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synced 2025-03-09 08:04:14 -03:00
This option now is passed when instantiating the code in ArduCopter, so selecting the default value at compile time is not necessary anymore. The motivation is to move vehicle specifc code out of the general libraries. This patch shouldn't change behavior.
495 lines
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495 lines
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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#ifndef __AP_AHRS_H__
#define __AP_AHRS_H__
This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
* AHRS (Attitude Heading Reference System) interface for ArduPilot
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.h>
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h>
#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_OpticalFlow/AP_OpticalFlow.h>
#define AP_AHRS_TRIM_LIMIT 10.0f // maximum trim angle in degrees
#define AP_AHRS_RP_P_MIN 0.05f // minimum value for AHRS_RP_P parameter
#define AP_AHRS_YAW_P_MIN 0.05f // minimum value for AHRS_YAW_P parameter
enum AHRS_VehicleClass {
class AP_AHRS
// Constructor
AP_AHRS(AP_InertialSensor &ins, AP_Baro &baro, AP_GPS &gps) :
// load default values from var_info table
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// base the ki values by the sensors maximum drift
// rate. The APM2 has gyros which are much less drift
// prone than the APM1, so we should have a lower ki,
// which will make us less prone to increasing omegaI
// incorrectly due to sensor noise
_gyro_drift_limit = ins.get_gyro_drift_rate();
// enable centrifugal correction by default
_flags.correct_centrifugal = true;
// initialise _home
_home.options = 0;
_home.alt = 0;
_home.lng = 0;
_home.lat = 0;
// empty virtual destructor
virtual ~AP_AHRS() {}
// init sets up INS board orientation
virtual void init() {
// Accessors
void set_fly_forward(bool b) {
_flags.fly_forward = b;
bool get_fly_forward(void) const {
return _flags.fly_forward;
AHRS_VehicleClass get_vehicle_class(void) const {
return _vehicle_class;
void set_vehicle_class(AHRS_VehicleClass vclass) {
_vehicle_class = vclass;
void set_wind_estimation(bool b) {
_flags.wind_estimation = b;
void set_compass(Compass *compass) {
_compass = compass;
const Compass* get_compass() const {
return _compass;
void set_optflow(const OpticalFlow *optflow) {
_optflow = optflow;
const OpticalFlow* get_optflow() const {
return _optflow;
// allow for runtime change of orientation
// this makes initial config easier
void set_orientation() {
_ins.set_board_orientation((enum Rotation)_board_orientation.get());
if (_compass != NULL) {
_compass->set_board_orientation((enum Rotation)_board_orientation.get());
void set_airspeed(AP_Airspeed *airspeed) {
_airspeed = airspeed;
const AP_Airspeed *get_airspeed(void) const {
return _airspeed;
const AP_GPS &get_gps() const {
return _gps;
const AP_InertialSensor &get_ins() const {
return _ins;
const AP_Baro &get_baro() const {
return _baro;
// accelerometer values in the earth frame in m/s/s
virtual const Vector3f &get_accel_ef(uint8_t i) const {
return _accel_ef[i];
virtual const Vector3f &get_accel_ef(void) const {
return get_accel_ef(_ins.get_primary_accel());
// blended accelerometer values in the earth frame in m/s/s
virtual const Vector3f &get_accel_ef_blended(void) const {
return _accel_ef_blended;
// get yaw rate in earth frame in radians/sec
float get_yaw_rate_earth(void) const {
return get_gyro() * get_dcm_matrix().c;
// Methods
virtual void update(void) = 0;
// report any reason for why the backend is refusing to initialise
virtual const char *prearm_failure_reason(void) const {
return nullptr;
// Euler angles (radians)
float roll;
float pitch;
float yaw;
// integer Euler angles (Degrees * 100)
int32_t roll_sensor;
int32_t pitch_sensor;
int32_t yaw_sensor;
// return a smoothed and corrected gyro vector
virtual const Vector3f &get_gyro(void) const = 0;
// return the current estimate of the gyro drift
virtual const Vector3f &get_gyro_drift(void) const = 0;
// reset the current gyro drift estimate
// should be called if gyro offsets are recalculated
virtual void reset_gyro_drift(void) = 0;
// reset the current attitude, used on new IMU calibration
virtual void reset(bool recover_eulers=false) = 0;
// reset the current attitude, used on new IMU calibration
