mirror of
synced 2025-03-09 08:04:14 -03:00
Instead of creating a MessageWriter explicitly to log uploaded missions we fiddle the state of the one stored in the startup message writer. This has the advantage of being much more likely to log the entire mission (as the buffer constraint is removed), and with the addition of a time-remaining check much less likely to cause a timing glitch.
1062 lines
34 KiB
1062 lines
34 KiB
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <AP_AHRS/AP_AHRS.h>
#include <AP_Baro/AP_Baro.h>
#include <AP_BattMonitor/AP_BattMonitor.h>
#include <AP_Compass/AP_Compass.h>
#include <AP_HAL/AP_HAL.h>
#include <AP_Math/AP_Math.h>
#include <AP_Param/AP_Param.h>
#include <AP_Motors/AP_Motors.h>
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_AttitudeControl.h>
#include <AC_AttitudeControl/AC_PosControl.h>
#include <AP_RSSI/AP_RSSI.h>
#include <AP_GPS/AP_GPS.h>
#include "AP_Logger.h"
#include "AP_Logger_File.h"
#include "AP_Logger_MAVLink.h"
#include "LoggerMessageWriter.h"
extern const AP_HAL::HAL& hal;
write a structure format to the log - should be in frontend
void AP_Logger_Backend::Fill_Format(const struct LogStructure *s, struct log_Format &pkt)
memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt));
pkt.head1 = HEAD_BYTE1;
pkt.head2 = HEAD_BYTE2;
pkt.msgid = LOG_FORMAT_MSG;
pkt.type = s->msg_type;
pkt.length = s->msg_len;
strncpy(pkt.name, s->name, sizeof(pkt.name));
strncpy(pkt.format, s->format, sizeof(pkt.format));
strncpy(pkt.labels, s->labels, sizeof(pkt.labels));
Pack a LogStructure packet into a structure suitable to go to the logfile:
void AP_Logger_Backend::Fill_Format_Units(const struct LogStructure *s, struct log_Format_Units &pkt)
memset(&pkt, 0, sizeof(pkt));
pkt.head1 = HEAD_BYTE1;
pkt.head2 = HEAD_BYTE2;
pkt.time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
pkt.format_type = s->msg_type;
strncpy(pkt.units, s->units, sizeof(pkt.units));
strncpy(pkt.multipliers, s->multipliers, sizeof(pkt.multipliers));
write a structure format to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Format(const struct LogStructure *s)
struct log_Format pkt;
Fill_Format(s, pkt);
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a unit definition
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Unit(const struct UnitStructure *s)
struct log_Unit pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : s->ID,
unit : { }
strncpy(pkt.unit, s->unit, sizeof(pkt.unit));
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a unit-multiplier definition
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Multiplier(const struct MultiplierStructure *s)
const struct log_Format_Multiplier pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
type : s->ID,
multiplier : s->multiplier,
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write the units for a format to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Format_Units(const struct LogStructure *s)
struct log_Format_Units pkt;
Fill_Format_Units(s, pkt);
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a parameter to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Parameter(const char *name, float value)
struct log_Parameter pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
name : {},
value : value
strncpy(pkt.name, name, sizeof(pkt.name));
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write a parameter to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Parameter(const AP_Param *ap,
const AP_Param::ParamToken &token,
enum ap_var_type type)
char name[16];
ap->copy_name_token(token, &name[0], sizeof(name), true);
return Write_Parameter(name, ap->cast_to_float(type));
// Write an GPS packet
void AP_Logger::Write_GPS(uint8_t i, uint64_t time_us)
const AP_GPS &gps = AP::gps();
if (time_us == 0) {
time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const struct Location &loc = gps.location(i);
float yaw_deg=0, yaw_accuracy_deg=0;
gps.gps_yaw_deg(i, yaw_deg, yaw_accuracy_deg);
const struct log_GPS pkt = {
