
408 lines
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#pragma once
/// @file AC_AttitudeControl.h
/// @brief ArduCopter attitude control library
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h>
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_Motors/AP_Motors.h>
#include <AC_PID/AC_PID.h>
#include <AC_PID/AC_P.h>
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ANGLE_P 4.5f // default angle P gain for roll, pitch and yaw
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS radians(40.0f) // minimum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for roll and pitch axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_RP_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS radians(720.0f) // maximum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for roll and pitch axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MIN_RADSS radians(10.0f) // minimum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_ACCEL_Y_CONTROLLER_MAX_RADSS radians(120.0f) // maximum body-frame acceleration limit for the stability controller (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_SLEW_YAW_DEFAULT_CDS 6000 // constraint on yaw angle error in degrees. This should lead to maximum turn rate of 10deg/sec * Stab Rate P so by default will be 45deg/sec.
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ACCEL_RP_MAX_DEFAULT_CDSS 110000.0f // default maximum acceleration for roll/pitch axis in centidegrees/sec/sec
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ACCEL_Y_MAX_DEFAULT_CDSS 27000.0f // default maximum acceleration for yaw axis in centidegrees/sec/sec
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_CONTROLLER_TIMEOUT 1.0f // body-frame rate controller timeout in seconds
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_RP_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 1.0f // body-frame rate controller maximum output (for roll-pitch axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_RATE_YAW_CONTROLLER_OUT_MAX 1.0f // body-frame rate controller maximum output (for yaw axis)
#define AC_ATTITUDE_THRUST_ERROR_ANGLE radians(30.0f) // Thrust angle error above which yaw corrections are limited
#define AC_ATTITUDE_400HZ_DT 0.0025f // delta time in seconds for 400hz update rate
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_RATE_BF_FF_DEFAULT 1 // body-frame rate feedforward enabled by default
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ANGLE_LIMIT_TC_DEFAULT 1.0f // Time constant used to limit lean angle so that vehicle does not lose altitude
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_ANGLE_LIMIT_THROTTLE_MAX 0.8f // Max throttle used to limit lean angle so that vehicle does not lose altitude
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_MIN_DEFAULT 0.1f // minimum throttle mix default
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_MAN_DEFAULT 0.5f // manual throttle mix default
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_MAX_DEFAULT 0.5f // maximum throttle mix default
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_MAX 5.0f // maximum throttle mix default
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_THR_MIX_DEFAULT 0.5f // ratio controlling the max throttle output during competing requests of low throttle from the pilot (or autopilot) and higher throttle for attitude control. Higher favours Attitude over pilot input
class AC_AttitudeControl {
AC_AttitudeControl( AP_AHRS &ahrs,
const AP_Vehicle::MultiCopter &aparm,
AP_Motors& motors,
float dt) :
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// Empty destructor to suppress compiler warning
virtual ~AC_AttitudeControl() {}
// pid accessors
AC_P& get_angle_roll_p() { return _p_angle_roll; }
AC_P& get_angle_pitch_p() { return _p_angle_pitch; }
AC_P& get_angle_yaw_p() { return _p_angle_yaw; }
virtual AC_PID& get_rate_roll_pid() = 0;
virtual AC_PID& get_rate_pitch_pid() = 0;
virtual AC_PID& get_rate_yaw_pid() = 0;
// Gets the roll acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
float get_accel_roll_max() { return _accel_roll_max; }
// Sets the roll acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void set_accel_roll_max(float accel_roll_max) { _accel_roll_max = accel_roll_max; }
// Sets and saves the roll acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void save_accel_roll_max(float accel_roll_max) { _accel_roll_max = accel_roll_max;; }
// Sets the pitch acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
float get_accel_pitch_max() { return _accel_pitch_max; }
// Sets the pitch acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void set_accel_pitch_max(float accel_pitch_max) { _accel_pitch_max = accel_pitch_max; }
// Sets and saves the pitch acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void save_accel_pitch_max(float accel_pitch_max) { _accel_pitch_max = accel_pitch_max;; }
