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\section{\module{turtle} ---
Turtle graphics for Tk}
\moduleauthor{Guido van Rossum}{guido@python.org}
\modulesynopsis{An environment for turtle graphics.}
\sectionauthor{Moshe Zadka}{moshez@zadka.site.co.il}
The \module{turtle} module provides turtle graphics primitives, in both an
object-oriented and procedure-oriented ways. Because it uses \module{Tkinter}
for the underlying graphics, it needs a version of python installed with
Tk support.
The procedural interface uses a pen and a canvas which are automagically
created when any of the functions are called.
The \module{turtle} module defines the following functions:
Set angle measurement units to degrees.
Set angle measurement units to radians.
Clear the screen, re-center the pen, and set variables to the default
Clear the screen.
Set tracing on/off (according to whether flag is true or not). Tracing
means line are drawn more slowly, with an animation of an arrow along the
Set the speed of the turtle. Valid values for the parameter
\var{speed} are \code{'fastest'} (no delay), \code{'fast'},
(delay 5ms), \code{'normal'} (delay 10ms), \code{'slow'}
(delay 15ms), and \code{'slowest'} (delay 20ms).
Set the speed of the turtle to \var{delay}, which is given
in ms. \versionadded{2.5}
Go forward \var{distance} steps.
Go backward \var{distance} steps.
Turn left \var{angle} units. Units are by default degrees, but can be
set via the \function{degrees()} and \function{radians()} functions.
Turn right \var{angle} units. Units are by default degrees, but can be
set via the \function{degrees()} and \function{radians()} functions.
Move the pen up --- stop drawing.
Move the pen down --- draw when moving.
Set the line width to \var{width}.
\funclineni{color}{(r, g, b)}
\funclineni{color}{r, g, b}
Set the pen color. In the first form, the color is specified as a
Tk color specification as a string. The second form specifies the
color as a tuple of the RGB values, each in the range [0..1]. For the
third form, the color is specified giving the RGB values as three
separate parameters (each in the range [0..1]).
\begin{funcdesc}{write}{text\optional{, move}}
Write \var{text} at the current pen position. If \var{move} is true,
the pen is moved to the bottom-right corner of the text. By default,
\var{move} is false.
The complete specifications are rather complex, but the recommended
usage is: call \code{fill(1)} before drawing a path you want to fill,
and call \code{fill(0)} when you finish to draw the path.
Switch turtle into filling mode; equivalent to \code{fill(1)}.
End filling mode, and fill the shape; equivalent to \code{fill(0)}.
\begin{funcdesc}{circle}{radius\optional{, extent}}
Draw a circle with radius \var{radius} whose center-point is
\var{radius} units left of the turtle.
\var{extent} determines which part of a circle is drawn: if
not given it defaults to a full circle.
If \var{extent} is not a full circle, one endpoint of the arc is the
current pen position. The arc is drawn in a counter clockwise
direction if \var{radius} is positive, otherwise in a clockwise
direction. In the process, the direction of the turtle is changed
by the amount of the \var{extent}.
\begin{funcdesc}{goto}{x, y}
\funclineni{goto}{(x, y)}
Go to co-ordinates \var{x}, \var{y}. The co-ordinates may be
specified either as two separate arguments or as a 2-tuple.
\begin{funcdesc}{towards}{x, y}
Return the angle of the line from the turtle's position
to the point \var{x}, \var{y}. The co-ordinates may be
specified either as two separate arguments, as a 2-tuple,
or as another pen object.
Return the current orientation of the turtle.
Set the orientation of the turtle to \var{angle}.
Return the current location of the turtle as an \code{(x,y)} pair.
Set the x coordinate of the turtle to \var{x}.
Set the y coordinate of the turtle to \var{y}.
Return the width of the canvas window.
Return the height of the canvas window.
This module also does \code{from math import *}, so see the
documentation for the \refmodule{math} module for additional constants
and functions useful for turtle graphics.
Exercise the module a bit.
Exception raised on any error caught by this module.
For examples, see the code of the \function{demo()} function.
This module defines the following classes:
Define a pen. All above functions can be called as a methods on the given
pen. The constructor automatically creates a canvas do be drawn on.
Define a pen. This is essentially a synonym for \code{Pen()};
\class{Turtle} is an empty subclass of \class{Pen}.
Define a pen which draws on a canvas \var{canvas}. This is useful if
you want to use the module to create graphics in a ``real'' program.
\subsection{Turtle, Pen and RawPen Objects \label{pen-rawpen-objects}}
\class{Turtle}, \class{Pen} and \class{RawPen} objects have all the
global functions described above, except for \function{demo()} as
methods, which manipulate the given pen.
The only method which is more powerful as a method is
\var{fullcircle} is by default 360. This can cause the pen to have any
angular units whatever: give \var{fullcircle} 2*$\pi$ for radians, or
400 for gradians.