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synced 2025-03-09 16:13:56 -03:00
Divergence is now detected by looking for very large changes in the gyro bias. This will cause the filter to be reset and declared unhealthy for 10 seconds. Don't reset filterDiverged status immediately during reset Set filterDiverged true if covariance blows up Add fault status reporting
3436 lines
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3436 lines
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/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
#include <AP_HAL.h>
// uncomment this to force the optimisation of this code, note that
// this makes debugging harder
#pragma GCC optimize("O0")
#pragma GCC optimize("O3")
#include "AP_NavEKF.h"
#include <AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Vehicle.h>
#include <stdio.h>
parameter defaults for different types of vehicle. The
APM_BUILD_DIRECTORY is taken from the main vehicle directory name
where the code is built. Note that this trick won't work for arduino
builds on APM2, but NavEKF doesn't run on APM2, so that's OK
// copter defaults
#define ALT_NOISE_DEFAULT 1.0f
#define MAG_NOISE_DEFAULT 0.05f
#define GYRO_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.015f
#define ACC_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.25f
#define ABIAS_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0001f
#define MAGE_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
#define MAGB_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
// rover defaults
#define ALT_NOISE_DEFAULT 1.0f
#define MAG_NOISE_DEFAULT 0.05f
#define GYRO_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.015f
#define ACC_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.25f
#define ABIAS_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0001f
#define MAGE_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
#define MAGB_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
// generic defaults (and for plane)
#define ALT_NOISE_DEFAULT 0.5f
#define MAG_NOISE_DEFAULT 0.05f
#define GYRO_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.015f
#define ACC_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.25f
#define ABIAS_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0001f
#define MAGE_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
#define MAGB_PNOISE_DEFAULT 0.0003f
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
#define earthRate 0.000072921f // earth rotation rate (rad/sec)
// maximum value for any element in the covariance matrix
#define EKF_COVARIENCE_MAX 1.0e8f
// when the wind estimation first starts with no airspeed sensor,
// assume 3m/s to start
// Define tuning parameters
const AP_Param::GroupInfo NavEKF::var_info[] PROGMEM = {
// @Param: VELNE_NOISE
// @DisplayName: GPS horizontal velocity measurement noise (m/s)
// @Description: This is the RMS value of noise in the North and East GPS velocity measurements. Increasing it reduces the weighting on these measurements.
// @Range: 0.05 - 5.0
// @Increment: 0.05
// @User: advanced
// @Param: VELD_NOISE
// @DisplayName: GPS vertical velocity measurement noise (m/s)
// @Description: This is the RMS value of noise in the vertical GPS velocity measurement. Increasing it reduces the weighting on this measurement.
// @Range: 0.05 - 5.0
// @Increment: 0.05
// @User: advanced
// @Param: POSNE_NOISE
// @DisplayName: GPS horizontal position measurement noise (m)
// @Description: This is the RMS value of noise in the GPS horizontal position measurements. Increasing it reduces the weighting on these measurements.
// @Range: 0.1 - 10.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: advanced
// @Param: ALT_NOISE
// @DisplayName: Altitude measurement noise (m)
// @Description: This is the RMS value of noise in the altitude measurement. Increasing it reduces the weighting on this measurement.
// @Range: 0.1 - 10.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: advanced
// @Param: MAG_NOISE
// @DisplayName: Magnetometer measurement noise (Gauss)
// @Description: This is the RMS value of noise in magnetometer measurements. Increasing it reduces the weighting on these measurements.
// @Range: 0.01 - 0.5
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: advanced
// @Param: EAS_NOISE
// @DisplayName: Equivalent airspeed measurement noise (m/s)
// @Description: This is the RMS value of noise in magnetometer measurements. Increasing it reduces the weighting on these measurements.
// @Range: 0.5 - 5.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("EAS_NOISE", 5, NavEKF, _easNoise, 1.4f),
// @Param: WIND_PNOISE
// @DisplayName: Wind velocity process noise (m/s^2)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of wind state error estimates. Increasing it makes wind estimation faster and noisier.
// @Range: 0.01 - 1.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("WIND_PNOISE", 6, NavEKF, _windVelProcessNoise, 0.1f),
// @Param: WIND_PSCALE
// @DisplayName: Height rate to wind procss noise scaler
// @Description: Increasing this parameter increases how rapidly the wind states adapt when changing altitude, but does make wind speed estimation noiser.
// @Range: 0.0 - 1.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("WIND_PSCALE", 7, NavEKF, _wndVarHgtRateScale, 0.5f),
// @Param: GYRO_PNOISE
// @DisplayName: Rate gyro noise (rad/s)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of estimated error due to gyro measurement errors excluding bias. Increasing it makes the flter trust the gyro measurements less and other measurements more.
// @Range: 0.001 - 0.05
// @Increment: 0.001
// @User: advanced
// @Param: ACC_PNOISE
// @DisplayName: Accelerometer noise (m/s^2)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of estimated error due to accelerometer measurement errors excluding bias. Increasing it makes the flter trust the accelerometer measurements less and other measurements more.
// @Range: 0.05 - 1.0 AP_Float _gpsNEVelVarAccScale; // scale factor applied to NE velocity measurement variance due to Vdot
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: advanced
// @DisplayName: Rate gyro bias process noise (rad/s)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of gyro bias state error estimates. Increasing it makes rate gyro bias estimation faster and noisier.
// @Range: 0.0000001 - 0.00001
// @User: advanced
// @DisplayName: Accelerometer bias process noise (m/s^2)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of the vertical acelerometer bias state error estimate. Increasing it makes accelerometer bias estimation faster and noisier.
// @Range: 0.0001 - 0.001
// @User: advanced
// @Param: MAGE_PNOISE
// @DisplayName: Earth magnetic field process noise (gauss/s)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of earth magnetic field state error estimates. Increasing it makes earth magnetic field bias estimation faster and noisier.
// @Range: 0.0001 - 0.01
// @User: advanced
// @Param: MAGB_PNOISE
// @DisplayName: Body magnetic field process noise (gauss/s)
// @Description: This noise controls the growth of body magnetic field state error estimates. Increasing it makes compass offset estimation faster and noisier.
// @Range: 0.0001 - 0.01
// @User: advanced
// @Param: VEL_DELAY
// @DisplayName: GPS velocity measurement delay (msec)
// @Description: This is the number of msec that the GPS velocity measurements lag behind the inertial measurements.
// @Range: 0 - 500
// @Increment: 10
// @User: advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("VEL_DELAY", 14, NavEKF, _msecVelDelay, 220),
// @Param: POS_DELAY
// @DisplayName: GPS position measurement delay (msec)
// @Description: This is the number of msec that the GPS position measurements lag behind the inertial measurements.
// @Range: 0 - 500
// @Increment: 10
// @User: advancedScale factor applied to horizontal position measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
AP_GROUPINFO("POS_DELAY", 15, NavEKF, _msecPosDelay, 220),
// @Param: GPS_TYPE
// @DisplayName: GPS velocity mode control
// @Description: This parameter controls use of GPS velocity measurements : 0 = use 3D velocity, 1 = use 2D velocity, 2 = use no velocity
// @Range: 0 - 3
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("GPS_TYPE", 16, NavEKF, _fusionModeGPS, 0),
// @Param: VEL_GATE
// @DisplayName: GPS velocity measurement gate size
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the GPS velocity measurement innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements willbe rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.
// @Range: 1 - 100
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
// @Param: POS_GATE
// @DisplayName: GPS position measurement gate size
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the GPS position measurement innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements will be rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.
// @Range: 1 - 100
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
// @Param: HGT_GATE
// @DisplayName: Height measurement gate size
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the height measurement innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements will be rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.
// @Range: 1 - 100
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
// @Param: MAG_GATE
// @DisplayName: Magnetometer measurement gate size
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the magnetometer measurement innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements will be rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.
// @Range: 1 - 100
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
// @Param: EAS_GATE
// @DisplayName: Airspeed measurement gate size
// @Description: This parameter sets the number of standard deviations applied to the airspeed measurement innovation consistency check. Decreasing it makes it more likely that good measurements will be rejected. Increasing it makes it more likely that bad measurements will be accepted.
// @Range: 1 - 100
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("EAS_GATE", 21, NavEKF, _tasInnovGate, 10),
// @Param: MAG_CAL
// @DisplayName: Magnetometer calibration mode
// @Description: EKF_MAG_CAL = 0 enables calibration based on flying speed and altitude and is the default setting for Plane users. EKF_MAG_CAL = 1 enables calibration based on manoeuvre level and is the default setting for Copter and Rover users. EKF_MAG_CAL = 2 prevents magnetometer calibration regardless of flight condition and is recommended if in-flight magnetometer calibration is unreliable.
// @Values: 0:Speed and Height,1:Acceleration,2:Never
// @Increment: 1
// @User: advanced
// @DisplayName: GPS glitch accel gate size (cm/s^2)
// @Description: This parameter controls the maximum amount of difference in horizontal acceleration between the value predicted by the filter and the value measured by the GPS before the GPS position data is rejected. If this value is set too low, then valid GPS data will be regularly discarded, and the position accuracy will degrade. If this parameter is set too high, then large GPS glitches will cause large rapid changes in position.
// @Range: 100 - 500
// @Increment: 50
// @User: advanced
// @Param: GLITCH_RAD
// @DisplayName: GPS glitch radius gate size (m)
// @Description: This parameter controls the maximum amount of difference in horizontal position (in m) between the value predicted by the filter and the value measured by the GPS before the long term glitch protection logic is activated and an offset is applied to the GPS measurement to compensate. Position steps smaller than this value will be temporarily ignored, but will then be accepted and the filter will move to the new position. Position steps larger than this value will be ignored initially, but the filter will then apply an offset to the GPS position measurement.
// @Range: 10 - 50
// @Increment: 5
// @User: advanced
// constructor
NavEKF::NavEKF(const AP_AHRS *ahrs, AP_Baro &baro) :
state(*reinterpret_cast<struct state_elements *>(&states)),
covTimeStepMax(0.07f), // maximum time (sec) between covariance prediction updates
covDelAngMax(0.05f), // maximum delta angle between covariance prediction updates
TASmsecMax(200), // maximum allowed interval between airspeed measurement updates
fuseMeNow(false), // forces airspeed and sythetic sideslip fusion to occur on the IMU frame that data arrives
staticMode(true), // staticMode forces position and velocity fusion with zero values
prevStaticMode(true), // staticMode from previous filter update
yawAligned(false), // set true when heading or yaw angle has been aligned
inhibitWindStates(true), // inhibit wind state updates on startup
inhibitMagStates(true) // inhibit magnetometer state updates on startup
,_perf_UpdateFilter(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_UpdateFilter")),
_perf_CovariancePrediction(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_CovariancePrediction")),
_perf_FuseVelPosNED(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseVelPosNED")),
_perf_FuseMagnetometer(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseMagnetometer")),
_perf_FuseAirspeed(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseAirspeed")),
_perf_FuseSideslip(perf_alloc(PC_ELAPSED, "EKF_FuseSideslip"))
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// Tuning parameters
_gpsNEVelVarAccScale = 0.05f; // Scale factor applied to NE velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
_gpsDVelVarAccScale = 0.07f; // Scale factor applied to vertical velocity measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
_gpsPosVarAccScale = 0.05f; // Scale factor applied to horizontal position measurement variance due to manoeuvre acceleration
_msecHgtDelay = 60; // Height measurement delay (msec)
_msecMagDelay = 40; // Magnetometer measurement delay (msec)
_msecTasDelay = 240; // Airspeed measurement delay (msec)
_gpsRetryTimeUseTAS = 20000; // GPS retry time with airspeed measurements (msec)
_gpsRetryTimeNoTAS = 10000; // GPS retry time without airspeed measurements (msec)
_hgtRetryTimeMode0 = 10000; // Height retry time with vertical velocity measurement (msec)
_hgtRetryTimeMode12 = 5000; // Height retry time without vertical velocity measurement (msec)
_magFailTimeLimit_ms = 10000; // number of msec before a magnetometer failing innovation consistency checks is declared failed (msec)
_magVarRateScale = 0.05f; // scale factor applied to magnetometer variance due to angular rate
_gyroBiasNoiseScaler = 2.0f; // scale factor applied to gyro bias state process noise when on ground
_msecGpsAvg = 200; // average number of msec between GPS measurements
_msecHgtAvg = 100; // average number of msec between height measurements
_msecBetaAvg = 100; // average number of msec between synthetic sideslip measurements
dtVelPos = 0.02; // number of seconds between position and velocity corrections. This should be a multiple of the imu update interval.
// Misc initial conditions
hgtRate = 0.0f;
mag_state.q0 = 1;
IMU1_weighting = 0.5f;
lastDivergeTime_ms = 0;
filterDiverged = false;
// Check basic filter health metrics and return a consolidated health status
bool NavEKF::healthy(void) const
if (!statesInitialised) {
return false;
if (state.quat.is_nan()) {
return false;
if (state.velocity.is_nan()) {
return false;
if (filterDiverged) {
return false;
// If measurements have failed innovation consistency checks for long enough to time-out
// and force fusion then the nav solution can be conidered to be unhealthy
// This will only be set as a transient
if (posTimeout || velTimeout || hgtTimeout) {
return false;
// all OK
return true;
// return true if filter is dead-reckoning height
bool NavEKF::HeightDrifting(void) const
// Set to true if height measurements are failing the innovation consistency check
return !hgtHealth;
// return true if filter is dead-reckoning position
bool NavEKF::PositionDrifting(void) const
// Set to true if position measurements are failing the innovation consistency check
return !posHealth;
// resets position states to last GPS measurement or to zero if in static mode
void NavEKF::ResetPosition(void)
if (staticMode) {
states[7] = 0;
states[8] = 0;
} else if (_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
// read the GPS
// write to state vector
states[7] = gpsPosNE.x + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x;
states[8] = gpsPosNE.y + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y;
// resets velocity states to last GPS measurement or to zero if in static mode
void NavEKF::ResetVelocity(void)
if (staticMode) {
} else if (_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
// read the GPS
// reset horizontal velocity states
if (_fusionModeGPS <= 1) {
states[4] = velNED[0]; // north velocity from blended accel data
states[5] = velNED[1]; // east velocity from blended accel data
states[23] = velNED[0]; // north velocity from IMU1 accel data
states[24] = velNED[1]; // east velocity from IMU1 accel data
states[27] = velNED[0]; // north velocity from IMU2 accel data
states[28] = velNED[1]; // east velocity from IMU2 accel data
// reset vertical velocity states
if (_fusionModeGPS <= 0) {
states[6] = velNED[2]; // down velocity from blended accel data
states[25] = velNED[2]; // down velocity from IMU1 accel data
states[29] = velNED[2]; // down velocity from IMU2 accel data
// reset the vertical position state using the last height measurement
void NavEKF::ResetHeight(void)
// read the altimeter
// write to the state vector
states[9] = -hgtMea; // down position from blended accel data
state.posD1 = -hgtMea; // down position from IMU1 accel data
state.posD2 = -hgtMea; // down position from IMU2 accel data
// this function is used to initialise the filter whilst moving, using the AHRS DCM solution
// it should NOT be used to re-initialise after a timeout as DCM will also be corrupted
void NavEKF::InitialiseFilterDynamic(void)
// this forces healthy() to be false so that when we ask for ahrs
// attitude we get the DCM attitude regardless of the state of AHRS_EKF_USE
statesInitialised = false;
// Set re-used variables to zero
// get initial time deltat between IMU measurements (sec)
dtIMU = _ahrs->get_ins().get_delta_time();
// calculate initial orientation and earth magnetic field states
Quaternion initQuat;
initQuat = calcQuatAndFieldStates(_ahrs->roll, _ahrs->pitch);
// write to state vector
state.quat = initQuat;
state.accel_zbias1 = 0;
state.accel_zbias2 = 0;
state.body_magfield = magBias;
// set to true now that states have be initialised
statesInitialised = true;
// initialise the covariance matrix
// define Earth rotation vector in the NED navigation frame
calcEarthRateNED(earthRateNED, _ahrs->get_home().lat);
// initialise IMU pre-processing states
// Initialise the states from accelerometer and magnetometer data (if present)
// This method can only be used when the vehicle is static
void NavEKF::InitialiseFilterBootstrap(void)
// set re-used variables to zero
// acceleration vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (m/s^2)
Vector3f initAccVec;
// TODO we should average accel readings over several cycles
initAccVec = _ahrs->get_ins().get_accel();
// read the magnetometer data
// normalise the acceleration vector
// calculate initial pitch angle
float pitch = asinf(initAccVec.x);
// calculate initial roll angle
float roll = -asinf(initAccVec.y / cosf(pitch));
// calculate initial orientation and earth magnetic field states
Quaternion initQuat;
initQuat = calcQuatAndFieldStates(roll, pitch);
// read the GPS
// read the barometer
// check on ground status
// write to state vector
state.quat = initQuat;
state.accel_zbias1 = 0;
state.accel_zbias2 = 0;
state.body_magfield = magBias;
// set to true now we have intialised the states
statesInitialised = true;
// initialise the covariance matrix
// define Earth rotation vector in the NED navigation frame
calcEarthRateNED(earthRateNED, _ahrs->get_home().lat);
// initialise IMU pre-processing states
// Update Filter States - this should be called whenever new IMU data is available
void NavEKF::UpdateFilter()
// don't run filter updates if states have not been initialised
if (!statesInitialised) {
// start the timer used for load measurement
// read IMU data and convert to delta angles and velocities
// detect if filter has diverged and do a dynamic reset using the DCM solution
if (filterDiverged) {
// detect if the filter update has been delayed for too long
if (dtIMU > 0.2f) {
// we have stalled for too long - reset states
//Initialise IMU pre-processing states
// stop the timer used for load measurement
// check if on ground
// define rules used to set staticMode
// staticMode enables ground operation without GPS by fusing zeros for position and height measurements
if (static_mode_demanded()) {
staticMode = true;
} else {
staticMode = false;
// check to see if static mode has changed and reset states if it has
if (prevStaticMode != staticMode) {
calcQuatAndFieldStates(_ahrs->roll, _ahrs->pitch);
prevStaticMode = staticMode;
// run the strapdown INS equations every IMU update
// store the predicted states for subsequent use by measurement fusion
// sum delta angles and time used by covariance prediction
summedDelAng = summedDelAng + correctedDelAng;
summedDelVel = summedDelVel + correctedDelVel1;
dt += dtIMU;
// perform a covariance prediction if the total delta angle has exceeded the limit
// or the time limit will be exceeded at the next IMU update
if (((dt >= (covTimeStepMax - dtIMU)) || (summedDelAng.length() > covDelAngMax))) {
covPredStep = true;
dt = 0.0;
} else {
covPredStep = false;
// Update states using GPS, altimeter, compass, airspeed and synthetic sideslip observations
// stop the timer used for load measurement
// select fusion of velocity, position and height measurements
void NavEKF::SelectVelPosFusion()
// calculate ratio of VelPos fusion to state prediction steps
uint8_t velPosFuseStepRatio = floor(dtVelPos/dtIMU + 0.5f);
// calculate the scale factor to be applied to GPS measurement variance to account for
// the fact we repeat fusion of the same measurement to provide a smoother output
gpsVarScaler = _msecGpsAvg/(1000.0f*dtVelPos);
// calculate the scale factor to be applied to height measurement variance to account for
// the fact we repeat fusion of the same measurement to provide a smoother output
hgtVarScaler = _msecHgtAvg/(1000.0f*dtVelPos);
// check for new data, specify which measurements should be used and check data for freshness
if (!staticMode) {
// check for and read new GPS data
// command fusion of GPS data and reset states as required
if (newDataGps) {
// reset data arrived flag
newDataGps = false;
// enable fusion
fuseVelData = true;
fusePosData = true;
// reset the counter used to schedule updates so that we always fuse data on the frame GPS data arrives
skipCounter = velPosFuseStepRatio;
// If a long time since last GPS update, then reset position and velocity and reset stored state history
uint32_t gpsRetryTimeout = useAirspeed() ? _gpsRetryTimeUseTAS : _gpsRetryTimeNoTAS;
if (hal.scheduler->millis() - secondLastFixTime_ms > gpsRetryTimeout) {
} else if (hal.scheduler->millis() - lastFixTime_ms > (uint32_t)(_msecGpsAvg + 40)) {
// Timeout fusion of GPS data if stale. Needed because we repeatedly fuse the same
// measurement until the next one arrives to provide a smoother output
fuseVelData = false;
fusePosData = false;
// command fusion of height data
if (newDataHgt)
// reset data arrived flag
newDataHgt = false;
// enable fusion
fuseHgtData = true;
} else if (hal.scheduler->millis() - lastHgtTime_ms > (uint32_t)(_msecHgtAvg + 40)) {
// timeout fusion of height data if stale. Needed because we repeatedly fuse the same
// measurement until the next one arrives to provide a smoother output
fuseHgtData = false;
} else {
// in static mode use synthetic position measurements set to zero
// only fuse synthetic measurements when rate of change of velocity is less than 0.5g to reduce attitude errors due to launch acceleration
// do not use velocity fusion to reduce the effect of movement on attitude
if (accNavMag < 4.9f) {
fusePosData = true;
} else {
fusePosData = false;
fuseVelData = false;
fuseHgtData = true;
// check for and read new height data
// perform fusion as commanded, and in accordance with specified time intervals
if (fuseVelData || fusePosData || fuseHgtData) {
// skip fusion as required to maintain ~dtVelPos time interval between corrections
if (skipCounter >= velPosFuseStepRatio) {
// reset counter used to skip update frames
skipCounter = 1;
} else {
// increment counter used to skip update frames
skipCounter += 1;
// select fusion of magnetometer data
void NavEKF::SelectMagFusion()
// check for and read new magnetometer measurements
// If we are using the compass and the magnetometer has been unhealthy for too long we declare it failed
if (magHealth) {
lastHealthyMagTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
} else {
if ((hal.scheduler->millis() - lastHealthyMagTime_ms) > _magFailTimeLimit_ms && use_compass()) {
magTimeout = true;
} else {
magTimeout = false;
// determine if conditions are right to start a new fusion cycle
bool dataReady = statesInitialised && use_compass() && newDataMag;
if (dataReady)
MAGmsecPrev = IMUmsec;
fuseMagData = true;
fuseMagData = false;
// call the function that performs fusion of magnetometer data
// select fusion of true airspeed measurements
void NavEKF::SelectTasFusion()
// get true airspeed measurement
// if the filter is initialised, wind states are not inhibited and we have data to fuse, then queue TAS fusion
tasDataWaiting = (statesInitialised && !inhibitWindStates && (tasDataWaiting || newDataTas));
// if we have waited too long, set a timeout flag which will force fusion to occur
bool timeout = ((IMUmsec - TASmsecPrev) >= TASmsecMax);
// we don't fuse airspeed measurements if magnetometer fusion has been performed in the same frame, unless timed out or the fuseMeNow option is selected
// this helps to spreasthe load associated with fusion of different measurements across multiple frames
// setting fuseMeNow to true disables this load spreading feature
if (tasDataWaiting && (!magFusePerformed || timeout || fuseMeNow))
TASmsecPrev = IMUmsec;
tasDataWaiting = false;
// select fusion of synthetic sideslip measurements
void NavEKF::SelectBetaFusion()
// Determine if synthetic sidelsip data should be fused
// synthetic sidelip fusion only works for fixed wing aircraft and relies on the average sideslip being close to zero
// it requires a stable wind estimate for best results and should not be used for aerobatic flight
// we fuse synthetic sideslip measurements if:
// we are a fly forward vehicle type AND NOT using a full range of sensors with healthy position
// AND NOT on the ground AND enough time has lapsed since our last fusion
// AND (we have not fused magnetometer data on this time step OR the immediate fusion flag is set)
if (assume_zero_sideslip() && !(use_compass() && useAirspeed() && posHealth) && !inhibitWindStates && ((IMUmsec - BETAmsecPrev) >= _msecBetaAvg) && (!magFusePerformed || fuseMeNow)) {
BETAmsecPrev = IMUmsec;
// update the quaternion, velocity and position states using IMU measurements
void NavEKF::UpdateStrapdownEquationsNED()
Vector3f delVelNav; // delta velocity vector calculated using a blend of IMU1 and IMU2 data
Vector3f delVelNav1; // delta velocity vector calculated using IMU1 data
Vector3f delVelNav2; // delta velocity vector calculated using IMU2 data
float rotationMag; // magnitude of rotation vector from previous to current time step
float rotScaler; // scaling variable used to calculate delta quaternion from last to current time step
Quaternion qUpdated; // quaternion at current time step after application of delta quaternion
Quaternion deltaQuat; // quaternion from last to current time step
const Vector3f gravityNED(0, 0, GRAVITY_MSS); // NED gravity vector m/s^2
// remove sensor bias errors
correctedDelAng = dAngIMU - state.gyro_bias;
correctedDelVel1 = dVelIMU1;
correctedDelVel2 = dVelIMU2;
correctedDelVel1.z -= state.accel_zbias1;
correctedDelVel2.z -= state.accel_zbias2;
// use weighted average of both IMU units for delta velocities
correctedDelVel12 = correctedDelVel1 * IMU1_weighting + correctedDelVel2 * (1.0f - IMU1_weighting);
// save current measurements
prevDelAng = correctedDelAng;
// apply corrections for earths rotation rate and coning errors
// % * - and + operators have been overloaded
correctedDelAng = correctedDelAng - prevTnb * earthRateNED*dtIMU + (prevDelAng % correctedDelAng) * 8.333333e-2f;
// convert the rotation vector to its equivalent quaternion
rotationMag = correctedDelAng.length();
if (rotationMag < 1e-12f)
deltaQuat[0] = 1;
deltaQuat[1] = 0;
deltaQuat[2] = 0;
deltaQuat[3] = 0;
deltaQuat[0] = cosf(0.5f * rotationMag);
rotScaler = (sinf(0.5f * rotationMag)) / rotationMag;
deltaQuat[1] = correctedDelAng.x * rotScaler;
deltaQuat[2] = correctedDelAng.y * rotScaler;
deltaQuat[3] = correctedDelAng.z * rotScaler;
// update the quaternions by rotating from the previous attitude through
// the delta angle rotation quaternion
qUpdated[0] = states[0]*deltaQuat[0] - states[1]*deltaQuat[1] - states[2]*deltaQuat[2] - states[3]*deltaQuat[3];
qUpdated[1] = states[0]*deltaQuat[1] + states[1]*deltaQuat[0] + states[2]*deltaQuat[3] - states[3]*deltaQuat[2];
qUpdated[2] = states[0]*deltaQuat[2] + states[2]*deltaQuat[0] + states[3]*deltaQuat[1] - states[1]*deltaQuat[3];
qUpdated[3] = states[0]*deltaQuat[3] + states[3]*deltaQuat[0] + states[1]*deltaQuat[2] - states[2]*deltaQuat[1];
// normalise the quaternions and update the quaternion states
state.quat = qUpdated;
// calculate the body to nav cosine matrix
Quaternion q(states[0],states[1],states[2],states[3]);
Matrix3f Tbn_temp;
prevTnb = Tbn_temp.transposed();
// transform body delta velocities to delta velocities in the nav frame
// * and + operators have been overloaded
// blended IMU calc
delVelNav = Tbn_temp*correctedDelVel12 + gravityNED*dtIMU;
// single IMU calcs
delVelNav1 = Tbn_temp*correctedDelVel1 + gravityNED*dtIMU;
delVelNav2 = Tbn_temp*correctedDelVel2 + gravityNED*dtIMU;
// calculate the rate of change of velocity (used for launch detect and other functions)
velDotNED = delVelNav / dtIMU ;
// apply a first order lowpass filter
velDotNEDfilt = velDotNED * 0.05f + velDotNEDfilt * 0.95f;
// calculate a magnitude of the filtered nav acceleration (required for GPS
// variance estimation)
accNavMag = velDotNEDfilt.length();
accNavMagHoriz = pythagorous2(velDotNEDfilt.x , velDotNEDfilt.y);
// save velocity for use in trapezoidal intergration for position calcuation
Vector3f lastVelocity = state.velocity;
Vector3f lastVel1 = state.vel1;
Vector3f lastVel2 = state.vel2;
// sum delta velocities to get velocity
state.velocity += delVelNav;
state.vel1 += delVelNav1;
state.vel2 += delVelNav2;
// apply a trapezoidal integration to velocities to calculate position
state.position += (state.velocity + lastVelocity) * (dtIMU*0.5f);
state.posD1 += (state.vel1.z + lastVel1.z) * (dtIMU*0.5f);
state.posD2 += (state.vel2.z + lastVel2.z) * (dtIMU*0.5f);
// limit states to protect against divergence
// calculate the predicted state covariance matrix
void NavEKF::CovariancePrediction()
float windVelSigma; // wind velocity 1-sigma process noise - m/s
float dAngBiasSigma;// delta angle bias 1-sigma process noise - rad/s
float dVelBiasSigma;// delta velocity bias 1-sigma process noise - m/s
float magEarthSigma;// earth magnetic field 1-sigma process noise
float magBodySigma; // body magnetic field 1-sigma process noise
float daxCov; // X axis delta angle variance rad^2
float dayCov; // Y axis delta angle variance rad^2
float dazCov; // Z axis delta angle variance rad^2
float dvxCov; // X axis delta velocity variance (m/s)^2
float dvyCov; // Y axis delta velocity variance (m/s)^2
float dvzCov; // Z axis delta velocity variance (m/s)^2
float dvx; // X axis delta velocity (m/s)
float dvy; // Y axis delta velocity (m/s)
float dvz; // Z axis delta velocity (m/s)
float dax; // X axis delta angle (rad)
float day; // Y axis delta angle (rad)
float daz; // Z axis delta angle (rad)
float q0; // attitude quaternion
float q1; // attitude quaternion
float q2; // attitude quaternion
float q3; // attitude quaternion
float dax_b; // X axis delta angle measurement bias (rad)
float day_b; // Y axis delta angle measurement bias (rad)
float daz_b; // Z axis delta angle measurement bias (rad)
float dvz_b; // Z axis delta velocity measurement bias (rad)
// calculate covariance prediction process noise
// use filtered height rate to increase wind process noise when climbing or descending
// this allows for wind gradient effects.