// Gets the yaw acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
float get_accel_yaw_max() { return _accel_yaw_max; }
// Sets the yaw acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void set_accel_yaw_max(float accel_yaw_max) { _accel_yaw_max = accel_yaw_max; }
// Sets and saves the yaw acceleration limit in centidegrees/s/s
void save_accel_yaw_max(float accel_yaw_max) { _accel_yaw_max = accel_yaw_max;; }
// Ensure attitude controller have zero errors to relax rate controller output
void relax_attitude_controllers();
// reset rate controller I terms
void reset_rate_controller_I_terms();
// Sets yaw target to vehicle heading
void set_yaw_target_to_current_heading() { shift_ef_yaw_target(degrees(_ahrs.yaw - _attitude_target_euler_angle.z)*100.0f); }
// Shifts earth frame yaw target by yaw_shift_cd. yaw_shift_cd should be in centidegrees and is added to the current target heading
void shift_ef_yaw_target(float yaw_shift_cd);
// Command a Quaternion attitude with feedforward and smoothing
void input_quaternion(Quaternion attitude_desired_quat, float smoothing_gain);
// Command an euler roll and pitch angle and an euler yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_euler_rate_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_rate_cds, float smoothing_gain);
// Command an euler roll, pitch and yaw angle with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void input_euler_angle_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_angle_cd, float euler_pitch_angle_cd, float euler_yaw_angle_cd, bool slew_yaw, float smoothing_gain);
// Command an euler roll, pitch, and yaw rate with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
void input_euler_rate_roll_pitch_yaw(float euler_roll_rate_cds, float euler_pitch_rate_cds, float euler_yaw_rate_cds);
// Command an angular velocity with angular velocity feedforward and smoothing
virtual void input_rate_bf_roll_pitch_yaw(float roll_rate_bf_cds, float pitch_rate_bf_cds, float yaw_rate_bf_cds);
// Run angular velocity controller and send outputs to the motors
virtual void rate_controller_run() = 0;
// Convert a 321-intrinsic euler angle derivative to an angular velocity vector
void euler_rate_to_ang_vel(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const Vector3f& euler_rate_rads, Vector3f& ang_vel_rads);
// Convert an angular velocity vector to a 321-intrinsic euler angle derivative
// Returns false if the vehicle is pitched 90 degrees up or down
bool ang_vel_to_euler_rate(const Vector3f& euler_rad, const Vector3f& ang_vel_rads, Vector3f& euler_rate_rads);
// Configures whether the attitude controller should limit the rate demand to constrain angular acceleration
void use_ff_and_input_shaping(bool use_shaping) { _use_ff_and_input_shaping = use_shaping; }
// Return 321-intrinsic euler angles in centidegrees representing the rotation from NED earth frame to the
// attitude controller's target attitude.
// **NOTE** Using vector3f*deg(100) is more efficient than deg(vector3f)*100 or deg(vector3d*100) because it gives the
// same result with the fewest multiplications. Even though it may look like a bug, it is intentional. See issue 4895.
Vector3f get_att_target_euler_cd() const { return _attitude_target_euler_angle*degrees(100.0f); }
// Return the angle between the target thrust vector and the current thrust vector.
float get_att_error_angle_deg() const { return degrees(_thrust_error_angle); }
// Set x-axis angular velocity in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_roll_target(float rate_cds) { _rate_target_ang_vel.x = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set y-axis angular velocity in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_pitch_target(float rate_cds) { _rate_target_ang_vel.y = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Set z-axis angular velocity in centidegrees/s
void rate_bf_yaw_target(float rate_cds) { _rate_target_ang_vel.z = radians(rate_cds*0.01f); }
// Return roll rate step size in radians/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_rate_step_bf_roll();
// Return pitch rate step size in radians/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_rate_step_bf_pitch();
// Return yaw rate step size in radians/s that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_rate_step_bf_yaw();
// Return roll step size in radians that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_angle_step_bf_roll() { return max_rate_step_bf_roll()/_p_angle_roll.kP(); }
// Return pitch step size in radians that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_angle_step_bf_pitch() { return max_rate_step_bf_pitch()/_p_angle_pitch.kP(); }
// Return yaw step size in radians that results in maximum output after 4 time steps
