
454 lines
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
#pragma once
this header holds a parameter structure for each vehicle type for
parameters needed by multiple libraries
#include "ModeReason.h" // reasons can't be defined in this header due to circular loops
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_Airspeed/AP_Airspeed.h>
#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_BoardConfig/AP_BoardConfig.h> // board configuration library
#include <AP_CANManager/AP_CANManager.h>
#include <AP_Button/AP_Button.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_EFI/AP_EFI.h>
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
#include <AP_Generator/AP_Generator.h>
#include <AP_Notify/AP_Notify.h> // Notify library
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_RangeFinder/AP_RangeFinder.h>
#include <AP_Relay/AP_Relay.h> // APM relay
#include <AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.h> // RSSI Library
#include <AP_Scheduler/AP_Scheduler.h>
#include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h> // Serial manager library
#include <AP_ServoRelayEvents/AP_ServoRelayEvents.h>
#include <AP_Camera/AP_RunCam.h>
#include <AP_OpenDroneID/AP_OpenDroneID.h>
#include <AP_Hott_Telem/AP_Hott_Telem.h>
#include <AP_ESC_Telem/AP_ESC_Telem.h>
#include <AP_GyroFFT/AP_GyroFFT.h>
#include <AP_VisualOdom/AP_VisualOdom.h>
#include <AP_VideoTX/AP_VideoTX.h>
#include <AP_MSP/AP_MSP.h>
#include <AP_Frsky_Telem/AP_Frsky_Parameters.h>
#include <AP_ExternalAHRS/AP_ExternalAHRS.h>
#include <AP_VideoTX/AP_SmartAudio.h>
#include <AP_VideoTX/AP_Tramp.h>
#include <AP_TemperatureSensor/AP_TemperatureSensor.h>
#include <SITL/SITL.h>
#include <AP_CustomRotations/AP_CustomRotations.h>
#include <AP_AIS/AP_AIS.h>
#include <AP_NMEA_Output/AP_NMEA_Output.h>
#include <AC_Fence/AC_Fence.h>
#include <AP_CheckFirmware/AP_CheckFirmware.h>
#include <Filter/LowPassFilter.h>
class AP_DDS_Client;
class AP_Vehicle : public AP_HAL::HAL::Callbacks {
AP_Vehicle() {
if (_singleton) {
AP_HAL::panic("Too many Vehicles");
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
_singleton = this;
/* Do not allow copies */
static AP_Vehicle *get_singleton();
// setup() is called once during vehicle startup to initialise the
// vehicle object and the objects it contains. The
// AP_HAL_MAIN_CALLBACKS pragma creates a main(...) function
// referencing an object containing setup() and loop() functions.
// A vehicle is not expected to override setup(), but
// subclass-specific initialisation can be done in init_ardupilot
// which is called from setup().
void setup(void) override final;
// HAL::Callbacks implementation.
void loop() override final;
// set_mode *must* set control_mode_reason
virtual bool set_mode(const uint8_t new_mode, const ModeReason reason) = 0;
virtual uint8_t get_mode() const = 0;
ModeReason get_control_mode_reason() const {
return control_mode_reason;
// perform any notifications required to indicate a mode change
// failed due to a bad mode number being supplied. This can
// happen for many reasons - bad mavlink packet and bad mode
// parameters for example.