// filter height rate using a 10 second time constant filter
float alpha = 0.1f * dt;
hgtRate = hgtRate * (1.0f - alpha) - states[6] * alpha;
// use filtered height rate to increase wind process noise when climbing or descending
// this allows for wind gradient effects.
if (!inhibitWindStates) {
windVelSigma = dt * constrain_float(_windVelProcessNoise, 0.01f, 1.0f) * (1.0f + constrain_float(_wndVarHgtRateScale, 0.0f, 1.0f) * fabsf(hgtRate));
} else {
windVelSigma = 0.0f;
dAngBiasSigma = dt * constrain_float(_gyroBiasProcessNoise, 1e-7f, 1e-5f);
dVelBiasSigma = dt * constrain_float(_accelBiasProcessNoise, 1e-4f, 1e-3f);
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
magEarthSigma = dt * constrain_float(_magEarthProcessNoise, 1e-4f, 1e-2f);
magBodySigma = dt * constrain_float(_magBodyProcessNoise, 1e-4f, 1e-2f);
} else {
magEarthSigma = 0.0f;
magBodySigma = 0.0f;
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=9; i++) processNoise[i] = 1.0e-9f;
for (uint8_t i=10; i<=12; i++) processNoise[i] = dAngBiasSigma;
// scale gyro bias noise when in static mode to allow for faster bias estimation
for (uint8_t i=10; i<=12; i++) {
processNoise[i] = dAngBiasSigma;
if (staticMode) {
processNoise[i] *= _gyroBiasNoiseScaler;
processNoise[13] = dVelBiasSigma;
for (uint8_t i=14; i<=15; i++) processNoise[i] = windVelSigma;
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=18; i++) processNoise[i] = magEarthSigma;
for (uint8_t i=19; i<=21; i++) processNoise[i] = magBodySigma;
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=21; i++) processNoise[i] = sq(processNoise[i]);
// set variables used to calculate covariance growth
dvx = summedDelVel.x;
dvy = summedDelVel.y;
dvz = summedDelVel.z;
dax = summedDelAng.x;
day = summedDelAng.y;
daz = summedDelAng.z;
q0 = states[0];
q1 = states[1];
q2 = states[2];
q3 = states[3];
dax_b = states[10];
day_b = states[11];
daz_b = states[12];
dvz_b = IMU1_weighting * states[13] + (1.0f - IMU1_weighting) * states[22];
_gyrNoise = constrain_float(_gyrNoise, 1e-3f, 5e-2f);
daxCov = sq(dt*_gyrNoise);
dayCov = sq(dt*_gyrNoise);
dazCov = sq(dt*_gyrNoise);
_accNoise = constrain_float(_accNoise, 5e-2f, 1.0f);
dvxCov = sq(dt*_accNoise);
dvyCov = sq(dt*_accNoise);
dvzCov = sq(dt*_accNoise);
// calculate the predicted covariance due to inertial sensor error propagation
SF[0] = dvz - dvz_b;
SF[1] = 2*q3*SF[0] + 2*dvx*q1 + 2*dvy*q2;
SF[2] = 2*dvx*q3 - 2*q1*SF[0] + 2*dvy*q0;
SF[3] = 2*q2*SF[0] + 2*dvx*q0 - 2*dvy*q3;
SF[4] = day/2 - day_b/2;
SF[5] = daz/2 - daz_b/2;
SF[6] = dax/2 - dax_b/2;
SF[7] = dax_b/2 - dax/2;
SF[8] = daz_b/2 - daz/2;
SF[9] = day_b/2 - day/2;
SF[10] = 2*q0*SF[0];
SF[11] = q1/2;
SF[12] = q2/2;
SF[13] = q3/2;
SF[14] = 2*dvy*q1;
SG[0] = q0/2;
SG[1] = sq(q3);
SG[2] = sq(q2);
SG[3] = sq(q1);
SG[4] = sq(q0);
SG[5] = 2*q2*q3;
SG[6] = 2*q1*q3;
SG[7] = 2*q1*q2;
SQ[0] = dvzCov*(SG[5] - 2*q0*q1)*(SG[1] - SG[2] - SG[3] + SG[4]) - dvyCov*(SG[5] + 2*q0*q1)*(SG[1] - SG[2] + SG[3] - SG[4]) + dvxCov*(SG[6] - 2*q0*q2)*(SG[7] + 2*q0*q3);
SQ[1] = dvzCov*(SG[6] + 2*q0*q2)*(SG[1] - SG[2] - SG[3] + SG[4]) - dvxCov*(SG[6] - 2*q0*q2)*(SG[1] + SG[2] - SG[3] - SG[4]) + dvyCov*(SG[5] + 2*q0*q1)*(SG[7] - 2*q0*q3);
SQ[2] = dvzCov*(SG[5] - 2*q0*q1)*(SG[6] + 2*q0*q2) - dvyCov*(SG[7] - 2*q0*q3)*(SG[1] - SG[2] + SG[3] - SG[4]) - dvxCov*(SG[7] + 2*q0*q3)*(SG[1] + SG[2] - SG[3] - SG[4]);
SQ[3] = (dayCov*q1*SG[0])/2 - (dazCov*q1*SG[0])/2 - (daxCov*q2*q3)/4;
SQ[4] = (dazCov*q2*SG[0])/2 - (daxCov*q2*SG[0])/2 - (dayCov*q1*q3)/4;
SQ[5] = (daxCov*q3*SG[0])/2 - (dayCov*q3*SG[0])/2 - (dazCov*q1*q2)/4;
SQ[6] = (daxCov*q1*q2)/4 - (dazCov*q3*SG[0])/2 - (dayCov*q1*q2)/4;
SQ[7] = (dazCov*q1*q3)/4 - (daxCov*q1*q3)/4 - (dayCov*q2*SG[0])/2;
SQ[8] = (dayCov*q2*q3)/4 - (daxCov*q1*SG[0])/2 - (dazCov*q2*q3)/4;
SQ[9] = sq(SG[0]);
SQ[10] = sq(q1);
SPP[0] = SF[10] + SF[14] - 2*dvx*q2;
SPP[1] = 2*q2*SF[0] + 2*dvx*q0 - 2*dvy*q3;
SPP[2] = 2*dvx*q3 - 2*q1*SF[0] + 2*dvy*q0;
SPP[3] = 2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3;
SPP[4] = 2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3;
SPP[5] = sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3);
SPP[6] = SF[13];
SPP[7] = SF[12];
nextP[0][0] = P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6] + (daxCov*SQ[10])/4 + SF[7]*(P[0][1] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6]) + SF[9]*(P[0][2] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6]) + SF[8]*(P[0][3] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6]) + SF[11]*(P[0][10] + P[1][10]*SF[7] + P[2][10]*SF[9] + P[3][10]*SF[8] + P[10][10]*SF[11] + P[11][10]*SPP[7] + P[12][10]*SPP[6]) + SPP[7]*(P[0][11] + P[1][11]*SF[7] + P[2][11]*SF[9] + P[3][11]*SF[8] + P[10][11]*SF[11] + P[11][11]*SPP[7] + P[12][11]*SPP[6]) + SPP[6]*(P[0][12] + P[1][12]*SF[7] + P[2][12]*SF[9] + P[3][12]*SF[8] + P[10][12]*SF[11] + P[11][12]*SPP[7] + P[12][12]*SPP[6]) + (dayCov*sq(q2))/4 + (dazCov*sq(q3))/4;
nextP[0][1] = P[0][1] + SQ[8] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6] + SF[6]*(P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6]) + SF[5]*(P[0][2] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6]) + SF[9]*(P[0][3] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6]) + SPP[6]*(P[0][11] + P[1][11]*SF[7] + P[2][11]*SF[9] + P[3][11]*SF[8] + P[10][11]*SF[11] + P[11][11]*SPP[7] + P[12][11]*SPP[6]) - SPP[7]*(P[0][12] + P[1][12]*SF[7] + P[2][12]*SF[9] + P[3][12]*SF[8] + P[10][12]*SF[11] + P[11][12]*SPP[7] + P[12][12]*SPP[6]) - (q0*(P[0][10] + P[1][10]*SF[7] + P[2][10]*SF[9] + P[3][10]*SF[8] + P[10][10]*SF[11] + P[11][10]*SPP[7] + P[12][10]*SPP[6]))/2;
nextP[0][2] = P[0][2] + SQ[7] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6] + SF[4]*(P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6]) + SF[8]*(P[0][1] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6]) + SF[6]*(P[0][3] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6]) + SF[11]*(P[0][12] + P[1][12]*SF[7] + P[2][12]*SF[9] + P[3][12]*SF[8] + P[10][12]*SF[11] + P[11][12]*SPP[7] + P[12][12]*SPP[6]) - SPP[6]*(P[0][10] + P[1][10]*SF[7] + P[2][10]*SF[9] + P[3][10]*SF[8] + P[10][10]*SF[11] + P[11][10]*SPP[7] + P[12][10]*SPP[6]) - (q0*(P[0][11] + P[1][11]*SF[7] + P[2][11]*SF[9] + P[3][11]*SF[8] + P[10][11]*SF[11] + P[11][11]*SPP[7] + P[12][11]*SPP[6]))/2;
nextP[0][3] = P[0][3] + SQ[6] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6] + SF[5]*(P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6]) + SF[4]*(P[0][1] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6]) + SF[7]*(P[0][2] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6]) - SF[11]*(P[0][11] + P[1][11]*SF[7] + P[2][11]*SF[9] + P[3][11]*SF[8] + P[10][11]*SF[11] + P[11][11]*SPP[7] + P[12][11]*SPP[6]) + SPP[7]*(P[0][10] + P[1][10]*SF[7] + P[2][10]*SF[9] + P[3][10]*SF[8] + P[10][10]*SF[11] + P[11][10]*SPP[7] + P[12][10]*SPP[6]) - (q0*(P[0][12] + P[1][12]*SF[7] + P[2][12]*SF[9] + P[3][12]*SF[8] + P[10][12]*SF[11] + P[11][12]*SPP[7] + P[12][12]*SPP[6]))/2;
nextP[0][4] = P[0][4] + P[1][4]*SF[7] + P[2][4]*SF[9] + P[3][4]*SF[8] + P[10][4]*SF[11] + P[11][4]*SPP[7] + P[12][4]*SPP[6] + SF[3]*(P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6]) + SF[1]*(P[0][1] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6]) + SPP[0]*(P[0][2] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6]) - SPP[2]*(P[0][3] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6]) - SPP[4]*(P[0][13] + P[1][13]*SF[7] + P[2][13]*SF[9] + P[3][13]*SF[8] + P[10][13]*SF[11] + P[11][13]*SPP[7] + P[12][13]*SPP[6]);
nextP[0][5] = P[0][5] + P[1][5]*SF[7] + P[2][5]*SF[9] + P[3][5]*SF[8] + P[10][5]*SF[11] + P[11][5]*SPP[7] + P[12][5]*SPP[6] + SF[2]*(P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6]) + SF[1]*(P[0][2] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6]) + SF[3]*(P[0][3] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6]) - SPP[0]*(P[0][1] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6]) + SPP[3]*(P[0][13] + P[1][13]*SF[7] + P[2][13]*SF[9] + P[3][13]*SF[8] + P[10][13]*SF[11] + P[11][13]*SPP[7] + P[12][13]*SPP[6]);
nextP[0][6] = P[0][6] + P[1][6]*SF[7] + P[2][6]*SF[9] + P[3][6]*SF[8] + P[10][6]*SF[11] + P[11][6]*SPP[7] + P[12][6]*SPP[6] + SF[2]*(P[0][1] + P[1][1]*SF[7] + P[2][1]*SF[9] + P[3][1]*SF[8] + P[10][1]*SF[11] + P[11][1]*SPP[7] + P[12][1]*SPP[6]) + SF[1]*(P[0][3] + P[1][3]*SF[7] + P[2][3]*SF[9] + P[3][3]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[11] + P[11][3]*SPP[7] + P[12][3]*SPP[6]) + SPP[0]*(P[0][0] + P[1][0]*SF[7] + P[2][0]*SF[9] + P[3][0]*SF[8] + P[10][0]*SF[11] + P[11][0]*SPP[7] + P[12][0]*SPP[6]) - SPP[1]*(P[0][2] + P[1][2]*SF[7] + P[2][2]*SF[9] + P[3][2]*SF[8] + P[10][2]*SF[11] + P[11][2]*SPP[7] + P[12][2]*SPP[6]) - (sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))*(P[0][13] + P[1][13]*SF[7] + P[2][13]*SF[9] + P[3][13]*SF[8] + P[10][13]*SF[11] + P[11][13]*SPP[7] + P[12][13]*SPP[6]);
nextP[0][7] = P[0][7] + P[1][7]*SF[7] + P[2][7]*SF[9] + P[3][7]*SF[8] + P[10][7]*SF[11] + P[11][7]*SPP[7] + P[12][7]*SPP[6] + dt*(P[0][4] + P[1][4]*SF[7] + P[2][4]*SF[9] + P[3][4]*SF[8] + P[10][4]*SF[11] + P[11][4]*SPP[7] + P[12][4]*SPP[6]);
nextP[0][8] = P[0][8] + P[1][8]*SF[7] + P[2][8]*SF[9] + P[3][8]*SF[8] + P[10][8]*SF[11] + P[11][8]*SPP[7] + P[12][8]*SPP[6] + dt*(P[0][5] + P[1][5]*SF[7] + P[2][5]*SF[9] + P[3][5]*SF[8] + P[10][5]*SF[11] + P[11][5]*SPP[7] + P[12][5]*SPP[6]);
nextP[0][9] = P[0][9] + P[1][9]*SF[7] + P[2][9]*SF[9] + P[3][9]*SF[8] + P[10][9]*SF[11] + P[11][9]*SPP[7] + P[12][9]*SPP[6] + dt*(P[0][6] + P[1][6]*SF[7] + P[2][6]*SF[9] + P[3][6]*SF[8] + P[10][6]*SF[11] + P[11][6]*SPP[7] + P[12][6]*SPP[6]);
nextP[0][10] = P[0][10] + P[1][10]*SF[7] + P[2][10]*SF[9] + P[3][10]*SF[8] + P[10][10]*SF[11] + P[11][10]*SPP[7] + P[12][10]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][11] = P[0][11] + P[1][11]*SF[7] + P[2][11]*SF[9] + P[3][11]*SF[8] + P[10][11]*SF[11] + P[11][11]*SPP[7] + P[12][11]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][12] = P[0][12] + P[1][12]*SF[7] + P[2][12]*SF[9] + P[3][12]*SF[8] + P[10][12]*SF[11] + P[11][12]*SPP[7] + P[12][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][13] = P[0][13] + P[1][13]*SF[7] + P[2][13]*SF[9] + P[3][13]*SF[8] + P[10][13]*SF[11] + P[11][13]*SPP[7] + P[12][13]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][14] = P[0][14] + P[1][14]*SF[7] + P[2][14]*SF[9] + P[3][14]*SF[8] + P[10][14]*SF[11] + P[11][14]*SPP[7] + P[12][14]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][15] = P[0][15] + P[1][15]*SF[7] + P[2][15]*SF[9] + P[3][15]*SF[8] + P[10][15]*SF[11] + P[11][15]*SPP[7] + P[12][15]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][16] = P[0][16] + P[1][16]*SF[7] + P[2][16]*SF[9] + P[3][16]*SF[8] + P[10][16]*SF[11] + P[11][16]*SPP[7] + P[12][16]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][17] = P[0][17] + P[1][17]*SF[7] + P[2][17]*SF[9] + P[3][17]*SF[8] + P[10][17]*SF[11] + P[11][17]*SPP[7] + P[12][17]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][18] = P[0][18] + P[1][18]*SF[7] + P[2][18]*SF[9] + P[3][18]*SF[8] + P[10][18]*SF[11] + P[11][18]*SPP[7] + P[12][18]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][19] = P[0][19] + P[1][19]*SF[7] + P[2][19]*SF[9] + P[3][19]*SF[8] + P[10][19]*SF[11] + P[11][19]*SPP[7] + P[12][19]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][20] = P[0][20] + P[1][20]*SF[7] + P[2][20]*SF[9] + P[3][20]*SF[8] + P[10][20]*SF[11] + P[11][20]*SPP[7] + P[12][20]*SPP[6];
nextP[0][21] = P[0][21] + P[1][21]*SF[7] + P[2][21]*SF[9] + P[3][21]*SF[8] + P[10][21]*SF[11] + P[11][21]*SPP[7] + P[12][21]*SPP[6];
nextP[1][0] = P[1][0] + SQ[8] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2 + SF[7]*(P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2) + SF[9]*(P[1][2] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2) + SF[8]*(P[1][3] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2) + SF[11]*(P[1][10] + P[0][10]*SF[6] + P[2][10]*SF[5] + P[3][10]*SF[9] + P[11][10]*SPP[6] - P[12][10]*SPP[7] - (P[10][10]*q0)/2) + SPP[7]*(P[1][11] + P[0][11]*SF[6] + P[2][11]*SF[5] + P[3][11]*SF[9] + P[11][11]*SPP[6] - P[12][11]*SPP[7] - (P[10][11]*q0)/2) + SPP[6]*(P[1][12] + P[0][12]*SF[6] + P[2][12]*SF[5] + P[3][12]*SF[9] + P[11][12]*SPP[6] - P[12][12]*SPP[7] - (P[10][12]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][1] = P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] + daxCov*SQ[9] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2 + SF[6]*(P[1][0] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2) + SF[5]*(P[1][2] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2) + SF[9]*(P[1][3] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2) + SPP[6]*(P[1][11] + P[0][11]*SF[6] + P[2][11]*SF[5] + P[3][11]*SF[9] + P[11][11]*SPP[6] - P[12][11]*SPP[7] - (P[10][11]*q0)/2) - SPP[7]*(P[1][12] + P[0][12]*SF[6] + P[2][12]*SF[5] + P[3][12]*SF[9] + P[11][12]*SPP[6] - P[12][12]*SPP[7] - (P[10][12]*q0)/2) + (dayCov*sq(q3))/4 + (dazCov*sq(q2))/4 - (q0*(P[1][10] + P[0][10]*SF[6] + P[2][10]*SF[5] + P[3][10]*SF[9] + P[11][10]*SPP[6] - P[12][10]*SPP[7] - (P[10][10]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[1][2] = P[1][2] + SQ[5] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2 + SF[4]*(P[1][0] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2) + SF[8]*(P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2) + SF[6]*(P[1][3] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2) + SF[11]*(P[1][12] + P[0][12]*SF[6] + P[2][12]*SF[5] + P[3][12]*SF[9] + P[11][12]*SPP[6] - P[12][12]*SPP[7] - (P[10][12]*q0)/2) - SPP[6]*(P[1][10] + P[0][10]*SF[6] + P[2][10]*SF[5] + P[3][10]*SF[9] + P[11][10]*SPP[6] - P[12][10]*SPP[7] - (P[10][10]*q0)/2) - (q0*(P[1][11] + P[0][11]*SF[6] + P[2][11]*SF[5] + P[3][11]*SF[9] + P[11][11]*SPP[6] - P[12][11]*SPP[7] - (P[10][11]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[1][3] = P[1][3] + SQ[4] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2 + SF[5]*(P[1][0] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2) + SF[4]*(P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2) + SF[7]*(P[1][2] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2) - SF[11]*(P[1][11] + P[0][11]*SF[6] + P[2][11]*SF[5] + P[3][11]*SF[9] + P[11][11]*SPP[6] - P[12][11]*SPP[7] - (P[10][11]*q0)/2) + SPP[7]*(P[1][10] + P[0][10]*SF[6] + P[2][10]*SF[5] + P[3][10]*SF[9] + P[11][10]*SPP[6] - P[12][10]*SPP[7] - (P[10][10]*q0)/2) - (q0*(P[1][12] + P[0][12]*SF[6] + P[2][12]*SF[5] + P[3][12]*SF[9] + P[11][12]*SPP[6] - P[12][12]*SPP[7] - (P[10][12]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[1][4] = P[1][4] + P[0][4]*SF[6] + P[2][4]*SF[5] + P[3][4]*SF[9] + P[11][4]*SPP[6] - P[12][4]*SPP[7] - (P[10][4]*q0)/2 + SF[3]*(P[1][0] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2) + SPP[0]*(P[1][2] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2) - SPP[2]*(P[1][3] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2) - SPP[4]*(P[1][13] + P[0][13]*SF[6] + P[2][13]*SF[5] + P[3][13]*SF[9] + P[11][13]*SPP[6] - P[12][13]*SPP[7] - (P[10][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][5] = P[1][5] + P[0][5]*SF[6] + P[2][5]*SF[5] + P[3][5]*SF[9] + P[11][5]*SPP[6] - P[12][5]*SPP[7] - (P[10][5]*q0)/2 + SF[2]*(P[1][0] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[1][2] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2) + SF[3]*(P[1][3] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2) - SPP[0]*(P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2) + SPP[3]*(P[1][13] + P[0][13]*SF[6] + P[2][13]*SF[5] + P[3][13]*SF[9] + P[11][13]*SPP[6] - P[12][13]*SPP[7] - (P[10][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][6] = P[1][6] + P[0][6]*SF[6] + P[2][6]*SF[5] + P[3][6]*SF[9] + P[11][6]*SPP[6] - P[12][6]*SPP[7] - (P[10][6]*q0)/2 + SF[2]*(P[1][1] + P[0][1]*SF[6] + P[2][1]*SF[5] + P[3][1]*SF[9] + P[11][1]*SPP[6] - P[12][1]*SPP[7] - (P[10][1]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[1][3] + P[0][3]*SF[6] + P[2][3]*SF[5] + P[3][3]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SPP[6] - P[12][3]*SPP[7] - (P[10][3]*q0)/2) + SPP[0]*(P[1][0] + P[0][0]*SF[6] + P[2][0]*SF[5] + P[3][0]*SF[9] + P[11][0]*SPP[6] - P[12][0]*SPP[7] - (P[10][0]*q0)/2) - SPP[1]*(P[1][2] + P[0][2]*SF[6] + P[2][2]*SF[5] + P[3][2]*SF[9] + P[11][2]*SPP[6] - P[12][2]*SPP[7] - (P[10][2]*q0)/2) - (sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))*(P[1][13] + P[0][13]*SF[6] + P[2][13]*SF[5] + P[3][13]*SF[9] + P[11][13]*SPP[6] - P[12][13]*SPP[7] - (P[10][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][7] = P[1][7] + P[0][7]*SF[6] + P[2][7]*SF[5] + P[3][7]*SF[9] + P[11][7]*SPP[6] - P[12][7]*SPP[7] - (P[10][7]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[1][4] + P[0][4]*SF[6] + P[2][4]*SF[5] + P[3][4]*SF[9] + P[11][4]*SPP[6] - P[12][4]*SPP[7] - (P[10][4]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][8] = P[1][8] + P[0][8]*SF[6] + P[2][8]*SF[5] + P[3][8]*SF[9] + P[11][8]*SPP[6] - P[12][8]*SPP[7] - (P[10][8]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[1][5] + P[0][5]*SF[6] + P[2][5]*SF[5] + P[3][5]*SF[9] + P[11][5]*SPP[6] - P[12][5]*SPP[7] - (P[10][5]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][9] = P[1][9] + P[0][9]*SF[6] + P[2][9]*SF[5] + P[3][9]*SF[9] + P[11][9]*SPP[6] - P[12][9]*SPP[7] - (P[10][9]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[1][6] + P[0][6]*SF[6] + P[2][6]*SF[5] + P[3][6]*SF[9] + P[11][6]*SPP[6] - P[12][6]*SPP[7] - (P[10][6]*q0)/2);
nextP[1][10] = P[1][10] + P[0][10]*SF[6] + P[2][10]*SF[5] + P[3][10]*SF[9] + P[11][10]*SPP[6] - P[12][10]*SPP[7] - (P[10][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][11] = P[1][11] + P[0][11]*SF[6] + P[2][11]*SF[5] + P[3][11]*SF[9] + P[11][11]*SPP[6] - P[12][11]*SPP[7] - (P[10][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][12] = P[1][12] + P[0][12]*SF[6] + P[2][12]*SF[5] + P[3][12]*SF[9] + P[11][12]*SPP[6] - P[12][12]*SPP[7] - (P[10][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][13] = P[1][13] + P[0][13]*SF[6] + P[2][13]*SF[5] + P[3][13]*SF[9] + P[11][13]*SPP[6] - P[12][13]*SPP[7] - (P[10][13]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][14] = P[1][14] + P[0][14]*SF[6] + P[2][14]*SF[5] + P[3][14]*SF[9] + P[11][14]*SPP[6] - P[12][14]*SPP[7] - (P[10][14]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][15] = P[1][15] + P[0][15]*SF[6] + P[2][15]*SF[5] + P[3][15]*SF[9] + P[11][15]*SPP[6] - P[12][15]*SPP[7] - (P[10][15]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][16] = P[1][16] + P[0][16]*SF[6] + P[2][16]*SF[5] + P[3][16]*SF[9] + P[11][16]*SPP[6] - P[12][16]*SPP[7] - (P[10][16]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][17] = P[1][17] + P[0][17]*SF[6] + P[2][17]*SF[5] + P[3][17]*SF[9] + P[11][17]*SPP[6] - P[12][17]*SPP[7] - (P[10][17]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][18] = P[1][18] + P[0][18]*SF[6] + P[2][18]*SF[5] + P[3][18]*SF[9] + P[11][18]*SPP[6] - P[12][18]*SPP[7] - (P[10][18]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][19] = P[1][19] + P[0][19]*SF[6] + P[2][19]*SF[5] + P[3][19]*SF[9] + P[11][19]*SPP[6] - P[12][19]*SPP[7] - (P[10][19]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][20] = P[1][20] + P[0][20]*SF[6] + P[2][20]*SF[5] + P[3][20]*SF[9] + P[11][20]*SPP[6] - P[12][20]*SPP[7] - (P[10][20]*q0)/2;
