
279 lines
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"""Parser for bytecodes.inst."""
from dataclasses import dataclass, field
from typing import NamedTuple, Callable, TypeVar
import lexer as lx
from plexer import PLexer
P = TypeVar("P", bound="Parser")
N = TypeVar("N", bound="Node")
def contextual(func: Callable[[P], N|None]) -> Callable[[P], N|None]:
# Decorator to wrap grammar methods.
# Resets position if `func` returns None.
def contextual_wrapper(self: P) -> N|None:
begin = self.getpos()
res = func(self)
if res is None:
end = self.getpos()
res.context = Context(begin, end, self)
return res
return contextual_wrapper
class Context(NamedTuple):
begin: int
end: int
owner: PLexer
def __repr__(self):
return f"<{self.begin}-{self.end}>"
class Node:
context: Context|None = field(init=False, default=None)
def text(self) -> str:
return self.to_text()
def to_text(self, dedent: int = 0) -> str:
context = self.context
if not context:
return ""
tokens = context.owner.tokens
begin = context.begin
end = context.end
return lx.to_text(tokens[begin:end], dedent)
class Block(Node):
tokens: list[lx.Token]
class InstHeader(Node):
name: str
inputs: list[str]
outputs: list[str]
class InstDef(Node):
header: InstHeader
block: Block
def name(self):
return self.header.name
def inputs(self):
return self.header.inputs
def outputs(self):
return self.header.outputs
class Super(Node):
name: str
ops: list[str]
class Family(Node):
name: str
members: list[str]
class Parser(PLexer):
def inst_def(self) -> InstDef | None:
if header := self.inst_header():
if block := self.block():
return InstDef(header, block)
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected block")
return None
def inst_header(self) -> InstHeader | None:
# inst(NAME) | inst(NAME, (inputs -- outputs))
# TODO: Error out when there is something unexpected.
# TODO: Make INST a keyword in the lexer.``
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)) and tkn.text == "inst":
if (self.expect(lx.LPAREN)
and (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER))):
name = tkn.text
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
inp, outp = self.stack_effect()
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if ((tkn := self.peek())
and tkn.kind == lx.LBRACE):
self.check_overlaps(inp, outp)
return InstHeader(name, inp, outp)
elif self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
return InstHeader(name, [], [])
return None
def check_overlaps(self, inp: list[str], outp: list[str]):
for i, name in enumerate(inp):
j = outp.index(name)
except ValueError:
if i != j:
raise self.make_syntax_error(
f"Input {name!r} at pos {i} repeated in output at different pos {j}")
def stack_effect(self) -> tuple[list[str], list[str]]:
# '(' [inputs] '--' [outputs] ')'
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
inp = self.inputs() or []
if self.expect(lx.MINUSMINUS):
outp = self.outputs() or []
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
return inp, outp
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected stack effect")
def inputs(self) -> list[str] | None:
# input (, input)*
here = self.getpos()
if inp := self.input():
near = self.getpos()
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if rest := self.inputs():
return [inp] + rest
return [inp]
return None
def input(self) -> str | None:
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)):
if self.expect(lx.LBRACKET):
if arg := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
if self.expect(lx.RBRACKET):
return f"{tkn.text}[{arg.text}]"
if self.expect(lx.TIMES):
if num := self.expect(lx.NUMBER):
if self.expect(lx.RBRACKET):
return f"{tkn.text}[{arg.text}*{num.text}]"
raise self.make_syntax_error("Expected argument in brackets", tkn)
return tkn.text
if self.expect(lx.CONDOP):
while self.expect(lx.CONDOP):
return "??"
return None
def outputs(self) -> list[str] | None:
# output (, output)*
here = self.getpos()
if outp := self.output():
near = self.getpos()
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if rest := self.outputs():
return [outp] + rest
return [outp]
return None
def output(self) -> str | None:
return self.input() # TODO: They're not quite the same.
def super_def(self) -> Super | None:
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)) and tkn.text == "super":
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)):
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if self.expect(lx.EQUALS):
if ops := self.ops():
res = Super(tkn.text, ops)
return res
def ops(self) -> list[str] | None:
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
ops = [tkn.text]
while self.expect(lx.PLUS):
if tkn := self.require(lx.IDENTIFIER):
return ops
def family_def(self) -> Family | None:
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)) and tkn.text == "family":
if self.expect(lx.LPAREN):
if (tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER)):
if self.expect(lx.RPAREN):
if self.expect(lx.EQUALS):
if members := self.members():
if self.expect(lx.SEMI):
return Family(tkn.text, members)
return None
def members(self) -> list[str] | None:
here = self.getpos()
if tkn := self.expect(lx.IDENTIFIER):
near = self.getpos()
if self.expect(lx.COMMA):
if rest := self.members():
return [tkn.text] + rest
return [tkn.text]
return None
def block(self) -> Block:
tokens = self.c_blob()
return Block(tokens)
def c_blob(self) -> list[lx.Token]:
tokens: list[lx.Token] = []
level = 0
while tkn := self.next(raw=True):
if tkn.kind in (lx.LBRACE, lx.LPAREN, lx.LBRACKET):
level += 1
elif tkn.kind in (lx.RBRACE, lx.RPAREN, lx.RBRACKET):
level -= 1
if level <= 0:
return tokens
if __name__ == "__main__":
import sys
if sys.argv[1:]:
filename = sys.argv[1]
if filename == "-c" and sys.argv[2:]:
src = sys.argv[2]
filename = None
with open(filename) as f:
src = f.read()
srclines = src.splitlines()
begin = srclines.index("// BEGIN BYTECODES //")
end = srclines.index("// END BYTECODES //")
src = "\n".join(srclines[begin+1 : end])
filename = None
src = "if (x) { x.foo; // comment\n}"
parser = Parser(src, filename)
x = parser.inst_def()