
533 lines
20 KiB

#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include "AC_PrecLand.h"
#include "AC_PrecLand_Backend.h"
#include "AC_PrecLand_Companion.h"
#include "AC_PrecLand_IRLock.h"
#include "AC_PrecLand_SITL_Gazebo.h"
#include "AC_PrecLand_SITL.h"
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
static const uint32_t EKF_INIT_TIME_MS = 2000; // EKF initialisation requires this many milliseconds of good sensor data
static const uint32_t EKF_INIT_SENSOR_MIN_UPDATE_MS = 500; // Sensor must update within this many ms during EKF init, else init will fail
static const uint32_t LANDING_TARGET_TIMEOUT_MS = 2000; // Sensor must update within this many ms, else prec landing will be switched off
const AP_Param::GroupInfo AC_PrecLand::var_info[] = {
// @Param: ENABLED
// @DisplayName: Precision Land enabled/disabled
// @Description: Precision Land enabled/disabled
// @Values: 0:Disabled, 1:Enabled
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: TYPE
// @DisplayName: Precision Land Type
// @Description: Precision Land Type
// @Values: 0:None, 1:CompanionComputer, 2:IRLock, 3:SITL_Gazebo, 4:SITL
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TYPE", 1, AC_PrecLand, _type, 0),
// @Param: YAW_ALIGN
// @DisplayName: Sensor yaw alignment
// @Description: Yaw angle from body x-axis to sensor x-axis.
// @Range: 0 36000
// @Increment: 10
// @User: Advanced
// @Units: cdeg
AP_GROUPINFO("YAW_ALIGN", 2, AC_PrecLand, _yaw_align, 0),
// @Param: LAND_OFS_X
// @DisplayName: Land offset forward
// @Description: Desired landing position of the camera forward of the target in vehicle body frame
// @Range: -20 20
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Advanced
// @Units: cm
AP_GROUPINFO("LAND_OFS_X", 3, AC_PrecLand, _land_ofs_cm_x, 0),
// @Param: LAND_OFS_Y
// @DisplayName: Land offset right
// @Description: desired landing position of the camera right of the target in vehicle body frame
// @Range: -20 20
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Advanced
// @Units: cm
AP_GROUPINFO("LAND_OFS_Y", 4, AC_PrecLand, _land_ofs_cm_y, 0),
// @Param: EST_TYPE
// @DisplayName: Precision Land Estimator Type
// @Description: Specifies the estimation method to be used
// @Values: 0:RawSensor, 1:KalmanFilter
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("EST_TYPE", 5, AC_PrecLand, _estimator_type, 1),
// @Param: ACC_P_NSE
// @DisplayName: Kalman Filter Accelerometer Noise
// @Description: Kalman Filter Accelerometer Noise, higher values weight the input from the camera more, accels less
// @Range: 0.5 5
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("ACC_P_NSE", 6, AC_PrecLand, _accel_noise, 2.5f),
// @Param: CAM_POS_X
// @DisplayName: Camera X position offset
// @Description: X position of the camera in body frame. Positive X is forward of the origin.
// @Units: m
// @Range: -5 5
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: CAM_POS_Y
// @DisplayName: Camera Y position offset
// @Description: Y position of the camera in body frame. Positive Y is to the right of the origin.
// @Units: m
// @Range: -5 5
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
// @Param: CAM_POS_Z
// @DisplayName: Camera Z position offset
// @Description: Z position of the camera in body frame. Positive Z is down from the origin.
// @Units: m
// @Range: -5 5
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("CAM_POS", 7, AC_PrecLand, _cam_offset, 0.0f),
// @Param: BUS
// @DisplayName: Sensor Bus
// @Description: Precland sensor bus for I2C sensors.
// @Values: -1:DefaultBus,0:InternalI2C,1:ExternalI2C
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("BUS", 8, AC_PrecLand, _bus, -1),
// @Param: LAG
// @DisplayName: Precision Landing sensor lag
// @Description: Precision Landing sensor lag, to cope with variable landing_target latency
// @Range: 0.02 0.250
// @Increment: 1
// @Units: s
// @User: Advanced
// @RebootRequired: True
AP_GROUPINFO("LAG", 9, AC_PrecLand, _lag, 0.02f), // 20ms is the old default buffer size (8 frames @ 400hz/2.5ms)
// Default constructor.
// Note that the Vector/Matrix constructors already implicitly zero
// their values.
