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Project : GUSI - Grand Unified Socket Interface
File : GUSI.h - Socket calls
Author : Matthias Neeracher
Language : MPW C/C++
2000-09-12 17:24:50 -03:00
Revision 1.1 2000/09/12 20:24:50 jack
Moved to Unsupported.
Revision 1.1 1998/08/18 14:52:33 jack
Putting Python-specific GUSI modifications under CVS.
Revision 1.2 1994/12/31 01:45:54 neeri
Fix alignment.
Revision 1.1 1994/02/25 02:56:49 neeri
Initial revision
Revision 0.15 1993/06/27 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.14 1993/06/20 00:00:00 neeri
Changed sa_constr_ppc
Revision 0.13 1993/02/14 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.12 1992/12/08 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.11 1992/11/15 00:00:00 neeri
remove netdb.h definitions
Revision 0.10 1992/09/26 00:00:00 neeri
Separate dirent and stat
Revision 0.9 1992/09/12 00:00:00 neeri
Hostname stuff
Revision 0.8 1992/09/07 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.7 1992/08/03 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.6 1992/07/21 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.5 1992/06/26 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.4 1992/05/18 00:00:00 neeri
PPC stuff
Revision 0.3 1992/04/27 00:00:00 neeri
Revision 0.2 1992/04/19 00:00:00 neeri
C++ compatibility
Revision 0.1 1992/04/17 00:00:00 neeri
#ifndef _GUSI_
#define _GUSI_
#include <sys/types.h>
/* Feel free to increase FD_SETSIZE as needed */
#include <sys/cdefs.h>
#include <compat.h>
#include <sys/ioctl.h>
#include <sys/fcntl.h>
#include <sys/stat.h>
#include <dirent.h>
#include <Types.h>
#include <Events.h>
#include <Files.h>
#include <AppleTalk.h>
#include <CTBUtilities.h>
#include <Packages.h>
#include <PPCToolBox.h>
#include <StandardFile.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include <sys/time.h>
#include <sys/socket.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <netinet/in.h>
#include <netdb.h>
#include <sys/un.h>
#include <unistd.h>
#include <machine/endian.h>
typedef enum spin_msg {
SP_MISC, /* some weird thing, usually just return immediately if you get this */
SP_SELECT, /* in a select call */
SP_NAME, /* getting a host by name */
SP_ADDR, /* getting a host by address */
SP_STREAM_READ, /* Stream read call */
SP_STREAM_WRITE, /* Stream write call */
SP_DGRAM_READ, /* Datagram read call */
SP_DGRAM_WRITE, /* Datagram write call */
SP_SLEEP, /* sleeping, passes ticks left to sleep */
SP_AUTO_SPIN /* Autospin, passes argument to SpinCursor */
} spin_msg;
typedef int (*GUSISpinFn)(spin_msg msg, long param);
typedef void (*GUSIEvtHandler)(EventRecord * ev);
typedef GUSIEvtHandler GUSIEvtTable[24];
* Address families, defined in sys/socket.h
#define AF_UNSPEC 0 // unspecified
#define AF_UNIX 1 // local to host (pipes, portals)
#define AF_INET 2 // internetwork: UDP, TCP, etc.
#define AF_CTB 3 // Apple Comm Toolbox (not yet supported)
#define AF_FILE 4 // Normal File I/O (used internally)
#define AF_PPC 5 // PPC Toolbox
#define AF_PAP 6 // Printer Access Protocol (client only)
#define AF_APPLETALK 16 // Apple Talk
#define ATALK_SYMADDR 272 /* Symbolic Address for AppleTalk */
* Some Implementations of GUSI require you to call GUSISetup for the
* socket families you'd like to have defined. It's a good idea to call
* this for *all* implementations.
* GUSIDefaultSetup() will include all socket families.
* Never call any of the GUSIwithXXX routines directly.
