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* This file is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify it
* under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by the
* Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
* (at your option) any later version.
* This file is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but
* WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
* See the GNU General Public License for more details.
* You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along
* with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* Code by Charles Villard, ARg and Bayu Laksono
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_HAL_ESP32/Semaphores.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stdio.h>
#include "freertos/FreeRTOS.h"
#include "freertos/task.h"
#include "soc/adc_channel.h"
#include "esp_adc/adc_oneshot.h"
#include "esp_adc/adc_cali.h"
#include "esp_adc/adc_cali_scheme.h"
#include "AnalogIn.h"
// this allows the first 6 analog channels to be reported by mavlink for debugging purposes
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h>
// base voltage scaling for 12 bit 3.3V ADC
#define VOLTAGE_SCALING (3300.0f/4096.0f)
# define Debug(fmt, args ...) do {printf("%s:%d: " fmt "\n", __FUNCTION__, __LINE__, ## args); } while(0)
# define Debug(fmt, args ...)
//ADC handle
static adc_oneshot_unit_handle_t g_adc1_handle = NULL;
// we are limited to using adc1, and it supports 8 channels max, on gpio, in this order:
// ADC1_CH0=D36,ADC1_CH1=D37,ADC1_CH2=D38,ADC1_CH3=D39,ADC1_CH4=D32,ADC1_CH5=D33,ADC1_CH6=D34,ADC1_CH7=D35
// this driver will only configure the ADCs from a subset of these that the board exposes on pins.
extern const AP_HAL::HAL &hal;
using namespace ESP32;
scaling table between ADC count and actual input voltage, to account
for voltage dividers on the board.
const AnalogIn::pin_info AnalogIn::pin_config[] = HAL_ESP32_ADC_PINS;
#define ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS ARRAY_SIZE(AnalogIn::pin_config)
#define DEFAULT_VREF 3300 //Use adc2_vref_to_gpio() to obtain a better estimate
#define NO_OF_SAMPLES 256 //Multisampling
static const adc_atten_t atten = ADC_ATTEN_DB_12;
ADC Calibration
bool adc_calibration_init(adc_unit_t unit, adc_channel_t channel, adc_atten_t atten, adc_cali_handle_t *out_handle)
adc_cali_handle_t handle = NULL;
esp_err_t ret = ESP_FAIL;
bool calibrated = false;
if (!calibrated) {
Debug("AnalogIn: calibration scheme version is %s", "Curve Fitting");
adc_cali_curve_fitting_config_t cali_config = {
.unit_id = unit,
.chan = channel,
.atten = atten,
.bitwidth = ADC_BITWIDTH_12,
ret = adc_cali_create_scheme_curve_fitting(&cali_config, &handle);
if (ret == ESP_OK) {
calibrated = true;
if (!calibrated) {
Debug("AnalogIn: calibration scheme version is %s", "Line Fitting");
adc_cali_line_fitting_config_t cali_config = {
.unit_id = unit,
.atten = atten,
.bitwidth = ADC_BITWIDTH_12,
ret = adc_cali_create_scheme_line_fitting(&cali_config, &handle);
if (ret == ESP_OK) {
calibrated = true;
*out_handle = handle;
if (ret == ESP_OK) {
Debug("AnalogIn: Calibration Success for channel %d:%d", unit, channel);
} else if (ret == ESP_ERR_NOT_SUPPORTED || !calibrated) {
Debug("AnalogIn: eFuse not burnt, skip software calibration");
} else {
Debug("AnalogIn: Invalid arg or no memory");
return calibrated;
void adc_calibration_deinit(adc_cali_handle_t handle)
Debug("AnalogIn: deregister %s calibration scheme", "Curve Fitting");
Debug("AnalogIn: deregister %s calibration scheme", "Line Fitting");
//ardupin is the ardupilot assigned number, starting from 1-8(max)
AnalogSource::AnalogSource(int16_t ardupin, adc_channel_t adc_channel, float scaler, float initial_value) :
Debug("AnalogIn: adding ardupin:%d-> which is adc1_channel:%d\n", _ardupin, _adc_channel);
// for now, hard coded using adc1
_adc_unit = ADC_UNIT_1;
adc_oneshot_unit_init_cfg_t init_config = { .unit_id = _adc_unit };
if (!g_adc1_handle && ESP_OK != adc_oneshot_new_unit(&init_config, &g_adc1_handle)) {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_oneshot_new_unit failed for unit_id = %d\n", _adc_unit);
float AnalogSource::read_average()
if ( _ardupin == ANALOG_INPUT_NONE ) {
return 0.0f;
if (_sum_count == 0) {
float adc_reading = 0;
for (int i = 0; i < NO_OF_SAMPLES; i++) {
adc_reading += adc_read();
adc_reading /= NO_OF_SAMPLES;
return adc_reading;
_value = _sum_value / _sum_count;
_sum_value = 0;
_sum_count = 0;
return _value;
float AnalogSource::read_latest()
return _latest_value;
//_scaler scaling from ADC count to Volts
return voltage in Volts
float AnalogSource::voltage_average()
return _scaler * read_average();
return voltage in Volts
float AnalogSource::voltage_latest()
return _scaler * read_latest();
float AnalogSource::voltage_average_ratiometric()
return _scaler * read_latest();
// ardupin
bool AnalogSource::set_pin(uint8_t ardupin)
if (_ardupin == ardupin) {