time_us : time_us,
status : (uint8_t)gps.status(i),
gps_week_ms : gps.time_week_ms(i),
gps_week : gps.time_week(i),
num_sats : gps.num_sats(i),
hdop : gps.get_hdop(i),
latitude : loc.lat,
longitude : loc.lng,
altitude : loc.alt,
ground_speed : gps.ground_speed(i),
ground_course : gps.ground_course(i),
vel_z : gps.velocity(i).z,
yaw : yaw_deg,
used : (uint8_t)(gps.primary_sensor() == i)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
/* write auxiliary accuracy information as well */
float hacc = 0, vacc = 0, sacc = 0;
gps.horizontal_accuracy(i, hacc);
gps.vertical_accuracy(i, vacc);
gps.speed_accuracy(i, sacc);
struct log_GPA pkt2{
time_us : time_us,
vdop : gps.get_vdop(i),
hacc : (uint16_t)MIN((hacc*100), UINT16_MAX),
vacc : (uint16_t)MIN((vacc*100), UINT16_MAX),
sacc : (uint16_t)MIN((sacc*100), UINT16_MAX),
yaw_accuracy : yaw_accuracy_deg,
have_vv : (uint8_t)gps.have_vertical_velocity(i),
sample_ms : gps.last_message_time_ms(i),
delta_ms : gps.last_message_delta_time_ms(i)
WriteBlock(&pkt2, sizeof(pkt2));
// Write an RCIN packet
void AP_Logger::Write_RCIN(void)
uint16_t values[14] = {};
rc().get_radio_in(values, ARRAY_SIZE(values));
const struct log_RCIN pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
chan1 : values[0],
chan2 : values[1],
chan3 : values[2],
chan4 : values[3],
chan5 : values[4],
chan6 : values[5],
chan7 : values[6],
chan8 : values[7],
chan9 : values[8],
chan10 : values[9],
chan11 : values[10],
chan12 : values[11],
chan13 : values[12],
chan14 : values[13]
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an SERVO packet
void AP_Logger::Write_RCOUT(void)
const struct log_RCOUT pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
chan1 : hal.rcout->read(0),
chan2 : hal.rcout->read(1),
chan3 : hal.rcout->read(2),
chan4 : hal.rcout->read(3),
chan5 : hal.rcout->read(4),
chan6 : hal.rcout->read(5),
chan7 : hal.rcout->read(6),
chan8 : hal.rcout->read(7),
chan9 : hal.rcout->read(8),
chan10 : hal.rcout->read(9),
chan11 : hal.rcout->read(10),
chan12 : hal.rcout->read(11),
chan13 : hal.rcout->read(12),
chan14 : hal.rcout->read(13)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an RSSI packet
void AP_Logger::Write_RSSI()
AP_RSSI *rssi = AP::rssi();
if (rssi == nullptr) {
const struct log_RSSI pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
RXRSSI : rssi->read_receiver_rssi()
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Baro_instance(uint64_t time_us, uint8_t baro_instance, enum LogMessages type)
AP_Baro &baro = AP::baro();
float climbrate = baro.get_climb_rate();
float drift_offset = baro.get_baro_drift_offset();
float ground_temp = baro.get_ground_temperature();
const struct log_BARO pkt{
time_us : time_us,
altitude : baro.get_altitude(baro_instance),
pressure : baro.get_pressure(baro_instance),
temperature : (int16_t)(baro.get_temperature(baro_instance) * 100 + 0.5f),
climbrate : climbrate,
sample_time_ms: baro.get_last_update(baro_instance),
drift_offset : drift_offset,
ground_temp : ground_temp,
healthy : (uint8_t)baro.healthy(baro_instance)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a BARO packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Baro(uint64_t time_us)
if (time_us == 0) {
time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const AP_Baro &baro = AP::baro();
Write_Baro_instance(time_us, 0, LOG_BARO_MSG);
if (baro.num_instances() > 1 && baro.healthy(1)) {
Write_Baro_instance(time_us, 1, LOG_BAR2_MSG);
if (baro.num_instances() > 2 && baro.healthy(2)) {
Write_Baro_instance(time_us, 2, LOG_BAR3_MSG);
void AP_Logger::Write_IMU_instance(const uint64_t time_us, const uint8_t imu_instance, const enum LogMessages type)
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = AP::ins();
const Vector3f &gyro = ins.get_gyro(imu_instance);
const Vector3f &accel = ins.get_accel(imu_instance);
const struct log_IMU pkt{
time_us : time_us,
gyro_x : gyro.x,
gyro_y : gyro.y,
gyro_z : gyro.z,
accel_x : accel.x,
accel_y : accel.y,
accel_z : accel.z,
