
677 lines
25 KiB

/// @file GCS.h
/// @brief Interface definition for the various Ground Control System
// protocols.
#pragma once
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include "GCS_MAVLink.h"
#include <DataFlash/DataFlash.h>
#include <AP_Mission/AP_Mission.h>
#include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h>
#include <stdint.h>
#include "MAVLink_routing.h"
#include <AP_SerialManager/AP_SerialManager.h>
#include <AP_Mount/AP_Mount.h>
#include <AP_Avoidance/AP_Avoidance.h>
#include <AP_Proximity/AP_Proximity.h>
#include <AP_HAL/utility/RingBuffer.h>
#include <AP_Frsky_Telem/AP_Frsky_Telem.h>
#include <AP_ServoRelayEvents/AP_ServoRelayEvents.h>
#include <AP_Camera/AP_Camera.h>
#include <AP_AdvancedFailsafe/AP_AdvancedFailsafe.h>
#include <AP_VisualOdom/AP_VisualOdom.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_FWVersion.h>
// check if a message will fit in the payload space available
#define PAYLOAD_SIZE(chan, id) (GCS_MAVLINK::packet_overhead_chan(chan)+MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ ## id ## _LEN)
#define HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, id) (comm_get_txspace(chan) >= PAYLOAD_SIZE(chan, id))
#define CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE(id) if (comm_get_txspace(chan) < packet_overhead()+MAVLINK_MSG_ID_ ## id ## _LEN) return false
#define CHECK_PAYLOAD_SIZE2(id) if (!HAVE_PAYLOAD_SPACE(chan, id)) return false
// GCS Message ID's
/// NOTE: to ensure we never block on sending MAVLink messages
/// please keep each MSG_ to a single MAVLink message. If need be
/// create new MSG_ IDs for additional messages on the same
/// stream
enum ap_message : uint8_t {
MSG_LAST // MSG_LAST must be the last entry in this enum
// convenience macros for defining which ap_message ids are in which streams:
#define MAV_STREAM_ENTRY(stream_name) \
{ \
GCS_MAVLINK::stream_name, \
stream_name ## _msgs, \
ARRAY_SIZE(stream_name ## _msgs) \
#define MAV_STREAM_TERMINATOR { (streams)0, nullptr, 0 }
/// @class GCS_MAVLINK
/// @brief MAVLink transport control class
friend class GCS;
void update(uint32_t max_time_us=1000);
void init(AP_HAL::UARTDriver *port, mavlink_channel_t mav_chan);
void setup_uart(const AP_SerialManager& serial_manager, AP_SerialManager::SerialProtocol protocol, uint8_t instance);
void send_message(enum ap_message id);
void send_text(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *fmt, ...);
void send_textv(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *fmt, va_list arg_list);
void data_stream_send();
void queued_param_send();
void queued_waypoint_send();
// packetReceived is called on any successful decode of a mavlink message
virtual void packetReceived(const mavlink_status_t &status,
mavlink_message_t &msg);
// accessor for uart
AP_HAL::UARTDriver *get_uart() { return _port; }
virtual uint8_t sysid_my_gcs() const = 0;
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
// set to true if this GCS link is active
bool initialised;
// NOTE! The streams enum below and the
// set of AP_Int16 stream rates _must_ be
// kept in the same order
enum streams : uint8_t {
// see if we should send a stream now. Called at 50Hz
bool stream_trigger(enum streams stream_num);
bool is_high_bandwidth() { return chan == MAVLINK_COMM_0; }
// return true if this channel has hardware flow control
bool have_flow_control();
mavlink_channel_t get_chan() const { return chan; }
uint32_t get_last_heartbeat_time() const { return last_heartbeat_time; };
uint32_t last_heartbeat_time; // milliseconds
// last time we got a non-zero RSSI from RADIO_STATUS
static uint32_t last_radio_status_remrssi_ms;
// mission item index to be sent on queued msg, delayed or not
uint16_t mission_item_reached_index = AP_MISSION_CMD_INDEX_NONE;
// common send functions
void send_heartbeat(void) const;
void send_meminfo(void);
void send_power_status(void);
void send_battery_status(const AP_BattMonitor &battery,
const uint8_t instance) const;
bool send_battery_status() const;
bool send_distance_sensor() const;
void send_rangefinder_downward() const;
bool send_proximity() const;
void send_ahrs2();
void send_system_time();
void send_radio_in();
void send_raw_imu();
virtual void send_scaled_pressure3(); // allow sub to override this
void send_scaled_pressure();
void send_sensor_offsets();
virtual void send_simstate() const;
void send_ahrs();
void send_battery2();
void send_opticalflow(const OpticalFlow &optflow);
virtual void send_attitude() const;
void send_autopilot_version() const;
void send_local_position() const;
void send_vfr_hud();
void send_vibration() const;
void send_named_float(const char *name, float value) const;
void send_home() const;
void send_ekf_origin() const;
virtual void send_position_target_global_int() { };
