
199 lines
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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
// Initial Code by Jon Challinger
// Modified by Paul Riseborough
// This library is free software; you can redistribute it and / or
// modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
// License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
// version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
#include <AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include "AP_PitchController.h"
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
const AP_Param::GroupInfo AP_PitchController::var_info[] PROGMEM = {
// @Param: TCONST
// @DisplayName: Pitch Time Constant
// @Description: This controls the time constant in seconds from demanded to achieved pitch angle. A value of 0.5 is a good default and will work with nearly all models. Advanced users may want to reduce this time to obtain a faster response but there is no point setting a time less than the aircraft can achieve.
// @Range: 0.4 1.0
// @Units: seconds
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("TCONST", 0, AP_PitchController, _tau, 0.5f),
// @Param: P
// @DisplayName: Proportional Gain
// @Description: This is the gain from pitch angle to elevator. This gain works the same way as PTCH2SRV_P in the old PID controller and can be set to the same value.
// @Range: 0.1 1.0
// @Increment: 0.1
// @User: User
AP_GROUPINFO("P", 1, AP_PitchController, _K_P, 0.4f),
// @Param: D
// @DisplayName: Damping Gain
// @Description: This is the gain from pitch rate to elevator. This adjusts the damping of the pitch control loop. It has the same effect as PTCH2SRV_D in the old PID controller and can be set to the same value, but without the spikes in servo demands. This gain helps to reduce pitching in turbulence. Some airframes such as flying wings that have poor pitch damping can benefit from increasing this gain term. This should be increased in 0.01 increments as too high a value can lead to a high frequency pitch oscillation that could overstress the airframe.
// @Range: 0 0.1
// @Increment: 0.01
// @User: User
AP_GROUPINFO("D", 2, AP_PitchController, _K_D, 0.0f),
// @Param: I
// @DisplayName: Integrator Gain
// @Description: This is the gain applied to the integral of pitch angle. It has the same effect as PTCH2SRV_I in the old PID controller and can be set to the same value. Increasing this gain causes the controller to trim out constant offsets between demanded and measured pitch angle.
// @Range: 0 0.5
// @Increment: 0.05
// @User: User
AP_GROUPINFO("I", 3, AP_PitchController, _K_I, 0.0f),
// @Param: RMAX_UP
// @DisplayName: Pitch up max rate
// @Description: This sets the maximum nose up pitch rate that the controller will demand (degrees/sec). Setting it to zero disables the limit.
// @Range: 0 100
// @Units: degrees/second
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("RMAX_UP", 4, AP_PitchController, _max_rate_pos, 0.0f),
// @Param: RMAX_DN
// @DisplayName: Pitch down max rate
// @Description: This sets the maximum nose down pitch rate that the controller will demand (degrees/sec). Setting it to zero disables the limit.
// @Range: 0 100
// @Units: degrees/second
// @Increment: 1
// @User: Advanced
AP_GROUPINFO("RMAX_DN", 5, AP_PitchController, _max_rate_neg, 0.0f),
// @Param: RLL
// @DisplayName: Roll compensation
// @Description: This is the gain term that is applied to the pitch rate offset calculated as required to keep the nose level during turns. The default value is 1 which will work for all models. Advanced users can use it to correct for height variation in turns. If height is lost initially in turns this can be increased in small increments of 0.05 to compensate. If height is gained initially in turns then it can be decreased.