gyro_error : ins.get_gyro_error_count(imu_instance),
accel_error : ins.get_accel_error_count(imu_instance),
temperature : ins.get_temperature(imu_instance),
gyro_health : (uint8_t)ins.get_gyro_health(imu_instance),
accel_health : (uint8_t)ins.get_accel_health(imu_instance),
gyro_rate : ins.get_gyro_rate_hz(imu_instance),
accel_rate : ins.get_accel_rate_hz(imu_instance),
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an raw accel/gyro data packet
void AP_Logger::Write_IMU()
uint64_t time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = AP::ins();
Write_IMU_instance(time_us, 0, LOG_IMU_MSG);
if (ins.get_gyro_count() < 2 && ins.get_accel_count() < 2) {
Write_IMU_instance(time_us, 1, LOG_IMU2_MSG);
if (ins.get_gyro_count() < 3 && ins.get_accel_count() < 3) {
Write_IMU_instance(time_us, 2, LOG_IMU3_MSG);
// Write an accel/gyro delta time data packet
void AP_Logger::Write_IMUDT_instance(const uint64_t time_us, const uint8_t imu_instance, const enum LogMessages type)
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = AP::ins();
float delta_t = ins.get_delta_time();
float delta_vel_t = ins.get_delta_velocity_dt(imu_instance);
float delta_ang_t = ins.get_delta_angle_dt(imu_instance);
Vector3f delta_angle, delta_velocity;
ins.get_delta_angle(imu_instance, delta_angle);
ins.get_delta_velocity(imu_instance, delta_velocity);
const struct log_IMUDT pkt{
time_us : time_us,
delta_time : delta_t,
delta_vel_dt : delta_vel_t,
delta_ang_dt : delta_ang_t,
delta_ang_x : delta_angle.x,
delta_ang_y : delta_angle.y,
delta_ang_z : delta_angle.z,
delta_vel_x : delta_velocity.x,
delta_vel_y : delta_velocity.y,
delta_vel_z : delta_velocity.z
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_IMUDT(uint64_t time_us, uint8_t imu_mask)
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = AP::ins();
if (imu_mask & 1) {
Write_IMUDT_instance(time_us, 0, LOG_IMUDT_MSG);
if ((ins.get_gyro_count() < 2 && ins.get_accel_count() < 2) || !ins.use_gyro(1)) {
if (imu_mask & 2) {
Write_IMUDT_instance(time_us, 1, LOG_IMUDT2_MSG);
if ((ins.get_gyro_count() < 3 && ins.get_accel_count() < 3) || !ins.use_gyro(2)) {
if (imu_mask & 4) {
Write_IMUDT_instance(time_us, 2, LOG_IMUDT3_MSG);
void AP_Logger::Write_Vibration()
uint64_t time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const AP_InertialSensor &ins = AP::ins();
const Vector3f vibration = ins.get_vibration_levels();
const struct log_Vibe pkt{
time_us : time_us,
vibe_x : vibration.x,
vibe_y : vibration.y,
vibe_z : vibration.z,
clipping_0 : ins.get_accel_clip_count(0),
clipping_1 : ins.get_accel_clip_count(1),
clipping_2 : ins.get_accel_clip_count(2)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Command(const mavlink_command_int_t &packet,
const MAV_RESULT result,
bool was_command_long)
const struct log_MAVLink_Command pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
target_system : packet.target_system,
target_component: packet.target_component,
frame : packet.frame,
command : packet.command,
current : packet.current,
autocontinue : packet.autocontinue,
param1 : packet.param1,
param2 : packet.param2,
param3 : packet.param3,
param4 : packet.param4,
x : packet.x,
y : packet.y,
z : packet.z,
result : (uint8_t)result,
return WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Mission_Cmd(const AP_Mission &mission,
const AP_Mission::Mission_Command &cmd)
mavlink_mission_item_int_t mav_cmd = {};
const struct log_Cmd pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
command_total : mission.num_commands(),
sequence : mav_cmd.seq,
command : mav_cmd.command,
param1 : mav_cmd.param1,
param2 : mav_cmd.param2,
param3 : mav_cmd.param3,
param4 : mav_cmd.param4,
latitude : mav_cmd.x,
longitude : mav_cmd.y,
altitude : mav_cmd.z,
frame : mav_cmd.frame
return WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_EntireMission()
// kick off asynchronous write:
return _startup_messagewriter->writeentiremission();
// Write a text message to the log
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Message(const char *message)
