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synced 2025-03-08 22:53:57 -04:00
this gives more control over throttle for petrol helis. H_RSC_POWER_NEGC allows for a asymmetric V-curve, which allows for less power being put into the head when landing or when sitting on the ground. That can lead to significantly less vibration and chance of ground oscillation. A heli not being flown with aerobatics does not need to use high throttle at negative collective pitch. The H_RSC_SLEWRATE allows for a maximum throttle slew rate to be set. Some petrol motors can cut if the throttle is moved too quickly. We had this happen at a height of 6m when switching from ALT_HOLD to STABILIZE mode. It also lowers the chance of the blades skewing in their holders with the sudden change of power when the heli is disarmed. In general it is a bad idea to do instantaneous large movements of a IC engine throttle.
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// -*- tab-width: 4; Mode: C++; c-basic-offset: 4; indent-tabs-mode: nil -*-
/// @file AP_MotorsHeli.h
/// @brief Motor control class for Traditional Heli
#pragma once
#include <inttypes.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h> // ArduPilot Mega Vector/Matrix math Library
#include <RC_Channel/RC_Channel.h> // RC Channel Library
#include "AP_Motors_Class.h"
#include "AP_MotorsHeli_RSC.h"
// maximum number of swashplate servos
// servo output rates
#define AP_MOTORS_HELI_SPEED_DEFAULT 125 // default servo update rate for helicopters
// default swash min and max angles and positions
// swash min while landed or landing (as a number from 0 ~ 1000
// default main rotor speed (ch8 out) as a number from 0 ~ 1000
// default main rotor critical speed
// RSC output defaults
// default main rotor ramp up time in seconds
#define AP_MOTORS_HELI_RSC_RAMP_TIME 1 // 1 second to ramp output to main rotor ESC to full power (most people use exterrnal govenors so we can ramp up quickly)
#define AP_MOTORS_HELI_RSC_RUNUP_TIME 10 // 10 seconds for rotor to reach full speed
// flybar types
class AP_HeliControls;
/// @class AP_MotorsHeli
class AP_MotorsHeli : public AP_Motors {
/// Constructor
AP_MotorsHeli( uint16_t loop_rate,
uint16_t speed_hz = AP_MOTORS_HELI_SPEED_DEFAULT) :
AP_Motors(loop_rate, speed_hz)
AP_Param::setup_object_defaults(this, var_info);
// initialise flags
_heliflags.landing_collective = 0;
_heliflags.rotor_runup_complete = 0;
// init
void Init();
// set update rate to motors - a value in hertz
// you must have setup_motors before calling this
virtual void set_update_rate( uint16_t speed_hz ) = 0;
// enable - starts allowing signals to be sent to motors
virtual void enable() = 0;
// output_min - sets servos to neutral point with motors stopped
void output_min();
// output_test - spin a motor at the pwm value specified
// motor_seq is the motor's sequence number from 1 to the number of motors on the frame
// pwm value is an actual pwm value that will be output, normally in the range of 1000 ~ 2000
virtual void output_test(uint8_t motor_seq, int16_t pwm) = 0;
// heli specific methods
// parameter_check - returns true if helicopter specific parameters are sensible, used for pre-arm check
virtual bool parameter_check(bool display_msg) const;
// has_flybar - returns true if we have a mechical flybar
virtual bool has_flybar() const { return AP_MOTORS_HELI_NOFLYBAR; }
// set_collective_for_landing - limits collective from going too low if we know we are landed
void set_collective_for_landing(bool landing) { _heliflags.landing_collective = landing; }
// get_rsc_mode - gets the rotor speed control method (AP_MOTORS_HELI_RSC_MODE_CH8_PASSTHROUGH or AP_MOTORS_HELI_RSC_MODE_SETPOINT)
uint8_t get_rsc_mode() const { return _rsc_mode; }
// get_rsc_setpoint - gets contents of _rsc_setpoint parameter (0~1)
float get_rsc_setpoint() const { return _rsc_setpoint / 1000.0f; }
// set_desired_rotor_speed - sets target rotor speed as a number from 0 ~ 1
virtual void set_desired_rotor_speed(float desired_speed) = 0;
// get_desired_rotor_speed - gets target rotor speed as a number from 0 ~ 1
virtual float get_desired_rotor_speed() const = 0;
// get_main_rotor_speed - gets estimated or measured main rotor speed
