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/* Ordered Dictionary object implementation.
This implementation is necessarily explicitly equivalent to the pure Python
OrderedDict class in Lib/collections/__init__.py. The strategy there
involves using a doubly-linked-list to capture the order. We keep to that
strategy, using a lower-level linked-list.
About the Linked-List
For the linked list we use a basic doubly-linked-list. Using a circularly-
linked-list does have some benefits, but they don't apply so much here
since OrderedDict is focused on the ends of the list (for the most part).
Furthermore, there are some features of generic linked-lists that we simply
don't need for OrderedDict. Thus a simple custom implementation meets our
needs. Alternatives to our simple approach include the QCIRCLE_*
macros from BSD's queue.h, and the linux's list.h.
Getting O(1) Node Lookup
One invariant of Python's OrderedDict is that it preserves time complexity
of dict's methods, particularly the O(1) operations. Simply adding a
linked-list on top of dict is not sufficient here; operations for nodes in
the middle of the linked-list implicitly require finding the node first.
With a simple linked-list like we're using, that is an O(n) operation.
Consequently, methods like __delitem__() would change from O(1) to O(n),
which is unacceptable.
In order to preserve O(1) performance for node removal (finding nodes), we
must do better than just looping through the linked-list. Here are options
we've considered:
1. use a second dict to map keys to nodes (a la the pure Python version).
2. keep a simple hash table mirroring the order of dict's, mapping each key
to the corresponding node in the linked-list.
3. use a version of shared keys (split dict) that allows non-unicode keys.
4. have the value stored for each key be a (value, node) pair, and adjust
__getitem__(), get(), etc. accordingly.
The approach with the least performance impact (time and space) is #2,
2016-09-08 15:08:30 -03:00
mirroring the key order of dict's dk_entries with an array of node pointers.
While _Py_dict_lookup() does not give us the index into the array,
we make use of pointer arithmetic to get that index. An alternative would
be to refactor _Py_dict_lookup() to provide the index, explicitly exposing
the implementation detail. We could even just use a custom lookup function
for OrderedDict that facilitates our need. However, both approaches are
significantly more complicated than just using pointer arithmetic.
The catch with mirroring the hash table ordering is that we have to keep
the ordering in sync through any dict resizes. However, that order only
matters during node lookup. We can simply defer any potential resizing
until we need to do a lookup.
Linked-List Nodes
The current implementation stores a pointer to the associated key only.
One alternative would be to store a pointer to the PyDictKeyEntry instead.
This would save one pointer de-reference per item, which is nice during
calls to values() and items(). However, it adds unnecessary overhead
otherwise, so we stick with just the key.
Linked-List API
As noted, the linked-list implemented here does not have all the bells and
whistles. However, we recognize that the implementation may need to
change to accommodate performance improvements or extra functionality. To
that end, we use a simple API to interact with the linked-list. Here's a
summary of the methods/macros:
Node info:
* _odictnode_KEY(node)
* _odictnode_VALUE(od, node)
* _odictnode_PREV(node)
* _odictnode_NEXT(node)
Linked-List info:
* _odict_FIRST(od)
* _odict_LAST(od)
* _odict_EMPTY(od)
* _odict_FOREACH(od, node) - used in place of `for (node=...)`
For adding nodes:
* _odict_add_head(od, node)
* _odict_add_tail(od, node)
* _odict_add_new_node(od, key, hash)
For removing nodes:
* _odict_clear_node(od, node, key, hash)
* _odict_clear_nodes(od, clear_each)
* _odict_find_node_hash(od, key, hash)
* _odict_find_node(od, key)
* _odict_keys_equal(od1, od2)
And here's a look at how the linked-list relates to the OrderedDict API:
============ === === ==== ==== ==== === ==== ===== ==== ==== === ==== === ===
method key val prev next mem 1st last empty iter find add rmv clr keq
============ === === ==== ==== ==== === ==== ===== ==== ==== === ==== === ===
__del__ ~ X
__delitem__ free ~ node
__eq__ ~ X
__iter__ X X
__new__ X X
__reduce__ X ~ X
__repr__ X X X
__reversed__ X X
__setitem__ key
__sizeof__ size X
clear ~ ~ X
copy X X X
items X X X
keys X X
move_to_end X X X ~ h/t key
pop free key
popitem X X free X X node
setdefault ~ ? ~
values X X
============ === === ==== ==== ==== === ==== ===== ==== ==== === ==== === ===
__delitem__ is the only method that directly relies on finding an arbitrary
node in the linked-list. Everything else is iteration or relates to the
ends of the linked-list.
Situation that Endangers Consistency
Using a raw linked-list for OrderedDict exposes a key situation that can
cause problems. If a node is stored in a variable, there is a chance that
the node may have been deallocated before the variable gets used, thus
potentially leading to a segmentation fault. A key place where this shows
up is during iteration through the linked list (via _odict_FOREACH or
A number of solutions are available to resolve this situation:
* defer looking up the node until as late as possible and certainly after
any code that could possibly result in a deletion;
* if the node is needed both before and after a point where the node might
be removed, do a check before using the node at the "after" location to
see if the node is still valid;
* like the last one, but simply pull the node again to ensure it's right;
* keep the key in the variable instead of the node and then look up the
node using the key at the point where the node is needed (this is what
we do for the iterators).
Another related problem, preserving consistent ordering during iteration,
is described below. That one is not exclusive to using linked-lists.
Challenges from Subclassing dict
OrderedDict subclasses dict, which is an unusual relationship between two
builtin types (other than the base object type). Doing so results in
some complication and deserves further explanation. There are two things
to consider here. First, in what circumstances or with what adjustments
can OrderedDict be used as a drop-in replacement for dict (at the C level)?
Second, how can the OrderedDict implementation leverage the dict
implementation effectively without introducing unnecessary coupling or
This second point is reflected here and in the implementation, so the
further focus is on the first point. It is worth noting that for
overridden methods, the dict implementation is deferred to as much as
possible. Furthermore, coupling is limited to as little as is reasonable.
Concrete API Compatibility
Use of the concrete C-API for dict (PyDict_*) with OrderedDict is
problematic. (See http://bugs.python.org/issue10977.) The concrete API
has a number of hard-coded assumptions tied to the dict implementation.
This is, in part, due to performance reasons, which is understandable
given the part dict plays in Python.
Any attempt to replace dict with OrderedDict for any role in the
interpreter (e.g. **kwds) faces a challenge. Such any effort must
recognize that the instances in affected locations currently interact with
the concrete API.
Here are some ways to address this challenge:
1. Change the relevant usage of the concrete API in CPython and add
PyDict_CheckExact() calls to each of the concrete API functions.
2. Adjust the relevant concrete API functions to explicitly accommodate
3. As with #1, add the checks, but improve the abstract API with smart fast
paths for dict and OrderedDict, and refactor CPython to use the abstract
API. Improvements to the abstract API would be valuable regardless.
Adding the checks to the concrete API would help make any interpreter
switch to OrderedDict less painful for extension modules. However, this
won't work. The equivalent C API call to `dict.__setitem__(obj, k, v)`
is 'PyDict_SetItem(obj, k, v)`. This illustrates how subclasses in C call
the base class's methods, since there is no equivalent of super() in the
C API. Calling into Python for parent class API would work, but some
extension modules already rely on this feature of the concrete API.