void send_servo_output_raw();
static void send_collision_all(const AP_Avoidance::Obstacle &threat, MAV_COLLISION_ACTION behaviour);
void send_accelcal_vehicle_position(uint32_t position);
// return a bitmap of active channels. Used by libraries to loop
// over active channels to send to all active channels
static uint8_t active_channel_mask(void) { return mavlink_active; }
// return a bitmap of streaming channels
static uint8_t streaming_channel_mask(void) { return chan_is_streaming; }
// send queued parameters if needed
void send_queued_parameters(void);
// push send_message() messages and queued statustext messages etc:
void retry_deferred();
send a MAVLink message to all components with this vehicle's system id
This is a no-op if no routes to components have been learned
static void send_to_components(const mavlink_message_t* msg) { routing.send_to_components(msg); }
allow forwarding of packets / heartbeats to be blocked as required by some components to reduce traffic
static void disable_channel_routing(mavlink_channel_t chan) { routing.no_route_mask |= (1U<<(chan-MAVLINK_COMM_0)); }
search for a component in the routing table with given mav_type and retrieve it's sysid, compid and channel
returns if a matching component is found
static bool find_by_mavtype(uint8_t mav_type, uint8_t &sysid, uint8_t &compid, mavlink_channel_t &channel) { return routing.find_by_mavtype(mav_type, sysid, compid, channel); }
// update signing timestamp on GPS lock
static void update_signing_timestamp(uint64_t timestamp_usec);
// return current packet overhead for a channel
static uint8_t packet_overhead_chan(mavlink_channel_t chan);
// alternative protocol function handler
FUNCTOR_TYPEDEF(protocol_handler_fn_t, bool, uint8_t, AP_HAL::UARTDriver *);
struct stream_entries {
const streams stream_id;
const ap_message *ap_message_ids;
const uint8_t num_ap_message_ids;
// vehicle subclass cpp files should define this:
static const struct stream_entries all_stream_entries[];
virtual bool in_hil_mode() const { return false; }
// overridable method to check for packet acceptance. Allows for
// enforcement of GCS sysid
virtual bool accept_packet(const mavlink_status_t &status, mavlink_message_t &msg) { return true; }
virtual AP_Mission *get_mission() = 0;
virtual AP_Rally *get_rally() const = 0;
virtual AP_AdvancedFailsafe *get_advanced_failsafe() const { return nullptr; };
virtual AP_VisualOdom *get_visual_odom() const { return nullptr; }
virtual bool set_mode(uint8_t mode) = 0;
void set_ekf_origin(const Location& loc);
virtual MAV_TYPE frame_type() const = 0;
virtual MAV_MODE base_mode() const = 0;
virtual uint32_t custom_mode() const = 0;
virtual MAV_STATE system_status() const = 0;
bool waypoint_receiving; // currently receiving
// the following two variables are only here because of Tracker
uint16_t waypoint_request_i; // request index
uint16_t waypoint_request_last; // last request index
AP_Param * _queued_parameter; ///< next parameter to
// be sent in queue
mavlink_channel_t chan;
uint8_t packet_overhead(void) const { return packet_overhead_chan(chan); }
// saveable rate of each stream
AP_Int16 streamRates[NUM_STREAMS];
virtual bool persist_streamrates() const { return false; }
void handle_request_data_stream(mavlink_message_t *msg);
virtual void handle_command_ack(const mavlink_message_t* msg);
void handle_set_mode(mavlink_message_t* msg);
void handle_command_int(mavlink_message_t* msg);
virtual MAV_RESULT handle_command_int_packet(const mavlink_command_int_t &packet);
void handle_mission_request_list(AP_Mission &mission, mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_mission_request(AP_Mission &mission, mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_mission_clear_all(AP_Mission &mission, mavlink_message_t *msg);
virtual void handle_mission_set_current(AP_Mission &mission, mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_mission_count(AP_Mission &mission, mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_mission_write_partial_list(AP_Mission &mission, mavlink_message_t *msg);
bool handle_mission_item(mavlink_message_t *msg, AP_Mission &mission);
void handle_common_param_message(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_param_set(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_param_request_list(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_param_request_read(mavlink_message_t *msg);
virtual bool params_ready() const { return true; }
void handle_system_time_message(const mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_common_rally_message(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_rally_fetch_point(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_rally_point(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_gimbal_report(AP_Mount &mount, mavlink_message_t *msg) const;
