
676 lines
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import os
import io
import csv
import sys
import shutil
import tempfile
from os.path import relpath # separate import for backport concerns
from hashlib import md5
from textwrap import dedent
from packaging.tests.test_util import GlobTestCaseBase
from packaging.tests.support import requires_zlib
from packaging.config import get_resources_dests
from packaging.errors import PackagingError
from packaging.metadata import Metadata
2011-05-30 06:07:54 -03:00
from packaging.tests import unittest, support
from packaging.database import (
Distribution, EggInfoDistribution, get_distribution, get_distributions,
provides_distribution, obsoletes_distribution, get_file_users,
enable_cache, disable_cache, distinfo_dirname, _yield_distributions,
get_file, get_file_path)
# TODO Add a test for getting a distribution provided by another distribution
# TODO Add a test for absolute pathed RECORD items (e.g. /etc/myapp/config.ini)
# TODO Add tests from the former pep376 project (zipped site-packages, etc.)
def get_hexdigest(filename):
with open(filename, 'rb') as file:
checksum = md5(file.read())
return checksum.hexdigest()
def record_pieces(file):
path = relpath(file, sys.prefix)
digest = get_hexdigest(file)
size = os.path.getsize(file)
return [path, digest, size]
class FakeDistsMixin:
def setUp(self):
super(FakeDistsMixin, self).setUp()
# make a copy that we can write into for our fake installed
# distributions
tmpdir = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, tmpdir)
self.fake_dists_path = os.path.join(tmpdir, 'fake_dists')
fake_dists_src = os.path.abspath(
os.path.join(os.path.dirname(__file__), 'fake_dists'))
shutil.copytree(fake_dists_src, self.fake_dists_path)
# XXX ugly workaround: revert copystat calls done by shutil behind our
# back (to avoid getting a read-only copy of a read-only file). we
# could pass a custom copy_function to change the mode of files, but
# shutil gives no control over the mode of directories :(
for root, dirs, files in os.walk(self.fake_dists_path):
os.chmod(root, 0o755)
for f in files:
os.chmod(os.path.join(root, f), 0o644)
for d in dirs:
os.chmod(os.path.join(root, d), 0o755)
class CommonDistributionTests(FakeDistsMixin):
"""Mixin used to test the interface common to both Distribution classes.
Derived classes define cls, sample_dist, dirs and records. These
attributes are used in test methods. See source code for details.
def test_instantiation(self):
# check that useful attributes are here
name, version, distdir = self.sample_dist
here = os.path.abspath(os.path.dirname(__file__))
dist_path = os.path.join(here, 'fake_dists', distdir)
dist = self.dist = self.cls(dist_path)
self.assertEqual(dist.path, dist_path)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, name)
self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Name'], name)
self.assertIsInstance(dist.metadata, Metadata)
self.assertEqual(dist.version, version)
self.assertEqual(dist.metadata['Version'], version)
def test_repr(self):
dist = self.cls(self.dirs[0])
# just check that the class name is in the repr
self.assertIn(self.cls.__name__, repr(dist))
def test_comparison(self):
# tests for __eq__ and __hash__
dist = self.cls(self.dirs[0])
dist2 = self.cls(self.dirs[0])
dist3 = self.cls(self.dirs[1])
self.assertIn(dist, {dist: True})
self.assertEqual(dist, dist)
self.assertIsNot(dist, dist2)
self.assertEqual(dist, dist2)
self.assertNotEqual(dist, dist3)
self.assertNotEqual(dist, ())
def test_list_installed_files(self):
for dir_ in self.dirs:
dist = self.cls(dir_)
for path, md5_, size in dist.list_installed_files():
record_data = self.records[dist.path]
self.assertIn(path, record_data)
self.assertEqual(md5_, record_data[path][0])
self.assertEqual(size, record_data[path][1])
class TestDistribution(CommonDistributionTests, unittest.TestCase):
cls = Distribution
sample_dist = 'choxie', '', 'choxie-'
def setUp(self):
super(TestDistribution, self).setUp()
self.dirs = [os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path, f)
for f in os.listdir(self.fake_dists_path)
if f.endswith('.dist-info')]
self.records = {}
for distinfo_dir in self.dirs:
record_file = os.path.join(distinfo_dir, 'RECORD')
with open(record_file, 'w') as file:
record_writer = csv.writer(
file, delimiter=',', quoting=csv.QUOTE_NONE,
dist_location = distinfo_dir.replace('.dist-info', '')
for path, dirs, files in os.walk(dist_location):
for f in files:
os.path.join(path, f)))
os.path.join(distinfo_dir, file)))
record_writer.writerow([relpath(record_file, sys.prefix)])
with open(record_file) as file:
record_reader = csv.reader(file, lineterminator='\n')
record_data = {}
for row in record_reader:
if row == []:
path, md5_, size = (row[:] +
[None for i in range(len(row), 3)])
record_data[path] = md5_, size
self.records[distinfo_dir] = record_data
def test_instantiation(self):
super(TestDistribution, self).test_instantiation()
self.assertIsInstance(self.dist.requested, bool)
def test_uses(self):