virtual void reset_attitude(const float &roll, const float &pitch, const float &yaw) = 0;
// return the average size of the roll/pitch error estimate
// since last call
virtual float get_error_rp(void) const = 0;
// return the average size of the yaw error estimate
// since last call
virtual float get_error_yaw(void) const = 0;
// return a DCM rotation matrix representing our current
// attitude
virtual const Matrix3f &get_dcm_matrix(void) const = 0;
// get our current position estimate. Return true if a position is available,
// otherwise false. This call fills in lat, lng and alt
virtual bool get_position(struct Location &loc) const = 0;
// return a wind estimation vector, in m/s
virtual Vector3f wind_estimate(void) = 0;
// return an airspeed estimate if available. return true
// if we have an estimate
virtual bool airspeed_estimate(float *airspeed_ret) const;
// return a true airspeed estimate (navigation airspeed) if
// available. return true if we have an estimate
bool airspeed_estimate_true(float *airspeed_ret) const {
if (!airspeed_estimate(airspeed_ret)) {
return false;
*airspeed_ret *= get_EAS2TAS();
return true;
// get apparent to true airspeed ratio
float get_EAS2TAS(void) const {
if (_airspeed) {
return _airspeed->get_EAS2TAS();
return 1.0f;
// return true if airspeed comes from an airspeed sensor, as
// opposed to an IMU estimate
bool airspeed_sensor_enabled(void) const {
return _airspeed != NULL && _airspeed->use() && _airspeed->healthy();
// return a ground vector estimate in meters/second, in North/East order
virtual Vector2f groundspeed_vector(void);
// return a ground velocity in meters/second, North/East/Down
// order. This will only be accurate if have_inertial_nav() is
// true
virtual bool get_velocity_NED(Vector3f &vec) const {
return false;
// return a position relative to home in meters, North/East/Down
// order. This will only be accurate if have_inertial_nav() is
// true
virtual bool get_relative_position_NED(Vector3f &vec) const {
return false;
// return ground speed estimate in meters/second. Used by ground vehicles.
float groundspeed(void) const {
if (_gps.status() <= AP_GPS::NO_FIX) {
return 0.0f;
return _gps.ground_speed();
// return true if we will use compass for yaw
virtual bool use_compass(void) {
return _compass && _compass->use_for_yaw();
// return true if yaw has been initialised
bool yaw_initialised(void) const {
return _flags.have_initial_yaw;
// set the correct centrifugal flag
// allows arducopter to disable corrections when disarmed
void set_correct_centrifugal(bool setting) {
_flags.correct_centrifugal = setting;
// get the correct centrifugal flag
bool get_correct_centrifugal(void) const {
return _flags.correct_centrifugal;
// get trim
const Vector3f &get_trim() const {
return _trim.get();
// set trim
virtual void set_trim(Vector3f new_trim);
// add_trim - adjust the roll and pitch trim up to a total of 10 degrees
virtual void add_trim(float roll_in_radians, float pitch_in_radians, bool save_to_eeprom = true);
// helper trig value accessors
float cos_roll() const {
return _cos_roll;
float cos_pitch() const {
return _cos_pitch;
float cos_yaw() const {
return _cos_yaw;
float sin_roll() const {
return _sin_roll;
float sin_pitch() const {
return _sin_pitch;
float sin_yaw() const {
return _sin_yaw;
// for holding parameters
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// return secondary attitude solution if available, as eulers in radians
virtual bool get_secondary_attitude(Vector3f &eulers) {
return false;
// return secondary position solution if available
virtual bool get_secondary_position(struct Location &loc) {
return false;
// get the home location. This is const to prevent any changes to
// home without telling AHRS about the change
const struct Location &get_home(void) const {
return _home;
// set the home location in 10e7 degrees. This should be called
// when the vehicle is at this position. It is assumed that the
// current barometer and GPS altitudes correspond to this altitude
virtual void set_home(const Location &loc) = 0;
// return true if the AHRS object supports inertial navigation,
// with very accurate position and velocity
virtual bool have_inertial_nav(void) const {
return false;
// return the active accelerometer instance
uint8_t get_active_accel_instance(void) const {
return _active_accel_instance;
// is the AHRS subsystem healthy?