struct log_Message pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
msg : {}
strncpy(pkt.msg, message, sizeof(pkt.msg));
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Power(void)
uint8_t safety_and_armed = uint8_t(hal.util->safety_switch_state());
if (hal.util->get_soft_armed()) {
// encode armed state in bit 3
safety_and_armed |= 1U<<2;
const struct log_POWR pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
Vcc : hal.analogin->board_voltage(),
Vservo : hal.analogin->servorail_voltage(),
flags : hal.analogin->power_status_flags(),
safety_and_arm : safety_and_armed
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an AHRS2 packet
void AP_Logger::Write_AHRS2()
const AP_AHRS &ahrs = AP::ahrs();
Vector3f euler;
struct Location loc;
Quaternion quat;
if (!ahrs.get_secondary_attitude(euler) || !ahrs.get_secondary_position(loc) || !ahrs.get_secondary_quaternion(quat)) {
const struct log_AHRS pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
roll : (int16_t)(degrees(euler.x)*100),
pitch : (int16_t)(degrees(euler.y)*100),
yaw : (uint16_t)(wrap_360_cd(degrees(euler.z)*100)),
alt : loc.alt*1.0e-2f,
lat : loc.lat,
lng : loc.lng,
q1 : quat.q1,
q2 : quat.q2,
q3 : quat.q3,
q4 : quat.q4,
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a POS packet
void AP_Logger::Write_POS()
const AP_AHRS &ahrs = AP::ahrs();
Location loc;
if (!ahrs.get_position(loc)) {
float home, origin;
const struct log_POS pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
lat : loc.lat,
lng : loc.lng,
alt : loc.alt*1.0e-2f,
rel_home_alt : -home,
rel_origin_alt : ahrs.get_relative_position_D_origin(origin) ? -origin : quiet_nanf(),
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Radio(const mavlink_radio_t &packet)
const struct log_Radio pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
rssi : packet.rssi,
remrssi : packet.remrssi,
txbuf : packet.txbuf,
noise : packet.noise,
remnoise : packet.remnoise,
rxerrors : packet.rxerrors,
fixed : packet.fixed
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Camera packet
void AP_Logger::Write_CameraInfo(enum LogMessages msg, const Location ¤t_loc, uint64_t timestamp_us)
const AP_AHRS &ahrs = AP::ahrs();
int32_t altitude, altitude_rel, altitude_gps;
if (current_loc.relative_alt) {
altitude = current_loc.alt+ahrs.get_home().alt;
altitude_rel = current_loc.alt;
} else {
altitude = current_loc.alt;
altitude_rel = current_loc.alt - ahrs.get_home().alt;
const AP_GPS &gps = AP::gps();
if (gps.status() >= AP_GPS::GPS_OK_FIX_3D) {
altitude_gps = gps.location().alt;
} else {
altitude_gps = 0;
const struct log_Camera pkt{
time_us : timestamp_us?timestamp_us:AP_HAL::micros64(),
gps_time : gps.time_week_ms(),
gps_week : gps.time_week(),
latitude : current_loc.lat,
longitude : current_loc.lng,
altitude : altitude,
altitude_rel: altitude_rel,
altitude_gps: altitude_gps,
roll : (int16_t)ahrs.roll_sensor,
pitch : (int16_t)ahrs.pitch_sensor,
yaw : (uint16_t)ahrs.yaw_sensor
WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Camera packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Camera(const Location ¤t_loc, uint64_t timestamp_us)
Write_CameraInfo(LOG_CAMERA_MSG, current_loc, timestamp_us);
// Write a Trigger packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Trigger(const Location ¤t_loc)
Write_CameraInfo(LOG_TRIGGER_MSG, current_loc, 0);
// Write an attitude packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Attitude(const Vector3f &targets)
const AP_AHRS &ahrs = AP::ahrs();
const struct log_Attitude pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
control_roll : (int16_t)targets.x,
roll : (int16_t)ahrs.roll_sensor,
control_pitch : (int16_t)targets.y,
pitch : (int16_t)ahrs.pitch_sensor,
control_yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360_cd(targets.z),
yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360_cd(ahrs.yaw_sensor),
error_rp : (uint16_t)(ahrs.get_error_rp() * 100),
