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APM_DCM_FW.cpp - DCM AHRS Library, fixed wing version, for Ardupilot Mega
Code by Doug Weibel, Jordi Muñoz and Jose Julio. DIYDrones.com
This library works with the ArduPilot Mega and "Oilpan"
This library is free software; you can redistribute it and/or
modify it under the terms of the GNU Lesser General Public
License as published by the Free Software Foundation; either
version 2.1 of the License, or (at your option) any later version.
quick_init() : For air restart
init() : For ground start. Calibrates the IMU
update_DCM(_G_Dt) : Updates the AHRS by integrating the rotation matrix over time _G_Dt using the IMU object data
get_roll_sensor() : Returns roll in degrees * 100
get_roll() : Returns roll in radians
get_pitch_sensor() : Returns pitch in degrees * 100
get_pitch() : Returns pitch in radians
get_yaw_sensor() : Returns yaw in degrees * 100
get_yaw() : Returns yaw in radians
#include <AP_DCM_FW.h>
#define OUTPUTMODE 1 // This is just used for debugging, remove later
#define TRUE 1
#define FALSE 0
#define ToRad(x) (x*0.01745329252) // *pi/180
#define ToDeg(x) (x*57.2957795131) // *180/pi
#define Kp_ROLLPITCH 0.05967 // .0014 * 418/9.81 Pitch&Roll Drift Correction Proportional Gain
#define Ki_ROLLPITCH 0.00001278 // 0.0000003 * 418/9.81 Pitch&Roll Drift Correction Integrator Gain
#define Kp_YAW 0.8 // Yaw Drift Correction Porportional Gain
#define Ki_YAW 0.00004 // Yaw Drift CorrectionIntegrator Gain
#define SPEEDFILT 300 // centimeters/second
#define ADC_CONSTRAINT 900
// Constructors ////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////////
_dcm_matrix(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1),
AP_IMU _imu();
AP_DCM_FW::AP_DCM_FW(GPS *GPS, APM_Compass_Class *withCompass) :
_dcm_matrix(1, 0, 0,
0, 1, 0,
0, 0, 1),
AP_IMU _imu();
AP_DCM_FW::update_DCM(float _G_Dt)
_gyro_vector = _imu.get_gyro(); // Get current values for IMU sensors
_accel_vector = _imu.get_accel(); // Get current values for IMU sensors
matrix_update(_G_Dt); // Integrate the DCM matrix
normalize(); // Normalize the DCM matrix
drift_correction(); // Perform drift correction
euler_angles(); // Calculate pitch, roll, yaw for stabilization and navigation
{ return degrees(roll) * 100;}
{ return degrees(pitch) * 100;}
{ return degrees(yaw) * 100;}
{ return roll;}
{ return pitch;}
{ return yaw;}
AP_DCM_FW::matrix_update(float _G_Dt)
Matrix3f _update_matrix;
static int8_t timer;
//Record when you saturate any of the gyros.
if((abs(_gyro_vector.x) >= radians(300)) ||
(abs(_gyro_vector.y) >= radians(300)) ||
(abs(_gyro_vector.z) >= radians(300)))
_omega_integ_corr = _gyro_vector + _omega_I; // Used for centrep correction (theoretically better than _omega)
_omega = _omega_integ_corr + _omega_P; // Equation 16, adding proportional and integral correction terms
_accel_adjust(); // Remove centrifugal acceleration.
_update_matrix.a.x = 0;
_update_matrix.a.y = -_G_Dt * _omega.z; // -delta Theta z
_update_matrix.a.z = _G_Dt * _omega.y; // delta Theta y
_update_matrix.b.x = _G_Dt * _omega.z; // delta Theta z
_update_matrix.b.y = 0;
_update_matrix.b.z = -_G_Dt * _omega.x; // -delta Theta x
_update_matrix.c.x = -_G_Dt * _omega.y; // -delta Theta y
_update_matrix.c.y = _G_Dt * _omega.x; // delta Theta x
_update_matrix.c.z = 0;
#else // Uncorrected data (no drift correction)
_update_matrix.a.x = 0;
_update_matrix.a.y = -_G_Dt * _gyro_vector.z;
_update_matrix.a.z = _G_Dt * _gyro_vector.y;
_update_matrix.b.x = _G_Dt * _gyro_vector.z;
_update_matrix.b.y = 0;
_update_matrix.b.z = -_G_Dt * _gyro_vector.x;
_update_matrix.c.x = -_G_Dt * _gyro_vector.y;
_update_matrix.c.y = _G_Dt * _gyro_vector.x;
_update_matrix.c.z = 0;
// update
_dcm_matrix += _dcm_matrix * _update_matrix; // Equation 17
Vector3f _veloc, _temp;
float _vel;
_veloc.x = _gps->ground_speed / 100; // We are working with acceleration in m/s^2 units
//_accel_vector += _omega_integ_corr % _veloc; // Equation 26 This line is giving the compiler a problem so we break it up below
_temp.y = _omega_integ_corr.z * _veloc.x; // only computing the non-zero terms
_temp.z = -1.0f * _omega_integ_corr.y * _veloc.x; // After looking at the compiler issue lets remove _veloc and simlify
_accel_vector -= _temp;
float error = 0;
Vector3f temporary[3];
int problem = 0;
error = _dcm_matrix.a * _dcm_matrix.b; // eq.18
temporary[0] = _dcm_matrix.b;
temporary[1] = _dcm_matrix.a;
temporary[0] = _dcm_matrix.a - (temporary[0] * (0.5f * error)); // eq.19
temporary[1] = _dcm_matrix.b - (temporary[1] * (0.5f * error)); // eq.19
temporary[2] = temporary[0] % temporary[1]; // c= a x b // eq.20
_dcm_matrix.a = _renorm(temporary[0], problem);
_dcm_matrix.b = _renorm(temporary[1], problem);
_dcm_matrix.c = _renorm(temporary[2], problem);
if (problem == 1) { // Our solution is blowing up and we will force back to initial condition. Hope we are not upside down!