void GUSIwithAppleTalkSockets();
void GUSIwithInternetSockets();
void GUSIwithPAPSockets();
void GUSIwithPPCSockets();
void GUSIwithUnixSockets();
void GUSIwithSIOUXSockets();
void GUSIwithMPWSockets();
void GUSISetup(void (*socketfamily)());
void GUSIDefaultSetup();
void GUSILoadConfiguration(Handle);
* Types, defined in sys/socket.h
#define SOCK_STREAM 1 // stream socket
#define SOCK_DGRAM 2 // datagram socket
* Defined in sys/un.h
struct sockaddr_un {
short sun_family;
char sun_path[108];
#error Apple had some fun with the conditional macros again
#pragma options align=mac68k
struct sockaddr_atlk {
short family;
AddrBlock addr;
struct sockaddr_atlk_sym {
short family;
EntityName name;
struct sockaddr_ppc {
short family;
LocationNameRec location;
PPCPortRec port;
/* Definitions for choose() */
#define CHOOSE_DEFAULT 1 /* Use *name as default name */
#define CHOOSE_NEW 2 /* Choose new entity name, not existing one */
#define CHOOSE_DIR 4 /* Choose a directory name, not a file */
typedef struct {
short numTypes;
SFTypeList types;
} sa_constr_file;
typedef struct {
short numTypes;
NLType types;
} sa_constr_atlk;
/* Definitions for sa_constr_ppc */
#define PPC_CON_NEWSTYLE 0x8000 /* Required */
#define PPC_CON_MATCH_NAME 0x0001 /* Match name */
#define PPC_CON_MATCH_TYPE 0x0002 /* Match port type */
#define PPC_CON_MATCH_NBP 0x0004 /* Match NBP type */
typedef struct {
short flags;
Str32 nbpType;
PPCPortRec match;
} sa_constr_ppc;
#pragma options align=reset
* IO/Socket stuff, defined elsewhere (unistd.h, sys/socket.h
int socket(int domain, int type, short protocol);
int bind(int s, void *name, int namelen);
int connect(int s, void *addr, int addrlen);
int listen(int s, int qlen);
int accept(int s, void *addr, int *addrlen);
int close(int s);
int read(int s, char *buffer, unsigned buflen);
int readv(int s, struct iovec *iov, int count);
int recv(int s, void *buffer, int buflen, int flags);
int recvfrom(int s, void *buffer, int buflen, int flags, void *from, int *fromlen);
int recvmsg(int s,struct msghdr *msg,int flags);
int write(int s, const char *buffer, unsigned buflen);
int writev(int s, struct iovec *iov, int count);
int send(int s, void *buffer, int buflen, int flags);
int sendto (int s, void *buffer, int buflen, int flags, void *to, int tolen);
int sendmsg(int s,struct msghdr *msg,int flags);
int select(int width, fd_set *readfds, fd_set *writefds, fd_set *exceptfds, struct timeval *timeout);
int getdtablesize(void);
int getsockname(int s, void *name, int *namelen);
int getpeername(int s, struct sockaddr *name, int *namelen);
int shutdown(int s, int how);
int fcntl(int s, unsigned int cmd, int arg);
int dup(int s);
int dup2(int s, int s1);
int ioctl(int d, unsigned int request, long *argp);
int getsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, char *optval, int * optlen);
int setsockopt(int s, int level, int optname, char *optval, int optlen);
int isatty(int);
int remove(const char *filename);
int rename(const char *oldname, const char *newname);
int creat(const char*);
int faccess(char*, unsigned int, long*);
long lseek(int, long, int);
int open(const char*, int);
int unlink(char*);
int symlink(char* linkto, char* linkname);
int readlink(char* path, char* buf, int bufsiz);
int truncate(char *path, long length);
int ftruncate(int fd, long length);
int chdir(char * path);
int mkdir(char * path);
int rmdir(char * path);
char * getcwd(char * buf, int size);
* Defined in stdio.h
#ifdef __MWERKS__
void fsetfileinfo (char *filename, unsigned long newcreator, unsigned long newtype);
void fgetfileinfo (char *filename, unsigned long * creator, unsigned long * type);
#ifdef __MWERKS__
FILE *fdopen(int fd, const char *mode);
int fwalk(int (*func)(FILE * stream));
int choose(
int domain,
int type,
char * prompt,
void * constraint,
int flags,
void * name,
int * namelen);
* Hostname routines, defined in netdb.h
struct hostent * gethostbyname(char *name);
struct hostent * gethostbyaddr(struct in_addr *addrP, int, int);
int gethostname(char *machname, long buflen);
struct servent * getservbyname (char * name, char * proto);
struct protoent * getprotobyname(char * name);
char * inet_ntoa(struct in_addr inaddr);
struct in_addr inet_addr(char *address);
* GUSI supports a number of hooks. Every one of them has a different prototype, but needs
* to be passed as a GUSIHook
typedef enum {
GUSI_SpinHook, /* A GUSISpinFn, to be called when a call blocks */
GUSI_ExecHook, /* Boolean (*hook)(const GUSIFileRef & ref), decides if file is executable */
GUSI_FTypeHook,/* Boolean (*hook)(const FSSpec & spec) sets a default file type */
GUSI_SpeedHook /* A long integer, to be added to the cursor spin variable */
} GUSIHookCode;
typedef void (*GUSIHook)(void);
void GUSISetHook(GUSIHookCode code, GUSIHook hook);
GUSIHook GUSIGetHook(GUSIHookCode code);
* What to do when a routine blocks
/* Defined for compatibility */
#define GUSISetSpin(routine) GUSISetHook(GUSI_SpinHook, (GUSIHook)routine)
#define GUSIGetSpin() (GUSISpinFn) GUSIGetHook(GUSI_SpinHook)
int GUSISetEvents(GUSIEvtTable table);
GUSIEvtHandler * GUSIGetEvents(void);
extern GUSIEvtHandler GUSISIOWEvents[];
#define SIGPIPE 13
#define SIGALRM 14
* BSD memory routines, defined in compat.h
#define index(a, b) strchr(a, b)
#define rindex(a, b) strrchr(a, b)
#define bzero(from, len) memset(from, 0, len)
#define bcopy(from, to, len) memcpy(to, from, len)
#define bcmp(s1, s2, len) memcmp(s1, s2, len)
#define bfill(from, len, x) memset(from, x, len)
#endif /* !_GUSI_ */