2024-06-13 18:16:40 -03:00
from __future__ import annotations
from typing import Callable, Unpack
class A[T, *Ts, **P]:
x: T
y: tuple[*Ts]
z: Callable[P, str]
class B[T, *Ts, **P]:
T = int
Ts = str
P = bytes
x: T
y: Ts
z: P
Eggs = int
Spam = str
class C[Eggs, **Spam]:
x: Eggs
y: Spam
def generic_function[T, *Ts, **P](
x: T, *y: Unpack[Ts], z: P.args, zz: P.kwargs
) -> None: ...
def generic_function_2[Eggs, **Spam](x: Eggs, y: Spam): pass
class D:
Foo = int
Bar = str
def generic_method[Foo, **Bar](
self, x: Foo, y: Bar
) -> None: ...
def generic_method_2[Eggs, **Spam](self, x: Eggs, y: Spam): pass
2024-06-15 09:51:58 -03:00
# Eggs is `int` in globals, a TypeVar in type_params, and `str` in locals:
class E[Eggs]:
Eggs = str
x: Eggs
2024-06-13 18:16:40 -03:00
def nested():
from types import SimpleNamespace
from inspect import get_annotations
Eggs = bytes
Spam = memoryview
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class F[Eggs, **Spam]:
2024-06-13 18:16:40 -03:00
x: Eggs
y: Spam
def generic_method[Eggs, **Spam](self, x: Eggs, y: Spam): pass
def generic_function[Eggs, **Spam](x: Eggs, y: Spam): pass
2024-06-15 09:51:58 -03:00
# Eggs is `int` in globals, `bytes` in the function scope,
# a TypeVar in the type_params, and `str` in locals:
class G[Eggs]:
Eggs = str
x: Eggs
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return SimpleNamespace(
2024-06-15 09:51:58 -03:00
F_annotations=get_annotations(F, eval_str=True),
F_meth_annotations=get_annotations(F.generic_method, eval_str=True),
G_annotations=get_annotations(G, eval_str=True),
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generic_func_annotations=get_annotations(generic_function, eval_str=True)