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synced 2025-03-05 21:23:58 -04:00
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400 lines
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-- Glide into wind, LUA script for glide into wind functionality
-- Background
-- When flying a fixed-wing drone on ad-hoc BVLOS missions, it might not be
-- suitable for the drone to return to home if the C2 link is lost, since that
-- might mean flying without control for an extended time and distance. One
-- option in ArduPlane is to set FS_Long to Glide, which makes the drone glide
-- and land in the direction it happened to have when the command was invoked,
-- without regard to the wind. This script offers a way to decrease the kinetic
-- energy in this blind landing by means of steering the drone towards the wind
-- as GLIDE is initiated, hence lowering the ground speed. The intention is to
-- minimize impact energy at landing - foremost for any third party, but also to
-- minimize damage to the drone.
-- Functionality and setup
-- 1. Set SCR_ENABLE = 1
-- 2. Put script in scripts folder, boot twice
-- 3. A new parameter has appeared:
-- - GLIDE_WIND_ENABL (0=disable, 1=enable)
-- 4. Set GLIDE_WIND_ENABL = 1
-- 5. Read the docs on FS:
-- https://ardupilot.org/plane/docs/apms-failsafe-function.html#failsafe-parameters-and-their-meanings
-- 6. Set FS_LONG_ACTN = 2
-- 7. Set FS_LONG_TIMEOUT as appropriate
-- 8. Set FS_GCS_ENABL = 1
-- 9. If in simulation, set SIM_WIND_SPD = 4 to get a reliable wind direction.
-- 10. Test in simulation: Fly a mission, disable heartbeats by typing 'set
-- heartbeat 0' into mavproxy/SITL, monitor what happens in the console. If
-- QGC or similar GCS is used, make sure it does not send heartbeats.
-- 11. Test in flight: Fly a mission, monitor estimated wind direction from GCS,
-- then fail GCS link and see what happens.
-- 12. Once heading is into wind script will stop steering and not steer again
-- until state machine is reset and failsafe is triggered again. Steering in low
-- airspeeds (thr=0) increases risks of stall and it is preferable touch
-- ground in level roll attitude. If the script parameter hdg_ok_lim is set
-- to tight or the wind estimate is not stable, the script will anyhow stop
-- steering after override_time_lim and enter FBWA - otherwise the script
-- would hinder the GLIDE fail safe.
-- 13. Script will stop interfering as soon as a new goto-point is received or
-- the flight mode is changed by the operator or the remote pilot.
-- During the fail safe maneuver a warning tune is played.
-- State machine
-- - Do: Nothing
-- - Change state: If the failsafe GLIDE is triggered: if FS_GCS_ENABL is set
-- and FS_LONG_ACTN is 2, change to TRIGGERED else change to CANCELED
-- - Do: First use GUIDED mode to steer into wind, then switch to FBWA to
-- Glide into wind. Play warning tune.
-- - Change state: If flight mode is changed by operator/remote pilot or
-- operator/remote pilot sends a new goto point, change state to CANCELED
-- - Do: Nothing
-- - Change state: When new heart beat arrive, change state to CAN_TRIGGER
-- Credits
-- This script is developed by agising at UASolutions, commissioned by, and in
-- cooperation with Remote.aero, with funding from Swedish AeroEDIH, in response
-- to a need from the Swedish Sea Rescue Society (Sjöräddningssällskapet, SSRS).
-- Disable diagnostics related to reading parameters to pass linter
---@diagnostic disable: need-check-nil
---@diagnostic disable: param-type-mismatch
-- Tuning parameters
local looptime = 250 -- Short looptime
local long_looptime = 2000 -- Long looptime, GLIDE_WIND is not enabled
local tune_repeat_t = 1000 -- How often to play tune in glide into wind, [ms]
local hdg_ok_lim = 15 -- Acceptable heading error in deg (when to stop steering)
local hdg_ok_t_lim = 5000 -- Stop steering towards wind after hdg_ok_t_lim ms with error less than hdg_ok_lim
local override_time_lim = 15000 -- Max time in GUIDED during GLIDE, after limit set FBWA independent of hdg
-- GCS text levels
local _INFO = 6
local _WARNING = 4
-- Plane flight modes mapping
local mode_FBWA = 5
local mode_GUIDED = 15
-- Tunes
local _tune_glide_warn = "MFT240 L16 cdefgfgfgfg" -- The warning tone played during GLIDE_WIND
--State variable
local fs_state = nil
-- Flags
local override_enable = false -- Flag to allow RC channel loverride
-- Variables
local wind_dir_rad = nil -- param for wind dir in rad
local wind_dir_180 = nil -- param for wind dir in deg
local hdg_error = nil -- Heading error, hdg vs wind_dir_180
