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control of servo output ranges, trim and servo reversal. This can
optionally be used to provide separation of input and output channel
ranges so that RCn_MIN, RCn_MAX, RCn_TRIM and RCn_REV only apply to
the input side of RC_Channel
It works by running servo output calculations as normal, then
re-mapping the output according to the servo MIN/MAX/TRIM/REV from
this object
Only 4 channels of ranges are defined as those match the input
channels for R/C sticks
#pragma once
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_RCMapper/AP_RCMapper.h>
#include <AP_Common/Bitmask.h>
#include <AP_Volz_Protocol/AP_Volz_Protocol.h>
#include <AP_RobotisServo/AP_RobotisServo.h>
#include <AP_SBusOut/AP_SBusOut.h>
#include <AP_BLHeli/AP_BLHeli.h>
class SRV_Channels;
class SRV_Channel. The class SRV_Channels contains an array of
SRV_Channel objects. This is done to fit within the AP_Param limit
of 64 parameters per object.
class SRV_Channel {
friend class SRV_Channels;
// constructor
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
typedef enum
k_none = 0, ///< disabled
k_manual = 1, ///< manual, just pass-thru the RC in signal
k_flap = 2, ///< flap
k_flap_auto = 3, ///< flap automated
k_aileron = 4, ///< aileron
k_unused1 = 5, ///< unused function
k_mount_pan = 6, ///< mount yaw (pan)
k_mount_tilt = 7, ///< mount pitch (tilt)
k_mount_roll = 8, ///< mount roll
k_mount_open = 9, ///< mount open (deploy) / close (retract)
k_cam_trigger = 10, ///< camera trigger
k_egg_drop = 11, ///< egg drop
k_mount2_pan = 12, ///< mount2 yaw (pan)
k_mount2_tilt = 13, ///< mount2 pitch (tilt)
k_mount2_roll = 14, ///< mount2 roll
k_mount2_open = 15, ///< mount2 open (deploy) / close (retract)
k_dspoilerLeft1 = 16, ///< differential spoiler 1 (left wing)
k_dspoilerRight1 = 17, ///< differential spoiler 1 (right wing)
k_aileron_with_input = 18, ///< aileron, with rc input, deprecated
k_elevator = 19, ///< elevator
k_elevator_with_input = 20, ///< elevator, with rc input, deprecated
k_rudder = 21, ///< secondary rudder channel
k_sprayer_pump = 22, ///< crop sprayer pump channel
k_sprayer_spinner = 23, ///< crop sprayer spinner channel
k_flaperon_left = 24, ///< flaperon, left wing
k_flaperon_right = 25, ///< flaperon, right wing
k_steering = 26, ///< ground steering, used to separate from rudder
k_parachute_release = 27, ///< parachute release
k_gripper = 28, ///< gripper
k_landing_gear_control = 29, ///< landing gear controller
k_engine_run_enable = 30, ///< engine kill switch, used for gas airplanes and helicopters
k_heli_rsc = 31, ///< helicopter RSC output
k_heli_tail_rsc = 32, ///< helicopter tail RSC output
k_motor1 = 33, ///< these allow remapping of copter motors
k_motor2 = 34,
k_motor3 = 35,
k_motor4 = 36,
k_motor5 = 37,
k_motor6 = 38,
k_motor7 = 39,
k_motor8 = 40,
k_motor_tilt = 41, ///< tiltrotor motor tilt control
k_rcin1 = 51, ///< these are for pass-thru from arbitrary rc inputs
k_rcin2 = 52,
k_rcin3 = 53,
k_rcin4 = 54,
k_rcin5 = 55,
k_rcin6 = 56,
k_rcin7 = 57,
k_rcin8 = 58,
k_rcin9 = 59,
k_rcin10 = 60,
k_rcin11 = 61,
k_rcin12 = 62,
k_rcin13 = 63,
k_rcin14 = 64,
k_rcin15 = 65,
k_rcin16 = 66,
k_ignition = 67,
k_choke = 68,
k_starter = 69,
k_throttle = 70,
k_tracker_yaw = 71, ///< antennatracker yaw
k_tracker_pitch = 72, ///< antennatracker pitch
k_throttleLeft = 73,
k_throttleRight = 74,
k_tiltMotorLeft = 75, ///< vectored thrust, left tilt
k_tiltMotorRight = 76, ///< vectored thrust, right tilt
k_elevon_left = 77,
k_elevon_right = 78,
k_vtail_left = 79,
k_vtail_right = 80,
k_boost_throttle = 81, ///< vertical booster throttle
k_motor9 = 82,
k_motor10 = 83,
k_motor11 = 84,
k_motor12 = 85,
k_dspoilerLeft2 = 86, ///< differential spoiler 2 (left wing)
k_dspoilerRight2 = 87, ///< differential spoiler 2 (right wing)
k_winch = 88,
k_mainsail_sheet = 89, ///< Main Sail control via sheet
k_cam_iso = 90,
k_cam_aperture = 91,
k_cam_focus = 92,
k_cam_shutter_speed = 93,
k_scripting1 = 94, ///< Scripting related outputs
k_scripting2 = 95,
k_scripting3 = 96,
k_scripting4 = 97,
k_scripting5 = 98,
k_scripting6 = 99,
k_scripting7 = 100,
k_scripting8 = 101,
k_scripting9 = 102,
k_scripting10 = 103,
k_scripting11 = 104,
k_scripting12 = 105,
k_scripting13 = 106,
k_scripting14 = 107,
k_scripting15 = 108,
k_scripting16 = 109,
