: "
r"id\(modules\) = ([\d]+)$")
Interp = namedtuple("Interp", "id interp tstate modules")
numloops = 1
current_run = []
for line in out.splitlines():
if line == "--- Pass {} ---".format(numloops):
self.assertEqual(len(current_run), 0)
if support.verbose > 1:
numloops += 1
self.assertLess(len(current_run), 5)
match = re.match(interp_pat, line)
if match is None:
self.assertRegex(line, interp_pat)
# Parse the line from the loop. The first line is the main
# interpreter and the 3 afterward are subinterpreters.
interp = Interp(*match.groups())
if support.verbose > 1:
# The last line in the loop should be the same as the first.
if len(current_run) == 5:
main = current_run[0]
self.assertEqual(interp, main)
yield current_run
current_run = []
class EmbeddingTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = 100 * 50
def test_subinterps_main(self):
for run in self.run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters():
main = run[0]
self.assertEqual(main.id, '0')
def test_subinterps_different_ids(self):
for run in self.run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters():
main, *subs, _ = run
mainid = int(main.id)
for i, sub in enumerate(subs):
self.assertEqual(sub.id, str(mainid + i + 1))
def test_subinterps_distinct_state(self):
for run in self.run_repeated_init_and_subinterpreters():
main, *subs, _ = run
if '0x0' in main:
# XXX Fix on Windows (and other platforms): something
# is going on with the pointers in Programs/_testembed.c.
# interp.interp is 0x0 and interp.modules is the same
# between interpreters.
raise unittest.SkipTest('platform prints pointers as 0x0')
for sub in subs:
# A new subinterpreter may have the same
# PyInterpreterState pointer as a previous one if
# the earlier one has already been destroyed. So
# we compare with the main interpreter. The same
# applies to tstate.
self.assertNotEqual(sub.interp, main.interp)
self.assertNotEqual(sub.tstate, main.tstate)
self.assertNotEqual(sub.modules, main.modules)
def test_repeated_init_and_inittab(self):
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_repeated_init_and_inittab")
self.assertEqual(err, "")
lines = [f"--- Pass {i} ---" for i in range(1, INIT_LOOPS+1)]
lines = "\n".join(lines) + "\n"
self.assertEqual(out, lines)
def test_forced_io_encoding(self):
# Checks forced configuration of embedded interpreter IO streams
env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONIOENCODING="utf-8:surrogateescape")
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_forced_io_encoding", env=env)
if support.verbose > 1:
expected_stream_encoding = "utf-8"
expected_errors = "surrogateescape"
expected_output = '\n'.join([
"--- Use defaults ---",
"Expected encoding: default",
"Expected errors: default",
"stdin: {in_encoding}:{errors}",
"stdout: {out_encoding}:{errors}",
"stderr: {out_encoding}:backslashreplace",
"--- Set errors only ---",
"Expected encoding: default",
"Expected errors: ignore",
"stdin: {in_encoding}:ignore",
"stdout: {out_encoding}:ignore",
"stderr: {out_encoding}:backslashreplace",
"--- Set encoding only ---",
"Expected encoding: iso8859-1",
"Expected errors: default",
"stdin: iso8859-1:{errors}",
"stdout: iso8859-1:{errors}",
"stderr: iso8859-1:backslashreplace",
"--- Set encoding and errors ---",
"Expected encoding: iso8859-1",
"Expected errors: replace",
"stdin: iso8859-1:replace",
"stdout: iso8859-1:replace",
"stderr: iso8859-1:backslashreplace"])
expected_output = expected_output.format(
# This is useful if we ever trip over odd platform behaviour
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertEqual(out.strip(), expected_output)
def test_pre_initialization_api(self):
Checks some key parts of the C-API that need to work before the runtime
is initialized (via Py_Initialize()).
env = dict(os.environ, PYTHONPATH=os.pathsep.join(sys.path))
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_pre_initialization_api", env=env)
expected_path = self.test_exe
expected_path = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), "spam")
expected_output = f"sys.executable: {expected_path}\n"
self.assertIn(expected_output, out)
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_pre_initialization_sys_options(self):
Checks that sys.warnoptions and sys._xoptions can be set before the
runtime is initialized (otherwise they won't be effective).
env = remove_python_envvars()
env['PYTHONPATH'] = os.pathsep.join(sys.path)
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter(
"test_pre_initialization_sys_options", env=env)
expected_output = (
"sys.warnoptions: ['once', 'module', 'default']\n"
"sys._xoptions: {'not_an_option': '1', 'also_not_an_option': '2'}\n"
"warnings.filters[:3]: ['default', 'module', 'once']\n"
self.assertIn(expected_output, out)
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_bpo20891(self):
bpo-20891: Calling PyGILState_Ensure in a non-Python thread must not
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_bpo20891")
self.assertEqual(out, '')
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_initialize_twice(self):
bpo-33932: Calling Py_Initialize() twice should do nothing (and not
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_initialize_twice")
self.assertEqual(out, '')
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_initialize_pymain(self):
bpo-34008: Calling Py_Main() after Py_Initialize() must not fail.
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_initialize_pymain")
self.assertEqual(out.rstrip(), "Py_Main() after Py_Initialize: sys.argv=['-c', 'arg2']")
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_run_main(self):
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_run_main")
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.assertEqual(out.rstrip(), "Py_RunMain(): sys.argv=['-c', 'arg2']")
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_run_main_loop(self):
# bpo-40413: Calling Py_InitializeFromConfig()+Py_RunMain() multiple
# times must not crash.
nloop = 5
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_run_main_loop")
self.assertEqual(out, "Py_RunMain(): sys.argv=['-c', 'arg2']\n" * nloop)
self.assertEqual(err, '')
def test_finalize_structseq(self):
# bpo-46417: Py_Finalize() clears structseq static types. Check that
# sys attributes using struct types still work when
# Py_Finalize()/Py_Initialize() is called multiple times.
# print() calls type->tp_repr(instance) and so checks that the types
# are still working properly.
script = support.findfile('_test_embed_structseq.py')
with open(script, encoding="utf-8") as fp:
code = fp.read()
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_repeated_init_exec", code)
self.assertEqual(out, 'Tests passed\n' * INIT_LOOPS)
def test_simple_initialization_api(self):
# _testembed now uses Py_InitializeFromConfig by default
# This case specifically checks Py_Initialize(Ex) still works
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_repeated_simple_init")
self.assertEqual(out, 'Finalized\n' * INIT_LOOPS)
def test_specialized_static_code_gets_unspecialized_at_Py_FINALIZE(self):
# https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/92031
code = textwrap.dedent("""\
import dis
import importlib._bootstrap
import opcode
import test.test_dis
def is_specialized(f):
for instruction in dis.get_instructions(f, adaptive=True):
opname = instruction.opname
if (
opname in opcode._specialized_instructions
# Exclude superinstructions:
and "__" not in opname
return True
return False
func = importlib._bootstrap._handle_fromlist
# "copy" the code to un-specialize it:
func.__code__ = func.__code__.replace()
assert not is_specialized(func), "specialized instructions found"
for i in range(test.test_dis.ADAPTIVE_WARMUP_DELAY):
func(importlib._bootstrap, ["x"], lambda *args: None)
assert is_specialized(func), "no specialized instructions found"
print("Tests passed")
run = self.run_embedded_interpreter
out, err = run("test_repeated_init_exec", code)
self.assertEqual(out, 'Tests passed\n' * INIT_LOOPS)
def test_ucnhash_capi_reset(self):