nextP[1][21] = P[1][21] + P[0][21]*SF[6] + P[2][21]*SF[5] + P[3][21]*SF[9] + P[11][21]*SPP[6] - P[12][21]*SPP[7] - (P[10][21]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][0] = P[2][0] + SQ[7] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2 + SF[7]*(P[2][1] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2) + SF[9]*(P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] - (P[11][2]*q0)/2) + SF[8]*(P[2][3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2) + SF[11]*(P[2][10] + P[0][10]*SF[4] + P[1][10]*SF[8] + P[3][10]*SF[6] + P[12][10]*SF[11] - P[10][10]*SPP[6] - (P[11][10]*q0)/2) + SPP[7]*(P[2][11] + P[0][11]*SF[4] + P[1][11]*SF[8] + P[3][11]*SF[6] + P[12][11]*SF[11] - P[10][11]*SPP[6] - (P[11][11]*q0)/2) + SPP[6]*(P[2][12] + P[0][12]*SF[4] + P[1][12]*SF[8] + P[3][12]*SF[6] + P[12][12]*SF[11] - P[10][12]*SPP[6] - (P[11][12]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][1] = P[2][1] + SQ[5] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2 + SF[6]*(P[2][0] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2) + SF[5]*(P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] - (P[11][2]*q0)/2) + SF[9]*(P[2][3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2) + SPP[6]*(P[2][11] + P[0][11]*SF[4] + P[1][11]*SF[8] + P[3][11]*SF[6] + P[12][11]*SF[11] - P[10][11]*SPP[6] - (P[11][11]*q0)/2) - SPP[7]*(P[2][12] + P[0][12]*SF[4] + P[1][12]*SF[8] + P[3][12]*SF[6] + P[12][12]*SF[11] - P[10][12]*SPP[6] - (P[11][12]*q0)/2) - (q0*(P[2][10] + P[0][10]*SF[4] + P[1][10]*SF[8] + P[3][10]*SF[6] + P[12][10]*SF[11] - P[10][10]*SPP[6] - (P[11][10]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[2][2] = P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] + dayCov*SQ[9] + (dazCov*SQ[10])/4 - (P[11][2]*q0)/2 + SF[4]*(P[2][0] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2) + SF[8]*(P[2][1] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2) + SF[6]*(P[2][3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2) + SF[11]*(P[2][12] + P[0][12]*SF[4] + P[1][12]*SF[8] + P[3][12]*SF[6] + P[12][12]*SF[11] - P[10][12]*SPP[6] - (P[11][12]*q0)/2) - SPP[6]*(P[2][10] + P[0][10]*SF[4] + P[1][10]*SF[8] + P[3][10]*SF[6] + P[12][10]*SF[11] - P[10][10]*SPP[6] - (P[11][10]*q0)/2) + (daxCov*sq(q3))/4 - (q0*(P[2][11] + P[0][11]*SF[4] + P[1][11]*SF[8] + P[3][11]*SF[6] + P[12][11]*SF[11] - P[10][11]*SPP[6] - (P[11][11]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[2][3] = P[2][3] + SQ[3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2 + SF[5]*(P[2][0] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2) + SF[4]*(P[2][1] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2) + SF[7]*(P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] - (P[11][2]*q0)/2) - SF[11]*(P[2][11] + P[0][11]*SF[4] + P[1][11]*SF[8] + P[3][11]*SF[6] + P[12][11]*SF[11] - P[10][11]*SPP[6] - (P[11][11]*q0)/2) + SPP[7]*(P[2][10] + P[0][10]*SF[4] + P[1][10]*SF[8] + P[3][10]*SF[6] + P[12][10]*SF[11] - P[10][10]*SPP[6] - (P[11][10]*q0)/2) - (q0*(P[2][12] + P[0][12]*SF[4] + P[1][12]*SF[8] + P[3][12]*SF[6] + P[12][12]*SF[11] - P[10][12]*SPP[6] - (P[11][12]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[2][4] = P[2][4] + P[0][4]*SF[4] + P[1][4]*SF[8] + P[3][4]*SF[6] + P[12][4]*SF[11] - P[10][4]*SPP[6] - (P[11][4]*q0)/2 + SF[3]*(P[2][0] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[2][1] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2) + SPP[0]*(P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] - (P[11][2]*q0)/2) - SPP[2]*(P[2][3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2) - SPP[4]*(P[2][13] + P[0][13]*SF[4] + P[1][13]*SF[8] + P[3][13]*SF[6] + P[12][13]*SF[11] - P[10][13]*SPP[6] - (P[11][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][5] = P[2][5] + P[0][5]*SF[4] + P[1][5]*SF[8] + P[3][5]*SF[6] + P[12][5]*SF[11] - P[10][5]*SPP[6] - (P[11][5]*q0)/2 + SF[2]*(P[2][0] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] - (P[11][2]*q0)/2) + SF[3]*(P[2][3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2) - SPP[0]*(P[2][1] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2) + SPP[3]*(P[2][13] + P[0][13]*SF[4] + P[1][13]*SF[8] + P[3][13]*SF[6] + P[12][13]*SF[11] - P[10][13]*SPP[6] - (P[11][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][6] = P[2][6] + P[0][6]*SF[4] + P[1][6]*SF[8] + P[3][6]*SF[6] + P[12][6]*SF[11] - P[10][6]*SPP[6] - (P[11][6]*q0)/2 + SF[2]*(P[2][1] + P[0][1]*SF[4] + P[1][1]*SF[8] + P[3][1]*SF[6] + P[12][1]*SF[11] - P[10][1]*SPP[6] - (P[11][1]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[2][3] + P[0][3]*SF[4] + P[1][3]*SF[8] + P[3][3]*SF[6] + P[12][3]*SF[11] - P[10][3]*SPP[6] - (P[11][3]*q0)/2) + SPP[0]*(P[2][0] + P[0][0]*SF[4] + P[1][0]*SF[8] + P[3][0]*SF[6] + P[12][0]*SF[11] - P[10][0]*SPP[6] - (P[11][0]*q0)/2) - SPP[1]*(P[2][2] + P[0][2]*SF[4] + P[1][2]*SF[8] + P[3][2]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[11] - P[10][2]*SPP[6] - (P[11][2]*q0)/2) - (sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))*(P[2][13] + P[0][13]*SF[4] + P[1][13]*SF[8] + P[3][13]*SF[6] + P[12][13]*SF[11] - P[10][13]*SPP[6] - (P[11][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][7] = P[2][7] + P[0][7]*SF[4] + P[1][7]*SF[8] + P[3][7]*SF[6] + P[12][7]*SF[11] - P[10][7]*SPP[6] - (P[11][7]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[2][4] + P[0][4]*SF[4] + P[1][4]*SF[8] + P[3][4]*SF[6] + P[12][4]*SF[11] - P[10][4]*SPP[6] - (P[11][4]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][8] = P[2][8] + P[0][8]*SF[4] + P[1][8]*SF[8] + P[3][8]*SF[6] + P[12][8]*SF[11] - P[10][8]*SPP[6] - (P[11][8]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[2][5] + P[0][5]*SF[4] + P[1][5]*SF[8] + P[3][5]*SF[6] + P[12][5]*SF[11] - P[10][5]*SPP[6] - (P[11][5]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][9] = P[2][9] + P[0][9]*SF[4] + P[1][9]*SF[8] + P[3][9]*SF[6] + P[12][9]*SF[11] - P[10][9]*SPP[6] - (P[11][9]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[2][6] + P[0][6]*SF[4] + P[1][6]*SF[8] + P[3][6]*SF[6] + P[12][6]*SF[11] - P[10][6]*SPP[6] - (P[11][6]*q0)/2);
nextP[2][10] = P[2][10] + P[0][10]*SF[4] + P[1][10]*SF[8] + P[3][10]*SF[6] + P[12][10]*SF[11] - P[10][10]*SPP[6] - (P[11][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][11] = P[2][11] + P[0][11]*SF[4] + P[1][11]*SF[8] + P[3][11]*SF[6] + P[12][11]*SF[11] - P[10][11]*SPP[6] - (P[11][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][12] = P[2][12] + P[0][12]*SF[4] + P[1][12]*SF[8] + P[3][12]*SF[6] + P[12][12]*SF[11] - P[10][12]*SPP[6] - (P[11][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][13] = P[2][13] + P[0][13]*SF[4] + P[1][13]*SF[8] + P[3][13]*SF[6] + P[12][13]*SF[11] - P[10][13]*SPP[6] - (P[11][13]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][14] = P[2][14] + P[0][14]*SF[4] + P[1][14]*SF[8] + P[3][14]*SF[6] + P[12][14]*SF[11] - P[10][14]*SPP[6] - (P[11][14]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][15] = P[2][15] + P[0][15]*SF[4] + P[1][15]*SF[8] + P[3][15]*SF[6] + P[12][15]*SF[11] - P[10][15]*SPP[6] - (P[11][15]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][16] = P[2][16] + P[0][16]*SF[4] + P[1][16]*SF[8] + P[3][16]*SF[6] + P[12][16]*SF[11] - P[10][16]*SPP[6] - (P[11][16]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][17] = P[2][17] + P[0][17]*SF[4] + P[1][17]*SF[8] + P[3][17]*SF[6] + P[12][17]*SF[11] - P[10][17]*SPP[6] - (P[11][17]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][18] = P[2][18] + P[0][18]*SF[4] + P[1][18]*SF[8] + P[3][18]*SF[6] + P[12][18]*SF[11] - P[10][18]*SPP[6] - (P[11][18]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][19] = P[2][19] + P[0][19]*SF[4] + P[1][19]*SF[8] + P[3][19]*SF[6] + P[12][19]*SF[11] - P[10][19]*SPP[6] - (P[11][19]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][20] = P[2][20] + P[0][20]*SF[4] + P[1][20]*SF[8] + P[3][20]*SF[6] + P[12][20]*SF[11] - P[10][20]*SPP[6] - (P[11][20]*q0)/2;
nextP[2][21] = P[2][21] + P[0][21]*SF[4] + P[1][21]*SF[8] + P[3][21]*SF[6] + P[12][21]*SF[11] - P[10][21]*SPP[6] - (P[11][21]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][0] = P[3][0] + SQ[6] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2 + SF[7]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2) + SF[9]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2) + SF[8]*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2) + SF[11]*(P[3][10] + P[0][10]*SF[5] + P[1][10]*SF[4] + P[2][10]*SF[7] - P[11][10]*SF[11] + P[10][10]*SPP[7] - (P[12][10]*q0)/2) + SPP[7]*(P[3][11] + P[0][11]*SF[5] + P[1][11]*SF[4] + P[2][11]*SF[7] - P[11][11]*SF[11] + P[10][11]*SPP[7] - (P[12][11]*q0)/2) + SPP[6]*(P[3][12] + P[0][12]*SF[5] + P[1][12]*SF[4] + P[2][12]*SF[7] - P[11][12]*SF[11] + P[10][12]*SPP[7] - (P[12][12]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][1] = P[3][1] + SQ[4] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2 + SF[6]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2) + SF[5]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2) + SF[9]*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2) + SPP[6]*(P[3][11] + P[0][11]*SF[5] + P[1][11]*SF[4] + P[2][11]*SF[7] - P[11][11]*SF[11] + P[10][11]*SPP[7] - (P[12][11]*q0)/2) - SPP[7]*(P[3][12] + P[0][12]*SF[5] + P[1][12]*SF[4] + P[2][12]*SF[7] - P[11][12]*SF[11] + P[10][12]*SPP[7] - (P[12][12]*q0)/2) - (q0*(P[3][10] + P[0][10]*SF[5] + P[1][10]*SF[4] + P[2][10]*SF[7] - P[11][10]*SF[11] + P[10][10]*SPP[7] - (P[12][10]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[3][2] = P[3][2] + SQ[3] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2 + SF[4]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2) + SF[8]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2) + SF[6]*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2) + SF[11]*(P[3][12] + P[0][12]*SF[5] + P[1][12]*SF[4] + P[2][12]*SF[7] - P[11][12]*SF[11] + P[10][12]*SPP[7] - (P[12][12]*q0)/2) - SPP[6]*(P[3][10] + P[0][10]*SF[5] + P[1][10]*SF[4] + P[2][10]*SF[7] - P[11][10]*SF[11] + P[10][10]*SPP[7] - (P[12][10]*q0)/2) - (q0*(P[3][11] + P[0][11]*SF[5] + P[1][11]*SF[4] + P[2][11]*SF[7] - P[11][11]*SF[11] + P[10][11]*SPP[7] - (P[12][11]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[3][3] = P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] + (dayCov*SQ[10])/4 + dazCov*SQ[9] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2 + SF[5]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2) + SF[4]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2) + SF[7]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2) - SF[11]*(P[3][11] + P[0][11]*SF[5] + P[1][11]*SF[4] + P[2][11]*SF[7] - P[11][11]*SF[11] + P[10][11]*SPP[7] - (P[12][11]*q0)/2) + SPP[7]*(P[3][10] + P[0][10]*SF[5] + P[1][10]*SF[4] + P[2][10]*SF[7] - P[11][10]*SF[11] + P[10][10]*SPP[7] - (P[12][10]*q0)/2) + (daxCov*sq(q2))/4 - (q0*(P[3][12] + P[0][12]*SF[5] + P[1][12]*SF[4] + P[2][12]*SF[7] - P[11][12]*SF[11] + P[10][12]*SPP[7] - (P[12][12]*q0)/2))/2;
nextP[3][4] = P[3][4] + P[0][4]*SF[5] + P[1][4]*SF[4] + P[2][4]*SF[7] - P[11][4]*SF[11] + P[10][4]*SPP[7] - (P[12][4]*q0)/2 + SF[3]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2) + SPP[0]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2) - SPP[2]*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2) - SPP[4]*(P[3][13] + P[0][13]*SF[5] + P[1][13]*SF[4] + P[2][13]*SF[7] - P[11][13]*SF[11] + P[10][13]*SPP[7] - (P[12][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][5] = P[3][5] + P[0][5]*SF[5] + P[1][5]*SF[4] + P[2][5]*SF[7] - P[11][5]*SF[11] + P[10][5]*SPP[7] - (P[12][5]*q0)/2 + SF[2]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2) + SF[3]*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2) - SPP[0]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2) + SPP[3]*(P[3][13] + P[0][13]*SF[5] + P[1][13]*SF[4] + P[2][13]*SF[7] - P[11][13]*SF[11] + P[10][13]*SPP[7] - (P[12][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][6] = P[3][6] + P[0][6]*SF[5] + P[1][6]*SF[4] + P[2][6]*SF[7] - P[11][6]*SF[11] + P[10][6]*SPP[7] - (P[12][6]*q0)/2 + SF[2]*(P[3][1] + P[0][1]*SF[5] + P[1][1]*SF[4] + P[2][1]*SF[7] - P[11][1]*SF[11] + P[10][1]*SPP[7] - (P[12][1]*q0)/2) + SF[1]*(P[3][3] + P[0][3]*SF[5] + P[1][3]*SF[4] + P[2][3]*SF[7] - P[11][3]*SF[11] + P[10][3]*SPP[7] - (P[12][3]*q0)/2) + SPP[0]*(P[3][0] + P[0][0]*SF[5] + P[1][0]*SF[4] + P[2][0]*SF[7] - P[11][0]*SF[11] + P[10][0]*SPP[7] - (P[12][0]*q0)/2) - SPP[1]*(P[3][2] + P[0][2]*SF[5] + P[1][2]*SF[4] + P[2][2]*SF[7] - P[11][2]*SF[11] + P[10][2]*SPP[7] - (P[12][2]*q0)/2) - (sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))*(P[3][13] + P[0][13]*SF[5] + P[1][13]*SF[4] + P[2][13]*SF[7] - P[11][13]*SF[11] + P[10][13]*SPP[7] - (P[12][13]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][7] = P[3][7] + P[0][7]*SF[5] + P[1][7]*SF[4] + P[2][7]*SF[7] - P[11][7]*SF[11] + P[10][7]*SPP[7] - (P[12][7]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[3][4] + P[0][4]*SF[5] + P[1][4]*SF[4] + P[2][4]*SF[7] - P[11][4]*SF[11] + P[10][4]*SPP[7] - (P[12][4]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][8] = P[3][8] + P[0][8]*SF[5] + P[1][8]*SF[4] + P[2][8]*SF[7] - P[11][8]*SF[11] + P[10][8]*SPP[7] - (P[12][8]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[3][5] + P[0][5]*SF[5] + P[1][5]*SF[4] + P[2][5]*SF[7] - P[11][5]*SF[11] + P[10][5]*SPP[7] - (P[12][5]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][9] = P[3][9] + P[0][9]*SF[5] + P[1][9]*SF[4] + P[2][9]*SF[7] - P[11][9]*SF[11] + P[10][9]*SPP[7] - (P[12][9]*q0)/2 + dt*(P[3][6] + P[0][6]*SF[5] + P[1][6]*SF[4] + P[2][6]*SF[7] - P[11][6]*SF[11] + P[10][6]*SPP[7] - (P[12][6]*q0)/2);
nextP[3][10] = P[3][10] + P[0][10]*SF[5] + P[1][10]*SF[4] + P[2][10]*SF[7] - P[11][10]*SF[11] + P[10][10]*SPP[7] - (P[12][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][11] = P[3][11] + P[0][11]*SF[5] + P[1][11]*SF[4] + P[2][11]*SF[7] - P[11][11]*SF[11] + P[10][11]*SPP[7] - (P[12][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][12] = P[3][12] + P[0][12]*SF[5] + P[1][12]*SF[4] + P[2][12]*SF[7] - P[11][12]*SF[11] + P[10][12]*SPP[7] - (P[12][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][13] = P[3][13] + P[0][13]*SF[5] + P[1][13]*SF[4] + P[2][13]*SF[7] - P[11][13]*SF[11] + P[10][13]*SPP[7] - (P[12][13]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][14] = P[3][14] + P[0][14]*SF[5] + P[1][14]*SF[4] + P[2][14]*SF[7] - P[11][14]*SF[11] + P[10][14]*SPP[7] - (P[12][14]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][15] = P[3][15] + P[0][15]*SF[5] + P[1][15]*SF[4] + P[2][15]*SF[7] - P[11][15]*SF[11] + P[10][15]*SPP[7] - (P[12][15]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][16] = P[3][16] + P[0][16]*SF[5] + P[1][16]*SF[4] + P[2][16]*SF[7] - P[11][16]*SF[11] + P[10][16]*SPP[7] - (P[12][16]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][17] = P[3][17] + P[0][17]*SF[5] + P[1][17]*SF[4] + P[2][17]*SF[7] - P[11][17]*SF[11] + P[10][17]*SPP[7] - (P[12][17]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][18] = P[3][18] + P[0][18]*SF[5] + P[1][18]*SF[4] + P[2][18]*SF[7] - P[11][18]*SF[11] + P[10][18]*SPP[7] - (P[12][18]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][19] = P[3][19] + P[0][19]*SF[5] + P[1][19]*SF[4] + P[2][19]*SF[7] - P[11][19]*SF[11] + P[10][19]*SPP[7] - (P[12][19]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][20] = P[3][20] + P[0][20]*SF[5] + P[1][20]*SF[4] + P[2][20]*SF[7] - P[11][20]*SF[11] + P[10][20]*SPP[7] - (P[12][20]*q0)/2;
nextP[3][21] = P[3][21] + P[0][21]*SF[5] + P[1][21]*SF[4] + P[2][21]*SF[7] - P[11][21]*SF[11] + P[10][21]*SPP[7] - (P[12][21]*q0)/2;
nextP[4][0] = P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4] + SF[7]*(P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4]) + SF[9]*(P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4]) + SF[8]*(P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4]) + SF[11]*(P[4][10] + P[0][10]*SF[3] + P[1][10]*SF[1] + P[2][10]*SPP[0] - P[3][10]*SPP[2] - P[13][10]*SPP[4]) + SPP[7]*(P[4][11] + P[0][11]*SF[3] + P[1][11]*SF[1] + P[2][11]*SPP[0] - P[3][11]*SPP[2] - P[13][11]*SPP[4]) + SPP[6]*(P[4][12] + P[0][12]*SF[3] + P[1][12]*SF[1] + P[2][12]*SPP[0] - P[3][12]*SPP[2] - P[13][12]*SPP[4]);
nextP[4][1] = P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4] + SF[6]*(P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4]) + SF[5]*(P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4]) + SF[9]*(P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4]) + SPP[6]*(P[4][11] + P[0][11]*SF[3] + P[1][11]*SF[1] + P[2][11]*SPP[0] - P[3][11]*SPP[2] - P[13][11]*SPP[4]) - SPP[7]*(P[4][12] + P[0][12]*SF[3] + P[1][12]*SF[1] + P[2][12]*SPP[0] - P[3][12]*SPP[2] - P[13][12]*SPP[4]) - (q0*(P[4][10] + P[0][10]*SF[3] + P[1][10]*SF[1] + P[2][10]*SPP[0] - P[3][10]*SPP[2] - P[13][10]*SPP[4]))/2;
nextP[4][2] = P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4] + SF[4]*(P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4]) + SF[8]*(P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4]) + SF[6]*(P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4]) + SF[11]*(P[4][12] + P[0][12]*SF[3] + P[1][12]*SF[1] + P[2][12]*SPP[0] - P[3][12]*SPP[2] - P[13][12]*SPP[4]) - SPP[6]*(P[4][10] + P[0][10]*SF[3] + P[1][10]*SF[1] + P[2][10]*SPP[0] - P[3][10]*SPP[2] - P[13][10]*SPP[4]) - (q0*(P[4][11] + P[0][11]*SF[3] + P[1][11]*SF[1] + P[2][11]*SPP[0] - P[3][11]*SPP[2] - P[13][11]*SPP[4]))/2;
nextP[4][3] = P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4] + SF[5]*(P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4]) + SF[4]*(P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4]) + SF[7]*(P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4]) - SF[11]*(P[4][11] + P[0][11]*SF[3] + P[1][11]*SF[1] + P[2][11]*SPP[0] - P[3][11]*SPP[2] - P[13][11]*SPP[4]) + SPP[7]*(P[4][10] + P[0][10]*SF[3] + P[1][10]*SF[1] + P[2][10]*SPP[0] - P[3][10]*SPP[2] - P[13][10]*SPP[4]) - (q0*(P[4][12] + P[0][12]*SF[3] + P[1][12]*SF[1] + P[2][12]*SPP[0] - P[3][12]*SPP[2] - P[13][12]*SPP[4]))/2;
nextP[4][4] = P[4][4] + P[0][4]*SF[3] + P[1][4]*SF[1] + P[2][4]*SPP[0] - P[3][4]*SPP[2] - P[13][4]*SPP[4] + dvyCov*sq(SG[7] - 2*q0*q3) + dvzCov*sq(SG[6] + 2*q0*q2) + SF[3]*(P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4]) + SF[1]*(P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4]) + SPP[0]*(P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4]) - SPP[2]*(P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4]) - SPP[4]*(P[4][13] + P[0][13]*SF[3] + P[1][13]*SF[1] + P[2][13]*SPP[0] - P[3][13]*SPP[2] - P[13][13]*SPP[4]) + dvxCov*sq(SG[1] + SG[2] - SG[3] - SG[4]);
nextP[4][5] = P[4][5] + SQ[2] + P[0][5]*SF[3] + P[1][5]*SF[1] + P[2][5]*SPP[0] - P[3][5]*SPP[2] - P[13][5]*SPP[4] + SF[2]*(P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4]) + SF[1]*(P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4]) + SF[3]*(P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4]) - SPP[0]*(P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4]) + SPP[3]*(P[4][13] + P[0][13]*SF[3] + P[1][13]*SF[1] + P[2][13]*SPP[0] - P[3][13]*SPP[2] - P[13][13]*SPP[4]);
nextP[4][6] = P[4][6] + SQ[1] + P[0][6]*SF[3] + P[1][6]*SF[1] + P[2][6]*SPP[0] - P[3][6]*SPP[2] - P[13][6]*SPP[4] + SF[2]*(P[4][1] + P[0][1]*SF[3] + P[1][1]*SF[1] + P[2][1]*SPP[0] - P[3][1]*SPP[2] - P[13][1]*SPP[4]) + SF[1]*(P[4][3] + P[0][3]*SF[3] + P[1][3]*SF[1] + P[2][3]*SPP[0] - P[3][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][3]*SPP[4]) + SPP[0]*(P[4][0] + P[0][0]*SF[3] + P[1][0]*SF[1] + P[2][0]*SPP[0] - P[3][0]*SPP[2] - P[13][0]*SPP[4]) - SPP[1]*(P[4][2] + P[0][2]*SF[3] + P[1][2]*SF[1] + P[2][2]*SPP[0] - P[3][2]*SPP[2] - P[13][2]*SPP[4]) - (sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))*(P[4][13] + P[0][13]*SF[3] + P[1][13]*SF[1] + P[2][13]*SPP[0] - P[3][13]*SPP[2] - P[13][13]*SPP[4]);
nextP[4][7] = P[4][7] + P[0][7]*SF[3] + P[1][7]*SF[1] + P[2][7]*SPP[0] - P[3][7]*SPP[2] - P[13][7]*SPP[4] + dt*(P[4][4] + P[0][4]*SF[3] + P[1][4]*SF[1] + P[2][4]*SPP[0] - P[3][4]*SPP[2] - P[13][4]*SPP[4]);
nextP[4][8] = P[4][8] + P[0][8]*SF[3] + P[1][8]*SF[1] + P[2][8]*SPP[0] - P[3][8]*SPP[2] - P[13][8]*SPP[4] + dt*(P[4][5] + P[0][5]*SF[3] + P[1][5]*SF[1] + P[2][5]*SPP[0] - P[3][5]*SPP[2] - P[13][5]*SPP[4]);
nextP[4][9] = P[4][9] + P[0][9]*SF[3] + P[1][9]*SF[1] + P[2][9]*SPP[0] - P[3][9]*SPP[2] - P[13][9]*SPP[4] + dt*(P[4][6] + P[0][6]*SF[3] + P[1][6]*SF[1] + P[2][6]*SPP[0] - P[3][6]*SPP[2] - P[13][6]*SPP[4]);
nextP[4][10] = P[4][10] + P[0][10]*SF[3] + P[1][10]*SF[1] + P[2][10]*SPP[0] - P[3][10]*SPP[2] - P[13][10]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][11] = P[4][11] + P[0][11]*SF[3] + P[1][11]*SF[1] + P[2][11]*SPP[0] - P[3][11]*SPP[2] - P[13][11]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][12] = P[4][12] + P[0][12]*SF[3] + P[1][12]*SF[1] + P[2][12]*SPP[0] - P[3][12]*SPP[2] - P[13][12]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][13] = P[4][13] + P[0][13]*SF[3] + P[1][13]*SF[1] + P[2][13]*SPP[0] - P[3][13]*SPP[2] - P[13][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][14] = P[4][14] + P[0][14]*SF[3] + P[1][14]*SF[1] + P[2][14]*SPP[0] - P[3][14]*SPP[2] - P[13][14]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][15] = P[4][15] + P[0][15]*SF[3] + P[1][15]*SF[1] + P[2][15]*SPP[0] - P[3][15]*SPP[2] - P[13][15]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][16] = P[4][16] + P[0][16]*SF[3] + P[1][16]*SF[1] + P[2][16]*SPP[0] - P[3][16]*SPP[2] - P[13][16]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][17] = P[4][17] + P[0][17]*SF[3] + P[1][17]*SF[1] + P[2][17]*SPP[0] - P[3][17]*SPP[2] - P[13][17]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][18] = P[4][18] + P[0][18]*SF[3] + P[1][18]*SF[1] + P[2][18]*SPP[0] - P[3][18]*SPP[2] - P[13][18]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][19] = P[4][19] + P[0][19]*SF[3] + P[1][19]*SF[1] + P[2][19]*SPP[0] - P[3][19]*SPP[2] - P[13][19]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][20] = P[4][20] + P[0][20]*SF[3] + P[1][20]*SF[1] + P[2][20]*SPP[0] - P[3][20]*SPP[2] - P[13][20]*SPP[4];
nextP[4][21] = P[4][21] + P[0][21]*SF[3] + P[1][21]*SF[1] + P[2][21]*SPP[0] - P[3][21]*SPP[2] - P[13][21]*SPP[4];
nextP[5][0] = P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3] + SF[7]*(P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3]) + SF[9]*(P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3]) + SF[8]*(P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3]) + SF[11]*(P[5][10] + P[0][10]*SF[2] + P[2][10]*SF[1] + P[3][10]*SF[3] - P[1][10]*SPP[0] + P[13][10]*SPP[3]) + SPP[7]*(P[5][11] + P[0][11]*SF[2] + P[2][11]*SF[1] + P[3][11]*SF[3] - P[1][11]*SPP[0] + P[13][11]*SPP[3]) + SPP[6]*(P[5][12] + P[0][12]*SF[2] + P[2][12]*SF[1] + P[3][12]*SF[3] - P[1][12]*SPP[0] + P[13][12]*SPP[3]);
nextP[5][1] = P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3] + SF[6]*(P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3]) + SF[5]*(P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3]) + SF[9]*(P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3]) + SPP[6]*(P[5][11] + P[0][11]*SF[2] + P[2][11]*SF[1] + P[3][11]*SF[3] - P[1][11]*SPP[0] + P[13][11]*SPP[3]) - SPP[7]*(P[5][12] + P[0][12]*SF[2] + P[2][12]*SF[1] + P[3][12]*SF[3] - P[1][12]*SPP[0] + P[13][12]*SPP[3]) - (q0*(P[5][10] + P[0][10]*SF[2] + P[2][10]*SF[1] + P[3][10]*SF[3] - P[1][10]*SPP[0] + P[13][10]*SPP[3]))/2;
