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# (re)generate unicode property and type databases
# this script converts a unicode 3.2 database file to
# Modules/unicodedata_db.h, Modules/unicodename_db.h,
# and Objects/unicodetype_db.h
# history:
# 2000-09-24 fl created (based on bits and pieces from unidb)
# 2000-09-25 fl merged tim's splitbin fixes, separate decomposition table
# 2000-09-25 fl added character type table
# 2000-09-26 fl added LINEBREAK, DECIMAL, and DIGIT flags/fields (2.0)
# 2000-11-03 fl expand first/last ranges
# 2001-01-19 fl added character name tables (2.1)
# 2001-01-21 fl added decomp compression; dynamic phrasebook threshold
# 2002-09-11 wd use string methods
# 2002-10-18 mvl update to Unicode 3.2
# 2002-10-22 mvl generate NFC tables
# 2002-11-24 mvl expand all ranges, sort names version-independently
# 2002-11-25 mvl add UNIDATA_VERSION
# 2004-05-29 perky add east asian width information
2006-03-11 08:43:44 -04:00
# 2006-03-10 mvl update to Unicode 4.1; add UCD 3.2 delta
# 2008-06-11 gb add PRINTABLE_MASK for Atsuo Ishimoto's ascii() patch
# 2011-10-21 ezio add support for name aliases and named sequences
# 2012-01 benjamin add full case mappings
# written by Fredrik Lundh (fredrik@pythonware.com)
import os
import sys
import zipfile
from textwrap import dedent
SCRIPT = sys.argv[0]
VERSION = "3.2"
# The Unicode Database
# --------------------
# When changing UCD version please update
# * Doc/library/stdtypes.rst, and
# * Doc/library/unicodedata.rst
# * Doc/reference/lexical_analysis.rst (two occurrences)
UNICODE_DATA = "UnicodeData%s.txt"
COMPOSITION_EXCLUSIONS = "CompositionExclusions%s.txt"
EASTASIAN_WIDTH = "EastAsianWidth%s.txt"
UNIHAN = "Unihan%s.zip"
DERIVED_CORE_PROPERTIES = "DerivedCoreProperties%s.txt"
DERIVEDNORMALIZATION_PROPS = "DerivedNormalizationProps%s.txt"
LINE_BREAK = "LineBreak%s.txt"
NAME_ALIASES = "NameAliases%s.txt"
NAMED_SEQUENCES = "NamedSequences%s.txt"
SPECIAL_CASING = "SpecialCasing%s.txt"
2012-01-14 14:23:30 -04:00
CASE_FOLDING = "CaseFolding%s.txt"
# Private Use Areas -- in planes 1, 15, 16
PUA_1 = range(0xE000, 0xF900)
PUA_15 = range(0xF0000, 0xFFFFE)
PUA_16 = range(0x100000, 0x10FFFE)
# we use this ranges of PUA_15 to store name aliases and named sequences
2012-02-20 23:24:29 -04:00
old_versions = ["3.2.0"]
CATEGORY_NAMES = [ "Cn", "Lu", "Ll", "Lt", "Mn", "Mc", "Me", "Nd",
"Nl", "No", "Zs", "Zl", "Zp", "Cc", "Cf", "Cs", "Co", "Cn", "Lm",
"Lo", "Pc", "Pd", "Ps", "Pe", "Pi", "Pf", "Po", "Sm", "Sc", "Sk",
"So" ]
BIDIRECTIONAL_NAMES = [ "", "L", "LRE", "LRO", "R", "AL", "RLE", "RLO",
"PDF", "EN", "ES", "ET", "AN", "CS", "NSM", "BN", "B", "S", "WS",
"ON", "LRI", "RLI", "FSI", "PDI" ]
EASTASIANWIDTH_NAMES = [ "F", "H", "W", "Na", "A", "N" ]
# note: should match definitions in Objects/unicodectype.c
CASED_MASK = 0x2000
# these ranges need to match unicodedata.c:is_unified_ideograph
cjk_ranges = [
('3400', '4DB5'),
('4E00', '9FEA'),
('20000', '2A6D6'),
('2A700', '2B734'),
2015-06-27 17:45:56 -03:00
('2B740', '2B81D'),
('2B820', '2CEA1'),
('2CEB0', '2EBE0'),
def maketables(trace=0):
print("--- Reading", UNICODE_DATA % "", "...")
version = ""
unicode = UnicodeData(UNIDATA_VERSION)
print(len(list(filter(None, unicode.table))), "characters")
for version in old_versions:
print("--- Reading", UNICODE_DATA % ("-"+version), "...")
old_unicode = UnicodeData(version, cjk_check=False)
print(len(list(filter(None, old_unicode.table))), "characters")
merge_old_version(version, unicode, old_unicode)
makeunicodename(unicode, trace)
makeunicodedata(unicode, trace)
makeunicodetype(unicode, trace)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# unicode character properties
def makeunicodedata(unicode, trace):
dummy = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
table = [dummy]
cache = {0: dummy}
index = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
FILE = "Modules/unicodedata_db.h"
print("--- Preparing", FILE, "...")
# 1) database properties
for char in unicode.chars:
record = unicode.table[char]
if record:
# extract database properties
category = CATEGORY_NAMES.index(record[2])
combining = int(record[3])
bidirectional = BIDIRECTIONAL_NAMES.index(record[4])
mirrored = record[9] == "Y"
eastasianwidth = EASTASIANWIDTH_NAMES.index(record[15])
normalizationquickcheck = record[17]
item = (
category, combining, bidirectional, mirrored, eastasianwidth,
# add entry to index and item tables
i = cache.get(item)
if i is None:
cache[item] = i = len(table)
index[char] = i
# 2) decomposition data
decomp_data = [0]
decomp_prefix = [""]
decomp_index = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
decomp_size = 0
comp_pairs = []
comp_first = [None] * len(unicode.chars)
comp_last = [None] * len(unicode.chars)
for char in unicode.chars:
record = unicode.table[char]
if record:
if record[5]:
decomp = record[5].split()
if len(decomp) > 19:
2007-08-22 20:05:06 -03:00
raise Exception("character %x has a decomposition too large for nfd_nfkd" % char)
# prefix
if decomp[0][0] == "<":
prefix = decomp.pop(0)
prefix = ""
i = decomp_prefix.index(prefix)
except ValueError:
i = len(decomp_prefix)
prefix = i
assert prefix < 256
# content
decomp = [prefix + (len(decomp)<<8)] + [int(s, 16) for s in decomp]
# Collect NFC pairs
if not prefix and len(decomp) == 3 and \
char not in unicode.exclusions and \
unicode.table[decomp[1]][3] == "0":
p, l, r = decomp
comp_first[l] = 1
comp_last[r] = 1
i = decomp_data.index(decomp)
except ValueError:
i = len(decomp_data)
decomp_size = decomp_size + len(decomp) * 2
i = 0
decomp_index[char] = i
f = l = 0
comp_first_ranges = []
comp_last_ranges = []
prev_f = prev_l = None
for i in unicode.chars:
if comp_first[i] is not None:
comp_first[i] = f
f += 1
if prev_f is None:
prev_f = (i,i)
elif prev_f[1]+1 == i:
prev_f = prev_f[0],i
prev_f = (i,i)
if comp_last[i] is not None:
comp_last[i] = l
l += 1
if prev_l is None:
prev_l = (i,i)
elif prev_l[1]+1 == i:
prev_l = prev_l[0],i
prev_l = (i,i)
total_first = f
total_last = l
comp_data = [0]*(total_first*total_last)
for f,l,char in comp_pairs:
f = comp_first[f]
l = comp_last[l]
comp_data[f*total_last+l] = char
print(len(table), "unique properties")
print(len(decomp_prefix), "unique decomposition prefixes")
print(len(decomp_data), "unique decomposition entries:", end=' ')
print(decomp_size, "bytes")
print(total_first, "first characters in NFC")
print(total_last, "last characters in NFC")
print(len(comp_pairs), "NFC pairs")
print("--- Writing", FILE, "...")
