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:mod:`packaging.database` --- Database of installed distributions
.. module:: packaging.database
:synopsis: Functions to query and manipulate installed distributions.
This module provides an implementation of :PEP:`376`. It was originally
intended to land in :mod:`pkgutil`, but with the inclusion of Packaging in the
standard library, it was thought best to include it in a submodule of
:mod:`packaging`, leaving :mod:`pkgutil` to deal with imports.
Installed Python distributions are represented by instances of
:class:`Distribution`, or :class:`EggInfoDistribution` for legacy egg formats.
Most functions also provide an extra argument ``use_egg_info`` to take legacy
distributions into account.
For the purpose of this module, "installed" means that the distribution's
:file:`.dist-info`, :file:`.egg-info` or :file:`egg` directory or file is found
on :data:`sys.path`. For example, if the parent directory of a
:file:`dist-info` directory is added to :envvar:`PYTHONPATH`, then it will be
available in the database.
Classes representing installed distributions
.. class:: Distribution(path)
Class representing an installed distribution. It is different from
:class:`packaging.dist.Distribution` which holds the list of files, the
metadata and options during the run of a Packaging command.
Instantiate with the *path* to a ``.dist-info`` directory. Instances can be
compared and sorted. Other available methods are:
.. XXX describe how comparison works
.. method:: get_distinfo_file(path, binary=False)
Return a read-only file object for a file located at
:file:`{project}-{version}.dist-info/{path}`. *path* should be a
``'/'``-separated path relative to the ``.dist-info`` directory or an
absolute path; if it is an absolute path and doesn't start with the path
to the :file:`.dist-info` directory, a :class:`PackagingError` is raised.
If *binary* is ``True``, the file is opened in binary mode.
.. method:: get_resource_path(relative_path)
.. method:: list_distinfo_files(local=False)
Return an iterator over all files located in the :file:`.dist-info`
directory. If *local* is ``True``, each returned path is transformed into
a local absolute path, otherwise the raw value found in the :file:`RECORD`
file is returned.
.. method:: list_installed_files(local=False)
Iterate over the files installed with the distribution and registered in
the :file:`RECORD` file and yield a tuple ``(path, md5, size)`` for each
line. If *local* is ``True``, the returned path is transformed into a
local absolute path, otherwise the raw value is returned.
A local absolute path is an absolute path in which occurrences of ``'/'``
have been replaced by :data:`os.sep`.
.. method:: uses(path)
Check whether *path* was installed by this distribution (i.e. if the path
is present in the :file:`RECORD` file). *path* can be a local absolute
path or a relative ``'/'``-separated path. Returns a boolean.
Available attributes:
.. attribute:: metadata
Instance of :class:`packaging.metadata.Metadata` filled with the contents
of the :file:`{project}-{version}.dist-info/METADATA` file.
.. attribute:: name
Shortcut for ``metadata['Name']``.
.. attribute:: version
Shortcut for ``metadata['Version']``.
.. attribute:: requested
Boolean indicating whether this distribution was requested by the user of
automatically installed as a dependency.
.. class:: EggInfoDistribution(path)
Class representing a legacy distribution. It is compatible with distutils'
and setuptools' :file:`.egg-info` and :file:`.egg` files and directories.
.. FIXME should be named EggDistribution
Instantiate with the *path* to an egg file or directory. Instances can be
compared and sorted. Other available methods are:
.. method:: list_installed_files(local=False)
.. method:: uses(path)
Available attributes:
.. attribute:: metadata
Instance of :class:`packaging.metadata.Metadata` filled with the contents
of the :file:`{project-version}.egg-info/PKG-INFO` or
:file:`{project-version}.egg` file.
.. attribute:: name
Shortcut for ``metadata['Name']``.
.. attribute:: version
Shortcut for ``metadata['Version']``.
Functions to work with the database
.. function:: get_distribution(name, use_egg_info=False, paths=None)
Return an instance of :class:`Distribution` or :class:`EggInfoDistribution`
for the first installed distribution matching *name*. Egg distributions are
considered only if *use_egg_info* is true; if both a dist-info and an egg
file are found, the dist-info prevails. The directories to be searched are
given in *paths*, which defaults to :data:`sys.path`. Returns ``None`` if no
matching distribution is found.
.. FIXME param should be named use_egg
.. function:: get_distributions(use_egg_info=False, paths=None)
Return an iterator of :class:`Distribution` instances for all installed
distributions found in *paths* (defaults to :data:`sys.path`). If
*use_egg_info* is true, also return instances of :class:`EggInfoDistribution`
for legacy distributions found.
