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synced 2025-03-12 01:23:56 -03:00
These are really, really expensive to run while your RC isn't configured. We now have a split between inputs (RC) and servos (SRV), so these aren't as critical as they were. We also have range checks to ensure they're roughly good enough to fly with.
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/// @file RC_Channel.h
/// @brief RC_Channel manager, with EEPROM-backed storage of constants.
#pragma once
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#define NUM_RC_CHANNELS 16
/// @class RC_Channel
/// @brief Object managing one RC channel
class RC_Channel {
friend class SRV_Channels;
friend class RC_Channels;
// Constructor
// used to get min/max/trim limit value based on _reverse
enum LimitValue {
enum InputIgnore {
RC_IGNORE_RECEIVER = (1 << 0), // RC reciever modules
RC_IGNORE_OVERRIDES = (1 << 1), // MAVLink overrides
// setup the control preferences
void set_range(uint16_t high);
void set_angle(uint16_t angle);
bool get_reverse(void) const;
void set_default_dead_zone(int16_t dzone);
uint16_t get_dead_zone(void) const { return dead_zone; }
// get the center stick position expressed as a control_in value
int16_t get_control_mid() const;
// read input from hal.rcin - create a control_in value
bool update(void);
void recompute_pwm_no_deadzone();
// calculate an angle given dead_zone and trim. This is used by the quadplane code
// for hover throttle
int16_t pwm_to_angle_dz_trim(uint16_t dead_zone, uint16_t trim);
return a normalised input for a channel, in range -1 to 1,
centered around the channel trim. Ignore deadzone.
float norm_input();
return a normalised input for a channel, in range -1 to 1,
centered around the channel trim. Take into account the deadzone
float norm_input_dz();
uint8_t percent_input();
int16_t pwm_to_range();
int16_t pwm_to_range_dz(uint16_t dead_zone);
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// return true if input is within deadzone of trim
bool in_trim_dz();
int16_t get_radio_in() const { return radio_in;}
void set_radio_in(int16_t val) {radio_in = val;}
int16_t get_control_in() const { return control_in;}
void set_control_in(int16_t val) { control_in = val;}
void clear_override();
void set_override(const uint16_t v, const uint32_t timestamp_us=0);
bool has_override() const;
// get control input with zero deadzone
int16_t get_control_in_zero_dz(void);
int16_t get_radio_min() const {return radio_min.get();}
void set_radio_min(int16_t val) { radio_min = val;}
int16_t get_radio_max() const {return radio_max.get();}
void set_radio_max(int16_t val) {radio_max = val;}
int16_t get_radio_trim() const { return radio_trim.get();}
void set_radio_trim(int16_t val) { radio_trim.set(val);}
void save_radio_trim() { radio_trim.save();}
void set_and_save_trim() { radio_trim.set_and_save_ifchanged(radio_in);}
// set and save trim if changed
void set_and_save_radio_trim(int16_t val) { radio_trim.set_and_save_ifchanged(val);}
AP_Int16 option; // e.g. activate EPM gripper / enable fence
// auxillary switch support:
void init_aux();
void read_aux();
// Aux Switch enumeration
enum aux_func {
DO_NOTHING = 0, // aux switch disabled
FLIP = 2, // flip
SIMPLE_MODE = 3, // change to simple mode
RTL = 4, // change to RTL flight mode
SAVE_TRIM = 5, // save current position as level
SAVE_WP = 7, // save mission waypoint or RTL if in auto mode
CAMERA_TRIGGER = 9, // trigger camera servo or relay
RANGEFINDER = 10, // allow enabling or disabling rangefinder in flight which helps avoid surface tracking when you are far above the ground
FENCE = 11, // allow enabling or disabling fence in flight
SUPERSIMPLE_MODE = 13, // change to simple mode in middle, super simple at top
ACRO_TRAINER = 14, // low = disabled, middle = leveled, high = leveled and limited