nextP[5][2] = P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3] + SF[4]*(P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3]) + SF[8]*(P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3]) + SF[6]*(P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3]) + SF[11]*(P[5][12] + P[0][12]*SF[2] + P[2][12]*SF[1] + P[3][12]*SF[3] - P[1][12]*SPP[0] + P[13][12]*SPP[3]) - SPP[6]*(P[5][10] + P[0][10]*SF[2] + P[2][10]*SF[1] + P[3][10]*SF[3] - P[1][10]*SPP[0] + P[13][10]*SPP[3]) - (q0*(P[5][11] + P[0][11]*SF[2] + P[2][11]*SF[1] + P[3][11]*SF[3] - P[1][11]*SPP[0] + P[13][11]*SPP[3]))/2;
nextP[5][3] = P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3] + SF[5]*(P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3]) + SF[4]*(P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3]) + SF[7]*(P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3]) - SF[11]*(P[5][11] + P[0][11]*SF[2] + P[2][11]*SF[1] + P[3][11]*SF[3] - P[1][11]*SPP[0] + P[13][11]*SPP[3]) + SPP[7]*(P[5][10] + P[0][10]*SF[2] + P[2][10]*SF[1] + P[3][10]*SF[3] - P[1][10]*SPP[0] + P[13][10]*SPP[3]) - (q0*(P[5][12] + P[0][12]*SF[2] + P[2][12]*SF[1] + P[3][12]*SF[3] - P[1][12]*SPP[0] + P[13][12]*SPP[3]))/2;
nextP[5][4] = P[5][4] + SQ[2] + P[0][4]*SF[2] + P[2][4]*SF[1] + P[3][4]*SF[3] - P[1][4]*SPP[0] + P[13][4]*SPP[3] + SF[3]*(P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3]) + SF[1]*(P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3]) + SPP[0]*(P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3]) - SPP[2]*(P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3]) - SPP[4]*(P[5][13] + P[0][13]*SF[2] + P[2][13]*SF[1] + P[3][13]*SF[3] - P[1][13]*SPP[0] + P[13][13]*SPP[3]);
nextP[5][5] = P[5][5] + P[0][5]*SF[2] + P[2][5]*SF[1] + P[3][5]*SF[3] - P[1][5]*SPP[0] + P[13][5]*SPP[3] + dvxCov*sq(SG[7] + 2*q0*q3) + dvzCov*sq(SG[5] - 2*q0*q1) + SF[2]*(P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3]) + SF[1]*(P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3]) + SF[3]*(P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3]) - SPP[0]*(P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3]) + SPP[3]*(P[5][13] + P[0][13]*SF[2] + P[2][13]*SF[1] + P[3][13]*SF[3] - P[1][13]*SPP[0] + P[13][13]*SPP[3]) + dvyCov*sq(SG[1] - SG[2] + SG[3] - SG[4]);
nextP[5][6] = P[5][6] + SQ[0] + P[0][6]*SF[2] + P[2][6]*SF[1] + P[3][6]*SF[3] - P[1][6]*SPP[0] + P[13][6]*SPP[3] + SF[2]*(P[5][1] + P[0][1]*SF[2] + P[2][1]*SF[1] + P[3][1]*SF[3] - P[1][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][1]*SPP[3]) + SF[1]*(P[5][3] + P[0][3]*SF[2] + P[2][3]*SF[1] + P[3][3]*SF[3] - P[1][3]*SPP[0] + P[13][3]*SPP[3]) + SPP[0]*(P[5][0] + P[0][0]*SF[2] + P[2][0]*SF[1] + P[3][0]*SF[3] - P[1][0]*SPP[0] + P[13][0]*SPP[3]) - SPP[1]*(P[5][2] + P[0][2]*SF[2] + P[2][2]*SF[1] + P[3][2]*SF[3] - P[1][2]*SPP[0] + P[13][2]*SPP[3]) - (sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))*(P[5][13] + P[0][13]*SF[2] + P[2][13]*SF[1] + P[3][13]*SF[3] - P[1][13]*SPP[0] + P[13][13]*SPP[3]);
nextP[5][7] = P[5][7] + P[0][7]*SF[2] + P[2][7]*SF[1] + P[3][7]*SF[3] - P[1][7]*SPP[0] + P[13][7]*SPP[3] + dt*(P[5][4] + P[0][4]*SF[2] + P[2][4]*SF[1] + P[3][4]*SF[3] - P[1][4]*SPP[0] + P[13][4]*SPP[3]);
nextP[5][8] = P[5][8] + P[0][8]*SF[2] + P[2][8]*SF[1] + P[3][8]*SF[3] - P[1][8]*SPP[0] + P[13][8]*SPP[3] + dt*(P[5][5] + P[0][5]*SF[2] + P[2][5]*SF[1] + P[3][5]*SF[3] - P[1][5]*SPP[0] + P[13][5]*SPP[3]);
nextP[5][9] = P[5][9] + P[0][9]*SF[2] + P[2][9]*SF[1] + P[3][9]*SF[3] - P[1][9]*SPP[0] + P[13][9]*SPP[3] + dt*(P[5][6] + P[0][6]*SF[2] + P[2][6]*SF[1] + P[3][6]*SF[3] - P[1][6]*SPP[0] + P[13][6]*SPP[3]);
nextP[5][10] = P[5][10] + P[0][10]*SF[2] + P[2][10]*SF[1] + P[3][10]*SF[3] - P[1][10]*SPP[0] + P[13][10]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][11] = P[5][11] + P[0][11]*SF[2] + P[2][11]*SF[1] + P[3][11]*SF[3] - P[1][11]*SPP[0] + P[13][11]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][12] = P[5][12] + P[0][12]*SF[2] + P[2][12]*SF[1] + P[3][12]*SF[3] - P[1][12]*SPP[0] + P[13][12]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][13] = P[5][13] + P[0][13]*SF[2] + P[2][13]*SF[1] + P[3][13]*SF[3] - P[1][13]*SPP[0] + P[13][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][14] = P[5][14] + P[0][14]*SF[2] + P[2][14]*SF[1] + P[3][14]*SF[3] - P[1][14]*SPP[0] + P[13][14]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][15] = P[5][15] + P[0][15]*SF[2] + P[2][15]*SF[1] + P[3][15]*SF[3] - P[1][15]*SPP[0] + P[13][15]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][16] = P[5][16] + P[0][16]*SF[2] + P[2][16]*SF[1] + P[3][16]*SF[3] - P[1][16]*SPP[0] + P[13][16]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][17] = P[5][17] + P[0][17]*SF[2] + P[2][17]*SF[1] + P[3][17]*SF[3] - P[1][17]*SPP[0] + P[13][17]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][18] = P[5][18] + P[0][18]*SF[2] + P[2][18]*SF[1] + P[3][18]*SF[3] - P[1][18]*SPP[0] + P[13][18]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][19] = P[5][19] + P[0][19]*SF[2] + P[2][19]*SF[1] + P[3][19]*SF[3] - P[1][19]*SPP[0] + P[13][19]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][20] = P[5][20] + P[0][20]*SF[2] + P[2][20]*SF[1] + P[3][20]*SF[3] - P[1][20]*SPP[0] + P[13][20]*SPP[3];
nextP[5][21] = P[5][21] + P[0][21]*SF[2] + P[2][21]*SF[1] + P[3][21]*SF[3] - P[1][21]*SPP[0] + P[13][21]*SPP[3];
nextP[6][0] = P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + SF[7]*(P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[9]*(P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[8]*(P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[11]*(P[6][10] + P[1][10]*SF[2] + P[3][10]*SF[1] + P[0][10]*SPP[0] - P[2][10]*SPP[1] - P[13][10]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[7]*(P[6][11] + P[1][11]*SF[2] + P[3][11]*SF[1] + P[0][11]*SPP[0] - P[2][11]*SPP[1] - P[13][11]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[6]*(P[6][12] + P[1][12]*SF[2] + P[3][12]*SF[1] + P[0][12]*SPP[0] - P[2][12]*SPP[1] - P[13][12]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)));
nextP[6][1] = P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + SF[6]*(P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[5]*(P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[9]*(P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[6]*(P[6][11] + P[1][11]*SF[2] + P[3][11]*SF[1] + P[0][11]*SPP[0] - P[2][11]*SPP[1] - P[13][11]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SPP[7]*(P[6][12] + P[1][12]*SF[2] + P[3][12]*SF[1] + P[0][12]*SPP[0] - P[2][12]*SPP[1] - P[13][12]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - (q0*(P[6][10] + P[1][10]*SF[2] + P[3][10]*SF[1] + P[0][10]*SPP[0] - P[2][10]*SPP[1] - P[13][10]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))))/2;
nextP[6][2] = P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + SF[4]*(P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[8]*(P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[6]*(P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[11]*(P[6][12] + P[1][12]*SF[2] + P[3][12]*SF[1] + P[0][12]*SPP[0] - P[2][12]*SPP[1] - P[13][12]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SPP[6]*(P[6][10] + P[1][10]*SF[2] + P[3][10]*SF[1] + P[0][10]*SPP[0] - P[2][10]*SPP[1] - P[13][10]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - (q0*(P[6][11] + P[1][11]*SF[2] + P[3][11]*SF[1] + P[0][11]*SPP[0] - P[2][11]*SPP[1] - P[13][11]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))))/2;
nextP[6][3] = P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + SF[5]*(P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[4]*(P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[7]*(P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SF[11]*(P[6][11] + P[1][11]*SF[2] + P[3][11]*SF[1] + P[0][11]*SPP[0] - P[2][11]*SPP[1] - P[13][11]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[7]*(P[6][10] + P[1][10]*SF[2] + P[3][10]*SF[1] + P[0][10]*SPP[0] - P[2][10]*SPP[1] - P[13][10]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - (q0*(P[6][12] + P[1][12]*SF[2] + P[3][12]*SF[1] + P[0][12]*SPP[0] - P[2][12]*SPP[1] - P[13][12]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))))/2;
nextP[6][4] = P[6][4] + SQ[1] + P[1][4]*SF[2] + P[3][4]*SF[1] + P[0][4]*SPP[0] - P[2][4]*SPP[1] - P[13][4]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + SF[3]*(P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[1]*(P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[0]*(P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SPP[2]*(P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SPP[4]*(P[6][13] + P[1][13]*SF[2] + P[3][13]*SF[1] + P[0][13]*SPP[0] - P[2][13]*SPP[1] - P[13][13]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)));
nextP[6][5] = P[6][5] + SQ[0] + P[1][5]*SF[2] + P[3][5]*SF[1] + P[0][5]*SPP[0] - P[2][5]*SPP[1] - P[13][5]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + SF[2]*(P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[1]*(P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[3]*(P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SPP[0]*(P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[3]*(P[6][13] + P[1][13]*SF[2] + P[3][13]*SF[1] + P[0][13]*SPP[0] - P[2][13]*SPP[1] - P[13][13]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)));
nextP[6][6] = P[6][6] + P[1][6]*SF[2] + P[3][6]*SF[1] + P[0][6]*SPP[0] - P[2][6]*SPP[1] - P[13][6]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3)) + dvxCov*sq(SG[6] - 2*q0*q2) + dvyCov*sq(SG[5] + 2*q0*q1) - SPP[5]*(P[6][13] + P[1][13]*SF[2] + P[3][13]*SF[1] + P[0][13]*SPP[0] - P[2][13]*SPP[1] - P[13][13]*SPP[5]) + SF[2]*(P[6][1] + P[1][1]*SF[2] + P[3][1]*SF[1] + P[0][1]*SPP[0] - P[2][1]*SPP[1] - P[13][1]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SF[1]*(P[6][3] + P[1][3]*SF[2] + P[3][3]*SF[1] + P[0][3]*SPP[0] - P[2][3]*SPP[1] - P[13][3]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + SPP[0]*(P[6][0] + P[1][0]*SF[2] + P[3][0]*SF[1] + P[0][0]*SPP[0] - P[2][0]*SPP[1] - P[13][0]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) - SPP[1]*(P[6][2] + P[1][2]*SF[2] + P[3][2]*SF[1] + P[0][2]*SPP[0] - P[2][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][2]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) - sq(q2) + sq(q3))) + dvzCov*sq(SG[1] - SG[2] - SG[3] + SG[4]);
nextP[6][7] = P[6][7] + P[1][7]*SF[2] + P[3][7]*SF[1] + P[0][7]*SPP[0] - P[2][7]*SPP[1] - P[13][7]*SPP[5] + dt*(P[6][4] + P[1][4]*SF[2] + P[3][4]*SF[1] + P[0][4]*SPP[0] - P[2][4]*SPP[1] - P[13][4]*SPP[5]);
nextP[6][8] = P[6][8] + P[1][8]*SF[2] + P[3][8]*SF[1] + P[0][8]*SPP[0] - P[2][8]*SPP[1] - P[13][8]*SPP[5] + dt*(P[6][5] + P[1][5]*SF[2] + P[3][5]*SF[1] + P[0][5]*SPP[0] - P[2][5]*SPP[1] - P[13][5]*SPP[5]);
nextP[6][9] = P[6][9] + P[1][9]*SF[2] + P[3][9]*SF[1] + P[0][9]*SPP[0] - P[2][9]*SPP[1] - P[13][9]*SPP[5] + dt*(P[6][6] + P[1][6]*SF[2] + P[3][6]*SF[1] + P[0][6]*SPP[0] - P[2][6]*SPP[1] - P[13][6]*SPP[5]);
nextP[6][10] = P[6][10] + P[1][10]*SF[2] + P[3][10]*SF[1] + P[0][10]*SPP[0] - P[2][10]*SPP[1] - P[13][10]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][11] = P[6][11] + P[1][11]*SF[2] + P[3][11]*SF[1] + P[0][11]*SPP[0] - P[2][11]*SPP[1] - P[13][11]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][12] = P[6][12] + P[1][12]*SF[2] + P[3][12]*SF[1] + P[0][12]*SPP[0] - P[2][12]*SPP[1] - P[13][12]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][13] = P[6][13] + P[1][13]*SF[2] + P[3][13]*SF[1] + P[0][13]*SPP[0] - P[2][13]*SPP[1] - P[13][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][14] = P[6][14] + P[1][14]*SF[2] + P[3][14]*SF[1] + P[0][14]*SPP[0] - P[2][14]*SPP[1] - P[13][14]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][15] = P[6][15] + P[1][15]*SF[2] + P[3][15]*SF[1] + P[0][15]*SPP[0] - P[2][15]*SPP[1] - P[13][15]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][16] = P[6][16] + P[1][16]*SF[2] + P[3][16]*SF[1] + P[0][16]*SPP[0] - P[2][16]*SPP[1] - P[13][16]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][17] = P[6][17] + P[1][17]*SF[2] + P[3][17]*SF[1] + P[0][17]*SPP[0] - P[2][17]*SPP[1] - P[13][17]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][18] = P[6][18] + P[1][18]*SF[2] + P[3][18]*SF[1] + P[0][18]*SPP[0] - P[2][18]*SPP[1] - P[13][18]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][19] = P[6][19] + P[1][19]*SF[2] + P[3][19]*SF[1] + P[0][19]*SPP[0] - P[2][19]*SPP[1] - P[13][19]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][20] = P[6][20] + P[1][20]*SF[2] + P[3][20]*SF[1] + P[0][20]*SPP[0] - P[2][20]*SPP[1] - P[13][20]*SPP[5];
nextP[6][21] = P[6][21] + P[1][21]*SF[2] + P[3][21]*SF[1] + P[0][21]*SPP[0] - P[2][21]*SPP[1] - P[13][21]*SPP[5];
nextP[7][0] = P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt + SF[7]*(P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt) + SF[9]*(P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt) + SF[8]*(P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt) + SF[11]*(P[7][10] + P[4][10]*dt) + SPP[7]*(P[7][11] + P[4][11]*dt) + SPP[6]*(P[7][12] + P[4][12]*dt);
nextP[7][1] = P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt + SF[6]*(P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt) + SF[5]*(P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt) + SF[9]*(P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt) + SPP[6]*(P[7][11] + P[4][11]*dt) - SPP[7]*(P[7][12] + P[4][12]*dt) - (q0*(P[7][10] + P[4][10]*dt))/2;
nextP[7][2] = P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt + SF[4]*(P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt) + SF[8]*(P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt) + SF[6]*(P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt) + SF[11]*(P[7][12] + P[4][12]*dt) - SPP[6]*(P[7][10] + P[4][10]*dt) - (q0*(P[7][11] + P[4][11]*dt))/2;
nextP[7][3] = P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt + SF[5]*(P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt) + SF[4]*(P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt) + SF[7]*(P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt) - SF[11]*(P[7][11] + P[4][11]*dt) + SPP[7]*(P[7][10] + P[4][10]*dt) - (q0*(P[7][12] + P[4][12]*dt))/2;
nextP[7][4] = P[7][4] + P[4][4]*dt + SF[1]*(P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt) + SF[3]*(P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt) + SPP[0]*(P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt) - SPP[2]*(P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt) - SPP[4]*(P[7][13] + P[4][13]*dt);
nextP[7][5] = P[7][5] + P[4][5]*dt + SF[2]*(P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt) + SF[1]*(P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt) + SF[3]*(P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt) - SPP[0]*(P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt) + SPP[3]*(P[7][13] + P[4][13]*dt);
nextP[7][6] = P[7][6] + P[4][6]*dt + SF[2]*(P[7][1] + P[4][1]*dt) + SF[1]*(P[7][3] + P[4][3]*dt) + SPP[0]*(P[7][0] + P[4][0]*dt) - SPP[1]*(P[7][2] + P[4][2]*dt) - SPP[5]*(P[7][13] + P[4][13]*dt);
nextP[7][7] = P[7][7] + P[4][7]*dt + dt*(P[7][4] + P[4][4]*dt);
nextP[7][8] = P[7][8] + P[4][8]*dt + dt*(P[7][5] + P[4][5]*dt);
nextP[7][9] = P[7][9] + P[4][9]*dt + dt*(P[7][6] + P[4][6]*dt);
nextP[7][10] = P[7][10] + P[4][10]*dt;
nextP[7][11] = P[7][11] + P[4][11]*dt;
nextP[7][12] = P[7][12] + P[4][12]*dt;
nextP[7][13] = P[7][13] + P[4][13]*dt;
nextP[7][14] = P[7][14] + P[4][14]*dt;
nextP[7][15] = P[7][15] + P[4][15]*dt;
nextP[7][16] = P[7][16] + P[4][16]*dt;
nextP[7][17] = P[7][17] + P[4][17]*dt;
nextP[7][18] = P[7][18] + P[4][18]*dt;
nextP[7][19] = P[7][19] + P[4][19]*dt;
nextP[7][20] = P[7][20] + P[4][20]*dt;
nextP[7][21] = P[7][21] + P[4][21]*dt;
nextP[8][0] = P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt + SF[7]*(P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt) + SF[9]*(P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt) + SF[8]*(P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt) + SF[11]*(P[8][10] + P[5][10]*dt) + SPP[7]*(P[8][11] + P[5][11]*dt) + SPP[6]*(P[8][12] + P[5][12]*dt);
nextP[8][1] = P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt + SF[6]*(P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt) + SF[5]*(P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt) + SF[9]*(P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt) + SPP[6]*(P[8][11] + P[5][11]*dt) - SPP[7]*(P[8][12] + P[5][12]*dt) - (q0*(P[8][10] + P[5][10]*dt))/2;
nextP[8][2] = P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt + SF[4]*(P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt) + SF[8]*(P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt) + SF[6]*(P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt) + SF[11]*(P[8][12] + P[5][12]*dt) - SPP[6]*(P[8][10] + P[5][10]*dt) - (q0*(P[8][11] + P[5][11]*dt))/2;
nextP[8][3] = P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt + SF[5]*(P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt) + SF[4]*(P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt) + SF[7]*(P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt) - SF[11]*(P[8][11] + P[5][11]*dt) + SPP[7]*(P[8][10] + P[5][10]*dt) - (q0*(P[8][12] + P[5][12]*dt))/2;
nextP[8][4] = P[8][4] + P[5][4]*dt + SF[1]*(P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt) + SF[3]*(P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt) + SPP[0]*(P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt) - SPP[2]*(P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt) - SPP[4]*(P[8][13] + P[5][13]*dt);
nextP[8][5] = P[8][5] + P[5][5]*dt + SF[2]*(P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt) + SF[1]*(P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt) + SF[3]*(P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt) - SPP[0]*(P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt) + SPP[3]*(P[8][13] + P[5][13]*dt);
nextP[8][6] = P[8][6] + P[5][6]*dt + SF[2]*(P[8][1] + P[5][1]*dt) + SF[1]*(P[8][3] + P[5][3]*dt) + SPP[0]*(P[8][0] + P[5][0]*dt) - SPP[1]*(P[8][2] + P[5][2]*dt) - SPP[5]*(P[8][13] + P[5][13]*dt);
nextP[8][7] = P[8][7] + P[5][7]*dt + dt*(P[8][4] + P[5][4]*dt);
nextP[8][8] = P[8][8] + P[5][8]*dt + dt*(P[8][5] + P[5][5]*dt);
nextP[8][9] = P[8][9] + P[5][9]*dt + dt*(P[8][6] + P[5][6]*dt);
nextP[8][10] = P[8][10] + P[5][10]*dt;
nextP[8][11] = P[8][11] + P[5][11]*dt;
nextP[8][12] = P[8][12] + P[5][12]*dt;
nextP[8][13] = P[8][13] + P[5][13]*dt;
nextP[8][14] = P[8][14] + P[5][14]*dt;
nextP[8][15] = P[8][15] + P[5][15]*dt;
nextP[8][16] = P[8][16] + P[5][16]*dt;
nextP[8][17] = P[8][17] + P[5][17]*dt;
nextP[8][18] = P[8][18] + P[5][18]*dt;
nextP[8][19] = P[8][19] + P[5][19]*dt;
nextP[8][20] = P[8][20] + P[5][20]*dt;
nextP[8][21] = P[8][21] + P[5][21]*dt;
nextP[9][0] = P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt + SF[7]*(P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt) + SF[9]*(P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt) + SF[8]*(P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt) + SF[11]*(P[9][10] + P[6][10]*dt) + SPP[7]*(P[9][11] + P[6][11]*dt) + SPP[6]*(P[9][12] + P[6][12]*dt);
nextP[9][1] = P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt + SF[6]*(P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt) + SF[5]*(P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt) + SF[9]*(P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt) + SPP[6]*(P[9][11] + P[6][11]*dt) - SPP[7]*(P[9][12] + P[6][12]*dt) - (q0*(P[9][10] + P[6][10]*dt))/2;
nextP[9][2] = P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt + SF[4]*(P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt) + SF[8]*(P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt) + SF[6]*(P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt) + SF[11]*(P[9][12] + P[6][12]*dt) - SPP[6]*(P[9][10] + P[6][10]*dt) - (q0*(P[9][11] + P[6][11]*dt))/2;
nextP[9][3] = P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt + SF[5]*(P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt) + SF[4]*(P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt) + SF[7]*(P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt) - SF[11]*(P[9][11] + P[6][11]*dt) + SPP[7]*(P[9][10] + P[6][10]*dt) - (q0*(P[9][12] + P[6][12]*dt))/2;
nextP[9][4] = P[9][4] + P[6][4]*dt + SF[1]*(P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt) + SF[3]*(P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt) + SPP[0]*(P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt) - SPP[2]*(P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt) - SPP[4]*(P[9][13] + P[6][13]*dt);
nextP[9][5] = P[9][5] + P[6][5]*dt + SF[2]*(P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt) + SF[1]*(P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt) + SF[3]*(P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt) - SPP[0]*(P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt) + SPP[3]*(P[9][13] + P[6][13]*dt);
nextP[9][6] = P[9][6] + P[6][6]*dt + SF[2]*(P[9][1] + P[6][1]*dt) + SF[1]*(P[9][3] + P[6][3]*dt) + SPP[0]*(P[9][0] + P[6][0]*dt) - SPP[1]*(P[9][2] + P[6][2]*dt) - SPP[5]*(P[9][13] + P[6][13]*dt);
nextP[9][7] = P[9][7] + P[6][7]*dt + dt*(P[9][4] + P[6][4]*dt);
nextP[9][8] = P[9][8] + P[6][8]*dt + dt*(P[9][5] + P[6][5]*dt);
nextP[9][9] = P[9][9] + P[6][9]*dt + dt*(P[9][6] + P[6][6]*dt);
nextP[9][10] = P[9][10] + P[6][10]*dt;
nextP[9][11] = P[9][11] + P[6][11]*dt;
