
675 lines
19 KiB

/// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/* ************************************************************ */
/* Test for DataFlash Log library */
/* ************************************************************ */
#ifndef DataFlash_h
#define DataFlash_h
#include <AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_InertialSensor.h>
#include <AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_AHRS.h>
#include "../AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.h"
#include "../AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h"
#include <stdint.h>
#include <uORB/topics/esc_status.h>
class DataFlash_Class
// initialisation
virtual void Init(const struct LogStructure *structure, uint8_t num_types);
virtual bool CardInserted(void) = 0;
// erase handling
virtual bool NeedErase(void) = 0;
virtual void EraseAll() = 0;
/* Write a block of data at current offset */
virtual void WriteBlock(const void *pBuffer, uint16_t size) = 0;
// high level interface
virtual uint16_t find_last_log(void) = 0;
virtual void get_log_boundaries(uint16_t log_num, uint16_t & start_page, uint16_t & end_page) = 0;
virtual void get_log_info(uint16_t log_num, uint32_t &size, uint32_t &time_utc) = 0;
virtual int16_t get_log_data(uint16_t log_num, uint16_t page, uint32_t offset, uint16_t len, uint8_t *data) = 0;
virtual uint16_t get_num_logs(void) = 0;
virtual void LogReadProcess(uint16_t log_num,
uint16_t start_page, uint16_t end_page,
void (*printMode)(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port, uint8_t mode),
AP_HAL::BetterStream *port) = 0;
virtual void DumpPageInfo(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port) = 0;
virtual void ShowDeviceInfo(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port) = 0;
virtual void ListAvailableLogs(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port) = 0;
/* logging methods common to all vehicles */
uint16_t StartNewLog(void);
void AddLogFormats(const struct LogStructure *structures, uint8_t num_types);
void EnableWrites(bool enable) { _writes_enabled = enable; }
void Log_Write_Format(const struct LogStructure *structure);
void Log_Write_Parameter(const char *name, float value);
void Log_Write_GPS(const AP_GPS &gps, uint8_t instance, int32_t relative_alt);
void Log_Write_IMU(const AP_InertialSensor &ins);
void Log_Write_RCIN(void);
void Log_Write_RCOUT(void);
void Log_Write_Baro(AP_Baro &baro);
void Log_Write_Power(void);
void Log_Write_AHRS2(AP_AHRS &ahrs);
void Log_Write_EKF(AP_AHRS_NavEKF &ahrs, bool optFlowEnabled);
void Log_Write_MavCmd(uint16_t cmd_total, const mavlink_mission_item_t& mav_cmd);
void Log_Write_Radio(const mavlink_radio_t &packet);
void Log_Write_Message(const char *message);
void Log_Write_Message_P(const prog_char_t *message);
void Log_Write_Camera(const AP_AHRS &ahrs, const AP_GPS &gps, const Location &current_loc);
void Log_Write_ESC(void);
void Log_Write_Airspeed(AP_Airspeed &airspeed);
void Log_Write_Attitude(AP_AHRS &ahrs, const Vector3f &targets);
void Log_Write_Current(const AP_BattMonitor &battery, int16_t throttle);
void Log_Write_Compass(const Compass &compass);
void Log_Write_Mode(uint8_t mode);
bool logging_started(void) const { return log_write_started; }
