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"""Test idlelib.query.
Coverage: 100%.
from test.support import requires
from tkinter import Tk
import unittest
from unittest import mock
from idlelib.idle_test.mock_tk import Var, Mbox_func
from idlelib import query
Query, SectionName = query.Query, query.SectionName
class Dummy_Query:
# Mock for testing the following methods Query
entry_ok = Query.entry_ok
ok = Query.ok
cancel = Query.cancel
# Attributes, constant or variable, needed for tests
entry = Var()
result = None
destroyed = False
def destroy(self):
self.destroyed = True
# entry_ok calls modal messagebox.showerror if entry is not ok.
# Mock showerrer returns, so don't need to click to continue.
orig_showerror = query.showerror
showerror = Mbox_func() # Instance has __call__ method.
def setUpModule():
query.showerror = showerror
def tearDownModule():
query.showerror = orig_showerror
class QueryTest(unittest.TestCase):
dialog = Dummy_Query()
def setUp(self):
showerror.title = None
self.dialog.result = None
self.dialog.destroyed = False
def test_blank_entry(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
dialog.entry.set(' ')
Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), '')
Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, False))
Equal(showerror.title, 'Entry Error')
self.assertIn('Blank', showerror.message)
def test_good_entry(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
dialog.entry.set(' good ')
Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), 'good')
Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, False))
Equal(showerror.title, None)
def test_ok(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
Equal(dialog.ok(), None)
Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), ('good', True))
def test_cancel(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
Equal(self.dialog.cancel(), None)
Equal((dialog.result, dialog.destroyed), (None, True))
class Dummy_SectionName:
# Mock for testing the following method of Section_Name
entry_ok = SectionName.entry_ok
# Attributes, constant or variable, needed for tests
used_names = ['used']
entry = Var()
class SectionNameTest(unittest.TestCase):
dialog = Dummy_SectionName()
def setUp(self):
showerror.title = None
def test_blank_name(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
dialog.entry.set(' ')
Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), '')
Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
self.assertIn('No', showerror.message)
def test_used_name(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
Equal(self.dialog.entry_ok(), '')
Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
self.assertIn('use', showerror.message)
def test_long_name(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
Equal(self.dialog.entry_ok(), '')
Equal(showerror.title, 'Name Error')
self.assertIn('too long', showerror.message)
def test_good_entry(self):
dialog = self.dialog
Equal = self.assertEqual
dialog.entry.set(' good ')
Equal(dialog.entry_ok(), 'good')
Equal(showerror.title, None)
class QueryGuiTest(unittest.TestCase):
def setUpClass(cls):
cls.root = Tk()
cls.dialog = Query(cls.root, 'TEST', 'test', _utest=True)
cls.dialog.destroy = mock.Mock()
def tearDownClass(cls):
del cls.dialog
del cls.root
def setUp(self):
self.dialog.entry.delete(0, 'end')
self.dialog.result = None
def test_click_ok(self):
dialog = self.dialog
dialog.entry.insert(0, 'abc')
self.assertEqual(dialog.result, 'abc')
def test_click_blank(self):
dialog = self.dialog
self.assertEqual(dialog.result, None)
def test_click_cancel(self):
dialog = self.dialog
dialog.entry.insert(0, 'abc')
self.assertEqual(dialog.result, None)
if __name__ == '__main__':
unittest.main(verbosity=2, exit=False)