For reference, here is a breakdown of some of the dict concrete API:
========================== ============= =======================
concrete API uses abstract API
========================== ============= =======================
PyDict_Check PyMapping_Check
(PyDict_CheckExact) -
(PyDict_New) -
(PyDictProxy_New) -
PyDict_Clear -
PyDict_Contains PySequence_Contains
PyDict_Copy -
PyDict_SetItem PyObject_SetItem
PyDict_SetItemString PyMapping_SetItemString
PyDict_DelItem PyMapping_DelItem
PyDict_DelItemString PyMapping_DelItemString
PyDict_GetItem -
PyDict_GetItemWithError PyObject_GetItem
_PyDict_GetItemIdWithError -
PyDict_GetItemString PyMapping_GetItemString
PyDict_Items PyMapping_Items
PyDict_Keys PyMapping_Keys
PyDict_Values PyMapping_Values
PyDict_Size PyMapping_Size
PyDict_Next PyIter_Next
_PyDict_Next -
PyDict_Merge -
PyDict_Update -
PyDict_MergeFromSeq2 -
PyDict_ClearFreeList -
- PyMapping_HasKeyString
- PyMapping_HasKey
========================== ============= =======================
The dict Interface Relative to OrderedDict
Since OrderedDict subclasses dict, understanding the various methods and
attributes of dict is important for implementing OrderedDict.
Relevant Type Slots
================= ================ =================== ================
slot attribute object dict
================= ================ =================== ================
tp_dealloc - object_dealloc dict_dealloc
tp_repr __repr__ object_repr dict_repr
sq_contains __contains__ - dict_contains
mp_length __len__ - dict_length
mp_subscript __getitem__ - dict_subscript
mp_ass_subscript __setitem__ - dict_ass_sub
tp_hash __hash__ _Py_HashPointer ..._HashNotImpl
tp_str __str__ object_str -
tp_getattro __getattribute__ ..._GenericGetAttr (repeated)
tp_setattro __setattr__ ..._GenericSetAttr (disabled)
tp_doc __doc__ (literal) dictionary_doc
tp_traverse - - dict_traverse
tp_clear - - dict_tp_clear
tp_richcompare __eq__ object_richcompare dict_richcompare
tp_weaklistoffset (__weakref__) - -
tp_iter __iter__ - dict_iter
tp_dictoffset (__dict__) - -
tp_init __init__ object_init dict_init
tp_alloc - PyType_GenericAlloc (repeated)
tp_new __new__ object_new dict_new
tp_free - PyObject_Del PyObject_GC_Del
================= ================ =================== ================
Relevant Methods
================ =================== ===============
method object dict
================ =================== ===============
__reduce__ object_reduce -
__sizeof__ object_sizeof dict_sizeof
clear - dict_clear
copy - dict_copy
fromkeys - dict_fromkeys
get - dict_get
items - dictitems_new
keys - dictkeys_new
pop - dict_pop
popitem - dict_popitem
setdefault - dict_setdefault
update - dict_update
values - dictvalues_new
================ =================== ===============
Pure Python OrderedDict
As already noted, compatibility with the pure Python OrderedDict
implementation is a key goal of this C implementation. To further that
goal, here's a summary of how OrderedDict-specific methods are implemented
in collections/__init__.py. Also provided is an indication of which
methods directly mutate or iterate the object, as well as any relationship
with the underlying linked-list.
============= ============== == ================ === === ====
method impl used ll uses inq mut iter
============= ============== == ================ === === ====
__contains__ dict - - X
__delitem__ OrderedDict Y dict.__delitem__ X
__eq__ OrderedDict N OrderedDict ~
__getitem__ dict - - X
__iter__ OrderedDict Y - X
__init__ OrderedDict N update
__len__ dict - - X
__ne__ MutableMapping - __eq__ ~
__reduce__ OrderedDict N OrderedDict ~
__repr__ OrderedDict N __class__ ~
__reversed__ OrderedDict Y - X
__setitem__ OrderedDict Y __contains__ X
__sizeof__ OrderedDict Y __len__ ~
clear OrderedDict Y dict.clear X
copy OrderedDict N __class__
fromkeys OrderedDict N __setitem__
get dict - - ~
items MutableMapping - ItemsView X
keys MutableMapping - KeysView X
move_to_end OrderedDict Y - X
pop OrderedDict N __contains__ X
popitem OrderedDict Y dict.pop X
setdefault OrderedDict N __contains__ ~
update MutableMapping - __setitem__ ~
values MutableMapping - ValuesView X
============= ============== == ================ === === ====
__reversed__ and move_to_end are both exclusive to OrderedDict.
C OrderedDict Implementation
================= ================
slot impl
================= ================
tp_dealloc odict_dealloc
tp_repr odict_repr
mp_ass_subscript odict_ass_sub
tp_doc odict_doc
tp_traverse odict_traverse
tp_clear odict_tp_clear
tp_richcompare odict_richcompare
tp_weaklistoffset (offset)
tp_iter odict_iter
tp_dictoffset (offset)
tp_init odict_init
tp_alloc (repeated)
================= ================
================= ================
method impl
================= ================
__reduce__ odict_reduce
__sizeof__ odict_sizeof
clear odict_clear
copy odict_copy
fromkeys odict_fromkeys
items odictitems_new
keys odictkeys_new
pop odict_pop
popitem odict_popitem
setdefault odict_setdefault
update odict_update
values odictvalues_new
================= ================
Inherited unchanged from object/dict:
================ ==========================
method type field
================ ==========================
- tp_free
__contains__ tp_as_sequence.sq_contains
__getattr__ tp_getattro
__getattribute__ tp_getattro
__getitem__ tp_as_mapping.mp_subscript
__hash__ tp_hash
__len__ tp_as_mapping.mp_length
__setattr__ tp_setattro
__str__ tp_str
get -
================ ==========================
Other Challenges
Preserving Ordering During Iteration
During iteration through an OrderedDict, it is possible that items could
get added, removed, or reordered. For a linked-list implementation, as
with some other implementations, that situation may lead to undefined
behavior. The documentation for dict mentions this in the `iter()` section
of http://docs.python.org/3.4/library/stdtypes.html#dictionary-view-objects.
In this implementation we follow dict's lead (as does the pure Python
implementation) for __iter__(), keys(), values(), and items().
For internal iteration (using _odict_FOREACH or not), there is still the
risk that not all nodes that we expect to be seen in the loop actually get
seen. Thus, we are careful in each of those places to ensure that they
are. This comes, of course, at a small price at each location. The
solutions are much the same as those detailed in the `Situation that
Endangers Consistency` section above.
Potential Optimizations
* Allocate the nodes as a block via od_fast_nodes instead of individually.
- Set node->key to NULL to indicate the node is not-in-use.
- Add _odict_EXISTS()?
- How to maintain consistency across resizes? Existing node pointers
would be invalidated after a resize, which is particularly problematic
for the iterators.
* Use a more stream-lined implementation of update() and, likely indirectly,
- reentrancy (make sure everything is at a thread-safe state when calling
into Python). I've already checked this multiple times, but want to
make one more pass.
- add unit tests for reentrancy?
- make the dict views support the full set API (the pure Python impl does)
- implement a fuller MutableMapping API in C?
- move the MutableMapping implementation to abstract.c?
- optimize mutablemapping_update
- use PyObject_Malloc (small object allocator) for odict nodes?
- support subclasses better (e.g. in odict_richcompare)
#include "Python.h"
#include "pycore_call.h" // _PyObject_CallNoArgs()
#include "pycore_object.h" // _PyObject_GC_UNTRACK()
#include "pycore_dict.h" // _Py_dict_lookup()
#include <stddef.h> // offsetof()
#include "clinic/odictobject.c.h"
/*[clinic input]
class OrderedDict "PyODictObject *" "&PyODict_Type"
[clinic start generated code]*/
/*[clinic end generated code: output=da39a3ee5e6b4b0d input=ca0641cf6143d4af]*/
typedef struct _odictnode _ODictNode;
/* PyODictObject */
struct _odictobject {
PyDictObject od_dict; /* the underlying dict */
_ODictNode *od_first; /* first node in the linked list, if any */
_ODictNode *od_last; /* last node in the linked list, if any */
/* od_fast_nodes, od_fast_nodes_size and od_resize_sentinel are managed
* by _odict_resize().
