
387 lines
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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/// @file AP_Mission.h
/// @brief Handles the MAVLINK command mission stack. Reads and writes mission to storage.
* The AP_Mission library:
* - responsible for managing a list of commands made up of "nav", "do" and "conditional" commands
* - reads and writes the mission commands to storage.
* - provides easy acces to current, previous and upcoming waypoints
* - calls main program's command execution and verify functions.
* - accounts for the DO_JUMP command
#ifndef AP_Mission_h
#define AP_Mission_h
#include <GCS_MAVLink.h>
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_HAL.h>
// definitions
#define AP_MISSION_EEPROM_VERSION 0x65AE // version number stored in first four bytes of eeprom. increment this by one when eeprom format is changed
#define AP_MISSION_EEPROM_COMMAND_SIZE 15 // size in bytes of all mission commands
#define AP_MISSION_MAX_NUM_DO_JUMP_COMMANDS 3 // only allow up to 3 do-jump commands (due to RAM limitations on the APM2)
#define AP_MISSION_JUMP_REPEAT_FOREVER -1 // when do-jump command's repeat count is -1 this means endless repeat
#define AP_MISSION_CMD_ID_NONE 0 // mavlink cmd id of zero means invalid or missing command
#define AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE 65535 // command index of 65535 means invalid or missing command
#define AP_MISSION_JUMP_TIMES_MAX 32767 // maximum number of times a jump can be executed. Used when jump tracking fails (i.e. when too many jumps in mission)
#define AP_MISSION_FIRST_REAL_COMMAND 1 // command #0 reserved to hold home position
/// @class AP_Mission
/// @brief Object managing Mission
class AP_Mission {
// jump command structure
struct PACKED Jump_Command {
uint16_t target; // target command id
int16_t num_times; // num times to repeat. -1 = repeat forever
// condition delay command structure
struct PACKED Conditional_Delay_Command {
float seconds; // period of delay in seconds
// condition delay command structure
struct PACKED Conditional_Distance_Command {
float meters; // distance from next waypoint in meters
// condition yaw command structure
struct PACKED Yaw_Command {
float angle_deg; // target angle in degrees (0=north, 90=east)
float turn_rate_dps; // turn rate in degrees / second (0=use default)
int8_t direction; // -1 = ccw, +1 = cw
uint8_t relative_angle; // 0 = absolute angle, 1 = relative angle
// change speed command structure
struct PACKED Change_Speed_Command {
uint8_t speed_type; // 0=airspeed, 1=ground speed
float target_ms; // target speed in m/s, -1 means no change
float throttle_pct; // throttle as a percentage (i.e. 0 ~ 100), -1 means no change
// set relay command structure
struct PACKED Set_Relay_Command {
uint8_t num; // relay number from 1 to 4
uint8_t state; // on = 3.3V or 5V (depending upon board), off = 0V. only used for do-set-relay, not for do-repeat-relay
// repeat relay command structure
struct PACKED Repeat_Relay_Command {
uint8_t num; // relay number from 1 to 4
int16_t repeat_count; // number of times to trigger the relay
float cycle_time; // cycle time in seconds (the time between peaks or the time the relay is on and off for each cycle?)
// set servo command structure
struct PACKED Set_Servo_Command {
uint8_t channel; // servo channel
uint16_t pwm; // pwm value for servo
// repeat servo command structure
struct PACKED Repeat_Servo_Command {
uint8_t channel; // servo channel
uint16_t pwm; // pwm value for servo
int16_t repeat_count; // number of times to move the servo (returns to trim in between)
float cycle_time; // cycle time in seconds (the time between peaks or the time the servo is at the specified pwm value for each cycle?)