return true;
_ardupin = ardupin;
int8_t pinconfig_offset = AnalogIn::find_pinconfig(ardupin);
if (pinconfig_offset == -1 ) {
Debug("AnalogIn: sorry set_pin() can't determine ADC1 offset from ardupin : %d \n",ardupin);
return false;
adc_channel_t newChannel = (adc_channel_t)AnalogIn::pin_config[(uint8_t)pinconfig_offset].channel;
float newscaler = AnalogIn::pin_config[(uint8_t)pinconfig_offset].scaling;
Debug("AnalogIn: ardupin = %d, new channel = %d\n", ardupin, newChannel);
if (_adc_channel == newChannel) {
return true;
if (_adc_cali_handle) {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_calibration_deinit(%x)\n", (uint)_adc_cali_handle);
_adc_cali_handle = 0;
_adc_channel = newChannel;
_scaler = newscaler;
_sum_value = 0;
_sum_count = 0;
_latest_value = 0;
_value = 0;
return true;
// init ADC
bool AnalogSource::adc_init()
// init the pin now if possible, otherwise doo it later from set_pin
if ( _ardupin != ANALOG_INPUT_NONE ) {
adc_oneshot_chan_cfg_t config = {
.atten = atten,
.bitwidth = ADC_BITWIDTH_12
if (ESP_OK != adc_oneshot_config_channel(g_adc1_handle, _adc_channel, &config)) {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_oneshot_config_channel failed for adc_channel = %d\n", _adc_channel);
return false;
else {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_oneshot_config_channel for adc_channel = %d\n completed successfully", _adc_channel);
if (!adc_calibration_init(_adc_unit, _adc_channel, atten, &_adc_cali_handle)){
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_calibration_init failed for adc_channel = %d\n", _adc_channel);
return false;
else {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_calibration_init for adc_channel = %d\n completed successfully", _adc_channel);
else {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_init(%d) skipped.\n", _ardupin);
return true;
// read value from ADC
float AnalogSource::adc_read()
int raw, value = 0;
if (ESP_OK != adc_oneshot_read(g_adc1_handle, _adc_channel, &raw)) {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_oneshot_read failed\n");
return 0;
if (_adc_cali_handle) {
if(ESP_OK != adc_cali_raw_to_voltage(_adc_cali_handle, raw, &value)) {
Debug("AnalogIn: adc_oneshot_read failed\n");
return 0;
else {
value = raw * VOLTAGE_SCALING;
return (float)value / 1000;
apply a reading in ADC counts
void AnalogSource::_add_value()
if ( _ardupin == ANALOG_INPUT_NONE ) {
float value = adc_read();
_latest_value = value;
_sum_value += value;
if (_sum_count == 254) {
_sum_value /= 2;
_sum_count /= 2;
setup adc peripheral to capture samples with DMA into a buffer
void AnalogIn::init()
hal.scheduler->register_timer_process(FUNCTOR_BIND_MEMBER(&AnalogIn::_timer_tick, void));
called at 1kHz
void AnalogIn::_timer_tick()
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < ANALOG_MAX_CHANNELS; j++) {
ESP32::AnalogSource *c = _channels[j];
if (c != nullptr) {
// add a value
static uint8_t count;
if (AP_HAL::millis() > 5000 && count++ == 10) {
count = 0;
uint16_t adc[6] {};
uint8_t n = ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS;
if (n > 6) {
n = 6;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < n; i++) {
adc[i] = buf_adc[i];
mavlink_msg_ap_adc_send(MAVLINK_COMM_0, adc[0], adc[1], adc[2], adc[3], adc[4],
//positive array index (zero is ok), or -1 on error
int8_t AnalogIn::find_pinconfig(int16_t ardupin)
// from ardupin, lookup which adc gpio that is..
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < ADC_GRP1_NUM_CHANNELS; j++) {
if (pin_config[j].ardupin == ardupin) {
return j;
// can't find a match in definitons
return -1;
AP_HAL::AnalogSource *AnalogIn::channel(int16_t ardupin)
if (ardupin < 0) ardupin = ANALOG_INPUT_NONE;
Debug("AnalogIn: configuring channel %d\n", ardupin);
int8_t pinconfig_offset = find_pinconfig(ardupin);
adc_channel_t adc_channel = (adc_channel_t)ANALOG_INPUT_NONE;
float scaler = 0;
if ((ardupin != ANALOG_INPUT_NONE) && (pinconfig_offset == -1 )) {
Debug("AnalogIn: sorry channel() can't determine ADC1 offset from ardupin : %d \n",ardupin);
ardupin = ANALOG_INPUT_NONE; // default it to this not terrible value and allow to continue
// although ANALOG_INPUT_NONE=255 is not a valid pin, we let it through here as
// a special case, so that it can be changed with set_pin(..) later.
if (ardupin != ANALOG_INPUT_NONE) {
adc_channel = (adc_channel_t)pin_config[(uint8_t)pinconfig_offset].channel;
scaler = pin_config[(uint8_t)pinconfig_offset].scaling;
for (uint8_t j = 0; j < ANALOG_MAX_CHANNELS; j++) {
if (_channels[j] == nullptr) {
_channels[j] = NEW_NOTHROW AnalogSource(ardupin, adc_channel, scaler, 0.0f);
if (ardupin != ANALOG_INPUT_NONE) {
Debug("AnalogIn: channel: %d attached to ardupin:%d at adc1_offset:%d\n",\
j, ardupin, adc_channel);
else {
Debug("AnalogIn: channel: %d created but using delayed adc and gpio pin configuration\n", j);
return _channels[j];
Debug("AnalogIn: out of channels\n");
return nullptr;
#endif // HAL_USE_ADC