void handle_radio_status(mavlink_message_t *msg, DataFlash_Class &dataflash, bool log_radio);
void handle_serial_control(const mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_vision_position_delta(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_common_message(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_set_gps_global_origin(const mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_setup_signing(const mavlink_message_t *msg);
virtual bool should_disable_overrides_on_reboot() const { return true; }
virtual bool should_zero_rc_outputs_on_reboot() const { return false; }
MAV_RESULT handle_preflight_reboot(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
void disable_overrides();
MAV_RESULT handle_rc_bind(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
virtual MAV_RESULT handle_flight_termination(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
void handle_send_autopilot_version(const mavlink_message_t *msg);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_request_autopilot_capabilities(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
virtual void send_banner();
void handle_device_op_read(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_device_op_write(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void send_timesync();
// returns the time a timesync message was most likely received:
uint64_t timesync_receive_timestamp_ns() const;
// returns a timestamp suitable for packing into the ts1 field of TIMESYNC:
uint64_t timesync_timestamp_ns() const;
void handle_timesync(mavlink_message_t *msg);
struct {
int64_t sent_ts1;
uint32_t last_sent_ms;
const uint16_t interval_ms = 10000;
} _timesync_request;
void handle_statustext(mavlink_message_t *msg);
bool telemetry_delayed() const;
virtual uint32_t telem_delay() const = 0;
MAV_RESULT handle_command_preflight_set_sensor_offsets(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_flash_bootloader(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
// generally this should not be overridden; Plane overrides it to ensure
// failsafe isn't triggered during calibation
virtual MAV_RESULT handle_command_preflight_calibration(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
virtual MAV_RESULT _handle_command_preflight_calibration(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
virtual MAV_RESULT _handle_command_preflight_calibration_baro();
void handle_command_long(mavlink_message_t* msg);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_accelcal_vehicle_pos(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_mag_cal(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
virtual MAV_RESULT handle_command_long_packet(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_camera(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_do_send_banner(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_do_gripper(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_do_set_mode(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
MAV_RESULT handle_command_get_home_position(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
// vehicle-overridable message send function
virtual bool try_send_message(enum ap_message id);
// message sending functions:
bool try_send_compass_message(enum ap_message id);
bool try_send_mission_message(enum ap_message id);
void send_hwstatus();
void handle_data_packet(mavlink_message_t *msg);
// these two methods are called after current_loc is updated:
virtual int32_t global_position_int_alt() const;
virtual int32_t global_position_int_relative_alt() const;
// these methods are called after vfr_hud_velned is updated
virtual float vfr_hud_climbrate() const;
virtual float vfr_hud_airspeed() const;
virtual int16_t vfr_hud_throttle() const { return 0; }
Vector3f vfr_hud_velned;
static constexpr const float magic_force_arm_value = 2989.0f;
static constexpr const float magic_force_disarm_value = 21196.0f;
float adjust_rate_for_stream_trigger(enum streams stream_num);
MAV_RESULT _set_mode_common(const MAV_MODE base_mode, const uint32_t custom_mode);
virtual void handleMessage(mavlink_message_t * msg) = 0;
MAV_RESULT handle_servorelay_message(const mavlink_command_long_t &packet);
bool calibrate_gyros();
/// The stream we are communicating over
AP_HAL::UARTDriver *_port;
/// Perform queued sending operations
enum ap_var_type _queued_parameter_type; ///< type of the next
// parameter
AP_Param::ParamToken _queued_parameter_token; ///AP_Param token for
// next() call
uint16_t _queued_parameter_index; ///< next queued
// parameter's index
uint16_t _queued_parameter_count; ///< saved count of
// parameters for
// queued send
uint32_t _queued_parameter_send_time_ms;
/// Count the number of reportable parameters.