# bpo-47182: unicodeobject.c:ucnhash_capi was not reset on shutdown.
code = "print('\\N{digit nine}')"
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_repeated_init_exec", code)
self.assertEqual(out, '9\n' * INIT_LOOPS)
class InitConfigTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
maxDiff = 4096
UTF8_MODE_ERRORS = ('surrogatepass' if MS_WINDOWS else 'surrogateescape')
# Marker to read the default configuration: get_default_config()
# Marker to ignore a configuration parameter
IGNORE_CONFIG = object()
'_config_init': API_COMPAT,
'parse_argv': 0,
'configure_locale': 1,
'coerce_c_locale': 0,
'coerce_c_locale_warn': 0,
'utf8_mode': 0,
'legacy_windows_fs_encoding': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
'_config_init': API_COMPAT,
'isolated': 0,
'use_environment': 1,
'dev_mode': 0,
'install_signal_handlers': 1,
'use_hash_seed': 0,
'hash_seed': 0,
'int_max_str_digits': sys.int_info.default_max_str_digits,
'faulthandler': 0,
'tracemalloc': 0,
'perf_profiling': 0,
'import_time': 0,
'code_debug_ranges': 1,
'show_ref_count': 0,
'dump_refs': 0,
'malloc_stats': 0,
'filesystem_encoding': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'filesystem_errors': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'pycache_prefix': None,
'program_name': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'parse_argv': 0,
'argv': [""],
'orig_argv': [],
'xoptions': [],
'warnoptions': [],
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
'pythonpath_env': None,
'home': None,
'executable': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'base_executable': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'base_prefix': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'exec_prefix': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'base_exec_prefix': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'module_search_paths': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'module_search_paths_set': 1,
'platlibdir': sys.platlibdir,
'stdlib_dir': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'site_import': 1,
'bytes_warning': 0,
'warn_default_encoding': 0,
'inspect': 0,
'interactive': 0,
'optimization_level': 0,
'parser_debug': 0,
'write_bytecode': 1,
'verbose': 0,
'quiet': 0,
'user_site_directory': 1,
'configure_c_stdio': 0,
'buffered_stdio': 1,
'stdio_encoding': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'stdio_errors': GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG,
'skip_source_first_line': 0,
'run_command': None,
'run_module': None,
'run_filename': None,
'_install_importlib': 1,
'check_hash_pycs_mode': 'default',
'pathconfig_warnings': 1,
'_init_main': 1,
'use_frozen_modules': not support.Py_DEBUG,
'safe_path': 0,
'_is_python_build': IGNORE_CONFIG,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
'legacy_windows_stdio': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
CONFIG_ISOLATED['legacy_windows_stdio'] = 0
# global config
'Py_HasFileSystemDefaultEncoding': 0,
'Py_HashRandomizationFlag': 1,
'_Py_HasFileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors': 0,
('Py_UTF8Mode', 'utf8_mode'),
# Copy core config to global config for expected values
# True means that the core config value is inverted (0 => 1 and 1 => 0)
('Py_BytesWarningFlag', 'bytes_warning'),
('Py_DebugFlag', 'parser_debug'),
('Py_DontWriteBytecodeFlag', 'write_bytecode', True),
('Py_FileSystemDefaultEncodeErrors', 'filesystem_errors'),
('Py_FileSystemDefaultEncoding', 'filesystem_encoding'),
('Py_FrozenFlag', 'pathconfig_warnings', True),
('Py_IgnoreEnvironmentFlag', 'use_environment', True),
('Py_InspectFlag', 'inspect'),
('Py_InteractiveFlag', 'interactive'),
('Py_IsolatedFlag', 'isolated'),
('Py_NoSiteFlag', 'site_import', True),
('Py_NoUserSiteDirectory', 'user_site_directory', True),
('Py_OptimizeFlag', 'optimization_level'),
('Py_QuietFlag', 'quiet'),
('Py_UnbufferedStdioFlag', 'buffered_stdio', True),
('Py_VerboseFlag', 'verbose'),
('Py_LegacyWindowsFSEncodingFlag', 'legacy_windows_fs_encoding'),
('Py_LegacyWindowsStdioFlag', 'legacy_windows_stdio'),
def tearDownClass(cls):
# clear cache
def main_xoptions(self, xoptions_list):
xoptions = {}
for opt in xoptions_list:
if '=' in opt:
key, value = opt.split('=', 1)
xoptions[key] = value
xoptions[opt] = True
return xoptions
def _get_expected_config_impl(self):
env = remove_python_envvars()
code = textwrap.dedent('''
import json
import sys
import _testinternalcapi
configs = _testinternalcapi.get_configs()
data = json.dumps(configs)
data = data.encode('utf-8')
# Use -S to not import the site module: get the proper configuration
# when test_embed is run from a venv (bpo-35313)
args = [sys.executable, '-S', '-c', code]
proc = subprocess.run(args, env=env,
if proc.returncode:
raise Exception(f"failed to get the default config: "
f"stdout={proc.stdout!r} stderr={proc.stderr!r}")
stdout = proc.stdout.decode('utf-8')
# ignore stderr
return json.loads(stdout)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
self.fail(f"fail to decode stdout: {stdout!r}")
def _get_expected_config(self):
cls = InitConfigTests
if cls.EXPECTED_CONFIG is None:
cls.EXPECTED_CONFIG = self._get_expected_config_impl()
# get a copy
configs = {}
for config_key, config_value in cls.EXPECTED_CONFIG.items():
config = {}
for key, value in config_value.items():
if isinstance(value, list):
value = value.copy()
config[key] = value
configs[config_key] = config
return configs
def get_expected_config(self, expected_preconfig, expected,
env, api, modify_path_cb=None):
configs = self._get_expected_config()
pre_config = configs['pre_config']
for key, value in expected_preconfig.items():
if value is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected_preconfig[key] = pre_config[key]
if not expected_preconfig['configure_locale'] or api == API_COMPAT:
# there is no easy way to get the locale encoding before
# setlocale(LC_CTYPE, "") is called: don't test encodings
for key in ('filesystem_encoding', 'filesystem_errors',
'stdio_encoding', 'stdio_errors'):
expected[key] = self.IGNORE_CONFIG
if not expected_preconfig['configure_locale']:
# UTF-8 Mode depends on the locale. There is no easy way
# to guess if UTF-8 Mode will be enabled or not if the locale
# is not configured.
expected_preconfig['utf8_mode'] = self.IGNORE_CONFIG
if expected_preconfig['utf8_mode'] == 1:
if expected['filesystem_encoding'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['filesystem_encoding'] = 'utf-8'
if expected['filesystem_errors'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['filesystem_errors'] = self.UTF8_MODE_ERRORS
if expected['stdio_encoding'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['stdio_encoding'] = 'utf-8'
if expected['stdio_errors'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['stdio_errors'] = 'surrogateescape'
default_executable = self.test_exe
elif expected['program_name'] is not self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
default_executable = os.path.abspath(expected['program_name'])
default_executable = os.path.join(os.getcwd(), '_testembed')
if expected['executable'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['executable'] = default_executable
if expected['base_executable'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['base_executable'] = default_executable
if expected['program_name'] is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
expected['program_name'] = './_testembed'
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
config = configs['config']
for key, value in expected.items():
if value is self.GET_DEFAULT_CONFIG:
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
expected[key] = config[key]
if expected['module_search_paths'] is not self.IGNORE_CONFIG:
pythonpath_env = expected['pythonpath_env']
if pythonpath_env is not None:
paths = pythonpath_env.split(os.path.pathsep)
expected['module_search_paths'] = [*paths, *expected['module_search_paths']]
if modify_path_cb is not None:
expected['module_search_paths'] = expected['module_search_paths'].copy()
for key in self.COPY_PRE_CONFIG:
if key not in expected_preconfig:
expected_preconfig[key] = expected[key]
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
def check_pre_config(self, configs, expected):
pre_config = dict(configs['pre_config'])
for key, value in list(expected.items()):
if value is self.IGNORE_CONFIG:
pre_config.pop(key, None)
del expected[key]
self.assertEqual(pre_config, expected)
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
def check_config(self, configs, expected):
config = dict(configs['config'])
value = config.get(key := 'program_name')
if value and isinstance(value, str):
value = value[:len(value.lower().removesuffix('.exe'))]
if debug_build(sys.executable):
value = value[:len(value.lower().removesuffix('_d'))]
config[key] = value
for key, value in list(expected.items()):
if value is self.IGNORE_CONFIG:
config.pop(key, None)
del expected[key]
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.assertEqual(config, expected)
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
def check_global_config(self, configs):
pre_config = configs['pre_config']
config = configs['config']
expected = dict(self.DEFAULT_GLOBAL_CONFIG)
for item in self.COPY_GLOBAL_CONFIG:
if len(item) == 3:
global_key, core_key, opposite = item
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
expected[global_key] = 0 if config[core_key] else 1
global_key, core_key = item
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
expected[global_key] = config[core_key]
for item in self.COPY_GLOBAL_PRE_CONFIG:
if len(item) == 3:
global_key, core_key, opposite = item
expected[global_key] = 0 if pre_config[core_key] else 1
global_key, core_key = item
expected[global_key] = pre_config[core_key]
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.assertEqual(configs['global_config'], expected)
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
def check_all_configs(self, testname, expected_config=None,
stderr=None, *, api, preconfig_api=None,
env=None, ignore_stderr=False, cwd=None):
new_env = remove_python_envvars()
if env is not None:
env = new_env
if preconfig_api is None:
preconfig_api = api
if preconfig_api == API_ISOLATED:
default_preconfig = self.PRE_CONFIG_ISOLATED
elif preconfig_api == API_PYTHON:
default_preconfig = self.PRE_CONFIG_PYTHON
default_preconfig = self.PRE_CONFIG_COMPAT
if expected_preconfig is None:
expected_preconfig = {}
expected_preconfig = dict(default_preconfig, **expected_preconfig)
if expected_config is None:
expected_config = {}
if api == API_PYTHON:
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
default_config = self.CONFIG_PYTHON
elif api == API_ISOLATED:
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
default_config = self.CONFIG_ISOLATED
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
default_config = self.CONFIG_COMPAT
expected_config = dict(default_config, **expected_config)
api, modify_path_cb)
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter(testname,
env=env, cwd=cwd)
if stderr is None and not expected_config['verbose']:
stderr = ""
if stderr is not None and not ignore_stderr:
self.assertEqual(err.rstrip(), stderr)
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
configs = json.loads(out)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
self.fail(f"fail to decode stdout: {out!r}")
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_pre_config(configs, expected_preconfig)
self.check_config(configs, expected_config)
return configs
def test_init_default_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_initialize_config", api=API_COMPAT)
def test_preinit_compat_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_compat_config", api=API_COMPAT)
def test_init_compat_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_compat_config", api=API_COMPAT)
def test_init_global_config(self):
preconfig = {
'utf8_mode': 1,
config = {
'program_name': './globalvar',
'site_import': 0,
'bytes_warning': 1,
'warnoptions': ['default::BytesWarning'],
'inspect': 1,
'interactive': 1,
'optimization_level': 2,
'write_bytecode': 0,
'verbose': 1,
'quiet': 1,
'buffered_stdio': 0,
'user_site_directory': 0,
'pathconfig_warnings': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_global_config", config, preconfig,
def test_init_from_config(self):
preconfig = {
'utf8_mode': 1,
config = {
'install_signal_handlers': 0,
'use_hash_seed': 1,
'hash_seed': 123,
'tracemalloc': 2,
'perf_profiling': 0,
'import_time': 1,
'code_debug_ranges': 0,
'show_ref_count': 1,
'malloc_stats': 1,
'stdio_encoding': 'iso8859-1',
'stdio_errors': 'replace',
'pycache_prefix': 'conf_pycache_prefix',
'program_name': './conf_program_name',
'argv': ['-c', 'arg2'],
'orig_argv': ['python3',
'-W', 'cmdline_warnoption',
'-X', 'cmdline_xoption',
'-c', 'pass',
'parse_argv': 2,
'xoptions': [
'warnoptions': [
'run_command': 'pass\n',
'site_import': 0,
'bytes_warning': 1,
'inspect': 1,
'interactive': 1,
'optimization_level': 2,
'write_bytecode': 0,
'verbose': 1,
'quiet': 1,
'configure_c_stdio': 1,
'buffered_stdio': 0,
'user_site_directory': 0,
'faulthandler': 1,
'platlibdir': 'my_platlibdir',
'module_search_paths': self.IGNORE_CONFIG,
'safe_path': 1,
'int_max_str_digits': 31337,
'check_hash_pycs_mode': 'always',
'pathconfig_warnings': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_from_config", config, preconfig,
def test_init_compat_env(self):
preconfig = {
config = {
'use_hash_seed': 1,
'hash_seed': 42,
'tracemalloc': 2,
'perf_profiling': 0,
'import_time': 1,
'code_debug_ranges': 0,
'malloc_stats': 1,
'inspect': 1,
'optimization_level': 2,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
'pythonpath_env': '/my/path',
'pycache_prefix': 'env_pycache_prefix',
'write_bytecode': 0,
'verbose': 1,
'buffered_stdio': 0,
'stdio_encoding': 'iso8859-1',
'stdio_errors': 'replace',
'user_site_directory': 0,
'faulthandler': 1,
'warnoptions': ['EnvVar'],
'platlibdir': 'env_platlibdir',
'module_search_paths': self.IGNORE_CONFIG,
'safe_path': 1,
'int_max_str_digits': 4567,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_compat_env", config, preconfig,
def test_init_python_env(self):
preconfig = {