every logged packet starts with 3 bytes
struct log_Header {
uint8_t head1, head2, msgid;
read and print a log entry using the format strings from the given structure
void _print_log_entry(uint8_t msg_type,
void (*print_mode)(AP_HAL::BetterStream *port, uint8_t mode),
AP_HAL::BetterStream *port);
void Log_Fill_Format(const struct LogStructure *structure, struct log_Format &pkt);
void Log_Write_Parameter(const AP_Param *ap, const AP_Param::ParamToken &token,
enum ap_var_type type);
void Log_Write_Parameters(void);
virtual uint16_t start_new_log(void) = 0;
const struct LogStructure *_structures;
uint8_t _num_types;
bool _writes_enabled;
bool log_write_started;
read a block
virtual void ReadBlock(void *pkt, uint16_t size) = 0;
unfortunately these need to be macros because of a limitation of
named member structure initialisation in g++
#define LOG_PACKET_HEADER uint8_t head1, head2, msgid;
#define LOG_PACKET_HEADER_INIT(id) head1 : HEAD_BYTE1, head2 : HEAD_BYTE2, msgid : id
// once the logging code is all converted we will remove these from
// this header
#define HEAD_BYTE1 0xA3 // Decimal 163
#define HEAD_BYTE2 0x95 // Decimal 149
// structure used to define logging format
struct LogStructure {
uint8_t msg_type;
uint8_t msg_len;
const char name[5];
const char format[16];
const char labels[64];
log structures common to all vehicle types
struct PACKED log_Format {
uint8_t type;
uint8_t length;
char name[4];
char format[16];
char labels[64];
struct PACKED log_Parameter {
char name[16];
float value;
struct PACKED log_GPS {
uint8_t status;
uint32_t gps_week_ms;
uint16_t gps_week;
uint8_t num_sats;
uint16_t hdop;
int32_t latitude;
int32_t longitude;
int32_t rel_altitude;
int32_t altitude;
uint32_t ground_speed;
int32_t ground_course;
float vel_z;
uint32_t apm_time;
struct PACKED log_GPS2 {
uint8_t status;
uint32_t gps_week_ms;
uint16_t gps_week;
uint8_t num_sats;
uint16_t hdop;
int32_t latitude;
int32_t longitude;
int32_t altitude;
uint32_t ground_speed;
int32_t ground_course;
float vel_z;
uint32_t apm_time;
uint8_t dgps_numch;
uint32_t dgps_age;
struct PACKED log_Message {
char msg[64];
struct PACKED log_IMU {
uint32_t timestamp;
float gyro_x, gyro_y, gyro_z;
float accel_x, accel_y, accel_z;
uint32_t gyro_error, accel_error;
float temperature;
struct PACKED log_RCIN {
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t chan1;
uint16_t chan2;
uint16_t chan3;
uint16_t chan4;
uint16_t chan5;
uint16_t chan6;
uint16_t chan7;
uint16_t chan8;
uint16_t chan9;
uint16_t chan10;
uint16_t chan11;
uint16_t chan12;
uint16_t chan13;
uint16_t chan14;
struct PACKED log_RCOUT {
uint32_t timestamp;
uint16_t chan1;
uint16_t chan2;
uint16_t chan3;
uint16_t chan4;
uint16_t chan5;
uint16_t chan6;
uint16_t chan7;
uint16_t chan8;
uint16_t chan9;
uint16_t chan10;
uint16_t chan11;
uint16_t chan12;
struct PACKED log_BARO {
uint32_t timestamp;
float altitude;
float pressure;
int16_t temperature;
float climbrate;
struct PACKED log_AHRS {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t roll;
int16_t pitch;
uint16_t yaw;
float alt;
int32_t lat;
int32_t lng;
struct PACKED log_POWR {
uint32_t time_ms;
uint16_t Vcc;
uint16_t Vservo;
uint16_t flags;
struct PACKED log_EKF1 {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t roll;