virtual bool healthy(void) const = 0;
// true if the AHRS has completed initialisation
virtual bool initialised(void) const {
return true;
// return the amount of yaw angle change due to the last yaw angle reset in radians
// returns the time of the last yaw angle reset or 0 if no reset has ever occurred
virtual uint32_t getLastYawResetAngle(float &yawAng) {
return false;
// Resets the baro so that it reads zero at the current height
// Resets the EKF height to zero
// Adjusts the EKf origin height so that the EKF height + origin height is the same as before
// Returns true if the height datum reset has been performed
// If using a range finder for height no reset is performed and it returns false
virtual bool resetHeightDatum(void) {
return false;
// time that the AHRS has been up
virtual uint32_t uptime_ms(void) const = 0;
AHRS_VehicleClass _vehicle_class;
// settable parameters
// these are public for ArduCopter
AP_Float _kp_yaw;
AP_Float _kp;
AP_Float gps_gain;
AP_Float beta;
AP_Int8 _gps_use;
AP_Int8 _wind_max;
AP_Int8 _board_orientation;
AP_Int8 _gps_minsats;
AP_Int8 _gps_delay;
AP_Int8 _ekf_type;
// flags structure
struct ahrs_flags {
uint8_t have_initial_yaw : 1; // whether the yaw value has been intialised with a reference
uint8_t fly_forward : 1; // 1 if we can assume the aircraft will be flying forward on its X axis
uint8_t correct_centrifugal : 1; // 1 if we should correct for centrifugal forces (allows arducopter to turn this off when motors are disarmed)
uint8_t wind_estimation : 1; // 1 if we should do wind estimation
} _flags;
// update_trig - recalculates _cos_roll, _cos_pitch, etc based on latest attitude
// should be called after _dcm_matrix is updated
void update_trig(void);
// update roll_sensor, pitch_sensor and yaw_sensor
void update_cd_values(void);
// pointer to compass object, if available
Compass * _compass;
// pointer to OpticalFlow object, if available
const OpticalFlow *_optflow;
// pointer to airspeed object, if available
AP_Airspeed * _airspeed;
// time in microseconds of last compass update
uint32_t _compass_last_update;
// note: we use ref-to-pointer here so that our caller can change the GPS without our noticing
// IMU under us without our noticing.
AP_InertialSensor &_ins;
AP_Baro &_baro;
const AP_GPS &_gps;
// a vector to capture the difference between the controller and body frames
AP_Vector3f _trim;
// the limit of the gyro drift claimed by the sensors, in
// radians/s/s
float _gyro_drift_limit;
// accelerometer values in the earth frame in m/s/s
Vector3f _accel_ef[INS_MAX_INSTANCES];
Vector3f _accel_ef_blended;
// Declare filter states for HPF and LPF used by complementary
// filter in AP_AHRS::groundspeed_vector
Vector2f _lp; // ground vector low-pass filter
Vector2f _hp; // ground vector high-pass filter
Vector2f _lastGndVelADS; // previous HPF input
// reference position for NED positions
struct Location _home;
// helper trig variables
float _cos_roll, _cos_pitch, _cos_yaw;
float _sin_roll, _sin_pitch, _sin_yaw;
// which accelerometer instance is active
uint8_t _active_accel_instance;
#include "AP_AHRS_DCM.h"
#include "AP_AHRS_NavEKF.h"
#endif // __AP_AHRS_H__