nextP[9][12] = P[9][12] + P[6][12]*dt;
nextP[9][13] = P[9][13] + P[6][13]*dt;
nextP[9][14] = P[9][14] + P[6][14]*dt;
nextP[9][15] = P[9][15] + P[6][15]*dt;
nextP[9][16] = P[9][16] + P[6][16]*dt;
nextP[9][17] = P[9][17] + P[6][17]*dt;
nextP[9][18] = P[9][18] + P[6][18]*dt;
nextP[9][19] = P[9][19] + P[6][19]*dt;
nextP[9][20] = P[9][20] + P[6][20]*dt;
nextP[9][21] = P[9][21] + P[6][21]*dt;
nextP[10][0] = P[10][0] + P[10][1]*SF[7] + P[10][2]*SF[9] + P[10][3]*SF[8] + P[10][10]*SF[11] + P[10][11]*SPP[7] + P[10][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[10][1] = P[10][1] + P[10][0]*SF[6] + P[10][2]*SF[5] + P[10][3]*SF[9] + P[10][11]*SPP[6] - P[10][12]*SPP[7] - (P[10][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[10][2] = P[10][2] + P[10][0]*SF[4] + P[10][1]*SF[8] + P[10][3]*SF[6] + P[10][12]*SF[11] - P[10][10]*SPP[6] - (P[10][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[10][3] = P[10][3] + P[10][0]*SF[5] + P[10][1]*SF[4] + P[10][2]*SF[7] - P[10][11]*SF[11] + P[10][10]*SPP[7] - (P[10][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[10][4] = P[10][4] + P[10][1]*SF[1] + P[10][0]*SF[3] + P[10][2]*SPP[0] - P[10][3]*SPP[2] - P[10][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[10][5] = P[10][5] + P[10][0]*SF[2] + P[10][2]*SF[1] + P[10][3]*SF[3] - P[10][1]*SPP[0] + P[10][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[10][6] = P[10][6] + P[10][1]*SF[2] + P[10][3]*SF[1] + P[10][0]*SPP[0] - P[10][2]*SPP[1] - P[10][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[10][7] = P[10][7] + P[10][4]*dt;
nextP[10][8] = P[10][8] + P[10][5]*dt;
nextP[10][9] = P[10][9] + P[10][6]*dt;
nextP[10][10] = P[10][10];
nextP[10][11] = P[10][11];
nextP[10][12] = P[10][12];
nextP[10][13] = P[10][13];
nextP[10][14] = P[10][14];
nextP[10][15] = P[10][15];
nextP[10][16] = P[10][16];
nextP[10][17] = P[10][17];
nextP[10][18] = P[10][18];
nextP[10][19] = P[10][19];
nextP[10][20] = P[10][20];
nextP[10][21] = P[10][21];
nextP[11][0] = P[11][0] + P[11][1]*SF[7] + P[11][2]*SF[9] + P[11][3]*SF[8] + P[11][10]*SF[11] + P[11][11]*SPP[7] + P[11][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[11][1] = P[11][1] + P[11][0]*SF[6] + P[11][2]*SF[5] + P[11][3]*SF[9] + P[11][11]*SPP[6] - P[11][12]*SPP[7] - (P[11][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[11][2] = P[11][2] + P[11][0]*SF[4] + P[11][1]*SF[8] + P[11][3]*SF[6] + P[11][12]*SF[11] - P[11][10]*SPP[6] - (P[11][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[11][3] = P[11][3] + P[11][0]*SF[5] + P[11][1]*SF[4] + P[11][2]*SF[7] - P[11][11]*SF[11] + P[11][10]*SPP[7] - (P[11][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[11][4] = P[11][4] + P[11][1]*SF[1] + P[11][0]*SF[3] + P[11][2]*SPP[0] - P[11][3]*SPP[2] - P[11][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[11][5] = P[11][5] + P[11][0]*SF[2] + P[11][2]*SF[1] + P[11][3]*SF[3] - P[11][1]*SPP[0] + P[11][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[11][6] = P[11][6] + P[11][1]*SF[2] + P[11][3]*SF[1] + P[11][0]*SPP[0] - P[11][2]*SPP[1] - P[11][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[11][7] = P[11][7] + P[11][4]*dt;
nextP[11][8] = P[11][8] + P[11][5]*dt;
nextP[11][9] = P[11][9] + P[11][6]*dt;
nextP[11][10] = P[11][10];
nextP[11][11] = P[11][11];
nextP[11][12] = P[11][12];
nextP[11][13] = P[11][13];
nextP[11][14] = P[11][14];
nextP[11][15] = P[11][15];
nextP[11][16] = P[11][16];
nextP[11][17] = P[11][17];
nextP[11][18] = P[11][18];
nextP[11][19] = P[11][19];
nextP[11][20] = P[11][20];
nextP[11][21] = P[11][21];
nextP[12][0] = P[12][0] + P[12][1]*SF[7] + P[12][2]*SF[9] + P[12][3]*SF[8] + P[12][10]*SF[11] + P[12][11]*SPP[7] + P[12][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[12][1] = P[12][1] + P[12][0]*SF[6] + P[12][2]*SF[5] + P[12][3]*SF[9] + P[12][11]*SPP[6] - P[12][12]*SPP[7] - (P[12][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[12][2] = P[12][2] + P[12][0]*SF[4] + P[12][1]*SF[8] + P[12][3]*SF[6] + P[12][12]*SF[11] - P[12][10]*SPP[6] - (P[12][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[12][3] = P[12][3] + P[12][0]*SF[5] + P[12][1]*SF[4] + P[12][2]*SF[7] - P[12][11]*SF[11] + P[12][10]*SPP[7] - (P[12][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[12][4] = P[12][4] + P[12][1]*SF[1] + P[12][0]*SF[3] + P[12][2]*SPP[0] - P[12][3]*SPP[2] - P[12][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[12][5] = P[12][5] + P[12][0]*SF[2] + P[12][2]*SF[1] + P[12][3]*SF[3] - P[12][1]*SPP[0] + P[12][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[12][6] = P[12][6] + P[12][1]*SF[2] + P[12][3]*SF[1] + P[12][0]*SPP[0] - P[12][2]*SPP[1] - P[12][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[12][7] = P[12][7] + P[12][4]*dt;
nextP[12][8] = P[12][8] + P[12][5]*dt;
nextP[12][9] = P[12][9] + P[12][6]*dt;
nextP[12][10] = P[12][10];
nextP[12][11] = P[12][11];
nextP[12][12] = P[12][12];
nextP[12][13] = P[12][13];
nextP[12][14] = P[12][14];
nextP[12][15] = P[12][15];
nextP[12][16] = P[12][16];
nextP[12][17] = P[12][17];
nextP[12][18] = P[12][18];
nextP[12][19] = P[12][19];
nextP[12][20] = P[12][20];
nextP[12][21] = P[12][21];
nextP[13][0] = P[13][0] + P[13][1]*SF[7] + P[13][2]*SF[9] + P[13][3]*SF[8] + P[13][10]*SF[11] + P[13][11]*SPP[7] + P[13][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[13][1] = P[13][1] + P[13][0]*SF[6] + P[13][2]*SF[5] + P[13][3]*SF[9] + P[13][11]*SPP[6] - P[13][12]*SPP[7] - (P[13][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[13][2] = P[13][2] + P[13][0]*SF[4] + P[13][1]*SF[8] + P[13][3]*SF[6] + P[13][12]*SF[11] - P[13][10]*SPP[6] - (P[13][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[13][3] = P[13][3] + P[13][0]*SF[5] + P[13][1]*SF[4] + P[13][2]*SF[7] - P[13][11]*SF[11] + P[13][10]*SPP[7] - (P[13][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[13][4] = P[13][4] + P[13][1]*SF[1] + P[13][0]*SF[3] + P[13][2]*SPP[0] - P[13][3]*SPP[2] - P[13][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[13][5] = P[13][5] + P[13][0]*SF[2] + P[13][2]*SF[1] + P[13][3]*SF[3] - P[13][1]*SPP[0] + P[13][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[13][6] = P[13][6] + P[13][1]*SF[2] + P[13][3]*SF[1] + P[13][0]*SPP[0] - P[13][2]*SPP[1] - P[13][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[13][7] = P[13][7] + P[13][4]*dt;
nextP[13][8] = P[13][8] + P[13][5]*dt;
nextP[13][9] = P[13][9] + P[13][6]*dt;
nextP[13][10] = P[13][10];
nextP[13][11] = P[13][11];
nextP[13][12] = P[13][12];
nextP[13][13] = P[13][13];
nextP[13][14] = P[13][14];
nextP[13][15] = P[13][15];
nextP[13][16] = P[13][16];
nextP[13][17] = P[13][17];
nextP[13][18] = P[13][18];
nextP[13][19] = P[13][19];
nextP[13][20] = P[13][20];
nextP[13][21] = P[13][21];
nextP[14][0] = P[14][0] + P[14][1]*SF[7] + P[14][2]*SF[9] + P[14][3]*SF[8] + P[14][10]*SF[11] + P[14][11]*SPP[7] + P[14][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[14][1] = P[14][1] + P[14][0]*SF[6] + P[14][2]*SF[5] + P[14][3]*SF[9] + P[14][11]*SPP[6] - P[14][12]*SPP[7] - (P[14][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[14][2] = P[14][2] + P[14][0]*SF[4] + P[14][1]*SF[8] + P[14][3]*SF[6] + P[14][12]*SF[11] - P[14][10]*SPP[6] - (P[14][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[14][3] = P[14][3] + P[14][0]*SF[5] + P[14][1]*SF[4] + P[14][2]*SF[7] - P[14][11]*SF[11] + P[14][10]*SPP[7] - (P[14][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[14][4] = P[14][4] + P[14][1]*SF[1] + P[14][0]*SF[3] + P[14][2]*SPP[0] - P[14][3]*SPP[2] - P[14][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[14][5] = P[14][5] + P[14][0]*SF[2] + P[14][2]*SF[1] + P[14][3]*SF[3] - P[14][1]*SPP[0] + P[14][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[14][6] = P[14][6] + P[14][1]*SF[2] + P[14][3]*SF[1] + P[14][0]*SPP[0] - P[14][2]*SPP[1] - P[14][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[14][7] = P[14][7] + P[14][4]*dt;
nextP[14][8] = P[14][8] + P[14][5]*dt;
nextP[14][9] = P[14][9] + P[14][6]*dt;
nextP[14][10] = P[14][10];
nextP[14][11] = P[14][11];
nextP[14][12] = P[14][12];
nextP[14][13] = P[14][13];
nextP[14][14] = P[14][14];
nextP[14][15] = P[14][15];
nextP[14][16] = P[14][16];
nextP[14][17] = P[14][17];
nextP[14][18] = P[14][18];
nextP[14][19] = P[14][19];
nextP[14][20] = P[14][20];
nextP[14][21] = P[14][21];
nextP[15][0] = P[15][0] + P[15][1]*SF[7] + P[15][2]*SF[9] + P[15][3]*SF[8] + P[15][10]*SF[11] + P[15][11]*SPP[7] + P[15][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[15][1] = P[15][1] + P[15][0]*SF[6] + P[15][2]*SF[5] + P[15][3]*SF[9] + P[15][11]*SPP[6] - P[15][12]*SPP[7] - (P[15][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[15][2] = P[15][2] + P[15][0]*SF[4] + P[15][1]*SF[8] + P[15][3]*SF[6] + P[15][12]*SF[11] - P[15][10]*SPP[6] - (P[15][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[15][3] = P[15][3] + P[15][0]*SF[5] + P[15][1]*SF[4] + P[15][2]*SF[7] - P[15][11]*SF[11] + P[15][10]*SPP[7] - (P[15][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[15][4] = P[15][4] + P[15][1]*SF[1] + P[15][0]*SF[3] + P[15][2]*SPP[0] - P[15][3]*SPP[2] - P[15][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[15][5] = P[15][5] + P[15][0]*SF[2] + P[15][2]*SF[1] + P[15][3]*SF[3] - P[15][1]*SPP[0] + P[15][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[15][6] = P[15][6] + P[15][1]*SF[2] + P[15][3]*SF[1] + P[15][0]*SPP[0] - P[15][2]*SPP[1] - P[15][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[15][7] = P[15][7] + P[15][4]*dt;
nextP[15][8] = P[15][8] + P[15][5]*dt;
nextP[15][9] = P[15][9] + P[15][6]*dt;
nextP[15][10] = P[15][10];
nextP[15][11] = P[15][11];
nextP[15][12] = P[15][12];
nextP[15][13] = P[15][13];
nextP[15][14] = P[15][14];
nextP[15][15] = P[15][15];
nextP[15][16] = P[15][16];
nextP[15][17] = P[15][17];
nextP[15][18] = P[15][18];
nextP[15][19] = P[15][19];
nextP[15][20] = P[15][20];
nextP[15][21] = P[15][21];
nextP[16][0] = P[16][0] + P[16][1]*SF[7] + P[16][2]*SF[9] + P[16][3]*SF[8] + P[16][10]*SF[11] + P[16][11]*SPP[7] + P[16][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[16][1] = P[16][1] + P[16][0]*SF[6] + P[16][2]*SF[5] + P[16][3]*SF[9] + P[16][11]*SPP[6] - P[16][12]*SPP[7] - (P[16][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[16][2] = P[16][2] + P[16][0]*SF[4] + P[16][1]*SF[8] + P[16][3]*SF[6] + P[16][12]*SF[11] - P[16][10]*SPP[6] - (P[16][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[16][3] = P[16][3] + P[16][0]*SF[5] + P[16][1]*SF[4] + P[16][2]*SF[7] - P[16][11]*SF[11] + P[16][10]*SPP[7] - (P[16][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[16][4] = P[16][4] + P[16][1]*SF[1] + P[16][0]*SF[3] + P[16][2]*SPP[0] - P[16][3]*SPP[2] - P[16][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[16][5] = P[16][5] + P[16][0]*SF[2] + P[16][2]*SF[1] + P[16][3]*SF[3] - P[16][1]*SPP[0] + P[16][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[16][6] = P[16][6] + P[16][1]*SF[2] + P[16][3]*SF[1] + P[16][0]*SPP[0] - P[16][2]*SPP[1] - P[16][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[16][7] = P[16][7] + P[16][4]*dt;
nextP[16][8] = P[16][8] + P[16][5]*dt;
nextP[16][9] = P[16][9] + P[16][6]*dt;
nextP[16][10] = P[16][10];
nextP[16][11] = P[16][11];
nextP[16][12] = P[16][12];
nextP[16][13] = P[16][13];
nextP[16][14] = P[16][14];
nextP[16][15] = P[16][15];
nextP[16][16] = P[16][16];
nextP[16][17] = P[16][17];
nextP[16][18] = P[16][18];
nextP[16][19] = P[16][19];
nextP[16][20] = P[16][20];
nextP[16][21] = P[16][21];
nextP[17][0] = P[17][0] + P[17][1]*SF[7] + P[17][2]*SF[9] + P[17][3]*SF[8] + P[17][10]*SF[11] + P[17][11]*SPP[7] + P[17][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[17][1] = P[17][1] + P[17][0]*SF[6] + P[17][2]*SF[5] + P[17][3]*SF[9] + P[17][11]*SPP[6] - P[17][12]*SPP[7] - (P[17][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[17][2] = P[17][2] + P[17][0]*SF[4] + P[17][1]*SF[8] + P[17][3]*SF[6] + P[17][12]*SF[11] - P[17][10]*SPP[6] - (P[17][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[17][3] = P[17][3] + P[17][0]*SF[5] + P[17][1]*SF[4] + P[17][2]*SF[7] - P[17][11]*SF[11] + P[17][10]*SPP[7] - (P[17][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[17][4] = P[17][4] + P[17][1]*SF[1] + P[17][0]*SF[3] + P[17][2]*SPP[0] - P[17][3]*SPP[2] - P[17][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[17][5] = P[17][5] + P[17][0]*SF[2] + P[17][2]*SF[1] + P[17][3]*SF[3] - P[17][1]*SPP[0] + P[17][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[17][6] = P[17][6] + P[17][1]*SF[2] + P[17][3]*SF[1] + P[17][0]*SPP[0] - P[17][2]*SPP[1] - P[17][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[17][7] = P[17][7] + P[17][4]*dt;
nextP[17][8] = P[17][8] + P[17][5]*dt;
nextP[17][9] = P[17][9] + P[17][6]*dt;
nextP[17][10] = P[17][10];
nextP[17][11] = P[17][11];
nextP[17][12] = P[17][12];
nextP[17][13] = P[17][13];
nextP[17][14] = P[17][14];
nextP[17][15] = P[17][15];
nextP[17][16] = P[17][16];
nextP[17][17] = P[17][17];
nextP[17][18] = P[17][18];
nextP[17][19] = P[17][19];
nextP[17][20] = P[17][20];
nextP[17][21] = P[17][21];
nextP[18][0] = P[18][0] + P[18][1]*SF[7] + P[18][2]*SF[9] + P[18][3]*SF[8] + P[18][10]*SF[11] + P[18][11]*SPP[7] + P[18][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[18][1] = P[18][1] + P[18][0]*SF[6] + P[18][2]*SF[5] + P[18][3]*SF[9] + P[18][11]*SPP[6] - P[18][12]*SPP[7] - (P[18][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[18][2] = P[18][2] + P[18][0]*SF[4] + P[18][1]*SF[8] + P[18][3]*SF[6] + P[18][12]*SF[11] - P[18][10]*SPP[6] - (P[18][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[18][3] = P[18][3] + P[18][0]*SF[5] + P[18][1]*SF[4] + P[18][2]*SF[7] - P[18][11]*SF[11] + P[18][10]*SPP[7] - (P[18][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[18][4] = P[18][4] + P[18][1]*SF[1] + P[18][0]*SF[3] + P[18][2]*SPP[0] - P[18][3]*SPP[2] - P[18][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[18][5] = P[18][5] + P[18][0]*SF[2] + P[18][2]*SF[1] + P[18][3]*SF[3] - P[18][1]*SPP[0] + P[18][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[18][6] = P[18][6] + P[18][1]*SF[2] + P[18][3]*SF[1] + P[18][0]*SPP[0] - P[18][2]*SPP[1] - P[18][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[18][7] = P[18][7] + P[18][4]*dt;
nextP[18][8] = P[18][8] + P[18][5]*dt;
nextP[18][9] = P[18][9] + P[18][6]*dt;
nextP[18][10] = P[18][10];
nextP[18][11] = P[18][11];
nextP[18][12] = P[18][12];
nextP[18][13] = P[18][13];
nextP[18][14] = P[18][14];
nextP[18][15] = P[18][15];
nextP[18][16] = P[18][16];
nextP[18][17] = P[18][17];
nextP[18][18] = P[18][18];
nextP[18][19] = P[18][19];
nextP[18][20] = P[18][20];
nextP[18][21] = P[18][21];
nextP[19][0] = P[19][0] + P[19][1]*SF[7] + P[19][2]*SF[9] + P[19][3]*SF[8] + P[19][10]*SF[11] + P[19][11]*SPP[7] + P[19][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[19][1] = P[19][1] + P[19][0]*SF[6] + P[19][2]*SF[5] + P[19][3]*SF[9] + P[19][11]*SPP[6] - P[19][12]*SPP[7] - (P[19][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[19][2] = P[19][2] + P[19][0]*SF[4] + P[19][1]*SF[8] + P[19][3]*SF[6] + P[19][12]*SF[11] - P[19][10]*SPP[6] - (P[19][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[19][3] = P[19][3] + P[19][0]*SF[5] + P[19][1]*SF[4] + P[19][2]*SF[7] - P[19][11]*SF[11] + P[19][10]*SPP[7] - (P[19][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[19][4] = P[19][4] + P[19][1]*SF[1] + P[19][0]*SF[3] + P[19][2]*SPP[0] - P[19][3]*SPP[2] - P[19][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[19][5] = P[19][5] + P[19][0]*SF[2] + P[19][2]*SF[1] + P[19][3]*SF[3] - P[19][1]*SPP[0] + P[19][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[19][6] = P[19][6] + P[19][1]*SF[2] + P[19][3]*SF[1] + P[19][0]*SPP[0] - P[19][2]*SPP[1] - P[19][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[19][7] = P[19][7] + P[19][4]*dt;
nextP[19][8] = P[19][8] + P[19][5]*dt;
nextP[19][9] = P[19][9] + P[19][6]*dt;
nextP[19][10] = P[19][10];
nextP[19][11] = P[19][11];
nextP[19][12] = P[19][12];
nextP[19][13] = P[19][13];
nextP[19][14] = P[19][14];
nextP[19][15] = P[19][15];
nextP[19][16] = P[19][16];
nextP[19][17] = P[19][17];
nextP[19][18] = P[19][18];
nextP[19][19] = P[19][19];
nextP[19][20] = P[19][20];
nextP[19][21] = P[19][21];
nextP[20][0] = P[20][0] + P[20][1]*SF[7] + P[20][2]*SF[9] + P[20][3]*SF[8] + P[20][10]*SF[11] + P[20][11]*SPP[7] + P[20][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[20][1] = P[20][1] + P[20][0]*SF[6] + P[20][2]*SF[5] + P[20][3]*SF[9] + P[20][11]*SPP[6] - P[20][12]*SPP[7] - (P[20][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[20][2] = P[20][2] + P[20][0]*SF[4] + P[20][1]*SF[8] + P[20][3]*SF[6] + P[20][12]*SF[11] - P[20][10]*SPP[6] - (P[20][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[20][3] = P[20][3] + P[20][0]*SF[5] + P[20][1]*SF[4] + P[20][2]*SF[7] - P[20][11]*SF[11] + P[20][10]*SPP[7] - (P[20][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[20][4] = P[20][4] + P[20][1]*SF[1] + P[20][0]*SF[3] + P[20][2]*SPP[0] - P[20][3]*SPP[2] - P[20][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[20][5] = P[20][5] + P[20][0]*SF[2] + P[20][2]*SF[1] + P[20][3]*SF[3] - P[20][1]*SPP[0] + P[20][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[20][6] = P[20][6] + P[20][1]*SF[2] + P[20][3]*SF[1] + P[20][0]*SPP[0] - P[20][2]*SPP[1] - P[20][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[20][7] = P[20][7] + P[20][4]*dt;
nextP[20][8] = P[20][8] + P[20][5]*dt;
nextP[20][9] = P[20][9] + P[20][6]*dt;
nextP[20][10] = P[20][10];
nextP[20][11] = P[20][11];
nextP[20][12] = P[20][12];
nextP[20][13] = P[20][13];
nextP[20][14] = P[20][14];
nextP[20][15] = P[20][15];
nextP[20][16] = P[20][16];
nextP[20][17] = P[20][17];
nextP[20][18] = P[20][18];
nextP[20][19] = P[20][19];
nextP[20][20] = P[20][20];
nextP[20][21] = P[20][21];
nextP[21][0] = P[21][0] + P[21][1]*SF[7] + P[21][2]*SF[9] + P[21][3]*SF[8] + P[21][10]*SF[11] + P[21][11]*SPP[7] + P[21][12]*SPP[6];
nextP[21][1] = P[21][1] + P[21][0]*SF[6] + P[21][2]*SF[5] + P[21][3]*SF[9] + P[21][11]*SPP[6] - P[21][12]*SPP[7] - (P[21][10]*q0)/2;
nextP[21][2] = P[21][2] + P[21][0]*SF[4] + P[21][1]*SF[8] + P[21][3]*SF[6] + P[21][12]*SF[11] - P[21][10]*SPP[6] - (P[21][11]*q0)/2;
nextP[21][3] = P[21][3] + P[21][0]*SF[5] + P[21][1]*SF[4] + P[21][2]*SF[7] - P[21][11]*SF[11] + P[21][10]*SPP[7] - (P[21][12]*q0)/2;
nextP[21][4] = P[21][4] + P[21][1]*SF[1] + P[21][0]*SF[3] + P[21][2]*SPP[0] - P[21][3]*SPP[2] - P[21][13]*SPP[4];
nextP[21][5] = P[21][5] + P[21][0]*SF[2] + P[21][2]*SF[1] + P[21][3]*SF[3] - P[21][1]*SPP[0] + P[21][13]*SPP[3];
nextP[21][6] = P[21][6] + P[21][1]*SF[2] + P[21][3]*SF[1] + P[21][0]*SPP[0] - P[21][2]*SPP[1] - P[21][13]*SPP[5];
nextP[21][7] = P[21][7] + P[21][4]*dt;
nextP[21][8] = P[21][8] + P[21][5]*dt;
nextP[21][9] = P[21][9] + P[21][6]*dt;
nextP[21][10] = P[21][10];
nextP[21][11] = P[21][11];
nextP[21][12] = P[21][12];
nextP[21][13] = P[21][13];
nextP[21][14] = P[21][14];
nextP[21][15] = P[21][15];
nextP[21][16] = P[21][16];
nextP[21][17] = P[21][17];
nextP[21][18] = P[21][18];
nextP[21][19] = P[21][19];
nextP[21][20] = P[21][20];
nextP[21][21] = P[21][21];
// add the general state process noise variances
for (uint8_t i=0; i<= 21; i++)
nextP[i][i] = nextP[i][i] + processNoise[i];
// if the total position variance exceeds 1E6 (1000m), then stop covariance
// growth by setting the predicted to the previous values
// This prevent an ill conditioned matrix from occurring for long periods
// without GPS
if ((P[7][7] + P[8][8]) > 1e6f)
for (uint8_t i=7; i<=8; i++)
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=21; j++)
nextP[i][j] = P[i][j];
nextP[j][i] = P[j][i];
// copy covariances to output and fix numerical errors
// constrain diagonals to prevent ill-conditioning
// fuse selected position, velocity and height measurements, checking dat for consistency
// provide a static mode that allows maintenance of the attitude reference without GPS provided the vehicle is not accelerating
// check innovation consistency of velocity states calculated using IMU1 and IMU2 and calculate the optimal weighting of accel data
void NavEKF::FuseVelPosNED()
// start performance timer
// health is set bad until test passed
velHealth = false;
posHealth = false;
hgtHealth = false;
// declare variables used to check measurement errors
Vector3f velInnov;
Vector3f velInnov1;
Vector3f velInnov2;
Vector2 posInnov;
float hgtInnov = 0;
// declare variables used to control access to arrays
bool fuseData[6] = {false,false,false,false,false,false};
uint8_t stateIndex;
uint8_t obsIndex;
// declare variables used by state and covariance update calculations
float NEvelErr;
float DvelErr;
float posErr;
Vector6 R_OBS;
Vector6 observation;
float SK;
// perform sequential fusion of GPS measurements. This assumes that the
// errors in the different velocity and position components are
// uncorrelated which is not true, however in the absence of covariance
// data from the GPS receiver it is the only assumption we can make
// so we might as well take advantage of the computational efficiencies
// associated with sequential fusion
if (fuseVelData || fusePosData || fuseHgtData) {
// if static mode is active use the current states to calculate the predicted
// measurement rather than use states from a previous time. We need to do this
// because there may be no stored states due to lack of real measurements.
