* This allows someone using colcon full control over the build Signed-off-by: Ryan Friedman <ryanfriedman5410+github@gmail.com> |
.. | ||
ardupilot_dds_tests | ||
ardupilot_msgs | ||
ardupilot_sitl | ||
README.md | ||
ros2_macos.repos | ||
ros2.repos |
ArduPilot ROS 2 packages
This directory contains ROS 2 packages and configuration files for running ROS 2 processes and nodes that communicate with the ArduPilot DDS client library using the microROS agent. It contains the following packages:
This is a colcon
package for building and running ArduPilot SITL using the ROS 2 CLI.
For example ardurover
SITL may be launched with:
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl.launch.py command:=ardurover model:=rover
Other launch files are included with many arguments. Some common arguments are exposed and forwarded to the underlying process.
For example, MAVProxy can be launched, and you can enable the console
and map
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl_mavproxy.launch.py map:=True console:=True
ArduPilot SITL does not yet expose all arguments from the underlying binary. See #27714 for context.
To see all current options, use the -s
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl.launch.py -s
A colcon
package for testing communication between micro_ros_agent
and the
ArduPilot AP_DDS
client library.
The packages depend on:
Install Ubuntu
1. Create a workspace folder
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src && cd ~/ros2_ws/src
The ROS 2 tutorials contain more details regarding ROS 2 workspaces.
2. Get the ros2.repos
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/master/Tools/ros2/ros2.repos
vcs import --recursive < ros2.repos
3. Update dependencies
cd ~/ros2_ws
source /opt/ros/humble/setup.bash
sudo apt update
rosdep update
rosdep install --rosdistro ${ROS_DISTRO} --from-paths src
4. Build
Check that the ROS environment is configured correctly:
cd ~/ros2_ws
colcon build --cmake-args -DBUILD_TESTING=ON
5. Test
source ./install/setup.bash
colcon test --packages-select ardupilot_dds_tests
colcon test-result --all --verbose
To debug a specific test, you can do the following:
colcon --log-level DEBUG test --packages-select ardupilot_dds_tests --event-handlers=console_direct+ --pytest-args -k test_dds_udp_geopose_msg_recv -s
Install macOS
The install procedure on macOS is similar, except that all dependencies must be built from source and additional compiler flags are needed.
1. Create a workspace folder
mkdir -p ~/ros2_ws/src && cd ~/ros2_ws/src
2. Get the ros2_macos.repos
The ros2_macos.repos
includes additional dependencies to build:
cd ~/ros2_ws/src
wget https://raw.githubusercontent.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot/master/Tools/ros2/ros2_macos.repos
vcs import --recursive < ros2_macos.repos
3. Update dependencies
cd ~/ros2_ws
source /{path_to_your_ros_distro_workspace}/install/setup.zsh
4.1. Build microxrcedds_gen:
cd ~/ros2_ws/src/microxrcedds_gen
./gradlew assemble
export PATH=$PATH:$(pwd)/scripts
4.2. Build colcon projects
colcon build --symlink-install --cmake-args \
5. Test
colcon test \
--pytest-args -s -v \
--event-handlers console_cohesion+ desktop_notification- \
--packages-select ardupilot_dds_tests
Install Docker
0. Build the image and run the container
Clone the ArduPilot docker project:
git clone https://github.com/ArduPilot/ardupilot_dev_docker.git
Build the container:
cd ~/ardupilot_dev_docker/docker
docker build -t ardupilot/ardupilot-dev-ros -f Dockerfile_dev-ros .
Start the container in interactive mode:
docker run -it --name ardupilot-dds ardupilot/ardupilot-dev-ros
Connect another bash process to the running container:
docker container exec -it ardupilot-dds /bin/bash
The remaining steps 1 - 5 are the same as for Ubuntu. You may need to install MAVProxy if it is not available on the container.
pip install -U MAVProxy
Test details
The launch file replicates the following commands:
socat -d -d pty,raw,echo=0,link=./dev/ttyROS0 pty,raw,echo=0,link=./dev/ttyROS1
ros2 run micro_ros_agent micro_ros_agent serial --baudrate 115200 --dev ./dev/ttyROS0
arducopter --synthetic-clock --wipe --model quad --speedup 1 --slave 0 --instance 0 --serial1 uart:./dev/ttyROS1 --defaults $(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds_serial.parm --sim-address
mavproxy.py --out --out --master tcp: --sitl
Using individual launch files
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl virtual_ports.launch.py tty0:=./dev/ttyROS0 tty1:=./dev/ttyROS1
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl micro_ros_agent.launch.py transport:=serial baudrate:=115200 device:=./dev/ttyROS0
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl.launch.py synthetic_clock:=True wipe:=True model:=quad speedup:=1 slave:=0 instance:=0 serial1:=uart:./dev/ttyROS1 defaults:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds_serial.parm sim_address:=
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl mavproxy.launch.py master:=tcp: sitl:=
Using combined launch file
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl_dds_serial.launch.py \
tty0:=./dev/ttyROS0 \
tty1:=./dev/ttyROS1 \
transport:=serial \
baudrate:=115200 \
device:=./dev/ttyROS0 \
synthetic_clock:=True \
wipe:=True \
model:=quad \
speedup:=1 \
slave:=0 \
instance:=0 \
serial1:=uart:./dev/ttyROS1 \
defaults:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds_serial.parm \
sim_address:= \
master:=tcp: \
UDP version
ros2 launch ardupilot_sitl sitl_dds_udp.launch.py transport:=udp4 synthetic_clock:=True wipe:=False model:=quad speedup:=1 slave:=0 instance:=0 defaults:=$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/copter.parm,$(ros2 pkg prefix ardupilot_sitl)/share/ardupilot_sitl/config/default_params/dds_udp.parm sim_address:= master:=tcp: sitl:=