* Note that we rely on implementation details of dict for both. */
_ODictNode **od_fast_nodes; /* hash table that mirrors the dict table */
Py_ssize_t od_fast_nodes_size;
void *od_resize_sentinel; /* changes if odict should be resized */
size_t od_state; /* incremented whenever the LL changes */
PyObject *od_inst_dict; /* OrderedDict().__dict__ */
PyObject *od_weakreflist; /* holds weakrefs to the odict */
/* ----------------------------------------------
* odict keys (a simple doubly-linked list)
struct _odictnode {
PyObject *key;
Py_hash_t hash;
_ODictNode *next;
_ODictNode *prev;
#define _odictnode_KEY(node) \
#define _odictnode_HASH(node) \
/* borrowed reference */
#define _odictnode_VALUE(node, od) \
PyODict_GetItemWithError((PyObject *)od, _odictnode_KEY(node))
#define _odictnode_PREV(node) (node->prev)
#define _odictnode_NEXT(node) (node->next)
#define _odict_FIRST(od) (((PyODictObject *)od)->od_first)
#define _odict_LAST(od) (((PyODictObject *)od)->od_last)
#define _odict_EMPTY(od) (_odict_FIRST(od) == NULL)
#define _odict_FOREACH(od, node) \
for (node = _odict_FIRST(od); node != NULL; node = _odictnode_NEXT(node))
/* Return the index into the hash table, regardless of a valid node. */
static Py_ssize_t
_odict_get_index_raw(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)
PyObject *value = NULL;
PyDictKeysObject *keys = ((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys;
Py_ssize_t ix;
ix = _Py_dict_lookup((PyDictObject *)od, key, hash, &value);
if (ix == DKIX_EMPTY) {
return keys->dk_nentries; /* index of new entry */
if (ix < 0)
return -1;
/* We use pointer arithmetic to get the entry's index into the table. */
return ix;
#define ONE ((Py_ssize_t)1)
/* Replace od->od_fast_nodes with a new table matching the size of dict's. */
static int
_odict_resize(PyODictObject *od)
Py_ssize_t size, i;
_ODictNode **fast_nodes, *node;
/* Initialize a new "fast nodes" table. */
size = ONE << (((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys->dk_log2_size);
fast_nodes = PyMem_NEW(_ODictNode *, size);
if (fast_nodes == NULL) {
return -1;
for (i = 0; i < size; i++)
fast_nodes[i] = NULL;
/* Copy the current nodes into the table. */
_odict_FOREACH(od, node) {
i = _odict_get_index_raw(od, _odictnode_KEY(node),
if (i < 0) {
return -1;
fast_nodes[i] = node;
/* Replace the old fast nodes table. */
od->od_fast_nodes = fast_nodes;
od->od_fast_nodes_size = size;
od->od_resize_sentinel = ((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys;
return 0;
/* Return the index into the hash table, regardless of a valid node. */
static Py_ssize_t
_odict_get_index(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)
PyDictKeysObject *keys;
assert(key != NULL);
keys = ((PyDictObject *)od)->ma_keys;
/* Ensure od_fast_nodes and dk_entries are in sync. */
if (od->od_resize_sentinel != keys ||
od->od_fast_nodes_size != (ONE << (keys->dk_log2_size))) {
int resize_res = _odict_resize(od);
if (resize_res < 0)
return -1;
return _odict_get_index_raw(od, key, hash);
/* Returns NULL if there was some error or the key was not found. */
static _ODictNode *
_odict_find_node_hash(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)
Py_ssize_t index;
if (_odict_EMPTY(od))
return NULL;
index = _odict_get_index(od, key, hash);
if (index < 0)
return NULL;
assert(od->od_fast_nodes != NULL);
return od->od_fast_nodes[index];
static _ODictNode *
_odict_find_node(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *key)
Py_ssize_t index;
Py_hash_t hash;
if (_odict_EMPTY(od))
return NULL;
hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
if (hash == -1)
return NULL;
index = _odict_get_index(od, key, hash);
if (index < 0)
return NULL;
assert(od->od_fast_nodes != NULL);
return od->od_fast_nodes[index];
static void
_odict_add_head(PyODictObject *od, _ODictNode *node)
_odictnode_PREV(node) = NULL;
_odictnode_NEXT(node) = _odict_FIRST(od);
if (_odict_FIRST(od) == NULL)
_odict_LAST(od) = node;
_odictnode_PREV(_odict_FIRST(od)) = node;
_odict_FIRST(od) = node;
static void
_odict_add_tail(PyODictObject *od, _ODictNode *node)
_odictnode_PREV(node) = _odict_LAST(od);
_odictnode_NEXT(node) = NULL;
if (_odict_LAST(od) == NULL)
_odict_FIRST(od) = node;
_odictnode_NEXT(_odict_LAST(od)) = node;
_odict_LAST(od) = node;
/* adds the node to the end of the list */
static int
_odict_add_new_node(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *key, Py_hash_t hash)
Py_ssize_t i;
_ODictNode *node;
i = _odict_get_index(od, key, hash);
if (i < 0) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
return -1;
assert(od->od_fast_nodes != NULL);
if (od->od_fast_nodes[i] != NULL) {
/* We already have a node for the key so there's no need to add one. */
return 0;
/* must not be added yet */
node = (_ODictNode *)PyMem_Malloc(sizeof(_ODictNode));
if (node == NULL) {
return -1;
_odictnode_KEY(node) = key;
_odictnode_HASH(node) = hash;
_odict_add_tail(od, node);
od->od_fast_nodes[i] = node;
return 0;
/* Putting the decref after the free causes problems. */
#define _odictnode_DEALLOC(node) \
do { \
Py_DECREF(_odictnode_KEY(node)); \
PyMem_Free((void *)node); \
} while (0)
/* Repeated calls on the same node are no-ops. */
static void
_odict_remove_node(PyODictObject *od, _ODictNode *node)
if (_odict_FIRST(od) == node)
_odict_FIRST(od) = _odictnode_NEXT(node);
else if (_odictnode_PREV(node) != NULL)
_odictnode_NEXT(_odictnode_PREV(node)) = _odictnode_NEXT(node);
if (_odict_LAST(od) == node)
_odict_LAST(od) = _odictnode_PREV(node);
else if (_odictnode_NEXT(node) != NULL)
_odictnode_PREV(_odictnode_NEXT(node)) = _odictnode_PREV(node);
_odictnode_PREV(node) = NULL;
_odictnode_NEXT(node) = NULL;
/* If someone calls PyDict_DelItem() directly on an OrderedDict, we'll
get all sorts of problems here. In PyODict_DelItem we make sure to
call _odict_clear_node first.
This matters in the case of colliding keys. Suppose we add 3 keys:
[A, B, C], where the hash of C collides with A and the next possible
index in the hash table is occupied by B. If we remove B then for C
the dict's looknode func will give us the old index of B instead of
the index we got before deleting B. However, the node for C in
od_fast_nodes is still at the old dict index of C. Thus to be sure
things don't get out of sync, we clear the node in od_fast_nodes
*before* calling PyDict_DelItem.