int16_t pitch;
uint16_t yaw;
float velN;
float velE;
float velD;
float posN;
float posE;
float posD;
int16_t gyrX;
int16_t gyrY;
int16_t gyrZ;
struct PACKED log_EKF2 {
uint32_t time_ms;
int8_t Ratio;
int8_t AZ1bias;
int8_t AZ2bias;
int16_t windN;
int16_t windE;
int16_t magN;
int16_t magE;
int16_t magD;
int16_t magX;
int16_t magY;
int16_t magZ;
struct PACKED log_EKF3 {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t innovVN;
int16_t innovVE;
int16_t innovVD;
int16_t innovPN;
int16_t innovPE;
int16_t innovPD;
int16_t innovMX;
int16_t innovMY;
int16_t innovMZ;
int16_t innovVT;
struct PACKED log_EKF4 {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t sqrtvarV;
int16_t sqrtvarP;
int16_t sqrtvarH;
int16_t sqrtvarMX;
int16_t sqrtvarMY;
int16_t sqrtvarMZ;
int16_t sqrtvarVT;
int8_t offsetNorth;
int8_t offsetEast;
uint8_t faults;
uint8_t timeouts;
uint16_t solution;
struct PACKED log_EKF5 {
uint32_t time_ms;
uint8_t normInnov;
int16_t FIX;
int16_t FIY;
int16_t AFI;
int16_t HAGL;
int16_t offset;
int16_t RI;
uint16_t meaRng;
uint16_t errHAGL;
struct PACKED log_Cmd {
uint32_t time_ms;
uint16_t command_total;
uint16_t sequence;
uint16_t command;
float param1;
float param2;
float param3;
float param4;
float latitude;
float longitude;
float altitude;
struct PACKED log_Radio {
uint32_t time_ms;
uint8_t rssi;
uint8_t remrssi;
uint8_t txbuf;
uint8_t noise;
uint8_t remnoise;
uint16_t rxerrors;
uint16_t fixed;
struct PACKED log_Camera {
uint32_t gps_time;
uint16_t gps_week;
int32_t latitude;
int32_t longitude;
int32_t altitude;
int32_t altitude_rel;
int16_t roll;
int16_t pitch;
uint16_t yaw;
struct PACKED log_Attitude {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t control_roll;
int16_t roll;
int16_t control_pitch;
int16_t pitch;
uint16_t control_yaw;
uint16_t yaw;
uint16_t error_rp;
uint16_t error_yaw;
struct PACKED log_Current {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t throttle;
int16_t battery_voltage;
int16_t current_amps;
uint16_t board_voltage;
float current_total;
int16_t battery2_voltage;
struct PACKED log_Compass {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t mag_x;
int16_t mag_y;
int16_t mag_z;
int16_t offset_x;
int16_t offset_y;
int16_t offset_z;
int16_t motor_offset_x;
int16_t motor_offset_y;
int16_t motor_offset_z;
uint8_t health;
struct PACKED log_Mode {
uint32_t time_ms;
uint8_t mode;
uint8_t mode_num;
terrain log structure
struct PACKED log_TERRAIN {
uint32_t time_ms;
uint8_t status;
int32_t lat;
int32_t lng;
uint16_t spacing;
float terrain_height;
float current_height;
uint16_t pending;
uint16_t loaded;
UBlox logging
struct PACKED log_Ubx1 {
uint32_t timestamp;
uint8_t instance;
uint16_t noisePerMS;
uint8_t jamInd;
uint8_t aPower;
uint16_t agcCnt;
struct PACKED log_Ubx2 {
uint32_t timestamp;
uint8_t instance;
int8_t ofsI;
uint8_t magI;
int8_t ofsQ;
uint8_t magQ;
struct PACKED log_Ubx3 {
uint32_t timestamp;
uint8_t instance;
float hAcc;
float vAcc;
float sAcc;
struct PACKED log_Esc {
uint32_t time_ms;
int16_t rpm;
int16_t voltage;
int16_t current;
int16_t temperature;
struct PACKED log_AIRSPEED {
uint32_t timestamp;
float airspeed;
float diffpressure;
int16_t temperature;
float rawpressure;
float offset;