fp = open(FILE, "w")
print("/* this file was generated by %s %s */" % (SCRIPT, VERSION), file=fp)
print('#define UNIDATA_VERSION "%s"' % UNIDATA_VERSION, file=fp)
print("/* a list of unique database records */", file=fp)
print("const _PyUnicode_DatabaseRecord _PyUnicode_Database_Records[] = {", file=fp)
for item in table:
print(" {%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d}," % item, file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
print("/* Reindexing of NFC first characters. */", file=fp)
print("#define TOTAL_FIRST",total_first, file=fp)
print("#define TOTAL_LAST",total_last, file=fp)
print("struct reindex{int start;short count,index;};", file=fp)
print("static struct reindex nfc_first[] = {", file=fp)
for start,end in comp_first_ranges:
print(" { %d, %d, %d}," % (start,end-start,comp_first[start]), file=fp)
print(" {0,0,0}", file=fp)
print("};\n", file=fp)
print("static struct reindex nfc_last[] = {", file=fp)
for start,end in comp_last_ranges:
print(" { %d, %d, %d}," % (start,end-start,comp_last[start]), file=fp)
print(" {0,0,0}", file=fp)
print("};\n", file=fp)
# FIXME: <fl> the following tables could be made static, and
# the support code moved into unicodedatabase.c
print("/* string literals */", file=fp)
print("const char *_PyUnicode_CategoryNames[] = {", file=fp)
for name in CATEGORY_NAMES:
print(" \"%s\"," % name, file=fp)
print(" NULL", file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
print("const char *_PyUnicode_BidirectionalNames[] = {", file=fp)
print(" \"%s\"," % name, file=fp)
print(" NULL", file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
print("const char *_PyUnicode_EastAsianWidthNames[] = {", file=fp)
print(" \"%s\"," % name, file=fp)
print(" NULL", file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
print("static const char *decomp_prefix[] = {", file=fp)
for name in decomp_prefix:
print(" \"%s\"," % name, file=fp)
print(" NULL", file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
# split record index table
index1, index2, shift = splitbins(index, trace)
print("/* index tables for the database records */", file=fp)
print("#define SHIFT", shift, file=fp)
Array("index1", index1).dump(fp, trace)
Array("index2", index2).dump(fp, trace)
# split decomposition index table
index1, index2, shift = splitbins(decomp_index, trace)
print("/* decomposition data */", file=fp)
Array("decomp_data", decomp_data).dump(fp, trace)
print("/* index tables for the decomposition data */", file=fp)
print("#define DECOMP_SHIFT", shift, file=fp)
Array("decomp_index1", index1).dump(fp, trace)
Array("decomp_index2", index2).dump(fp, trace)
index, index2, shift = splitbins(comp_data, trace)
print("/* NFC pairs */", file=fp)
print("#define COMP_SHIFT", shift, file=fp)
Array("comp_index", index).dump(fp, trace)
Array("comp_data", index2).dump(fp, trace)
# Generate delta tables for old versions
for version, table, normalization in unicode.changed:
cversion = version.replace(".","_")
records = [table[0]]
cache = {table[0]:0}
index = [0] * len(table)
for i, record in enumerate(table):
index[i] = cache[record]
except KeyError:
index[i] = cache[record] = len(records)
index1, index2, shift = splitbins(index, trace)
print("static const change_record change_records_%s[] = {" % cversion, file=fp)
for record in records:
print("\t{ %s }," % ", ".join(map(str,record)), file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
Array("changes_%s_index" % cversion, index1).dump(fp, trace)
Array("changes_%s_data" % cversion, index2).dump(fp, trace)
print("static const change_record* get_change_%s(Py_UCS4 n)" % cversion, file=fp)
print("{", file=fp)
print("\tint index;", file=fp)
print("\tif (n >= 0x110000) index = 0;", file=fp)
print("\telse {", file=fp)
print("\t\tindex = changes_%s_index[n>>%d];" % (cversion, shift), file=fp)
print("\t\tindex = changes_%s_data[(index<<%d)+(n & %d)];" % \
(cversion, shift, ((1<<shift)-1)), file=fp)
print("\t}", file=fp)
print("\treturn change_records_%s+index;" % cversion, file=fp)
print("}\n", file=fp)
print("static Py_UCS4 normalization_%s(Py_UCS4 n)" % cversion, file=fp)
print("{", file=fp)
print("\tswitch(n) {", file=fp)
for k, v in normalization:
print("\tcase %s: return 0x%s;" % (hex(k), v), file=fp)
print("\tdefault: return 0;", file=fp)
print("\t}\n}\n", file=fp)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# unicode character type tables
def makeunicodetype(unicode, trace):
FILE = "Objects/unicodetype_db.h"
print("--- Preparing", FILE, "...")