The same must be done for any other OrderedDict operations where
we modify od_fast_nodes.
static int
_odict_clear_node(PyODictObject *od, _ODictNode *node, PyObject *key,
Py_hash_t hash)
Py_ssize_t i;
assert(key != NULL);
if (_odict_EMPTY(od)) {
/* Let later code decide if this is a KeyError. */
return 0;
i = _odict_get_index(od, key, hash);
if (i < 0)
return PyErr_Occurred() ? -1 : 0;
assert(od->od_fast_nodes != NULL);
if (node == NULL)
node = od->od_fast_nodes[i];
assert(node == od->od_fast_nodes[i]);
if (node == NULL) {
/* Let later code decide if this is a KeyError. */
return 0;
// Now clear the node.
od->od_fast_nodes[i] = NULL;
_odict_remove_node(od, node);
return 0;
static void
_odict_clear_nodes(PyODictObject *od)
_ODictNode *node, *next;
od->od_fast_nodes = NULL;
od->od_fast_nodes_size = 0;
od->od_resize_sentinel = NULL;
node = _odict_FIRST(od);
_odict_FIRST(od) = NULL;
_odict_LAST(od) = NULL;
while (node != NULL) {
next = _odictnode_NEXT(node);
node = next;
/* There isn't any memory management of nodes past this point. */
#undef _odictnode_DEALLOC
static int
_odict_keys_equal(PyODictObject *a, PyODictObject *b)
_ODictNode *node_a, *node_b;
node_a = _odict_FIRST(a);
node_b = _odict_FIRST(b);
while (1) {
if (node_a == NULL && node_b == NULL)
/* success: hit the end of each at the same time */
return 1;
else if (node_a == NULL || node_b == NULL)
/* unequal length */
return 0;
else {
int res = PyObject_RichCompareBool(
(PyObject *)_odictnode_KEY(node_a),
(PyObject *)_odictnode_KEY(node_b),
if (res < 0)
return res;
else if (res == 0)
return 0;
/* otherwise it must match, so move on to the next one */
node_a = _odictnode_NEXT(node_a);
node_b = _odictnode_NEXT(node_b);
/* ----------------------------------------------
* OrderedDict mapping methods
/* mp_ass_subscript: __setitem__() and __delitem__() */
static int
odict_mp_ass_sub(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *v, PyObject *w)
if (w == NULL)
return PyODict_DelItem((PyObject *)od, v);
return PyODict_SetItem((PyObject *)od, v, w);
/* tp_as_mapping */
static PyMappingMethods odict_as_mapping = {
0, /*mp_length*/
0, /*mp_subscript*/
(objobjargproc)odict_mp_ass_sub, /*mp_ass_subscript*/
/* ----------------------------------------------
* OrderedDict number methods
static int mutablemapping_update_arg(PyObject*, PyObject*);
static PyObject *
odict_or(PyObject *left, PyObject *right)
PyTypeObject *type;
PyObject *other;
if (PyODict_Check(left)) {
type = Py_TYPE(left);
other = right;
else {
type = Py_TYPE(right);
other = left;
if (!PyDict_Check(other)) {
PyObject *new = PyObject_CallOneArg((PyObject*)type, left);
if (!new) {
return NULL;
if (mutablemapping_update_arg(new, right) < 0) {
return NULL;
return new;
static PyObject *
odict_inplace_or(PyObject *self, PyObject *other)
if (mutablemapping_update_arg(self, other) < 0) {
return NULL;
return self;
/* tp_as_number */
static PyNumberMethods odict_as_number = {
.nb_or = odict_or,
.nb_inplace_or = odict_inplace_or,
/* ----------------------------------------------
* OrderedDict methods
/* fromkeys() */
/*[clinic input]
iterable as seq: object
value: object = None
Create a new ordered dictionary with keys from iterable and values set to value.
[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
OrderedDict_fromkeys_impl(PyTypeObject *type, PyObject *seq, PyObject *value)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=c10390d452d78d6d input=1a0476c229c597b3]*/
return _PyDict_FromKeys((PyObject *)type, seq, value);
/* __sizeof__() */
/* OrderedDict.__sizeof__() does not have a docstring. */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_sizeof__doc__, "");
static PyObject *
odict_sizeof(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
Py_ssize_t res = _PyDict_SizeOf((PyDictObject *)od);
res += sizeof(_ODictNode *) * od->od_fast_nodes_size; /* od_fast_nodes */
if (!_odict_EMPTY(od)) {
res += sizeof(_ODictNode) * PyODict_SIZE(od); /* linked-list */
return PyLong_FromSsize_t(res);
/* __reduce__() */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_reduce__doc__, "Return state information for pickling");
static PyObject *
odict_reduce(register PyODictObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
PyObject *state, *result = NULL;
PyObject *items_iter, *items, *args = NULL;
/* capture any instance state */
state = _PyObject_GetState((PyObject *)od);
if (state == NULL)
goto Done;
/* build the result */
args = PyTuple_New(0);
if (args == NULL)
goto Done;
bpo-46541: Replace core use of _Py_IDENTIFIER() with statically initialized global objects. (gh-30928) We're no longer using _Py_IDENTIFIER() (or _Py_static_string()) in any core CPython code. It is still used in a number of non-builtin stdlib modules. The replacement is: PyUnicodeObject (not pointer) fields under _PyRuntimeState, statically initialized as part of _PyRuntime. A new _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() macro facilitates lookup of the fields (along with _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() for non-identifier strings). https://bugs.python.org/issue46541#msg411799 explains the rationale for this change. The core of the change is in: * (new) Include/internal/pycore_global_strings.h - the declarations for the global strings, along with the macros * Include/internal/pycore_runtime_init.h - added the static initializers for the global strings * Include/internal/pycore_global_objects.h - where the struct in pycore_global_strings.h is hooked into _PyRuntimeState * Tools/scripts/generate_global_objects.py - added generation of the global string declarations and static initializers I've also added a --check flag to generate_global_objects.py (along with make check-global-objects) to check for unused global strings. That check is added to the PR CI config. The remainder of this change updates the core code to use _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() instead of _Py_IDENTIFIER() and the related _Py*Id functions (likewise for _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() instead of _Py_static_string()). This includes adding a few functions where there wasn't already an alternative to _Py*Id(), replacing the _Py_Identifier * parameter with PyObject *. The following are not changed (yet): * stop using _Py_IDENTIFIER() in the stdlib modules * (maybe) get rid of _Py_IDENTIFIER(), etc. entirely -- this may not be doable as at least one package on PyPI using this (private) API * (maybe) intern the strings during runtime init https://bugs.python.org/issue46541
2022-02-08 16:39:07 -04:00
items = PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs((PyObject *)od, &_Py_ID(items));
if (items == NULL)
goto Done;
items_iter = PyObject_GetIter(items);
if (items_iter == NULL)
goto Done;
result = PyTuple_Pack(5, Py_TYPE(od), args, state, Py_None, items_iter);
return result;
/* setdefault(): Skips __missing__() calls. */
/*[clinic input]
key: object
default: object = None
Insert key with a value of default if key is not in the dictionary.
Return the value for key if key is in the dictionary, else default.
[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
OrderedDict_setdefault_impl(PyODictObject *self, PyObject *key,
PyObject *default_value)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=97537cb7c28464b6 input=38e098381c1efbc6]*/
PyObject *result = NULL;
if (PyODict_CheckExact(self)) {
result = PyODict_GetItemWithError(self, key); /* borrowed */
if (result == NULL) {
if (PyErr_Occurred())
return NULL;
assert(_odict_find_node(self, key) == NULL);
if (PyODict_SetItem((PyObject *)self, key, default_value) >= 0) {
result = default_value;
else {
else {
int exists = PySequence_Contains((PyObject *)self, key);
if (exists < 0) {
return NULL;
else if (exists) {
result = PyObject_GetItem((PyObject *)self, key);
else if (PyObject_SetItem((PyObject *)self, key, default_value) >= 0) {
result = default_value;
return result;
/* pop() */
static PyObject *
_odict_popkey_hash(PyObject *od, PyObject *key, PyObject *failobj,
Py_hash_t hash)
PyObject *value = NULL;
_ODictNode *node = _odict_find_node_hash((PyODictObject *)od, key, hash);
if (node != NULL) {
/* Pop the node first to avoid a possible dict resize (due to
eval loop reentrancy) and complications due to hash collision
resolution. */
int res = _odict_clear_node((PyODictObject *)od, node, key, hash);
if (res < 0) {
return NULL;
/* Now delete the value from the dict. */
value = _PyDict_Pop_KnownHash(od, key, hash, failobj);
else if (value == NULL && !PyErr_Occurred()) {
/* Apply the fallback value, if necessary. */
if (failobj) {
value = failobj;
else {
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
return value;
/* Skips __missing__() calls. */
/*[clinic input]
key: object
default: object = NULL
od.pop(key[,default]) -> v, remove specified key and return the corresponding value.
