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synced 2025-03-03 04:03:59 -04:00
add enable/disable to mavlinkcheckbox modify my button to curved add delay to progress reporter dialog. to ensure correct parent Fix Mount screen for AP Fix Hardware screen Text display roi difrently modify HIL/Quad Hil update dataflashlog format (thanks randy) update mavcmd format for roi
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271 lines
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using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Text;
namespace ArdupilotMega.HIL
public class Utils
public const double rad2deg = (180 / System.Math.PI);
public const double deg2rad = (1.0 / rad2deg);
public const double ft2m = (1.0 / 3.2808399);
public const double kts2fps = 1.68780986;
public static double sin(double val)
return System.Math.Sin(val);
public static double cos(double val)
return System.Math.Cos(val);
public static double asin(double val)
return System.Math.Asin(val);
public static double atan2(double val, double val2)
return System.Math.Atan2(val, val2);
public static double radians(double val)
return val * deg2rad;
public static double degrees(double val)
return val * rad2deg;
public static double sqrt(double val)
return System.Math.Sqrt(val);
public static int[] range(int no)
int[] range = new int[no];
for (int a = 0; a < no; a++)
range[a] = a;
return range;
public static double fabs(double val)
return System.Math.Abs(val);
public static double tan(double val)
return System.Math.Tan(val);
public static Tuple<double, double, double> EarthRatesToBodyRates(double roll, double pitch, double yaw,
double rollRate, double pitchRate, double yawRate)
//convert the angular velocities from earth frame to
//body frame. Thanks to James Goppert for the formula
//all inputs and outputs are in degrees
//returns a tuple, (p,q,r)
var phi = radians(roll);
var theta = radians(pitch);
var phiDot = radians(rollRate);
var thetaDot = radians(pitchRate);
var psiDot = radians(yawRate);
var p = phiDot - psiDot * sin(theta);
var q = cos(phi) * thetaDot + sin(phi) * psiDot * cos(theta);
var r = cos(phi) * psiDot * cos(theta) - sin(phi) * thetaDot;
return new Tuple<double, double, double>(degrees(p), degrees(q), degrees(r));
public static Tuple<double, double, double> EarthRatesToBodyRatesRyan(double roll, double pitch, double yaw,
double x, double y, double z)
// thanks to ryan beall
var phi = radians(roll);
var theta = radians(pitch);
var psi = radians((360 - yaw) * 1.0);
var Po = radians(x);
var Qo = radians(y);
var Ro = radians(-z);
var P = Po * cos(psi) * cos(theta) - Ro * sin(theta) + Qo * cos(theta) * sin(psi);
var Q = Qo * (cos(phi) * cos(psi) + sin(phi) * sin(psi) * sin(theta)) - Po * (cos(phi) * sin(psi) - cos(psi) * sin(phi) * sin(theta)) + Ro * cos(theta) * sin(phi);
var R = Po * (sin(phi) * sin(psi) + cos(phi) * cos(psi) * sin(theta)) - Qo * (cos(psi) * sin(phi) - cos(phi) * sin(psi) * sin(theta)) + Ro * cos(phi) * cos(theta);
// P = 0;
//Q = 0;
//R = 0;
return new Tuple<double, double, double>(degrees(P), degrees(Q), degrees(R));
public static Tuple<double, double, double> EarthRatesToBodyRatesMine(double roll, double pitch, double yaw,
double rollRate, double pitchRate, double yawRate)
// thanks to ryan beall
var phi = radians(roll);
var theta = radians(pitch);
var psi = radians(yaw);
var Po = radians(pitchRate);
var Ro = radians(yawRate);
var Qo = radians(rollRate);
var Q = Po * cos(psi) + Qo * sin(psi);
var P = Po * sin(psi) + Qo * cos(psi); ;
var R = Ro;
return new Tuple<double, double, double>(degrees(P), degrees(Q), degrees(R));
double Cr, Cp, Cz;
double Sr, Sp, Sz;
var phi = radians(roll);
var theta = radians(pitch);
var psi = radians(yaw);
var Po = radians(rollRate);
var Ro = radians(pitchRate);
var Qo = radians(yawRate);
Cr = Math.Cos((phi));
Cp = Math.Cos((theta));
Cz = Math.Cos((psi));
Sr = Math.Sin((phi));
Sp = Math.Sin((theta));
Sz = Math.Sin((psi));
// http://planning.cs.uiuc.edu/node102.html
// Z Y X
// roll -Sp, CpSr, CpCr
// pitch SzCp, SzSpSr+CzCr, SzSpCr-CpCr
// yaw CzCp, CzSpSr-SzCr, CzSpCr+SzSr
var P = -(Qo * Sp) + Po * Cp * Sr + Ro * Cp * Cr;
var Q = Qo * (Sz * Cp) + Po * (Sz * Sp * Sr + Cz * Cr) + Ro * (Sz * Sp * Cr - Cp * Cr);
var R = Qo * (Cz * Cp) + Po * (Cz * Sp * Sr - Sz * Cr) + Ro * (Cz * Sp * Cr + Sz * Sr);
return new Tuple<double, double, double>(degrees(P), degrees(Q), degrees(R));
* */
public static Tuple<double, double, double> OGLtoBCBF(double phi, double theta, double psi, double x, double y, double z)
double x_NED, y_NED, z_NED;
double Cr, Cp, Cy;
double Sr, Sp, Sy;
//Accelerations in X-Plane are expressed in the local OpenGL reference frame, for whatever reason.