Format characters in the format string for binary log messages
b : int8_t
B : uint8_t
h : int16_t
H : uint16_t
i : int32_t
I : uint32_t
f : float
n : char[4]
N : char[16]
Z : char[64]
c : int16_t * 100
C : uint16_t * 100
e : int32_t * 100
E : uint32_t * 100
L : int32_t latitude/longitude
M : uint8_t flight mode
// messages for all boards
{ LOG_FORMAT_MSG, sizeof(log_Format), \
"FMT", "BBnNZ", "Type,Length,Name,Format,Columns" }, \
{ LOG_PARAMETER_MSG, sizeof(log_Parameter), \
"PARM", "Nf", "Name,Value" }, \
{ LOG_GPS_MSG, sizeof(log_GPS), \
"GPS", "BIHBcLLeeEefI", "Status,TimeMS,Week,NSats,HDop,Lat,Lng,RelAlt,Alt,Spd,GCrs,VZ,T" }, \
{ LOG_IMU_MSG, sizeof(log_IMU), \
"IMU", "IffffffIIf", "TimeMS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,ErrG,ErrA,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_MESSAGE_MSG, sizeof(log_Message), \
"MSG", "Z", "Message"}, \
{ LOG_RCIN_MSG, sizeof(log_RCIN), \
"RCIN", "Ihhhhhhhhhhhhhh", "TimeMS,C1,C2,C3,C4,C5,C6,C7,C8,C9,C10,C11,C12,C13,C14" }, \
{ LOG_RCOUT_MSG, sizeof(log_RCOUT), \
"RCOU", "Ihhhhhhhhhhhh", "TimeMS,Ch1,Ch2,Ch3,Ch4,Ch5,Ch6,Ch7,Ch8,Ch9,Ch10,Ch11,Ch12" }, \
{ LOG_BARO_MSG, sizeof(log_BARO), \
"BARO", "Iffcf", "TimeMS,Alt,Press,Temp,CRt" }, \
{ LOG_BAR2_MSG, sizeof(log_BARO), \
"BAR2", "Iffcf", "TimeMS,Alt,Press,Temp,CRt" }, \
{ LOG_POWR_MSG, sizeof(log_POWR), \
"POWR","ICCH","TimeMS,Vcc,VServo,Flags" }, \
{ LOG_CMD_MSG, sizeof(log_Cmd), \
"CMD", "IHHHfffffff","TimeMS,CTot,CNum,CId,Prm1,Prm2,Prm3,Prm4,Lat,Lng,Alt" }, \
{ LOG_RADIO_MSG, sizeof(log_Radio), \
"RAD", "IBBBBBHH", "TimeMS,RSSI,RemRSSI,TxBuf,Noise,RemNoise,RxErrors,Fixed" }, \
{ LOG_CAMERA_MSG, sizeof(log_Camera), \
"CAM", "IHLLeeccC","GPSTime,GPSWeek,Lat,Lng,Alt,RelAlt,Roll,Pitch,Yaw" }, \
{ LOG_ARSP_MSG, sizeof(log_AIRSPEED), \
"ARSP", "Iffcff", "TimeMS,Airspeed,DiffPress,Temp,RawPress,Offset" }, \
{ LOG_CURRENT_MSG, sizeof(log_Current), \
"CURR", "IhhhHfh","TimeMS,Throttle,Volt,Curr,Vcc,CurrTot,Volt2" },\
{ LOG_ATTITUDE_MSG, sizeof(log_Attitude),\
"ATT", "IccccCCCC", "TimeMS,DesRoll,Roll,DesPitch,Pitch,DesYaw,Yaw,ErrRP,ErrYaw" }, \
{ LOG_COMPASS_MSG, sizeof(log_Compass), \
"MAG", "IhhhhhhhhhB", "TimeMS,MagX,MagY,MagZ,OfsX,OfsY,OfsZ,MOfsX,MOfsY,MOfsZ,Health" }, \
{ LOG_MODE_MSG, sizeof(log_Mode), \
"MODE", "IMB", "TimeMS,Mode,ModeNum" }
// messages for more advanced boards
{ LOG_GPS2_MSG, sizeof(log_GPS2), \
"GPS2", "BIHBcLLeEefIBI", "Status,TimeMS,Week,NSats,HDop,Lat,Lng,Alt,Spd,GCrs,VZ,T,DSc,DAg" }, \
{ LOG_IMU2_MSG, sizeof(log_IMU), \
"IMU2", "IffffffIIf", "TimeMS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,ErrG,ErrA,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_IMU3_MSG, sizeof(log_IMU), \
"IMU3", "IffffffIIf", "TimeMS,GyrX,GyrY,GyrZ,AccX,AccY,AccZ,ErrG,ErrA,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_AHR2_MSG, sizeof(log_AHRS), \
"AHR2","IccCfLL","TimeMS,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,Alt,Lat,Lng" }, \
{ LOG_SIMSTATE_MSG, sizeof(log_AHRS), \
"SIM","IccCfLL","TimeMS,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,Alt,Lat,Lng" }, \
{ LOG_EKF1_MSG, sizeof(log_EKF1), \
"EKF1","IccCffffffccc","TimeMS,Roll,Pitch,Yaw,VN,VE,VD,PN,PE,PD,GX,GY,GZ" }, \
{ LOG_EKF2_MSG, sizeof(log_EKF2), \