// set parameters to defaults
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// perform any required initialisation of landing controllers
// update_rate_hz should be the rate at which the update method will be called in hz
void AC_PrecLand::init(uint16_t update_rate_hz)
// exit immediately if init has already been run
if (_backend != nullptr) {
// default health to false
_backend = nullptr;
_backend_state.healthy = false;
// create inertial history buffer
// constrain lag parameter to be within bounds
_lag = constrain_float(_lag, 0.02f, 0.25f);
// calculate inertial buffer size from lag and minimum of main loop rate and update_rate_hz argument
const uint16_t inertial_buffer_size = MAX((uint16_t)roundf(_lag * MIN(update_rate_hz, AP::scheduler().get_loop_rate_hz())), 1);
// instantiate ring buffer to hold inertial history, return on failure so no backends are created
_inertial_history = new ObjectArray<inertial_data_frame_s>(inertial_buffer_size);
if (_inertial_history == nullptr) {
// instantiate backend based on type parameter
switch ((Type)(_type.get())) {
// no type defined
case Type::NONE:
// companion computer
case Type::COMPANION:
_backend = new AC_PrecLand_Companion(*this, _backend_state);
// IR Lock
case Type::IRLOCK:
_backend = new AC_PrecLand_IRLock(*this, _backend_state);
case Type::SITL_GAZEBO:
_backend = new AC_PrecLand_SITL_Gazebo(*this, _backend_state);
case Type::SITL:
_backend = new AC_PrecLand_SITL(*this, _backend_state);
// init backend
if (_backend != nullptr) {
// update - give chance to driver to get updates from sensor
void AC_PrecLand::update(float rangefinder_alt_cm, bool rangefinder_alt_valid)
// exit immediately if not enabled
if (_backend == nullptr || _inertial_history == nullptr) {
// append current velocity and attitude correction into history buffer
struct inertial_data_frame_s inertial_data_newest;
const AP_AHRS_NavEKF &_ahrs = AP::ahrs_navekf();
_ahrs.getCorrectedDeltaVelocityNED(inertial_data_newest.correctedVehicleDeltaVelocityNED, inertial_data_newest.dt);
inertial_data_newest.Tbn = _ahrs.get_rotation_body_to_ned();
Vector3f curr_vel;
nav_filter_status status;
if (!_ahrs.get_velocity_NED(curr_vel) || !_ahrs.get_filter_status(status)) {
inertial_data_newest.inertialNavVelocityValid = false;
} else {
inertial_data_newest.inertialNavVelocityValid = status.flags.horiz_vel;
curr_vel.z = -curr_vel.z; // NED to NEU
inertial_data_newest.inertialNavVelocity = curr_vel;
inertial_data_newest.time_usec = AP_HAL::micros64();
// update estimator of target position
if (_backend != nullptr && _enabled) {
run_estimator(rangefinder_alt_cm*0.01f, rangefinder_alt_valid);
const uint32_t now = AP_HAL::millis();
if (now - last_log_ms > 40) { // 25Hz
last_log_ms = now;
bool AC_PrecLand::target_acquired()
if ((AP_HAL::millis()-_last_update_ms) > LANDING_TARGET_TIMEOUT_MS) {
// not had a sensor update since a long time
// probably lost the target
_estimator_initialized = false;
_target_acquired = false;
return _target_acquired;
bool AC_PrecLand::get_target_position_cm(Vector2f& ret)
if (!target_acquired()) {
return false;
Vector2f curr_pos;
if (!AP::ahrs().get_relative_position_NE_origin(curr_pos)) {
return false;
ret.x = (_target_pos_rel_out_NE.x + curr_pos.x) * 100.0f; // m to cm
ret.y = (_target_pos_rel_out_NE.y + curr_pos.y) * 100.0f; // m to cm
return true;
void AC_PrecLand::get_target_position_measurement_cm(Vector3f& ret)
ret = _target_pos_rel_meas_NED*100.0f;
bool AC_PrecLand::get_target_position_relative_cm(Vector2f& ret)
if (!target_acquired()) {
return false;
ret = _target_pos_rel_out_NE*100.0f;
return true;
bool AC_PrecLand::get_target_velocity_relative_cms(Vector2f& ret)
if (!target_acquired()) {
return false;
ret = _target_vel_rel_out_NE*100.0f;
return true;
// handle_msg - Process a LANDING_TARGET mavlink message
void AC_PrecLand::handle_msg(const mavlink_landing_target_t &packet, uint32_t timestamp_ms)
// run backend update
if (_backend != nullptr) {
_backend->handle_msg(packet, timestamp_ms);
// Private methods
void AC_PrecLand::run_estimator(float rangefinder_alt_m, bool rangefinder_alt_valid)
const struct inertial_data_frame_s *inertial_data_delayed = (*_inertial_history)[0];
switch ((EstimatorType)_estimator_type.get()) {
case EstimatorType::RAW_SENSOR: {
// Return if there's any invalid velocity data
for (uint8_t i=0; i<_inertial_history->available(); i++) {
const struct inertial_data_frame_s *inertial_data = (*_inertial_history)[i];