/// Not all parameters can be reported via MAVlink. We count the number
// that are
/// so that we can report to a GCS the number of parameters it should
// expect when it
/// requests the full set.
/// @return The number of reportable parameters.
uint16_t packet_drops;
// waypoints
uint16_t waypoint_dest_sysid; // where to send requests
uint16_t waypoint_dest_compid; // "
uint16_t waypoint_count;
uint32_t waypoint_timelast_receive; // milliseconds
uint32_t waypoint_timelast_request; // milliseconds
const uint16_t waypoint_receive_timeout = 8000; // milliseconds
// number of 50Hz ticks until we next send this stream
uint8_t stream_ticks[NUM_STREAMS];
// number of extra ticks to add to slow things down for the radio
uint8_t stream_slowdown;
// perf counters
AP_HAL::Util::perf_counter_t _perf_packet;
AP_HAL::Util::perf_counter_t _perf_update;
char _perf_packet_name[16];
char _perf_update_name[16];
// deferred message handling. We size the deferred_message
// ringbuffer so we can defer every message type
enum ap_message deferred_messages[MSG_LAST];
uint8_t next_deferred_message;
uint8_t num_deferred_messages;
// time when we missed sending a parameter for GCS
static uint32_t reserve_param_space_start_ms;
// bitmask of what mavlink channels are active
static uint8_t mavlink_active;
// bitmask of what mavlink channels are streaming
static uint8_t chan_is_streaming;
// mavlink routing object
static MAVLink_routing routing;
// pointer to static frsky_telem for queueing of text messages
static AP_Frsky_Telem *frsky_telemetry_p;
static const AP_SerialManager *serialmanager_p;
struct pending_param_request {
mavlink_channel_t chan;
int16_t param_index;
char param_name[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE+1];
struct pending_param_reply {
mavlink_channel_t chan;
float value;
enum ap_var_type p_type;
int16_t param_index;
uint16_t count;
char param_name[AP_MAX_NAME_SIZE+1];
// queue of pending parameter requests and replies
static ObjectBuffer<pending_param_request> param_requests;
static ObjectBuffer<pending_param_reply> param_replies;
// have we registered the IO timer callback?