'utf8_mode': 1,
config = {
'use_hash_seed': 1,
'hash_seed': 42,
'tracemalloc': 2,
'perf_profiling': 0,
'import_time': 1,
'code_debug_ranges': 0,
'malloc_stats': 1,
'inspect': 1,
'optimization_level': 2,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
'pythonpath_env': '/my/path',
'pycache_prefix': 'env_pycache_prefix',
'write_bytecode': 0,
'verbose': 1,
'buffered_stdio': 0,
'stdio_encoding': 'iso8859-1',
'stdio_errors': 'replace',
'user_site_directory': 0,
'faulthandler': 1,
'warnoptions': ['EnvVar'],
'platlibdir': 'env_platlibdir',
'module_search_paths': self.IGNORE_CONFIG,
'safe_path': 1,
'int_max_str_digits': 4567,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_python_env", config, preconfig,
def test_init_env_dev_mode(self):
preconfig = dict(allocator=PYMEM_ALLOCATOR_DEBUG)
config = dict(dev_mode=1,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_env_dev_mode", config, preconfig,
def test_init_env_dev_mode_alloc(self):
preconfig = dict(allocator=PYMEM_ALLOCATOR_MALLOC)
config = dict(dev_mode=1,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_env_dev_mode_alloc", config, preconfig,
def test_init_dev_mode(self):
preconfig = {
config = {
'faulthandler': 1,
'dev_mode': 1,
'warnoptions': ['default'],
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_dev_mode", config, preconfig,
def test_preinit_parse_argv(self):
# Pre-initialize implicitly using argv: make sure that -X dev
# is used to configure the allocation in preinitialization
preconfig = {
config = {
'argv': ['script.py'],
'orig_argv': ['python3', '-X', 'dev', '-P', 'script.py'],
'run_filename': os.path.abspath('script.py'),
'dev_mode': 1,
'faulthandler': 1,
'warnoptions': ['default'],
'xoptions': ['dev'],
'safe_path': 1,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_parse_argv", config, preconfig,
def test_preinit_dont_parse_argv(self):
# -X dev must be ignored by isolated preconfiguration
preconfig = {
'isolated': 0,
argv = ["python3",
"-E", "-I", "-P",
"-X", "dev",
"-X", "utf8",
config = {
'argv': argv,
'orig_argv': argv,
'isolated': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_dont_parse_argv", config, preconfig,
def test_init_isolated_flag(self):
config = {
'isolated': 1,
'safe_path': 1,
'use_environment': 0,
'user_site_directory': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_isolated_flag", config, api=API_PYTHON)
def test_preinit_isolated1(self):
# _PyPreConfig.isolated=1, _PyCoreConfig.isolated not set
config = {
'isolated': 1,
'safe_path': 1,
'use_environment': 0,
'user_site_directory': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_isolated1", config, api=API_COMPAT)
def test_preinit_isolated2(self):
# _PyPreConfig.isolated=0, _PyCoreConfig.isolated=1
config = {
'isolated': 1,
'safe_path': 1,
'use_environment': 0,
'user_site_directory': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_isolated2", config, api=API_COMPAT)
def test_preinit_isolated_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_isolated_config", api=API_ISOLATED)
def test_init_isolated_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_isolated_config", api=API_ISOLATED)
def test_preinit_python_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_preinit_python_config", api=API_PYTHON)
def test_init_python_config(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_python_config", api=API_PYTHON)
def test_init_dont_configure_locale(self):
# _PyPreConfig.configure_locale=0
preconfig = {
'configure_locale': 0,
'coerce_c_locale': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_dont_configure_locale", {}, preconfig,
@unittest.skip('as of 3.11 this test no longer works because '
'path calculations do not occur on read')
def test_init_read_set(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
config = {
'program_name': './init_read_set',
'executable': 'my_executable',
'base_executable': 'my_executable',
def modify_path(path):
path.insert(1, "test_path_insert1")
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_read_set", config,
def test_init_sys_add(self):
config = {
'faulthandler': 1,
'xoptions': [
'warnoptions': [
'orig_argv': ['python3',
'-W', 'ignore:::cmdline_warnoption',
'-X', 'cmdline_xoption'],
self.check_all_configs("test_init_sys_add", config, api=API_PYTHON)
def test_init_run_main(self):
code = ('import _testinternalcapi, json; '
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
config = {
'argv': ['-c', 'arg2'],
'orig_argv': ['python3', '-c', code, 'arg2'],
'program_name': './python3',
'run_command': code + '\n',
'parse_argv': 2,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_run_main", config, api=API_PYTHON)
def test_init_main(self):
code = ('import _testinternalcapi, json; '
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
config = {
'argv': ['-c', 'arg2'],
'orig_argv': ['python3',
'-c', code,
'program_name': './python3',
'run_command': code + '\n',
'parse_argv': 2,
'_init_main': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_main", config,
stderr="Run Python code before _Py_InitializeMain")
def test_init_parse_argv(self):
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
config = {
'parse_argv': 2,
'argv': ['-c', 'arg1', '-v', 'arg3'],
'orig_argv': ['./argv0', '-E', '-c', 'pass', 'arg1', '-v', 'arg3'],
'program_name': './argv0',
'run_command': 'pass\n',
'use_environment': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_parse_argv", config, api=API_PYTHON)
def test_init_dont_parse_argv(self):
pre_config = {
'parse_argv': 0,
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
config = {
'parse_argv': 0,
'argv': ['./argv0', '-E', '-c', 'pass', 'arg1', '-v', 'arg3'],
'orig_argv': ['./argv0', '-E', '-c', 'pass', 'arg1', '-v', 'arg3'],
'program_name': './argv0',
bpo-36763: Implement the PEP 587 (GH-13592) * Add a whole new documentation page: "Python Initialization Configuration" * PyWideStringList_Append() return type is now PyStatus, instead of int * PyInterpreterState_New() now calls PyConfig_Clear() if PyConfig_InitPythonConfig() fails. * Rename files: * Python/coreconfig.c => Python/initconfig.c * Include/cpython/coreconfig.h => Include/cpython/initconfig.h * Include/internal/: pycore_coreconfig.h => pycore_initconfig.h * Rename structures * _PyCoreConfig => PyConfig * _PyPreConfig => PyPreConfig * _PyInitError => PyStatus * _PyWstrList => PyWideStringList * Rename PyConfig fields: * use_module_search_paths => module_search_paths_set * module_search_path_env => pythonpath_env * Rename PyStatus field: _func => func * PyInterpreterState: rename core_config field to config * Rename macros and functions: * _PyCoreConfig_SetArgv() => PyConfig_SetBytesArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_SetWideArgv() => PyConfig_SetArgv() * _PyCoreConfig_DecodeLocale() => PyConfig_SetBytesString() * _PyInitError_Failed() => PyStatus_Exception() * _Py_INIT_ERROR_TYPE_xxx enums => _PyStatus_TYPE_xxx * _Py_UnixMain() => Py_BytesMain() * _Py_ExitInitError() => Py_ExitStatusException() * _Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromBytesArgs() * _Py_PreInitializeFromWideArgs() => Py_PreInitializeFromArgs() * _Py_PreInitialize() => Py_PreInitialize() * _Py_RunMain() => Py_RunMain() * _Py_InitializeFromConfig() => Py_InitializeFromConfig() * _Py_INIT_XXX() => _PyStatus_XXX() * _Py_INIT_FAILED() => _PyStatus_EXCEPTION() * Rename 'err' PyStatus variables to 'status' * Convert RUN_CODE() macro to config_run_code() static inline function * Remove functions: * _Py_InitializeFromArgs() * _Py_InitializeFromWideArgs() * _PyInterpreterState_GetCoreConfig()
2019-05-27 11:39:22 -03:00
self.check_all_configs("test_init_dont_parse_argv", config, pre_config,
def default_program_name(self, config):
program_name = 'python'
executable = self.test_exe
program_name = 'python3'
executable = self.test_exe
executable = shutil.which(program_name) or ''
'program_name': program_name,
'base_executable': executable,
'executable': executable,
def test_init_setpath(self):
# Test Py_SetPath()
config = self._get_expected_config()
paths = config['config']['module_search_paths']