error_yaw : (uint16_t)(ahrs.get_error_yaw() * 100)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write an attitude packet
void AP_Logger::Write_AttitudeView(AP_AHRS_View &ahrs, const Vector3f &targets)
const struct log_Attitude pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
control_roll : (int16_t)targets.x,
roll : (int16_t)ahrs.roll_sensor,
control_pitch : (int16_t)targets.y,
pitch : (int16_t)ahrs.pitch_sensor,
control_yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360_cd(targets.z),
yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360_cd(ahrs.yaw_sensor),
error_rp : (uint16_t)(ahrs.get_error_rp() * 100),
error_yaw : (uint16_t)(ahrs.get_error_yaw() * 100)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Current_instance(const uint64_t time_us,
const uint8_t battery_instance)
AP_BattMonitor &battery = AP::battery();
float temp;
bool has_temp = battery.get_temperature(temp, battery_instance);
float current, consumed_mah, consumed_wh;
if (!battery.current_amps(current, battery_instance)) {
current = quiet_nanf();
if (!battery.consumed_mah(consumed_mah, battery_instance)) {
consumed_mah = quiet_nanf();
if (!battery.consumed_wh(consumed_wh, battery_instance)) {
consumed_wh = quiet_nanf();
const struct log_Current pkt = {
time_us : time_us,
instance : battery_instance,
voltage : battery.voltage(battery_instance),
voltage_resting : battery.voltage_resting_estimate(battery_instance),
current_amps : current,
current_total : consumed_mah,
consumed_wh : consumed_wh,
temperature : (int16_t)(has_temp ? (temp * 100) : 0),
resistance : battery.get_resistance(battery_instance)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// individual cell voltages
if (battery.has_cell_voltages(battery_instance)) {
const AP_BattMonitor::cells &cells = battery.get_cell_voltages(battery_instance);
struct log_Current_Cells cell_pkt{
time_us : time_us,
instance : battery_instance,
voltage : battery.voltage(battery_instance)
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < ARRAY_SIZE(cells.cells); i++) {
cell_pkt.cell_voltages[i] = cells.cells[i] + 1;
WriteBlock(&cell_pkt, sizeof(cell_pkt));
// check battery structure can hold all cells
static_assert(ARRAY_SIZE(cells.cells) == (sizeof(cell_pkt.cell_voltages) / sizeof(cell_pkt.cell_voltages[0])),
"Battery cell number doesn't match in library and log structure");
// Write an Current data packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Current()
const uint64_t time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const uint8_t num_instances = AP::battery().num_instances();
for (uint8_t i = 0; i < num_instances; i++) {
Write_Current_instance(time_us, i);
void AP_Logger::Write_Compass_instance(const uint64_t time_us, const uint8_t mag_instance, const enum LogMessages type)
const Compass &compass = AP::compass();
const Vector3f &mag_field = compass.get_field(mag_instance);
const Vector3f &mag_offsets = compass.get_offsets(mag_instance);
const Vector3f &mag_motor_offsets = compass.get_motor_offsets(mag_instance);
const struct log_Compass pkt{
time_us : time_us,
mag_x : (int16_t)mag_field.x,
mag_y : (int16_t)mag_field.y,
mag_z : (int16_t)mag_field.z,
offset_x : (int16_t)mag_offsets.x,
offset_y : (int16_t)mag_offsets.y,
offset_z : (int16_t)mag_offsets.z,
motor_offset_x : (int16_t)mag_motor_offsets.x,
motor_offset_y : (int16_t)mag_motor_offsets.y,
motor_offset_z : (int16_t)mag_motor_offsets.z,
health : (uint8_t)compass.healthy(mag_instance),
SUS : compass.last_update_usec(mag_instance)
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Compass packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Compass(uint64_t time_us)
if (time_us == 0) {
time_us = AP_HAL::micros64();
const Compass &compass = AP::compass();
if (compass.get_count() > 0) {
Write_Compass_instance(time_us, 0, LOG_COMPASS_MSG);
if (compass.get_count() > 1) {
Write_Compass_instance(time_us, 1, LOG_COMPASS2_MSG);
if (compass.get_count() > 2) {
Write_Compass_instance(time_us, 2, LOG_COMPASS3_MSG);
// Write a mode packet.