_dcm_matrix.a.x = 1.0f;
_dcm_matrix.a.y = 0.0f;
_dcm_matrix.a.z = 0.0f;
_dcm_matrix.b.x = 0.0f;
_dcm_matrix.b.y = 1.0f;
_dcm_matrix.b.z = 0.0f;
_dcm_matrix.c.x = 0.0f;
_dcm_matrix.c.y = 0.0f;
_dcm_matrix.c.z = 1.0f;
AP_DCM_FW::_renorm(Vector3f const &a, int &problem)
float renorm;
renorm = a * a;
if (renorm < 1.5625f && renorm > 0.64f) { // Check if we are OK to use Taylor expansion
renorm = 0.5 * (3 - renorm); // eq.21
} else if (renorm < 100.0f && renorm > 0.01f) {
renorm = 1.0 / sqrt(renorm);
} else {
problem = 1;
return(a * renorm);
//Compensation the Roll, Pitch and Yaw drift.
float mag_heading_x;
float mag_heading_y;
float error_course = 0;
static float scaled_omega_P[3];
static float scaled_omega_I[3];
float accel_magnitude;
float accel_weight;
float integrator_magnitude;
static bool last_speed_below_thresh = TRUE;
//*****Roll and Pitch***************
// Calculate the magnitude of the accelerometer vector
accel_magnitude = _accel_vector.length() / 9.80665f;
// Dynamic weighting of accelerometer info (reliability filter)
// Weight for accelerometer info (<0.5G = 0.0, 1G = 1.0 , >1.5G = 0.0)
accel_weight = constrain(1 - 2 * abs(1 - accel_magnitude), 0, 1); //
// We monitor the amount that the accelerometer based drift correction is deweighted for performance reporting
imu_health = imu_health + 0.02 * (accel_weight-.5);
imu_health = constrain(imu_health, 0, 1);
// adjust the ground of reference
_error_roll_pitch = _dcm_matrix.c % _accel_vector; // Equation 27 *** sign changed from prev implementation???
// error_roll_pitch are in Accel ADC units
// Limit max error_roll_pitch to limit max omega_P and omega_I
_error_roll_pitch.x = constrain(_error_roll_pitch.x, -.1196f, .1196f);
_error_roll_pitch.y = constrain(_error_roll_pitch.y, -.1196f, .1196f);
_error_roll_pitch.z = constrain(_error_roll_pitch.z, -.1196f, .1196f);
_omega_P = _error_roll_pitch * (Kp_ROLLPITCH * accel_weight);
_omega_I += _error_roll_pitch * (Ki_ROLLPITCH * accel_weight);
if (_compass) {
// We make the gyro YAW drift correction based on compass magnetic heading
error_course= (_dcm_matrix.a.x * _compass->Heading_Y) - (_dcm_matrix.b.x * _compass->Heading_X); // Equation 23, Calculating YAW error
} else {
// Use GPS Ground course to correct yaw gyro drift
if (_gps->ground_speed >= SPEEDFILT && last_speed_below_thresh) {
last_speed_below_thresh = FALSE;
// *** Need to put code here to compute the rotation matrix to update the DCM matrix to the correct yaw value now that we have a reference.
// *** Not having that code at present doesn't really hurt anything. It just delays the beginning of yaw drift correction by 1 gps sample in time.
} else if (_gps->ground_speed >= SPEEDFILT) {
_course_over_ground_x = cos(ToRad(_gps->ground_course/100.0));
_course_over_ground_y = sin(ToRad(_gps->ground_course/100.0));
// Optimization: Pass these in as arguments to update so they don't have to be calculated here and the AP code
error_course = (_dcm_matrix.a.x * _course_over_ground_y) - (_dcm_matrix.b.x * _course_over_ground_x); // Equation 23, Calculating YAW error
} else {
error_course = 0;
last_speed_below_thresh = TRUE;
_error_yaw = _dcm_matrix.c * error_course; // Equation 24, Applys the yaw correction to the XYZ rotation of the aircraft, depeding the position.
_omega_P += _error_yaw * Kp_YAW; // Adding yaw correction to proportional correction vector.
_omega_I += _error_yaw * Ki_YAW; // adding yaw correction to integrator correction vector.
// Here we will place a limit on the integrator so that the integrator cannot ever exceed half the saturation limit of the gyros
integrator_magnitude = _omega_I.length();
if (integrator_magnitude > radians(300)) {
_omega_I *= (0.5f * radians(300) / integrator_magnitude); // Why do we have this discontinuous? EG, why the 0.5?
#if (OUTPUTMODE == 2) // Only accelerometer info (debugging purposes)
roll = atan2(_accel_vector.y, _accel_vector.z); // atan2(acc_y, acc_z)
pitch = -asin((_accel_vector.x) / (double)GRAVITY); // asin(acc_x)
yaw = 0;
pitch = -asin(_dcm_matrix.c.x);
roll = atan2(_dcm_matrix.c.y, _dcm_matrix.c.z);
yaw = atan2(_dcm_matrix.b.x, _dcm_matrix.a.x);