SPRAYER = 15, // enable/disable the crop sprayer
AUTO = 16, // change to auto flight mode
AUTOTUNE = 17, // auto tune
LAND = 18, // change to LAND flight mode
GRIPPER = 19, // Operate cargo grippers low=off, middle=neutral, high=on
PARACHUTE_ENABLE = 21, // Parachute enable/disable
PARACHUTE_RELEASE = 22, // Parachute release
PARACHUTE_3POS = 23, // Parachute disable, enable, release with 3 position switch
MISSION_RESET = 24, // Reset auto mission to start from first command
ATTCON_FEEDFWD = 25, // enable/disable the roll and pitch rate feed forward
ATTCON_ACCEL_LIM = 26, // enable/disable the roll, pitch and yaw accel limiting
RETRACT_MOUNT = 27, // Retract Mount
RELAY = 28, // Relay pin on/off (only supports first relay)
LANDING_GEAR = 29, // Landing gear controller
LOST_COPTER_SOUND = 30, // Play lost copter sound
MOTOR_ESTOP = 31, // Emergency Stop Switch
MOTOR_INTERLOCK = 32, // Motor On/Off switch
BRAKE = 33, // Brake flight mode
RELAY2 = 34, // Relay2 pin on/off (in Mission planner set RC8_OPTION = 34)
RELAY3 = 35, // Relay3 pin on/off (in Mission planner set RC9_OPTION = 35)
RELAY4 = 36, // Relay4 pin on/off (in Mission planner set RC10_OPTION = 36)
THROW = 37, // change to THROW flight mode
AVOID_ADSB = 38, // enable AP_Avoidance library
PRECISION_LOITER = 39, // enable precision loiter
AVOID_PROXIMITY = 40, // enable object avoidance using proximity sensors (ie. horizontal lidar)
ARMDISARM = 41, // arm or disarm vehicle
SMART_RTL = 42, // change to SmartRTL flight mode
INVERTED = 43, // enable inverted flight
WINCH_ENABLE = 44, // winch enable/disable
WINCH_CONTROL = 45, // winch control
RC_OVERRIDE_ENABLE = 46, // enable RC Override
USER_FUNC1 = 47, // user function #1
USER_FUNC2 = 48, // user function #2
USER_FUNC3 = 49, // user function #3
LEARN_CRUISE = 50, // learn cruise throttle (Rover)
MANUAL = 51, // manual mode
ACRO = 52, // acro mode
STEERING = 53, // steering mode
HOLD = 54, // hold mode
GUIDED = 55, // guided mode
LOITER = 56, // loiter mode
FOLLOW = 57, // follow mode
// if you add something here, make sure to update the documentation of the parameter in RC_Channel.cpp!
// also, if you add an option >255, you will need to fix duplicate_options_exist
typedef enum aux_func aux_func_t;
// auxillary switch handling:
enum aux_switch_pos {
LOW, // indicates auxiliary switch is in the low position (pwm <1200)
MIDDLE, // indicates auxiliary switch is in the middle position (pwm >1200, <1800)
HIGH // indicates auxiliary switch is in the high position (pwm >1800)
typedef enum aux_switch_pos aux_switch_pos_t;
virtual void init_aux_function(aux_func_t ch_option, aux_switch_pos_t);
virtual void do_aux_function(aux_func_t ch_option, aux_switch_pos_t);
void do_aux_function_relay(uint8_t relay, bool val);
void do_aux_function_camera_trigger(const aux_switch_pos_t ch_flag);
typedef int8_t modeswitch_pos_t;
virtual void mode_switch_changed(modeswitch_pos_t new_pos) {
// no action by default (e.g. Tracker, Sub, who do their own thing)
// pwm is stored here
int16_t radio_in;
// value generated from PWM normalised to configured scale
int16_t control_in;
AP_Int16 radio_min;
AP_Int16 radio_trim;
AP_Int16 radio_max;
AP_Int8 reversed;
AP_Int16 dead_zone;
uint8_t type_in;
int16_t high_in;
// the input channel this corresponds to
uint8_t ch_in;
// overrides
uint16_t override_value;
uint32_t last_override_time;
int16_t pwm_to_angle();
int16_t pwm_to_angle_dz(uint16_t dead_zone);
// pwm value above which the option will be invoked:
static const uint16_t AUX_PWM_TRIGGER_HIGH = 1800;
// pwm value below which the option will be disabled:
static const uint16_t AUX_PWM_TRIGGER_LOW = 1200;
aux_switch_pos_t read_3pos_switch() const;
//Documentation of Aux Switch Flags:
// 0 is low or false, 1 is center or true, 2 is high
// pairs of bits in old_switch_positions give the old switch position for an RC input.