k_nr_aux_servo_functions ///< This must be the last enum value (only add new values _before_ this one)
} Aux_servo_function_t;
// used to get min/max/trim limit value based on reverse
enum LimitValue {
// set the output value as a pwm value
void set_output_pwm(uint16_t pwm);
// get the output value as a pwm value
uint16_t get_output_pwm(void) const { return output_pwm; }
// set angular range of scaled output
void set_angle(int16_t angle);
// set range of scaled output. Low is always zero
void set_range(uint16_t high);
// return true if the channel is reversed
bool get_reversed(void) const {
return reversed?true:false;
// set MIN/MAX parameters
void set_output_min(uint16_t pwm) {
void set_output_max(uint16_t pwm) {
// get MIN/MAX/TRIM parameters
uint16_t get_output_min(void) const {
return servo_min;
uint16_t get_output_max(void) const {
return servo_max;
uint16_t get_trim(void) const {
return servo_trim;
// return true if function is for a multicopter motor
static bool is_motor(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// return the function of a channel
SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t get_function(void) const {
return (SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t)function.get();
// set and save function for channel. Used in upgrade of parameters in plane
void function_set_and_save(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t f) {
// set and save function for reversed. Used in upgrade of parameters in plane
void reversed_set_and_save_ifchanged(bool r) {
// return true if the SERVOn_FUNCTION has been configured in
// either storage or a defaults file. This is used for upgrade of
// parameters in plane
bool function_configured(void) const {
return function.configured();
AP_Int16 servo_min;
AP_Int16 servo_max;
AP_Int16 servo_trim;
// reversal, following convention that 1 means reversed, 0 means normal
AP_Int8 reversed;
AP_Int8 function;
// a pending output value as PWM
uint16_t output_pwm;
// true for angle output type
bool type_angle:1;
// set_range() or set_angle() has been called
bool type_setup:1;
// the hal channel number
uint8_t ch_num;
// high point of angle or range output
uint16_t high_out;
// convert a 0..range_max to a pwm
uint16_t pwm_from_range(int16_t scaled_value) const;
// convert a -angle_max..angle_max to a pwm
uint16_t pwm_from_angle(int16_t scaled_value) const;
// convert a scaled output to a pwm value
void calc_pwm(int16_t output_scaled);
// output value based on function
void output_ch(void);
// setup output type and range based on function
void aux_servo_function_setup(void);
// return PWM for a given limit value
uint16_t get_limit_pwm(LimitValue limit) const;
// get normalised output from -1 to 1
float get_output_norm(void);
// a bitmask type wide enough for NUM_SERVO_CHANNELS
typedef uint16_t servo_mask_t;
// mask of channels where we have a output_pwm value. Cleared when a
// scaled value is written.
static servo_mask_t have_pwm_mask;
class SRV_Channels
class SRV_Channels {
friend class SRV_Channel;
// constructor
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// set the default function for a channel
static void set_default_function(uint8_t chan, SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// set output value for a function channel as a pwm value
static void set_output_pwm(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t value);
// set output value for a function channel as a pwm value on the first matching channel
static void set_output_pwm_first(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t value);
// set output value for a specific function channel as a pwm value
static void set_output_pwm_chan(uint8_t chan, uint16_t value);
// set output value for a function channel as a scaled value. This
// calls calc_pwm() to also set the pwm value
static void set_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value);
// get scaled output for the given function type.
static int16_t get_output_scaled(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// get pwm output for the first channel of the given function type.
static bool get_output_pwm(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t &value);
// get normalised output (-1 to 1 for angle, 0 to 1 for range). Value is taken from pwm value
// return zero on error.
