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/* -*- Mode: C++; indent-tabs-mode: nil; c-basic-offset: 2 -*- */
(c) 2017 night_ghost@ykoctpa.ru
* I2CDriver.cpp --- AP_HAL_F4Light I2C driver.
#pragma GCC optimize ("O2")
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Param_Helper/AP_Param_Helper.h>
#include "I2CDevice.h"
#include <i2c.h>
using namespace F4Light;
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
F4Light::Semaphore I2CDevice::_semaphores[3]; // 2 HW and 1 SW
const timer_dev * I2CDevice::_timers[3] = { // one timer per bus for all devices
TIMER4, // for bus 0 so not will be used on AirbotV2 boards when it used for PPM_IN
bool I2CDevice::lateInitDone=false;
I2CDevice * I2CDevice::devices[MAX_I2C_DEVICES]; // links to all created devices
uint8_t I2CDevice::dev_count; // number of devices
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG
I2C_State I2CDevice::log[I2C_LOG_SIZE] IN_CCM;
uint8_t I2CDevice::log_ptr=0;
static uint32_t op_time;
static uint32_t op_sr1;
inline uint32_t i2c_get_operation_time(uint16_t *psr1){
if(psr1) *psr1 = op_sr1;
return op_time;
void I2CDevice::lateInit() {
I2CDevice::I2CDevice(uint8_t bus, uint8_t address)
: _bus(bus)
, _address(address)
, _retries(1)
, _lockup_count(0)
, _initialized(false)
, _slow(false)
, _failed(false)
, need_reset(false)
, _dev(NULL)
// store link to created devices
devices[dev_count++] = this; // links to all created devices
I2CDevice::~I2CDevice() {
for(int i=0;i<dev_count;i++){
if(devices[i] == this){
devices[i] = NULL;
void I2CDevice::init(){
if(!lateInitDone) {
((HAL_F4Light&) hal).lateInit();
if(need_reset) _do_bus_reset();
if(_failed) return;
if(_initialized) return;
const i2c_dev *dev=NULL;
switch(_bus) {
case 0: // this is always internal bus
_offs =0;
#if defined(BOARD_I2C_BUS_SLOW) && BOARD_I2C_BUS_SLOW==0
#if defined(BOARD_SOFT_I2C) || defined(BOARD_SOFT_I2C1)
if(s_i2c==NULL) s_i2c = new Soft_I2C;
_I2C1->gpio_port, _I2C1->scl_pin,
_I2C1->gpio_port, _I2C1->sda_pin,
dev = _I2C1;
case 1: // flexi port - I2C2
#if !defined( BOARD_I2C2_DISABLE) && !defined(BOARD_HAS_UART3) // in this case I2C on FlexiPort will be bus 2
_offs = 2;
#if defined(BOARD_I2C_BUS_SLOW) && BOARD_I2C_BUS_SLOW==1
#if defined(BOARD_SOFT_I2C) || defined(BOARD_SOFT_I2C2)
if(s_i2c==NULL) s_i2c = new Soft_I2C;
_I2C2->gpio_port, _I2C2->scl_pin,
_I2C2->gpio_port, _I2C2->sda_pin,
dev = _I2C2;
return; // not initialized so always returns false
case 2: // this bus can use only soft I2C driver
#if defined(BOARD_I2C_BUS_SLOW) && BOARD_I2C_BUS_SLOW==2
if(hal_param_helper->_flexi_i2c){ // move external I2C to flexi port
#if defined(BOARD_SOFT_I2C) || defined(BOARD_SOFT_I2C3)
if(s_i2c==NULL) s_i2c = new Soft_I2C;
_I2C2->gpio_port, _I2C2->scl_pin,
_I2C2->gpio_port, _I2C2->sda_pin,
dev = _I2C2;
} else
{ // external I2C on Input port
#if defined(BOARD_SOFT_SCL) && defined(BOARD_SOFT_SDA)
if(s_i2c==NULL) s_i2c = new Soft_I2C;
_dev = dev; // remember
if(_dev) {
i2c_init(_dev, _offs, _slow?I2C_250KHz_SPEED:I2C_400KHz_SPEED);
}else {
s_i2c->init( );
if(_slow) {
void I2CDevice::register_completion_callback(Handler h) {
if(h && _completion_cb) {// IOC from last call still not called - some error occured so bus reset needed
bool I2CDevice::transfer(const uint8_t *send, uint32_t send_len, uint8_t *recv, uint32_t recv_len)
uint16_t retries=_retries;
uint32_t ret=0;
uint8_t last_op=0;
if(!_initialized) {
if(!_initialized) return false;
if(!_dev){ // no hardware so use soft I2C
if(recv_len) memset(recv, 0, recv_len); // for DEBUG
if(recv_len==0){ // only write
ret=s_i2c->writeBuffer( _address, send_len, send );
}else if(send_len==1){ // only read - send byte is address
ret=s_i2c->read(_address, *send, recv_len, recv);
} else {
ret=s_i2c->transfer(_address, send_len, send, recv_len, recv);
if(ret == I2C_NO_DEVICE)
return false;
if(ret == I2C_OK)
return true;
if((_retries-retries) > 0) { // don't reset and count for fixed at 2nd try errors
_lockup_count ++;
last_error = ret;
if(!s_i2c->bus_reset()) return false;
_dev->state->busy = false;
if(retries--) goto again;
return false;
} // software I2C
// Hardware
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG
I2C_State &sp = log[log_ptr]; // remember last operation