config = {
'module_search_paths': paths,
'prefix': '',
'base_prefix': '',
'exec_prefix': '',
'base_exec_prefix': '',
# The current getpath.c doesn't determine the stdlib dir
# in this case.
'stdlib_dir': '',
env = {'TESTPATH': os.path.pathsep.join(paths)}
self.check_all_configs("test_init_setpath", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env,
def test_init_setpath_config(self):
# Test Py_SetPath() with PyConfig
config = self._get_expected_config()
paths = config['config']['module_search_paths']
config = {
# set by Py_SetPath()
'module_search_paths': paths,
'prefix': '',
'base_prefix': '',
'exec_prefix': '',
'base_exec_prefix': '',
# The current getpath.c doesn't determine the stdlib dir
# in this case.
'stdlib_dir': '',
'use_frozen_modules': not support.Py_DEBUG,
# overridden by PyConfig
'program_name': 'conf_program_name',
'base_executable': 'conf_executable',
'executable': 'conf_executable',
env = {'TESTPATH': os.path.pathsep.join(paths)}
self.check_all_configs("test_init_setpath_config", config,
api=API_PYTHON, env=env, ignore_stderr=True)
def module_search_paths(self, prefix=None, exec_prefix=None):
config = self._get_expected_config()
if prefix is None:
prefix = config['config']['prefix']
if exec_prefix is None:
exec_prefix = config['config']['prefix']
return config['config']['module_search_paths']
ver = sys.version_info
return [
os.path.join(prefix, sys.platlibdir,
os.path.join(prefix, sys.platlibdir,
os.path.join(exec_prefix, sys.platlibdir,
f'python{ver.major}.{ver.minor}', 'lib-dynload'),
def tmpdir_with_python(self, subdir=None):
# Temporary directory with a copy of the Python program
with tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as tmpdir:
# bpo-38234: On macOS and FreeBSD, the temporary directory
# can be symbolic link. For example, /tmp can be a symbolic link
# to /var/tmp. Call realpath() to resolve all symbolic links.
tmpdir = os.path.realpath(tmpdir)
if subdir:
tmpdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir))
# Copy pythonXY.dll (or pythonXY_d.dll)
import fnmatch
exedir = os.path.dirname(self.test_exe)
for f in os.listdir(exedir):
if fnmatch.fnmatch(f, '*.dll'):
shutil.copyfile(os.path.join(exedir, f), os.path.join(tmpdir, f))
# Copy Python program
exec_copy = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(self.test_exe))
shutil.copyfile(self.test_exe, exec_copy)
shutil.copystat(self.test_exe, exec_copy)
self.test_exe = exec_copy
yield tmpdir
def test_init_setpythonhome(self):
# Test Py_SetPythonHome(home) with PYTHONPATH env var
config = self._get_expected_config()
paths = config['config']['module_search_paths']
paths_str = os.path.pathsep.join(paths)
for path in paths:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'os.py')):
home = os.path.dirname(path)
self.fail(f"Unable to find home in {paths!r}")
prefix = exec_prefix = home
stdlib = os.path.join(home, "Lib")
# Because we are specifying 'home', module search paths
# are fairly static
expected_paths = [paths[0], os.path.join(home, 'DLLs'), stdlib]
version = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}'
stdlib = os.path.join(home, sys.platlibdir, f'python{version}')
expected_paths = self.module_search_paths(prefix=home, exec_prefix=home)
config = {
'home': home,
'module_search_paths': expected_paths,
'prefix': prefix,
'base_prefix': prefix,
'exec_prefix': exec_prefix,
'base_exec_prefix': exec_prefix,
'pythonpath_env': paths_str,
'stdlib_dir': stdlib,
env = {'TESTHOME': home, 'PYTHONPATH': paths_str}
self.check_all_configs("test_init_setpythonhome", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env)
def test_init_is_python_build_with_home(self):
# Test _Py_path_config._is_python_build configuration (gh-91985)
config = self._get_expected_config()
paths = config['config']['module_search_paths']
paths_str = os.path.pathsep.join(paths)
for path in paths:
if not os.path.isdir(path):
if os.path.exists(os.path.join(path, 'os.py')):
home = os.path.dirname(path)
self.fail(f"Unable to find home in {paths!r}")
prefix = exec_prefix = home
stdlib = os.path.join(home, "Lib")
# Because we are specifying 'home', module search paths
# are fairly static
expected_paths = [paths[0], os.path.join(home, 'DLLs'), stdlib]
version = f'{sys.version_info.major}.{sys.version_info.minor}'
stdlib = os.path.join(home, sys.platlibdir, f'python{version}')
expected_paths = self.module_search_paths(prefix=home, exec_prefix=home)
config = {
'home': home,
'module_search_paths': expected_paths,
'prefix': prefix,
'base_prefix': prefix,
'exec_prefix': exec_prefix,
'base_exec_prefix': exec_prefix,
'pythonpath_env': paths_str,
'stdlib_dir': stdlib,
# The code above is taken from test_init_setpythonhome()
env = {'TESTHOME': home, 'PYTHONPATH': paths_str}
config['_is_python_build'] = 0
self.check_all_configs("test_init_is_python_build", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env)
config['_is_python_build'] = 1
exedir = os.path.dirname(sys.executable)
with open(os.path.join(exedir, 'pybuilddir.txt'), encoding='utf8') as f:
expected_paths[1 if MS_WINDOWS else 2] = os.path.normpath(
os.path.join(exedir, f'{f.read()}\n$'.splitlines()[0]))
if not MS_WINDOWS:
# PREFIX (default) is set when running in build directory
prefix = exec_prefix = sys.prefix
# stdlib calculation (/Lib) is not yet supported
expected_paths[0] = self.module_search_paths(prefix=prefix)[0]
config.update(prefix=prefix, base_prefix=prefix,
exec_prefix=exec_prefix, base_exec_prefix=exec_prefix)
self.check_all_configs("test_init_is_python_build", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env)