# Test to determine if a distribution uses a specified file.
# Criteria to test against
distinfo_name = 'grammar-1.0a4'
distinfo_dir = os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path,
distinfo_name + '.dist-info')
true_path = [self.fake_dists_path, distinfo_name,
'grammar', 'utils.py']
true_path = relpath(os.path.join(*true_path), sys.prefix)
false_path = [self.fake_dists_path, 'towel_stuff-0.1', 'towel_stuff',
false_path = relpath(os.path.join(*false_path), sys.prefix)
# Test if the distribution uses the file in question
dist = Distribution(distinfo_dir)
def test_get_distinfo_file(self):
# Test the retrieval of dist-info file objects.
distinfo_name = 'choxie-'
other_distinfo_name = 'grammar-1.0a4'
distinfo_dir = os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path,
distinfo_name + '.dist-info')
dist = Distribution(distinfo_dir)
# Test for known good file matches
distinfo_files = [
# Relative paths
# Absolute paths
os.path.join(distinfo_dir, 'RECORD'),
os.path.join(distinfo_dir, 'REQUESTED'),
for distfile in distinfo_files:
with dist.get_distinfo_file(distfile) as value:
self.assertIsInstance(value, io.TextIOWrapper)
# Is it the correct file?
os.path.join(distinfo_dir, distfile))
# Test an absolute path that is part of another distributions dist-info
other_distinfo_file = os.path.join(
self.fake_dists_path, other_distinfo_name + '.dist-info',
self.assertRaises(PackagingError, dist.get_distinfo_file,
# Test for a file that should not exist
self.assertRaises(PackagingError, dist.get_distinfo_file,
def test_list_distinfo_files(self):
# Test for the iteration of RECORD path entries.
distinfo_name = 'towel_stuff-0.1'
distinfo_dir = os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path,
distinfo_name + '.dist-info')
dist = Distribution(distinfo_dir)
# Test for the iteration of the raw path
distinfo_record_paths = self.records[distinfo_dir].keys()
found = dist.list_distinfo_files()
self.assertEqual(sorted(found), sorted(distinfo_record_paths))
# Test for the iteration of local absolute paths
distinfo_record_paths = [os.path.join(sys.prefix, path)
for path in self.records[distinfo_dir]]
found = dist.list_distinfo_files(local=True)
self.assertEqual(sorted(found), sorted(distinfo_record_paths))
def test_get_resources_path(self):
distinfo_name = 'babar-0.1'
distinfo_dir = os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path,
distinfo_name + '.dist-info')
dist = Distribution(distinfo_dir)
resource_path = dist.get_resource_path('babar.png')
self.assertEqual(resource_path, 'babar.png')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, dist.get_resource_path, 'notexist')
class TestEggInfoDistribution(CommonDistributionTests,
cls = EggInfoDistribution
sample_dist = 'bacon', '0.1', 'bacon-0.1.egg-info'
def setUp(self):
super(TestEggInfoDistribution, self).setUp()
self.dirs = [os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path, f)
for f in os.listdir(self.fake_dists_path)
if f.endswith('.egg') or f.endswith('.egg-info')]
self.records = {}
@unittest.skip('not implemented yet')
def test_list_installed_files(self):
# EggInfoDistribution defines list_installed_files but there is no
# test for it yet; someone with setuptools expertise needs to add a
# file with the list of installed files for one of the egg fake dists
# and write the support code to populate self.records (and then delete
# this method)
class TestDatabase(support.LoggingCatcher,
def setUp(self):
super(TestDatabase, self).setUp()
sys.path.insert(0, self.fake_dists_path)
self.addCleanup(sys.path.remove, self.fake_dists_path)
def test_distinfo_dirname(self):