// set cam trigger distance command structure
struct PACKED Cam_Trigg_Distance {
float meters; // distance
union PACKED Content {
// jump structure
Jump_Command jump;
// conditional delay
Conditional_Delay_Command delay;
// conditional distance
Conditional_Distance_Command distance;
// conditional yaw
Yaw_Command yaw;
// change speed
Change_Speed_Command speed;
// do-set-relay
Set_Relay_Command relay;
// do-repeat-relay
Repeat_Relay_Command repeat_relay;
// do-set-servo
Set_Servo_Command servo;
// do-repeate-servo
Repeat_Servo_Command repeat_servo;
// cam trigg distance
Cam_Trigg_Distance cam_trigg_dist;
// location
Location location; // Waypoint location
// raw bytes, for reading/writing to eeprom
uint8_t bytes[12];
// command structure
struct PACKED Mission_Command {
uint16_t index; // this commands position in the command list
uint8_t id; // mavlink command id
uint16_t p1; // general purpose parameter 1
Content content;
// main program function pointers
typedef bool (*mission_cmd_fn_t)(const Mission_Command& cmd);
typedef void (*mission_complete_fn_t)(void);
// mission state enumeration
enum mission_state {
/// constructor
AP_Mission(AP_AHRS &ahrs, mission_cmd_fn_t cmd_start_fn, mission_cmd_fn_t cmd_verify_fn, mission_complete_fn_t mission_complete_fn, uint16_t storage_start, uint16_t storage_end) :
// load parameter defaults
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// calculate
_storage_start = storage_start;
_cmd_total_max = ((storage_end - storage_start - 4) / AP_MISSION_EEPROM_COMMAND_SIZE) -1; // -4 to remove space for eeprom version number, -1 to be safe
// clear commands
_nav_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
_do_cmd.index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
// initialise other internal variables
_flags.state = MISSION_STOPPED;
_flags.nav_cmd_loaded = false;
_flags.do_cmd_loaded = false;
/// public mission methods
/// init - initialises this library including checks the version in eeprom matches this library
void init();
/// status - returns the status of the mission (i.e. Mission_Started, Mission_Complete, Mission_Stopped
mission_state state() const { return _flags.state; }
/// num_commands - returns total number of commands in the mission
uint16_t num_commands() const { return _cmd_total; }
/// num_commands_max - returns maximum number of commands that can be stored
uint16_t num_commands_max() const {return _cmd_total_max; }
/// start - resets current commands to point to the beginning of the mission
/// To-Do: should we validate the mission first and return true/false?
void start();
/// stop - stops mission execution. subsequent calls to update() will have no effect until the mission is started or resumed
void stop();
/// resume - continues the mission execution from where we last left off
/// previous running commands will be re-initialised
void resume();
/// start_or_resume - if MIS_AUTORESTART=0 this will call resume(), otherwise it will call start()
void start_or_resume();
/// reset - reset mission to the first command
void reset();
/// clear - clears out mission
/// returns true if mission was running so it could not be cleared
bool clear();
/// truncate - truncate any mission items beyond given index
void truncate(uint16_t index);
/// update - ensures the command queues are loaded with the next command and calls main programs command_init and command_verify functions to progress the mission
/// should be called at 10hz or higher
void update();
/// public command methods
/// add_cmd - adds a command to the end of the command list and writes to storage
/// returns true if successfully added, false on failure
/// cmd.index is updated with it's new position in the mission
bool add_cmd(Mission_Command& cmd);
/// replace_cmd - replaces the command at position 'index' in the command list with the provided cmd
/// replacing the current active command will have no effect until the command is restarted
/// returns true if successfully replaced, false on failure
bool replace_cmd(uint16_t index, Mission_Command& cmd);
/// is_nav_cmd - returns true if the command's id is a "navigation" command, false if "do" or "conditional" command
static bool is_nav_cmd(const Mission_Command& cmd);
/// get_current_nav_cmd - returns the current "navigation" command
const Mission_Command& get_current_nav_cmd() const { return _nav_cmd; }
/// get_current_nav_index - returns the current "navigation" command index
/// Note that this will return 0 if there is no command. This is
/// used in MAVLink reporting of the mission command
uint16_t get_current_nav_index() const {
return _nav_cmd.index==AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE?0:_nav_cmd.index; }
/// get_prev_nav_cmd_index - returns the previous "navigation" commands index (i.e. position in the mission command list)
/// if there was no previous nav command it returns AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE
/// we do not return the entire command to save on RAM
uint16_t get_prev_nav_cmd_index() const { return _prev_nav_cmd_index; }
/// get_next_nav_cmd - gets next "navigation" command found at or after start_index
/// returns true if found, false if not found (i.e. reached end of mission command list)
/// accounts for do_jump commands
bool get_next_nav_cmd(uint16_t start_index, Mission_Command& cmd);
/// get the ground course of the next navigation leg in centidegrees