static uint32_t old_switch_positions;
aux_switch_pos_t old_switch_position() const {
return (aux_switch_pos_t)((old_switch_positions >> (ch_in*2)) & 0x3);
void set_old_switch_position(const RC_Channel::aux_switch_pos_t value) {
old_switch_positions &= ~(0x3 << (ch_in*2));
old_switch_positions |= (value << (ch_in*2));
// Structure used to detect changes in the flight mode control switch
// static since we should only ever have one mode switch!
typedef struct {
modeswitch_pos_t debounced_position; // currently used position
modeswitch_pos_t last_position; // position in previous iteration
uint32_t last_edge_time_ms; // system time that position was last changed
} modeswitch_state_t;
static modeswitch_state_t mode_switch_state;
// de-bounce counters
typedef struct {
uint8_t count;
uint8_t new_position;
} debounce_state_t;
debounce_state_t debounce;
void reset_mode_switch();
void read_mode_switch();
class RC_Channels. Hold the full set of RC_Channel objects
class RC_Channels {
friend class SRV_Channels;
friend class RC_Channel;
// constructor
void init(void);
// get singleton instance
static RC_Channels *get_singleton() {
return _singleton;
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// compatability functions for Plane:
static uint16_t get_radio_in(const uint8_t chan) {
RC_Channel *c = _singleton->channel(chan);
if (c == nullptr) {
return 0;
return c->get_radio_in();
static RC_Channel *rc_channel(const uint8_t chan) {
return _singleton->channel(chan);
//end compatability functions for Plane
virtual RC_Channel *channel(uint8_t chan) = 0;
uint8_t get_radio_in(uint16_t *chans, const uint8_t num_channels); // reads a block of chanel radio_in values starting from channel 0
// returns the number of valid channels
static uint8_t get_valid_channel_count(void); // returns the number of valid channels in the last read
static int16_t get_receiver_rssi(void); // returns [0, 255] for receiver RSSI (0 is no link) if present, otherwise -1
bool read_input(void); // returns true if new input has been read in
static void clear_overrides(void); // clears any active overrides
static bool receiver_bind(const int dsmMode); // puts the reciever in bind mode if present, returns true if success
static void set_override(const uint8_t chan, const int16_t value, const uint32_t timestamp_ms = 0); // set a channels override value
static bool has_active_overrides(void); // returns true if there are overrides applied that are valid
class RC_Channel *find_channel_for_option(const RC_Channel::aux_func_t option);
bool duplicate_options_exist();
void init_aux_all();
virtual void read_aux_all();
// mode switch handling
void reset_mode_switch();
virtual void read_mode_switch();
// has_valid_input should be pure-virtual when Plane is converted
virtual bool has_valid_input() const { return false; };
static RC_Channels *_singleton;
// this static arrangement is to avoid static pointers in AP_Param tables
static RC_Channel *channels;
static bool has_new_overrides;
static AP_Float *override_timeout;
static AP_Int32 *options;
AP_Float _override_timeout;
AP_Int32 _options;
// flight_mode_channel_number must be overridden:
virtual int8_t flight_mode_channel_number() const = 0;
RC_Channel *flight_mode_channel();
RC_Channels &rc();