//This coordinate system is defined as follows (taken from the X-Plane SDK Wiki):
// The origin 0,0,0 is on the surface of the earth at sea level at some "reference point".
// The +X axis points east from the reference point.
// The +Z axis points south from the reference point.
// The +Y axis points straight up away from the center of the earth at the reference point.
// First we shall convert from this East Up South frame, to a more conventional NED (North East Down) frame.
x_NED = (x) * -1.0;
y_NED = (y) * 1.0;
z_NED = (z) * -1.0;
// Next calculate cos & sin of angles for use in the transformation matrix.
// r, p & y subscripts stand for roll pitch and yaw.
Cr = Math.Cos((phi));
Cp = Math.Cos((theta));
Cy = Math.Cos((psi));
Sr = Math.Sin((phi));
Sp = Math.Sin((theta));
Sy = Math.Sin((psi));
// Next we need to rotate our accelerations from the NED reference frame, into the body fixed reference frame
// CpCy, CpSy, -Sp | local_ax
// SrSpCy-CrSy, SrSpSy+CrCy, SrCp | local_ay
// CrSpCy+SrSy, CrSpSy-SrCy, CrCp | local_az
x = (x_NED * Cp * Cy) + (y_NED * Cp * Sy) - (z_NED * Sp);
y = (x_NED * ((Sr * Sp * Cy) - (Cr * Sy))) + (y_NED * ((Sr * Sp * Sy) + (Cr * Cy))) + (z_NED * Sr * Cp);
z = (x_NED * ((Cr * Sp * Cy) + (Sr * Sy))) + (y_NED * ((Cr * Sp * Sy) - (Sr * Cy))) + (z_NED * Cr * Cp);
return new Tuple<double, double, double>((x), (y), (z));
/// <summary>
/// From http://code.google.com/p/gentlenav/source/browse/trunk/Tools/XP_UDB_HILSIM/utility.cpp
/// Converts from xplanes to fixed body ref
/// </summary>
/// <param name="x"></param>
/// <param name="y"></param>
/// <param name="z"></param>
/// <param name="alpha"></param>
/// <param name="beta"></param>
public static void FLIGHTtoBCBF(ref float x, ref float y, ref float z, float alpha, float beta)
float Ca = (float)Math.Cos(alpha);
float Cb = (float)Math.Cos(beta);
float Sa = (float)Math.Sin(alpha);
float Sb = (float)Math.Sin(beta);
float X_plane = (x * Ca * Cb) - (z * Sa * Cb) - (y * Sb);
float Y_plane = (z * Sa * Sb) - (x * Ca * Sb) - (y * Cb);
float Z_plane = (x * Sa) + (z * Ca);
x = X_plane;
y = Y_plane;
z = Z_plane;
public static Vector3 BodyRatesToEarthRates(Matrix3 dcm, Vector3 gyro)
//'''convert the angular velocities from body frame to
//earth frame.
//all inputs and outputs are in radians/s
//returns a earth rate vector
var p = gyro.x;
var q = gyro.y;
var r = gyro.z;
double phi = 0;
double theta = 0;
double psi = 0;
dcm.to_euler(ref phi, ref theta, ref psi);
var phiDot = p + tan(theta) * (q * sin(phi) + r * cos(phi));
var thetaDot = q * cos(phi) - r * sin(phi);
if (fabs(cos(theta)) < 1.0e-20)
theta += 1.0e-10;
var psiDot = (q * sin(phi) + r * cos(phi)) / cos(theta);
return new Vector3((phiDot), (thetaDot), (psiDot));
} |