/// from 0 36000. Return default_angle if next navigation
/// leg cannot be determined
int32_t get_next_ground_course_cd(int32_t default_angle);
/// get_current_do_cmd - returns active "do" command
const Mission_Command& get_current_do_cmd() const { return _do_cmd; }
// set_current_cmd - jumps to command specified by index
bool set_current_cmd(uint16_t index);
/// load_cmd_from_storage - load command from storage
/// true is return if successful
bool read_cmd_from_storage(uint16_t index, Mission_Command& cmd) const;
/// write_cmd_to_storage - write a command to storage
/// cmd.index is used to calculate the storage location
/// true is returned if successful
bool write_cmd_to_storage(uint16_t index, Mission_Command& cmd);
/// write_home_to_storage - writes the special purpose cmd 0 (home) to storage
/// home is taken directly from ahrs
void write_home_to_storage();
// mavlink_to_mission_cmd - converts mavlink message to an AP_Mission::Mission_Command object which can be stored to eeprom
// return true on success, false on failure
static bool mavlink_to_mission_cmd(const mavlink_mission_item_t& packet, AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd);
// mission_cmd_to_mavlink - converts an AP_Mission::Mission_Command object to a mavlink message which can be sent to the GCS
// return true on success, false on failure
static bool mission_cmd_to_mavlink(const AP_Mission::Mission_Command& cmd, mavlink_mission_item_t& packet);
// user settable parameters
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
struct Mission_Flags {
mission_state state;
uint8_t nav_cmd_loaded : 1; // true if a "navigation" command has been loaded into _nav_cmd
uint8_t do_cmd_loaded : 1; // true if a "do"/"conditional" command has been loaded into _do_cmd
uint8_t do_cmd_all_done : 1; // true if all "do"/"conditional" commands have been completed (stops unnecessary searching through eeprom for do commands)
} _flags;
/// private methods
/// complete - mission is marked complete and clean-up performed including calling the mission_complete_fn
void complete();
/// advance_current_nav_cmd - moves current nav command forward
/// do command will also be loaded
/// accounts for do-jump commands
// returns true if command is advanced, false if failed (i.e. mission completed)
bool advance_current_nav_cmd();
/// advance_current_do_cmd - moves current do command forward
/// accounts for do-jump commands
/// returns true if successfully advanced (can it ever be unsuccessful?)
void advance_current_do_cmd();
/// get_next_cmd - gets next command found at or after start_index
/// returns true if found, false if not found (i.e. mission complete)
/// accounts for do_jump commands
/// increment_jump_num_times_if_found should be set to true if advancing the active navigation command
bool get_next_cmd(uint16_t start_index, Mission_Command& cmd, bool increment_jump_num_times_if_found);
/// get_next_do_cmd - gets next "do" or "conditional" command after start_index
/// returns true if found, false if not found
/// stops and returns false if it hits another navigation command before it finds the first do or conditional command
/// accounts for do_jump commands but never increments the jump's num_times_run (get_next_nav_cmd is responsible for this)
bool get_next_do_cmd(uint16_t start_index, Mission_Command& cmd);
/// jump handling methods
// init_jump_tracking - initialise jump_tracking variables
void init_jump_tracking();
/// get_jump_times_run - returns number of times the jump command has been run
/// return is signed to be consistent with do-jump cmd's repeat count which can be -1 (to signify to repeat forever)
int16_t get_jump_times_run(const Mission_Command& cmd);
/// increment_jump_times_run - increments the recorded number of times the jump command has been run
void increment_jump_times_run(Mission_Command& cmd);
/// check_eeprom_version - checks version of missions stored in eeprom matches this library
/// command list will be cleared if they do not match
void check_eeprom_version();
// references to external libraries
const AP_AHRS& _ahrs; // used only for home position
// parameters
AP_Int16 _cmd_total; // total number of commands in the mission
AP_Int8 _auto_reset; // when true the mission will reset to the first command when initiated
// pointer to main program functions
mission_cmd_fn_t _cmd_start_fn; // pointer to function which will be called when a new command is started
mission_cmd_fn_t _cmd_verify_fn; // pointer to function which will be called repeatedly to ensure a command is progressing
mission_complete_fn_t _mission_complete_fn; // pointer to function which will be called when mission completes
// internal variables
uint16_t _storage_start; // first position we are free to use in eeprom storage
uint16_t _cmd_total_max; // maximum number of commands we can store
struct Mission_Command _nav_cmd; // current "navigation" command. It's position in the command list is held in _nav_cmd.index
struct Mission_Command _do_cmd; // current "do" command. It's position in the command list is held in _do_cmd.index
uint16_t _prev_nav_cmd_index; // index of the previous "navigation" command. Rarely used which is why we don't store the whole command
// jump related variables
struct jump_tracking_struct {
uint16_t index; // index of do-jump commands in mission
int16_t num_times_run; // number of times this jump command has been run