sp.st_sr1 = _dev->I2Cx->SR1;
sp.st_sr2 = _dev->I2Cx->SR2;
// 1st wait for bus free
uint32_t t=Scheduler::_micros();
if(Scheduler::_micros() - t > 5000) {
// grab_count++;
if(recv_len==0) { // only write
ret = i2c_write(_address, send, send_len);
} else {
ret = i2c_read( _address, send, send_len, recv, recv_len);
#ifdef I2C_DEBUG
I2C_State &sp = log[log_ptr]; // remember last operation
sp.start = i2c_get_operation_time(&sp.op_sr1);
sp.time = Scheduler::_micros();
sp.bus =_bus;
sp.addr =_address;
sp.send_len = send_len;
sp.recv_len = recv_len;
sp.ret = ret;
sp.sr1 = _dev->I2Cx->SR1;
sp.sr2 = _dev->I2Cx->SR2;
if(log_ptr<I2C_LOG_SIZE-1) log_ptr++;
else log_ptr=0;
if(ret == I2C_PENDING) return true; // transfer with callback
if(ret == I2C_OK) {
return true;
// something went wrong and completion callback never will be called, so release bus semaphore
if(_completion_cb) {
_completion_cb = 0; // to prevent 2nd bus reset
if(ret == I2C_ERR_STOP || ret == I2C_STOP_BERR || ret == I2C_STOP_BUSY) { // bus or another errors on Stop, or bus busy after Stop.
// Data is good but bus reset required
need_reset = true;
_initialized=false; // will be reinitialized at next transfer
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_SWRST; // set for some time
// we not count such errors as _lockup_count
Revo_handler h = { .mp=FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&I2CDevice::do_bus_reset, void) }; // schedule reset as io_task
Scheduler::_register_io_process(h.h, IO_ONCE);
return true; // data is OK
if(ret != I2C_NO_DEVICE) { // for all errors except NO_DEVICE do bus reset
if(ret == I2C_BUS_BUSY) {
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_SWRST; // set SoftReset for some time
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= (uint16_t)(~I2C_CR1_SWRST); // clear SoftReset flag
if((_retries-retries) > 0 || ret==I2C_BUS_ERR){ // not reset bus or log error on 1st try, except ArbitrationLost error
last_error = ret; // remember
last_error_state = _state; // remember to show
if(last_op) last_error+=50; // to distinguish read and write errors
_lockup_count ++;
_initialized=false; // will be reinitialized at next transfer
if(_failed) {
return false;
if(retries--) goto again;
return false;
void I2CDevice::do_bus_reset(){ // public - with semaphores
void I2CDevice::_do_bus_reset(){ // private
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= (uint16_t)(~I2C_CR1_SWRST); // clear soft reset flag
if(!need_reset) return; // already done
i2c_deinit(_dev); // disable I2C hardware
if(!i2c_bus_reset(_dev)) {
_failed = true; // can't do it in limited time
need_reset = false; // done
bool I2CDevice::read_registers_multiple(uint8_t first_reg, uint8_t *recv,
uint32_t recv_len, uint8_t times){
while(times--) {
bool ret = read_registers(first_reg, recv, recv_len);
if(!ret) return false;
recv += recv_len;
return true;
enum I2C_state {
I2C_want_ADDR, // 1
I2C_want_TXE, // 2
I2C_want_RX_SB, // 3
I2C_want_RX_ADDR,// 4
I2C_want_RXNE, // 5
I2C_done // 6
} ;
moved from low layer to be properly integrated to multitask
/* Send a buffer to the i2c port */
uint32_t I2CDevice::i2c_write(uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *tx_buff, uint8_t len) {
uint32_t ret = wait_stop_done(true);
if(ret!=I2C_OK) return ret;
_rx_len=0; // only write
i2c_set_isr_handler(_dev, Scheduler::get_handler(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&I2CDevice::isr_ev, void)));
_state = I2C_want_SB;
_error = I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT;
// Bus got! enable Acknowledge for our operation
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_ACK;
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= ~I2C_NACKPosition_Next;
// Send START condition
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START;
// need to wait until transfer complete
uint32_t t = hal_micros();
uint32_t timeout = i2c_bit_time * 9 * (len+1) * 8 + 100; // time to transfer all data *8 plus 100uS
_task = Scheduler::get_current_task();// if function called from task - store it and pause
_dev->I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN | I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN | I2C_CR2_ITERREN; // Enable interrupts