# Given a name and a version, we expect the distinfo_dirname function
# to return a standard distribution information directory name.
items = [
# (name, version, standard_dirname)
# Test for a very simple single word name and decimal version
# number
('docutils', '0.5', 'docutils-0.5.dist-info'),
# Test for another except this time with a '-' in the name, which
# needs to be transformed during the name lookup
('python-ldap', '2.5', 'python_ldap-2.5.dist-info'),
# Test for both '-' in the name and a funky version number
('python-ldap', '2.5 a---5', 'python_ldap-2.5 a---5.dist-info'),
# Loop through the items to validate the results
for name, version, standard_dirname in items:
dirname = distinfo_dirname(name, version)
self.assertEqual(dirname, standard_dirname)
def test_get_distributions(self):
# Lookup all distributions found in the ``sys.path``.
# This test could potentially pick up other installed distributions
fake_dists = [('grammar', '1.0a4'), ('choxie', ''),
('towel-stuff', '0.1'), ('babar', '0.1')]
found_dists = []
# Verify the fake dists have been found.
dists = [dist for dist in get_distributions()]
for dist in dists:
self.assertIsInstance(dist, Distribution)
if (dist.name in dict(fake_dists) and
found_dists.append((dist.name, dist.version))
# check that it doesn't find anything more than this
# otherwise we don't care what other distributions are found
# Finally, test that we found all that we were looking for
self.assertEqual(sorted(found_dists), sorted(fake_dists))
# Now, test if the egg-info distributions are found correctly as well
fake_dists += [('bacon', '0.1'), ('cheese', '2.0.2'),
('coconuts-aster', '10.3'),
('banana', '0.4'), ('strawberry', '0.6'),
('truffles', '5.0'), ('nut', 'funkyversion')]
found_dists = []
dists = [dist for dist in get_distributions(use_egg_info=True)]
for dist in dists:
self.assertIsInstance(dist, (Distribution, EggInfoDistribution))
if (dist.name in dict(fake_dists) and
found_dists.append((dist.name, dist.version))
self.assertEqual(sorted(fake_dists), sorted(found_dists))
def test_get_distribution(self):
# Test for looking up a distribution by name.
# Test the lookup of the towel-stuff distribution
name = 'towel-stuff' # Note: This is different from the directory name
# Lookup the distribution
dist = get_distribution(name)
self.assertIsInstance(dist, Distribution)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, name)
# Verify that an unknown distribution returns None
# Verify partial name matching doesn't work
# Verify that it does not find egg-info distributions, when not
# instructed to
# Now check that it works well in both situations, when egg-info
# is a file and directory respectively.
dist = get_distribution('cheese', use_egg_info=True)
self.assertIsInstance(dist, EggInfoDistribution)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, 'cheese')
dist = get_distribution('bacon', use_egg_info=True)
self.assertIsInstance(dist, EggInfoDistribution)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, 'bacon')
dist = get_distribution('banana', use_egg_info=True)
self.assertIsInstance(dist, EggInfoDistribution)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, 'banana')
dist = get_distribution('strawberry', use_egg_info=True)
self.assertIsInstance(dist, EggInfoDistribution)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, 'strawberry')
def test_get_file_users(self):