If the key is not found, return the default if given; otherwise,
raise a KeyError.
[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
OrderedDict_pop_impl(PyODictObject *self, PyObject *key,
PyObject *default_value)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=7a6447d104e7494b input=7efe36601007dff7]*/
Py_hash_t hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
if (hash == -1)
return NULL;
return _odict_popkey_hash((PyObject *)self, key, default_value, hash);
/* popitem() */
/*[clinic input]
last: bool = True
Remove and return a (key, value) pair from the dictionary.
Pairs are returned in LIFO order if last is true or FIFO order if false.
[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
OrderedDict_popitem_impl(PyODictObject *self, int last)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=98e7d986690d49eb input=d992ac5ee8305e1a]*/
PyObject *key, *value, *item = NULL;
_ODictNode *node;
/* pull the item */
if (_odict_EMPTY(self)) {
PyErr_SetString(PyExc_KeyError, "dictionary is empty");
return NULL;
node = last ? _odict_LAST(self) : _odict_FIRST(self);
key = _odictnode_KEY(node);
value = _odict_popkey_hash((PyObject *)self, key, NULL, _odictnode_HASH(node));
if (value == NULL)
return NULL;
item = PyTuple_Pack(2, key, value);
return item;
/* keys() */
/* MutableMapping.keys() does not have a docstring. */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_keys__doc__, "");
static PyObject * odictkeys_new(PyObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored)); /* forward */
/* values() */
/* MutableMapping.values() does not have a docstring. */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_values__doc__, "");
static PyObject * odictvalues_new(PyObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored)); /* forward */
/* items() */
/* MutableMapping.items() does not have a docstring. */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_items__doc__, "");
static PyObject * odictitems_new(PyObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored)); /* forward */
/* update() */
/* MutableMapping.update() does not have a docstring. */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_update__doc__, "");
/* forward */
static PyObject * mutablemapping_update(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *);
#define odict_update mutablemapping_update
/* clear() */
"od.clear() -> None. Remove all items from od.");
static PyObject *
odict_clear(register PyODictObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
PyDict_Clear((PyObject *)od);
/* copy() */
/* forward */
static int _PyODict_SetItem_KnownHash(PyObject *, PyObject *, PyObject *,
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_copy__doc__, "od.copy() -> a shallow copy of od");
static PyObject *
odict_copy(register PyODictObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
_ODictNode *node;
PyObject *od_copy;
if (PyODict_CheckExact(od))
od_copy = PyODict_New();
od_copy = _PyObject_CallNoArgs((PyObject *)Py_TYPE(od));
if (od_copy == NULL)
return NULL;
if (PyODict_CheckExact(od)) {
_odict_FOREACH(od, node) {
PyObject *key = _odictnode_KEY(node);
PyObject *value = _odictnode_VALUE(node, od);
if (value == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
goto fail;
if (_PyODict_SetItem_KnownHash((PyObject *)od_copy, key, value,
_odictnode_HASH(node)) != 0)
goto fail;
else {
_odict_FOREACH(od, node) {
int res;
PyObject *value = PyObject_GetItem((PyObject *)od,
if (value == NULL)
goto fail;
res = PyObject_SetItem((PyObject *)od_copy,
_odictnode_KEY(node), value);
if (res != 0)
goto fail;
return od_copy;
return NULL;
/* __reversed__() */
PyDoc_STRVAR(odict_reversed__doc__, "od.__reversed__() <==> reversed(od)");
#define _odict_ITER_REVERSED 1
#define _odict_ITER_KEYS 2
#define _odict_ITER_VALUES 4
#define _odict_ITER_ITEMS (_odict_ITER_KEYS|_odict_ITER_VALUES)
/* forward */
static PyObject * odictiter_new(PyODictObject *, int);
static PyObject *
odict_reversed(PyODictObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return odictiter_new(od, _odict_ITER_KEYS|_odict_ITER_REVERSED);
/* move_to_end() */
/*[clinic input]
key: object
last: bool = True
Move an existing element to the end (or beginning if last is false).
Raise KeyError if the element does not exist.
[clinic start generated code]*/
static PyObject *
OrderedDict_move_to_end_impl(PyODictObject *self, PyObject *key, int last)
/*[clinic end generated code: output=fafa4c5cc9b92f20 input=d6ceff7132a2fcd7]*/
_ODictNode *node;
if (_odict_EMPTY(self)) {
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
return NULL;
node = last ? _odict_LAST(self) : _odict_FIRST(self);
if (key != _odictnode_KEY(node)) {
node = _odict_find_node(self, key);
if (node == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
return NULL;
if (last) {
/* Only move if not already the last one. */
if (node != _odict_LAST(self)) {
_odict_remove_node(self, node);
_odict_add_tail(self, node);
else {
/* Only move if not already the first one. */
if (node != _odict_FIRST(self)) {
_odict_remove_node(self, node);
_odict_add_head(self, node);
/* tp_methods */
static PyMethodDef odict_methods[] = {
/* overridden dict methods */
{"__sizeof__", (PyCFunction)odict_sizeof, METH_NOARGS,
{"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)odict_reduce, METH_NOARGS,
{"keys", odictkeys_new, METH_NOARGS,
{"values", odictvalues_new, METH_NOARGS,
{"items", odictitems_new, METH_NOARGS,
{"update", _PyCFunction_CAST(odict_update), METH_VARARGS | METH_KEYWORDS,
{"clear", (PyCFunction)odict_clear, METH_NOARGS,
{"copy", (PyCFunction)odict_copy, METH_NOARGS,
/* new methods */
{"__reversed__", (PyCFunction)odict_reversed, METH_NOARGS,
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
/* ----------------------------------------------
* OrderedDict members
/* tp_getset */
static PyGetSetDef odict_getset[] = {
{"__dict__", PyObject_GenericGetDict, PyObject_GenericSetDict},
/* ----------------------------------------------
* OrderedDict type slot methods
/* tp_dealloc */
static void
odict_dealloc(PyODictObject *self)
Py_TRASHCAN_BEGIN(self, odict_dealloc)
if (self->od_weakreflist != NULL)
PyObject_ClearWeakRefs((PyObject *)self);
PyDict_Type.tp_dealloc((PyObject *)self);
/* tp_repr */
static PyObject *
odict_repr(PyODictObject *self)
int i;
PyObject *pieces = NULL, *result = NULL;
if (PyODict_SIZE(self) == 0)
return PyUnicode_FromFormat("%s()", _PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(self)));
i = Py_ReprEnter((PyObject *)self);
if (i != 0) {
return i > 0 ? PyUnicode_FromString("...") : NULL;
if (PyODict_CheckExact(self)) {
Py_ssize_t count = 0;
_ODictNode *node;
pieces = PyList_New(PyODict_SIZE(self));
if (pieces == NULL)
goto Done;
_odict_FOREACH(self, node) {
PyObject *pair;
PyObject *key = _odictnode_KEY(node);
PyObject *value = _odictnode_VALUE(node, self);
if (value == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
goto Done;
pair = PyTuple_Pack(2, key, value);
if (pair == NULL)
goto Done;
if (count < PyList_GET_SIZE(pieces))
PyList_SET_ITEM(pieces, count, pair); /* steals reference */
else {
if (PyList_Append(pieces, pair) < 0) {
goto Done;
if (count < PyList_GET_SIZE(pieces)) {
Py_SET_SIZE(pieces, count);
else {