void notify_no_such_mode(uint8_t mode_number);
void get_common_scheduler_tasks(const AP_Scheduler::Task*& tasks, uint8_t& num_tasks);
// implementations *MUST* fill in all passed-in fields or we get
// Valgrind errors
virtual void get_scheduler_tasks(const AP_Scheduler::Task *&tasks, uint8_t &task_count, uint32_t &log_bit) = 0;
set the "likely flying" flag. This is not guaranteed to be
accurate, but is the vehicle codes best guess as to the whether
the vehicle is currently flying
void set_likely_flying(bool b) {
if (b && !likely_flying) {
_last_flying_ms = AP_HAL::millis();
likely_flying = b;
get the likely flying status. Returns true if the vehicle code
thinks we are flying at the moment. Not guaranteed to be
bool get_likely_flying(void) const {
return likely_flying;
return time in milliseconds since likely_flying was set
true. Returns zero if likely_flying is currently false
uint32_t get_time_flying_ms(void) const {
if (!likely_flying) {
return 0;
return AP_HAL::millis() - _last_flying_ms;
// returns true if the vehicle has crashed
virtual bool is_crashed() const;
methods to control vehicle for use by scripting
virtual bool start_takeoff(float alt) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_location(const Location& target_loc) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_pos_NED(const Vector3f& target_pos, bool use_yaw, float yaw_deg, bool use_yaw_rate, float yaw_rate_degs, bool yaw_relative, bool terrain_alt) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_posvel_NED(const Vector3f& target_pos, const Vector3f& target_vel) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_posvelaccel_NED(const Vector3f& target_pos, const Vector3f& target_vel, const Vector3f& target_accel, bool use_yaw, float yaw_deg, bool use_yaw_rate, float yaw_rate_degs, bool yaw_relative) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_velocity_NED(const Vector3f& vel_ned) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_velaccel_NED(const Vector3f& target_vel, const Vector3f& target_accel, bool use_yaw, float yaw_deg, bool use_yaw_rate, float yaw_rate_degs, bool yaw_relative) { return false; }
virtual bool set_target_angle_and_climbrate(float roll_deg, float pitch_deg, float yaw_deg, float climb_rate_ms, bool use_yaw_rate, float yaw_rate_degs) { return false; }
// command throttle percentage and roll, pitch, yaw target
// rates. For use with scripting controllers
virtual void set_target_throttle_rate_rpy(float throttle_pct, float roll_rate_dps, float pitch_rate_dps, float yaw_rate_dps) {}
virtual void set_rudder_offset(float rudder_pct, bool run_yaw_rate_controller) {}
virtual bool nav_scripting_enable(uint8_t mode) {return false;}
// get target location (for use by scripting)
virtual bool get_target_location(Location& target_loc) { return false; }
virtual bool update_target_location(const Location &old_loc, const Location &new_loc) { return false; }
// circle mode controls (only used by scripting with Copter)
virtual bool get_circle_radius(float &radius_m) { return false; }
virtual bool set_circle_rate(float rate_dps) { return false; }
// set steering and throttle (-1 to +1) (for use by scripting with Rover)
virtual bool set_steering_and_throttle(float steering, float throttle) { return false; }
// set turn rate in deg/sec and speed in meters/sec (for use by scripting with Rover)
virtual bool set_desired_turn_rate_and_speed(float turn_rate, float speed) { return false; }
// set auto mode speed in meters/sec (for use by scripting with Copter/Rover)
virtual bool set_desired_speed(float speed) { return false; }
// support for NAV_SCRIPT_TIME mission command
virtual bool nav_script_time(uint16_t &id, uint8_t &cmd, float &arg1, float &arg2, int16_t &arg3, int16_t &arg4) { return false; }
virtual void nav_script_time_done(uint16_t id) {}
// allow for VTOL velocity matching of a target
virtual bool set_velocity_match(const Vector2f &velocity) { return false; }
// returns true if the EKF failsafe has triggered
virtual bool has_ekf_failsafed() const { return false; }
// allow for landing descent rate to be overridden by a script, may be -ve to climb
virtual bool set_land_descent_rate(float descent_rate) { return false; }
// control outputs enumeration
enum class ControlOutput {
Roll = 1,
Pitch = 2,
Throttle = 3,
Yaw = 4,
Lateral = 5,
MainSail = 6,
WingSail = 7,
Walking_Height = 8,
Last_ControlOutput // place new values before this
// get control output (for use in scripting)