float max_angle_step_bf_yaw() { return max_rate_step_bf_yaw()/_p_angle_yaw.kP(); }
// Return angular velocity in radians used in the angular velocity controller
Vector3f rate_bf_targets() const { return _rate_target_ang_vel; }
// Enable or disable body-frame feed forward
void bf_feedforward(bool enable_or_disable) { _rate_bf_ff_enabled = enable_or_disable; }
// Enable or disable body-frame feed forward and save
void bf_feedforward_save(bool enable_or_disable) { _rate_bf_ff_enabled.set_and_save(enable_or_disable); }
// Return body-frame feed forward setting
bool get_bf_feedforward() { return _rate_bf_ff_enabled; }
// Enable or disable body-frame feed forward
void accel_limiting(bool enable_or_disable);
// Update Alt_Hold angle maximum
virtual void update_althold_lean_angle_max(float throttle_in) = 0;
// Set output throttle
virtual void set_throttle_out(float throttle_in, bool apply_angle_boost, float filt_cutoff) = 0;
// Set output throttle and disable stabilization
void set_throttle_out_unstabilized(float throttle_in, bool reset_attitude_control, float filt_cutoff);
// get throttle passed into attitude controller (i.e. throttle_in provided to set_throttle_out)
float get_throttle_in() const { return _throttle_in; }
// Return throttle increase applied for tilt compensation
float angle_boost() const { return _angle_boost; }
// Return tilt angle limit for pilot input that prioritises altitude hold over lean angle
float get_althold_lean_angle_max() const;
// Return configured tilt angle limit in centidegrees
float lean_angle_max() const { return _aparm.angle_max; }
// Proportional controller with piecewise sqrt sections to constrain second derivative
static float sqrt_controller(float error, float p, float second_ord_lim);
// Inverse proportional controller with piecewise sqrt sections to constrain second derivative
static float stopping_point(float first_ord_mag, float p, float second_ord_lim);
// calculates the velocity correction from an angle error. The angular velocity has acceleration and
// deceleration limits including basic jerk limiting using smoothing_gain
float input_shaping_angle(float error_angle, float smoothing_gain, float accel_max, float target_ang_vel);
// limits the acceleration and deceleration of a velocity request
float input_shaping_ang_vel(float target_ang_vel, float desired_ang_vel, float accel_max);
// translates body frame acceleration limits to the euler axis
Vector3f euler_accel_limit(Vector3f euler_rad, Vector3f euler_accel);
// thrust_heading_rotation_angles - calculates two ordered rotations to move the att_from_quat quaternion to the att_to_quat quaternion.
// The first rotation corrects the thrust vector and the second rotation corrects the heading vector.
void thrust_heading_rotation_angles(Quaternion& att_to_quat, const Quaternion& att_from_quat, Vector3f& att_diff_angle, float& thrust_vec_dot);
// Calculates the body frame angular velocities to follow the target attitude
void attitude_controller_run_quat();
// sanity check parameters. should be called once before take-off
virtual void parameter_sanity_check() {}
// return true if the rpy mix is at lowest value
virtual bool is_throttle_mix_min() const { return true; }
// control rpy throttle mix
virtual void set_throttle_mix_min() {}
virtual void set_throttle_mix_man() {}
virtual void set_throttle_mix_max() {}
// enable use of flybass passthrough on heli
virtual void use_flybar_passthrough(bool passthrough, bool tail_passthrough) {}
// use_leaky_i - controls whether we use leaky i term for body-frame to motor output stage on heli
virtual void use_leaky_i(bool leaky_i) {}
// set_hover_roll_scalar - scales Hover Roll Trim parameter. To be used by vehicle code according to vehicle condition.
virtual void set_hover_roll_trim_scalar(float scalar) {}
// passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw - roll and pitch are passed through directly, body-frame rate target for yaw
virtual void passthrough_bf_roll_pitch_rate_yaw(float roll_passthrough, float pitch_passthrough, float yaw_rate_bf_cds) {};
// User settable parameters
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// Update rate_target_ang_vel using attitude_error_rot_vec_rad
Vector3f update_ang_vel_target_from_att_error(Vector3f attitude_error_rot_vec_rad);
// Run the roll angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float rate_target_to_motor_roll(float rate_target_rads);
// Run the pitch angular velocity PID controller and return the output
float rate_target_to_motor_pitch(float rate_target_rads);
// Run the yaw angular velocity PID controller and return the output
virtual float rate_target_to_motor_yaw(float rate_target_rads);
// Return angle in radians to be added to roll angle. Used by heli to counteract
// tail rotor thrust in hover. Overloaded by AC_Attitude_Heli to return angle.
