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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t -*-
/// @file GCS.h
/// @brief Interface definition for the various Ground Control System protocols.
#ifndef __GCS_H
#define __GCS_H
#include <BetterStream.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <GPS.h>
#include <Stream.h>
#include <stdint.h>
/// @class GCS
/// @brief Class describing the interface between the APM code
/// proper and the GCS implementation.
/// GCS' are currently implemented inside the sketch and as such have
/// access to all global state. The sketch should not, however, call GCS
/// internal functions - all calls to the GCS should be routed through
/// this interface (or functions explicitly exposed by a subclass).
class GCS_Class
/// Startup initialisation.
/// This routine performs any one-off initialisation required before
/// GCS messages are exchanged.
/// @note The stream is expected to be set up and configured for the
/// correct bitrate before ::init is called.
/// @note The stream is currently BetterStream so that we can use the _P
/// methods; this may change if Arduino adds them to Print.
/// @param port The stream over which messages are exchanged.
void init(BetterStream *port) { _port = port; }
/// Update GCS state.
/// This may involve checking for received bytes on the stream,
/// or sending additional periodic messages.
void update(void) {}
/// Send a message with a single numeric parameter.
/// This may be a standalone message, or the GCS driver may
/// have its own way of locating additional parameters to send.
/// @param id ID of the message to send.
/// @param param Explicit message parameter.
void send_message(uint8_t id, int32_t param = 0) {}
/// Send a text message.
/// @param severity A value describing the importance of the message.
/// @param str The text to be sent.
void send_text(uint8_t severity, const char *str) {}
/// Send acknowledgement for a message.
/// @param id The message ID being acknowledged.
/// @param sum1 Checksum byte 1 from the message being acked.
/// @param sum2 Checksum byte 2 from the message being acked.
void acknowledge(uint8_t id, uint8_t sum1, uint8_t sum2) {}
/// Emit an update of the "current" waypoints, often previous, current and
/// next.
void print_current_waypoints() {}
// The following interfaces are not currently implemented as their counterparts
// are not called in the mainline code. XXX ripe for re-specification.
/// Send a text message with printf-style formatting.
/// @param severity A value describing the importance of the message.
/// @param fmt The format string to send.
/// @param ... Additional arguments to the format string.
// void send_message(uint8_t severity, const char *fmt, ...) {}
/// Log a waypoint
/// @param wp The waypoint to log.
/// @param index The index of the waypoint.
// void print_waypoint(struct Location *wp, uint8_t index) {}
// test if frequency within range requested for loop
// used by data_stream_send
static bool freqLoopMatch(uint16_t freq, uint16_t freqMin, uint16_t freqMax)
if (freq != 0 && freq >= freqMin && freq < freqMax) return true;
else return false;
// send streams which match frequency range
void data_stream_send(uint16_t freqMin, uint16_t freqMax);
/// The stream we are communicating over
BetterStream *_port;
// GCS class definitions.
// These are here so that we can declare the GCS object early in the sketch
// and then reference it statically rather than via a pointer.
/// @class GCS_MAVLINK
/// @brief The mavlink protocol for qgroundcontrol
class GCS_MAVLINK : public GCS_Class
void update(void);
void init(BetterStream *port);
void send_message(uint8_t id, uint32_t param = 0);
void send_text(uint8_t severity, const char *str);
void acknowledge(uint8_t id, uint8_t sum1, uint8_t sum2);
void data_stream_send(uint16_t freqMin, uint16_t freqMax);
void handleMessage(mavlink_message_t * msg);
/// Perform queued sending operations
void _queued_send();
AP_Var *_queued_parameter; ///< next parameter to be sent in queue
uint16_t _queued_parameter_index; ///< next queued parameter's index
/// Count the number of reportable parameters.
/// Not all parameters can be reported via MAVlink. We count the number that are
/// so that we can report to a GCS the number of parameters it should expect when it
/// requests the full set.
/// @return The number of reportable parameters.
uint16_t _count_parameters(); ///< count reportable parameters
uint16_t _parameter_count; ///< cache of reportable parameters
AP_Var *_find_parameter(uint16_t index); ///< find a reportable parameter by index
mavlink_channel_t chan;
uint16_t packet_drops;
uint16_t rawSensorStreamRate;
uint16_t attitudeStreamRate;
uint16_t positionStreamRate;
uint16_t rawControllerStreamRate;
uint16_t rcStreamRate;
uint16_t extraStreamRate[3];
#endif // __GCS_H