// returns true on success and control_value is set to a value in the range -1 to +1
virtual bool get_control_output(AP_Vehicle::ControlOutput control_output, float &control_value) { return false; }
// zeroing the RC outputs can prevent unwanted motor movement:
virtual bool should_zero_rc_outputs_on_reboot() const { return false; }
// reboot the vehicle in an orderly manner, doing various cleanups
// and flashing LEDs as appropriate
void reboot(bool hold_in_bootloader);
get the distance to next wp in meters
return false if failed or n/a
virtual bool get_wp_distance_m(float &distance) const { return false; }
get the current wp bearing in degrees
return false if failed or n/a
virtual bool get_wp_bearing_deg(float &bearing) const { return false; }
get the current wp crosstrack error in meters
return false if failed or n/a
virtual bool get_wp_crosstrack_error_m(float &xtrack_error) const { return false; }
AP_Frsky_Parameters frsky_parameters;
Returns the pan and tilt for use by onvif camera in scripting
virtual bool get_pan_tilt_norm(float &pan_norm, float &tilt_norm) const { return false; }
// Returns roll and pitch for OSD Horizon, Plane overrides to correct for VTOL view and fixed wing TRIM_PITCH_CD
virtual void get_osd_roll_pitch_rad(float &roll, float &pitch) const;
get the target earth-frame angular velocities in rad/s (Z-axis component used by some gimbals)
virtual bool get_rate_ef_targets(Vector3f& rate_ef_targets) const { return false; }
virtual void init_ardupilot() = 0;
virtual void load_parameters() = 0;
virtual void set_control_channels() {}
// board specific config
AP_BoardConfig BoardConfig;
// board specific config for CAN bus
AP_CANManager can_mgr;
// main loop scheduler
AP_Scheduler scheduler;
// IMU variables
// Integration time; time last loop took to run
float G_Dt;
// sensor drivers
AP_GPS gps;
AP_Baro barometer;
Compass compass;
AP_InertialSensor ins;
AP_Button button;
RangeFinder rangefinder;
AP_RSSI rssi;
AP_RunCam runcam;
AP_GyroFFT gyro_fft;
AP_VideoTX vtx;
AP_SerialManager serial_manager;
AP_Relay relay;
AP_ServoRelayEvents ServoRelayEvents;
// notification object for LEDs, buzzers etc (parameter set to
// false disables external leds)
AP_Notify notify;
// Inertial Navigation EKF
AP_AHRS ahrs;
AP_Hott_Telem hott_telem;
AP_VisualOdom visual_odom;
AP_ESC_Telem esc_telem;
AP_OpenDroneID opendroneid;
AP_MSP msp;
AP_Generator generator;
AP_ExternalAHRS externalAHRS;
AP_SmartAudio smartaudio;
AP_Tramp tramp;
// EFI Engine Monitor
AP_EFI efi;
AP_Airspeed airspeed;
// Automatic Identification System - for tracking sea-going vehicles
AP_AIS ais;
AP_NMEA_Output nmea;
AC_Fence fence;
AP_TemperatureSensor temperature_sensor;
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
static const struct AP_Scheduler::Task scheduler_tasks[];
void publish_osd_info();
// update accel calibration
void accel_cal_update();
// call the arming library's update function
void update_arming();
// check for motor noise at a particular frequency
void check_motor_noise();
ModeReason control_mode_reason = ModeReason::UNKNOWN;
SITL::SIM sitl;
// Declare the dds client for communication with ROS2 and DDS(common for all vehicles)
AP_DDS_Client *dds_client;
bool init_dds_client() WARN_IF_UNUSED;
// delay() callback that processing MAVLink packets
static void scheduler_delay_callback();
// if there's been a watchdog reset, notify the world via a
// statustext:
void send_watchdog_reset_statustext();
// update the harmonic notch for throttle based notch
void update_throttle_notch(AP_InertialSensor::HarmonicNotch &notch);
// update the harmonic notch
void update_dynamic_notch(AP_InertialSensor::HarmonicNotch &notch);
// run notch update at either loop rate or 200Hz
void update_dynamic_notch_at_specified_rate();
// decimation for 1Hz update
uint8_t one_Hz_counter;
void one_Hz_update();
bool likely_flying; // true if vehicle is probably flying
uint32_t _last_flying_ms; // time when likely_flying last went true
uint32_t _last_notch_update_ms[HAL_INS_NUM_HARMONIC_NOTCH_FILTERS]; // last time update_dynamic_notch() was run
static AP_Vehicle *_singleton;
LowPassFilterFloat esc_noise[ESC_TELEM_MAX_ESCS];
uint32_t last_motor_noise_ms;
bool done_safety_init;
uint32_t _last_internal_errors; // backup of AP_InternalError::internal_errors bitmask
AP_CustomRotations custom_rotations;
namespace AP {
AP_Vehicle *vehicle();
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
extern const AP_Param::Info vehicle_var_info[];
#include "AP_Vehicle_Type.h"