local gw_enable = nil -- glide into wind enable flag
local hdg = nil -- vehicle heading
local wind = Vector3f() -- wind 3Dvector
local link_lost_for = nil -- link loss time counter
local last_seen = nil -- timestamp last received heartbeat
local tune_time_since = 0 -- Timer for last played tune
local hdg_ok_t = 0 -- Timer
local expected_flight_mode = nil -- Flight mode set by this script
local location_here = nil -- Current location
local location_upwind = nil -- Location to hold the target location
local user_notified = false -- Flag to keep track user being notified or not
local failed_location_counter = 0 -- Counter for failed location requests, possible GPS denied
local upwind_distance = 500 -- Distance to the upwind location, minimum 4x turn radius
local override_time = 0 -- Time since override started in ms
-- Add param table
local PARAM_TABLE_KEY = 74
assert(param:add_table(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX, 30), 'could not add param table')
-- Init
function _init()
-- Add and init paramters
GLIDE_WIND_ENABL = bind_add_param('ENABL', 1, 0)
-- Init parameters
FS_GCS_ENABL = bind_param('FS_GCS_ENABL') -- Is set to 1 if GCS lol should trigger FS after FS_LONG_TIMEOUT
FS_LONG_TIMEOUT = bind_param('FS_LONG_TIMEOUT') -- FS long timeout in seconds
FS_LONG_ACTN = bind_param('FS_LONG_ACTN') -- Is set to 2 for Glide
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: FS_LONG_TIMEOUT timeout: ' .. FS_LONG_TIMEOUT:get() .. 's')
-- Test paramter
if GLIDE_WIND_ENABL:get() == nil then
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: Something went wrong, GLIDE_WIND_ENABL not created')
return _init(), looptime
gw_enable = GLIDE_WIND_ENABL:get()
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: GLIDE_WIND_ENABL: ' .. gw_enable)
-- Init last_seen.
last_seen = gcs:last_seen()
-- Init link_lost_for [ms] to FS_LONG_TIMEOUT [s] to prevent link to recover without
-- new heartbeat. This is to properly init the state machine.
link_lost_for = FS_LONG_TIMEOUT:get() * 1000
-- Warn if GLIDE_WIND_ENABL is set and FS_LONG_ACTN is not GLIDE
if gw_enable == 1 and FS_LONG_ACTN:get() ~= 2 then
send_to_gcs(_WARNING, 'GLIDE_WIND_ENABL is set, but FS_LONG_ACTN is not GLIDE.')
-- Init fs_state machine to CANCELED. A heartbeat is required to set the state
-- to CAN_TRIGGER from where Glide into wind can be triggered.
fs_state = 'CANCELED'
-- All set, go to update
return update(), long_looptime
-- Main loop
function update()
-- Check if state of GLIDE_WIND_ENABL parameter changed, print every change
if gw_enable ~= GLIDE_WIND_ENABL:get() then
gw_enable = GLIDE_WIND_ENABL:get()
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: GLIDE_WIND_ENABL: ' .. gw_enable)
-- If GLIDE_WIND_ENABL was enabled, warn if not FS_LONG_ACTN is set accordingly
if gw_enable == 1 then
if FS_LONG_ACTN:get() ~=2 then
send_to_gcs(_WARNING, 'GLIDE_WIND_ENABL is set, but FS_LONG_ACTN is not GLIDE.')
-- -- If feature is not enabled, loop slowly
if gw_enable == 0 then
return update, long_looptime
-- GLIDE_WIND_ENABL is enabled, look for triggers
-- Monitor time since last gcs heartbeat
if last_seen == gcs:last_seen() then
link_lost_for = link_lost_for + looptime
-- There has been a new heartbeat, update last_seen and reset link_lost_for
last_seen = gcs:last_seen()
link_lost_for = 0
-- Run the state machine
if fs_state == 'CAN_TRIGGER' then
if link_lost_for > FS_LONG_TIMEOUT:get() * 1000 then
-- Double check that FS_GCS_ENABL is set
if FS_GCS_ENABL:get() == 1 and FS_LONG_ACTN:get() == 2 then
fs_state = "TRIGGERED"
-- Reset some variables
hdg_ok_t = 0
user_notified = false
override_enable = true
override_time = 0
failed_location_counter = 0
-- Set mode to GUIDED before entering TRIGGERED state
set_flight_mode(mode_GUIDED, 'LUA: Glide into wind state TRIGGERED')
-- Do not trigger glide into wind, require new heart beats to get here again
fs_state = "CANCELED"
elseif fs_state == "TRIGGERED" then
-- Check for flight mode changes from outside script
if vehicle:get_mode() ~= expected_flight_mode then
fs_state = "CANCELED"
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: Glide into wind state CANCELED: flight mode change')
-- In GUIDED, check for target location changes from outside script (operator)
if vehicle:get_mode() == mode_GUIDED then
if not locations_are_equal(vehicle:get_target_location(), location_upwind) then
fs_state = "CANCELED"
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: Glide into wind state CANCELED: new goto-point')
elseif fs_state == "CANCELED" then
-- Await link is not lost