bpo-46541: Replace core use of _Py_IDENTIFIER() with statically initialized global objects. (gh-30928) We're no longer using _Py_IDENTIFIER() (or _Py_static_string()) in any core CPython code. It is still used in a number of non-builtin stdlib modules. The replacement is: PyUnicodeObject (not pointer) fields under _PyRuntimeState, statically initialized as part of _PyRuntime. A new _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() macro facilitates lookup of the fields (along with _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() for non-identifier strings). https://bugs.python.org/issue46541#msg411799 explains the rationale for this change. The core of the change is in: * (new) Include/internal/pycore_global_strings.h - the declarations for the global strings, along with the macros * Include/internal/pycore_runtime_init.h - added the static initializers for the global strings * Include/internal/pycore_global_objects.h - where the struct in pycore_global_strings.h is hooked into _PyRuntimeState * Tools/scripts/generate_global_objects.py - added generation of the global string declarations and static initializers I've also added a --check flag to generate_global_objects.py (along with make check-global-objects) to check for unused global strings. That check is added to the PR CI config. The remainder of this change updates the core code to use _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() instead of _Py_IDENTIFIER() and the related _Py*Id functions (likewise for _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() instead of _Py_static_string()). This includes adding a few functions where there wasn't already an alternative to _Py*Id(), replacing the _Py_Identifier * parameter with PyObject *. The following are not changed (yet): * stop using _Py_IDENTIFIER() in the stdlib modules * (maybe) get rid of _Py_IDENTIFIER(), etc. entirely -- this may not be doable as at least one package on PyPI using this (private) API * (maybe) intern the strings during runtime init https://bugs.python.org/issue46541
2022-02-08 16:39:07 -04:00
PyObject *items = PyObject_CallMethodNoArgs(
(PyObject *)self, &_Py_ID(items));
if (items == NULL)
goto Done;
pieces = PySequence_List(items);
if (pieces == NULL)
goto Done;
result = PyUnicode_FromFormat("%s(%R)",
_PyType_Name(Py_TYPE(self)), pieces);
Py_ReprLeave((PyObject *)self);
return result;
/* tp_doc */
"Dictionary that remembers insertion order");
/* tp_traverse */
static int
odict_traverse(PyODictObject *od, visitproc visit, void *arg)
_ODictNode *node;
_odict_FOREACH(od, node) {
return PyDict_Type.tp_traverse((PyObject *)od, visit, arg);
/* tp_clear */
static int
odict_tp_clear(PyODictObject *od)
PyDict_Clear((PyObject *)od);
return 0;
/* tp_richcompare */
static PyObject *
odict_richcompare(PyObject *v, PyObject *w, int op)
if (!PyODict_Check(v) || !PyDict_Check(w)) {
if (op == Py_EQ || op == Py_NE) {
PyObject *res, *cmp;
int eq;
cmp = PyDict_Type.tp_richcompare(v, w, op);
if (cmp == NULL)
return NULL;
if (!PyODict_Check(w))
return cmp;
if (op == Py_EQ && cmp == Py_False)
return cmp;
if (op == Py_NE && cmp == Py_True)
return cmp;
/* Try comparing odict keys. */
eq = _odict_keys_equal((PyODictObject *)v, (PyODictObject *)w);
if (eq < 0)
return NULL;
res = (eq == (op == Py_EQ)) ? Py_True : Py_False;
return res;
} else {
/* tp_iter */
static PyObject *
odict_iter(PyODictObject *od)
return odictiter_new(od, _odict_ITER_KEYS);
/* tp_init */
static int
odict_init(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwds)
PyObject *res;
Py_ssize_t len = PyObject_Length(args);
if (len == -1)
return -1;
if (len > 1) {
const char *msg = "expected at most 1 arguments, got %zd";
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, msg, len);
return -1;
/* __init__() triggering update() is just the way things are! */
res = odict_update(self, args, kwds);
if (res == NULL) {
return -1;
} else {
return 0;
/* PyODict_Type */
PyTypeObject PyODict_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
"collections.OrderedDict", /* tp_name */
sizeof(PyODictObject), /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
(destructor)odict_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_as_async */
(reprfunc)odict_repr, /* tp_repr */
&odict_as_number, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
&odict_as_mapping, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
odict_doc, /* tp_doc */
(traverseproc)odict_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
(inquiry)odict_tp_clear, /* tp_clear */
(richcmpfunc)odict_richcompare, /* tp_richcompare */
offsetof(PyODictObject, od_weakreflist), /* tp_weaklistoffset */
(getiterfunc)odict_iter, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
odict_methods, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
odict_getset, /* tp_getset */
&PyDict_Type, /* tp_base */
0, /* tp_dict */
0, /* tp_descr_get */
0, /* tp_descr_set */
offsetof(PyODictObject, od_inst_dict), /* tp_dictoffset */
(initproc)odict_init, /* tp_init */
PyType_GenericAlloc, /* tp_alloc */
0, /* tp_new */
0, /* tp_free */
/* ----------------------------------------------
* the public OrderedDict API
PyObject *
return PyDict_Type.tp_new(&PyODict_Type, NULL, NULL);
static int
_PyODict_SetItem_KnownHash(PyObject *od, PyObject *key, PyObject *value,
Py_hash_t hash)
int res = _PyDict_SetItem_KnownHash(od, key, value, hash);
if (res == 0) {
res = _odict_add_new_node((PyODictObject *)od, key, hash);
if (res < 0) {
/* Revert setting the value on the dict */
PyObject *exc, *val, *tb;
PyErr_Fetch(&exc, &val, &tb);
(void) _PyDict_DelItem_KnownHash(od, key, hash);
_PyErr_ChainExceptions(exc, val, tb);
return res;
PyODict_SetItem(PyObject *od, PyObject *key, PyObject *value)
Py_hash_t hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
if (hash == -1)
return -1;
return _PyODict_SetItem_KnownHash(od, key, value, hash);
PyODict_DelItem(PyObject *od, PyObject *key)
int res;
Py_hash_t hash = PyObject_Hash(key);
if (hash == -1)
return -1;
res = _odict_clear_node((PyODictObject *)od, NULL, key, hash);
if (res < 0)
return -1;
return _PyDict_DelItem_KnownHash(od, key, hash);
/* -------------------------------------------
* The OrderedDict views (keys/values/items)
typedef struct {
int kind;
PyODictObject *di_odict;
Py_ssize_t di_size;
size_t di_state;
PyObject *di_current;
PyObject *di_result; /* reusable result tuple for iteritems */
} odictiterobject;
static void
odictiter_dealloc(odictiterobject *di)
if ((di->kind & _odict_ITER_ITEMS) == _odict_ITER_ITEMS) {
static int
odictiter_traverse(odictiterobject *di, visitproc visit, void *arg)
Py_VISIT(di->di_current); /* A key could be any type, not just str. */
return 0;
/* In order to protect against modifications during iteration, we track
* the current key instead of the current node. */
static PyObject *
odictiter_nextkey(odictiterobject *di)
PyObject *key = NULL;
_ODictNode *node;
int reversed = di->kind & _odict_ITER_REVERSED;
if (di->di_odict == NULL)
return NULL;
if (di->di_current == NULL)
goto done; /* We're already done. */
/* Check for unsupported changes. */
if (di->di_odict->od_state != di->di_state) {
"OrderedDict mutated during iteration");
goto done;
if (di->di_size != PyODict_SIZE(di->di_odict)) {
"OrderedDict changed size during iteration");
di->di_size = -1; /* Make this state sticky */
return NULL;
/* Get the key. */
node = _odict_find_node(di->di_odict, di->di_current);
if (node == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, di->di_current);
/* Must have been deleted. */
return NULL;
key = di->di_current;
/* Advance to the next key. */
node = reversed ? _odictnode_PREV(node) : _odictnode_NEXT(node);
if (node == NULL) {
/* Reached the end. */
di->di_current = NULL;
else {
di->di_current = _odictnode_KEY(node);
return key;
return key;
static PyObject *
odictiter_iternext(odictiterobject *di)
PyObject *result, *value;
PyObject *key = odictiter_nextkey(di); /* new reference */
if (key == NULL)
return NULL;
/* Handle the keys case. */
if (! (di->kind & _odict_ITER_VALUES)) {
return key;
value = PyODict_GetItem((PyObject *)di->di_odict, key); /* borrowed */
if (value == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
PyErr_SetObject(PyExc_KeyError, key);
goto done;
/* Handle the values case. */
if (!(di->kind & _odict_ITER_KEYS)) {
return value;
/* Handle the items case. */
result = di->di_result;
if (Py_REFCNT(result) == 1) {
/* not in use so we can reuse it
* (the common case during iteration) */
Py_DECREF(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(result, 0)); /* borrowed */
Py_DECREF(PyTuple_GET_ITEM(result, 1)); /* borrowed */
// bpo-42536: The GC may have untracked this result tuple. Since we're
// recycling it, make sure it's tracked again:
if (!_PyObject_GC_IS_TRACKED(result)) {
else {
result = PyTuple_New(2);
if (result == NULL) {
goto done;
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 0, key); /* steals reference */
PyTuple_SET_ITEM(result, 1, value); /* steals reference */
return result;
return NULL;
