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synced 2025-03-03 04:03:59 -04:00
Supports Mission Planner, MAVProxy and QGCS file format output Contains unittests with 95% coverage Amilcar do Carmo Lucas, IAV GmbH
311 lines
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Executable File
311 lines
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Executable File
Extracts parameter default values from an ArduPilot .bin log file. Unittests.
Amilcar do Carmo Lucas, IAV GmbH
import unittest
from unittest.mock import patch, MagicMock
from extract_param_defaults import extract_parameter_default_values, missionplanner_sort, \
mavproxy_sort, sort_params, output_params, parse_arguments, \
class TestArgParseParameters(unittest.TestCase):
def test_command_line_arguments_combinations(self):
# Check the 'format' and 'sort' default parameters
args = parse_arguments(['dummy.bin'])
self.assertEqual(args.format, 'missionplanner')
self.assertEqual(args.sort, 'missionplanner')
# Check the 'format' and 'sort' parameters to see if 'sort' can be explicitly overwritten
args = parse_arguments(['-s', 'none', 'dummy.bin'])
self.assertEqual(args.format, 'missionplanner')
self.assertEqual(args.sort, 'none')
# Check the 'format' and 'sort' parameters to see if 'sort' can be implicitly overwritten (mavproxy)
args = parse_arguments(['-f', 'mavproxy', 'dummy.bin'])
self.assertEqual(args.format, 'mavproxy')
self.assertEqual(args.sort, 'mavproxy')
# Check the 'format' and 'sort' parameters to see if 'sort' can be implicitly overwritten (qgcs)
args = parse_arguments(['-f', 'qgcs', 'dummy.bin'])
self.assertEqual(args.format, 'qgcs')
self.assertEqual(args.sort, 'qgcs')
# Check the 'format' and 'sort' parameters
args = parse_arguments(['-f', 'mavproxy', '-s', 'none', 'dummy.bin'])
self.assertEqual(args.format, 'mavproxy')
self.assertEqual(args.sort, 'none')
# Assert that a SystemExit is raised when --sysid is used without --format set to qgcs
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with patch('builtins.print') as mock_print:
parse_arguments(['-f', 'mavproxy', '-i', '7', 'dummy.bin'])
mock_print.assert_called_once_with("--sysid parameter is only relevant if --format is qgcs")
# Assert that a SystemExit is raised when --compid is used without --format set to qgcs
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
with patch('builtins.print') as mock_print:
parse_arguments(['-f', 'missionplanner', '-c', '3', 'dummy.bin'])
mock_print.assert_called_once_with("--compid parameter is only relevant if --format is qgcs")
# Assert that a valid sysid and compid are parsed correctly
args = parse_arguments(['-f', 'qgcs', '-i', '7', '-c', '3', 'dummy.bin'])
self.assertEqual(args.format, 'qgcs')
self.assertEqual(args.sort, 'qgcs')
self.assertEqual(args.sysid, 7)
self.assertEqual(args.compid, 3)
class TestExtractParameterDefaultValues(unittest.TestCase):
def test_logfile_does_not_exist(self, mock_mavlink_connection):
# Mock the mavlink connection to raise an exception
mock_mavlink_connection.side_effect = Exception("Test exception")
# Call the function with a dummy logfile path
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
# Check the error message
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Error opening the dummy.bin logfile: Test exception")
def test_extract_parameter_default_values(self, mock_mavlink_connection):
# Mock the mavlink connection and the messages it returns
mock_mlog = MagicMock()
mock_mavlink_connection.return_value = mock_mlog
mock_mlog.recv_match.side_effect = [
MagicMock(Name='PARAM1', Default=1.1),
MagicMock(Name='PARAM2', Default=2.0),
None # End of messages
# Call the function with a dummy logfile path
defaults = extract_parameter_default_values('dummy.bin')
# Check if the defaults dictionary contains the correct parameters and values
self.assertEqual(defaults, {'PARAM1': 1.1, 'PARAM2': 2.0})
def test_no_parameters(self, mock_mavlink_connection):
# Mock the mavlink connection to return no parameter messages
mock_mlog = MagicMock()
mock_mavlink_connection.return_value = mock_mlog
mock_mlog.recv_match.return_value = None # No PARM messages
# Call the function with a dummy logfile path and assert SystemExit is raised with the correct message
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), NO_DEFAULT_VALUES_MESSAGE)
def test_no_parameter_defaults(self, mock_mavlink_connection):
# Mock the mavlink connection to simulate no parameter default values in the .bin file
mock_mlog = MagicMock()
mock_mavlink_connection.return_value = mock_mlog
mock_mlog.recv_match.return_value = None # No PARM messages
# Call the function with a dummy logfile path and assert SystemExit is raised with the correct message
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), NO_DEFAULT_VALUES_MESSAGE)
def test_invalid_parameter_name(self, mock_mavlink_connection):
# Mock the mavlink connection to simulate an invalid parameter name
mock_mlog = MagicMock()
mock_mavlink_connection.return_value = mock_mlog
mock_mlog.recv_match.return_value = MagicMock(Name='INVALID_NAME%', Default=1.0)
# Call the function with a dummy logfile path
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
def test_long_parameter_name(self, mock_mavlink_connection):
# Mock the mavlink connection to simulate a too long parameter name
mock_mlog = MagicMock()
mock_mavlink_connection.return_value = mock_mlog
mock_mlog.recv_match.return_value = MagicMock(Name='TOO_LONG_PARAMETER_NAME', Default=1.0)
# Call the function with a dummy logfile path
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit):
class TestSortFunctions(unittest.TestCase):
def test_missionplanner_sort(self):
# Define a list of parameter names
# Sort the parameters using the missionplanner_sort function
sorted_params = sorted(params, key=missionplanner_sort)
# Check if the parameters were sorted correctly
self.assertEqual(sorted_params, ['PARAM_GROUP1_PARAM1', 'PARAM_GROUP1_PARAM2', 'PARAM_GROUP2_PARAM2'])
