
206 lines
7.4 KiB
Executable File

Extracts parameter default values from an ArduPilot .bin log file.
Supports Mission Planner, MAVProxy and QGCS file format output
Currently has 95% unit test coverage
Amilcar do Carmo Lucas, IAV GmbH
import argparse
import re
from typing import Dict, Tuple
from pymavlink import mavutil
NO_DEFAULT_VALUES_MESSAGE = "The .bin file contained no parameter default values. Update to a newer ArduPilot firmware version"
PARAM_NAME_REGEX = r'^[A-Z][A-Z_0-9]*$'
def parse_arguments(args=None):
Parses command line arguments for the script.
args: List of command line arguments. Defaults to None, which means it uses sys.argv.
Namespace object containing the parsed arguments.
parser = argparse.ArgumentParser(description='Extracts parameter default values from an ArduPilot .bin log file.')
parser.add_argument('-f', '--format',
choices=['missionplanner', 'mavproxy', 'qgcs'],
default='missionplanner', help='Output file format. Defaults to %(default)s.',
parser.add_argument('-s', '--sort',
choices=['none', 'missionplanner', 'mavproxy', 'qgcs'],
default='', help='Sort the parameters in the file. Defaults to the same as the format.',
parser.add_argument('-v', '--version', action='version', version='%(prog)s 1.0',
help='Display version information and exit.',
parser.add_argument('-i', '--sysid', type=int, default=-1,
help='System ID for qgcs output format. Defaults to SYSID_THISMAV if defined else 1.',
parser.add_argument('-c', '--compid', type=int, default=-1,
help='Component ID for qgcs output format. Defaults to 1.',
parser.add_argument('bin_file', help='The ArduPilot .bin log file to read')
args, _ = parser.parse_known_args(args)
if args.sort == '':
args.sort = args.format
if args.format != 'qgcs':
if args.sysid != -1:
raise SystemExit("--sysid parameter is only relevant if --format is qgcs")
if args.compid != -1:
raise SystemExit("--compid parameter is only relevant if --format is qgcs")
return args
def extract_parameter_default_values(logfile: str) -> Dict[str, float]:
Extracts the parameter default values from an ArduPilot .bin log file.
logfile: The path to the ArduPilot .bin log file.
A dictionary with parameter names as keys and their default values as float.
mlog = mavutil.mavlink_connection(logfile)
except Exception as e:
raise SystemExit("Error opening the %s logfile: %s" % (logfile, str(e))) from e
defaults = {}
while True:
m = mlog.recv_match(type=['PARM'])
if m is None:
if not defaults:
return defaults
pname = m.Name
if len(pname) > PARAM_NAME_MAX_LEN:
raise SystemExit("Too long parameter name: %s" % pname)
if not re.match(PARAM_NAME_REGEX, pname):
raise SystemExit("Invalid parameter name %s" % pname)
# parameter names are supposed to be unique
if pname not in defaults and hasattr(m, 'Default'):
defaults[pname] = m.Default # the first time default is declared is enough
def missionplanner_sort(item: str) -> Tuple[str, ...]:
Sorts a parameter name according to the rules defined in the Mission Planner software.
item: The parameter name to sort.
A tuple representing the sorted parameter name.
parts = item.split("_") # Split the parameter name by underscore
# Compare the parts separately
return tuple(parts)
def mavproxy_sort(item: str) -> str:
Sorts a parameter name according to the rules defined in the MAVProxy software.
item: The parameter name to sort.
The sorted parameter name.
return item
def sort_params(defaults: Dict[str, float], sort_type: str = 'none') -> Dict[str, float]:
Sorts parameter names according to sort_type
defaults: A dictionary with parameter names as keys and their default values as float.
sort_type: The type of sorting to apply. Can be 'none', 'missionplanner', 'mavproxy' or 'qgcs'.
A dictionary with parameter names as keys and their default values as float.
if sort_type == "missionplanner":
defaults = dict(sorted(defaults.items(), key=lambda x: missionplanner_sort(x[0])))
elif sort_type == "mavproxy":
defaults = dict(sorted(defaults.items(), key=lambda x: mavproxy_sort(x[0])))
elif sort_type == "qgcs":
defaults = {k: defaults[k] for k in sorted(defaults)}
return defaults
def output_params(defaults: Dict[str, float], format_type: str = 'missionplanner',
sysid: int = -1, compid: int = -1) -> None:
Outputs parameters names and their default values to the console
defaults: A dictionary with parameter names as keys and their default values as float.
format_type: The output file format. Can be 'missionplanner', 'mavproxy' or 'qgcs'.
if format_type == "qgcs":
if sysid == -1:
if 'SYSID_THISMAV' in defaults:
sysid = defaults['SYSID_THISMAV']
sysid = 1 # if unspecified, default to 1
if compid == -1:
compid = 1 # if unspecified, default to 1
if sysid < 0:
raise SystemExit("Invalid system ID parameter %i must not be negative" % sysid)
if sysid > MAVLINK_SYSID_MAX-1:
raise SystemExit("Invalid system ID parameter %i must be smaller than %i" % (sysid, MAVLINK_SYSID_MAX))
if compid < 0:
raise SystemExit("Invalid component ID parameter %i must not be negative" % compid)
if compid > MAVLINK_COMPID_MAX-1:
raise SystemExit("Invalid component ID parameter %i must be smaller than %i" % (compid, MAVLINK_COMPID_MAX))
# see
# # Vehicle-Id Component-Id Name Value Type
for param_name, default_value in defaults.items():
if format_type == "missionplanner":
default_value = format(default_value, '.6f').rstrip('0').rstrip('.')
except ValueError:
pass # preserve non-floating point strings, if present
elif format_type == "mavproxy":
print("%-15s %.6f" % (param_name, default_value))
elif format_type == "qgcs":
print("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" %
(sysid, compid, param_name, default_value, MAV_PARAM_TYPE_REAL32))
def main():
args = parse_arguments()
parameter_default_values = extract_parameter_default_values(args.bin_file)
parameter_default_values = sort_params(parameter_default_values, args.sort)
output_params(parameter_default_values, args.format, args.sysid, args.compid)
if __name__ == "__main__":