def copy_paths_by_env(self, config):
all_configs = self._get_expected_config()
paths = all_configs['config']['module_search_paths']
paths_str = os.path.pathsep.join(paths)
config['pythonpath_env'] = paths_str
env = {'PYTHONPATH': paths_str}
return env
@unittest.skipIf(MS_WINDOWS, 'See test_init_pybuilddir_win32')
def test_init_pybuilddir(self):
# Test path configuration with pybuilddir.txt configuration file
with self.tmpdir_with_python() as tmpdir:
# pybuilddir.txt is a sub-directory relative to the current
# directory (tmpdir)
vpath = sysconfig.get_config_var("VPATH") or ''
subdir = 'libdir'
libdir = os.path.join(tmpdir, subdir)
# The stdlib dir is dirname(executable) + VPATH + 'Lib'
stdlibdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tmpdir, vpath, 'Lib'))
filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'pybuilddir.txt')
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as fp:
module_search_paths = self.module_search_paths()
module_search_paths[-2] = stdlibdir
module_search_paths[-1] = libdir
executable = self.test_exe
config = {
'base_exec_prefix': sysconfig.get_config_var("exec_prefix"),
'base_prefix': sysconfig.get_config_var("prefix"),
'base_executable': executable,
'executable': executable,
'module_search_paths': module_search_paths,
'stdlib_dir': stdlibdir,
env = self.copy_paths_by_env(config)
self.check_all_configs("test_init_compat_config", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env,
ignore_stderr=True, cwd=tmpdir)
@unittest.skipUnless(MS_WINDOWS, 'See test_init_pybuilddir')
def test_init_pybuilddir_win32(self):
# Test path configuration with pybuilddir.txt configuration file
vpath = sysconfig.get_config_var("VPATH")
subdir = r'PCbuild\arch'
if os.path.normpath(vpath).count(os.sep) == 2:
subdir = os.path.join(subdir, 'instrumented')
with self.tmpdir_with_python(subdir) as tmpdir:
# The prefix is dirname(executable) + VPATH
prefix = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tmpdir, vpath))
# The stdlib dir is dirname(executable) + VPATH + 'Lib'
stdlibdir = os.path.normpath(os.path.join(tmpdir, vpath, 'Lib'))
filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'pybuilddir.txt')
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as fp:
module_search_paths = self.module_search_paths()
module_search_paths[-3] = os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(module_search_paths[-3]))
module_search_paths[-2] = tmpdir
module_search_paths[-1] = stdlibdir
executable = self.test_exe
config = {
'base_exec_prefix': prefix,
'base_prefix': prefix,
'base_executable': executable,
'executable': executable,
'prefix': prefix,
'exec_prefix': prefix,
'module_search_paths': module_search_paths,
'stdlib_dir': stdlibdir,
env = self.copy_paths_by_env(config)
self.check_all_configs("test_init_compat_config", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env,
ignore_stderr=False, cwd=tmpdir)
def test_init_pyvenv_cfg(self):
# Test path configuration with pyvenv.cfg configuration file
with self.tmpdir_with_python() as tmpdir, \
tempfile.TemporaryDirectory() as pyvenv_home:
ver = sys.version_info
if not MS_WINDOWS:
lib_dynload = os.path.join(pyvenv_home,
lib_folder = os.path.join(pyvenv_home, 'Lib')
# getpath.py uses Lib\os.py as the LANDMARK
os.path.join(support.STDLIB_DIR, 'os.py'),
os.path.join(lib_folder, 'os.py'),
filename = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'pyvenv.cfg')
with open(filename, "w", encoding="utf8") as fp:
print("home = %s" % pyvenv_home, file=fp)
print("include-system-site-packages = false", file=fp)
paths = self.module_search_paths()
if not MS_WINDOWS:
paths[-1] = lib_dynload
paths = [
os.path.join(tmpdir, os.path.basename(paths[0])),
os.path.join(pyvenv_home, "Lib"),
executable = self.test_exe
base_executable = os.path.join(pyvenv_home, os.path.basename(executable))
exec_prefix = pyvenv_home
config = {
'base_prefix': sysconfig.get_config_var("prefix"),
'base_exec_prefix': exec_prefix,
'exec_prefix': exec_prefix,
'base_executable': base_executable,
'executable': executable,
'module_search_paths': paths,
config['base_prefix'] = pyvenv_home
config['prefix'] = pyvenv_home
config['stdlib_dir'] = os.path.join(pyvenv_home, 'Lib')
config['use_frozen_modules'] = int(not support.Py_DEBUG)
# cannot reliably assume stdlib_dir here because it
# depends too much on our build. But it ought to be found
config['stdlib_dir'] = self.IGNORE_CONFIG
config['use_frozen_modules'] = int(not support.Py_DEBUG)
env = self.copy_paths_by_env(config)
self.check_all_configs("test_init_compat_config", config,
api=API_COMPAT, env=env,
ignore_stderr=True, cwd=tmpdir)
@unittest.skipUnless(MS_WINDOWS, 'specific to Windows')
def test_getpath_abspath_win32(self):
# Check _Py_abspath() is passed a backslashed path not to fall back to
# GetFullPathNameW() on startup, which (re-)normalizes the path overly.
# Currently, _Py_normpath() doesn't trim trailing dots and spaces.
("C:/a. . .", "C:\\a. . ."),
("C:\\a. . .", "C:\\a. . ."),
("\\\\?\\C:////a////b. . .", "\\\\?\\C:\\a\\b. . ."),
("//a/b/c. . .", "\\\\a\\b\\c. . ."),
("\\\\a\\b\\c. . .", "\\\\a\\b\\c. . ."),
("a. . .", f"{os.getcwd()}\\a"), # relpath gets fully normalized
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter(
"PYTHONPATH": os.path.pathsep.join(c[0] for c in CASES)}
self.assertEqual(err, "")
out = json.loads(out)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
self.fail(f"fail to decode stdout: {out!r}")
results = out['config']["module_search_paths"]
for (_, expected), result in zip(CASES, results):
self.assertEqual(result, expected)
def test_global_pathconfig(self):