.. function:: get_file_users(path)
Return an iterator over all distributions using *path*, a local absolute path
or a relative ``'/'``-separated path.
.. XXX does this work with prefixes or full file path only?
.. function:: obsoletes_distribution(name, version=None, use_egg_info=False)
Return an iterator over all distributions that declare they obsolete *name*.
*version* is an optional argument to match only specific releases (see
:mod:`packaging.version`). If *use_egg_info* is true, legacy egg
distributions will be considered as well.
.. function:: provides_distribution(name, version=None, use_egg_info=False)
Return an iterator over all distributions that declare they provide *name*.
*version* is an optional argument to match only specific releases (see
:mod:`packaging.version`). If *use_egg_info* is true, legacy egg
distributions will be considered as well.
Utility functions
.. function:: distinfo_dirname(name, version)
Escape *name* and *version* into a filename-safe form and return the
directory name built from them, for example
:file:`{safename}-{safeversion}.dist-info.` In *name*, runs of
non-alphanumeric characters are replaced with one ``'_'``; in *version*,
spaces become dots, and runs of other non-alphanumeric characters (except
dots) a replaced by one ``'-'``.
.. XXX wth spaces in version numbers?
For performance purposes, the list of distributions is being internally
cached. Caching is enabled by default, but you can control it with these
.. function:: clear_cache()
Clear the cache.
.. function:: disable_cache()
Disable the cache, without clearing it.
.. function:: enable_cache()
Enable the internal cache, without clearing it.
Printing all information about a distribution
Given the name of an installed distribution, we shall print out all
information that can be obtained using functions provided in this module::
import sys
import packaging.database
name = sys.argv[1]
except ValueError:
sys.exit('Not enough arguments')
# first create the Distribution instance
dist = packaging.database.Distribution(path)
if dist is None:
sys.exit('No such distribution')
print('Information about %r' % dist.name)
for path, md5, size in dist.list_installed_files():
print('* Path: %s' % path)
print(' Hash %s, Size: %s bytes' % (md5, size))
for key, value in dist.metadata.items():
print('%20s: %s' % (key, value))
if dist.requested:
print('* It was installed by user request')
print('* It was installed as a dependency')
If we save the script above as ``print_info.py``, we can use it to extract
information from a :file:`.dist-info` directory. By typing in the console:
.. code-block:: sh
python print_info.py choxie
we get the following output:
.. code-block:: none
Information about 'choxie'
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash 5e052db6a478d06bad9ae033e6bc08af, Size: 111 bytes
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash ac56bf496d8d1d26f866235b95f31030, Size: 214 bytes
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash 416aab08dfa846f473129e89a7625bbc, Size: 25 bytes
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, Size: 0 bytes
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash 696a209967fef3c8b8f5a7bb10386385, Size: 225 bytes
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash d41d8cd98f00b204e9800998ecf8427e, Size: 0 bytes
* Path: ../tmp/distutils2/tests/fake_dists/choxie-
Hash None, Size: None bytes
Metadata-Version: 1.2
Name: choxie
Platform: []
Supported-Platform: UNKNOWN
Summary: Chocolate with a kick!
Description: UNKNOWN
Keywords: []
Home-page: UNKNOWN
Author-email: UNKNOWN
Maintainer: UNKNOWN
Maintainer-email: UNKNOWN
License: UNKNOWN
Classifier: []
Obsoletes-Dist: ['truffles (<=0.8,>=0.5)', 'truffles (<=0.9,>=0.6)']
Project-URL: []
Provides-Dist: ['truffles (1.0)']
Requires-Dist: ['towel-stuff (0.1)']
Requires-Python: UNKNOWN
Requires-External: []
* It was installed as a dependency
Getting metadata about a distribution
Sometimes you're not interested about the packaging information contained in a
full :class:`Distribution` object but just want to do something with its
>>> from packaging.database import get_distribution
>>> info = get_distribution('chocolate').metadata
>>> info['Keywords']
['cooking', 'happiness']
Finding out obsoleted distributions
Now, we tackle a different problem, we are interested in finding out
which distributions have been obsoleted. This can be easily done as follows::
import packaging.database
# iterate over all distributions in the system
for dist in packaging.database.get_distributions():
name, version = dist.name, dist.version
# find out which distributions obsolete this name/version combination
replacements = packaging.database.obsoletes_distribution(name, version)
if replacements:
print('%r %s is obsoleted by' % (name, version),
', '.join(repr(r.name) for r in replacements))
This is how the output might look like:
.. code-block:: none
'strawberry' 0.6 is obsoleted by 'choxie'
'grammar' 1.0a4 is obsoleted by 'towel-stuff'