# Test the iteration of distributions that use a file.
name = 'towel_stuff-0.1'
path = os.path.join(self.fake_dists_path, name,
'towel_stuff', '__init__.py')
for dist in get_file_users(path):
self.assertIsInstance(dist, Distribution)
self.assertEqual(dist.name, name)
def test_provides(self):
# Test for looking up distributions by what they provide
checkLists = lambda x, y: self.assertEqual(sorted(x), sorted(y))
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles')]
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '1.0')]
checkLists(l, ['choxie'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '1.0',
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'cheese'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '1.1.2')]
checkLists(l, ['towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '1.1')]
checkLists(l, ['towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles',
checkLists(l, ['choxie'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles',
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'bacon', 'cheese'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '>1.0')]
checkLists(l, ['towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '>1.5')]
checkLists(l, [])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '>1.5',
checkLists(l, ['bacon'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('truffles', '>=1.0')]
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('strawberry', '0.6',
checkLists(l, ['coconuts-aster'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('strawberry', '>=0.5',
checkLists(l, ['coconuts-aster'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('strawberry', '>0.6',
checkLists(l, [])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('banana', '0.4',
checkLists(l, ['coconuts-aster'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('banana', '>=0.3',
checkLists(l, ['coconuts-aster'])
l = [dist.name for dist in provides_distribution('banana', '!=0.4',
checkLists(l, [])
def test_obsoletes(self):
# Test looking for distributions based on what they obsolete
checkLists = lambda x, y: self.assertEqual(sorted(x), sorted(y))
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles', '1.0')]
checkLists(l, [])
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles', '1.0',
checkLists(l, ['cheese', 'bacon'])
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles', '0.8')]
checkLists(l, ['choxie'])
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles', '0.8',
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'cheese'])
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles', '0.9.6')]
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles',
checkLists(l, ['choxie', 'towel-stuff'])
l = [dist.name for dist in obsoletes_distribution('truffles', '0.2')]
checkLists(l, ['towel-stuff'])
def test_yield_distribution(self):
# tests the internal function _yield_distributions
checkLists = lambda x, y: self.assertEqual(sorted(x), sorted(y))
eggs = [('bacon', '0.1'), ('banana', '0.4'), ('strawberry', '0.6'),
('truffles', '5.0'), ('cheese', '2.0.2'),
('coconuts-aster', '10.3'), ('nut', 'funkyversion')]
dists = [('choxie', ''), ('grammar', '1.0a4'),
('towel-stuff', '0.1'), ('babar', '0.1')]
checkLists([], _yield_distributions(False, False, sys.path))
found = [(dist.name, dist.version)
for dist in _yield_distributions(False, True, sys.path)
if dist.path.startswith(self.fake_dists_path)]
checkLists(eggs, found)
found = [(dist.name, dist.version)
for dist in _yield_distributions(True, False, sys.path)
if dist.path.startswith(self.fake_dists_path)]
checkLists(dists, found)
found = [(dist.name, dist.version)
for dist in _yield_distributions(True, True, sys.path)
if dist.path.startswith(self.fake_dists_path)]
checkLists(dists + eggs, found)
class DataFilesTestCase(GlobTestCaseBase):
def assertRulesMatch(self, rules, spec):
tempdir = self.build_files_tree(spec)
expected = self.clean_tree(spec)
result = get_resources_dests(tempdir, rules)
self.assertEqual(expected, result)
def clean_tree(self, spec):
files = {}