# Test C API functions getting the path configuration:
# - Py_GetExecPrefix()
# - Py_GetPath()
# - Py_GetPrefix()
# - Py_GetProgramFullPath()
# - Py_GetProgramName()
# - Py_GetPythonHome()
# The global path configuration (_Py_path_config) must be a copy
# of the path configuration of PyInterpreter.config (PyConfig).
ctypes = import_helper.import_module('ctypes')
_testinternalcapi = import_helper.import_module('_testinternalcapi')
def get_func(name):
func = getattr(ctypes.pythonapi, name)
func.argtypes = ()
func.restype = ctypes.c_wchar_p
return func
Py_GetPath = get_func('Py_GetPath')
Py_GetPrefix = get_func('Py_GetPrefix')
Py_GetExecPrefix = get_func('Py_GetExecPrefix')
Py_GetProgramName = get_func('Py_GetProgramName')
Py_GetProgramFullPath = get_func('Py_GetProgramFullPath')
Py_GetPythonHome = get_func('Py_GetPythonHome')
config = _testinternalcapi.get_configs()['config']
self.assertEqual(Py_GetPrefix(), config['prefix'])
self.assertEqual(Py_GetExecPrefix(), config['exec_prefix'])
self.assertEqual(Py_GetProgramName(), config['program_name'])
self.assertEqual(Py_GetProgramFullPath(), config['executable'])
self.assertEqual(Py_GetPythonHome(), config['home'])
def test_init_warnoptions(self):
# lowest to highest priority
warnoptions = [
'ignore:::PyConfig_Insert0', # PyWideStringList_Insert(0)
'default', # PyConfig.dev_mode=1
'ignore:::env1', # PYTHONWARNINGS env var
'ignore:::env2', # PYTHONWARNINGS env var
'ignore:::cmdline1', # -W opt command line option
'ignore:::cmdline2', # -W opt command line option
'default::BytesWarning', # PyConfig.bytes_warnings=1
'ignore:::PySys_AddWarnOption1', # PySys_AddWarnOption()
'ignore:::PySys_AddWarnOption2', # PySys_AddWarnOption()
'ignore:::PyConfig_BeforeRead', # PyConfig.warnoptions
'ignore:::PyConfig_AfterRead'] # PyWideStringList_Append()
preconfig = dict(allocator=PYMEM_ALLOCATOR_DEBUG)
config = {
'dev_mode': 1,
'faulthandler': 1,
'bytes_warning': 1,
'warnoptions': warnoptions,
'orig_argv': ['python3',
self.check_all_configs("test_init_warnoptions", config, preconfig,
def test_init_set_config(self):
config = {
'_init_main': 0,
'bytes_warning': 2,
'warnoptions': ['error::BytesWarning'],
self.check_all_configs("test_init_set_config", config,
def test_get_argc_argv(self):
# ignore output
def test_init_use_frozen_modules(self):
tests = {
('=on', 1),
('=off', 0),
('=', 1),
('', 1),
for raw, expected in tests:
optval = f'frozen_modules{raw}'
config = {
'parse_argv': 2,
'argv': ['-c'],
'orig_argv': ['./argv0', '-X', optval, '-c', 'pass'],
'program_name': './argv0',
'run_command': 'pass\n',
'use_environment': 1,
'xoptions': [optval],
'use_frozen_modules': expected,
env = {'TESTFROZEN': raw[1:]} if raw else None
with self.subTest(repr(raw)):
self.check_all_configs("test_init_use_frozen_modules", config,
api=API_PYTHON, env=env)
gh-98608: Change _Py_NewInterpreter() to _Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig() (gh-98609) (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98608) This change does the following: 1. change the argument to a new `_PyInterpreterConfig` struct 2. rename the function to `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, inspired by `Py_InitializeFromConfig()` (takes a `_PyInterpreterConfig` instead of `isolated_subinterpreter`) 3. split up the boolean `isolated_subinterpreter` into the corresponding multiple granular settings * allow_fork * allow_subprocess * allow_threads 4. add `PyInterpreterState.feature_flags` to store those settings 5. add a function for checking if a feature is enabled on an opaque `PyInterpreterState *` 6. drop `PyConfig._isolated_interpreter` The existing default (see `Py_NewInterpeter()` and `Py_Initialize*()`) allows fork, subprocess, and threads and the optional "isolated" interpreter (see the `_xxsubinterpreters` module) disables all three. None of that changes here; the defaults are preserved. Note that the given `_PyInterpreterConfig` will not be used outside `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, nor preserved. This contrasts with how `PyConfig` is currently preserved, used, and even modified outside `Py_InitializeFromConfig()`. I'd rather just avoid that mess from the start for `_PyInterpreterConfig`. We can preserve it later if we find an actual need. This change allows us to follow up with a number of improvements (e.g. stop disallowing subprocess and support disallowing exec instead). (Note that this PR adds "private" symbols. We'll probably make them public, and add docs, in a separate change.)
2022-10-26 14:16:30 -03:00
def test_init_main_interpreter_settings(self):
gh-98608: Change _Py_NewInterpreter() to _Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig() (gh-98609) (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98608) This change does the following: 1. change the argument to a new `_PyInterpreterConfig` struct 2. rename the function to `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, inspired by `Py_InitializeFromConfig()` (takes a `_PyInterpreterConfig` instead of `isolated_subinterpreter`) 3. split up the boolean `isolated_subinterpreter` into the corresponding multiple granular settings * allow_fork * allow_subprocess * allow_threads 4. add `PyInterpreterState.feature_flags` to store those settings 5. add a function for checking if a feature is enabled on an opaque `PyInterpreterState *` 6. drop `PyConfig._isolated_interpreter` The existing default (see `Py_NewInterpeter()` and `Py_Initialize*()`) allows fork, subprocess, and threads and the optional "isolated" interpreter (see the `_xxsubinterpreters` module) disables all three. None of that changes here; the defaults are preserved. Note that the given `_PyInterpreterConfig` will not be used outside `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, nor preserved. This contrasts with how `PyConfig` is currently preserved, used, and even modified outside `Py_InitializeFromConfig()`. I'd rather just avoid that mess from the start for `_PyInterpreterConfig`. We can preserve it later if we find an actual need. This change allows us to follow up with a number of improvements (e.g. stop disallowing subprocess and support disallowing exec instead). (Note that this PR adds "private" symbols. We'll probably make them public, and add docs, in a separate change.)
2022-10-26 14:16:30 -03:00
THREADS = 1<<10
gh-98608: Change _Py_NewInterpreter() to _Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig() (gh-98609) (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98608) This change does the following: 1. change the argument to a new `_PyInterpreterConfig` struct 2. rename the function to `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, inspired by `Py_InitializeFromConfig()` (takes a `_PyInterpreterConfig` instead of `isolated_subinterpreter`) 3. split up the boolean `isolated_subinterpreter` into the corresponding multiple granular settings * allow_fork * allow_subprocess * allow_threads 4. add `PyInterpreterState.feature_flags` to store those settings 5. add a function for checking if a feature is enabled on an opaque `PyInterpreterState *` 6. drop `PyConfig._isolated_interpreter` The existing default (see `Py_NewInterpeter()` and `Py_Initialize*()`) allows fork, subprocess, and threads and the optional "isolated" interpreter (see the `_xxsubinterpreters` module) disables all three. None of that changes here; the defaults are preserved. Note that the given `_PyInterpreterConfig` will not be used outside `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, nor preserved. This contrasts with how `PyConfig` is currently preserved, used, and even modified outside `Py_InitializeFromConfig()`. I'd rather just avoid that mess from the start for `_PyInterpreterConfig`. We can preserve it later if we find an actual need. This change allows us to follow up with a number of improvements (e.g. stop disallowing subprocess and support disallowing exec instead). (Note that this PR adds "private" symbols. We'll probably make them public, and add docs, in a separate change.)
2022-10-26 14:16:30 -03:00
FORK = 1<<15
EXEC = 1<<16
gh-98608: Change _Py_NewInterpreter() to _Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig() (gh-98609) (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98608) This change does the following: 1. change the argument to a new `_PyInterpreterConfig` struct 2. rename the function to `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, inspired by `Py_InitializeFromConfig()` (takes a `_PyInterpreterConfig` instead of `isolated_subinterpreter`) 3. split up the boolean `isolated_subinterpreter` into the corresponding multiple granular settings * allow_fork * allow_subprocess * allow_threads 4. add `PyInterpreterState.feature_flags` to store those settings 5. add a function for checking if a feature is enabled on an opaque `PyInterpreterState *` 6. drop `PyConfig._isolated_interpreter` The existing default (see `Py_NewInterpeter()` and `Py_Initialize*()`) allows fork, subprocess, and threads and the optional "isolated" interpreter (see the `_xxsubinterpreters` module) disables all three. None of that changes here; the defaults are preserved. Note that the given `_PyInterpreterConfig` will not be used outside `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, nor preserved. This contrasts with how `PyConfig` is currently preserved, used, and even modified outside `Py_InitializeFromConfig()`. I'd rather just avoid that mess from the start for `_PyInterpreterConfig`. We can preserve it later if we find an actual need. This change allows us to follow up with a number of improvements (e.g. stop disallowing subprocess and support disallowing exec instead). (Note that this PR adds "private" symbols. We'll probably make them public, and add docs, in a separate change.)