// in static mode, only position and height fusion is used
if (staticMode) {
statesAtPosTime = state;
statesAtHgtTime = state;
// set the GPS data timeout depending on whether airspeed data is present
uint32_t gpsRetryTime;
if (useAirspeed()) gpsRetryTime = _gpsRetryTimeUseTAS;
else gpsRetryTime = _gpsRetryTimeNoTAS;
// form the observation vector and zero velocity and horizontal position observations if in static mode
if (!staticMode) {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=2; i++) observation[i] = velNED[i];
observation[3] = gpsPosNE.x + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x;
observation[4] = gpsPosNE.y + gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y;
} else {
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=4; i++) observation[i] = 0.0f;
observation[5] = -hgtMea;
// calculate additional error in GPS velocity caused by manoeuvring
NEvelErr = _gpsNEVelVarAccScale * accNavMag;
DvelErr = _gpsDVelVarAccScale * accNavMag;
// calculate additional error in GPS position caused by manoeuvring
posErr = _gpsPosVarAccScale * accNavMag;
// estimate the GPS Velocity, GPS horiz position and height measurement variances.
R_OBS[0] = gpsVarScaler*(sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(NEvelErr));
R_OBS[1] = R_OBS[0];
R_OBS[2] = gpsVarScaler*(sq(constrain_float(_gpsVertVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f)) + sq(DvelErr));
R_OBS[3] = gpsVarScaler*(sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizPosNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f)) + sq(posErr));
R_OBS[4] = R_OBS[3];
R_OBS[5] = hgtVarScaler*sq(constrain_float(_baroAltNoise, 0.1f, 10.0f));
// if vertical GPS velocity data is being used, check to see if the GPS vertical velocity and barometer
// innovations have the same sign and are outside limits. If so, then it is likely aliasing is affecting
// the accelerometers and we should disable the GPS and barometer innovation consistency checks.
bool badIMUdata = false;
if (_fusionModeGPS == 0 && fuseVelData && fuseHgtData) {
// calculate innovations for height and vertical GPS vel measurements
float hgtErr = statesAtVelTime.position.z - observation[5];
float velDErr = statesAtVelTime.velocity.z - observation[2];
// check if they are the same sign and both more than 3-sigma out of bounds
if ((hgtErr*velDErr > 0.0f) && (sq(hgtErr) > 9.0f * (P[9][9] + R_OBS[5])) && (sq(velDErr) > 9.0f * (P[6][6] + R_OBS[2]))) {
badIMUdata = true;
} else {
badIMUdata = false;
// calculate innovations and check GPS data validity using an innovation consistency check
// test position measurements
if (fusePosData) {
// test horizontal position measurements
posInnov[0] = statesAtPosTime.position.x - observation[3];
posInnov[1] = statesAtPosTime.position.y - observation[4];
varInnovVelPos[3] = P[7][7] + R_OBS[3];
varInnovVelPos[4] = P[8][8] + R_OBS[4];
// apply an innovation consistency threshold test, but don't fail if bad IMU data
// calculate max valid position innovation squared based on a maximum horizontal inertial nav accel error and GPS noise parameter
// max inertial nav error is scaled with horizontal g to allow for increased errors when manoeuvring
float accelScale = (1.0f + 0.1f * accNavMagHoriz);
float maxPosInnov2 = sq(_gpsPosInnovGate * _gpsHorizPosNoise + 0.005f * accelScale * float(_gpsGlitchAccelMax) * sq(0.001f * float(hal.scheduler->millis() - posFailTime)));
posTestRatio = (sq(posInnov[0]) + sq(posInnov[1])) / maxPosInnov2;
posHealth = ((posTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata);
// declare a timeout condition if we have been too long without data
posTimeout = ((hal.scheduler->millis() - posFailTime) > gpsRetryTime);
// use position data if healthy, timed out, or in static mode
if (posHealth || posTimeout || staticMode) {
posHealth = true;
posFailTime = hal.scheduler->millis();
// if timed out or outside the specified glitch radius, increment the offset applied to GPS data to compensate for large GPS position jumps
if (posTimeout || (maxPosInnov2 > sq(float(_gpsGlitchRadiusMax)))) {
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x += posInnov[0];
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y += posInnov[1];
// limit the radius of the offset to 100m and decay the offset to zero radially
// reset the position to the current GPS position which will include the glitch correction offset
// don't fuse data on this time step
fusePosData = false;
} else {
posHealth = false;
// test velocity measurements
if (fuseVelData) {
// test velocity measurements
uint8_t imax = 2;
if (_fusionModeGPS == 1) {
imax = 1;
float K1 = 0; // innovation to error ratio for IMU1
float K2 = 0; // innovation to error ratio for IMU2
float innovVelSumSq = 0; // sum of squares of velocity innovations
float varVelSum = 0; // sum of velocity innovation variances
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=imax; i++) {
// velocity states start at index 4
stateIndex = i + 4;
// calculate innovations using blended and single IMU predicted states
velInnov[i] = statesAtVelTime.velocity[i] - observation[i]; // blended
velInnov1[i] = statesAtVelTime.vel1[i] - observation[i]; // IMU1
velInnov2[i] = statesAtVelTime.vel2[i] - observation[i]; // IMU2
// calculate innovation variance
varInnovVelPos[i] = P[stateIndex][stateIndex] + R_OBS[i];
// calculate error weightings for singloe IMU velocity states using
// observation error to normalise
float R_hgt;
if (i == 2) {
R_hgt = sq(constrain_float(_gpsVertVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f));
} else {
R_hgt = sq(constrain_float(_gpsHorizVelNoise, 0.05f, 5.0f));
K1 += R_hgt / (R_hgt + sq(velInnov1[i]));
K2 += R_hgt / (R_hgt + sq(velInnov2[i]));
// sum the innovation and innovation variances
innovVelSumSq += sq(velInnov[i]);
varVelSum += varInnovVelPos[i];
// calculate weighting used by fuseVelPosNED to do IMU accel data blending
// this is used to detect and compensate for aliasing errors with the accelerometers
// provide for a first order lowpass filter to reduce noise on the weighting if required
IMU1_weighting = 1.0f * (K1 / (K1 + K2)) + 0.0f * IMU1_weighting; // filter currently inactive
// apply an innovation consistency threshold test, but don't fail if bad IMU data
// calculate the test ratio
velTestRatio = innovVelSumSq / (varVelSum * sq(_gpsVelInnovGate));
// fail if the ratio is greater than 1
velHealth = ((velTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata);
// declare a timeout if we have not fused velocity data for too long
velTimeout = (hal.scheduler->millis() - velFailTime) > gpsRetryTime;
// if data is healthy or in static mode we fuse it
if (velHealth || staticMode) {
velHealth = true;
velFailTime = hal.scheduler->millis();
} else if (velTimeout && !posHealth) {
// if data is not healthy and timed out and position is unhealthy we reset the velocity, but do not fuse data on this time step
fuseVelData = false;
} else {
// if data is unhealthy and position is healthy, we do not fuse it
velHealth = false;
// test height measurements
if (fuseHgtData) {
// set the height data timeout depending on whether vertical velocity data is being used
uint32_t hgtRetryTime;
if (_fusionModeGPS == 0) hgtRetryTime = _hgtRetryTimeMode0;
else hgtRetryTime = _hgtRetryTimeMode12;
// calculate height innovations
hgtInnov = statesAtHgtTime.position.z - observation[5];
varInnovVelPos[5] = P[9][9] + R_OBS[5];
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio
hgtTestRatio = sq(hgtInnov) / (sq(_hgtInnovGate) * varInnovVelPos[5]);
// fail if the ratio is > 1, but don't fail if bad IMU data
hgtHealth = ((hgtTestRatio < 1.0f) || badIMUdata);
hgtTimeout = (hal.scheduler->millis() - hgtFailTime) > hgtRetryTime;
// Fuse height data if healthy or timed out or in static mode
if (hgtHealth || hgtTimeout || staticMode) {
hgtHealth = true;
hgtFailTime = hal.scheduler->millis();
// if timed out, reset the height, but do not fuse data on this time step
if (hgtTimeout) {
fuseHgtData = false;
else {
hgtHealth = false;
// set range for sequential fusion of velocity and position measurements depending on which data is available and its health
if (fuseVelData && _fusionModeGPS == 0 && velHealth && !staticMode) {
fuseData[0] = true;
fuseData[1] = true;
fuseData[2] = true;
if (fuseVelData && _fusionModeGPS == 1 && velHealth && !staticMode) {
fuseData[0] = true;
fuseData[1] = true;
if ((fusePosData && _fusionModeGPS <= 2 && posHealth) || staticMode) {
fuseData[3] = true;
fuseData[4] = true;
if ((fuseHgtData && hgtHealth) || staticMode) {
fuseData[5] = true;
// fuse measurements sequentially
for (obsIndex=0; obsIndex<=5; obsIndex++) {
if (fuseData[obsIndex]) {
stateIndex = 4 + obsIndex;
// calculate the measurement innovation, using states from a different time coordinate if fusing height data
if (obsIndex <= 2)
innovVelPos[obsIndex] = statesAtVelTime.velocity[obsIndex] - observation[obsIndex];
else if (obsIndex == 3 || obsIndex == 4) {
innovVelPos[obsIndex] = statesAtPosTime.position[obsIndex-3] - observation[obsIndex];
} else {
innovVelPos[obsIndex] = statesAtHgtTime.position[obsIndex-3] - observation[obsIndex];
// calculate the Kalman gain and calculate innovation variances
varInnovVelPos[obsIndex] = P[stateIndex][stateIndex] + R_OBS[obsIndex];
SK = 1.0f/varInnovVelPos[obsIndex];
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=12; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = P[i][stateIndex]*SK;
// Only height observations are used to update z accel bias estimate
if (obsIndex == 5) {
Kfusion[13] = P[13][stateIndex]*SK;
} else {
Kfusion[13] = 0.0f;
// inhibit wind state estimation by setting Kalman gains to zero
if (!inhibitWindStates) {
Kfusion[14] = P[14][stateIndex]*SK;
Kfusion[15] = P[15][stateIndex]*SK;
} else {
Kfusion[14] = 0.0f;
Kfusion[15] = 0.0f;
// inhibit magnetic field state estimation by setting Kalman gains to zero
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
for (uint8_t i = 16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = P[i][stateIndex]*SK;
} else {
for (uint8_t i = 16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;
// Set the Kalman gain values for the single IMU states
Kfusion[22] = Kfusion[13]; // IMU2 Z accel bias
Kfusion[26] = Kfusion[9]; // IMU1 posD
Kfusion[30] = Kfusion[9]; // IMU2 posD
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=2; i++) {
Kfusion[i+23] = Kfusion[i+4]; // IMU1 velNED
Kfusion[i+27] = Kfusion[i+4]; // IMU2 velNED
// Correct states that have been predicted using single (not blended) IMU data
if (obsIndex == 5){
// Calculate height measurement innovations using single IMU states
float hgtInnov1 = statesAtHgtTime.posD1 - observation[obsIndex];
float hgtInnov2 = statesAtHgtTime.posD2 - observation[obsIndex];
// Correct single IMU prediction states using height measurement, limiting rate of change of bias to 0.02 m/s3
float correctionLimit = 0.02f * dtIMU *dtVelPos;
states[13] = states[13] - constrain_float(Kfusion[13] * hgtInnov1, -correctionLimit, correctionLimit); // IMU1 Z accel bias
states[22] = states[22] - constrain_float(Kfusion[22] * hgtInnov2, -correctionLimit, correctionLimit); // IMU2 Z accel bias
for (uint8_t i = 23; i<=26; i++) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * hgtInnov1; // IMU1 velNED,posD
for (uint8_t i = 27; i<=30; i++) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * hgtInnov2; // IMU2 velNED,posD
} else if (obsIndex == 0 || obsIndex == 1 || obsIndex == 2) {
// Correct single IMU prediction states using velocity measurements
for (uint8_t i = 23; i<=26; i++) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * velInnov1[obsIndex]; // IMU1 velNED,posD
for (uint8_t i = 27; i<=30; i++) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * velInnov2[obsIndex]; // IMU2 velNED,posD
// calculate state corrections and re-normalise the quaternions for blended IMU data predicted states
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++) {
states[i] = states[i] - Kfusion[i] * innovVelPos[obsIndex];
// update the covariance - take advantage of direct observation of a single state at index = stateIndex to reduce computations
// this is a numerically optimised implementation of standard equation P = (I - K*H)*P;
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=21; i++) {
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=21; j++)
KHP[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * P[stateIndex][j];
for (uint8_t i= 0; i<=21; i++) {
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=21; j++) {
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j];
// force the covariance matrix to me symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.
// stop performance timer
// fuse magnetometer measurements and apply innovation consistency checks
// fuse each axis on consecutive time steps to spread computional load
void NavEKF::FuseMagnetometer()
// start performance timer
// declarations
ftype &q0 = mag_state.q0;
ftype &q1 = mag_state.q1;
ftype &q2 = mag_state.q2;
ftype &q3 = mag_state.q3;
ftype &magN = mag_state.magN;
ftype &magE = mag_state.magE;
ftype &magD = mag_state.magD;
ftype &magXbias = mag_state.magXbias;
ftype &magYbias = mag_state.magYbias;
ftype &magZbias = mag_state.magZbias;
uint8_t &obsIndex = mag_state.obsIndex;
Matrix3f &DCM = mag_state.DCM;
Vector3f &MagPred = mag_state.MagPred;
ftype &R_MAG = mag_state.R_MAG;
ftype *SH_MAG = &mag_state.SH_MAG[0];
Vector22 H_MAG;
Vector6 SK_MX;
Vector6 SK_MY;
Vector6 SK_MZ;
// perform sequential fusion of magnetometer measurements.
// this assumes that the errors in the different components are
// uncorrelated which is not true, however in the absence of covariance
// data fit is the only assumption we can make
// so we might as well take advantage of the computational efficiencies
// associated with sequential fusion
if (fuseMagData || obsIndex == 1 || obsIndex == 2)
// calculate observation jacobians and Kalman gains
if (fuseMagData)
// copy required states to local variable names
q0 = statesAtMagMeasTime.quat[0];
q1 = statesAtMagMeasTime.quat[1];
q2 = statesAtMagMeasTime.quat[2];
q3 = statesAtMagMeasTime.quat[3];
magN = statesAtMagMeasTime.earth_magfield[0];
magE = statesAtMagMeasTime.earth_magfield[1];
magD = statesAtMagMeasTime.earth_magfield[2];
magXbias = statesAtMagMeasTime.body_magfield[0];
magYbias = statesAtMagMeasTime.body_magfield[1];
magZbias = statesAtMagMeasTime.body_magfield[2];
// rotate predicted earth components into body axes and calculate
// predicted measurements
DCM[0][0] = q0*q0 + q1*q1 - q2*q2 - q3*q3;
DCM[0][1] = 2*(q1*q2 + q0*q3);
DCM[0][2] = 2*(q1*q3-q0*q2);
DCM[1][0] = 2*(q1*q2 - q0*q3);
DCM[1][1] = q0*q0 - q1*q1 + q2*q2 - q3*q3;
DCM[1][2] = 2*(q2*q3 + q0*q1);
DCM[2][0] = 2*(q1*q3 + q0*q2);
DCM[2][1] = 2*(q2*q3 - q0*q1);
DCM[2][2] = q0*q0 - q1*q1 - q2*q2 + q3*q3;
MagPred[0] = DCM[0][0]*magN + DCM[0][1]*magE + DCM[0][2]*magD + magXbias;
MagPred[1] = DCM[1][0]*magN + DCM[1][1]*magE + DCM[1][2]*magD + magYbias;
MagPred[2] = DCM[2][0]*magN + DCM[2][1]*magE + DCM[2][2]*magD + magZbias;
// scale magnetometer observation error with total angular rate
R_MAG = sq(constrain_float(_magNoise, 0.01f, 0.5f)) + sq(_magVarRateScale*dAngIMU.length() / dtIMU);
// calculate observation jacobians
SH_MAG[0] = 2*magD*q3 + 2*magE*q2 + 2*magN*q1;
SH_MAG[1] = 2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2;
SH_MAG[2] = 2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3;
SH_MAG[3] = sq(q3);
SH_MAG[4] = sq(q2);
SH_MAG[5] = sq(q1);
SH_MAG[6] = sq(q0);
SH_MAG[7] = 2*magN*q0;
SH_MAG[8] = 2*magE*q3;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=21; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0;
H_MAG[0] = SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2;
H_MAG[1] = SH_MAG[0];
H_MAG[2] = 2*magE*q1 - 2*magD*q0 - 2*magN*q2;
H_MAG[3] = SH_MAG[2];
H_MAG[16] = SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[6];
H_MAG[17] = 2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2;
H_MAG[18] = 2*q1*q3 - 2*q0*q2;
H_MAG[19] = 1;
// calculate Kalman gain
float temp = (P[19][19] + R_MAG + P[1][19]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][19]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][19]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - (2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2)*(P[19][2] + P[1][2]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][2]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][2]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][2]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][2]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][2]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][2]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + (SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)*(P[19][0] + P[1][0]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][0]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][0]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][0]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][0]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][0]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][0]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + SH_MAG[0]*(P[19][1] + P[1][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][1]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][1]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][1]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][1]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][1]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][1]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + SH_MAG[2]*(P[19][3] + P[1][3]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][3]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][3]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][3]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][3]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][3]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][3]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - (SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6])*(P[19][16] + P[1][16]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][16]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][16]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][16]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][16]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][16]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][16]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + P[17][19]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][19]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][19]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + (2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2)*(P[19][17] + P[1][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][17]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][17]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][17]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][17]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][17]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][17]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - (2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3)*(P[19][18] + P[1][18]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][18]*SH_MAG[2] - P[16][18]*(SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) + P[17][18]*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2) - P[18][18]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) - P[2][18]*(2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2) + P[0][18]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + P[0][19]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2));
if (temp >= R_MAG) {
SK_MX[0] = 1.0f / temp;
faultStatus |= 0U << 2;
} else {
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step
// we increase the state variances and try again next time
P[19][19] += 0.1f*R_MAG;
obsIndex = 1;
faultStatus |= 1U << 2;
SK_MX[1] = SH_MAG[3] + SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6];
SK_MX[2] = 2*magD*q0 - 2*magE*q1 + 2*magN*q2;
SK_MX[3] = SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2;
SK_MX[4] = 2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3;
SK_MX[5] = 2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2;
Kfusion[0] = SK_MX[0]*(P[0][19] + P[0][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[0][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[0][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[0][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[0][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[0][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[0][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[1] = SK_MX[0]*(P[1][19] + P[1][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[1][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[1][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[1][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[1][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[1][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[2] = SK_MX[0]*(P[2][19] + P[2][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[2][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[2][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[2][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[2][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[2][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[2][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[3] = SK_MX[0]*(P[3][19] + P[3][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[3][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[3][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[3][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[3][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[3][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[3][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[4] = SK_MX[0]*(P[4][19] + P[4][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[4][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[4][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[4][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[4][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[4][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[4][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[5] = SK_MX[0]*(P[5][19] + P[5][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[5][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[5][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[5][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[5][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[5][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[5][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[6] = SK_MX[0]*(P[6][19] + P[6][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[6][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[6][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[6][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[6][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[6][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[6][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[7] = SK_MX[0]*(P[7][19] + P[7][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[7][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[7][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[7][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[7][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[7][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[7][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[8] = SK_MX[0]*(P[8][19] + P[8][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[8][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[8][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[8][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[8][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[8][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[8][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[9] = SK_MX[0]*(P[9][19] + P[9][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[9][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[9][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[9][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[9][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[9][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[9][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[10] = SK_MX[0]*(P[10][19] + P[10][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[10][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[10][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[10][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[10][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[10][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[10][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[11] = SK_MX[0]*(P[11][19] + P[11][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[11][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[11][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[11][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[11][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[11][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[11][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[12] = SK_MX[0]*(P[12][19] + P[12][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[12][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[12][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[12][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[12][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[12][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[12][18]*SK_MX[4]);
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias
Kfusion[13] = 0.0f;//SK_MX[0]*(P[13][19] + P[13][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[13][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[13][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[13][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[13][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[13][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[13][18]*SK_MX[4]);
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimation
if (!inhibitWindStates) {
Kfusion[14] = SK_MX[0]*(P[14][19] + P[14][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[14][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[14][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[14][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[14][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[14][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[14][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[15] = SK_MX[0]*(P[15][19] + P[15][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[15][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[15][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[15][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[15][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[15][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[15][18]*SK_MX[4]);
} else {
Kfusion[14] = 0.0;
Kfusion[15] = 0.0;
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
Kfusion[16] = SK_MX[0]*(P[16][19] + P[16][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[16][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[16][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[16][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[16][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[16][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[16][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[17] = SK_MX[0]*(P[17][19] + P[17][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[17][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[17][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[17][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[17][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[17][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[17][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[18] = SK_MX[0]*(P[18][19] + P[18][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[18][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[18][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[18][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[18][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[18][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[19] = SK_MX[0]*(P[19][19] + P[19][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[19][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[19][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[19][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[19][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[19][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[19][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[20] = SK_MX[0]*(P[20][19] + P[20][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[20][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[20][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[20][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[20][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[20][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[20][18]*SK_MX[4]);
Kfusion[21] = SK_MX[0]*(P[21][19] + P[21][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[21][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[21][0]*SK_MX[3] - P[21][2]*SK_MX[2] - P[21][16]*SK_MX[1] + P[21][17]*SK_MX[5] - P[21][18]*SK_MX[4]);
} else {
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;
// calculate the observation innovation variance
varInnovMag[0] = 1.0f/SK_MX[0];
// reset the observation index to 0 (we start by fusing the X measurement)
obsIndex = 0;
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performed and is required on the next frame
// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive step
magFusePerformed = true;
magFuseRequired = true;
else if (obsIndex == 1) // we are now fusing the Y measurement
// calculate observation jacobians
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=21; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0;
H_MAG[0] = SH_MAG[2];
H_MAG[1] = SH_MAG[1];
H_MAG[2] = SH_MAG[0];
H_MAG[3] = 2*magD*q2 - SH_MAG[8] - SH_MAG[7];
H_MAG[16] = 2*q1*q2 - 2*q0*q3;
H_MAG[17] = SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6];
H_MAG[18] = 2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3;
H_MAG[20] = 1;
// calculate Kalman gain
float temp = (P[20][20] + R_MAG + P[0][20]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][20]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][20]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][20]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - (2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2)*(P[20][16] + P[0][16]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][16]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][16]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][16]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][16]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][16]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + (2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3)*(P[20][18] + P[0][18]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][18]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][18]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][18]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][18]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][18]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][18]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - (SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)*(P[20][3] + P[0][3]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][3]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][3]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][3]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][3]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][3]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - P[16][20]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][20]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_MAG[2]*(P[20][0] + P[0][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][0]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][0]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][0]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][0]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][0]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + SH_MAG[1]*(P[20][1] + P[0][1]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][1]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][1]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][1]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][1]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][1]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + SH_MAG[0]*(P[20][2] + P[0][2]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][2]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][2]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][2]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][2]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][2]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - (SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6])*(P[20][17] + P[0][17]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][17]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][17]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][17]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6]) - P[16][17]*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2) + P[18][17]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - P[3][17]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - P[3][20]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2));
if (temp >= R_MAG) {
SK_MY[0] = 1.0f / temp;
faultStatus |= 0U << 3;
} else {
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step
// we increase the state variances and try again next time
P[20][20] += 0.1f*R_MAG;
obsIndex = 2;
faultStatus |= 1U << 3;
SK_MY[1] = SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] + SH_MAG[5] - SH_MAG[6];
SK_MY[2] = SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2;
SK_MY[3] = 2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2;
SK_MY[4] = 2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3;
Kfusion[0] = SK_MY[0]*(P[0][20] + P[0][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[0][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[0][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[0][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[0][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[0][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[0][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[1] = SK_MY[0]*(P[1][20] + P[1][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[1][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[1][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[1][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[1][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[1][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[1][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[2] = SK_MY[0]*(P[2][20] + P[2][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[2][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[2][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[2][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[2][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[2][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[3] = SK_MY[0]*(P[3][20] + P[3][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[3][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[3][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[3][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[3][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[3][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[4] = SK_MY[0]*(P[4][20] + P[4][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[4][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[4][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[4][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[4][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[4][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[4][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[5] = SK_MY[0]*(P[5][20] + P[5][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[5][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[5][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[5][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[5][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[5][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[5][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[6] = SK_MY[0]*(P[6][20] + P[6][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[6][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[6][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[6][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[6][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[6][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[6][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[7] = SK_MY[0]*(P[7][20] + P[7][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[7][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[7][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[7][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[7][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[7][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[7][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[8] = SK_MY[0]*(P[8][20] + P[8][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[8][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[8][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[8][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[8][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[8][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[8][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[9] = SK_MY[0]*(P[9][20] + P[9][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[9][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[9][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[9][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[9][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[9][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[9][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[10] = SK_MY[0]*(P[10][20] + P[10][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[10][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[10][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[10][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[10][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[10][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[10][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[11] = SK_MY[0]*(P[11][20] + P[11][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[11][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[11][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[11][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[11][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[11][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[11][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[12] = SK_MY[0]*(P[12][20] + P[12][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[12][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[12][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[12][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[12][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[12][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[12][18]*SK_MY[4]);
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias
Kfusion[13] = 0.0f;//SK_MY[0]*(P[13][20] + P[13][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[13][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[13][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[13][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[13][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[13][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[13][18]*SK_MY[4]);
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimation
if (!inhibitWindStates) {
Kfusion[14] = SK_MY[0]*(P[14][20] + P[14][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[14][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[14][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[14][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[14][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[14][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[14][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[15] = SK_MY[0]*(P[15][20] + P[15][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[15][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[15][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[15][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[15][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[15][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[15][18]*SK_MY[4]);
} else {
Kfusion[14] = 0.0;
Kfusion[15] = 0.0;
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
Kfusion[16] = SK_MY[0]*(P[16][20] + P[16][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[16][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[16][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[16][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[16][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[16][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[16][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[17] = SK_MY[0]*(P[17][20] + P[17][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[17][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[17][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[17][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[17][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[18] = SK_MY[0]*(P[18][20] + P[18][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[18][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[18][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[18][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[18][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[18][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[18][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[19] = SK_MY[0]*(P[19][20] + P[19][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[19][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[19][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[19][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[19][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[19][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[19][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[20] = SK_MY[0]*(P[20][20] + P[20][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[20][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[20][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[20][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[20][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[20][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[20][18]*SK_MY[4]);
Kfusion[21] = SK_MY[0]*(P[21][20] + P[21][0]*SH_MAG[2] + P[21][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[21][2]*SH_MAG[0] - P[21][3]*SK_MY[2] - P[21][17]*SK_MY[1] - P[21][16]*SK_MY[3] + P[21][18]*SK_MY[4]);
} else {
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;
// calculate the observation innovation variance
varInnovMag[1] = 1.0f/SK_MY[0];
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performede and is required on the next frame
// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive step
magFusePerformed = true;
magFuseRequired = true;
else if (obsIndex == 2) // we are now fusing the Z measurement
// calculate observation jacobians
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=21; i++) H_MAG[i] = 0;
H_MAG[0] = SH_MAG[1];
H_MAG[1] = 2*magN*q3 - 2*magE*q0 - 2*magD*q1;
H_MAG[2] = SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2;
H_MAG[3] = SH_MAG[0];
H_MAG[16] = 2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3;
H_MAG[17] = 2*q2*q3 - 2*q0*q1;
H_MAG[18] = SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6];
H_MAG[21] = 1;
// calculate Kalman gain