bool AP_Logger_Backend::Write_Mode(uint8_t mode, const ModeReason reason)
static_assert(sizeof(ModeReason) <= sizeof(uint8_t), "Logging expects the ModeReason to fit in 8 bits");
const struct log_Mode pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
mode : mode,
mode_num : mode,
mode_reason : static_cast<uint8_t>(reason)
return WriteCriticalBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write ESC status messages
// id starts from 0
// rpm is eRPM (rpm * 100)
// voltage is in centi-volts
// current is in centi-amps
// temperature is in centi-degrees Celsius
// current_tot is in centi-amp hours
void AP_Logger::Write_ESC(uint8_t id, uint64_t time_us, int32_t rpm, uint16_t voltage, uint16_t current, int16_t esc_temp, uint16_t current_tot, int16_t motor_temp)
// sanity check id
if (id >= 8) {
const struct log_Esc pkt{
time_us : time_us,
rpm : rpm,
voltage : voltage,
current : current,
esc_temp : esc_temp,
current_tot : current_tot,
motor_temp : motor_temp
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write servo status from CAN servo
void AP_Logger::Write_ServoStatus(uint64_t time_us, uint8_t id, float position, float force, float speed, uint8_t power_pct)
const struct log_CSRV pkt {
time_us : time_us,
id : id,
position : position,
force : force,
speed : speed,
power_pct : power_pct
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
write ESC status from CAN ESC
void AP_Logger::Write_ESCStatus(uint64_t time_us, uint8_t id, uint32_t error_count, float voltage, float current, float temperature, int32_t rpm, uint8_t power_pct)
const struct log_CESC pkt {
time_us : time_us,
id : id,
error_count : error_count,
voltage : voltage,
current : current,
temperature : temperature,
rpm : rpm,
power_pct : power_pct
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a Yaw PID packet
void AP_Logger::Write_PID(uint8_t msg_type, const PID_Info &info)
const struct log_PID pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
target : info.target,
actual : info.actual,
error : info.error,
P : info.P,
I : info.I,
D : info.D,
FF : info.FF
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_Origin(uint8_t origin_type, const Location &loc)
const struct log_ORGN pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
origin_type : origin_type,
latitude : loc.lat,
longitude : loc.lng,
altitude : loc.alt
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_RPM(const AP_RPM &rpm_sensor)
float rpm1 = -1, rpm2 = -1;
rpm_sensor.get_rpm(0, rpm1);
rpm_sensor.get_rpm(1, rpm2);
const struct log_RPM pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
rpm1 : rpm1,
rpm2 : rpm2
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
// Write a rate packet
void AP_Logger::Write_Rate(const AP_AHRS_View *ahrs,
const AP_Motors &motors,
const AC_AttitudeControl &attitude_control,
const AC_PosControl &pos_control)
const Vector3f &rate_targets = attitude_control.rate_bf_targets();
const Vector3f &accel_target = pos_control.get_accel_target();
const struct log_Rate pkt_rate{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
control_roll : degrees(rate_targets.x),
roll : degrees(ahrs->get_gyro().x),
roll_out : motors.get_roll(),
control_pitch : degrees(rate_targets.y),
pitch : degrees(ahrs->get_gyro().y),
pitch_out : motors.get_pitch(),
control_yaw : degrees(rate_targets.z),
yaw : degrees(ahrs->get_gyro().z),
yaw_out : motors.get_yaw(),
control_accel : (float)accel_target.z,
accel : (float)(-(ahrs->get_accel_ef_blended().z + GRAVITY_MSS) * 100.0f),
accel_out : motors.get_throttle()
WriteBlock(&pkt_rate, sizeof(pkt_rate));
// Write visual odometry sensor data
void AP_Logger::Write_VisualOdom(float time_delta, const Vector3f &angle_delta, const Vector3f &position_delta, float confidence)
const struct log_VisualOdom pkt_visualodom{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
time_delta : time_delta,
angle_delta_x : angle_delta.x,
angle_delta_y : angle_delta.y,