2022-10-26 14:16:30 -03:00
expected = {
# All optional features should be enabled.
gh-98608: Change _Py_NewInterpreter() to _Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig() (gh-98609) (see https://github.com/python/cpython/issues/98608) This change does the following: 1. change the argument to a new `_PyInterpreterConfig` struct 2. rename the function to `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, inspired by `Py_InitializeFromConfig()` (takes a `_PyInterpreterConfig` instead of `isolated_subinterpreter`) 3. split up the boolean `isolated_subinterpreter` into the corresponding multiple granular settings * allow_fork * allow_subprocess * allow_threads 4. add `PyInterpreterState.feature_flags` to store those settings 5. add a function for checking if a feature is enabled on an opaque `PyInterpreterState *` 6. drop `PyConfig._isolated_interpreter` The existing default (see `Py_NewInterpeter()` and `Py_Initialize*()`) allows fork, subprocess, and threads and the optional "isolated" interpreter (see the `_xxsubinterpreters` module) disables all three. None of that changes here; the defaults are preserved. Note that the given `_PyInterpreterConfig` will not be used outside `_Py_NewInterpreterFromConfig()`, nor preserved. This contrasts with how `PyConfig` is currently preserved, used, and even modified outside `Py_InitializeFromConfig()`. I'd rather just avoid that mess from the start for `_PyInterpreterConfig`. We can preserve it later if we find an actual need. This change allows us to follow up with a number of improvements (e.g. stop disallowing subprocess and support disallowing exec instead). (Note that this PR adds "private" symbols. We'll probably make them public, and add docs, in a separate change.)
2022-10-26 14:16:30 -03:00
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter(
self.assertEqual(err, '')
out = json.loads(out)
except json.JSONDecodeError:
self.fail(f'fail to decode stdout: {out!r}')
self.assertEqual(out, expected)
class SetConfigTests(unittest.TestCase):
def test_set_config(self):
# bpo-42260: Test _PyInterpreterState_SetConfig()
cmd = [sys.executable, '-X', 'utf8', '-I', '-m', 'test._test_embed_set_config']
proc = subprocess.run(cmd,
encoding='utf-8', errors='backslashreplace')
if proc.returncode and support.verbose:
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, 0,
(proc.returncode, proc.stdout, proc.stderr))
class AuditingTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_open_code_hook(self):
def test_audit(self):
def test_audit_subinterpreter(self):
def test_audit_run_command(self):
def test_audit_run_file(self):
def test_audit_run_interactivehook(self):
startup = os.path.join(self.oldcwd, os_helper.TESTFN) + ".py"
with open(startup, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print("import sys", file=f)
print("sys.__interactivehook__ = lambda: None", file=f)
env = {**remove_python_envvars(), "PYTHONSTARTUP": startup}
returncode=10, env=env)
def test_audit_run_startup(self):
startup = os.path.join(self.oldcwd, os_helper.TESTFN) + ".py"
with open(startup, "w", encoding="utf-8") as f:
print("pass", file=f)
env = {**remove_python_envvars(), "PYTHONSTARTUP": startup}
returncode=10, env=env)
def test_audit_run_stdin(self):
def test_get_incomplete_frame(self):
class MiscTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
def test_unicode_id_init(self):
# bpo-42882: Test that _PyUnicode_FromId() works
# when Python is initialized multiples times.
# See bpo-44133
@unittest.skipIf(os.name == 'nt',
'Py_FrozenMain is not exported on Windows')
def test_frozenmain(self):
env = dict(os.environ)
out, err = self.run_embedded_interpreter("test_frozenmain", env=env)
executable = os.path.realpath('./argv0')
expected = textwrap.dedent(f"""
Frozen Hello World
sys.argv ['./argv0', '-E', 'arg1', 'arg2']
config program_name: ./argv0
config executable: {executable}
config use_environment: 1
config configure_c_stdio: 1
config buffered_stdio: 0
self.assertEqual(out, expected)
'-X showrefcount requires a Python debug build')
def test_no_memleak(self):
# bpo-1635741: Python must release all memory at exit
tests = (
('off', 'pass'),
('on', 'pass'),
('off', 'import __hello__'),
('on', 'import __hello__'),
for flag, stmt in tests:
xopt = f"frozen_modules={flag}"
cmd = [sys.executable, "-I", "-X", "showrefcount", "-X", xopt, "-c", stmt]
proc = subprocess.run(cmd,
self.assertEqual(proc.returncode, 0)
out = proc.stdout.rstrip()
match = re.match(r'^\[(-?\d+) refs, (-?\d+) blocks\]', out)
if not match:
self.fail(f"unexpected output: {out!a}")
refs = int(match.group(1))
blocks = int(match.group(2))
with self.subTest(frozen_modules=flag, stmt=stmt):
self.assertEqual(refs, 0, out)
self.assertEqual(blocks, 0, out)
class StdPrinterTests(EmbeddingTestsMixin, unittest.TestCase):
# Test PyStdPrinter_Type which is used by _PySys_SetPreliminaryStderr():
# "Set up a preliminary stderr printer until we have enough
# infrastructure for the io module in place."
def create_printer(self, fd):
ctypes = import_helper.import_module('ctypes')
PyFile_NewStdPrinter = ctypes.pythonapi.PyFile_NewStdPrinter
PyFile_NewStdPrinter.argtypes = (ctypes.c_int,)
PyFile_NewStdPrinter.restype = ctypes.py_object
return PyFile_NewStdPrinter(fd)
def test_write(self):
message = "unicode:\xe9-\u20ac-\udc80!\n"
stdout_fd = self.STDOUT_FD
stdout_fd_copy = os.dup(stdout_fd)
self.addCleanup(os.close, stdout_fd_copy)
rfd, wfd = os.pipe()
self.addCleanup(os.close, rfd)
self.addCleanup(os.close, wfd)
# PyFile_NewStdPrinter() only accepts fileno(stdout)
# or fileno(stderr) file descriptor.
os.dup2(wfd, stdout_fd)
printer = self.create_printer(stdout_fd)
os.dup2(stdout_fd_copy, stdout_fd)
data = os.read(rfd, 100)
self.assertEqual(data, message.encode('utf8', 'backslashreplace'))
def test_methods(self):
fd = self.STDOUT_FD
printer = self.create_printer(fd)
self.assertEqual(printer.fileno(), fd)
self.assertEqual(printer.isatty(), os.isatty(fd))
printer.flush() # noop
printer.close() # noop
def test_disallow_instantiation(self):
fd = self.STDOUT_FD
printer = self.create_printer(fd)
support.check_disallow_instantiation(self, type(printer))
if __name__ == "__main__":