float temp = (P[21][21] + R_MAG + P[0][21]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][21]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][21]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) - (2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3)*(P[21][1] + P[0][1]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][1]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][1]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][1]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][1]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][1]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][1]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + (SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)*(P[21][2] + P[0][2]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][2]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][2]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][2]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][2]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][2]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][2]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + SH_MAG[1]*(P[21][0] + P[0][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][0]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][0]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][0]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][0]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][0]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][0]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + SH_MAG[0]*(P[21][3] + P[0][3]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][3]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][3]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][3]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][3]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][3]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][3]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + (SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6])*(P[21][18] + P[0][18]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][18]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][18]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][18]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][18]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][18]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][18]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + P[16][21]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][21]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][21]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + (2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3)*(P[21][16] + P[0][16]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][16]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][16]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][16]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][16]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][16]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][16]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) - (2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3)*(P[21][17] + P[0][17]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][17]*SH_MAG[0] + P[18][17]*(SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6]) + P[16][17]*(2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3) - P[17][17]*(2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3) - P[1][17]*(2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3) + P[2][17]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2)) + P[2][21]*(SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2));
if (temp >= R_MAG) {
SK_MZ[0] = 1.0f / temp;
faultStatus |= 0U << 4;
} else {
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step
// we increase the state variances and try again next time
P[21][21] += 0.1f*R_MAG;
obsIndex = 3;
faultStatus |= 1U << 4;
SK_MZ[1] = SH_MAG[3] - SH_MAG[4] - SH_MAG[5] + SH_MAG[6];
SK_MZ[2] = 2*magD*q1 + 2*magE*q0 - 2*magN*q3;
SK_MZ[3] = SH_MAG[7] + SH_MAG[8] - 2*magD*q2;
SK_MZ[4] = 2*q0*q1 - 2*q2*q3;
SK_MZ[5] = 2*q0*q2 + 2*q1*q3;
Kfusion[0] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[0][21] + P[0][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[0][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[0][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[0][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[0][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[0][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[0][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[1] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[1][21] + P[1][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[1][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[1][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[1][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[1][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[1][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[1][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[2] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[2][21] + P[2][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[2][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[2][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[2][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[2][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[2][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[2][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[3] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[3][21] + P[3][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[3][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[3][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[3][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[3][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[3][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[3][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[4] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[4][21] + P[4][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[4][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[4][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[4][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[4][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[4][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[4][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[5] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[5][21] + P[5][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[5][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[5][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[5][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[5][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[5][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[5][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[6] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[6][21] + P[6][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[6][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[6][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[6][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[6][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[6][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[6][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[7] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[7][21] + P[7][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[7][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[7][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[7][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[7][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[7][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[7][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[8] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[8][21] + P[8][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[8][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[8][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[8][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[8][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[8][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[8][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[9] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[9][21] + P[9][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[9][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[9][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[9][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[9][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[9][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[9][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[10] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[10][21] + P[10][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[10][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[10][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[10][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[10][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[10][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[10][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[11] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[11][21] + P[11][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[11][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[11][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[11][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[11][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[11][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[11][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[12] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[12][21] + P[12][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[12][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[12][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[12][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[12][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[12][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[12][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias
Kfusion[13] = 0.0f;//SK_MZ[0]*(P[13][21] + P[13][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[13][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[13][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[13][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[13][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[13][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[13][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit wind state estimation
if (!inhibitWindStates) {
Kfusion[14] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[14][21] + P[14][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[14][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[14][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[14][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[14][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[14][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[14][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[15] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[15][21] + P[15][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[15][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[15][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[15][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[15][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[15][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[15][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
} else {
Kfusion[14] = 0.0;
Kfusion[15] = 0.0;
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
Kfusion[16] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[16][21] + P[16][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[16][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[16][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[16][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[16][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[16][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[16][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[17] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[17][21] + P[17][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[17][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[17][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[17][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[17][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[17][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[17][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[18] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[18][21] + P[18][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[18][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[18][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[18][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[18][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[18][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[18][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[19] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[19][21] + P[19][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[19][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[19][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[19][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[19][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[19][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[19][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[20] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[20][21] + P[20][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[20][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[20][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[20][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[20][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[20][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[20][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
Kfusion[21] = SK_MZ[0]*(P[21][21] + P[21][0]*SH_MAG[1] + P[21][3]*SH_MAG[0] - P[21][1]*SK_MZ[2] + P[21][2]*SK_MZ[3] + P[21][18]*SK_MZ[1] + P[21][16]*SK_MZ[5] - P[21][17]*SK_MZ[4]);
} else {
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;
// calculate the observation innovation variance
varInnovMag[2] = 1.0f/SK_MZ[0];
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has been performede and is required on the next frame
// this can be used by other fusion processes to avoid fusing on the same frame as this expensive step
magFusePerformed = true;
magFuseRequired = false;
// calculate the measurement innovation
innovMag[obsIndex] = MagPred[obsIndex] - magData[obsIndex];
// calculate the innovation test ratio
magTestRatio[obsIndex] = sq(innovMag[obsIndex]) / (sq(_magInnovGate) * varInnovMag[obsIndex]);
// check the last values from all components and set magnetometer health accordingly
magHealth = (magTestRatio[0] < 1.0f && magTestRatio[1] < 1.0f && magTestRatio[2] < 1.0f);
// Don't fuse unless all componenets pass. The exception is if the bad health has timed out and we are not a fly forward vehicle
// In this case we might as well try using the magnetometer, but with a reduced weighting
if (magHealth || ((magTestRatio[obsIndex] < 1.0f) && !assume_zero_sideslip() && magTimeout)) {
// correct the state vector
for (uint8_t j= 0; j<=21; j++) {
// If we are forced to use a bad compass, we reduce the weighting by a factor of 4
if (!magHealth) {
Kfusion[j] *= 0.25f;
states[j] = states[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovMag[obsIndex];
// normalise the quaternion states
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P
// take advantage of the empty columns in KH to reduce the
// number of operations
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=3; j++) {
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_MAG[j];
for (uint8_t j = 4; j<=15; j++) {
KH[i][j] = 0.0f;
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
for (uint8_t j = 16; j<=21; j++) {
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_MAG[j];
} else {
for (uint8_t j = 16; j<=21; j++) {
KH[i][j] = 0.0f;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=21; j++) {
KHP[i][j] = 0;
for (uint8_t k = 0; k<=3; k++) {
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j];
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
for (uint8_t k = 16; k<=21; k++) {
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++) {
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=21; j++) {
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j];
obsIndex = obsIndex + 1;
// set flags to indicate to other processes that fusion has not been performed and is not required on the next time step
magFusePerformed = false;
magFuseRequired = false;
// force the covariance matrix to be symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent
// ill-condiioning.
// stop performance timer
// fuse true airspeed measurements
void NavEKF::FuseAirspeed()
// start performance timer
// declarations
float vn;
float ve;
float vd;
float vwn;
float vwe;
float EAS2TAS = _ahrs->get_EAS2TAS();
const float R_TAS = sq(constrain_float(_easNoise, 0.5f, 5.0f) * constrain_float(EAS2TAS, 0.9f, 10.0f));
Vector3f SH_TAS;
float SK_TAS;
Vector22 H_TAS;
float VtasPred;
// copy required states to local variable names
vn = statesAtVtasMeasTime.velocity.x;
ve = statesAtVtasMeasTime.velocity.y;
vd = statesAtVtasMeasTime.velocity.z;
vwn = statesAtVtasMeasTime.wind_vel.x;
vwe = statesAtVtasMeasTime.wind_vel.y;
// calculate the predicted airspeed
VtasPred = pythagorous3((ve - vwe) , (vn - vwn) , vd);
// perform fusion of True Airspeed measurement
if (VtasPred > 1.0f)
// calculate observation jacobians
SH_TAS[0] = 1.0f/VtasPred;
SH_TAS[1] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2*ve - 2*vwe))/2;
SH_TAS[2] = (SH_TAS[0]*(2*vn - 2*vwn))/2;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=21; i++) H_TAS[i] = 0.0f;
H_TAS[4] = SH_TAS[2];
H_TAS[5] = SH_TAS[1];
H_TAS[6] = vd*SH_TAS[0];
H_TAS[14] = -SH_TAS[2];
H_TAS[15] = -SH_TAS[1];
// calculate Kalman gains
float temp = (R_TAS + SH_TAS[2]*(P[4][4]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][4]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][4]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][4]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) + SH_TAS[1]*(P[4][5]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][5]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][5]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][5]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) - SH_TAS[2]*(P[4][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][14]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][14]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][14]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][14]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) - SH_TAS[1]*(P[4][15]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][15]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][15]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][15]*vd*SH_TAS[0]) + vd*SH_TAS[0]*(P[4][6]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][6]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][6]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][6]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]));
if (temp >= R_TAS) {
SK_TAS = 1.0f / temp;
faultStatus |= 0U << 5;
} else {
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step
// we increase the wind state variances and try again next time
P[14][14] += 0.05f*R_TAS;
P[15][15] += 0.05f*R_TAS;
faultStatus |= 1U << 5;
Kfusion[0] = SK_TAS*(P[0][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[0][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[0][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[0][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[0][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[1] = SK_TAS*(P[1][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[1][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[1][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[1][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[1][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[2] = SK_TAS*(P[2][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[2][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[2][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[2][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[2][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[3] = SK_TAS*(P[3][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[3][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[3][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[3][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[3][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[4] = SK_TAS*(P[4][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[4][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[4][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[4][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[4][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[5] = SK_TAS*(P[5][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[5][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[5][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[5][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[5][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[6] = SK_TAS*(P[6][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[6][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[6][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[6][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[6][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[7] = SK_TAS*(P[7][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[7][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[7][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[7][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[7][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[8] = SK_TAS*(P[8][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[8][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[8][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[8][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[8][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[9] = SK_TAS*(P[9][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[9][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[9][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[9][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[9][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[10] = SK_TAS*(P[10][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[10][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[10][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[10][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[10][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[11] = SK_TAS*(P[11][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[11][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[11][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[11][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[11][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[12] = SK_TAS*(P[12][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[12][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[12][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[12][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[12][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias
Kfusion[13] = 0.0f;//SK_TAS*(P[13][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[13][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[13][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[13][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[13][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[14] = SK_TAS*(P[14][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[14][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[14][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[14][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[14][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[15] = SK_TAS*(P[15][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[15][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[15][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[15][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[15][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
Kfusion[16] = SK_TAS*(P[16][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[16][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[16][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[16][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[16][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[17] = SK_TAS*(P[17][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[17][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[17][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[17][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[17][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[18] = SK_TAS*(P[18][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[18][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[18][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[18][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[18][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[19] = SK_TAS*(P[19][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[19][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[19][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[19][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[19][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[20] = SK_TAS*(P[20][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[20][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[20][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[20][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[20][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
Kfusion[21] = SK_TAS*(P[21][4]*SH_TAS[2] - P[21][14]*SH_TAS[2] + P[21][5]*SH_TAS[1] - P[21][15]*SH_TAS[1] + P[21][6]*vd*SH_TAS[0]);
} else {
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;
// calculate measurement innovation variance
varInnovVtas = 1.0f/SK_TAS;
// calculate measurement innovation
innovVtas = VtasPred - VtasMeas;
// calculate the innovation consistency test ratio
tasTestRatio = sq(innovVtas) / (sq(_tasInnovGate) * varInnovVtas);
// test the ratio before fusing data
if (tasTestRatio < 1.0f)
// correct the state vector
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=21; j++)
states[j] = states[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovVtas;
Quaternion q(states[0], states[1], states[2], states[3]);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=3; i++) {
states[i] = q[i];
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P
// take advantage of the empty columns in H to reduce the number of operations
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=3; j++) KH[i][j] = 0.0;
for (uint8_t j = 4; j<=6; j++)
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_TAS[j];
for (uint8_t j = 7; j<=13; j++) KH[i][j] = 0.0;
for (uint8_t j = 14; j<=15; j++)
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_TAS[j];
for (uint8_t j = 16; j<=21; j++) KH[i][j] = 0.0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=21; j++)
KHP[i][j] = 0;
for (uint8_t k = 4; k<=6; k++)
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j];
for (uint8_t k = 14; k<=15; k++)
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=21; j++)
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j];
// force the covariance matrix to me symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.
// stop performance timer
// fuse sythetic sideslip measurement of zero
void NavEKF::FuseSideslip()
// start performance timer
// declarations
float q0;
float q1;
float q2;
float q3;
float vn;
float ve;
float vd;
float vwn;
float vwe;
const float R_BETA = 0.03f; // assume a sideslip angle RMS of ~10 deg
float SH_BETA[13];
float SK_BETA[8];
Vector3f vel_rel_wind;
Vector22 H_BETA;
float innovBeta;
// copy required states to local variable names
q0 = states[0];
q1 = states[1];
q2 = states[2];
q3 = states[3];
vn = states[4];
ve = states[5];
vd = states[6];
vwn = states[14];
vwe = states[15];
// calculate predicted wind relative velocity in NED
vel_rel_wind.x = vn - vwn;
vel_rel_wind.y = ve - vwe;
vel_rel_wind.z = vd;
// rotate into body axes
vel_rel_wind = prevTnb * vel_rel_wind;
// perform fusion of assumed sideslip = 0
if (vel_rel_wind.x > 5.0f)
// Calculate observation jacobians
SH_BETA[0] = (vn - vwn)*(sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3)) - vd*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3) + (ve - vwe)*(2*q0*q3 + 2*q1*q2);
if (fabsf(SH_BETA[0]) <= 1e-9f) {
faultStatus |= 1U << 6;
} else {
faultStatus |= 0U << 6;
SH_BETA[1] = (ve - vwe)*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3)) + vd*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) - (vn - vwn)*(2*q0*q3 - 2*q1*q2);
SH_BETA[2] = vn - vwn;
SH_BETA[3] = ve - vwe;
SH_BETA[4] = 1/sq(SH_BETA[0]);
SH_BETA[5] = 1/SH_BETA[0];
SH_BETA[6] = SH_BETA[5]*(sq(q0) - sq(q1) + sq(q2) - sq(q3));
SH_BETA[7] = sq(q0) + sq(q1) - sq(q2) - sq(q3);
SH_BETA[8] = 2*q0*SH_BETA[3] - 2*q3*SH_BETA[2] + 2*q1*vd;
SH_BETA[9] = 2*q0*SH_BETA[2] + 2*q3*SH_BETA[3] - 2*q2*vd;
SH_BETA[10] = 2*q2*SH_BETA[2] - 2*q1*SH_BETA[3] + 2*q0*vd;
SH_BETA[11] = 2*q1*SH_BETA[2] + 2*q2*SH_BETA[3] + 2*q3*vd;
SH_BETA[12] = 2*q0*q3;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=21; i++) {
H_BETA[i] = 0.0f;
H_BETA[1] = SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11];
H_BETA[2] = SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10];
H_BETA[3] = - SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8];
H_BETA[4] = - SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7];
H_BETA[5] = SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2);
H_BETA[6] = SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3);
H_BETA[14] = SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7];
H_BETA[15] = SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2) - SH_BETA[6];
// Calculate Kalman gains
float temp = (R_BETA - (SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7])*(P[14][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][4]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][4]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][4]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + (SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7])*(P[14][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][14]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][14]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][14]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + (SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2))*(P[14][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][5]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][5]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][5]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) - (SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2))*(P[14][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][15]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][15]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][15]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + (SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9])*(P[14][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][0]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][0]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][0]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + (SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11])*(P[14][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][1]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][1]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][1]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + (SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10])*(P[14][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][2]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][2]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][2]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) - (SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8])*(P[14][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][3]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][3]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][3]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))) + (SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))*(P[14][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) - P[4][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7]) + P[5][6]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) - P[15][6]*(SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2)) + P[0][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[8] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[9]) + P[1][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11]) + P[2][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10]) - P[3][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[9] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[8]) + P[6][6]*(SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3))));
if (temp >= R_BETA) {
SK_BETA[0] = 1.0f / temp;
faultStatus |= 0U << 6;
} else {
// the calculation is badly conditioned, so we cannot perform fusion on this step
faultStatus |= 1U << 6;
SK_BETA[1] = SH_BETA[5]*(SH_BETA[12] - 2*q1*q2) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[7];
SK_BETA[2] = SH_BETA[6] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(SH_BETA[12] + 2*q1*q2);
SK_BETA[3] = SH_BETA[5]*(2*q0*q1 + 2*q2*q3) + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*(2*q0*q2 - 2*q1*q3);
SK_BETA[4] = SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[10] - SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[11];
SK_BETA[6] = SH_BETA[5]*SH_BETA[11] + SH_BETA[1]*SH_BETA[4]*SH_BETA[10];
Kfusion[0] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[0][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[0][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[0][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[0][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[0][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[0][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[0][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[0][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[0][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[1] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[1][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[1][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[1][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[1][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[1][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[1][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[1][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[1][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[1][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[2] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[2][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[2][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[2][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[2][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[2][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[2][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[2][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[2][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[2][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[3] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[3][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[3][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[3][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[3][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[3][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[3][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[3][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[3][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[3][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[4] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[4][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[4][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[4][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[4][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[4][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[4][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[4][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[4][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[4][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[5] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[5][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[5][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[5][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[5][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[5][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[5][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[5][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[5][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[5][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[6] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[6][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[6][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[6][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[6][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[6][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[6][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[6][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[6][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[6][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[7] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[7][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[7][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[7][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[7][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[7][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[7][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[7][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[7][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[7][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[8] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[8][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[8][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[8][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[8][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[8][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[8][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[8][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[8][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[8][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[9] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[9][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[9][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[9][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[9][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[9][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[9][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[9][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[9][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[9][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[10] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[10][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[10][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[10][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[10][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[10][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[10][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[10][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[10][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[10][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[11] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[11][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[11][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[11][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[11][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[11][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[11][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[11][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[11][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[11][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[12] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[12][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[12][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[12][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[12][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[12][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[12][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[12][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[12][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[12][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
// this term has been zeroed to improve stability of the Z accel bias
Kfusion[13] = 0.0f;//SK_BETA[0]*(P[13][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[13][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[13][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[13][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[13][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[13][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[13][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[13][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[13][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[14] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[14][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[14][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[14][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[14][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[14][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[14][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[14][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[14][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[14][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[15] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[15][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[15][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[15][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[15][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[15][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[15][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[15][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[15][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[15][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
// zero Kalman gains to inhibit magnetic field state estimation
if (!inhibitMagStates) {
Kfusion[16] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[16][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[16][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[16][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[16][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[16][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[16][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[16][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[16][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[16][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[17] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[17][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[17][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[17][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[17][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[17][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[17][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[17][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[17][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[17][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[18] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[18][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[18][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[18][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[18][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[18][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[18][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[18][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[18][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[18][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[19] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[19][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[19][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[19][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[19][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[19][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[19][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[19][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[19][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[19][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[20] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[20][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[20][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[20][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[20][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[20][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[20][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[20][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[20][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[20][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
Kfusion[21] = SK_BETA[0]*(P[21][0]*SK_BETA[5] + P[21][1]*SK_BETA[4] - P[21][4]*SK_BETA[1] + P[21][5]*SK_BETA[2] + P[21][2]*SK_BETA[6] + P[21][6]*SK_BETA[3] - P[21][3]*SK_BETA[7] + P[21][14]*SK_BETA[1] - P[21][15]*SK_BETA[2]);
} else {
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) {
Kfusion[i] = 0.0f;
// calculate predicted sideslip angle and innovation using small angle approximation
innovBeta = vel_rel_wind.y / vel_rel_wind.x;
// reject measurement if greater than 3-sigma inconsistency
if (innovBeta > 0.5f) {
// correct the state vector
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=21; j++)
states[j] = states[j] - Kfusion[j] * innovBeta;
Quaternion q(states[0], states[1], states[2], states[3]);
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=3; i++) {
states[i] = q[i];
// correct the covariance P = (I - K*H)*P
// take advantage of the empty columns in H to reduce the
// number of operations
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=6; j++)
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_BETA[j];
for (uint8_t j = 7; j<=13; j++) KH[i][j] = 0.0;
for (uint8_t j = 14; j<=15; j++)
KH[i][j] = Kfusion[i] * H_BETA[j];
for (uint8_t j = 16; j<=21; j++) KH[i][j] = 0.0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=21; j++)
KHP[i][j] = 0;
for (uint8_t k = 0; k<=6; k++)
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j];
for (uint8_t k = 14; k<=15; k++)
KHP[i][j] = KHP[i][j] + KH[i][k] * P[k][j];
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j = 0; j<=21; j++)
P[i][j] = P[i][j] - KHP[i][j];
// force the covariance matrix to me symmetrical and limit the variances to prevent ill-condiioning.
