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synced 2025-03-04 12:43:58 -04:00
refactor to capture and output slewed rpm values enable with HAL_WITH_ESC_TELEM move notch calculation to front end refactor telemetry data into frontend cope with blended data add mavlink send function log telemetry data in frontend add SITL ESC telemetry record volts, amps and consumption as floats report telemetry transmission errors disable ESC Telemetry inclusion when there is no need for it move ESC_Telem logging to the AP_ESC_Telem class (by amilcar.lucas@iav.de) various cleanups (by amilcar.lucas@iav.de) add support for raw ESC rpm check RPM validity for mavlink output Use const when applicable
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#pragma once
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include "AP_ESC_Telem_Backend.h"
class AP_ESC_Telem {
friend class AP_ESC_Telem_Backend;
/* Do not allow copies */
AP_ESC_Telem(const AP_ESC_Telem &other) = delete;
AP_ESC_Telem &operator=(const AP_ESC_Telem&) = delete;
static AP_ESC_Telem *get_singleton();
// get an individual ESC's slewed rpm if available, returns true on success
bool get_rpm(uint8_t esc_index, float& rpm) const;
// get an individual ESC's raw rpm if available
bool get_raw_rpm(uint8_t esc_index, float& rpm) const;
// get an individual ESC's temperature in centi-degrees if available, returns true on success
bool get_temperature(uint8_t esc_index, int16_t& temp) const;
// get an individual motor's temperature in centi-degrees if available, returns true on success
bool get_motor_temperature(uint8_t esc_index, int16_t& temp) const;
// get an individual ESC's current in Ampere if available, returns true on success
bool get_current(uint8_t esc_index, float& amps) const;
// get an individual ESC's usage time in seconds if available, returns true on success
bool get_usage_seconds(uint8_t esc_index, uint32_t& usage_sec) const;
// get an individual ESC's voltage in Volt if available, returns true on success
bool get_voltage(uint8_t esc_index, float& volts) const;
// get an individual ESC's consumption in milli-Ampere.hour if available, returns true on success
bool get_consumption_mah(uint8_t esc_index, float& consumption_mah) const;
// return the average motor frequency in Hz for dynamic filtering
float get_average_motor_frequency_hz() const;
// return all of the motor frequencies in Hz for dynamic filtering
uint8_t get_motor_frequencies_hz(uint8_t nfreqs, float* freqs) const;
// get the number of valid ESCs
uint8_t get_num_active_escs() const;
// return the last time telemetry data was received in ms for the given ESC or 0 if never
uint32_t get_last_telem_data_ms(uint8_t esc_index) const {
if (esc_index > ESC_TELEM_MAX_ESCS) return 0;
return _telem_data[esc_index].last_update_ms;
// send telemetry data to mavlink
void send_esc_telemetry_mavlink(uint8_t mav_chan);
// udpate at 10Hz to log telemetry
void update();
// callback to update the rpm in the frontend, should be called by the driver when new data is available
void update_rpm(const uint8_t esc_index, const uint16_t new_rpm, const float error_rate);
// callback to update the data in the frontend, should be called by the driver when new data is available
void update_telem_data(const uint8_t esc_index, const AP_ESC_Telem_Backend::TelemetryData& new_data, const uint16_t data_mask);
// rpm data
volatile AP_ESC_Telem_Backend::RpmData _rpm_data[ESC_TELEM_MAX_ESCS];
// telemetry data
volatile AP_ESC_Telem_Backend::TelemetryData _telem_data[ESC_TELEM_MAX_ESCS];
uint32_t _last_telem_log_ms[ESC_TELEM_MAX_ESCS];
uint32_t _last_rpm_log_us[ESC_TELEM_MAX_ESCS];
static AP_ESC_Telem *_singleton;
namespace AP {
AP_ESC_Telem &esc_telem();