if(_task) Scheduler::task_pause(timeout);
if(_completion_cb) return I2C_PENDING;
while (hal_micros() - t < timeout && _error==I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
if(_error==I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT) finish_transfer();
return _error;
uint32_t I2CDevice::i2c_read(uint8_t addr, const uint8_t *tx_buff, uint8_t txlen, uint8_t *rx_buff, uint8_t rxlen)
uint32_t ret = wait_stop_done(false); // wait for bus release from previous transfer and force it if needed
if(ret!=I2C_OK) return ret;
i2c_set_isr_handler(_dev, Scheduler::get_handler(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&I2CDevice::isr_ev, void)));
_state = I2C_want_SB;
_error = I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT;
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= ~I2C_NACKPosition_Next; // I2C_NACKPosition_Current
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_ACK; // Bus got! enable Acknowledge for our operation
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START; // Send START condition
uint32_t t = hal_micros();
uint32_t timeout = i2c_bit_time * 9 * (txlen+rxlen) * 8 + 100; // time to transfer all data *8 plus 100uS
_task = Scheduler::get_current_task(); // if function called from task - store it and pause
if(_task) Scheduler::task_pause(timeout);
_dev->I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN | I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN | I2C_CR2_ITERREN; // Enable interrupts
if(_completion_cb) return I2C_PENDING;
// need to wait until DMA transfer complete
while (hal_micros() - t < timeout && _error==I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT) {
if(_error==I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT) finish_transfer();
return _error;
void I2CDevice::isr_ev(){
bool err;
// get err parameter
asm volatile("MOV %0, r1\n\t" : "=rm" (err));
uint32_t sr1itflags = _dev->I2Cx->SR1;
uint32_t itsources = _dev->I2Cx->CR2;
/* I2C Bus error interrupt occurred ----------------------------------------*/
if(((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_BERR) != RESET) && ((itsources & I2C_IE_ERR) != RESET)) { /* Clear BERR flag */
_dev->I2Cx->SR1 = (uint16_t)(~I2C_BIT_BERR); // Errata 2.4.6
/* I2C Arbitration Loss error interrupt occurred ---------------------------*/
if(((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_ARLO) != RESET) && ((itsources & I2C_IE_ERR) != RESET)) {
_error = I2C_BUS_ERR;
/* Clear ARLO flag */
_dev->I2Cx->SR1 = (uint16_t)(~I2C_BIT_ARLO); // reset them
/* I2C Acknowledge failure error interrupt occurred ------------------------*/
if(((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_AF) != RESET) && ((itsources & I2C_IE_ERR) != RESET)) {
/* Clear AF flag */
_dev->I2Cx->SR1 = (uint16_t)(~I2C_BIT_AF); // reset it
if(_state == I2C_want_ADDR) { // address transfer
_error = I2C_NO_DEVICE;
} else if(_state == I2C_want_RX_ADDR) { // restart
_error = I2C_ERR_REGISTER;
} else {
_error = I2C_ERROR;
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; /* Generate Stop */
if(_error) { // смысла ждать больше нет
/* SB Set ----------------------------------------------------------------*/
if(((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_SB & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) && ((itsources & I2C_IE_EVT) != RESET)) {
// Send address for write
i2c_send_address(_dev, _addr<<1, I2C_Direction_Transmitter);
_state = I2C_want_ADDR;
} else {
i2c_send_address(_dev, _addr<<1, I2C_Direction_Receiver);
_state = I2C_want_RX_ADDR;
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= (uint16_t)(~I2C_CR1_STOP); /* clear STOP condition - just to touch CR1*/
/* ADDR Set --------------------------------------------------------------*/
else if(((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_ADDR & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) && ((itsources & I2C_IE_EVT) != RESET)) {
/* Clear ADDR register by reading SR1 then SR2 register (SR1 has already been read) */
if(_tx_len) { // transmit
// all flags set before
_state = I2C_want_TXE;
}else { // receive
_dev->I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN; // enable RXNE interrupt
if(_rx_len == 1) { // Disable Acknowledge for 1-byte transfer