// stop the performance timer
// zero specified range of rows in the state covariance matrix
void NavEKF::zeroRows(Matrix22 &covMat, uint8_t first, uint8_t last)
uint8_t row;
for (row=first; row<=last; row++)
memset(&covMat[row][0], 0, sizeof(covMat[0][0])*22);
// zero specified range of columns in the state covariance matrix
void NavEKF::zeroCols(Matrix22 &covMat, uint8_t first, uint8_t last)
uint8_t row;
for (row=0; row<=21; row++)
memset(&covMat[row][first], 0, sizeof(covMat[0][0])*(1+last-first));
// store states in a history array along with time stamp
void NavEKF::StoreStates()
// Don't need to store states more often than every 10 msec
if (hal.scheduler->millis() - lastStateStoreTime_ms >= 10) {
lastStateStoreTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
if (storeIndex > 49) {
storeIndex = 0;
storedStates[storeIndex] = state;
statetimeStamp[storeIndex] = lastStateStoreTime_ms;
storeIndex = storeIndex + 1;
// reset the stored state history and store the current state
void NavEKF::StoreStatesReset()
// clear stored state history
memset(&storedStates[0], 0, sizeof(storedStates));
memset(&statetimeStamp[0], 0, sizeof(statetimeStamp));
// store current state vector in first column
storeIndex = 0;
storedStates[storeIndex] = state;
statetimeStamp[storeIndex] = hal.scheduler->millis();
storeIndex = storeIndex + 1;
// recall state vector stored at closest time to the one specified by msec
void NavEKF::RecallStates(state_elements &statesForFusion, uint32_t msec)
uint32_t timeDelta;
uint32_t bestTimeDelta = 200;
uint8_t bestStoreIndex = 0;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=49; i++)
timeDelta = msec - statetimeStamp[i];
if (timeDelta < bestTimeDelta)
bestStoreIndex = i;
bestTimeDelta = timeDelta;
if (bestTimeDelta < 200) // only output stored state if < 200 msec retrieval error
statesForFusion = storedStates[bestStoreIndex];
else // otherwise output current state
statesForFusion = state;
// calculate nav to body quaternions from body to nav rotation matrix
void NavEKF::quat2Tbn(Matrix3f &Tbn, const Quaternion &quat) const
// Calculate the body to nav cosine matrix
// return the Euler roll, pitch and yaw angle in radians
void NavEKF::getEulerAngles(Vector3f &euler) const
Quaternion q(states[0], states[1], states[2], states[3]);
q.to_euler(&euler.x, &euler.y, &euler.z);
euler = euler - _ahrs->get_trim();
// return NED velocity in m/s
void NavEKF::getVelNED(Vector3f &vel) const
vel.x = states[4];
vel.y = states[5];
vel.z = states[6];
// return the last calculated NED position relative to the reference point (m).
// return false if no position is available
bool NavEKF::getPosNED(Vector3f &pos) const
pos.x = states[7];
pos.y = states[8];
pos.z = states[9];
return true;
// return body axis gyro bias estimates in rad/sec
void NavEKF::getGyroBias(Vector3f &gyroBias) const
if (dtIMU == 0) {
gyroBias.x = states[10] / dtIMU;
gyroBias.y = states[11] / dtIMU;
gyroBias.z = states[12] / dtIMU;
// return weighting of first IMU in blending function and the individual Z-accel bias estimates in m/s^2
void NavEKF::getAccelBias(Vector3f &accelBias) const
accelBias.x = IMU1_weighting;
if (dtIMU == 0) {
accelBias.y = 0;
accelBias.z = 0;
} else {
accelBias.y = states[22] / dtIMU;
accelBias.z = states[13] / dtIMU;
// return the NED wind speed estimates in m/s (positive is air moving in the direction of the axis)
void NavEKF::getWind(Vector3f &wind) const
wind.x = states[14];
wind.y = states[15];
wind.z = 0.0f; // currently don't estimate this
// return earth magnetic field estimates in measurement units / 1000
void NavEKF::getMagNED(Vector3f &magNED) const
magNED.x = states[16]*1000.0f;
magNED.y = states[17]*1000.0f;
magNED.z = states[18]*1000.0f;
// return body magnetic field estimates in measurement units / 1000
void NavEKF::getMagXYZ(Vector3f &magXYZ) const
magXYZ.x = states[19]*1000.0f;
magXYZ.y = states[20]*1000.0f;
magXYZ.z = states[21]*1000.0f;
// return the last calculated latitude, longitude and height
bool NavEKF::getLLH(struct Location &loc) const
loc.lat = _ahrs->get_home().lat;
loc.lng = _ahrs->get_home().lng;
loc.alt = _ahrs->get_home().alt - states[9]*100;
location_offset(loc, states[7], states[8]);
return true;
// calculate whether the flight vehicle is on the ground or flying from height, airspeed and GPS speed
void NavEKF::SetFlightAndFusionModes()
const AP_Airspeed *airspeed = _ahrs->get_airspeed();
uint8_t highAirSpd = (airspeed && airspeed->use() && airspeed->get_airspeed() * airspeed->get_EAS2TAS() > 8.0f);
float gndSpdSq = sq(velNED[0]) + sq(velNED[1]);
uint8_t highGndSpdStage1 = (uint8_t)(gndSpdSq > 9.0f);
uint8_t highGndSpdStage2 = (uint8_t)(gndSpdSq > 36.0f);
uint8_t highGndSpdStage3 = (uint8_t)(gndSpdSq > 81.0f);
uint8_t largeHgt = (uint8_t)(fabsf(hgtMea) > 15.0f);
uint8_t inAirSum = highAirSpd + highGndSpdStage1 + highGndSpdStage2 + highGndSpdStage3 + largeHgt;
// if magnetometer calibration mode 1 is selected, use a manoeuvre threshold test
// otherwise use a height and velocity test
if ((_magCal == 1) && (accNavMagHoriz > 0.5f) && !static_mode_demanded() && use_compass()) {
onGround = false;
} else {
// detect on-ground to in-air transition
// if we are already on the ground then 3 or more out of 5 criteria are required
// if we are in the air then only 2 or more are required
// this prevents rapid tansitions
if ((onGround && (inAirSum >= 3)) || (!onGround && (inAirSum >= 2))) {
onGround = false;
} else {
onGround = true;
// force a yaw alignment if exiting onGround without a compass or if compass is timed out and we are a fly forward vehicle
if (!onGround && prevOnGround && (!use_compass() || (magTimeout && assume_zero_sideslip()))) {
// If we are flying a fly-forward type vehicle without an airspeed sensor and exiting onGround
// we set the wind velocity to the reciprocal of the velocity vector and scale states so that the
// wind speed is equal to the 6m/s. This prevents gains being too high at the start
// of flight if launching into a headwind until the first turn when the EKF can form a wind speed
// estimate
if (!onGround && prevOnGround && !useAirspeed() && assume_zero_sideslip()) {
// store current on-ground status for next time
prevOnGround = onGround;
// If we are on ground, or in static mode, or don't have the right vehicle and sensing to estimate wind, inhibit wind states
inhibitWindStates = ((!useAirspeed() && !assume_zero_sideslip()) || onGround || staticMode);
// If magnetometer calibration mode is turned off by the user or we are on ground or in static mode, then inhibit magnetometer states
inhibitMagStates = ((_magCal == 2) || !use_compass() || onGround || staticMode);
// initialise the covariance matrix
void NavEKF::CovarianceInit()
// zero the matrix
for (uint8_t i=1; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=21; j++)
P[i][j] = 0.0f;
// quaternions - TODO better maths for initial quaternion covariances that uses roll, pitch and yaw
P[0][0] = 1.0e-9f;
P[1][1] = 0.25f*sq(radians(1.0f));
P[2][2] = 0.25f*sq(radians(1.0f));
P[3][3] = 0.25f*sq(radians(1.0f));
// velocities
P[4][4] = sq(0.7f);
P[5][5] = P[4][4];
P[6][6] = sq(0.7f);
// positions
P[7][7] = sq(15.0f);
P[8][8] = P[7][7];
P[9][9] = sq(5.0f);
// delta angle biases
P[10][10] = sq(radians(0.1f * dtIMU));
P[11][11] = P[10][10];
P[12][12] = P[10][10];
// Z delta velocity bias
P[13][13] = 0.0f;
// wind velocities
P[14][14] = 0.0f;
P[15][15] = P[14][14];
// earth magnetic field
P[16][16] = 0.0f;
P[17][17] = P[16][16];
P[18][18] = P[16][16];
// body magnetic field
P[19][19] = 0.0f;
P[20][20] = P[19][19];
P[21][21] = P[19][19];
// force symmetry on the covariance matrix to prevent ill-conditioning
void NavEKF::ForceSymmetry()
for (uint8_t i=1; i<=21; i++)
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=i-1; j++)
if (fabsf(P[i][j]) > EKF_COVARIENCE_MAX ||
fabsf(P[j][i]) > EKF_COVARIENCE_MAX) {
// set the filter status as diverged and re-initialise the filter
filterDiverged = true;
faultStatus |= 1U << 1;
lastDivergeTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
float temp = 0.5f*(P[i][j] + P[j][i]);
P[i][j] = temp;
P[j][i] = temp;
// copy covariances across from covariance prediction calculation and fix numerical errors
void NavEKF::CopyAndFixCovariances()
// copy predicted variances
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=21; i++) {
P[i][i] = nextP[i][i];
// copy predicted covariances and force symmetry
for (uint8_t i=1; i<=21; i++) {
for (uint8_t j=0; j<=i-1; j++)
P[i][j] = 0.5f*(nextP[i][j] + nextP[j][i]);
P[j][i] = P[i][j];
// constrain variances (diagonal terms) in the state covariance matrix to prevent ill-conditioning
void NavEKF::ConstrainVariances()
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=3; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0f); // quaternions
for (uint8_t i=4; i<=6; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0e3f); // velocities
for (uint8_t i=7; i<=9; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0e6f); // positions
for (uint8_t i=10; i<=12; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,sq(0.175f * dtIMU)); // delta angle biases
P[13][13] = constrain_float(P[13][13],0.0f,sq(10.0f * dtIMU)); // delta velocity bias
for (uint8_t i=14; i<=15; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0e3f); // earth magnetic field
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=21; i++) P[i][i] = constrain_float(P[i][i],0.0f,1.0f); // body magnetic field
// constrain states to prevent ill-conditioning
void NavEKF::ConstrainStates()
// quaternions are limited between +-1
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=3; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-1.0f,1.0f);
// velocity limit 500 m/sec (could set this based on some multiple of max airspeed * EAS2TAS)
for (uint8_t i=4; i<=6; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-5.0e2f,5.0e2f);
// position limit 1000 km - TODO apply circular limit
for (uint8_t i=7; i<=8; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-1.0e6f,1.0e6f);
// height limit covers home alt on everest through to home alt at SL and ballon drop
states[9] = constrain_float(states[9],-4.0e4f,1.0e4f);
// gyro bias limit ~6 deg/sec (this needs to be set based on manufacturers specs)
for (uint8_t i=10; i<=12; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-0.1f*dtIMU,0.1f*dtIMU);
// Z accel bias limit 1.0 m/s^2 (this needs to be finalised from test data)
states[13] = constrain_float(states[13],-1.0f*dtIMU,1.0f*dtIMU);
states[22] = constrain_float(states[22],-1.0f*dtIMU,1.0f*dtIMU);
// wind velocity limit 100 m/s (could be based on some multiple of max airspeed * EAS2TAS) - TODO apply circular limit
for (uint8_t i=14; i<=15; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-100.0f,100.0f);
// earth magnetic field limit
for (uint8_t i=16; i<=18; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-1.0f,1.0f);
// body magnetic field limit
for (uint8_t i=19; i<=21; i++) states[i] = constrain_float(states[i],-0.5f,0.5f);
// update IMU delta angle and delta velocity measurements
void NavEKF::readIMUData()
Vector3f angRate; // angular rate vector in XYZ body axes measured by the IMU (rad/s)
Vector3f accel1; // acceleration vector in XYZ body axes measured by IMU1 (m/s^2)
Vector3f accel2; // acceleration vector in XYZ body axes measured by IMU2 (m/s^2)
// get the time the IMU data was read
IMUmsec = hal.scheduler->millis();
// limit IMU delta time to prevent numerical problems elsewhere
dtIMU = constrain_float(_ahrs->get_ins().get_delta_time(), 0.001f, 1.0f);
// get accels and gyro data from dual sensors if healthy
if (_ahrs->get_ins().get_accel_health(0) && _ahrs->get_ins().get_accel_health(1)) {
accel1 = _ahrs->get_ins().get_accel(0);
accel2 = _ahrs->get_ins().get_accel(1);
} else {
accel1 = _ahrs->get_ins().get_accel();
accel2 = accel1;
// average the available gyro sensors
uint8_t gyro_count = 0;
for (uint8_t i = 0; i<_ahrs->get_ins().get_gyro_count(); i++) {
if (_ahrs->get_ins().get_gyro_health(i)) {
angRate += _ahrs->get_ins().get_gyro(i);
if (gyro_count != 0) {
angRate /= gyro_count;
// trapezoidal integration
dAngIMU = (angRate + lastAngRate) * dtIMU * 0.5f;
lastAngRate = angRate;
dVelIMU1 = (accel1 + lastAccel1) * dtIMU * 0.5f;
lastAccel1 = accel1;
dVelIMU2 = (accel2 + lastAccel2) * dtIMU * 0.5f;
lastAccel2 = accel2;
// check for new valid GPS data and update stored measurement if available
void NavEKF::readGpsData()
// check for new GPS data
if ((_ahrs->get_gps().last_message_time_ms() != lastFixTime_ms) &&
(_ahrs->get_gps().status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D))
// store fix time from previous read
secondLastFixTime_ms = lastFixTime_ms;
// get current fix time
lastFixTime_ms = _ahrs->get_gps().last_message_time_ms();
// set flag that lets other functions know that new GPS data has arrived
newDataGps = true;
// get state vectors that were stored at the time that is closest to when the the GPS measurement
// time after accounting for measurement delays
RecallStates(statesAtVelTime, (IMUmsec - constrain_int16(_msecVelDelay, 0, 500)));
RecallStates(statesAtPosTime, (IMUmsec - constrain_int16(_msecPosDelay, 0, 500)));
// read the NED velocity from the GPS
velNED = _ahrs->get_gps().velocity();
// Check if GPS can output vertical velocity and set GPS fusion mode accordingly
if (!_ahrs->get_gps().have_vertical_velocity()) {
// vertical velocity should not be fused
if (_fusionModeGPS == 0) {
_fusionModeGPS = 1;
// read latitutde and longitude from GPS and convert to NE position
const struct Location &gpsloc = _ahrs->get_gps().location();
gpsPosNE = location_diff(_ahrs->get_home(), gpsloc);
// decay and limit the position offset which is applied to NE position wherever it is used throughout code to allow GPS position jumps to be accommodated gradually
// check for new altitude measurement data and update stored measurement if available
void NavEKF::readHgtData()
// check to see if baro measurement has changed so we know if a new measurement has arrived
if (_baro.get_last_update() != lastHgtMeasTime) {
// time stamp used to check for new measurement
lastHgtMeasTime = _baro.get_last_update();
// time stamp used to check for timeout
lastHgtTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
// get measurement and set flag to let other functions know new data has arrived
hgtMea = _baro.get_altitude();
newDataHgt = true;
// get states that wer stored at the time closest to the measurement time, taking measurement delay into account
RecallStates(statesAtHgtTime, (IMUmsec - _msecHgtDelay));
} else {
newDataHgt = false;
// check for new magnetometer data and update store measurements if available
void NavEKF::readMagData()
if (use_compass() && _ahrs->get_compass()->last_update != lastMagUpdate) {
// store time of last measurement update
lastMagUpdate = _ahrs->get_compass()->last_update;
// read compass data and assign to bias and uncorrected measurement
// body fixed magnetic bias is opposite sign to APM compass offsets
// we scale compass data to improve numerical conditioning
magBias = -_ahrs->get_compass()->get_offsets() * 0.001f;
magData = _ahrs->get_compass()->get_field() * 0.001f + magBias;
// get states stored at time closest to measurement time after allowance for measurement delay
RecallStates(statesAtMagMeasTime, (IMUmsec - _msecMagDelay));
// let other processes know that new compass data has arrived
newDataMag = true;
} else {
newDataMag = false;
// check for new airspeed data and update stored measurements if available
void NavEKF::readAirSpdData()
// if airspeed reading is valid and is set by the user to be used and has been updated then
// we take a new reading, convert from EAS to TAS and set the flag letting other functions
// know a new measurement is available
const AP_Airspeed *aspeed = _ahrs->get_airspeed();
if (aspeed &&
aspeed->use() &&
aspeed->last_update_ms() != lastAirspeedUpdate) {
VtasMeas = aspeed->get_airspeed() * aspeed->get_EAS2TAS();
lastAirspeedUpdate = aspeed->last_update_ms();
newDataTas = true;
RecallStates(statesAtVtasMeasTime, (IMUmsec - _msecTasDelay));
} else {
newDataTas = false;
// calculate the NED earth spin vector in rad/sec
void NavEKF::calcEarthRateNED(Vector3f &omega, int32_t latitude) const
float lat_rad = radians(latitude*1.0e-7f);
omega.x = earthRate*cosf(lat_rad);
omega.y = 0;
omega.z = -earthRate*sinf(lat_rad);
// initialise the earth magnetic field states using declination, suppled roll/pitch
// and magnetometer measurements and return initial attitude quaternion
// if no magnetometer data, do not update amgentic field states and assume zero yaw angle
Quaternion NavEKF::calcQuatAndFieldStates(float roll, float pitch)
// declare local variables required to calculate initial orientation and magnetic field
float yaw;
Matrix3f Tbn;
Vector3f initMagNED;
Quaternion initQuat;
if (use_compass()) {
// calculate rotation matrix from body to NED frame
Tbn.from_euler(roll, pitch, 0.0f);
// read the magnetometer data
// rotate the magnetic field into NED axes
initMagNED = Tbn*(magData - magBias);
// calculate heading of mag field rel to body heading
float magHeading = atan2f(initMagNED.y, initMagNED.x);
// get the magnetic declination
float magDecAng = use_compass() ? _ahrs->get_compass()->get_declination() : 0;
// calculate yaw angle rel to true north
yaw = magDecAng - magHeading;
yawAligned = true;
// calculate initial filter quaternion states
initQuat.from_euler(roll, pitch, yaw);
// calculate initial Tbn matrix and rotate Mag measurements into NED
// to set initial NED magnetic field states
initMagNED = Tbn * (magData - magBias);
// write to earth magnetic field state vector
state.earth_magfield = initMagNED;
} else {
initQuat.from_euler(roll, pitch, 0.0f);
yawAligned = false;
// return attitude quaternion
return initQuat;
// this function is used to do a forced alignment of the yaw angle to aligwith the horizontal velocity
// vector from GPS. It is used to align the yaw angle after launch or takeoff without a magnetometer.
void NavEKF::alignYawGPS()
if ((sq(velNED[0]) + sq(velNED[1])) > 16.0f) {
float roll;
float pitch;
float oldYaw;
float newYaw;
float yawErr;
// get quaternion from existing filter states and calculate roll, pitch and yaw angles
Quaternion initQuat;
Quaternion newQuat;
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=3; i++) initQuat[i] = states[i];
initQuat.to_euler(&roll, &pitch, &oldYaw);
// calculate yaw angle from GPS velocity
newYaw = atan2f(velNED[1],velNED[0]);
// modify yaw angle using GPS ground course if more than 45 degrees away or if not previously aligned
yawErr = fabsf(newYaw - oldYaw);
if (((yawErr > 0.7854f) && (yawErr < 5.4978f)) || !yawAligned) {
// calculate new filter quaternion states from Euler angles
newQuat.from_euler(roll, pitch, newYaw);
for (uint8_t i=0; i<=3; i++) states[i] = newQuat[i];
// the yaw angle is now aligned so update its status
yawAligned = true;
// set the velocity states
if (_fusionModeGPS < 2) {
states[4] = velNED[0];
states[5] = velNED[1];
// reinitialise the quaternion, velocity and position covariances
// zero the matrix entries
// quaternions - TODO maths that sets them based on different roll, yaw and pitch uncertainties
P[0][0] = 1.0e-9f;
P[1][1] = 0.25f*sq(radians(1.0f));
P[2][2] = 0.25f*sq(radians(1.0f));
P[3][3] = 0.25f*sq(radians(1.0f));
// velocities - we could have a big error coming out of static mode due to GPS lag
P[4][4] = 400.0f;
P[5][5] = P[4][4];
P[6][6] = sq(0.7f);
// positions - we could have a big error coming out of static mode due to GPS lag
P[7][7] = 400.0f;
P[8][8] = P[7][7];
P[9][9] = sq(5.0f);
// This function is used to do a forced alignment of the wind velocity
// states so that they are set to the reciprocal of the ground speed
// and scaled to STARTUP_WIND_SPEED m/s. This is used when launching a
// fly-forward vehicle without an airspeed sensor on the assumption
// that launch will be into wind and STARTUP_WIND_SPEED is
// representative of typical launch wind
void NavEKF::setWindVelStates()
float gndSpd = sqrtf(sq(states[4]) + sq(states[5]));
if (gndSpd > 4.0f) {
// set the wind states to be the reciprocal of the velocity and scale
float scaleFactor = STARTUP_WIND_SPEED / gndSpd;
states[14] = - states[4] * scaleFactor;
states[15] = - states[5] * scaleFactor;
// reinitialise the wind state covariances
P[14][14] = 64.0f;
P[15][15] = P[14][14];
// return the transformation matrix from XYZ (body) to NED axes
void NavEKF::getRotationBodyToNED(Matrix3f &mat) const
Vector3f trim = _ahrs->get_trim();
Quaternion q(states[0], states[1], states[2], states[3]);
// return the innovations for the NED Pos, NED Vel, XYZ Mag and Vtas measurements
void NavEKF::getInnovations(Vector3f &velInnov, Vector3f &posInnov, Vector3f &magInnov, float &tasInnov) const
velInnov.x = innovVelPos[0];
velInnov.y = innovVelPos[1];
velInnov.z = innovVelPos[2];
posInnov.x = innovVelPos[3];
posInnov.y = innovVelPos[4];
posInnov.z = innovVelPos[5];
magInnov.x = 1e3f*innovMag[0]; // Convert back to sensor units
magInnov.y = 1e3f*innovMag[1]; // Convert back to sensor units
magInnov.z = 1e3f*innovMag[2]; // Convert back to sensor units
tasInnov = innovVtas;
// return the innovation consistency test ratios for the velocity, position, magnetometer and true airspeed measurements
// this indicates the amount of margin available when tuning the various error traps
// also return the current offsets applied to the GPS position measurements
void NavEKF::getVariances(float &velVar, float &posVar, float &hgtVar, Vector3f &magVar, float &tasVar, Vector2f &offset) const
velVar = sqrtf(velTestRatio);
posVar = sqrtf(posTestRatio);
hgtVar = sqrtf(hgtTestRatio);
magVar.x = sqrtf(magTestRatio.x);
magVar.y = sqrtf(magTestRatio.y);
magVar.z = sqrtf(magTestRatio.z);
tasVar = sqrtf(tasTestRatio);
offset = gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE;
// zero stored variables - this needs to be called before a full filter initialisation
void NavEKF::ZeroVariables()
velTimeout = false;
posTimeout = false;
hgtTimeout = false;
filterDiverged = false;
lastStateStoreTime_ms = 0;
lastFixTime_ms = 0;
secondLastFixTime_ms = 0;
lastMagUpdate = 0;
lastAirspeedUpdate = 0;
velFailTime = 0;
posFailTime = 0;
hgtFailTime = 0;
storeIndex = 0;
TASmsecPrev = 0;
BETAmsecPrev = 0;
MAGmsecPrev = 0;
HGTmsecPrev = 0;
lastMagUpdate = 0;
lastAirspeedUpdate = 0;
lastHgtMeasTime = 0;
dtIMU = 0;
dt = 0;
hgtMea = 0;
storeIndex = 0;
faultStatus = 0;
memset(&P[0][0], 0, sizeof(P));
memset(&nextP[0][0], 0, sizeof(nextP));
memset(&processNoise[0], 0, sizeof(processNoise));
memset(&storedStates[0], 0, sizeof(storedStates));
memset(&statetimeStamp[0], 0, sizeof(statetimeStamp));
// return true if we should use the airspeed sensor
bool NavEKF::useAirspeed(void) const
if (_ahrs->get_airspeed() == NULL) {
return false;
return _ahrs->get_airspeed()->use();
// return true if the vehicle code has requested use of static mode
// in static mode, position and height are constrained to zero, allowing an attitude
// reference to be initialised and maintained when on the ground and without GPS lock
bool NavEKF::static_mode_demanded(void) const
return !_ahrs->get_armed() || !_ahrs->get_correct_centrifugal();
// return true if we should use the compass
bool NavEKF::use_compass(void) const
return _ahrs->get_compass() && _ahrs->get_compass()->use_for_yaw();
// decay GPS horizontal position offset to close to zero at a rate of 1 m/s
// limit radius to a maximum of 100m
// apply glitch offset to GPS measurements
void NavEKF::decayGpsOffset()
float lapsedTime = 0.001f*float(hal.scheduler->millis() - lastDecayTime_ms);
lastDecayTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
float offsetRadius = pythagorous2(gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x, gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y);
// decay radius if larger than velocity of 1.0 multiplied by lapsed time (plus a margin to prevent divide by zero)
if (offsetRadius > (lapsedTime + 0.1f)) {
// calculate scale factor to be applied to both offset components
float scaleFactor = constrain_float((offsetRadius - lapsedTime), 0.0f, 100.0f) / offsetRadius;
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.x *= scaleFactor;
gpsPosGlitchOffsetNE.y *= scaleFactor;
should we assume zero sideslip?
bool NavEKF::assume_zero_sideslip(void) const
// we don't assume zero sideslip for ground vehicles as EKF could
// be quite sensitive to a rapid spin of the ground vehicle if
// traction is lost
return _ahrs->get_fly_forward() && _ahrs->get_vehicle_class() != AHRS_VEHICLE_GROUND;
// Check for filter divergence
void NavEKF::checkDivergence()
// If filter is diverging, then fail for 10 seconds
// filter divergence is detected by looking for rapid changes in gyro bias
Vector3f tempVec = state.gyro_bias - lastGyroBias;
float tempLength = tempVec.length();
if (tempLength != 0.0f) {
scaledDeltaGyrBiasLgth = 5e4f*tempVec.length()/dtIMU;
bool divergenceDetected = (scaledDeltaGyrBiasLgth > 1.0f);
lastGyroBias = state.gyro_bias;
if (divergenceDetected) {
filterDiverged = true;
faultStatus |= 1U << 0;
lastDivergeTime_ms = hal.scheduler->millis();
} else if (hal.scheduler->millis() - lastDivergeTime_ms > 10000) {
filterDiverged = false;
return the filter fault status as a bitmasked integer
0 = filter divergence detected via gyro bias growth
1 = filter divergence detected by large covariances
2 = badly conditioned X magnetometer fusion
3 = badly conditioned Y magnetometer fusion
4 = badly conditioned Z magnetometer fusion
5 = badly conditioned airspeed fusion
6 = badly conditioned synthetic sideslip fusion
7 = unassigned
return normalised delta gyro bias length used for divergence test
void NavEKF::getFilterFaults(uint8_t &faults, float &deltaGyroBias) const
faults = faultStatus;
deltaGyroBias = scaledDeltaGyrBiasLgth;
#endif // HAL_CPU_CLASS