angle_delta_z : angle_delta.z,
position_delta_x : position_delta.x,
position_delta_y : position_delta.y,
position_delta_z : position_delta.z,
confidence : confidence
WriteBlock(&pkt_visualodom, sizeof(log_VisualOdom));
// Write visual position sensor data. x,y,z are in meters, angles are in degrees
void AP_Logger::Write_VisualPosition(uint64_t remote_time_us, uint32_t time_ms, float x, float y, float z, float roll, float pitch, float yaw, uint8_t reset_counter)
const struct log_VisualPosition pkt_visualpos {
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
remote_time_us : remote_time_us,
time_ms : time_ms,
pos_x : x,
pos_y : y,
pos_z : z,
roll : roll,
pitch : pitch,
yaw : yaw,
reset_counter : reset_counter
WriteBlock(&pkt_visualpos, sizeof(log_VisualPosition));
// Write AOA and SSA
void AP_Logger::Write_AOA_SSA(AP_AHRS &ahrs)
const struct log_AOA_SSA aoa_ssa{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
AOA : ahrs.getAOA(),
SSA : ahrs.getSSA()
WriteBlock(&aoa_ssa, sizeof(aoa_ssa));
// Write beacon sensor (position) data
void AP_Logger::Write_Beacon(AP_Beacon &beacon)
if (!beacon.enabled()) {
// position
Vector3f pos;
float accuracy = 0.0f;
beacon.get_vehicle_position_ned(pos, accuracy);
const struct log_Beacon pkt_beacon{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
health : (uint8_t)beacon.healthy(),
count : (uint8_t)beacon.count(),
dist0 : beacon.beacon_distance(0),
dist1 : beacon.beacon_distance(1),
dist2 : beacon.beacon_distance(2),
dist3 : beacon.beacon_distance(3),
posx : pos.x,
posy : pos.y,
posz : pos.z
WriteBlock(&pkt_beacon, sizeof(pkt_beacon));
// Write proximity sensor distances
void AP_Logger::Write_Proximity(AP_Proximity &proximity)
// exit immediately if not enabled
if (proximity.get_status() == AP_Proximity::Status::NotConnected) {
AP_Proximity::Proximity_Distance_Array dist_array {};
float dist_up;
if (!proximity.get_upward_distance(dist_up)) {
dist_up = 0.0f;
float close_ang = 0.0f, close_dist = 0.0f;
proximity.get_closest_object(close_ang, close_dist);
const struct log_Proximity pkt_proximity{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
health : (uint8_t)proximity.get_status(),
dist0 : dist_array.distance[0],
dist45 : dist_array.distance[1],
dist90 : dist_array.distance[2],
dist135 : dist_array.distance[3],
dist180 : dist_array.distance[4],
dist225 : dist_array.distance[5],
dist270 : dist_array.distance[6],
dist315 : dist_array.distance[7],
distup : dist_up,
closest_angle : close_ang,
closest_dist : close_dist
WriteBlock(&pkt_proximity, sizeof(pkt_proximity));
void AP_Logger::Write_SRTL(bool active, uint16_t num_points, uint16_t max_points, uint8_t action, const Vector3f& breadcrumb)
const struct log_SRTL pkt_srtl{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
active : active,
num_points : num_points,
max_points : max_points,
action : action,
N : breadcrumb.x,
E : breadcrumb.y,
D : breadcrumb.z
WriteBlock(&pkt_srtl, sizeof(pkt_srtl));
void AP_Logger::Write_OABendyRuler(bool active, float target_yaw, float margin, const Location &final_dest, const Location &oa_dest)
const struct log_OABendyRuler pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
active : active,
target_yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360(target_yaw),
yaw : (uint16_t)wrap_360(AP::ahrs().yaw_sensor * 0.01f),
margin : margin,
final_lat : final_dest.lat,
final_lng : final_dest.lng,
oa_lat : oa_dest.lat,
oa_lng : oa_dest.lng
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));
void AP_Logger::Write_OADijkstra(uint8_t state, uint8_t error_id, uint8_t curr_point, uint8_t tot_points, const Location &final_dest, const Location &oa_dest)
struct log_OADijkstra pkt{
time_us : AP_HAL::micros64(),
state : state,
error_id : error_id,
curr_point : curr_point,
tot_points : tot_points,
final_lat : final_dest.lat,
final_lng : final_dest.lng,
oa_lat : oa_dest.lat,
oa_lng : oa_dest.lng
WriteBlock(&pkt, sizeof(pkt));