if (!inertial_data->inertialNavVelocityValid) {
_target_acquired = false;
// Predict
if (target_acquired()) {
_target_pos_rel_est_NE.x -= inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.x * inertial_data_delayed->dt;
_target_pos_rel_est_NE.y -= inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.y * inertial_data_delayed->dt;
_target_vel_rel_est_NE.x = -inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.x;
_target_vel_rel_est_NE.y = -inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.y;
// Update if a new Line-Of-Sight measurement is available
if (construct_pos_meas_using_rangefinder(rangefinder_alt_m, rangefinder_alt_valid)) {
_target_pos_rel_est_NE.x = _target_pos_rel_meas_NED.x;
_target_pos_rel_est_NE.y = _target_pos_rel_meas_NED.y;
_target_vel_rel_est_NE.x = -inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.x;
_target_vel_rel_est_NE.y = -inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.y;
_last_update_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
_target_acquired = true;
// Output prediction
if (target_acquired()) {
case EstimatorType::KALMAN_FILTER: {
// Predict
if (target_acquired()) {
const float& dt = inertial_data_delayed->dt;
const Vector3f& vehicleDelVel = inertial_data_delayed->correctedVehicleDeltaVelocityNED;
_ekf_x.predict(dt, -vehicleDelVel.x, _accel_noise*dt);
_ekf_y.predict(dt, -vehicleDelVel.y, _accel_noise*dt);
// Update if a new Line-Of-Sight measurement is available
if (construct_pos_meas_using_rangefinder(rangefinder_alt_m, rangefinder_alt_valid)) {
float xy_pos_var = sq(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.z*(0.01f + 0.01f*AP::ahrs().get_gyro().length()) + 0.02f);
if (!_estimator_initialized) {
// start init of EKF. We will let the filter consume the data for a while before it available for consumption
// reset filter state
if (inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocityValid) {
_ekf_x.init(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.x, xy_pos_var, -inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.x, sq(2.0f));
_ekf_y.init(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.y, xy_pos_var, -inertial_data_delayed->inertialNavVelocity.y, sq(2.0f));
} else {
_ekf_x.init(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.x, xy_pos_var, 0.0f, sq(10.0f));
_ekf_y.init(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.y, xy_pos_var, 0.0f, sq(10.0f));
_last_update_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
_estimator_init_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
// we have initialized the estimator but will not use the values for sometime so that EKF settles down
_estimator_initialized = true;
} else {
float NIS_x = _ekf_x.getPosNIS(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.x, xy_pos_var);
float NIS_y = _ekf_y.getPosNIS(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.y, xy_pos_var);
if (MAX(NIS_x, NIS_y) < 3.0f || _outlier_reject_count >= 3) {
_outlier_reject_count = 0;
_ekf_x.fusePos(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.x, xy_pos_var);
_ekf_y.fusePos(_target_pos_rel_meas_NED.y, xy_pos_var);
_last_update_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
} else {
// check EKF was properly initialized when the sensor detected a landing target
// Output prediction
if (target_acquired()) {
_target_pos_rel_est_NE.x = _ekf_x.getPos();
_target_pos_rel_est_NE.y = _ekf_y.getPos();
_target_vel_rel_est_NE.x = _ekf_x.getVel();
_target_vel_rel_est_NE.y = _ekf_y.getVel();
// check if EKF got the time to initialize when the landing target was first detected
// Expects sensor to update within EKF_INIT_SENSOR_MIN_UPDATE_MS milliseconds till EKF_INIT_TIME_MS milliseconds have passed
// after this period landing target estimates can be used by vehicle
void AC_PrecLand::check_ekf_init_timeout()
if (!target_acquired() && _estimator_initialized) {
// we have just got the target in sight
if (AP_HAL::millis()-_last_update_ms > EKF_INIT_SENSOR_MIN_UPDATE_MS) {
// we have lost the target, not enough readings to initialize the EKF
_estimator_initialized = false;
} else if (AP_HAL::millis()-_estimator_init_ms > EKF_INIT_TIME_MS) {
// the target has been visible for a while, EKF should now have initialized to a good value
_target_acquired = true;
bool AC_PrecLand::retrieve_los_meas(Vector3f& target_vec_unit_body)
if (_backend->have_los_meas() && _backend->los_meas_time_ms() != _last_backend_los_meas_ms) {
_last_backend_los_meas_ms = _backend->los_meas_time_ms();