if link_lost_for < FS_LONG_TIMEOUT:get() * 1000 then
fs_state = "CAN_TRIGGER"
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: Glide into wind state CAN_TRIGGER')
-- State TRIGGERED actions
if fs_state == "TRIGGERED" then
-- Get the heading angle
hdg = math.floor(math.deg(ahrs:get_yaw()))
-- Get wind direction. Function wind_estimate returns x and y for direction wind blows in, add pi to get true wind dir
wind = ahrs:wind_estimate()
wind_dir_rad = math.atan(wind:y(), wind:x())+math.pi
wind_dir_180 = math.floor(wrap_180(math.deg(wind_dir_rad)))
hdg_error = wrap_180(wind_dir_180 - hdg)
-- Check if we are close to target heading
if math.abs(hdg_error) < hdg_ok_lim then
-- If we have been close to target heading for hdg_ok_t_lim, switch back to FBWA
if hdg_ok_t > hdg_ok_t_lim then
if override_enable then
set_flight_mode(mode_FBWA,'LUA: Glide into wind steering complete, GLIDE in FBWA')
-- Do not override again until state machine has triggered again
override_enable = false
hdg_ok_t = hdg_ok_t + looptime
-- Heading error is big, reset timer hdg_ok_t
hdg_ok_t = 0
-- Play tune every tune_repeat_t [ms]
if tune_time_since > tune_repeat_t then
-- Play tune and reset timer
send_to_gcs(_INFO, 'LUA: Play warning tune')
tune_time_since = 0
tune_time_since = tune_time_since + looptime
-- If not steered into wind yet, update goto point into wind
if override_enable then
-- Check override time, if above limit, switch back to FBWA
override_time = override_time + looptime
if override_time > override_time_lim then
set_flight_mode(mode_FBWA, "LUA: Glide into wind override time out, GLIDE in current heading")
override_enable = false
-- Get current position and handle if not valid
location_here = ahrs:get_location()
if location_here == nil then
-- In case we cannot get location for some time we must give up and continue with GLIDE
failed_location_counter = failed_location_counter + 1
if failed_location_counter > 5 then
set_flight_mode(mode_FBWA, "LUA: Glide failed to get location, GLIDE in current heading")
override_enable = false
return update, looptime
gcs:send_text(_WARNING, "LUA: Glide failed to get location")
return update, looptime
-- Calc upwind position, copy and modify location_here
location_upwind = location_here:copy()
location_upwind:offset_bearing(wind_dir_180, upwind_distance)
-- Set location_upwind as GUIDED target
if vehicle:set_target_location(location_upwind) then
if not user_notified then
send_to_gcs(_INFO, "LUA: Guided target set " .. upwind_distance .. "m away at bearing " .. wind_dir_180)
-- Just notify once
user_notified = true
-- Most likely we are not in GUIDED anymore (operator changed mode), state machine will handle this in next loop.
gcs:send_text(_WARNING, "LUA: Glide failed to set upwind target")
return update, looptime
-- Helper functions
-- Set mode and wait for mode change
function set_flight_mode(mode, message)
expected_flight_mode = mode
return wait_for_mode_change(mode, message, 0)
-- Wait for mode change
function wait_for_mode_change(mode, message, attempt)
-- If mode change does not go through after 10 attempts, give up
if attempt > 10 then
send_to_gcs(_WARNING, 'LUA: Glide into wind mode change failed.')
return update, looptime
-- If mode change does not go through, wait and try again
elseif vehicle:get_mode() ~= mode then
return wait_for_mode_change(mode, message, attempt + 1), 5
-- Mode change has gone through
send_to_gcs(_INFO, message)
return update, looptime
-- Function to compare two Location objects
function locations_are_equal(loc1, loc2)
-- If either location is nil, they are not equal
if not loc1 or not loc2 then
return false
-- Compare latitude and longitude, return bool
return loc1:lat() == loc2:lat() and loc1:lng() == loc2:lng()
-- bind a parameter to a variable
function bind_param(name)
local p = Parameter()
assert(p:init(name), string.format('could not find %s parameter', name))
return p
-- Add a parameter and bind it to a variable
function bind_add_param(name, idx, default_value)
assert(param:add_param(PARAM_TABLE_KEY, idx, name, default_value), string.format('could not add param %s', name))
return bind_param(PARAM_TABLE_PREFIX .. name)
-- Print to GCS
function send_to_gcs(level, mess)
gcs:send_text(level, mess)
-- Play tune
function play_tune(tune)
-- Returns the angle in range 0-360
function wrap_360(angle)
local res = math.fmod(angle, 360.0)
if res < 0 then
res = res + 360.0
return res
-- Returns the angle in range -180-180
function wrap_180(angle)
local res = wrap_360(angle)
if res > 180 then
res = res - 360
return res
-- Start up the script
return _init, 2000