
97 lines
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#pragma once
#include "AC_Avoidance_config.h"
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Common/Location.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Logger/AP_Logger_config.h>
* BendyRuler avoidance algorithm for avoiding the polygon and circular fence and dynamic objects detected by the proximity sensor
class AP_OABendyRuler {
CLASS_NO_COPY(AP_OABendyRuler); /* Do not allow copies */
// send configuration info stored in front end parameters
void set_config(float margin_max) { _margin_max = MAX(margin_max, 0.0f); }
enum class OABendyType {
// run background task to find best path
// returns true and updates origin_new and destination_new if a best path has been found. returns false if OA is not required
// bendy_type is set to the type of BendyRuler used
bool update(const Location& current_loc, const Location& destination, const Vector2f &ground_speed_vec, Location &origin_new, Location &destination_new, OABendyType &bendy_type, bool proximity_only);
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// return type of BendyRuler in use
OABendyType get_type() const;
// search for path in XY direction
bool search_xy_path(const Location& current_loc, const Location& destination, float ground_course_deg, Location &destination_new, float lookahead_step_1_dist, float lookahead_step_2_dist, float bearing_to_dest, float distance_to_dest, bool proximity_only);
// search for path in the Vertical directions
bool search_vertical_path(const Location &current_loc, const Location &destination, Location &destination_new, float lookahead_step1_dist, float lookahead_step2_dist, float bearing_to_dest, float distance_to_dest, bool proximity_only);
// calculate minimum distance between a path and any obstacle
float calc_avoidance_margin(const Location &start, const Location &end, bool proximity_only) const;
// determine if BendyRuler should accept the new bearing or try and resist it. Returns true if bearing is not changed
bool resist_bearing_change(const Location &destination, const Location &current_loc, bool active, float bearing_test, float lookahead_step1_dist, float margin, Location &prev_dest, float &prev_bearing, float &final_bearing, float &final_margin, bool proximity_only) const;
// calculate minimum distance between a path and the circular fence (centered on home)
// on success returns true and updates margin
bool calc_margin_from_circular_fence(const Location &start, const Location &end, float &margin) const;
// calculate minimum distance between a path and the altitude fence
// on success returns true and updates margin
bool calc_margin_from_alt_fence(const Location &start, const Location &end, float &margin) const;
// calculate minimum distance between a path and all inclusion and exclusion polygons
// on success returns true and updates margin
bool calc_margin_from_inclusion_and_exclusion_polygons(const Location &start, const Location &end, float &margin) const;
// calculate minimum distance between a path and all inclusion and exclusion circles
// on success returns true and updates margin
bool calc_margin_from_inclusion_and_exclusion_circles(const Location &start, const Location &end, float &margin) const;
// calculate minimum distance between a path and proximity sensor obstacles
// on success returns true and updates margin
bool calc_margin_from_object_database(const Location &start, const Location &end, float &margin) const;
// Logging function
void Write_OABendyRuler(const uint8_t type, const bool active, const float target_yaw, const float target_pitch, const bool resist_chg, const float margin, const Location &final_dest, const Location &oa_dest) const;
void Write_OABendyRuler(const uint8_t type, const bool active, const float target_yaw, const float target_pitch, const bool resist_chg, const float margin, const Location &final_dest, const Location &oa_dest) const {}
// OA common parameters
float _margin_max; // object avoidance will ignore objects more than this many meters from vehicle
// BendyRuler parameters
AP_Float _lookahead; // object avoidance will look this many meters ahead of vehicle
AP_Float _bendy_ratio; // object avoidance will avoid major directional change if change in margin ratio is less than this param
AP_Int16 _bendy_angle; // object avoidance will try avoiding change in direction over this much angle
AP_Int8 _bendy_type; // Type of BendyRuler to run
// internal variables used by background thread
float _current_lookahead; // distance (in meters) ahead of the vehicle we are looking for obstacles
float _bearing_prev; // stored bearing in degrees
Location _destination_prev; // previous destination, to check if there has been a change in destination