virtual float get_roll_trim_rad() { return 0;}
// Return the roll axis acceleration limit in radians/s/s
float get_accel_roll_max_radss() { return radians(_accel_roll_max*0.01f); }
// Return the pitch axis acceleration limit in radians/s/s
float get_accel_pitch_max_radss() { return radians(_accel_pitch_max*0.01f); }
// Return the yaw axis acceleration limit in radians/s/s
float get_accel_yaw_max_radss() { return radians(_accel_yaw_max*0.01f); }
// Return the yaw slew rate limit in radians/s
float get_slew_yaw_rads() { return radians(_slew_yaw*0.01f); }
// Return the tilt angle limit in radians
float get_tilt_limit_rad() { return radians(_aparm.angle_max*0.01f); }
// Maximum rate the yaw target can be updated in Loiter, RTL, Auto flight modes
AP_Float _slew_yaw;
// Maximum rotation acceleration for earth-frame roll axis
AP_Float _accel_roll_max;
// Maximum rotation acceleration for earth-frame pitch axis
AP_Float _accel_pitch_max;
// Maximum rotation acceleration for earth-frame yaw axis
AP_Float _accel_yaw_max;
// Enable/Disable body frame rate feed forward
AP_Int8 _rate_bf_ff_enabled;
// Enable/Disable angle boost
AP_Int8 _angle_boost_enabled;
// angle controller P objects
AC_P _p_angle_roll;
AC_P _p_angle_pitch;
AC_P _p_angle_yaw;
// Angle limit time constant (to maintain altitude)
AP_Float _angle_limit_tc;
// Intersampling period in seconds
float _dt;
// This represents a 321-intrinsic rotation from NED frame to the target (setpoint)
// attitude used in the attitude controller, in radians.
Vector3f _attitude_target_euler_angle;
// This represents the angular velocity of the target (setpoint) attitude used in
// the attitude controller as 321-intrinsic euler angle derivatives, in radians per
// second.
Vector3f _attitude_target_euler_rate;
// This represents a quaternion rotation from NED frame to the target (setpoint)
// attitude used in the attitude controller.
Quaternion _attitude_target_quat;
// This represents the angular velocity of the target (setpoint) attitude used in
// the attitude controller as an angular velocity vector, in radians per second in
// the target attitude frame.
Vector3f _attitude_target_ang_vel;
// This represents the angular velocity in radians per second, used in the angular
// velocity controller.
Vector3f _rate_target_ang_vel;
// The angle between the target thrust vector and the current thrust vector.
float _thrust_error_angle;
// throttle provided as input to attitude controller. This does not include angle boost.
float _throttle_in = 0.0f;
// This represents the throttle increase applied for tilt compensation.
// Used only for logging.
float _angle_boost;
// Specifies whether the attitude controller should use the input shaping and feedforward
bool _use_ff_and_input_shaping;
// Filtered Alt_Hold lean angle max - used to limit lean angle when throttle is saturated using Alt_Hold
float _althold_lean_angle_max = 0.0f;
// desired throttle_low_comp value, actual throttle_low_comp is slewed towards this value over 1~2 seconds
float _throttle_rpy_mix_desired;
// mix between throttle and hover throttle for 0 to 1 and ratio above hover throttle for >1
float _throttle_rpy_mix;
// References to external libraries
const AP_AHRS& _ahrs;
const AP_Vehicle::MultiCopter &_aparm;
AP_Motors& _motors;
state of control monitoring
struct {
float rms_roll_P;
float rms_roll_D;
float rms_pitch_P;
float rms_pitch_D;
float rms_yaw;
} _control_monitor;
// update state in ControlMonitor
void control_monitor_filter_pid(float value, float &rms_P);
void control_monitor_update(void);
// log a CTRL message
void control_monitor_log(void);
// return current RMS controller filter for each axis
float control_monitor_rms_output_roll(void) const;
float control_monitor_rms_output_roll_P(void) const;
float control_monitor_rms_output_roll_D(void) const;
float control_monitor_rms_output_pitch_P(void) const;
float control_monitor_rms_output_pitch_D(void) const;
float control_monitor_rms_output_pitch(void) const;
float control_monitor_rms_output_yaw(void) const;
#define AC_ATTITUDE_CONTROL_LOG_FORMAT(msg) { msg, sizeof(AC_AttitudeControl::log_Attitude), \
"ATT", "cccccCC", "RollIn,Roll,PitchIn,Pitch,YawIn,Yaw,NavYaw" }