# Test with a parameter name that doesn't contain an underscore
params = ['PARAM1', 'PARAM3', 'PARAM2']
sorted_params = sorted(params, key=missionplanner_sort)
self.assertEqual(sorted_params, ['PARAM1', 'PARAM2', 'PARAM3'])
def test_mavproxy_sort(self):
# Define a list of parameter names
# Sort the parameters using the mavproxy_sort function
sorted_params = sorted(params, key=mavproxy_sort)
# Check if the parameters were sorted correctly
self.assertEqual(sorted_params, ['PARAM_GROUP1_PARAM1', 'PARAM_GROUP1_PARAM2', 'PARAM_GROUP2_PARAM2'])
# Test with a parameter name that doesn't contain an underscore
params = ['PARAM1', 'PARAM3', 'PARAM2']
sorted_params = sorted(params, key=mavproxy_sort)
self.assertEqual(sorted_params, ['PARAM1', 'PARAM2', 'PARAM3'])
class TestOutputParams(unittest.TestCase):
def test_output_params(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 1.0, 'PARAM1': 2.0}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'missionplanner' format type
output_params(defaults, 'missionplanner')
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call('PARAM2,1'), unittest.mock.call('PARAM1,2')]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
def test_output_params_missionplanner_non_numeric(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM1': 'non-numeric'}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'missionplanner' format type
output_params(defaults, 'missionplanner')
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call('PARAM1,non-numeric')]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
def test_output_params_mavproxy(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 2.0, 'PARAM1': 1.0}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'mavproxy' format type and 'mavproxy' sort type
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'mavproxy')
output_params(defaults, 'mavproxy')
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call("%-15s %.6f" % ('PARAM1', 1.0)),
unittest.mock.call("%-15s %.6f" % ('PARAM2', 2.0))]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
def test_output_params_qgcs(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 2.0, 'PARAM1': 1.0}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'qgcs' format type and 'qgcs' sort type
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call("\n# # Vehicle-Id Component-Id Name Value Type\n"),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (1, 1, 'PARAM1', 1.0, 9)),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (1, 1, 'PARAM2', 2.0, 9))]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
def test_output_params_qgcs_2_4(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 2.0, 'PARAM1': 1.0}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'qgcs' format type and 'qgcs' sort type
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs', 2, 4)
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call("\n# # Vehicle-Id Component-Id Name Value Type\n"),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (2, 4, 'PARAM1', 1.0, 9)),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (2, 4, 'PARAM2', 2.0, 9))]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
def test_output_params_qgcs_SYSID_THISMAV(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 2.0, 'PARAM1': 1.0, 'SYSID_THISMAV': 3.0}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'qgcs' format type and 'qgcs' sort type
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs', -1, 7)
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call("\n# # Vehicle-Id Component-Id Name Value Type\n"),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (3, 7, 'PARAM1', 1.0, 9)),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (3, 7, 'PARAM2', 2.0, 9)),
unittest.mock.call("%u %u %-15s %.6f %u" % (3, 7, 'SYSID_THISMAV', 3.0, 9))]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
def test_output_params_qgcs_SYSID_INVALID(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 2.0, 'PARAM1': 1.0, 'SYSID_THISMAV': -1.0}
# Assert that a SystemExit is raised with the correct message when an invalid sysid is used
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs', -1, 7)
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Invalid system ID parameter -1 must not be negative")
# Assert that a SystemExit is raised with the correct message when an invalid sysid is used
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs', MAVLINK_SYSID_MAX+2, 7)
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), f"Invalid system ID parameter 16777218 must be smaller than {MAVLINK_SYSID_MAX}")
def test_output_params_qgcs_COMPID_INVALID(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary
defaults = {'PARAM2': 2.0, 'PARAM1': 1.0}
# Assert that a SystemExit is raised with the correct message when an invalid compid is used
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs', -1, -3)
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), "Invalid component ID parameter -3 must not be negative")
# Assert that a SystemExit is raised with the correct message when an invalid compid is used
with self.assertRaises(SystemExit) as cm:
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'qgcs')
output_params(defaults, 'qgcs', 1, MAVLINK_COMPID_MAX+3)
self.assertEqual(str(cm.exception), f"Invalid component ID parameter 259 must be smaller than {MAVLINK_COMPID_MAX}")
def test_output_params_integer(self, mock_print):
# Prepare a dummy defaults dictionary with an integer value
defaults = {'PARAM1': 1.01, 'PARAM2': 2.00}
# Call the function with the dummy dictionary, 'missionplanner' format type and 'missionplanner' sort type
defaults = sort_params(defaults, 'missionplanner')
output_params(defaults, 'missionplanner')
# Check if the print function was called with the correct parameters
expected_calls = [unittest.mock.call('PARAM1,1.01'), unittest.mock.call('PARAM2,2')]
mock_print.assert_has_calls(expected_calls, any_order=False)
if __name__ == '__main__':