static bool param_timer_registered;
// IO timer callback for parameters
void param_io_timer(void);
// send an async parameter reply
void send_parameter_reply(void);
void send_distance_sensor(const AP_RangeFinder_Backend *sensor, const uint8_t instance) const;
virtual bool handle_guided_request(AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd) = 0;
virtual void handle_change_alt_request(AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd) = 0;
void handle_common_mission_message(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_vicon_position_estimate(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_vision_position_estimate(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_global_vision_position_estimate(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_att_pos_mocap(mavlink_message_t *msg);
void handle_common_vision_position_estimate_data(const uint64_t usec,
const float x,
const float y,
const float z,
const float roll,
const float pitch,
const float yaw,
const uint16_t payload_size);
void log_vision_position_estimate_data(const uint64_t usec,
const float x,
const float y,
const float z,
const float roll,
const float pitch,
const float yaw);
void push_deferred_messages();
void lock_channel(mavlink_channel_t chan, bool lock);
correct an offboard timestamp in microseconds to a local time
since boot in milliseconds
uint32_t correct_offboard_timestamp_usec_to_ms(uint64_t offboard_usec, uint16_t payload_size);
mavlink_signing_t signing;
static mavlink_signing_streams_t signing_streams;
static uint32_t last_signing_save_ms;
static StorageAccess _signing_storage;
static bool signing_key_save(const struct SigningKey &key);
static bool signing_key_load(struct SigningKey &key);
void load_signing_key(void);
bool signing_enabled(void) const;
static void save_signing_timestamp(bool force_save_now);
// alternative protocol handler support
struct {
GCS_MAVLINK::protocol_handler_fn_t handler;
uint32_t last_mavlink_ms;
uint32_t last_alternate_ms;
bool active;
} alternative;
// state associated with offboard transport lag correction
struct {
bool initialised;
int64_t link_offset_usec;
uint32_t min_sample_counter;
int64_t min_sample_us;
} lag_correction;
// we cache the current location and send it even if the AHRS has
// no idea where we are:
struct Location global_position_current_loc;
void send_global_position_int();
void zero_rc_outputs();
/// @class GCS
/// @brief global GCS object
class GCS
GCS() {
if (_singleton == nullptr) {
_singleton = this;
} else {
// this is a serious problem, but we don't need to kill a
// real vehicle
AP_HAL::panic("GCS must be singleton");
static class GCS *instance() {
return _singleton;
void send_text(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *fmt, ...);
void send_textv(MAV_SEVERITY severity, const char *fmt, va_list arg_list);
virtual void send_statustext(MAV_SEVERITY severity, uint8_t dest_bitmask, const char *text);
void service_statustext(void);
virtual GCS_MAVLINK &chan(const uint8_t ofs) = 0;
virtual const GCS_MAVLINK &chan(const uint8_t ofs) const = 0;
virtual uint8_t num_gcs() const = 0;
void send_message(enum ap_message id);
void send_mission_item_reached_message(uint16_t mission_index);
void send_named_float(const char *name, float value) const;
void send_home() const;
void send_ekf_origin() const;
void send_parameter_value(const char *param_name,
ap_var_type param_type,
float param_value);
// push send_message() messages and queued statustext messages etc:
void retry_deferred();
void data_stream_send();
void update();
virtual void setup_uarts(AP_SerialManager &serial_manager);
bool out_of_time() const {
return _out_of_time;
void set_out_of_time(bool val) {
_out_of_time = val;
set a dataflash pointer for logging
void set_dataflash(DataFlash_Class *dataflash) {
dataflash_p = dataflash;
// pointer to static dataflash for logging of text messages
DataFlash_Class *dataflash_p;
set a frsky_telem pointer for queueing
void register_frsky_telemetry_callback(AP_Frsky_Telem *frsky_telemetry) {
frsky_telemetry_p = frsky_telemetry;
// static frsky_telem pointer to support queueing text messages
AP_Frsky_Telem *frsky_telemetry_p;
// install an alternative protocol handler
bool install_alternative_protocol(mavlink_channel_t chan, GCS_MAVLINK::protocol_handler_fn_t handler);
// get the VFR_HUD throttle
int16_t get_hud_throttle(void) const { return num_gcs()>0?chan(0).vfr_hud_throttle():0; }
static GCS *_singleton;
struct statustext_t {
uint8_t bitmask;
mavlink_statustext_t msg;
static const uint8_t _status_capacity = 5;
static const uint8_t _status_capacity = 30;
// a lock for the statustext queue, to make it safe to use send_text()
// from multiple threads
HAL_Semaphore _statustext_sem;
// queue of outgoing statustext messages
ObjectArray<statustext_t> _statustext_queue{_status_capacity};
// true if we are running short on time in our main loop
bool _out_of_time;
GCS &gcs();