/* No need for tp_clear because odictiterobject is not mutable. */
PyDoc_STRVAR(reduce_doc, "Return state information for pickling");
static PyObject *
odictiter_reduce(odictiterobject *di, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
/* copy the iterator state */
odictiterobject tmp = *di;
/* iterate the temporary into a list */
PyObject *list = PySequence_List((PyObject*)&tmp);
if (list == NULL) {
return NULL;
bpo-46541: Replace core use of _Py_IDENTIFIER() with statically initialized global objects. (gh-30928) We're no longer using _Py_IDENTIFIER() (or _Py_static_string()) in any core CPython code. It is still used in a number of non-builtin stdlib modules. The replacement is: PyUnicodeObject (not pointer) fields under _PyRuntimeState, statically initialized as part of _PyRuntime. A new _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() macro facilitates lookup of the fields (along with _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() for non-identifier strings). https://bugs.python.org/issue46541#msg411799 explains the rationale for this change. The core of the change is in: * (new) Include/internal/pycore_global_strings.h - the declarations for the global strings, along with the macros * Include/internal/pycore_runtime_init.h - added the static initializers for the global strings * Include/internal/pycore_global_objects.h - where the struct in pycore_global_strings.h is hooked into _PyRuntimeState * Tools/scripts/generate_global_objects.py - added generation of the global string declarations and static initializers I've also added a --check flag to generate_global_objects.py (along with make check-global-objects) to check for unused global strings. That check is added to the PR CI config. The remainder of this change updates the core code to use _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() instead of _Py_IDENTIFIER() and the related _Py*Id functions (likewise for _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() instead of _Py_static_string()). This includes adding a few functions where there wasn't already an alternative to _Py*Id(), replacing the _Py_Identifier * parameter with PyObject *. The following are not changed (yet): * stop using _Py_IDENTIFIER() in the stdlib modules * (maybe) get rid of _Py_IDENTIFIER(), etc. entirely -- this may not be doable as at least one package on PyPI using this (private) API * (maybe) intern the strings during runtime init https://bugs.python.org/issue46541
2022-02-08 16:39:07 -04:00
return Py_BuildValue("N(N)", _PyEval_GetBuiltin(&_Py_ID(iter)), list);
static PyMethodDef odictiter_methods[] = {
{"__reduce__", (PyCFunction)odictiter_reduce, METH_NOARGS, reduce_doc},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
PyTypeObject PyODictIter_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
"odict_iterator", /* tp_name */
sizeof(odictiterobject), /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
/* methods */
(destructor)odictiter_dealloc, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_as_async */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
PyObject_GenericGetAttr, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
0, /* tp_doc */
(traverseproc)odictiter_traverse, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
PyObject_SelfIter, /* tp_iter */
(iternextfunc)odictiter_iternext, /* tp_iternext */
odictiter_methods, /* tp_methods */
static PyObject *
odictiter_new(PyODictObject *od, int kind)
odictiterobject *di;
_ODictNode *node;
int reversed = kind & _odict_ITER_REVERSED;
di = PyObject_GC_New(odictiterobject, &PyODictIter_Type);
if (di == NULL)
return NULL;
if ((kind & _odict_ITER_ITEMS) == _odict_ITER_ITEMS) {
di->di_result = PyTuple_Pack(2, Py_None, Py_None);
if (di->di_result == NULL) {
return NULL;
else {
di->di_result = NULL;
di->kind = kind;
node = reversed ? _odict_LAST(od) : _odict_FIRST(od);
di->di_current = node ? _odictnode_KEY(node) : NULL;
di->di_size = PyODict_SIZE(od);
di->di_state = od->od_state;
di->di_odict = od;
return (PyObject *)di;
/* keys() */
static PyObject *
odictkeys_iter(_PyDictViewObject *dv)
if (dv->dv_dict == NULL) {
return odictiter_new((PyODictObject *)dv->dv_dict,
static PyObject *
odictkeys_reversed(_PyDictViewObject *dv, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
if (dv->dv_dict == NULL) {
return odictiter_new((PyODictObject *)dv->dv_dict,
static PyMethodDef odictkeys_methods[] = {
{"__reversed__", (PyCFunction)odictkeys_reversed, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
PyTypeObject PyODictKeys_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
"odict_keys", /* tp_name */
0, /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
0, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_as_async */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
0, /* tp_flags */
0, /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
(getiterfunc)odictkeys_iter, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
odictkeys_methods, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
&PyDictKeys_Type, /* tp_base */
static PyObject *
odictkeys_new(PyObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _PyDictView_New(od, &PyODictKeys_Type);
/* items() */
static PyObject *
odictitems_iter(_PyDictViewObject *dv)
if (dv->dv_dict == NULL) {
return odictiter_new((PyODictObject *)dv->dv_dict,
static PyObject *
odictitems_reversed(_PyDictViewObject *dv, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
if (dv->dv_dict == NULL) {
return odictiter_new((PyODictObject *)dv->dv_dict,
static PyMethodDef odictitems_methods[] = {
{"__reversed__", (PyCFunction)odictitems_reversed, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
PyTypeObject PyODictItems_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
"odict_items", /* tp_name */
0, /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
0, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_as_async */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
0, /* tp_flags */
0, /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
(getiterfunc)odictitems_iter, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
odictitems_methods, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
&PyDictItems_Type, /* tp_base */
static PyObject *
odictitems_new(PyObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _PyDictView_New(od, &PyODictItems_Type);
/* values() */
static PyObject *
odictvalues_iter(_PyDictViewObject *dv)
if (dv->dv_dict == NULL) {
return odictiter_new((PyODictObject *)dv->dv_dict,
static PyObject *
odictvalues_reversed(_PyDictViewObject *dv, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
if (dv->dv_dict == NULL) {
return odictiter_new((PyODictObject *)dv->dv_dict,
static PyMethodDef odictvalues_methods[] = {
{"__reversed__", (PyCFunction)odictvalues_reversed, METH_NOARGS, NULL},
{NULL, NULL} /* sentinel */
PyTypeObject PyODictValues_Type = {
PyVarObject_HEAD_INIT(&PyType_Type, 0)
"odict_values", /* tp_name */
0, /* tp_basicsize */
0, /* tp_itemsize */
0, /* tp_dealloc */
0, /* tp_vectorcall_offset */
0, /* tp_getattr */
0, /* tp_setattr */
0, /* tp_as_async */
0, /* tp_repr */
0, /* tp_as_number */
0, /* tp_as_sequence */
0, /* tp_as_mapping */
0, /* tp_hash */
0, /* tp_call */
0, /* tp_str */
0, /* tp_getattro */
0, /* tp_setattro */
0, /* tp_as_buffer */
0, /* tp_flags */
0, /* tp_doc */
0, /* tp_traverse */
0, /* tp_clear */
0, /* tp_richcompare */
0, /* tp_weaklistoffset */
(getiterfunc)odictvalues_iter, /* tp_iter */
0, /* tp_iternext */
odictvalues_methods, /* tp_methods */
0, /* tp_members */
0, /* tp_getset */
&PyDictValues_Type, /* tp_base */
static PyObject *
odictvalues_new(PyObject *od, PyObject *Py_UNUSED(ignored))
return _PyDictView_New(od, &PyODictValues_Type);
/* ----------------------------------------------
MutableMapping implementations
============ ===========
method uses
============ ===========
__contains__ __getitem__
__eq__ items
__getitem__ +
__iter__ +
__len__ +
__ne__ __eq__
get __getitem__
items ItemsView
keys KeysView
values ValuesView
============ ===========
ItemsView uses __len__, __iter__, and __getitem__.
