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synced 2025-03-08 14:43:57 -04:00
Add support for Marvelmind RAW distance measurements this requires Marvelmind FW >= 5.77 and "Raw distances data" enabled in the marvelmind GUI dashboard. This is better than the previous workaround we had.
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131 lines
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This program is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
(at your option) any later version.
This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
GNU General Public License for more details.
You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
along with this program. If not, see <http://www.gnu.org/licenses/>.
Original C Code by Marvelmind (https://bitbucket.org/marvelmind_robotics/)
Adapted into Ardupilot by Karthik Desai, Amilcar Lucas
April 2017
#pragma once
#include "AP_Beacon_Backend.h"
class AP_Beacon_Marvelmind : public AP_Beacon_Backend
// constructor
AP_Beacon_Marvelmind(AP_Beacon &frontend, AP_SerialManager &serial_manager);
// return true if sensor is basically healthy (we are receiving data)
bool healthy();
// update
void update();
// Variables for Marvelmind
struct PositionValue
uint8_t address;
uint32_t timestamp;
int32_t x, y, z; // coordinates in millimeters
bool high_resolution;
bool ready;
bool processed;
struct StationaryBeaconPosition
uint8_t address;
int32_t x, y, z;// coordinates in millimeters
bool high_resolution;
struct StationaryBeaconsPositions
uint8_t num_beacons;
StationaryBeaconPosition beacons[AP_BEACON_MAX_BEACONS];
bool updated;
struct DistanceToBeacon
uint8_t address; ///< Address of beacon (0 if item not filled)
uint32_t distance; ///< Distance to the beacon in millimeters
uint8_t reserved; ///< reserved (0)
struct RawBeaconDistances
uint8_t address; ///< Address of hedgehog
DistanceToBeacon beacon[4]; ///< Distance to beacon
uint8_t reserved[7]; ///< reserved
struct MarvelmindHedge
uint8_t max_buffered_positions; // maximum count of measurements of coordinates stored in buffer, default: 3
PositionValue * position_buffer; // buffer of measurements
StationaryBeaconsPositions positions_beacons;
bool pause; // pause flag. If True, class would not read serial data
void (*receive_data_callback)(PositionValue position); // receive_data_callback is callback function to receive data
uint8_t _last_values_count;
uint8_t _last_values_next;
bool _have_new_values;
enum {
} parse_state; // current state of receive data
MarvelmindHedge *hedge;
RawBeaconDistances raw_beacon_distances;
PositionValue cur_position;
uint8_t input_buffer[AP_BEACON_MARVELMIND_BUF_SIZE];
uint16_t num_bytes_in_block_received;
uint16_t data_id;
uint16_t calc_crc_modbus(uint8_t *buf, uint16_t len);
StationaryBeaconPosition* get_or_alloc_beacon(uint8_t address);
uint8_t mark_position_ready();
void process_beacons_positions_datagram();
void process_beacons_positions_highres_datagram();
void process_position_highres_datagram(PositionValue &p);
void process_position_datagram(PositionValue &p);
void process_beacons_distances_datagram();
void set_stationary_beacons_positions();
void order_stationary_beacons();
// Variables for Ardupilot
AP_HAL::UARTDriver *uart;
uint32_t last_update_ms;
// cache the vehicle position in NED coordinates [m]
Vector3f vehicle_position_NED__m;
bool vehicle_position_initialized;
// cache the beacon positions in NED coordinates [m]
Vector3f beacon_position_NED__m[AP_BEACON_MAX_BEACONS];
bool beacon_position_initialized;