// @Range: 0.7 1.5
// @Increment: 0.05
// @User: User
AP_GROUPINFO("RLL", 6, AP_PitchController, _roll_ff, 1.0f),
// Function returns an equivalent elevator deflection in centi-degrees in the range from -4500 to 4500
// A positive demand is up
// Inputs are:
// 1) demanded pitch angle in centi-degrees
// 2) control gain scaler = scaling_speed / aspeed
// 3) boolean which is true when stabilise mode is active
// 4) minimum FBW airspeed (metres/sec)
// 5) maximum FBW airspeed (metres/sec)
int32_t AP_PitchController::get_servo_out(int32_t angle, float scaler, bool stabilize, int16_t aspd_min, int16_t aspd_max)
uint32_t tnow = hal.scheduler->millis();
uint32_t dt = tnow - _last_t;
if (_last_t == 0 || dt > 1000) {
dt = 0;
_last_t = tnow;
if(_ahrs == NULL) return 0;
float delta_time = (float)dt * 0.001f;
// Calculate equivalent gains so that values for K_P and K_I can be taken across from the old PID law
// No conversion is required for K_D
float kp_ff = max((_K_P - _K_I * _tau) * _tau - _K_D , 0);
float ki_rate = _K_I * _tau;
// Calculate offset to pitch rate demand required to maintain pitch angle whilst banking
// Calculate ideal turn rate from bank angle and airspeed assuming a level coordinated turn
// Pitch rate offset is the component of turn rate about the pitch axis
float aspeed;
float rate_offset;
float bank_angle = _ahrs->roll;
bool inverted = false;
// limit bank angle between +- 80 deg if right way up
if (fabsf(bank_angle) < radians(90)) {
bank_angle = constrain_float(bank_angle,-radians(80),radians(80));
} else {
inverted = true;
if (bank_angle > 0.0f) {
bank_angle = constrain_float(bank_angle,radians(100),radians(180));
} else {
bank_angle = constrain_float(bank_angle,-radians(180),-radians(100));
if (!_ahrs->airspeed_estimate(&aspeed)) {
// If no airspeed available use average of min and max
aspeed = 0.5f*(float(aspd_min) + float(aspd_max));
rate_offset = fabsf(ToDeg((GRAVITY_MSS / max(aspeed , float(aspd_min))) * tanf(bank_angle) * sinf(bank_angle))) * _roll_ff;
if (inverted) {
rate_offset = -rate_offset;
//Calculate pitch angle error in centi-degrees
int32_t angle_err = angle - _ahrs->pitch_sensor;
// Calculate the desired pitch rate (deg/sec) from the angle error
float desired_rate = angle_err * 0.01f / _tau;
// limit the maximum pitch rate demand. Don't apply when inverted
// as the rates will be tuned when upright, and it is common that
// much higher rates are needed inverted
if (!inverted) {
if (_max_rate_neg && desired_rate < -_max_rate_neg) {
desired_rate = -_max_rate_neg;
} else if (_max_rate_pos && desired_rate > _max_rate_pos) {
desired_rate = _max_rate_pos;
if (inverted) {
desired_rate = -desired_rate;
// Apply the turn correction offset
desired_rate = desired_rate + rate_offset;
// Get body rate vector (radians/sec)
float omega_y = _ahrs->get_gyro().y;
// Calculate the pitch rate error (deg/sec) and scale
float rate_error = (desired_rate - ToDeg(omega_y)) * scaler;
// Multiply pitch rate error by _ki_rate and integrate
// Don't integrate if in stabilise mode as the integrator will wind up against the pilots inputs
if (!stabilize) {
//only integrate if gain and time step are positive and airspeed above min value.
if ((ki_rate > 0) && (dt > 0) && (aspeed > float(aspd_min))) {
float integrator_delta = rate_error * ki_rate * scaler * delta_time;
if (_last_out < -45) {
// prevent the integrator from increasing if surface defln demand is above the upper limit
integrator_delta = max(integrator_delta , 0);
} else if (_last_out > 45) {
// prevent the integrator from decreasing if surface defln demand is below the lower limit
integrator_delta = min(integrator_delta , 0);
_integrator += integrator_delta;
} else {
_integrator = 0;
// Calculate the demanded control surface deflection
// Note the scaler is applied again. We want a 1/speed scaler applied to the feed-forward
// path, but want a 1/speed^2 scaler applied to the rate error path.
// This is because acceleration scales with speed^2, but rate scales with speed.
_last_out = ( (rate_error * _K_D) + _integrator + (desired_rate * kp_ff) ) * scaler;
// Convert to centi-degrees and constrain
return constrain_float(_last_out * 100, -4500, 4500);
void AP_PitchController::reset_I()
_integrator = 0;