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synced 2025-02-10 09:53:58 -04:00
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93 lines
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-- this is a script which is primarily intended to test the scripting bindings and be used with autotest
-- however it may be useful to some as a demo of how the API's can be used, this example is much less
-- heavily commented, and may require quite a bit more RAM to run in
local loop_time = 500 -- number of ms between runs
local require_test_global = require('test/nested')
function is_equal(v1, v2, tolerance)
return math.abs(v1 - v2) < (tolerance or 0.0001)
function test_offset(ofs_e, ofs_n)
local manipulated_pos = Location()
manipulated_pos:offset(ofs_e, ofs_n)
local distance_offset = manipulated_pos:get_distance(Location())
if distance_offset < 0 then
gcs:send_text(0, "Location:get_distance() returned a negative number")
return false
local error_dist = distance_offset - math.sqrt((ofs_e*ofs_e)+(ofs_n*ofs_n))
if error_dist > 0.1 then
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Failed offset %.1f, %.1f with an error of %f", ofs_e, ofs_n, error_dist))
return false
local from_origin_NE = Location():get_distance_NE(manipulated_pos)
if (not is_equal(ofs_e, from_origin_NE:x(), 0.01)) or (not is_equal(ofs_n, from_origin_NE:y(), 0.01)) then
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Failed to offset %.1f, %.1f %.1f %.1f", ofs_e, ofs_n, from_origin_NE:x(), from_origin_NE:y()))
return false
local from_origin_NED = Location():get_distance_NED(manipulated_pos)
if (not is_equal(from_origin_NED:x(), from_origin_NE:x())) or (not is_equal(from_origin_NED:y(), from_origin_NE:y())) then
gcs:send_text(0, string.format("Distance NED != NE %.1f, %.1f %.1f %.1f", from_origin_NED:x(), from_origin_NED:y(), from_origin_NE:x(), from_origin_NE:y()))
return false
return true
function test_uint64()
local pass = true
local zero = uint64_t()
local max = uint64_t(-1, -1)
pass = pass and (zero - 1) == max
pass = pass and ~max == zero
pass = pass and max > zero
pass = pass and (((zero + 1) + 1.1) + uint32_t(1)) == uint64_t(0, 3)
pass = pass and tostring(zero) == "0"
pass = pass and (uint64_t(15) & uint64_t(130)) == uint32_t(2)
pass = pass and (uint64_t(1) | uint64_t(2)) == uint64_t(3)
pass = pass and (uint64_t(1) << 1) == uint64_t(2)
pass = pass and (uint64_t(16) >> 1) == uint64_t(8)
pass = pass and type(zero:tofloat()) == "number"
pass = pass and zero:tofloat() == 0
local high, low
high, low = zero:split()
pass = pass and high == uint32_t(0) and low == uint32_t(0)
high, low = max:split()
pass = pass and high == uint32_t(-1) and low == uint32_t(-1)
return pass
function update()
local all_tests_passed = true
local require_test_local = require('test/nested')
-- test require()ing a script
if require_test_local.call_fn() ~= 'nested' then
gcs:send_text(0, "Failed to require() the same script multiple times")
all_tests_passed = false
if require_test_global.call_fn() ~= 'nested' then
gcs:send_text(0, "Failed to require() the script once")
all_tests_passed = false
if require_test_global.top.call_fn() ~= 'top' then
gcs:send_text(0, "Failed to call a function nested in a required script")
all_tests_passed = false
-- each test should run then and it's result with the previous ones
all_tests_passed = test_offset(500, 200) and all_tests_passed
all_tests_passed = test_uint64() and all_tests_passed
if all_tests_passed then
gcs:send_text(3, "Internal tests passed")
return update, loop_time
return update() -- run immediately before starting to reschedule