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK;
} else {
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_ACK;
_state = I2C_want_RXNE;
uint32_t sr2itflags = _dev->I2Cx->SR2; // read SR2 - ADDR is cleared
if((itsources & I2C_IE_BUF) != RESET ){ // data io
if((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_TXE & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) {// TXE set
if((sr2itflags & (I2C_BIT_TRA) & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) { // I2C in mode Transmitter
if(_tx_len) {
_dev->I2Cx->DR = *_tx_buff++; // 1 byte
} else { // tx is over and last byte is sent
_dev->I2Cx->CR2 &= ~I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN; // disable TXE interrupt
if((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_RXNE & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) { // RXNE set
if(_rx_len && !_tx_len) {
*_rx_buff++ = (uint8_t)(_dev->I2Cx->DR);
_rx_len -= 1; // 1 byte done
if(_rx_len == 1) { // last second byte
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= ~I2C_CR1_ACK; // Disable Acknowledgement - send NACK for last byte
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; // Send STOP
} else if(_rx_len==0) {
_error = I2C_OK;
_state = I2C_done;
} else { // fake byte after enable ITBUF
if((sr1itflags & I2C_BIT_BTF & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) {// BTF set
if((sr2itflags & (I2C_BIT_TRA) & I2C_BIT_MASK) != RESET) { // I2C in mode Transmitter
// BTF on transmit
if(_rx_len) {
// wait a little - some devices requires time for internal operations
// Send START condition a second time
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_START;
_state = I2C_want_RX_SB;
// _dev->I2Cx->CR2 |= I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN; // enable TXE interrupt - too early! only after ADDR
} else {
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_STOP; // Send STOP condition
_error = I2C_OK; // TX is done
_state = I2C_done;
} else { // BTF on receive
void I2CDevice::finish_transfer(){
_dev->I2Cx->CR2 &= ~(I2C_CR2_ITBUFEN | I2C_CR2_ITEVTEN | I2C_CR2_ITERREN); // Disable interrupts
Handler h;
if( (h=_completion_cb) ){ // io completion
_completion_cb=0; // only once and before call because handler can set it itself
revo_call_handler(h, (uint32_t)_dev);
if(_task){ // resume paused task
uint32_t I2CDevice::wait_stop_done(bool is_write){
uint32_t sr1;
uint32_t t;
uint8_t ret;
uint8_t i;
for(i=0; i<10; i++){
// Wait to make sure that STOP control bit has been cleared - bus released
t = hal_micros();
while (_dev->I2Cx->CR1 & I2C_CR1_STOP ){
if((sr1=_dev->I2Cx->SR1) & I2C_BIT_BERR & I2C_BIT_MASK) _dev->I2Cx->SR1 = (uint16_t)(~I2C_BIT_BERR); // Errata 2.4.6
if(sr1 & I2C_BIT_ARLO & I2C_BIT_MASK) { // arbitration lost or bus error
_dev->I2Cx->SR1 = (uint16_t)(~I2C_BIT_ARLO); // reset them
ret= I2C_STOP_BERR; // bus error on STOP
if(sr1 & I2C_BIT_TIMEOUT & I2C_BIT_MASK) { // bus timeout
_dev->I2Cx->SR1 = (uint16_t)(~I2C_BIT_TIMEOUT); // reset it
ret= I2C_ERR_TIMEOUT; // STOP generated by hardware
if (hal_micros() - t > I2C_SMALL_TIMEOUT) {
/* wait while the bus is busy */
t = hal_micros();
while ((_dev->I2Cx->SR2 & (I2C_BIT_BUSY) & I2C_BIT_MASK) != 0) {
if (hal_micros() - t > I2C_SMALL_TIMEOUT) {
ret=2; // bus busy
if(ret==I2C_OK) return ret;
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 |= I2C_CR1_SWRST; // set SoftReset for some time
_dev->I2Cx->CR1 &= (uint16_t)(~I2C_CR1_SWRST); // clear SoftReset flag
last_error = ret; // remember
if(is_write) last_error+=50;
_lockup_count ++;
_initialized=false; // will be reinitialized in init()
if(!_initialized) return ret;
return I2C_OK;
errata 2.4.6
Spurious Bus Error detection in Master mode
In Master mode, a bus error can be detected by mistake, so the BERR flag can be wrongly
raised in the status register. This will generate a spurious Bus Error interrupt if the interrupt
is enabled. A bus error detection has no effect on the transfer in Master mode, therefore the
I2C transfer can continue normally.
If a bus error interrupt is generated in Master mode, the BERR flag must be cleared by
software. No other action is required and the on-going transfer can be handled normally