KeysView uses __len__, __iter__, and __contains__.
ValuesView uses __len__, __iter__, and __getitem__.
============ ===========
method uses
============ ===========
__delitem__ +
__setitem__ +
clear popitem
pop __getitem__
popitem __iter__
setdefault __getitem__
update __setitem__
============ ===========
static int
mutablemapping_add_pairs(PyObject *self, PyObject *pairs)
PyObject *pair, *iterator, *unexpected;
int res = 0;
iterator = PyObject_GetIter(pairs);
if (iterator == NULL)
return -1;
while ((pair = PyIter_Next(iterator)) != NULL) {
/* could be more efficient (see UNPACK_SEQUENCE in ceval.c) */
PyObject *key = NULL, *value = NULL;
PyObject *pair_iterator = PyObject_GetIter(pair);
if (pair_iterator == NULL)
goto Done;
key = PyIter_Next(pair_iterator);
if (key == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"need more than 0 values to unpack");
goto Done;
value = PyIter_Next(pair_iterator);
if (value == NULL) {
if (!PyErr_Occurred())
"need more than 1 value to unpack");
goto Done;
unexpected = PyIter_Next(pair_iterator);
if (unexpected != NULL) {
"too many values to unpack (expected 2)");
goto Done;
else if (PyErr_Occurred())
goto Done;
res = PyObject_SetItem(self, key, value);
if (PyErr_Occurred())
if (res < 0 || PyErr_Occurred() != NULL)
return -1;
return 0;
static int
mutablemapping_update_arg(PyObject *self, PyObject *arg)
int res = 0;
if (PyDict_CheckExact(arg)) {
PyObject *items = PyDict_Items(arg);
if (items == NULL) {
return -1;
res = mutablemapping_add_pairs(self, items);
return res;
PyObject *func;
bpo-46541: Replace core use of _Py_IDENTIFIER() with statically initialized global objects. (gh-30928) We're no longer using _Py_IDENTIFIER() (or _Py_static_string()) in any core CPython code. It is still used in a number of non-builtin stdlib modules. The replacement is: PyUnicodeObject (not pointer) fields under _PyRuntimeState, statically initialized as part of _PyRuntime. A new _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() macro facilitates lookup of the fields (along with _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() for non-identifier strings). https://bugs.python.org/issue46541#msg411799 explains the rationale for this change. The core of the change is in: * (new) Include/internal/pycore_global_strings.h - the declarations for the global strings, along with the macros * Include/internal/pycore_runtime_init.h - added the static initializers for the global strings * Include/internal/pycore_global_objects.h - where the struct in pycore_global_strings.h is hooked into _PyRuntimeState * Tools/scripts/generate_global_objects.py - added generation of the global string declarations and static initializers I've also added a --check flag to generate_global_objects.py (along with make check-global-objects) to check for unused global strings. That check is added to the PR CI config. The remainder of this change updates the core code to use _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() instead of _Py_IDENTIFIER() and the related _Py*Id functions (likewise for _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() instead of _Py_static_string()). This includes adding a few functions where there wasn't already an alternative to _Py*Id(), replacing the _Py_Identifier * parameter with PyObject *. The following are not changed (yet): * stop using _Py_IDENTIFIER() in the stdlib modules * (maybe) get rid of _Py_IDENTIFIER(), etc. entirely -- this may not be doable as at least one package on PyPI using this (private) API * (maybe) intern the strings during runtime init https://bugs.python.org/issue46541
2022-02-08 16:39:07 -04:00
if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(arg, &_Py_ID(keys), &func) < 0) {
return -1;
if (func != NULL) {
PyObject *keys = _PyObject_CallNoArgs(func);
if (keys == NULL) {
return -1;
PyObject *iterator = PyObject_GetIter(keys);
if (iterator == NULL) {
return -1;
PyObject *key;
while (res == 0 && (key = PyIter_Next(iterator))) {
PyObject *value = PyObject_GetItem(arg, key);
if (value != NULL) {
res = PyObject_SetItem(self, key, value);
else {
res = -1;
if (res != 0 || PyErr_Occurred()) {
return -1;
return 0;
bpo-46541: Replace core use of _Py_IDENTIFIER() with statically initialized global objects. (gh-30928) We're no longer using _Py_IDENTIFIER() (or _Py_static_string()) in any core CPython code. It is still used in a number of non-builtin stdlib modules. The replacement is: PyUnicodeObject (not pointer) fields under _PyRuntimeState, statically initialized as part of _PyRuntime. A new _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() macro facilitates lookup of the fields (along with _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() for non-identifier strings). https://bugs.python.org/issue46541#msg411799 explains the rationale for this change. The core of the change is in: * (new) Include/internal/pycore_global_strings.h - the declarations for the global strings, along with the macros * Include/internal/pycore_runtime_init.h - added the static initializers for the global strings * Include/internal/pycore_global_objects.h - where the struct in pycore_global_strings.h is hooked into _PyRuntimeState * Tools/scripts/generate_global_objects.py - added generation of the global string declarations and static initializers I've also added a --check flag to generate_global_objects.py (along with make check-global-objects) to check for unused global strings. That check is added to the PR CI config. The remainder of this change updates the core code to use _Py_GET_GLOBAL_IDENTIFIER() instead of _Py_IDENTIFIER() and the related _Py*Id functions (likewise for _Py_GET_GLOBAL_STRING() instead of _Py_static_string()). This includes adding a few functions where there wasn't already an alternative to _Py*Id(), replacing the _Py_Identifier * parameter with PyObject *. The following are not changed (yet): * stop using _Py_IDENTIFIER() in the stdlib modules * (maybe) get rid of _Py_IDENTIFIER(), etc. entirely -- this may not be doable as at least one package on PyPI using this (private) API * (maybe) intern the strings during runtime init https://bugs.python.org/issue46541
2022-02-08 16:39:07 -04:00
if (_PyObject_LookupAttr(arg, &_Py_ID(items), &func) < 0) {
return -1;
if (func != NULL) {
PyObject *items = _PyObject_CallNoArgs(func);
if (items == NULL) {
return -1;
res = mutablemapping_add_pairs(self, items);
return res;
res = mutablemapping_add_pairs(self, arg);
return res;
static PyObject *
mutablemapping_update(PyObject *self, PyObject *args, PyObject *kwargs)
int res;
/* first handle args, if any */
assert(args == NULL || PyTuple_Check(args));
Py_ssize_t len = (args != NULL) ? PyTuple_GET_SIZE(args) : 0;
if (len > 1) {
const char *msg = "update() takes at most 1 positional argument (%zd given)";
PyErr_Format(PyExc_TypeError, msg, len);
return NULL;
if (len) {
2015-06-07 02:00:42 -03:00
PyObject *other = PyTuple_GET_ITEM(args, 0); /* borrowed reference */
assert(other != NULL);
2015-06-07 02:00:42 -03:00
res = mutablemapping_update_arg(self, other);
if (res < 0) {
return NULL;
/* now handle kwargs */
assert(kwargs == NULL || PyDict_Check(kwargs));
if (kwargs != NULL && PyDict_GET_SIZE(kwargs)) {
PyObject *items = PyDict_Items(kwargs);
2015-06-07 02:00:42 -03:00
if (items == NULL)
return NULL;
res = mutablemapping_add_pairs(self, items);
if (res == -1)
return NULL;