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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <>.
Code by Andy Piper
#pragma once
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Vehicle/AP_Vehicle_Type.h>
#include <AP_Common/AP_Common.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_InertialSensor/AP_InertialSensor.h>
#include <Filter/LowPassFilter.h>
#define DEBUG_FFT 0
// a library that leverages the HAL DSP support to perform FFT analysis on gyro samples
class AP_GyroFFT
// Do not allow copies
AP_GyroFFT(const AP_GyroFFT &other) = delete;
AP_GyroFFT &operator=(const AP_GyroFFT&) = delete;
void init(uint32_t target_looptime);
// cycle through the FFT steps - runs at 400Hz
uint16_t update();
// capture gyro values at the appropriate update rate - runs at fast loop rate
void sample_gyros();
// update calculated values of dynamic parameters - runs at 1Hz
void update_parameters();
// thread for processing gyro data via FFT
void update_thread();
// start the update thread
void start_update_thread();
// check at startup that standard frequencies can be detected
bool calibration_check();
// called when hovering to determine the average peak frequency and reference value
void update_freq_hover(float dt, float throttle_out);
// called to save the average peak frequency and reference value
void save_params_on_disarm();
// dynamically enable or disable the analysis through the aux switch
void set_analysis_enabled(bool enabled) { _analysis_enabled = enabled; };
// detected peak frequency filtered at 1/3 the update rate
Vector3f get_noise_center_freq_hz() const { return _global_state._center_freq_hz_filtered; }
// energy of the background noise at the detected center frequency
Vector3f get_noise_signal_to_noise_db() const { return _global_state._center_snr; }
// detected peak frequency weighted by energy
float get_weighted_noise_center_freq_hz();
// detected peak frequency
Vector3f get_raw_noise_center_freq_hz() const { return _global_state._center_freq_hz; }
// match between first and second harmonics
Vector3f get_raw_noise_harmonic_fit() const { return _global_state._harmonic_fit; }
// energy of the detected peak frequency
Vector3f get_center_freq_energy() const { return _global_state._center_freq_energy; }
// index of the FFT bin containing the detected peak frequency
Vector3<uint16_t> get_center_freq_bin() const { return _global_state._center_freq_bin; }
// detected peak bandwidth
Vector3f get_noise_center_bandwidth_hz() const { return _global_state._center_bandwidth_hz; };
// weighted detected peak bandwidth
float get_weighted_noise_center_bandwidth_hz();
// log gyro fft messages
void write_log_messages();
static const struct AP_Param::GroupInfo var_info[];
static AP_GyroFFT *get_singleton() { return _singleton; }
// calculate the peak noise frequency
void calculate_noise(uint16_t max_bin);
// update the estimation of the background noise energy
void update_ref_energy(uint16_t max_bin);
// test frequency detection for all of the allowable bins
float self_test_bin_frequencies();
// detect the provided frequency
float self_test(float frequency, GyroWindow test_window);
// whether to run analysis or not
bool analysis_enabled() const { return _initialized && _analysis_enabled && _thread_created; };
// whether analysis can be run again or not
bool start_analysis();
// the size of the ring buffer in both the IMU backend
uint16_t get_buffer_size() const { return _state->_window_size + INS_MAX_GYRO_WINDOW_SAMPLES; }
// semaphore for access to shared FFT data
HAL_Semaphore _sem;
// data accessible from the main thread protected by the semaphore
struct EngineState {
// energy of the detected peak frequency
Vector3f _center_freq_energy;
// energy of the detected peak frequency in dB
Vector3f _center_freq_energy_db;
// detected peak frequency
Vector3f _center_freq_hz;
// fit between first and second harmonics
Vector3f _harmonic_fit;
// bin of detected poeak frequency
Vector3<uint16_t> _center_freq_bin;
// filtered version of the peak frequency
Vector3f _center_freq_hz_filtered;
// signal to noise ratio of PSD at the detected centre frequency
Vector3f _center_snr;
// detected peak width
Vector3f _center_bandwidth_hz;
// axes that still require noise calibration
uint8_t _noise_needs_calibration : 3;
// whether the analyzer is mid-cycle
bool _analysis_started = false;
// Shared FFT engine state local to the FFT thread
EngineState _thread_state;
// Shared FFT engine state accessible by the main thread
EngineState _global_state;
// configuration data local to the FFT thread but set from the main thread
struct EngineConfig {
// whether the analyzer should be run
bool _analysis_enabled;
// minimum frequency of the detection window
uint16_t _fft_min_hz;
// maximum frequency of the detection window
uint16_t _fft_max_hz;
// configured start bin based on min hz
uint16_t _fft_start_bin;
// configured end bin based on max hz
uint16_t _fft_end_bin;
// attenuation cutoff for calculation of hover bandwidth
float _attenuation_cutoff;
// SNR Threshold
float _snr_threshold_db;
} _config;
// number of sampeles needed before a new frame can be processed
uint16_t _samples_per_frame;
// downsampled gyro data circular buffer index frequency analysis
uint16_t _circular_buffer_idx;
// number of collected unprocessed gyro samples
uint16_t _sample_count;
// downsampled gyro data circular buffer for frequency analysis
float* _downsampled_gyro_data[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
// accumulator for sampled gyro data
Vector3f _oversampled_gyro_accum;
// count of oversamples
uint16_t _oversampled_gyro_count;
// current write index in the buffer
uint16_t _downsampled_gyro_idx;
// state of the FFT engine
AP_HAL::DSP::FFTWindowState* _state;
// update state machine step information
uint8_t _update_axis;
// noise base of the gyros
Vector3f* _ref_energy;
// the number of cycles required to have a proper noise reference
uint16_t _noise_cycles;
// number of cycles over which to generate noise ensemble averages
uint16_t _noise_calibration_cycles[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
// current _sample_mode
uint8_t _current_sample_mode : 3;
// harmonic multiplier for two highest peaks
float _harmonic_multiplier;
// searched harmonics - inferred from harmonic notch harmoncis
uint8_t _harmonics;
// smoothing filter on the output
LowPassFilterFloat _center_freq_filter[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
// smoothing filter on the bandwidth
LowPassFilterFloat _center_bandwidth_filter[XYZ_AXIS_COUNT];
// configured sampling rate
uint16_t _fft_sampling_rate_hz;
// number of cycles without a detected signal
uint8_t _missed_cycles;
// whether the analyzer initialized correctly
bool _initialized;
// whether the analyzer should be run
bool _analysis_enabled = true;
// whether the update thread was created
bool _thread_created = false;
// minimum frequency of the detection window
AP_Int16 _fft_min_hz;
// maximum frequency of the detection window
AP_Int16 _fft_max_hz;
// size of the FFT window
AP_Int16 _window_size;
// percentage overlap of FFT windows
AP_Float _window_overlap;
// overall enablement of the feature
AP_Int8 _enable;
// gyro rate sampling or cycle divider
AP_Int8 _sample_mode;
// learned throttle reference for the hover frequency
AP_Float _throttle_ref;
// learned hover filter frequency
AP_Float _freq_hover_hz;
// SNR Threshold
AP_Float _snr_threshold_db;
// attenuation to use for calculating the peak bandwidth at hover
AP_Float _attenuation_power_db;
// learned peak bandwidth at configured attenuation at hover
AP_Float _bandwidth_hover_hz;
AP_InertialSensor* _ins;
uint32_t _last_output_ms;
EngineState _debug_state;
float _debug_max_bin_freq;
float _debug_max_freq_bin;
uint16_t _debug_max_bin;
float _debug_snr;
static AP_GyroFFT *_singleton;
namespace AP {
AP_GyroFFT *fft();