for path, value in spec.items():
if value is not None:
files[path] = value
return files
def test_simple_glob(self):
rules = [('', '*.tpl', '{data}')]
spec = {'coucou.tpl': '{data}/coucou.tpl',
'Donotwant': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_multiple_match(self):
rules = [('scripts', '*.bin', '{appdata}'),
('scripts', '*', '{appscript}')]
spec = {'scripts/script.bin': '{appscript}/script.bin',
'Babarlikestrawberry': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_set_match(self):
rules = [('scripts', '*.{bin,sh}', '{appscript}')]
spec = {'scripts/script.bin': '{appscript}/script.bin',
'scripts/babar.sh': '{appscript}/babar.sh',
'Babarlikestrawberry': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_set_match_multiple(self):
rules = [('scripts', 'script{s,}.{bin,sh}', '{appscript}')]
spec = {'scripts/scripts.bin': '{appscript}/scripts.bin',
'scripts/script.sh': '{appscript}/script.sh',
'Babarlikestrawberry': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_set_match_exclude(self):
rules = [('scripts', '*', '{appscript}'),
('', os.path.join('**', '*.sh'), None)]
spec = {'scripts/scripts.bin': '{appscript}/scripts.bin',
'scripts/script.sh': None,
'Babarlikestrawberry': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_glob_in_base(self):
rules = [('scrip*', '*.bin', '{appscript}')]
spec = {'scripts/scripts.bin': '{appscript}/scripts.bin',
'scripouille/babar.bin': '{appscript}/babar.bin',
'scriptortu/lotus.bin': '{appscript}/lotus.bin',
'Babarlikestrawberry': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_recursive_glob(self):
rules = [('', os.path.join('**', '*.bin'), '{binary}')]
spec = {'binary0.bin': '{binary}/binary0.bin',
'scripts/binary1.bin': '{binary}/scripts/binary1.bin',
'scripts/bin/binary2.bin': '{binary}/scripts/bin/binary2.bin',
'you/kill/pandabear.guy': None}
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_final_exemple_glob(self):
rules = [
('mailman/database/schemas/', '*', '{appdata}/schemas'),
('', os.path.join('**', '*.tpl'), '{appdata}/templates'),
('', os.path.join('developer-docs', '**', '*.txt'), '{doc}'),
('', 'README', '{doc}'),
('mailman/etc/', '*', '{config}'),
2011-05-30 06:07:54 -03:00
('mailman/foo/', os.path.join('**', 'bar', '*.cfg'),
('mailman/foo/', os.path.join('**', '*.cfg'), '{config}/hmm'),
('', 'some-new-semantic.sns', '{funky-crazy-category}'),
spec = {
'README': '{doc}/README',
'some.tpl': '{appdata}/templates/some.tpl',
'mailman/database/mailman.db': None,
'mailman/etc/my.cnf': '{config}/my.cnf',
'developer-docs/index.txt': '{doc}/developer-docs/index.txt',
'developer-docs/api/toc.txt': '{doc}/developer-docs/api/toc.txt',
self.maxDiff = None
self.assertRulesMatch(rules, spec)
def test_get_file(self):
# Create a fake dist
temp_site_packages = tempfile.mkdtemp()
self.addCleanup(shutil.rmtree, temp_site_packages)
dist_name = 'test'
dist_info = os.path.join(temp_site_packages, 'test-0.1.dist-info')
metadata_path = os.path.join(dist_info, 'METADATA')
resources_path = os.path.join(dist_info, 'RESOURCES')
with open(metadata_path, 'w') as fp:
Metadata-Version: 1.2
Name: test
Version: 0.1
Summary: test
Author: me
test_path = 'test.cfg'
fd, test_resource_path = tempfile.mkstemp()
self.addCleanup(os.remove, test_resource_path)
with open(test_resource_path, 'w') as fp:
with open(resources_path, 'w') as fp:
fp.write('%s,%s' % (test_path, test_resource_path))
# Add fake site-packages to sys.path to retrieve fake dist
self.addCleanup(sys.path.remove, temp_site_packages)
sys.path.insert(0, temp_site_packages)
# Force packaging.database to rescan the sys.path
# Try to retrieve resources paths and files
self.assertEqual(get_file_path(dist_name, test_path),
self.assertRaises(KeyError, get_file_path, dist_name, 'i-dont-exist')
with get_file(dist_name, test_path) as fp:
self.assertEqual(fp.read(), 'Config')
self.assertRaises(KeyError, get_file, dist_name, 'i-dont-exist')
def test_suite():
suite = unittest.TestSuite()
load = unittest.defaultTestLoader.loadTestsFromTestCase
return suite
if __name__ == "__main__":