static float get_output_norm(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// get output channel mask for a function
static uint16_t get_output_channel_mask(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// limit slew rate to given limit in percent per second
static void limit_slew_rate(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, float slew_rate, float dt);
// call output_ch() on all channels
static void output_ch_all(void);
// setup output ESC scaling based on a channels MIN/MAX
void set_esc_scaling_for(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// return true when auto_trim enabled
bool auto_trim_enabled(void) const { return auto_trim; }
// adjust trim of a channel by a small increment
void adjust_trim(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, float v);
// set MIN/MAX parameters for a function
static void set_output_min_max(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t min_pwm, uint16_t max_pwm);
// save trims
void save_trim(void);
// setup for a reversible k_throttle (from -100 to 100)
void set_reversible_throttle(void) {
flags.k_throttle_reversible = true;
// setup IO failsafe for all channels to trim
static void setup_failsafe_trim_all_non_motors(void);
// set output for all channels matching the given function type, allow radio_trim to center servo
static void set_output_pwm_trimmed(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t value);
// set and save the trim for a function channel to the output value
static void set_trim_to_servo_out_for(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// set the trim for a function channel to min of the channel
static void set_trim_to_min_for(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// set the trim for a function channel to given pwm
static void set_trim_to_pwm_for(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, int16_t pwm);
// set output to min value
static void set_output_to_min(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// set output to max value
static void set_output_to_max(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// set output to trim value
static void set_output_to_trim(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// copy radio_in to servo out
static void copy_radio_in_out(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, bool do_input_output=false);
// copy radio_in to servo_out by channel mask
static void copy_radio_in_out_mask(uint16_t mask);
// setup failsafe for an auxiliary channel function, by pwm
static void set_failsafe_pwm(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t pwm);
// setup failsafe for an auxiliary channel function
static void set_failsafe_limit(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, SRV_Channel::LimitValue limit);
// setup safety for an auxiliary channel function (used when disarmed)
static void set_safety_limit(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, SRV_Channel::LimitValue limit);
// set servo to a LimitValue
static void set_output_limit(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, SRV_Channel::LimitValue limit);
// return true if a function is assigned to a channel
static bool function_assigned(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// set a servo_out value, and angle range, then calc_pwm
static void move_servo(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function,
int16_t value, int16_t angle_min, int16_t angle_max);
// assign and enable auxiliary channels
static void enable_aux_servos(void);
// enable channels by mask
static void enable_by_mask(uint16_t mask);
// return the current function for a channel
static SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t channel_function(uint8_t channel);
// refresh aux servo to function mapping
static void update_aux_servo_function(void);
// set default channel for an auxiliary function
static bool set_aux_channel_default(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint8_t channel);
// find first channel that a function is assigned to
static bool find_channel(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint8_t &chan);
// find first channel that a function is assigned to, returning SRV_Channel object
static SRV_Channel *get_channel_for(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, int8_t default_chan=-1);
// call set_angle() on matching channels
static void set_angle(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t angle);
// call set_range() on matching channels
static void set_range(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t range);
// set output refresh frequency on a servo function
static void set_rc_frequency(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function, uint16_t frequency);
// control pass-thru of channels
void disable_passthrough(bool disable) {
disabled_passthrough = disable;
// constrain to output min/max for function
static void constrain_pwm(SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t function);
// calculate PWM for all channels
static void calc_pwm(void);
static SRV_Channel *srv_channel(uint8_t i) {
return i<NUM_SERVO_CHANNELS?&channels[i]:nullptr;
// upgrade RC* parameters into SERVO* parameters
static bool upgrade_parameters(const uint8_t old_keys[14], uint16_t aux_channel_mask, RCMapper *rcmap);
static void upgrade_motors_servo(uint8_t ap_motors_key, uint8_t ap_motors_idx, uint8_t new_channel);
// given a zero-based motor channel, return the k_motor function for that channel
static SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t get_motor_function(uint8_t channel) {
if (channel < 8) {
return SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t(SRV_Channel::k_motor1+channel);
return SRV_Channel::Aux_servo_function_t((SRV_Channel::k_motor9+(channel-8)));
static void cork();
static void push();
// disable output to a set of channels given by a mask. This is used by the AP_BLHeli code
static void set_disabled_channel_mask(uint16_t mask) { disabled_mask = mask; }
// add to mask of outputs which can do reverse thrust using digital controls
static void set_reversible_mask(uint16_t mask) {
reversible_mask |= mask;
// add to mask of outputs which use digital (non-PWM) output, such as DShot
static void set_digital_mask(uint16_t mask) {
digital_mask |= mask;
struct {
bool k_throttle_reversible:1;
} flags;
static bool disabled_passthrough;
SRV_Channel::servo_mask_t trimmed_mask;
static Bitmask function_mask;
static bool initialised;
// this static arrangement is to avoid having static objects in AP_Param tables
static SRV_Channel *channels;
static SRV_Channels *instance;
// support for Volz protocol
AP_Volz_Protocol volz;
static AP_Volz_Protocol *volz_ptr;
// support for SBUS protocol
AP_SBusOut sbus;
static AP_SBusOut *sbus_ptr;
// support for Robotis servo protocol
AP_RobotisServo robotis;
static AP_RobotisServo *robotis_ptr;
// support for BLHeli protocol
AP_BLHeli blheli;
static AP_BLHeli *blheli_ptr;
static uint16_t disabled_mask;
// mask of outputs which use a digital output protocol, not
// PWM (eg. DShot)
static uint16_t digital_mask;
// mask of outputs which are digitally reversible (eg. DShot-3D)
static uint16_t reversible_mask;
SRV_Channel obj_channels[NUM_SERVO_CHANNELS];
static struct srv_function {
// mask of what channels this applies to
SRV_Channel::servo_mask_t channel_mask;
// scaled output for this function
int16_t output_scaled;
} functions[SRV_Channel::k_nr_aux_servo_functions];
AP_Int8 auto_trim;
AP_Int16 default_rate;
// return true if passthrough is disabled
static bool passthrough_disabled(void) {
return disabled_passthrough;