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#pragma once
#include <stdint.h>
#include <GCS_MAVLink/GCS_MAVLink.h> // for MAV_SEVERITY
#include "defines.h"
class Mode
// Constructor
// enter this mode, returns false if we failed to enter
bool enter();
// perform any cleanups required:
void exit();
// returns a unique number specific to this mode
virtual uint32_t mode_number() const = 0;
// methods that sub classes should override to affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
// convert user input to targets, implement high level control for this mode
virtual void update() = 0;
// calculates the amount of throttle that should be output based
// on things like proximity to corners and current speed
virtual void calc_throttle(float target_speed);
// called to determine where the vehicle should go next, and how it should get there
virtual void update_navigation() { } // most modes don't navigate
// attributes of the mode
// return if in non-manual mode : AUTO, GUIDED, RTL
virtual bool is_autopilot_mode() const { return false; }
// returns true if steering is directly controlled by RC
virtual bool manual_steering() const { return false; }
// returns true if the throttle is controlled automatically
virtual bool auto_throttle() { return is_autopilot_mode(); }
// return true if throttle should be supressed in event of a
virtual bool failsafe_throttle_suppress() const { return true; }
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
// returns true if any RC input is used
virtual bool has_manual_input() const { return false; }
// true if heading is controlled
virtual bool attitude_stabilized() const { return true; }
// Navigation control variables
// The instantaneous desired lateral acceleration in m/s/s
float lateral_acceleration;
// subclasses override this to perform checks before entering the mode
virtual bool _enter() { return true; }
// subclasses override this to perform any required cleanup when exiting the mode
virtual void _exit() { return; }
// calculate steering angle given a desired lateral acceleration
virtual void calc_nav_steer();
// calculate desired lateral acceleration using current location and target held in next_WP
virtual void calc_lateral_acceleration();
// calculate desired lateral acceleration
void calc_lateral_acceleration(const struct Location &last_wp, const struct Location &next_WP);
// calculate pilot input to nudge throttle up or down
int16_t calc_throttle_nudge();
// references to avoid code churn:
class Parameters &g;
class ParametersG2 &g2;
class RC_Channel *&channel_steer; // TODO : Pointer reference ?
class RC_Channel *&channel_throttle;
class AP_Mission &mission;
class ModeAuto : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return AUTO; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
void calc_throttle(float target_speed) override;
void update_navigation() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
bool failsafe_throttle_suppress() const override { return false; }
bool _enter() override;
void _exit() override;
void calc_nav_steer() override;
void calc_lateral_acceleration() override;
bool check_trigger(void);
// this is set to true when auto has been triggered to start
bool auto_triggered;
class ModeGuided : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return GUIDED; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
void update_navigation() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
bool failsafe_throttle_suppress() const override { return false; }
enum GuidedMode {
// Guided
GuidedMode guided_mode; // stores which GUIDED mode the vehicle is in
bool _enter() override;
class ModeHold : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return HOLD; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool attitude_stabilized() const override { return false; }
class ModeManual : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return MANUAL; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool manual_steering() const override { return true; }
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
bool attitude_stabilized() const override { return false; }
class ModeLearning : public ModeManual
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return LEARNING; }
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
class ModeRTL : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return RTL; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
void update_navigation() override;
// attributes of the mode
bool is_autopilot_mode() const override { return true; }
bool failsafe_throttle_suppress() const override { return false; }
bool _enter() override;
class ModeSteering : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return STEERING; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override;
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
class ModeInitializing : public Mode
uint32_t mode_number() const override { return INITIALISING; }
// methods that affect movement of the vehicle in this mode
void update() override { }
// attributes for mavlink system status reporting
bool has_manual_input() const override { return true; }
bool attitude_stabilized() const override { return false; }