# extract unicode types
dummy = (0, 0, 0, 0, 0, 0)
table = [dummy]
cache = {0: dummy}
index = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
numeric = {}
spaces = []
linebreaks = []
extra_casing = []
for char in unicode.chars:
record = unicode.table[char]
if record:
# extract database properties
category = record[2]
bidirectional = record[4]
properties = record[16]
flags = 0
delta = True
if category in ["Lm", "Lt", "Lu", "Ll", "Lo"]:
flags |= ALPHA_MASK
if "Lowercase" in properties:
flags |= LOWER_MASK
if 'Line_Break' in properties or bidirectional == "B":
if category == "Zs" or bidirectional in ("WS", "B", "S"):
flags |= SPACE_MASK
if category == "Lt":
flags |= TITLE_MASK
if "Uppercase" in properties:
flags |= UPPER_MASK
if char == ord(" ") or category[0] not in ("C", "Z"):
if "XID_Start" in properties:
if "XID_Continue" in properties:
if "Cased" in properties:
flags |= CASED_MASK
if "Case_Ignorable" in properties:
sc = unicode.special_casing.get(char)
2012-01-14 14:23:30 -04:00
cf = unicode.case_folding.get(char, [char])
if record[12]:
upper = int(record[12], 16)
upper = char
if record[13]:
lower = int(record[13], 16)
lower = char
if record[14]:
title = int(record[14], 16)
title = upper
if sc is None and cf != [lower]:
sc = ([lower], [title], [upper])
if sc is None:
if upper == lower == title:
upper = lower = title = 0
upper = upper - char
lower = lower - char
title = title - char
assert (abs(upper) <= 2147483647 and
abs(lower) <= 2147483647 and
abs(title) <= 2147483647)
2012-01-14 14:23:30 -04:00
# This happens either when some character maps to more than one
# character in uppercase, lowercase, or titlecase or the
# casefolded version of the character is different from the
# lowercase. The extra characters are stored in a different
# array.
lower = len(extra_casing) | (len(sc[0]) << 24)
2012-01-14 14:23:30 -04:00
if cf != sc[0]:
lower |= len(cf) << 20
upper = len(extra_casing) | (len(sc[2]) << 24)
# Title is probably equal to upper.
if sc[1] == sc[2]:
title = upper
title = len(extra_casing) | (len(sc[1]) << 24)
# decimal digit, integer digit
decimal = 0
if record[6]:
decimal = int(record[6])
digit = 0
if record[7]:
flags |= DIGIT_MASK
digit = int(record[7])
if record[8]:
numeric.setdefault(record[8], []).append(char)
item = (
upper, lower, title, decimal, digit, flags
# add entry to index and item tables
i = cache.get(item)
if i is None:
cache[item] = i = len(table)
index[char] = i
print(len(table), "unique character type entries")
print(sum(map(len, numeric.values())), "numeric code points")
print(len(spaces), "whitespace code points")
print(len(linebreaks), "linebreak code points")
print(len(extra_casing), "extended case array")
print("--- Writing", FILE, "...")
fp = open(FILE, "w")
print("/* this file was generated by %s %s */" % (SCRIPT, VERSION), file=fp)
print("/* a list of unique character type descriptors */", file=fp)
print("const _PyUnicode_TypeRecord _PyUnicode_TypeRecords[] = {", file=fp)
for item in table:
print(" {%d, %d, %d, %d, %d, %d}," % item, file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
print("/* extended case mappings */", file=fp)
print("const Py_UCS4 _PyUnicode_ExtendedCase[] = {", file=fp)
for c in extra_casing:
print(" %d," % c, file=fp)
print("};", file=fp)
# split decomposition index table
index1, index2, shift = splitbins(index, trace)
print("/* type indexes */", file=fp)
print("#define SHIFT", shift, file=fp)
Array("index1", index1).dump(fp, trace)
Array("index2", index2).dump(fp, trace)
# Generate code for _PyUnicode_ToNumeric()
numeric_items = sorted(numeric.items())
print('/* Returns the numeric value as double for Unicode characters', file=fp)
print(' * having this property, -1.0 otherwise.', file=fp)
print(' */', file=fp)
print('double _PyUnicode_ToNumeric(Py_UCS4 ch)', file=fp)
print('{', file=fp)
print(' switch (ch) {', file=fp)
for value, codepoints in numeric_items:
# Turn text into float literals
parts = value.split('/')
parts = [repr(float(part)) for part in parts]
value = '/'.join(parts)
for codepoint in codepoints:
print(' case 0x%04X:' % (codepoint,), file=fp)
print(' return (double) %s;' % (value,), file=fp)
print(' }', file=fp)
print(' return -1.0;', file=fp)
print('}', file=fp)
# Generate code for _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace()
print("/* Returns 1 for Unicode characters having the bidirectional", file=fp)
print(" * type 'WS', 'B' or 'S' or the category 'Zs', 0 otherwise.", file=fp)
print(" */", file=fp)
print('int _PyUnicode_IsWhitespace(const Py_UCS4 ch)', file=fp)
print('{', file=fp)
print(' switch (ch) {', file=fp)
for codepoint in sorted(spaces):
print(' case 0x%04X:' % (codepoint,), file=fp)
print(' return 1;', file=fp)
print(' }', file=fp)
print(' return 0;', file=fp)
print('}', file=fp)
# Generate code for _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak()
print("/* Returns 1 for Unicode characters having the line break", file=fp)
print(" * property 'BK', 'CR', 'LF' or 'NL' or having bidirectional", file=fp)
print(" * type 'B', 0 otherwise.", file=fp)
print(" */", file=fp)
print('int _PyUnicode_IsLinebreak(const Py_UCS4 ch)', file=fp)
print('{', file=fp)
print(' switch (ch) {', file=fp)
for codepoint in sorted(linebreaks):
print(' case 0x%04X:' % (codepoint,), file=fp)
print(' return 1;', file=fp)
print(' }', file=fp)
print(' return 0;', file=fp)
print('}', file=fp)
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# unicode name database
def makeunicodename(unicode, trace):
FILE = "Modules/unicodename_db.h"
print("--- Preparing", FILE, "...")
# collect names
names = [None] * len(unicode.chars)
for char in unicode.chars:
record = unicode.table[char]
if record:
name = record[1].strip()
if name and name[0] != "<":
names[char] = name + chr(0)
print(len([n for n in names if n is not None]), "distinct names")