"EKF2","Ibbbcchhhhhh","TimeMS,Ratio,AZ1bias,AZ2bias,VWN,VWE,MN,ME,MD,MX,MY,MZ" }, \
{ LOG_EKF3_MSG, sizeof(log_EKF3), \
"EKF3","Icccccchhhc","TimeMS,IVN,IVE,IVD,IPN,IPE,IPD,IMX,IMY,IMZ,IVT" }, \
{ LOG_EKF4_MSG, sizeof(log_EKF4), \
{ LOG_TERRAIN_MSG, sizeof(log_TERRAIN), \
"TERR","IBLLHffHH","TimeMS,Status,Lat,Lng,Spacing,TerrH,CHeight,Pending,Loaded" }, \
{ LOG_UBX1_MSG, sizeof(log_Ubx1), \
"UBX1", "IBHBBH", "TimeMS,Instance,noisePerMS,jamInd,aPower,agcCnt" }, \
{ LOG_UBX2_MSG, sizeof(log_Ubx2), \
"UBX2", "IBbBbB", "TimeMS,Instance,ofsI,magI,ofsQ,magQ" }, \
{ LOG_UBX3_MSG, sizeof(log_Ubx3), \
"UBX3", "IBfff", "TimeMS,Instance,hAcc,vAcc,sAcc" }, \
{ LOG_ESC1_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC1", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC2_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC2", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC3_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC3", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC4_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC4", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC5_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC5", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC6_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC6", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC7_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC7", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_ESC8_MSG, sizeof(log_Esc), \
"ESC8", "Icccc", "TimeMS,RPM,Volt,Curr,Temp" }, \
{ LOG_EKF5_MSG, sizeof(log_EKF5), \
"EKF5","IBhhhcccCC","TimeMS,normInnov,FIX,FIY,AFI,HAGL,offset,RI,meaRng,errHAGL" }, \
{ LOG_COMPASS2_MSG, sizeof(log_Compass), \
"MAG2","IhhhhhhhhhB", "TimeMS,MagX,MagY,MagZ,OfsX,OfsY,OfsZ,MOfsX,MOfsY,MOfsZ,Health" }, \
{ LOG_COMPASS3_MSG, sizeof(log_Compass), \
"MAG3","IhhhhhhhhhB", "TimeMS,MagX,MagY,MagZ,OfsX,OfsY,OfsZ,MOfsX,MOfsY,MOfsZ,Health" } \
// message types 0 to 100 reversed for vehicle specific use
// message types for common messages
#define LOG_FORMAT_MSG 128
#define LOG_GPS_MSG 130
#define LOG_IMU_MSG 131
#define LOG_MESSAGE_MSG 132
#define LOG_RCIN_MSG 133
#define LOG_RCOUT_MSG 134
#define LOG_IMU2_MSG 135
#define LOG_BARO_MSG 136
#define LOG_POWR_MSG 137
#define LOG_AHR2_MSG 138
#define LOG_SIMSTATE_MSG 139
#define LOG_EKF1_MSG 140
#define LOG_EKF2_MSG 141
#define LOG_EKF3_MSG 142
#define LOG_EKF4_MSG 143
#define LOG_GPS2_MSG 144
#define LOG_CMD_MSG 145
#define LOG_RADIO_MSG 146
#define LOG_ATRP_MSG 147
#define LOG_CAMERA_MSG 148
#define LOG_IMU3_MSG 149
#define LOG_TERRAIN_MSG 150
#define LOG_UBX1_MSG 151
#define LOG_UBX2_MSG 152
#define LOG_UBX3_MSG 153
#define LOG_ESC1_MSG 154
#define LOG_ESC2_MSG 155
#define LOG_ESC3_MSG 156
#define LOG_ESC4_MSG 157
#define LOG_ESC5_MSG 158
#define LOG_ESC6_MSG 159
#define LOG_ESC7_MSG 160
#define LOG_ESC8_MSG 161
#define LOG_EKF5_MSG 162
#define LOG_BAR2_MSG 163
#define LOG_ARSP_MSG 164
#define LOG_ATTITUDE_MSG 165
#define LOG_CURRENT_MSG 166
#define LOG_COMPASS_MSG 167
#define LOG_COMPASS2_MSG 168
#define LOG_COMPASS3_MSG 169
#define LOG_MODE_MSG 170
// message types 200 to 210 reversed for GPS driver use
// message types 211 to 220 reversed for autotune use
#include "DataFlash_Block.h"
#include "DataFlash_File.h"