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:mod:`contextvars` --- Context Variables
.. module:: contextvars
:synopsis: Context Variables
.. sectionauthor:: Yury Selivanov <yury@magic.io>
This module provides APIs to manage, store, and access context-local
state. The :class:`~contextvars.ContextVar` class is used to declare
and work with *Context Variables*. The :func:`~contextvars.copy_context`
function and the :class:`~contextvars.Context` class should be used to
manage the current context in asynchronous frameworks.
Context managers that have state should use Context Variables
instead of :func:`threading.local()` to prevent their state from
bleeding to other code unexpectedly, when used in concurrent code.
See also :pep:`567` for additional details.
.. versionadded:: 3.7
Context Variables
.. class:: ContextVar(name, [*, default])
This class is used to declare a new Context Variable, e.g.::
var: ContextVar[int] = ContextVar('var', default=42)
The required *name* parameter is used for introspection and debug
The optional keyword-only *default* parameter is returned by
:meth:`ContextVar.get` when no value for the variable is found
in the current context.
**Important:** Context Variables should be created at the top module
level and never in closures. :class:`Context` objects hold strong
references to context variables which prevents context variables
from being properly garbage collected.
.. attribute:: ContextVar.name
The name of the variable. This is a read-only property.
.. versionadded:: 3.7.1
.. method:: get([default])
Return a value for the context variable for the current context.
If there is no value for the variable in the current context,
the method will:
* return the value of the *default* argument of the method,
if provided; or
* return the default value for the context variable,
if it was created with one; or
* raise a :exc:`LookupError`.
.. method:: set(value)
Call to set a new value for the context variable in the current
The required *value* argument is the new value for the context
Returns a :class:`~contextvars.Token` object that can be used
to restore the variable to its previous value via the
:meth:`ContextVar.reset` method.
.. method:: reset(token)
Reset the context variable to the value it had before the
:meth:`ContextVar.set` that created the *token* was used.
For example::
var = ContextVar('var')
token = var.set('new value')
# code that uses 'var'; var.get() returns 'new value'.
# After the reset call the var has no value again, so
# var.get() would raise a LookupError.
.. class:: Token
*Token* objects are returned by the :meth:`ContextVar.set` method.
They can be passed to the :meth:`ContextVar.reset` method to revert
the value of the variable to what it was before the corresponding
.. attribute:: Token.var
A read-only property. Points to the :class:`ContextVar` object
that created the token.
.. attribute:: Token.old_value
A read-only property. Set to the value the variable had before
the :meth:`ContextVar.set` method call that created the token.
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It points to :attr:`Token.MISSING` if the variable was not set
before the call.
.. attribute:: Token.MISSING
A marker object used by :attr:`Token.old_value`.
Manual Context Management
.. function:: copy_context()
Returns a copy of the current :class:`~contextvars.Context` object.
The following snippet gets a copy of the current context and prints
all variables and their values that are set in it::
ctx: Context = copy_context()
The function has an O(1) complexity, i.e. works equally fast for
contexts with a few context variables and for contexts that have
a lot of them.
.. class:: Context()
A mapping of :class:`ContextVars <ContextVar>` to their values.
``Context()`` creates an empty context with no values in it.
To get a copy of the current context use the
:func:`~contextvars.copy_context` function.
Every thread will have a different top-level :class:`~contextvars.Context`
object. This means that a :class:`ContextVar` object behaves in a similar
fashion to :func:`threading.local()` when values are assigned in different
Context implements the :class:`collections.abc.Mapping` interface.
.. method:: run(callable, *args, **kwargs)
Execute ``callable(*args, **kwargs)`` code in the context object
the *run* method is called on. Return the result of the execution
or propagate an exception if one occurred.
Any changes to any context variables that *callable* makes will
be contained in the context object::
var = ContextVar('var')
def main():
# 'var' was set to 'spam' before
# calling 'copy_context()' and 'ctx.run(main)', so:
# var.get() == ctx[var] == 'spam'
# Now, after setting 'var' to 'ham':
# var.get() == ctx[var] == 'ham'
ctx = copy_context()
# Any changes that the 'main' function makes to 'var'
# will be contained in 'ctx'.
# The 'main()' function was run in the 'ctx' context,
# so changes to 'var' are contained in it:
# ctx[var] == 'ham'
# However, outside of 'ctx', 'var' is still set to 'spam':
# var.get() == 'spam'
The method raises a :exc:`RuntimeError` when called on the same
context object from more than one OS thread, or when called
.. method:: copy()
Return a shallow copy of the context object.
.. describe:: var in context
Return ``True`` if the *context* has a value for *var* set;
return ``False`` otherwise.
.. describe:: context[var]
Return the value of the *var* :class:`ContextVar` variable.
If the variable is not set in the context object, a
:exc:`KeyError` is raised.
.. method:: get(var, [default])
Return the value for *var* if *var* has the value in the context
object. Return *default* otherwise. If *default* is not given,
return ``None``.
.. describe:: iter(context)
Return an iterator over the variables stored in the context
.. describe:: len(proxy)
Return the number of variables set in the context object.
.. method:: keys()
Return a list of all variables in the context object.
.. method:: values()
Return a list of all variables' values in the context object.
.. method:: items()
Return a list of 2-tuples containing all variables and their
values in the context object.
asyncio support
Context variables are natively supported in :mod:`asyncio` and are
ready to be used without any extra configuration. For example, here
is a simple echo server, that uses a context variable to make the
address of a remote client available in the Task that handles that
import asyncio
import contextvars
client_addr_var = contextvars.ContextVar('client_addr')
def render_goodbye():
# The address of the currently handled client can be accessed
# without passing it explicitly to this function.
client_addr = client_addr_var.get()
return f'Good bye, client @ {client_addr}\n'.encode()
async def handle_request(reader, writer):
addr = writer.transport.get_extra_info('socket').getpeername()
# In any code that we call is now possible to get
# client's address by calling 'client_addr_var.get()'.
while True:
line = await reader.readline()
if not line.strip():
async def main():
srv = await asyncio.start_server(
handle_request, '', 8081)
async with srv:
await srv.serve_forever()
# To test it you can use telnet:
# telnet 8081