# collect unique words from names (note that we differ between
# words inside a sentence, and words ending a sentence. the
# latter includes the trailing null byte.
words = {}
n = b = 0
for char in unicode.chars:
name = names[char]
if name:
w = name.split()
b = b + len(name)
n = n + len(w)
for w in w:
l = words.get(w)
if l:
words[w] = [len(words)]
print(n, "words in text;", b, "bytes")
wordlist = list(words.items())
# sort on falling frequency, then by name
def word_key(a):
aword, alist = a
return -len(alist), aword
# figure out how many phrasebook escapes we need
escapes = 0
while escapes * 256 < len(wordlist):
escapes = escapes + 1
print(escapes, "escapes")
short = 256 - escapes
assert short > 0
print(short, "short indexes in lexicon")
# statistics
n = 0
for i in range(short):
n = n + len(wordlist[i][1])
print(n, "short indexes in phrasebook")
# pick the most commonly used words, and sort the rest on falling
# length (to maximize overlap)
wordlist, wordtail = wordlist[:short], wordlist[short:]
wordtail.sort(key=lambda a: a[0], reverse=True)
# generate lexicon from words
lexicon_offset = [0]
lexicon = ""
words = {}
# build a lexicon string
offset = 0
for w, x in wordlist:
# encoding: bit 7 indicates last character in word (chr(128)
# indicates the last character in an entire string)
ww = w[:-1] + chr(ord(w[-1])+128)
# reuse string tails, when possible
o = lexicon.find(ww)
if o < 0:
o = offset
lexicon = lexicon + ww
offset = offset + len(w)
words[w] = len(lexicon_offset)
lexicon = list(map(ord, lexicon))
# generate phrasebook from names and lexicon
phrasebook = [0]
phrasebook_offset = [0] * len(unicode.chars)
for char in unicode.chars:
name = names[char]
if name:
w = name.split()
phrasebook_offset[char] = len(phrasebook)
for w in w:
i = words[w]
if i < short:
# store as two bytes
phrasebook.append((i>>8) + short)
assert getsize(phrasebook) == 1
# unicode name hash table
# extract names
data = []
for char in unicode.chars:
record = unicode.table[char]
if record:
name = record[1].strip()
if name and name[0] != "<":
data.append((name, char))
# the magic number 47 was chosen to minimize the number of
# collisions on the current data set. if you like, change it
# and see what happens...
codehash = Hash("code", data, 47)
print("--- Writing", FILE, "...")
fp = open(FILE, "w")
print("/* this file was generated by %s %s */" % (SCRIPT, VERSION), file=fp)
print("#define NAME_MAXLEN", 256, file=fp)
print("/* lexicon */", file=fp)
Array("lexicon", lexicon).dump(fp, trace)
Array("lexicon_offset", lexicon_offset).dump(fp, trace)
# split decomposition index table
offset1, offset2, shift = splitbins(phrasebook_offset, trace)
print("/* code->name phrasebook */", file=fp)
print("#define phrasebook_shift", shift, file=fp)
print("#define phrasebook_short", short, file=fp)
Array("phrasebook", phrasebook).dump(fp, trace)
Array("phrasebook_offset1", offset1).dump(fp, trace)
Array("phrasebook_offset2", offset2).dump(fp, trace)
print("/* name->code dictionary */", file=fp)
codehash.dump(fp, trace)
print('static const unsigned int aliases_start = %#x;' %
print('static const unsigned int aliases_end = %#x;' %
(NAME_ALIASES_START + len(unicode.aliases)), file=fp)
print('static const unsigned int name_aliases[] = {', file=fp)
for name, codepoint in unicode.aliases:
print(' 0x%04X,' % codepoint, file=fp)
print('};', file=fp)
# In Unicode 6.0.0, the sequences contain at most 4 BMP chars,
# so we are using Py_UCS2 seq[4]. This needs to be updated if longer
# sequences or sequences with non-BMP chars are added.
# unicodedata_lookup should be adapted too.
typedef struct NamedSequence {
int seqlen;
Py_UCS2 seq[4];
} named_sequence;
"""), file=fp)
print('static const unsigned int named_sequences_start = %#x;' %
print('static const unsigned int named_sequences_end = %#x;' %
(NAMED_SEQUENCES_START + len(unicode.named_sequences)), file=fp)
print('static const named_sequence named_sequences[] = {', file=fp)
for name, sequence in unicode.named_sequences:
seq_str = ', '.join('0x%04X' % cp for cp in sequence)
print(' {%d, {%s}},' % (len(sequence), seq_str), file=fp)
print('};', file=fp)
def merge_old_version(version, new, old):
# Changes to exclusion file not implemented yet
if old.exclusions != new.exclusions:
2007-08-22 20:05:06 -03:00
raise NotImplementedError("exclusions differ")
# In these change records, 0xFF means "no change"
bidir_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
category_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
decimal_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
mirrored_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
east_asian_width_changes = [0xFF]*0x110000
# In numeric data, 0 means "no change",
# -1 means "did not have a numeric value
numeric_changes = [0] * 0x110000
# normalization_changes is a list of key-value pairs
normalization_changes = []
for i in range(0x110000):
if new.table[i] is None:
# Characters unassigned in the new version ought to
# be unassigned in the old one
assert old.table[i] is None
# check characters unassigned in the old version
if old.table[i] is None:
# category 0 is "unassigned"
category_changes[i] = 0
# check characters that differ
if old.table[i] != new.table[i]:
for k in range(len(old.table[i])):
if old.table[i][k] != new.table[i][k]:
value = old.table[i][k]
if k == 1 and i in PUA_15:
# the name is not set in the old.table, but in the
# new.table we are using it for aliases and named seq
assert value == ''
elif k == 2:
#print "CATEGORY",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
category_changes[i] = CATEGORY_NAMES.index(value)
elif k == 4:
#print "BIDIR",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
bidir_changes[i] = BIDIRECTIONAL_NAMES.index(value)
elif k == 5:
#print "DECOMP",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
# We assume that all normalization changes are in 1:1 mappings
assert " " not in value
normalization_changes.append((i, value))
elif k == 6:
#print "DECIMAL",hex(i), old.table[i][k], new.table[i][k]
# we only support changes where the old value is a single digit
assert value in "0123456789"
decimal_changes[i] = int(value)
elif k == 8:
# print "NUMERIC",hex(i), `old.table[i][k]`, new.table[i][k]
# Since 0 encodes "no change", the old value is better not 0
if not value:
numeric_changes[i] = -1
numeric_changes[i] = float(value)
assert numeric_changes[i] not in (0, -1)
elif k == 9:
if value == 'Y':
mirrored_changes[i] = '1'
mirrored_changes[i] = '0'
elif k == 11:
# change to ISO comment, ignore
elif k == 12:
# change to simple uppercase mapping; ignore
elif k == 13:
# change to simple lowercase mapping; ignore
elif k == 14:
# change to simple titlecase mapping; ignore
elif k == 15:
# change to east asian width
east_asian_width_changes[i] = EASTASIANWIDTH_NAMES.index(value)
elif k == 16:
# derived property changes; not yet
elif k == 17:
# normalization quickchecks are not performed
# for older versions
class Difference(Exception):pass
2007-08-22 20:05:06 -03:00
raise Difference(hex(i), k, old.table[i], new.table[i])
new.changed.append((version, list(zip(bidir_changes, category_changes,
decimal_changes, mirrored_changes,
2006-03-10 19:39:56 -04:00
def open_data(template, version):
local = template % ('-'+version,)
if not os.path.exists(local):
import urllib.request
if version == '3.2.0':
# irregular url structure
url = 'http://www.unicode.org/Public/3.2-Update/' + local
url = ('http://www.unicode.org/Public/%s/ucd/'+template) % (version, '')
urllib.request.urlretrieve(url, filename=local)
if local.endswith('.txt'):
return open(local, encoding='utf-8')
# Unihan.zip
return open(local, 'rb')
# --------------------------------------------------------------------
# the following support code is taken from the unidb utilities
# Copyright (c) 1999-2000 by Secret Labs AB
# load a unicode-data file from disk
class UnicodeData:
# Record structure:
# [ID, name, category, combining, bidi, decomp, (6)
# decimal, digit, numeric, bidi-mirrored, Unicode-1-name, (11)
# ISO-comment, uppercase, lowercase, titlecase, ea-width, (16)
# derived-props] (17)
def __init__(self, version,
self.changed = []
2002-10-18 13:11:54 -03:00
table = [None] * 0x110000
with open_data(UNICODE_DATA, version) as file:
while 1:
s = file.readline()
if not s:
s = s.strip().split(";")
char = int(s[0], 16)
table[char] = s
cjk_ranges_found = []
# expand first-last ranges
if expand:
field = None
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
s = table[i]
if s:
if s[1][-6:] == "First>":
s[1] = ""
field = s
elif s[1][-5:] == "Last>":
if s[1].startswith("<CJK Ideograph"):
s[1] = ""
field = None
elif field:
f2 = field[:]
f2[0] = "%X" % i
table[i] = f2
if cjk_check and cjk_ranges != cjk_ranges_found:
raise ValueError("CJK ranges deviate: have %r" % cjk_ranges_found)
# public attributes
self.filename = UNICODE_DATA % ''
self.table = table
self.chars = list(range(0x110000)) # unicode 3.2
# check for name aliases and named sequences, see #12753
# aliases and named sequences are not in 3.2.0
if version != '3.2.0':
self.aliases = []
# store aliases in the Private Use Area 15, in range U+F0000..U+F00FF,
# in order to take advantage of the compression and lookup
# algorithms used for the other characters
with open_data(NAME_ALIASES, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s.strip()
if not s or s.startswith('#'):
2012-02-20 23:24:29 -04:00
char, name, abbrev = s.split(';')
char = int(char, 16)
self.aliases.append((name, char))
# also store the name in the PUA 1
self.table[pua_index][1] = name
pua_index += 1
assert pua_index - NAME_ALIASES_START == len(self.aliases)
self.named_sequences = []
# store named sequences in the PUA 1, in range U+F0100..,
# in order to take advantage of the compression and lookup
# algorithms used for the other characters.
2012-02-20 23:24:29 -04:00
assert pua_index < NAMED_SEQUENCES_START
with open_data(NAMED_SEQUENCES, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s.strip()
if not s or s.startswith('#'):
name, chars = s.split(';')
chars = tuple(int(char, 16) for char in chars.split())
# check that the structure defined in makeunicodename is OK
assert 2 <= len(chars) <= 4, "change the Py_UCS2 array size"
assert all(c <= 0xFFFF for c in chars), ("use Py_UCS4 in "
"the NamedSequence struct and in unicodedata_lookup")
self.named_sequences.append((name, chars))
# also store these in the PUA 1
self.table[pua_index][1] = name
pua_index += 1
assert pua_index - NAMED_SEQUENCES_START == len(self.named_sequences)
self.exclusions = {}
with open_data(COMPOSITION_EXCLUSIONS, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s.strip()
if not s:
if s[0] == '#':
char = int(s.split()[0],16)
self.exclusions[char] = 1
widths = [None] * 0x110000
with open_data(EASTASIAN_WIDTH, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s.strip()
if not s:
if s[0] == '#':
s = s.split()[0].split(';')
if '..' in s[0]:
first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in s[0].split('..')]
chars = list(range(first, last+1))
chars = [int(s[0], 16)]
for char in chars:
widths[char] = s[1]
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
if table[i] is not None:
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
if table[i] is not None:
with open_data(DERIVED_CORE_PROPERTIES, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s.split('#', 1)[0].strip()
if not s:
r, p = s.split(";")
r = r.strip()
p = p.strip()
if ".." in r:
first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in r.split('..')]
chars = list(range(first, last+1))
chars = [int(r, 16)]
for char in chars:
if table[char]:
# Some properties (e.g. Default_Ignorable_Code_Point)
# apply to unassigned code points; ignore them
with open_data(LINE_BREAK, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s.partition('#')[0]
s = [i.strip() for i in s.split(';')]
if len(s) < 2 or s[1] not in MANDATORY_LINE_BREAKS:
if '..' not in s[0]:
first = last = int(s[0], 16)
first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in s[0].split('..')]
for char in range(first, last+1):
# We only want the quickcheck properties
# Format: NF?_QC; Y(es)/N(o)/M(aybe)
# Yes is the default, hence only N and M occur
# In 3.2.0, the format was different (NF?_NO)
# The parsing will incorrectly determine these as
# "yes", however, unicodedata.c will not perform quickchecks
# for older versions, and no delta records will be created.
quickchecks = [0] * 0x110000
qc_order = 'NFD_QC NFKD_QC NFC_QC NFKC_QC'.split()
with open_data(DERIVEDNORMALIZATION_PROPS, version) as file:
for s in file:
if '#' in s:
s = s[:s.index('#')]
s = [i.strip() for i in s.split(';')]
if len(s) < 2 or s[1] not in qc_order:
quickcheck = 'MN'.index(s[2]) + 1 # Maybe or No
quickcheck_shift = qc_order.index(s[1])*2
quickcheck <<= quickcheck_shift
if '..' not in s[0]:
first = last = int(s[0], 16)
first, last = [int(c, 16) for c in s[0].split('..')]
for char in range(first, last+1):
assert not (quickchecks[char]>>quickcheck_shift)&3
quickchecks[char] |= quickcheck
for i in range(0, 0x110000):
if table[i] is not None:
with open_data(UNIHAN, version) as file:
zip = zipfile.ZipFile(file)
if version == '3.2.0':
data = zip.open('Unihan-3.2.0.txt').read()
data = zip.open('Unihan_NumericValues.txt').read()
for line in data.decode("utf-8").splitlines():
if not line.startswith('U+'):
code, tag, value = line.split(None, 3)[:3]
if tag not in ('kAccountingNumeric', 'kPrimaryNumeric',
value = value.strip().replace(',', '')
i = int(code[2:], 16)
# Patch the numeric field
if table[i] is not None:
table[i][8] = value
sc = self.special_casing = {}
with open_data(SPECIAL_CASING, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s[:-1].split('#', 1)[0]
if not s:
data = s.split("; ")
if data[4]:
# We ignore all conditionals (since they depend on
# languages) except for one, which is hardcoded. See
# handle_capital_sigma in unicodeobject.c.
c = int(data[0], 16)
lower = [int(char, 16) for char in data[1].split()]
title = [int(char, 16) for char in data[2].split()]
upper = [int(char, 16) for char in data[3].split()]
sc[c] = (lower, title, upper)
2012-01-14 14:23:30 -04:00
cf = self.case_folding = {}
if version != '3.2.0':
with open_data(CASE_FOLDING, version) as file:
for s in file:
s = s[:-1].split('#', 1)[0]
if not s:
data = s.split("; ")
if data[1] in "CF":
c = int(data[0], 16)
cf[c] = [int(char, 16) for char in data[2].split()]
def uselatin1(self):
# restrict character range to ISO Latin 1
self.chars = list(range(256))
# hash table tools
# this is a straight-forward reimplementation of Python's built-in
# dictionary type, using a static data structure, and a custom string
# hash algorithm.
def myhash(s, magic):
h = 0
for c in map(ord, s.upper()):
h = (h * magic) + c
Merged revisions 55817-55961 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/branches/p3yk ................ r55837 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-08 16:04:42 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 2 lines PEP 3119 -- the abc module. ................ r55838 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-08 17:38:55 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Implement part of PEP 3119 -- One Trick Ponies. ................ r55847 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-09 08:28:06 -0700 (Sat, 09 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Different way to do one trick ponies, allowing registration (per PEP strawman). ................ r55849 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-09 18:06:38 -0700 (Sat, 09 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Make sure that the magic looking for __hash__ (etc.) doesn't apply to real subclasses of Hashable. ................ r55852 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-10 08:29:51 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Add some more examples, e.g. generators and dict views. ................ r55853 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-10 08:31:59 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines keys() and items() *are* containers -- just values() isn't. ................ r55864 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-10 15:29:40 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines PEP 3127: new octal literals, binary literals. ................ r55865 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-10 15:31:37 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Some octal literal fixes in Tools. ................ r55866 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-10 15:37:43 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Tokenizer changes for PEP 3127. ................ r55867 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-10 15:37:55 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Some docs for PEP 3127. ................ r55868 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-10 15:44:39 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Missed a place in intobject.c. Is that used anymore anyway? ................ r55871 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 18:31:49 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 182 lines Merged revisions 55729-55868 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r55731 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-01 00:29:12 -0700 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 7 lines SF 1668596/1720897: distutils now copies data files even if package_dir is empty. This needs to be backported. I'm too tired tonight. It would be great if someone backports this if the buildbots are ok with it. Otherwise, I will try to get to it tomorrow. ........ r55732 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-01 04:33:33 -0700 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Bug #1722484: remove docstrings again when running with -OO. ........ r55735 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-01 12:20:27 -0700 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Fix wrong issue number. ........ r55739 | brett.cannon | 2007-06-01 20:02:29 -0700 (Fri, 01 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Have configure raise an error when building on AtheOS. Code specific to AtheOS will be removed in Python 2.7. ........ r55746 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-02 11:33:53 -0700 (Sat, 02 Jun 2007) | 1 line Update expected birthday of 2.6 ........ r55751 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-03 13:32:50 -0700 (Sun, 03 Jun 2007) | 10 lines Backout the original 'fix' to 1721309 which had no effect. Different versions of Berkeley DB handle this differently. The comments and bug report should have the details. Memory is allocated in 4.4 (and presumably earlier), but not in 4.5. Thus 4.5 has the free error, but not earlier versions. Mostly update comments, plus make the free conditional. This fix was already applied to the 2.5 branch. ........ r55752 | brett.cannon | 2007-06-03 16:13:41 -0700 (Sun, 03 Jun 2007) | 6 lines Make _strptime.TimeRE().pattern() use ``\s+`` for matching whitespace instead of ``\s*``. This prevents patterns from "stealing" bits from other patterns in order to make a match work. Closes bug #1730389. Will be backported. ........ r55766 | hyeshik.chang | 2007-06-05 11:16:52 -0700 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 4 lines Fix build on FreeBSD. Bluetooth HCI API in FreeBSD is quite different from Linux's. Just fix the build for now but the code doesn't support the complete capability of HCI on FreeBSD yet. ........ r55770 | hyeshik.chang | 2007-06-05 11:58:51 -0700 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 4 lines Bug #1728403: Fix a bug that CJKCodecs StreamReader hangs when it reads a file that ends with incomplete sequence and sizehint argument for .read() is specified. ........ r55775 | hyeshik.chang | 2007-06-05 12:28:15 -0700 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Fix for Windows: close a temporary file before trying to delete it. ........ r55783 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-05 14:24:47 -0700 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Patch by Tim Delany (missing DECREF). SF #1731330. ........ r55785 | collin.winter | 2007-06-05 17:17:35 -0700 (Tue, 05 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Patch #1731049: make threading.py use a proper "raise" when checking internal state, rather than assert statements (which get stripped out by -O). ........ r55786 | facundo.batista | 2007-06-06 08:13:37 -0700 (Wed, 06 Jun 2007) | 4 lines FTP.ntransfercmd method now uses create_connection when passive, using the timeout received in connection time. ........ r55792 | facundo.batista | 2007-06-06 10:15:23 -0700 (Wed, 06 Jun 2007) | 7 lines Added an optional timeout parameter to function urllib2.urlopen, with tests in test_urllib2net.py (must have network resource enabled to execute them). Also modified test_urllib2.py because testing mock classes must take it into acount. Docs are also updated. ........ r55793 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-06 13:19:19 -0700 (Wed, 06 Jun 2007) | 1 line Build _ctypes and _ctypes_test in the ReleaseAMD64 configuration. ........ r55802 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-07 06:23:24 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Disallow function calls like foo(None=1). Backport from py3k rev. 55708 by Guido. ........ r55804 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-07 06:30:24 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Make reindent.py executable. ........ r55805 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-07 06:34:10 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Patch #1667860: Fix UnboundLocalError in urllib2. ........ r55821 | kristjan.jonsson | 2007-06-07 16:53:49 -0700 (Thu, 07 Jun 2007) | 1 line Fixing changes to getbuildinfo.c that broke linux builds ........ r55828 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-08 09:10:27 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 1 line Make this test work with older Python releases where struct has no 't' format character. ........ r55829 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-06-08 10:29:20 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Bug #1733488: Fix compilation of bufferobject.c on AIX. Will backport to 2.5. ........ r55831 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-08 11:20:09 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 2 lines [ 1715718 ] x64 clean compile patch for _ctypes, by Kristj?n Valur with small modifications. ........ r55832 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-08 12:01:06 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 1 line Fix gcc warnings intruduced by passing Py_ssize_t to PyErr_Format calls. ........ r55833 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-08 12:08:31 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Fix wrong documentation, and correct the punktuation. Closes [1700455]. ........ r55834 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-08 12:14:23 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 1 line Fix warnings by using proper function prototype. ........ r55839 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-08 20:36:34 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 7 lines Prevent expandtabs() on string and unicode objects from causing a segfault when a large width is passed on 32-bit platforms. Found by Google. It would be good for people to review this especially carefully and verify I don't have an off by one error and there is no other way to cause overflow. ........ r55841 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-08 21:48:22 -0700 (Fri, 08 Jun 2007) | 1 line Use macro version of GET_SIZE to avoid Coverity warning (#150) about a possible error. ........ r55842 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-06-09 00:42:52 -0700 (Sat, 09 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Patch #1733960: Allow T_LONGLONG to accept ints. Will backport to 2.5. ........ r55843 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-06-09 00:58:05 -0700 (Sat, 09 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Fix Windows build. ........ r55845 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-06-09 03:10:26 -0700 (Sat, 09 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Provide LLONG_MAX for S390. ........ r55854 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-10 08:59:17 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 4 lines First version of build scripts for Windows/AMD64 (no external components are built yet, and 'kill_python' is disabled). ........ r55855 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-10 10:55:51 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 3 lines For now, disable the _bsddb, _sqlite3, _ssl, _testcapi, _tkinter modules in the ReleaseAMD64 configuration because they do not compile. ........ r55856 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-10 11:27:54 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line Need to set the environment variables, otherwise devenv.com is not found. ........ r55860 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-10 14:01:17 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line Revert commit 55855. ........ ................ r55880 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 22:07:36 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 5 lines Fix the refleak counter on test_collections. The ABC metaclass creates a registry which must be cleared on each run. Otherwise, there *seem* to be refleaks when there really aren't any. (The class is held within the registry even though it's no longer needed.) ................ r55884 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 22:46:33 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line These tests have been removed, so they are no longer needed here ................ r55886 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-11 00:26:37 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Optimize access to True and False in the compiler (if True) and the peepholer (LOAD_NAME True). ................ r55905 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-11 10:02:26 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 5 lines Remove __oct__ and __hex__ and use __index__ for converting non-ints before formatting in a base. Add a bin() builtin. ................ r55906 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-11 10:04:44 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 2 lines int(x, 0) does not "guess". ................ r55907 | georg.brandl | 2007-06-11 10:05:47 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Add a comment to explain that nb_oct and nb_hex are nonfunctional. ................ r55908 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 10:49:18 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Get rid of unused imports and comment. ................ r55910 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 13:05:17 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 2 lines _Abstract.__new__ now requires either no arguments or __init__ overridden. ................ r55911 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 13:07:49 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 7 lines Move the collections ABCs to a separate file, _abcoll.py, in order to avoid needing to import _collections.so during the bootstrap (this will become apparent in the next submit of os.py). Add (plain and mutable) ABCs for Set, Mapping, Sequence. ................ r55912 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 13:09:31 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Rewrite the _Environ class to use the new collections ABCs. ................ r55913 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 13:59:45 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 72 lines Merged revisions 55869-55912 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r55869 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 17:42:11 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line Add Atul Varma for patch # 1667860 ........ r55870 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 18:22:03 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line Ignore valgrind problems on Ubuntu from ld ........ r55872 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 18:48:46 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Ignore config.status.lineno which seems new (new autoconf?) ........ r55873 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 19:14:39 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line Prevent these tests from running on Win64 since they don\'t apply there either ........ r55874 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 19:16:10 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 5 lines Fix a bug when there was a newline in the string expandtabs was called on. This also catches another condition that can overflow. Will backport. ........ r55879 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 21:52:37 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 1 line Prevent hang if the port cannot be opened. ........ r55881 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 22:28:45 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 4 lines Add all of the distuils modules that don't seem to have explicit tests. :-( Move an import in mworkscompiler so that this module can be imported on any platform. Hopefully this works on all platforms. ........ r55882 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 22:35:10 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 4 lines SF #1734732, lower case the module names per PEP 8. Will backport. ........ r55885 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-10 23:16:48 -0700 (Sun, 10 Jun 2007) | 4 lines Not sure why this only fails sometimes on Unix machines. Better to disable it and only import msvccompiler on Windows since that's the only place it can work anyways. ........ r55887 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-11 00:29:43 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 4 lines Bug #1734723: Fix repr.Repr() so it doesn't ignore the maxtuple attribute. Will backport ........ r55889 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-11 00:36:24 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 1 line Reflow long line ........ r55896 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-11 08:58:33 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Use "O&" in calls to PyArg_Parse when we need a 'void*' instead of "k" or "K" codes. ........ r55901 | facundo.batista | 2007-06-11 09:27:08 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 5 lines Added versionchanged flag to all the methods which received a new optional timeout parameter, and a versionadded flag to the socket.create_connection function. ........ ................ r55914 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 14:19:50 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 3 lines New super() implementation, for PEP 3135 (though the PEP is not yet updated to this design, and small tweaks may still be made later). ................ r55923 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 21:15:24 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 4 lines I'm guessing this module broke when Neal ripped out the types module -- it used 'list' both as a local variable and as the built-in list type. Renamed the local variable since that was easier. ................ r55924 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-11 21:20:05 -0700 (Mon, 11 Jun 2007) | 5 lines Change all occurrences of super(<thisclass>, <firstarg>) to super(). Seems to have worked, all the tests still pass. Exception: test_descr and test_descrtut, which have tons of these and are there to test the various usages. ................ r55939 | collin.winter | 2007-06-12 13:57:33 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 1 line Patch #1735485: remove StandardError from the exception hierarchy. ................ r55954 | neal.norwitz | 2007-06-12 21:56:32 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 51 lines Merged revisions 55913-55950 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/trunk ........ r55926 | marc-andre.lemburg | 2007-06-12 02:09:58 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Apply patch #1734945 to support TurboLinux as distribution. ........ r55927 | marc-andre.lemburg | 2007-06-12 02:26:49 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Add patch #1726668: Windows Vista support. ........ r55929 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-12 08:36:22 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 1 line Checkout, but do not yet try to build, exernal sources. ........ r55930 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-12 09:08:27 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 6 lines Add bufferoverflowU.lib to the libraries needed by _ssl (is this the right thing to do?). Set the /XP64 /RETAIL build enviroment in the makefile when building ReleaseAMD64. ........ r55931 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-12 09:23:19 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 5 lines Revert this change, since it breaks the win32 build: Add bufferoverflowU.lib to the libraries needed by _ssl (is this the right thing to do?). ........ r55934 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-12 10:28:31 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Specify the bufferoverflowU.lib to the makefile on the command line (for ReleaseAMD64 builds). ........ r55937 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-12 12:02:59 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Add bufferoverflowU.lib to PCBuild\_bsddb.vcproj. Build sqlite3.dll and bsddb. ........ r55938 | thomas.heller | 2007-06-12 12:56:12 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Don't rebuild Berkeley DB if not needed (this was committed by accident). ........ r55948 | martin.v.loewis | 2007-06-12 20:42:19 -0700 (Tue, 12 Jun 2007) | 3 lines Provide PY_LLONG_MAX on all systems having long long. Will backport to 2.5. ........ ................ r55959 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-06-13 09:22:41 -0700 (Wed, 13 Jun 2007) | 2 lines Fix a compilation warning. ................