if (!is_zero(_yaw_align)) {
// Apply sensor yaw alignment rotation
return true;
} else {
return false;
bool AC_PrecLand::construct_pos_meas_using_rangefinder(float rangefinder_alt_m, bool rangefinder_alt_valid)
Vector3f target_vec_unit_body;
if (retrieve_los_meas(target_vec_unit_body)) {
const struct inertial_data_frame_s *inertial_data_delayed = (*_inertial_history)[0];
const Vector3f target_vec_unit_ned = inertial_data_delayed->Tbn * target_vec_unit_body;
const bool target_vec_valid = target_vec_unit_ned.z > 0.0f;
const bool alt_valid = (rangefinder_alt_valid && rangefinder_alt_m > 0.0f) || (_backend->distance_to_target() > 0.0f);
if (target_vec_valid && alt_valid) {
float dist, alt;
// figure out ned camera orientation w.r.t its offset
Vector3f cam_pos_ned;
if (!_cam_offset.get().is_zero()) {
// user has specifed offset for camera
// take its height into account while calculating distance
cam_pos_ned = inertial_data_delayed->Tbn * _cam_offset;
if (_backend->distance_to_target() > 0.0f) {
// sensor has provided distance to landing target
dist = _backend->distance_to_target();
alt = dist * target_vec_unit_ned.z;
} else {
// sensor only knows the horizontal location of the landing target
// rely on rangefinder for the vertical target
alt = MAX(rangefinder_alt_m - cam_pos_ned.z, 0.0f);
dist = alt / target_vec_unit_ned.z;
// Compute camera position relative to IMU
const Vector3f accel_pos_ned = inertial_data_delayed->Tbn * AP::ins().get_imu_pos_offset(AP::ahrs().get_primary_accel_index());
const Vector3f cam_pos_ned_rel_imu = cam_pos_ned - accel_pos_ned;
// Compute target position relative to IMU
_target_pos_rel_meas_NED = Vector3f{target_vec_unit_ned.x*dist, target_vec_unit_ned.y*dist, alt} + cam_pos_ned_rel_imu;
return true;
return false;
void AC_PrecLand::run_output_prediction()
_target_pos_rel_out_NE = _target_pos_rel_est_NE;
_target_vel_rel_out_NE = _target_vel_rel_est_NE;
// Predict forward from delayed time horizon
for (uint8_t i=1; i<_inertial_history->available(); i++) {
const struct inertial_data_frame_s *inertial_data = (*_inertial_history)[i];
_target_vel_rel_out_NE.x -= inertial_data->correctedVehicleDeltaVelocityNED.x;
_target_vel_rel_out_NE.y -= inertial_data->correctedVehicleDeltaVelocityNED.y;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.x += _target_vel_rel_out_NE.x * inertial_data->dt;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.y += _target_vel_rel_out_NE.y * inertial_data->dt;
const AP_AHRS &_ahrs = AP::ahrs();
const Matrix3f& Tbn = (*_inertial_history)[_inertial_history->available()-1]->Tbn;
Vector3f accel_body_offset = AP::ins().get_imu_pos_offset(_ahrs.get_primary_accel_index());
// Apply position correction for CG offset from IMU
Vector3f imu_pos_ned = Tbn * accel_body_offset;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.x += imu_pos_ned.x;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.y += imu_pos_ned.y;
// Apply position correction for body-frame horizontal camera offset from CG, so that vehicle lands lens-to-target
Vector3f cam_pos_horizontal_ned = Tbn * Vector3f(_cam_offset.get().x, _cam_offset.get().y, 0);
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.x -= cam_pos_horizontal_ned.x;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.y -= cam_pos_horizontal_ned.y;
// Apply velocity correction for IMU offset from CG
Vector3f vel_ned_rel_imu = Tbn * (_ahrs.get_gyro() % (-accel_body_offset));
_target_vel_rel_out_NE.x -= vel_ned_rel_imu.x;
_target_vel_rel_out_NE.y -= vel_ned_rel_imu.y;
// Apply land offset
Vector3f land_ofs_ned_m = _ahrs.get_rotation_body_to_ned() * Vector3f(_land_ofs_cm_x,_land_ofs_cm_y,0) * 0.01f;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.x += land_ofs_ned_m.x;
_target_pos_rel_out_NE.y += land_ofs_ned_m.y;
// Write a precision landing entry
void AC_PrecLand::Write_Precland()
// exit immediately if not enabled
if (!enabled()) {
Vector3f target_pos_meas;
Vector2f target_pos_rel;
Vector2f target_vel_rel;
const struct log_Precland pkt {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
healthy : healthy(),
target_acquired : target_acquired(),
pos_x : target_pos_rel.x,
pos_y : target_pos_rel.y,
vel_x : target_vel_rel.x,
vel_y : target_vel_rel.y,
meas_x : target_pos_meas.x,
meas_y : target_pos_meas.y,
meas_z : target_pos_meas.z,
last_meas : last_backend_los_meas_ms(),
ekf_outcount : ekf_outlier_count(),
estimator : (uint8_t)_estimator_type
AP::logger().WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));