virtual float get_main_rotor_speed() const = 0;
// return true if the main rotor is up to speed
bool rotor_runup_complete() const { return _heliflags.rotor_runup_complete; }
// rotor_speed_above_critical - return true if rotor speed is above that critical for flight
virtual bool rotor_speed_above_critical() const = 0;
// get_motor_mask - returns a bitmask of which outputs are being used for motors or servos (1 means being used)
// this can be used to ensure other pwm outputs (i.e. for servos) do not conflict
virtual uint16_t get_motor_mask() = 0;
// output - sends commands to the motors
void output();
// supports_yaw_passthrough
virtual bool supports_yaw_passthrough() const { return false; }
float get_throttle_hover() const { return 0.5f; }
// var_info for holding Parameter information
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// manual servo modes (used for setup)
enum ServoControlModes {
// output - sends commands to the motors
void output_armed_stabilizing();
void output_armed_zero_throttle();
void output_disarmed();
// update_motor_controls - sends commands to motor controllers
virtual void update_motor_control(RotorControlState state) = 0;
// reset_flight_controls - resets all controls and scalars to flight status
void reset_flight_controls();
// update the throttle input filter
void update_throttle_filter();
// move_actuators - moves swash plate and tail rotor
virtual void move_actuators(float roll_out, float pitch_out, float coll_in, float yaw_out) = 0;
// reset_swash_servo - free up swash servo for maximum movement
void reset_swash_servo(RC_Channel& servo);
// init_outputs - initialise Servo/PWM ranges and endpoints
virtual void init_outputs() = 0;
// calculate_armed_scalars - must be implemented by child classes
virtual void calculate_armed_scalars() = 0;
// calculate_scalars - must be implemented by child classes
virtual void calculate_scalars() = 0;
// calculate_roll_pitch_collective_factors - calculate factors based on swash type and servo position
virtual void calculate_roll_pitch_collective_factors() = 0;
// servo_test - move servos through full range of movement
// to be overloaded by child classes, different vehicle types would have different movement patterns
virtual void servo_test() = 0;
// flags bitmask
struct heliflags_type {
uint8_t landing_collective : 1; // true if collective is setup for landing which has much higher minimum
uint8_t rotor_runup_complete : 1; // true if the rotors have had enough time to wind up
} _heliflags;
// parameters
AP_Int16 _cyclic_max; // Maximum cyclic angle of the swash plate in centi-degrees
AP_Int16 _collective_min; // Lowest possible servo position for the swashplate
AP_Int16 _collective_max; // Highest possible servo position for the swashplate
AP_Int16 _collective_mid; // Swash servo position corresponding to zero collective pitch (or zero lift for Asymmetrical blades)
AP_Int8 _servo_mode; // Pass radio inputs directly to servos during set-up through mission planner
AP_Int16 _rsc_setpoint; // rotor speed when RSC mode is set to is enabledv
AP_Int8 _rsc_mode; // Which main rotor ESC control mode is active
AP_Int8 _rsc_ramp_time; // Time in seconds for the output to the main rotor's ESC to reach full speed
AP_Int8 _rsc_runup_time; // Time in seconds for the main rotor to reach full speed. Must be longer than _rsc_ramp_time
AP_Int16 _land_collective_min; // Minimum collective when landed or landing
AP_Int16 _rsc_critical; // Rotor speed below which flight is not possible
AP_Int16 _rsc_idle_output; // Rotor control output while at idle
AP_Int16 _rsc_power_low; // throttle value sent to throttle servo at zero collective pitch
AP_Int16 _rsc_power_high; // throttle value sent to throttle servo at maximum collective pitch
AP_Int16 _rsc_power_negc; // throttle value sent to throttle servo at full negative collective pitch
AP_Int16 _rsc_slewrate; // throttle slew rate (percentage per second)
AP_Int8 _servo_test; // sets number of cycles to test servo movement on bootup
// internal variables
float _collective_mid_pct = 0.0f; // collective mid parameter value converted to 0 ~ 1 range
uint8_t _servo_test_cycle_counter = 0; // number of test cycles left to run after bootup