2007-06-13 15:07:49 -03:00
ix = h & 0xff000000
if ix:
h = (h ^ ((ix>>24) & 0xff)) & 0x00ffffff
return h
(4,3), (8,3), (16,3), (32,5), (64,3), (128,3), (256,29), (512,17),
(1024,9), (2048,5), (4096,83), (8192,27), (16384,43), (32768,3),
(65536,45), (131072,9), (262144,39), (524288,39), (1048576,9),
(2097152,5), (4194304,3), (8388608,33), (16777216,27)
class Hash:
def __init__(self, name, data, magic):
# turn a (key, value) list into a static hash table structure
# determine table size
for size, poly in SIZES:
if size > len(data):
poly = size + poly
raise AssertionError("ran out of polynomials")
print(size, "slots in hash table")
table = [None] * size
mask = size-1
n = 0
hash = myhash
# initialize hash table
for key, value in data:
h = hash(key, magic)
i = (~h) & mask
v = table[i]
if v is None:
table[i] = value
incr = (h ^ (h >> 3)) & mask;
if not incr:
incr = mask
while 1:
n = n + 1
i = (i + incr) & mask
v = table[i]
if v is None:
table[i] = value
incr = incr << 1
if incr > mask:
incr = incr ^ poly
print(n, "collisions")
self.collisions = n
for i in range(len(table)):
if table[i] is None:
table[i] = 0
self.data = Array(name + "_hash", table)
self.magic = magic
self.name = name
self.size = size
self.poly = poly
def dump(self, file, trace):
# write data to file, as a C array
self.data.dump(file, trace)
file.write("#define %s_magic %d\n" % (self.name, self.magic))
file.write("#define %s_size %d\n" % (self.name, self.size))
file.write("#define %s_poly %d\n" % (self.name, self.poly))
# stuff to deal with arrays of unsigned integers
class Array:
def __init__(self, name, data):
self.name = name
self.data = data
def dump(self, file, trace=0):
# write data to file, as a C array
size = getsize(self.data)
if trace:
print(self.name+":", size*len(self.data), "bytes", file=sys.stderr)
file.write("static ")
if size == 1:
file.write("unsigned char")
elif size == 2:
file.write("unsigned short")
file.write("unsigned int")
file.write(" " + self.name + "[] = {\n")
if self.data:
s = " "
for item in self.data:
i = str(item) + ", "
if len(s) + len(i) > 78:
file.write(s.rstrip() + "\n")
s = " " + i
s = s + i
if s.strip():
file.write(s.rstrip() + "\n")
def getsize(data):
# return smallest possible integer size for the given array
maxdata = max(data)
if maxdata < 256:
return 1
elif maxdata < 65536:
return 2
return 4
def splitbins(t, trace=0):
"""t, trace=0 -> (t1, t2, shift). Split a table to save space.
t is a sequence of ints. This function can be useful to save space if
many of the ints are the same. t1 and t2 are lists of ints, and shift
is an int, chosen to minimize the combined size of t1 and t2 (in C
code), and where for each i in range(len(t)),
t[i] == t2[(t1[i >> shift] << shift) + (i & mask)]
where mask is a bitmask isolating the last "shift" bits.
If optional arg trace is non-zero (default zero), progress info
is printed to sys.stderr. The higher the value, the more info
you'll get.
if trace:
def dump(t1, t2, shift, bytes):
print("%d+%d bins at shift %d; %d bytes" % (
len(t1), len(t2), shift, bytes), file=sys.stderr)
print("Size of original table:", len(t)*getsize(t), \
"bytes", file=sys.stderr)
n = len(t)-1 # last valid index
maxshift = 0 # the most we can shift n and still have something left
if n > 0:
while n >> 1:
n >>= 1
maxshift += 1
del n
bytes = sys.maxsize # smallest total size so far
t = tuple(t) # so slices can be dict keys
for shift in range(maxshift + 1):
t1 = []
t2 = []
size = 2**shift
bincache = {}
for i in range(0, len(t), size):
bin = t[i:i+size]
index = bincache.get(bin)
if index is None:
index = len(t2)
bincache[bin] = index
t1.append(index >> shift)
# determine memory size
b = len(t1)*getsize(t1) + len(t2)*getsize(t2)
if trace > 1:
dump(t1, t2, shift, b)
if b < bytes:
best = t1, t2, shift
bytes = b
t1, t2, shift = best
if trace:
print("Best:", end=' ', file=sys.stderr)
dump(t1, t2, shift, bytes)
if __debug__:
# exhaustively verify that the decomposition is correct
mask = ~((~0) << shift) # i.e., low-bit mask of shift bits
Merged revisions 55007-55179 via svnmerge from svn+ssh://pythondev@svn.python.org/python/branches/p3yk ........ r55077 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-05-02 11:54:37 -0700 (Wed, 02 May 2007) | 2 lines Use the new print syntax, at least. ........ r55142 | fred.drake | 2007-05-04 21:27:30 -0700 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 1 line remove old cruftiness ........ r55143 | fred.drake | 2007-05-04 21:52:16 -0700 (Fri, 04 May 2007) | 1 line make this work with the new Python ........ r55162 | neal.norwitz | 2007-05-06 22:29:18 -0700 (Sun, 06 May 2007) | 1 line Get asdl code gen working with Python 2.3. Should continue to work with 3.0 ........ r55164 | neal.norwitz | 2007-05-07 00:00:38 -0700 (Mon, 07 May 2007) | 1 line Verify checkins to p3yk (sic) branch go to 3000 list. ........ r55166 | neal.norwitz | 2007-05-07 00:12:35 -0700 (Mon, 07 May 2007) | 1 line Fix this test so it runs again by importing warnings_test properly. ........ r55167 | neal.norwitz | 2007-05-07 01:03:22 -0700 (Mon, 07 May 2007) | 8 lines So long xrange. range() now supports values that are outside -sys.maxint to sys.maxint. floats raise a TypeError. This has been sitting for a long time. It probably has some problems and needs cleanup. Objects/rangeobject.c now uses 4-space indents since it is almost completely new. ........ r55171 | guido.van.rossum | 2007-05-07 10:21:26 -0700 (Mon, 07 May 2007) | 4 lines Fix two tests that were previously depending on significant spaces at the end of a line (and before that on Python 2.x print behavior that has no exact equivalent in 3.0). ........
2007-05-07 19:24:25 -03:00
for i in range(len(t)):
assert t[i] == t2[(t1[i >> shift] << shift) + (i & mask)]
return best
if __name__ == "__main__":